TFN - Patricia Benner
TFN - Patricia Benner
TFN - Patricia Benner
"Nursing is an integrative science that studies the relationships between mind, body, and human
worlds. It is concerned with far more than the cognitive structure of formal mental properties, such as
attitudes and belief systems of the mind-brain, and the physiology and pathophysiology of the body as a
system of cells, tissues, and organs. Nursing is concerned with the social sensient body that dwells infinite
human worlds: that gets sick and recovers; that is altered during illness, pain, and suffering; and that
engages with the world differently upon recovery"
In this interpretative phenomenological perspective, the body is indispensable for intelligent behavior
rather than getting in the way of thinking and reasoning. According to Dreyfus (1992), the following are
three areas that underlie all intelligent behavior:
1. The role of the body in organizing and unifying our experience of objects.
2. The role of situation in providing a background against which behavior can be orderly without being
3. The role of human purposes and needs in organizing the situation so that objects are recognized as
relevant and accessible.
•Interpreting kinds of pain and selecting appropriate strategies for pain management and pain control.
•Providing comfort and communication through touch providing providing emotional and informational
support to patient’s families
•Maximizing the family's role in care.
•Normalizing the situation.
• Managing frustrations when limited options constrain the ability to help.
• Participating in significant intimate life events. Healing through communicating.
Adapted from Brykczynski, K.A. (1998). Clinical Exemplars Describing Expert staff Nursing Practice. Journal
of Nursing Management, 6, 354.
Critical Thinking In Nursing Practice with Benner's Philosophy
Aspects of Clinical Judgment Definition and Skillful Comportment
Reasoning in Transition Practical Reasoning in an open clinical situation
Skilled Know-how Embodied intelligent performance, which involved knowing what
to do, when to do it, and how to do it
Response-based practice Adapting interventions to meet changing needs and expectations
of patients
Agency One’s sense of and ability to act upon or influence a situation
Perceptual acuity and involvement Adaptability to tune in to a situation and hone in on the salient
issues b engaging with the problems (s) and the person(s)
Links between clinical and ethical Understanding of goods clinical practice cannot be separated
reasoning from ethical notions of good outcomes for patients and families
Mrs. Rubi Agua is a 24 year old young woman from Bacolod who speaks Ilonggo and little Tagalog.
She had moved to Butuan City, the hometown of her husband Melchor. She was admitted in the Labor and
Delivery Department of Butuan Doctors Medical Center for the birth of her first baby. She was a full- term
Mrs. Agua was transferred in the ICU because she became comatose secondary to acute fatty liver
of pregnancy following the delivery of her healthy baby girl. She was intubated, placed on a ventilator, and
required hemodialysis. Her electroencephalogram (EEG) showed minimal brain wave activity. She was
eventually designated a "do not resuscitate" (DNR) case after consultation with her husband and her
In contrast to the physicians' hopeless prognosis for Mrs. Agua's recovery, the nurses remained
hopeful for possibilities of recovery in this extreme situation and they exerted concerted effort to put her
body in the best condition for healing. They provided stimulation in the environment such as playing soft
mellow music and songs of praise because they learned from her husband, Melchor that these are her
favorite music. They encouraged the family to talk to her, near her ear and whisper loving and encouraging
words, to touch her, hold her hands every now and then. The family spoke to her in Ilonggo, whenever
possible and placed her baby across her chest where she could hear her and feel her presence. They
provided her supportive care in cooperation with the supportive care provided by the nurses. The
supportive nursing care included providing nasogastric tube feedings, hygienic measures (bed bath, oral
care, perineal care, hair shampoo), frequent position changes, passive range-of-motion exercises, massage
of body parts especially bony prominences, change of gown and bedsheets as necessary, suctioning of
secretions from the mouth and endotracheal tube, care of the urinary catheter and the urinary bag,
providing protective devices to prevent contracture deformities such as footdrop, clawhand deformity, and
external rotation of the hips. The family also provided (in Ilonggo whenever possible) updates about her
baby and explanation of what was happening. The nurses also included the baby's father in their care.
A photo of Mrs. Agua and her baby, taken just before her discharge from the hospital that shows
her edematous jaundiced body, and another taken during a return visit to the hospital clinic that shows her
as a petite beautiful and fair-skinned woman are posted in the nurse's station. These photos serve as an
inspiration and as a reminder to nurses to be vigilant in recognizing situations where it may be imperative
to buy time while the body heals itself.
That patient deserves the best nursing care even in situations where recovery of the patient is
almost impossible.
Nursing Care of Mrs. Rubi Agua with Benner's Philosophy in Nursing Practice
Domain: The Helping role
•The holistic view of the nurses enabled them to perceive Mrs. Agua's situation very differently from the
objective clinical gaze of the physicians. As one of the nurses narrated:
"Neuro team came in, and looked at her pupils, result of EEG, tested her reflexes-that was what they saw,
the nervous system and lack of neurologic function. GI team came in and they saw just the liver, the ascites,
and the jaundice. Renal team came in and saw signs and laboratory tests for poor kidney functions. OB
team came in and saw a comatose postpartum young woman. And many other teams came in and saw a
particular system in the body of this patient"
•This observation by the nurse reflects that the objective clinical gaze is depersonalizing and divides
the person into the separate organs and organ systems of interest to different specialties.
•The nurses were aware that Mrs. Agua was a young, healthy woman before developing this rare
pregnancy-induced illness, and they have perceived accurately to follow the lead of the patient's body
toward possible restoration of health.
• The nurses worked so hard to establish a healing environment for Mrs. Agua because no
postpartum woman had ever been declared a DNR in this ICU before. Having no experience with such a
situation, the nurses did what they had to do to maintain and support her so that her body could heal
itself---if that was to be. This is an example of the common meaning Benner (1984) calls "situated
possibility" in which nurses learn that even the most serious illness circumstance has its own possibility.
Knowing that the hormonal stress response associated with giving up hope can influence the course of an
illness (Benner, 1985a), the nurses never gave up hope nor did the family members. They stayed close by
and prayed for Mrs. Agua throughout her hospital stay. The power of prayer in influencing healing is
recently receiving more research attention as spirituality is becoming more widely recognized (Byrd 1997).
•The following two obvious aspects clearly affected the development of a collaborative relationship
between Mrs. Agua and her nurses:
1. Mrs. Agua was comatose and unable to communicate in any obvious way with the nurses caring
for her.
2. The majority of nurses spoke only Visayan and Tagalog and knew few, if any words in Ilonggo.
•In striving to create a healing climate for Mrs. Agua, the nurses realized that she probably could hear but
was unable to acknowledge this. For this reason, they spoke to her while they provided her care. They
spoke to her in Tagalog in slow manner, hoping to convey their feelings and concern by the tone of their
voices. The nurses reported that when Mrs. Agua returned to conscious state, she recognized those who
had cared for her by their voices.
"At times he would cry if he was holding the baby and not want to cry- especially being a Filipino male. We
encouraged him to hold the baby himself. We realized that this was not something he had planned on-in
Filipino culture, the woman is expected to help with the baby and integrate the baby into the household. It
was kind of like, "here's the baby," and it was really hard for him. He had a lot of mixed emotions. He was
so unsure of what he was going to do."
•In coaching the father through this unexpected illness experience the nurses received much
support from another nurse who works in the Medical-Surgical Unit who was fluent in Ilonggo. This nurse
was frequently floated in the ICU to serve as interpreter.
Domain: The Diagnostic and Monitoring Function
•Understanding the disease process and particular demands of Mrs. Agua's illness was crucial in
anticipating her care needs.
•The nurses reported reading everything they could find about Mrs. Auga's rare condition (acute fatty
liver of pregnancy) to increase their understanding of her illness and enhance their ability to assess her
potential for wellness and for responding to various treatment strategies.
"Part of it I think initially when we were bringing the baby in was it helped us in a way too because we
didn't want the baby staying in the nursery without really being nurtured for as long as her mother is
•The nurses thought of consulting the physician to get an order of additional foods to be included in her
tube feedings - foods that support milk production. They also consulted with OB and pediatrician to allow
them to pump Mrs. Agua's breasts to maintain lactation because they are hoping that there will come a
time that she may be allowed to breastfeed her baby. As proven, nutritional support was essential to her
recovery particularly for the healing of her liver and also for her lactation. Finally, she was able to
breastfeed her baby because the nurses tried their best to maintain milk production by doing regular
pumping of her breasts.
"It's real common for us not to feed our patients because they are on very critical conditions that we are
more concerned with other aspects of care and with machines. The idea of feeding her with consideration
to supporting lactation came to our awareness through the training we had on caring for high-risk
postpartum women."