Artigo 13
Artigo 13
Artigo 13
Small Gram-negative cocco-bacilli resembling Brucella strains have been reported from marine
mammals since the mid-1990s. Their placement in the genus Brucella has been supported by the
following characteristics: they are aerobic, non-motile and catalase-positive, do not produce
acid from carbohydrates and have a DNA–DNA relatedness value of .77 % with the six
established members of the genus. Twenty-eight European isolates of the genus Brucella from
marine mammals were distinguished from the six recognized species by their pattern of utilization
of eleven substrates in oxidative metabolism tests and phage lysis. The 28 strains could be further
separated into two groups with cetaceans and seals as their respective preferred hosts on the
basis of molecular methods and on differences in the metabolism of L-arabinose, D-galactose and
D-xylose. The names Brucella ceti sp. nov. and Brucella pinnipedialis sp. nov. are proposed for the
isolates from cetaceans and seals, respectively. The type strain of Brucella ceti sp. nov. is
NCTC 12891T (5BCCN 94-74T) and the type strain of Brucella pinnipedialis sp. nov. is NCTC
12890T (5BCCN 94-73T).
The genus Brucella contains aerobic, intracellular bacteria Subcommittee meeting in Osaka, Japan, in 1990 was not
that can infect many species of animals and man. Corbel & reported. A Subcommittee Correspondence Report 1991–
Brinley-Morgan (1984) listed six species in the genus; 1993 (Gargani & López-Merino, 2006) was followed by a
however, subsequent DNA–DNA hybridization studies meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1994 (Corbel &
demonstrated that the genus Brucella is a highly homo- Moriyón, 2006). After a period of inactivity, a convened
geneous group (.90 % DNA–DNA relatedness) (Verger Brucella Subcommittee meeting was held in Nimes, France,
et al., 1985, 1987). A proposal that this genus should in 2000 (MacMillan, 2006), with the intention of relaunch-
comprise only one genomic species (Verger et al., 1985, ing the Brucella Taxonomy Subcommittee; a feat that was
1987) was accepted by the Brucella Taxonomy not finally achieved for another three years.
Subcommittee with some guardedness (Manchester, UK,
1986; Corbel, 1988). This proposal did not gain acceptance The six previously recognized species of the genus Brucella
amongst brucellosis researchers, however, and classification can be distinguished on the basis of preferred host,
of Brucella strains into six species, with particular emphasis phenotype and genotype. In addition, the seriousness of
on the preferential host (Corbel & Brinley-Morgan, 1984), human Brucella infections, the political significance of the
was still favoured. Thus, the outcome of the Manchester disease for agriculture and the potential role for Brucella as
meeting-sanctioned taxonomic opinion that the genus an agent of bioterrorism are strong supportive reasons for
Brucella was monospecific was the use of two systems of the widely held view that the original six species format
nomenclature, one for taxonomic purposes and one, using should prevail. When the International Committee on
vernacular names, for non-taxonomic purposes. The the Systematics of Prokaryotes Subcommittee on the
following, poorly attended, Brucella Taxonomy Taxonomy of Brucella met in 2003 (in Pamplona, Spain),
there was a unanimous verdict to return to the six species are small Gram-negative cocci, coccobacilli or short rods,
taxonomy for the genus Brucella. This lead to a 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter and 0.6–1.5 mm in length, non-
recommendation from the Brucella Subcommittee that motile, aerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-positive, able to
there should be a return to the pre-1986 taxonomy of the reduce nitrates, urease-positive, indole-negative, negative
genus Brucella (Osterman & Moriyón, 2006). This for gelatin liquefaction, do not produce acid from
Subcommittee recommendation implies the reapproval of carbohydrates in conventional media and possess Brucella
the six classical Brucella nomenspecies with their recog- antigens, as demonstrated by reactions with Brucella-specific
nized biovars; the classical names related to these six antisera.
species having been validly published in the Approved List
Jahans et al. (1997) managed to distinguish the marine
of Bacterial Names (Skerman et al., 1980, 1989). In this
mammal strains from the terrestrial species of the genus
context, reference should also be made to the Bac-
Brucella on the basis of a substrate-specific oxidative
teriological Code (1990 Revision) (Lapage et al., 1992)
metabolism test and suggested that they may belong to a
and an updated Taxonomic Note (Tindall et al., 2006).
separate species for which the name ‘Brucella maris’ was
Brucella infections of terrestrial mammals have long been suggested but not formally proposed. Jahans further
recognized and have been researched extensively; however, demonstrated that galactose metabolism served as a useful
it was only during the last few years of the twentieth test to separate cetacean-derived species from those derived
century that the first reports of Brucella species from from seals. Ribotyping further suggested that marine
animals living in the marine environment were made. The strains of the genus Brucella may represent a separate
first marine mammal isolations of Brucella strains came group on the basis of their rRNA gene HindIII restriction
from common seals (Phoca vitulina), a porpoise (Phocoena pattern (Verger et al., 2000). Other distinctive character-
phocoena) and a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in istics at the molecular and genomic level have been
Scotland (Ross et al., 1994) and a captive bottlenose provided by IS711 DNA fingerprinting which showed that
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the USA (Ewalt et al., a higher number of IS711 copies occur in the genomes of
1994). Since these first reports, there have been many more Brucella isolates from marine mammals than in strains
isolations and the range of hosts has expanded significantly isolated from land mammals (Clavareau et al., 1998;
(Foster et al., 2002). Additional species from which Bricker et al., 2000). A specific marker of marine mammal
bacteriological cultures have proved positive include the isolates has been identified, consisting of an IS711 element
Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), downstream of the bp26 gene (Cloeckaert et al., 2000).
striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) (Foster et al., Most recently, a study of DNA polymorphism at the omp2
1996), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) locus showed that the isolates from marine mammals can
(Clavareau et al., 1998; Foster et al., 2002), hooded seal be classified into two major groups, one comprising
(Cystophora cristata), grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) (Foster isolates from seals that carry one copy of both the omp2a
et al., 1996), Pacific harbour seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) and omp2b genes and another group comprising the
(Garner et al., 1997), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), harp seal cetacean isolates carrying two copies of the omp2b gene
(Phoca groenlandica) (Forbes et al., 2000; Maratea et al., (Cloeckaert et al., 2001). Both copies of the omp2 gene were
2003) and a European otter (Lutra lutra) (Foster et al., shown to contain motifs typical of marine mammal
1996). In addition, there have also been reports of human isolates. 16S rRNA gene sequence data, as well as recA
infections with strains from marine mammals (Brew et al., gene sequences, identify the strains from marine mammals
1999; Sohn et al., 2003; McDonald et al., 2006). as belonging to the genus Brucella (Scholz et al., 2006).
Since their discovery, Brucella strains from marine With respect to the classification of species of the genus
mammals have been subjected to a range of characteriza- Brucella according to their preferential host, two new
tion tests which have compared them with each other and species names have been suggested, but not validly
also with the terrestrial Brucella species. Representative published: ‘B. pinnipediae’ (for isolates from seals) and
Brucella strains of marine mammals, which include the ‘B. cetaceae’ (for isolates from cetaceans) (Cloeckaert et al.,
designated type strains of B. ceti sp. nov. and B. 2001). Furthermore, development of an infrequent restric-
pinnipedialis sp. nov., have been shown by DNA–DNA tion site-PCR (IRS-PCR) method, taking into account the
hybridization to be related to the six classical Brucella higher number of IS711 elements in the genome of isolates
nomenspecies at a level of .77 % DNA–DNA relatedness. from marine mammals compared with Brucella species
The type strains of all these species form a homogeneous from terrestrial mammals, allowed the classification of the
DNA–DNA relatedness group (Verger et al., 2000; Wayne marine mammal isolates into two distinct clusters of
et al., 1987). These results may be interpreted as evidence strains. These two clusters were also distinct from the
for the two proposed novel marine mammal Brucella clusters representing the recognized Brucella species from
species being affiliated to the genus Brucella. The terrestrial mammals (Cloeckaert et al., 2003). These two
appearance of these novel Brucella strains fits with previous clusters of strains correlated well with the hosts from which
descriptions of members of the genus Brucella made by they had been isolated, i.e. a cluster of isolates from
Corbel & Brinley-Morgan (1975, 1984) and by Corbel & cetaceans and a cluster of isolates from pinnipeds.
Banai (2005). The Brucella strains from marine mammals Therefore, IRS-PCR confirmed the previous classification 2689
G. Foster and others
of isolates from marine mammals, based on DNA In view of the data presented above and in the descriptions
polymorphism at the omp2 locus and their preferential of the novel isolates from marine mammals (given below),
hosts, into two novel species of the genus Brucella: ‘Brucella the characteristics of the two novel species meet the criteria
cetaceae’ for cetacean isolates and ‘Brucella pinnipediae’ for for inclusion in the genus Brucella and conform to the
pinniped isolates (Cloeckaert et al., 2001). minimal standards for the description of novel Brucella
species as laid down by the Brucella Taxonomy
Studies by Vizcaı́no et al. identified an additional specific Subcommittee (Corbel & Brinley-Morgan, 1975). The
marker for ‘B. cetaceae’ found in most cetacean isolates recommended investigation procedures have been used
consisting of a 1.7 kb inversion including a gene coding for and have provided results that concur with the require-
one of the Omp25/Omp31 family of proteins (Vizcaı́no ments for members of the genus Brucella as regards
et al., 2004). More recently, Jacques et al. (2007) used particular morphological features observable by electron
oxidative metabolism to confirm the findings of Jahans and microscopy, cultural characteristics and colony morphol-
provide further support for these two novel species of the ogies. Strains of the two novel species are obligate aerobes
genus Brucella. The approval of the taxonomic rank of with an oxidative metabolism and have oxidative metabolic
species for each of these two groups of Brucella strains from profiles that enable inter-species differentiation. The
marine mammals is in line with the recommendations Brucella antigenic profiles and results from Brucella phage
made by the ad hoc Committees on approaches to sensitivity tests, as well as results from classical Brucella
taxonomy (Wayne et al., 1987; Murray et al., 1990; biochemical tests (Table 1), also confirm their assignment
Stackebrandt et al., 2002) and with our current under- to the genus Brucella. The facultatively intracellular
standing of the evolution of the genus and of the relevant behaviour of the proposed novel species is also in
criteria for inclusion in this group (Moreno et al., 2002). congruence with that of recognized members of the genus
Table 1. Differential characteristics of Brucella ceti sp. nov., Brucella pinnipedialis sp. nov. and other members of the genus Brucella
Data from Alton et al. (1975, 1988); Corbel & Banai (2005); Jacques et al. (2007); Meyer & Cameron (1961); Verger & Grayon (1977). Results are
expressed as QO2(N) values corresponding to microlitres of oxygen uptake per milligram of bacterial nitrogen per hour. +, QO2(N) over 100 for
all strains; 2, QO2(N) below 100 for all strains; D, doubtful, some strains showing QO2(N) over 100, some strains showing QO2(N) below 100; NL,
no lysis; L, lysis; RTD, routine test dilution.
Urease + + + +* + + + + + + 2 +
Lysis by phage at RTD:
Oxidation of:
L-Alanine 2 2 + + D 2 D 2 2 2 D 2
L-Arabinose + 2 2 + + + 2 2 2 + 2 2
L-Arginine 2 2 2 2 + + + + + 2 2 +
L-Asparagine 2 2 + + 2 D 2 2 D + + 2
meso- D + + + + + + + + + 2 D
D-Galactose + 2 2 + + + 2 2 2 + 2 2
L-Glutamic + + + + D + + + + + + +
L-Lysine 2 2 2 2 + D D D D 2 2 D
DL-Ornithine 2 2 2 2 + + + + + 2 2 +
D-Ribose + + 2 + + + + + + D 2 +
D-Xylose + 2 2 2 + D D D D 2 2 2
Preferred host Cetaceans Seals Sheep, Cattle Swine Swine, Swine Reindeer Rodents Desert Sheep Dogs
goats hares wood rat
*Except for reference strain 544 and occasional field strains which are negative.
DLysis occurs with a few strains.
Brucella, as are the special characteristics of specific host antigen dominant. The preferred hosts are porpoises,
preferences and virulence-pathogenicity. dolphins and whales in which a range of pathologies occur.
The proposals of these two groups of marine mammal The type strain, NCTC 12891T (5BCCN 94-74T), was
Brucella strains as being of the taxonomic rank of species of isolated from a skin lesion on a harbour porpoise.
the genus Brucella are based on investigations according to
the Subcommittee recommendation (Corbel & Brinley-
Morgan, 1975) ‘that strains should be classified into species Description of Brucella pinnipedialis sp. nov.
on the basis of (i) preferred natural host, (ii) sensitivity to Brucella pinnipedialis ( N.L. fem. adj.
Brucella phages, and (iii) oxidative metabolic profiles’. The pinnipedialis pertaining to pinnipeds).
results of molecular investigations are also included. The
Cocci, coccobacilli or short rods, 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter
proposal is in line with decisions (focusing on new
and 0.6–1.5 mm in length. Arranged singly and, less
methods of pheno-genotypic analysis) taken by the
Subcommittee at the 2003 Pamplona meeting (Osterman frequently, in pairs, short chains or small groups. Gram-
& Moriyón, 2006), where the earlier acknowledged negative. Non-motile; does not produce flagella. Aerobic.
importance of host-preference and virulence-pathogenicity Colonies on Columbia sheep blood agar are normally
for the delineation of species of the genus Brucella was re- visible after 3–4 days and are raised, convex, circular, entire
emphasized. The results are based on phenotypic and and non-haemolytic with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 mm.
molecular tests on over 30 isolates collected from marine Growth on Farrell’s medium is typically slower (7–10 days)
mammals in several European countries, thereby providing or absent. Nitrate reductase is produced. Most strains
clear evidence of host preference for cetacean- and require supplementary CO2 for growth. Growth is
pinniped-derived strains, respectively. improved by the addition of serum or blood. Colonies
on serum-glucose agar are transparent, raised, convex, with
Following the return to the six-species taxonomy based on an entire edge and a smooth shiny surface and appear as a
the unanimous verdict of the International Subcommittee pale honey colour by transmitted light. Optimum temper-
on the Taxonomy of Brucella (Osterman & Moriyón, 2006) ature is 37 uC. Growth occurs between 20 and 40 uC.
and the reasons presented above, we formally propose two Optimum pH is between 6.6 and 7.4. Catalase-, oxidase-
novel species of the genus Brucella for strains from marine and urease-positive. H2S negative. In oxidative metabolism
mammals (with corrected etymology). The name Brucella tests, L-glutamic acid, D-ribose and meso-erythritol are
ceti sp. nov. is proposed for Brucella strains with cetaceans oxidized, but L-alanine, L-arginine, L-asparagine, DL-
as their preferred host and the name Brucella pinnipedialis ornithine, L-lysine, L-arabinose, D-galactose and D-xylose
sp. nov. is proposed for Brucella strains with pinnipeds as are not oxidized. Cultures are lysed by Iz and Wb phages,
their preferred host. but no lysis occurs with R/C. A small number of strains
exhibit lysis with the Tb phage. A antigen dominant. The
Description of Brucella ceti sp. nov. preferred hosts are seals, in which the strains cause a range
Brucella ceti [ce.ti. L. n. cetus large sea animal (whale, of pathologies.
porpoise, dolphin); L. gen. n. ceti of a large sea animal]. The type strain, NCTC 12890T (5BCCN 94-73T), was
Cocci, coccobacilli or short rods, 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter isolated from the spleen of a common seal (Phoca vitulina).
and 0.6–1.5 mm in length. Arranged singly and, less
frequently, in pairs, short chains or small groups. Gram-
negative. Non-motile; does not produce flagella. Aerobic.
Colonies on Columbia sheep blood agar and Farrell’s We want to express our gratitude to Alastair MacMillan for the
medium are normally visible after 3–4 days and are raised, successful resurrection of the ICSP Subcommittee on the Taxonomy
of Brucella, in this way making possible the Brucella Taxonomy
convex, circular and entire with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 mm.
Subcommittee recommendation for a return to pre-1986, classical
Non-haemolytic. Nitrate reductase is produced. Most Brucella taxonomy, thereby paving the way for each of the two groups
strains do not require supplementary CO2 for growth. of marine mammal Brucella strains to be approved as being of the
Growth is improved by the addition of serum or blood. taxonomic rank of species. We also wish to express our gratitude to
Colonies on serum-glucose agar are transparent, raised, Ignacio Moriyón and Mike Corbel for helpful discussions concerning
convex, with an entire edge and a smooth shiny surface and this manuscript. The Scottish Strandings Scheme receives funding
appear as a pale honey colour by transmitted light. from the UK Department of Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs.
Optimum temperature is 37 uC. Growth occurs between
20 and 40 uC. Optimum pH is between 6.6 and 7.4.
Catalase-, oxidase- and urease-positive. H2S negative. L-
glutamic acid, L-arabinose, D-galactose, D-ribose and D- Alton, G. G., Jones, L. M. & Pietz, D. E. (1975). Laboratory Techniques
xylose are oxidized, but L-alanine, L-asparagine, L-arginine, in Brucellosis. WHO Monograph Series no. 55. Geneva, Switzerland:
DL-ornithine and L-lysine are not oxidized. meso-Erythritol WHO.
may or may not be oxidized. Cultures are lysed by Iz and Alton, G. G., Jones, L. M., Angus, R. D. & Verger, J. M. (1988).
Wb phages, but no lysis occurs with Tb and R/C phages. A Techniques for the Brucellosis Laboratory. Paris, France: INRA. 2691
G. Foster and others
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