Sample Game 3

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Krzysztof Kubicki, Aleksandra Smoczyk, Bartosz Startek

Illustrations, Design & Layout
Aleksandra Smoczyk, Bartosz Startek

Play Testers

Maciej Kaym Głuszek, Agata Kaźmierska, Maciej Stróżniak, Iwetta Trojanowicz,
Wasyl, Sebastian Woźniak


© Copyright 2023
Krzysztof Kubicki, Aleksandra Smoczyk, Bartosz Startek

Call of Cthulhu is a Trademark of Chaosium Inc. and is used with

their permission via the OBS Community Content program.

For more information please visit Chaosium’s website:

The Miskatonic Repository Logo is used under license.

This scenario's story, specific locations and characters are fictitious. Certain
long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the
characters involved are wholly imaginary.

Scenario summary...........................................................4
Walking around kenai.................................................6-9
The dena’ina people.................................................10-11
Player’s characters...............................................12-15
Act I............................................................................16-22
Act II...........................................................................23-29
Act III..........................................................................30-37

Scenario SUmmary government agent who was responsible for the Kalgin
Complex security. Now his personal quest is to stop anyone
from arriving on the island. This character will follow in
Investigators footsteps at every chance while using his skills to
hinder the investigation.
Ages ago Constant Companion crashed into an area now
known as Kalgin Island. This ancient being known also By different means the Investigators can get the knowledge
as Abhoth in Cthulhu Mythos laid dormant for centuries until of the Vivarium complex and its history as well as clarity on the
solar activity woke it up. The underground lake that it resides purpose Dena’ina tribe of in the area. All while being haunted
in was found by one of first native Dena’ina tribesmen in the by another antagonist - the Mirrored Men. This being tries
area. Feeling the dangerous and evil influence of Abhoth. to bring Investigators closer to the Kalgin Island complex
Dena’ina shamans decided to keep a close watch on the entity so they can be consumed for greater cause of helping Abhoth
and using ancient magic put a soothing spell on it. Ritual was in escaping its temporary prison.
renewed annually and everytime that the northern light

showed up because Abhoth seems to be responsive to solar By reading affiliated documents, interrogating young Ivanoff
activity. or diplomatically resolving conflict with Robert Graf,
Investigators will metaphorically travel back in time to witness
For ages nothing changed until Dena’ina tribe started moving the end of the Kalgin project - the new year’s eve party of 1974

away from the area and the memory of the entity faded into taking place in Igloo Hotel near Kenai.
oblivion. Only one of the families, the Ivanoffs, tried to
continue traditional ritual but the spell grew weaker with During the party Mirrored Men attacked the Vivarium
every generation. In 1970 there was no one around to maintain personnel and caused death to almost everyone with the
the spell. One day a local settler and land owner found the exception of Robert Graf. He have managed to destroyed the
underground basin, feeling the influence it had on him and Igloo Hotel with all Vivarium staff traped inside. Graf slowed
suspecting it’s insidious ways he informed the government. the Mirrored Men enough to be able to tranquillise Abhoth and
Secret research was being conducted through the 1970s and a
e close down the complex. This sequence will be played out
special research complex called Vivarium was built as a retrospection for the Investigators to take part in.
underground. The entity was contacted a few times but to
make this dialogue easier Abhoth created a “pseudo human” Now with the help of the characters met along the way
known as a “Mirrored Men”. It consumed few of the scientists Investigators should be able to travel to the Kalgin Island and
to understand human physiology enough to recreate it. Those
put Abhoth back to sleep semipermanently using the rest
incidents and rising costs was what ended the project. The of Photophobic liquid. On the way to the control room they
complex was closed down and the entity was tranquilised with must fight the Mirrored Men and other Abhot’s spawn. The
the usage of „Photophobic Liquid”. It stayed dormant for 20 future of the Kenai Peninsula lies entirely in the hands of the
years. With the heightened solar activity one of the last Investigators.
dena’ina shamans in the area tried to renew the ritual but
falling under influence of Abhoth he was possessed and ended

up killing his son and almost ending his grandson's life.

how to read the scenario?
In early autumn of 1994 a fishing vessel with two bodies
onboard was found on a rocky beach near Soldotna, Kenai Red text - Skill check or extra tips for Keeper
Peninsula. The deceased are ex crewmates: Dena’ina clan elder
and his son mentioned above. The authorities, press and locals Highlighted text - Important for current scene
are all trying to solve the mystery of the dead men. The

Investigators able to investigate the vessel should find clues Grey boxes - Things important for the scenario
that will give them two crucial bits of information:
Old boxes - Additional lore
• There are shamanistic artifacts on board belonging to the
elder, which may indicate occult reason for the killing.

• The vessel itself has secret compartments used

to smuggle wide variety of „things” but mostly drugs and

They should also realise that there is one person missing - the
young Ivanoff, shaman’s grandson.

While following this trail of clues Investigators will meet one of

the secret antagonists of the scenario - the Huntsman aka
Robert Graf. This old Vietnam veteran will try to seem as
friendly and helpful as possible but in reality he is ex CIA

Part 1

Walking around


ffff THE KENAI Peninsula
from the sea, from where you can enjoy breathtaking views.
The coast itself is very diverse and mostly rocky. Outside the
mountainous areas, the beaches are easily accessible and the
terrain itself is heavily flattened. The rest of the peninsula
is covered with dense, tall forests composed mainly
The Kenai Peninsula is a unique place on the Alaskan map.
of coniferous trees.
Located between Cook Strait and Prince William Bay, it offers
everything that is most interesting in Alaska: high mountain
peaks, vast forests, remains left behind by Russian settlers,
Washed ashore
glaciers, fjords and amazing wildlife. That is why it is called Sea currents regularly carry a great variety of things into
alaskan best. When you finish this scenario, you will definitely Kenai Bay, which then linger on the rocky beaches. It could
feel like visiting this place. Or to avoid it. We will see... be a container washed up from the deck of a ship, or it could
be several thousand dead puffins. Both of those incidents are
real. For the purposes of the scenario, the Keeper can use

WALKING AROUND anything else that adds more flavour to the scenario.

Looking at a map of the region, one may be puzzled by the The area is not very heavily urbanized. Most of the population
provenance of some of the names. Do they sound familiar? Not is located in a few major cities, with the rest in scattered

likely. Some of them derive from local dialects (such as Kenai) settlements. The sight of a lone cabin in the woods or small
others derive in a straight line from Russian (such as Soldotna). clusters of single-family houses is not uncommon here. It’s
It's worth taking a closer look at the region is Russian-speaking worth remembering that there are also trailer parks in the
heritage. Russians were the first colonizers who had arrived in area, inhabited mainly by the poorer members of the
the 18th century, and their cultural legacy remains noticeable community. The buildings here are mostly low and very
to this day. The Kenai Peninsula has a sizable population of uniform. Moving around the area, it is very easy to find
Orthodox believers and it is not at all uncommon to see a supermarket where you can replenish your supplies although
distinctive Orthodox churches. e it will probably be even easier to find a specialized store for
hunting and survival gear. The main towns are Kenai, Soldotna,
The landscape of the Kenai Peninsula is very diverse. The Seward and Homer. The paved runways end at the Kenai -
southeastern part of the peninsula and the opposite shore Anchorage line. To travel by air further north it will
of the bay are occupied by high mountain ranges with be necessary to rent an airplane or a helicopter.
numerous fjords. The highest mountain peaks reach 2,000
feet. The slopes are steep and require very careful climbing. In
the midst of the mountains are located beautiful glaciers with economy
astonishing blue ice. Despite the fact that the glaciers
themselves are a frequent tourist destination, it should Despite the discovery of significant oil, natural gas and coal
be remembered that they pose a deadly danger to less deposits, the region's economy is based on fishing industry
experienced travelers. The surface of glaciers is highly varied and tourism. The magnificent landscapes and relatively mild

and dotted with deep chasms. Their exploration requires climate attract huge numbers of tourists from all over the
specialized climbing equipment. Some glaciers are accessible world every year. Long hikes in wilderness, glacier climbing

climbing tours, wildlife sight seeing cruises are just some of
the highlights of the vast tourist offer. Hunters and hunting are
a separate topic. The surrounding forests are teeming with
game, although it must be remembered that nature in this area
can be a tough and evasive opponent.

Mining past
The region's mining past is worth mentioning. Among other
things, black coal and gold were mined here by deep mining
methods. Old, forgotten mines and mine shafts are therefore
a feature you may come across while wandering through the

wilderness. Sometimes they were closed gradually, sometimes
they were abandoned in a hurry. Forlorn shafts can pose
a deadly danger. To this day, one can still come across
explosives and poisonous chemicals in them. The shafts
themselves threaten to collapse and should not be explored.

The climate of the Peninsula is moderate for alaskan
wildlife standards. Summers can be hot though short while winters are
always long, snowy and cold. The proximity to the ocean
Did you know that 95% of the US bear population is located
makes it cold for most of the year and snow lingers for many
in Alaska? Now you know. It is time to take a look at the
months. Around September a magnificent spectacle takes
region's wildlife. The precipitous forests and mountains of the
place in the night sky - you can then observe the aurora
region are inhabited by a enormous number of animal species.
borealis, or so-called northern lights. An amazing
Colorful puffins, mountain chamois, numerous beavers, moose
and caribou. In the waters of the bay it is relatively easy
to encounter whales, porpoises, sea lions and seals. Even the
mysterious sunfish coming from the deepths of ocean. The
e phenomenon resulting from magnetic storms on the sun. They
eject huge amounts of charged particles in the direction of our
planet, which in turn, encountering the atmosphere and
magnetosphere of the Earth, excite hydrogen and nitrogen.
symbol of the United States itself, the bald eagle, is also
The result is multicolored flashes of light in the upper layers of
a common sight. When wandering in uninhabited areas, one
the atmosphere. Auroras usually appear in shades of red,
should set oneself up for the possibility of encountering local
yellow or green.
predators: bears, polar bears or wolves. Therefore, when
leaving an urban area, it is definitely worth equipping yourself
with a firearm.
Local myths and legends.

Locations worth using There was once a town called Portlock on the
1. An abandoned mine. A place full of dangers, ideal for Kenai Peninsula. A thriving mining settlement
hiding something or someone. was established in connection with a nearby
chrome mine. The town grew at a dizzying pace
2. Glaciers. Difficult to access and challenging to explore. At
the same time, the ice can hide secrets from many, many until the 1930s when the first cases of attacks on
years ago.

residents were reported. Initially, residents

reported encounters with tall humanoids covered
3. Abandoned house or settlement. A place deep in the forest
known by locals but avoided for some reason. in black fur. Soon after, people began to
disappear. Hunters were found after many days,
4. Military infrastructure. Who knows what's inside an torn to shreds. Locals pointed to the creatures
inconspicuous concrete structure in the middle of nowhere
surrounded by a high fence. known in local myths as Nantinaq, perfectly
matching the characteristics of a sasquatch.
5. A place of worship for indigenous people. There is no "no True or not - something caused the town to be
entry" sign but the complete lack of animals speaks for itself.
completely abandoned over the next few years.
6. Crashed airplane. Old plane, reported missing many years
ago. Cargo contains drugs or dead local politics. Pick one. Today it is one of many abandoned towns in the US.
As the Keeper feel free to include any of these locations in Only remnants of buildings remain on the site.
the scenario. Keeper is encouraged to take advantage of the
rich local folklore when building a story.
Players will be delighted to learn how much of
the session was based on true stories.

KENAI in 1970’s It could not happen without climate-related controversy.
Environmental activists repeatedly protested against the
pipeline's construction but unsuccessfully - its construction
was too important for the state economy. The main concern
was the significant impact on the environment: The Pipeline as
The 1970's in the United States of America were a truly thrilling
a physical obstacle to migrating caribou herds and the possible
time. Society was still recovering from the shock of the defeat
impact of the heat given off by the pipes on the environment.
in the Vietnam War (known also as 2nd Indochina War). State
In the end, it turned out that the caribou population increased
economy has fallen into a deep financial crisis with
and the pipeline itself did not disturb local wildlife.
skyrocketing inflation, rising taxes and general recession. The
Cold War gets a little bit warmer but not for long. The country
was changing. politics
Alaska at that time was a completely different place than

In the 1970s, international political relations were tense and
it is today. Tourist traffic was minimal and had nearly threatened to escalate. National security slogan was a thing. In
no impact on the local economy. Workers could rarely count the height of the Cold War the Military was building bases,
on high wages. The population of this vast, untamed area was radar stations, airfields and missile defence stations
only circa 200,000 people around 1972. It's safe to say that on Alaskan soil. A huge number of military personnel was

Alaska in the 1970's was definitely a wilder and more dangerous relocated to a few major cities and an unknown number
place. of other locations. Soldiers on leave were as common sigh
as forestry workers. We will probably never know the full
picture of the work carried out by the military in the area.
The pipeline Some of the installations will be abandoned in the future, while
others will continue to operate. Some of them may have served
In the mid 1970's construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline
as top secret research facilities, their purpose will probably
began. The decision to build this enormous pipeline was made
never be known.
in response to sharp and sudden oil price rises caused by the
1973' oil crisis. The entire investment, along with associated
infrastructure, stretches for 800 miles (1.286 kilometres - yes,
we are from Europe) long from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez. A vast
number of engineers, technicians and specialists were needed
Times were tough but somewhat enjoyable. While going to the
bar, you could meet a mining industry man in an expensive suit
as well as a Vietnam veteran, an officer from a nearby base,
a group of top-notch engineers or some natives. In a remote
for the pipeline to be built. That brought a huge influx
area, in the middle of nowhere. In a small bar lit by just a single
of workers and the Alaskan population increased significantly.
neon sign. This is the quintessential Alaska experience of the
Construction of the Pipeline initiated major changes in Alaskan
society and lifestyle. Exploitation of Alaska petroleum
resources was going on full throttle and a lot of people

benefited from high pay, common in the oil and mining

The Alaskan Triangle
industry. The night life exploded. A significant number of new
restaurants, bars and entertainment venues have appeared.
The term Alaskan Triangle appeared in the media
However, population growth have resulted also in raise
in 1972. This is an obvious reference to the
of crime rate, drug abuse and domestic violence. Alaska's
Bermuda Triangle, a place where ships and
peculiar lifestyle and the huge money offered by the mining
airplanes suddenly disappear. Alaska, in
industry have attracted various types of people.

addition to stunningly beautiful nature,

remains known for its huge number of people
disappearing in thin air. Hundreds of cases of
missing tourists, local people and even
indigenous people are reported to local
authorities every year. Search operations are a
common sight. Unfortunately, in most cases the
missing persons are never found.

After 1972, the number of disappearances seems to

have increased dramatically, with
disappearances becoming stranger and more
difficult to explain. Of course, some of them can
be explained by the encounter of an unprepared
tourist with wild and untamed nature. Hungry
predators. Unpredictable weather conditions.
But still - a few hundreds a year? That is a lot.

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