E Voting Thesis

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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2022, Article ID 8705841, 11 pages

Research Article
Development of an Efficient and Secured E-Voting Mobile
Application Using Android

Anli Sherine ,1 Geno Peter ,2 Albert Alexander Stonier ,3 Desmond Wong Leh Ping ,4
K. Praghash ,5 and Vivekananda Ganji 6
School of Computing and Creative Media, University of Technology Sarawak, Sibu 96000, Malaysia
CRISD, School of Engineering and Technology, University of Technology Sarawak, Sibu 96000, Malaysia
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu 638060, India
Operion Ecommerce & Software Sdn Bhd, Penang, Butterworth 12300, Malaysia
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560029, India
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Vivekananda Ganji; drvivek@bhu.edu.et

Received 13 June 2022; Revised 30 August 2022; Accepted 6 September 2022; Published 19 September 2022

Academic Editor: Saqib Hakak

Copyright © 2022 Anli Sherine et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Smart technologies, particularly the development of the Internet, are employed to enhance the quality of human existence. Thanks
to the Internet’s explosive expansion, more and more tasks can now be completed quickly and easily compared to the earlier times.
E-voting is a relatively recent field that has been identified. Voting can be conducted in a variety of methods, including in person at
a polling place, online, and via a mobile application. The security of applications cannot be disregarded given the internet’s
explosive growth. In order to prevent phishing attacks, we created an Android application and included a 3-step security process
before voting. Students can now vote online from any location at any time using a mobile device. Android Studio is used to create
and deploy the application. While creating the voting application, this research adheres to the software development life cycle. The
result of this research is the creation of a mobile application that is user-friendly for students and serves as a practical tool for
letting them vote with three levels of security.

1. Introduction often referred to as an electronic voting system. Voting

through various channels, such as the phone, the internet,
One of the most beneficial things a person can do for and private computer networks, has become increasingly
themselves and their community is to vote. On a broad scale, powerful with the quick development of technology inno-
people typically believe that one person’s vote has no bearing vation. These methods have a number of advantages, in-
on their own. But people frequently overlook the signifi- cluding lower costs, accessibility for voters with disabilities,
cance of every vote. Voting gives people the ability to choose speedy installation, and ease of voting. However, there are
the kind of life they want for themselves and future gen- security flaws in online voting systems that make the voting
erations. It is an opportunity to address issues that matter to process open to major assault. Attackers may initiate a wide
people, including the kind of leader they desire. Voters make range of risky activities, such as utilising phishing assaults to
the decisions in elections. If you do not cast a ballot, sabotage the online vote and change the outcome, if the
someone else will decide for you. Even though elections are security is inadequate and the control mechanism is inef-
held annually, few individuals in this day and age recognise fective. Phishing is a type of social engineering assault in
their importance. People’s reluctance to visit actual polling which administrators or end users are persuaded to provide
places is one of the causes. E-voting is a method of casting a their personal information by means of phone emails,
ballot online using a phone or other electronic device. It is messages, or phone calls. This technology seeks to provide
2 Mobile Information Systems

colleges the ability to vote on important and private internal developing mobile applications. Online voting is a method
corporate decisions. It uses three layers of security to prevent of conducting elections that enables participants to elec-
phishing attacks. Voting may be carried out from anywhere tronically record and submit a secret ballot. A person or
thanks to its adaptability. By implementing the necessary group of people express their opinions using this procedure.
security measures, the election is conducted in complete Voters can vote anywhere, at any time, and from any lo-
secrecy, allowing the voter to select any of the participating cation with the ease of online voting. Using their own
candidates only provided they enter the correct voting code computers or smartphones, voters can cast their ballots from
[1]. The student council is the official body that represents any location with Internet access with ease and comfort.
college students and allows them to engage in academic Electronic voting technologies can expedite election results
matters. In order to benefit the university and its students, and lower election costs by drastically lowering the number
the student council also works in conjunction with the of workers needed to run a physical polling place and tally
administration and personnel of the university. The mem- the results. With the introduction of the electronic tabula-
bers of the student council are primarily other students, with tion system, it allows the electronic counting of sheets or
support from university teachers and lecturers. Elections are paper cards [3]. Direct-recording is the use of a ballot display
held for a variety of activities, including clubs, in addition to with electro-optical or mechanical components where voters
the student council. Every two years, an electoral process for can record their ballots. Computer software can then process
choosing the eligible student council members will be un- the data and store the results in memory components [4].
dertaken to choose the student council members. Despite the Direct recording electronics and electronic ballot printers
fact that voting is required of all students, the majority of are related. No vote information is saved using this tech-
them choose not to. A week prior to the election, the nique. Only a token or piece of paper with voting options is
candidates for office must register with the election com- printed by the printer. The ballot box, which may be elec-
mittee at the staff office. Voters are also thought of as the tronic and count votes automatically, is then taken by the
candidates themselves. Voters had to wait in a long line voter and placed inside. Voters can use a computer with
before casting their ballots, which added to the strain of the internet access to cast their ballots using the internet voting
voting process. The majority of students decided not to vote system. It can be kept on any electronic device with internet
in this situation. Regular voting will use paper and voters’ connectivity and in an unsupervised, unrestricted place. The
time, and it may not be accurate. Voters have to submit the use of internet kiosks in actual polling places is one example
proper voting room key-ID in order to cast their ballots at of where it can happen in supervised and nonremote lo-
the proper session for the research. To prevent any fraud- cations [5]. The voting system has a number of common
ulent activity, it included three-step verification features aspects, one of which is the ability to specify in advance
where the verification had to be completed by a mobile one- which users are permitted to vote and which are not. This
time password, e-mail verification, and fingerprint verifi- method is employed in the private election section, where
cation [2]. Many voters today do not enjoy waiting in lines those who are not related to the party cannot vote. It can be
because they are too busy with their own business or because used in the workplace, in a classroom, at a university, or even
they live far from polling places. These factors are causing a at a local event. The majority of voting applications display
decline in the voting percentage. Voting nowadays takes a lot the voting results publicly. The outcome can be displayed in
of time, is difficult and uses a lot of paper. In order to a variety of views, including pie chart and bar chart views.
complete this process, a voter must physically visit a polling Trust is one of the main benefits of having expert influence
place and present the voting official with their identification over your election. Voters can feel secure knowing that their
card. When voting in person at a polling place, this iden- votes will be properly displayed and tallied thanks to a server
tification card used is to be issued to obtain authentication. and service that are separately controlled.
After completing the authentication procedure, the voter
will proceed to the polling place and cast their ballot by
2.1. Existing Online Voting System. There are several existing
placing a checkmark next to the candidate they choose to
online voting systems, which are discussed below
support. From the line to the vote, it will be a lengthy and
time-consuming process. It is impossible for a voter to cast
another ballot if indelible ink is visible on their right index 2.1.1. Easy Voting and Election. Figure 1 shows the appli-
finger. The expense of labour and paper at each polling place cation of easy voting and election that has been designed to
will be borne in part by the election commission. The voting simplify the voting by a group of people in a physical lo-
station officer is responsible for transporting the vote boxes cation. For example, one of the users creates a new vote, and
to a central location after the voting session to announce the the other user just needs to vote by passing the physical
results. The security along the route is a serious issue, as the device from one person to another. The purpose is to create a
ballot boxes might be changed during the time between the tool that is simple and easy to use, and an internet con-
polling station and the central location. nection is not required. The interface of this app is simple
and easy to handle. When a user creates a new vote, the user
2. Literature Review needs to type in the name and choose the type of vote. These
apps support two types of voting modes, such as in favour/
This section includes publications that have addressed issues against and single choice. The in favour/against type is
related to the examination of present methods for suitable for voting on motions, resolutions, or proposals that
Mobile Information Systems 3

Figure 2: Mobile voting.

Figure 1: Easy voting and election.

can be either rejected or accepted, while the single choice

allows the user to define multiple choices of answer to
choose from, which can be used for custom elections such as
offices. To ensure integrity of the voting process, users can
choose and tick for required verification codes, for which
users need to prepare and upload a list of verification codes.
Through this method, voters who are authorized to vote will
only be allowed to vote once and will be unable to vote twice.
Each voter will receive their own unique code and the ap-
plication will find the matches of their unique code in the list
Figure 3: Homepage.
uploaded. In Figure 1 shown above, the old votes section
allows users to see the result of past elections that have been
created. The codes section allows users to upload the code list interaction with the webcams; and the third phase is the
for verification of eligible voters. The section menu is to tell development of a web-based administration tool. This voting
the user how the app works. system requires the verification of every user through their
username and password on the home page, as shown in
Figure 3. The login and image stored in the database are used
2.1.2. Mobile Voting. The mobile voting application shown
to compare with the image that has been taken while au-
in Figure 2 is created in a clean and simple user interface
thentication is performed, as shown in Figure 4(a). After the
design. It is provided by Lukasz Liniewicz. It can conduct
successful authentication, the user will be directed to the
polls of large numbers of people. This voting app does not
voting page as shown in Figure 4(b). In this system, a
require any login account or internet connection. Users can
methodology of integrating cryptography across the net-
create an election and vote anonymously. Users need to
work has been used to present a higher level of security in
insert the name and the answer needs to be voted. Users just
online voting systems. The authentication process has been
need to touch any of the answers, and the answer will be
improved by adding both password security and face
counted as one vote. The user just needs to vote by passing a
device from one person to another.

2.1.4. Towards Secure E-Voting Using the Ethereum

2.1.3. Highly Secured Online Voting System over the Network. Blockchain. The aim of this application is to provide a secure
The aim of this system is to develop a voting system ap- voting environment and show that a reliable e-voting
plication that is interactive so that users are enabled to vote scheme is possible by using blockchain. It uses blockchain
by using their own information that has been stored inside because bitcoin is only intended to validate coinage trans-
the database, while creating the voter’s ID and information actions, and the Ethereum network supports a broader range
that needs to be renewed every six months for the verifi- of use cases with the power of smart contracts. By using
cation of the user. Citizenship of India which is above age 18 smart contracts, some applications that require a web server
years old and any sex only are to vote through this system can be used without using any server. In this network, all
without going to the physical polling station. Every user will operations are operated in real time. It also does not require
be assigned a unique ID after registration. The technology of any central authority to prove the work. The result can be
electronic voting can be included, such as voting kiosks, calculated without any interface.
optical scans, and punched cards. They have implemented an
online image verification system to increase the security of
the e-voting system. This application consists of three 2.1.5. An Efficient Online Voting System. This system uses
phases: the first is to develop a front-end graphical for this the ID and password created by the user to register the user
system; second phase is the development of a method of on the voting website. The information of the voter will be
4 Mobile Information Systems

(a) (b)

Figure 4: (a) Image recognition. (b) Voting page.

Table 1: Comparison between existing systems.

No. Type of system Summarize Shortcoming
(i) Does not require any account (i) Complicated verification method
(ii) Able to view history vote (ii) One person can vote more than once
1 Easy voting and election
(iii) User need to use the same device to
(iii) Do not require any internet connection
(i) Do not require any account (i) One person can vote more than once
2 Mobile voting (ii) User need to use the same device to
(ii) Do not require any internet connections
Highly secured online voting system over (i) Require face image recognition (i) System is complicated
network (ii) Can vote online through website (ii) Everyone is eligible to vote
Towards secure e-voting using ethereum (i) Unstable system
4 (i) Does not require any server
blockchain (ii) Complicated system
(i) Filter the eligible account and suitable
(i) Voters cannot view the overall result
5 An efficient online voting system candidate
(ii) Required account to login the website (ii) System is lack of security verification

saved in the database. The system can be used using the Build 1 Design & Testing Implementation
internet, e-mails, and e-SMS. The internet is used by voters Development
who can vote anywhere and anytime. The e-mails are used to
send error reports to the user that has entered the fault Build 2
information. The e-SMS is used for voters who do not have Design & Implementation
Requirements Testing
internet access and e-mails that can be informed through Development
SMS on their mobile phone. This online voting system re-
quires storing a voter’s information in a database, a voter’s
name, ID and password, a voter’s vote in a database, and the
total number of votes. Besides, there are several operational Build 3 Design & Implementation
works that have been proposed in the system, which is
recording information of the voter in database, checking of Figure 5: Incremental model.
information filled by voter, discard the false information,
and also each information is sent to election commission. implementation. This strategy, as displayed in Figure 5, is
employed because it may break down software development
from broad applications into more manageable components.
2.1.6. Comparison Between the Existing Systems. Table 1 It also enables straightforward, easy redesign, and deploy-
below shows the comparison of summarization and short- ment. The benefits allow developers to work incrementally
comings between each existing system. and maintain concentration on one step before moving on to
the next. If something is lacking, developers can go back to
3. Motivation the previous phases.

Incremental delivery is the software development method-

ology employed in this study. It is a process that will be 3.1. Design and Development of E-Voting App. The specifi-
applied to the system’s design, development, testing, and cations, features, and operations necessary to fulfil the
Mobile Information Systems 5

functional requirements of the proposed system that will be

in place are outlined in detail throughout the design phase.
After all requirements have been thoroughly defined and
examined, the design is anticipated to happen. To make sure
the final design satisfies the requirements, the suggested
design should always be evaluated as shown in Figure 6. The
success or failure of the research can be determined at this
point, making it the most crucial. Measureable, testable, and
traceable needs have been obtained. Google Forms have
been used as the mechanism for gathering requirements [7].
A system will be created for this research to address the issue
that has been encountered. It encompasses the deployment,
architecture, and system interface of this system. The vis-
ualisation of what the system looks like and its attributes will
be incorporated into the system interface. The three-step
security in e-voting system environment is the main focus of
the system architecture, which aims to stop phishing
The system will be developed with a number of features,
including the ability to start a new election, join an existing Figure 6: Research survey security question [6].
one, verify voter eligibility via e-mail, phone OTP, or fin-
gerprints, review previous joint elections, and more. This Studio also has a very simple user interface and enables drag
research will be applied through mobile applications in the and drop. The Java programming language, which is ap-
system implementation. Users must download the app, propriate for creating Android mobile applications, is also
which is available on the Google Play Store. The actual work used by the Android Studio. An industry and vendor-spe-
begins during the development stage. cific set of technologies and models known as mobile app
architecture can be utilised to create fully structured mobile
programmes. The mobile application architecture shown in
3.2. Testing and Implementation of E-Voting App. System
Figure 7 below consists of three layers, such as the pre-
integration and testing occur throughout the testing phase.
sentation layer, business layer, and data layer. Every layer has
The testing system will evaluate the system’s overall func-
their own functionalities and each layer is essential and
tionality. Testing was necessary to ensure that the entire
significant to develop mobile applications [2]. The presen-
system functions in accordance with the specifications. The
tation layer is a part that focuses on the modules of the user
testing team and quality assurance (QA) will look for flaws
interface and also the process components of the user in-
and errors during the testing process and report their
terface. While designing the presentation layer, the devel-
findings to the developers. The developers then send the
opers need to fulfil the requirements of the clients and also
programmes to quality assurance for retesting after fixing
satisfy the designer [4]. While designing the application, the
the flaws and errors. This process will keep on until the
app developers should determine how the application will be
programme is functioning as the system requires. The
presented in front of the end user. It is important to select the
majority of the program’s code will be written during the
correct user interface components and their process com-
implementation phase. In addition, it is where the systems
ponents in order to build a successful application. For ex-
that were described throughout the design process will be
ample, themes, colours, fonts, font size, and others.
built. A certain amount of software is required to build this
Phishing attacks use emails and malicious web links to
voting mechanism. A firebase database is mostly used to
get the necessary personal information and data [8].
store data. To create an Android application, Android Studio
Phishers frequently utilise innovative techniques to deceive
is also necessary as a source code editor. Extensible Markup
unsuspecting users and commit fraud in order to obtain and
Language (XML) files and other types of code must be
gather their sensitive and personal information. Phishers
implemented inside the system using the Android Studio. To
and cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to
test the systems, an Android device is needed, such as a
launch cyberattacks [9]. The standard phishing tools have
genuine smartphone or a virtual one that includes Google
always been expertly constructed in the form of forged SMS
Play Store.
and e-mails; even these attack routes have raised the bar for
sophistication and deceit. Attackers no longer bombard and
3.3. Mobile App Architecture. The application creation is spam users; instead, they use open-source intelligence
carried out using Android platform, the software developers (OSNT) technologies in conjunction with Internet sources
can easily publish their own programme right away because to obtain minimal but required data on a target without their
it provides a more stable integrated development environ- knowledge or consent [10]. Since phishing attacks do not
ment than rivals such as Visual Studio. Android Studio is the contain any dangerous executable payload or malware, e--
integrated development environment of choice. Compared mail servers running antispam or phishing security pro-
to other integrated development environment, Android grammes can struggle to identify phishing attempts [11].
6 Mobile Information Systems

User Interface
PRESENTATION Presentation Logic


Application Facade

BUSINESS Workflow Components Entities

Data Access Data Utilities Service Tools


Local Data Mobile Device


Data Access Services Sync Remote

Figure 7: Mobile app architecture.

4. Results and Discussion

Confidential data transmission is one of the crucial and
fundamental services in mobile e-voting systems. Sensitive
client information is always protected from all types of
assault, including phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Due to the present mobile authentication mechanisms, it is
more difficult for users with mobile devices to recognise and
prevent phishing attacks [11]. A mobile app prototype for
e-voting with three levels of security has been created. The
primary integrated development environment (IDE) tool is
Android Studio. This chapter will also include a brief dis-
cussion of the interface design and its functionalities. The
user interface that has been roughly designed will be dis-
played as the desired outcome. The user interfaces are di-
vided into four sections, including the account page, home
page, election page, and message page. In addition to the
fragment page, it also includes separate pages for login,
registration, and elections [6]. Android Studio is used to
create this application. Open-source software is available on
Android Studio. When making mobile applications, it is
simpler and more practical. Once the application creation is
completed, the software developers can easily publish their
own programme right away. Since Android Studio provides
a more stable integrated development environment than
alternatives such as Visual Studio, it is the preferred inte-
grated development environment. Comparatively speaking Figure 8: Various steps of security implement in survey.
of other integrated development environment, Android
Studio also has a fairly straightforward user interface and
enables drag and drop. The Java programming language, verification before voting. Furthermore, the third question
which is appropriate for creating Android mobile applica- given by the researcher concerns various types of verification
tions, is also used by Android Studio. that can be implemented inside the application [12]. The
verification given by the researcher consists of six types,
which are account password verification; e-mail OTP ver-
4.1. Survey Data. Figure 8 below shows the three questions ification; phone OTP verification; captcha verification; fin-
that have been asked of the respondent. For the first gerprint verification; and face-recognition verification [13].
question, among 50 respondents, the majority of them prefer As the result shown in Figure 5, the highest vote has been
to have an online voting application. For the second question given to fingerprint verification, which has 45 votes with
given by the researcher, the majority of the respondents 90% of the respondents. The other one is captcha verifica-
agree and are willing to go through various types of security tion, which has 44 votes with 88% of the respondents. The
Mobile Information Systems 7

Figure 9: Registration interface.

Figure 11: Account verification interface.

Figure 10: Election interface.

third one is phone OTP verification, which has 41 votes with

82% of the respondents. A majority of the respondents think
that fingerprints are the most important, followed by
captcha, and the third is phone OTP. The pilot survey was Figure 12: Captcha account verification.
conducted based on 50 user responses [14].

student identity number, gender, and password are required

4.2. Registration Interface. The registration interface is for account registration. The user can log in with their e-mail
shown in Figure 9 below. E-mail, full name, contact number, and password if they already have an account.
8 Mobile Information Systems

Figure 13: OTP verification.

4.3. Election Interface. The user interface for the election password given to the user’s phone number if it is used more
page is depicted in Figure 10 below. Joining an existing than 3 times [6].
election and establishing new election sections make up this The authentication using fingerprints is shown in Fig-
election page. A user who wants to participate in an election ure 14 above. After successfully completing the aforemen-
must enter the relevant election room ID in order to do so. tioned three procedures, users are permitted to click this
The user will be directed to the next stage, which is button. The user will be informed by the instruction if the
depicted in Figure 11 below, after entering the right election fingerprint match was successful or unsuccessful. Based on
room ID. The student identity number, e-mail, contact the fingerprint of the user’s device, fingerprint authentica-
number, and OTP are all listed on the account verification tion is employed. To use fingerprint authentication, a user
page. Each step must be verified by users. The database is must enable their fingerprint on their own device [6].
used to get the student ID, e-mail address, and phone
number, which cannot be changed [15]. If consumers need
help using it, an instruction manual is available to walk them 4.4. Firebase Database. Figure 15 below shows the basis of
through the process step-by-step. the user profile. These data are stored in a Cloud Firestore. In
The graphs below demonstrate account verification the first collection, a user profile collection is created to store
using captcha. For users to prove they are not robots, they the user’s information, which will store all user information
must click the captcha. When the user clicks the captcha under this collection. Inside this collection, a document is
button too frequently, Figure 12 will appear. The user can created every time a new user is registered. Each document
move on to the following phase if they are able to suc- in this field will be set to the user’s university e-mail. Each
cessfully verify the captcha. document is represented by each user. Each document has a
Figure 13 illustrates how to verify a GET OTP. For their field which consists of all of the user’s information. When a
personal OTP, users must click the “GET OTP” button. The user registers, their information will be saved in the field. If
system will then send a 6-digit one-time password code to an existing user updates their information, the data inside
the user’s phone number. The user must enter the proper the field will be updated automatically.
one-time password when clicking the verify button after Figure 16 below shows another collection inside the
getting the one-time password. The user can move on to the Cloud Firestore, which is voting information. This collection
following stage, as illustrated above, if they are successful in stores all the voting information that has been created by the
verifying their one-time password. The one-time password user. Each document inside the collection information will
can only be used once, and each user is only permitted to use be set as the title of the election that has been created by the
it once per day. The one-time password can only be given to user. Inside each document, it will be separated into two
a user three times each day. There will not be a one-time parts, which are the collection part and the field part. The
Mobile Information Systems 9

Figure 14: Finger print authentication [6].

Figure 15: User profile firebase.

Figure 16: Voting information firebase.

10 Mobile Information Systems

Figure 17: Voting electoral firebase.

collection part will store the electoral information while the captcha button. The second step is that users need to get their
field part will store the election information such as date, own unique OTP number through their own phone number
title, organizer, and room ID. and insert it correctly. If the user successfully verifies the
Figure 17 below shows the electoral information in the OTP number, then they can proceed with the third step. The
voting information collection under the Test 2 document. third step is fingerprint authentication. After the user suc-
Inside the electoral information document, a bunch of cessfully verifies their OTP number, they are required to
documents will be created in which its name will be set as the click the authentication button, and the fingerprint au-
electoral student ID. Inside each document, the electoral thentication will pop up. Users are required to scan their
information will be stored here, such as course, ID, name, fingerprints to ensure that they are the owners of the phone
and phone number. All the information will be shown on the in order to proceed to the voting page. Phishing scams are
voting page except for the electoral phone number. avoidable if you know how to correctly identify and prevent
them. Firewalls are an effective way to prevent external
attacks, acting as a shield between your electronic gadget and
5. Conclusion an attacker. However, future improvements can be made to
The proposed system has higher security compared to the fulfil the limitations and widen the scope of the research. The
existing system. The application was tested for the student researcher can add some verification before creating a vote
leader election conducted on a university campus in and also allow users to receive notification when a related
Malaysia, and it proved workable. The only thing needed is field vote is created. Besides, a fully functional result will be
an electronic gadget with the software installed on it along added, such as a pie graph result, a real-time result, a
with an internet connection. No challenges were faced percentage of the result, and the overall result. Electronic
during the test run. Within this research, users need to voting technology aims to speed up ballot counting, reduce
register and log in to their own account before using the the cost of paying staff to manually count votes, and improve
application. The user will directly go into the main page accessibility for disabled voters. In the long term, expenses
fragment, which consists of the homepage fragment, voting are expected to decrease. Results can be reported and
fragment, message fragment, and account fragment. The published faster.
voting fragment page allows users to create a vote and join a
vote. In this research, a 3-step security e-voting method for Data Availability
Android applications is proposed to guard against phishing
attempts. Java and Extensible Markup Language (XML) are The required data can be obtained from the corresponding
used in the development of the suggested system. Before the author upon an e-mail request.
student submits his or her vote in this study, a three-step
verification is put up. Captcha, phone OTP, and fingerprint Conflicts of Interest
verification make up the verification process. Phishing is an
attempt by a person or group to obtain a victim’s private The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
information without their knowledge. To do this, fake
websites that closely resemble the actual webpages are References
hosted. The message fragment will show the system messages
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Mobile Information Systems 11

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