This document describes a simple and efficient method for isolating DNA fragments from agarose gels. The key steps are: (1) running DNA fragments on a low-melting point agarose gel, (2) excising the DNA band and placing it on top of Sephadex G-50 beads, (3) melting the gel at 55-60°C allowing the DNA to pass through the beads, (4) centrifuging to elute purified DNA. This method yields a high recovery (80-95%) of intact DNA fragments of any size. It is more efficient at removing impurities than other methods, enabling downstream enzymatic applications of the isolated DNA.
This document describes a simple and efficient method for isolating DNA fragments from agarose gels. The key steps are: (1) running DNA fragments on a low-melting point agarose gel, (2) excising the DNA band and placing it on top of Sephadex G-50 beads, (3) melting the gel at 55-60°C allowing the DNA to pass through the beads, (4) centrifuging to elute purified DNA. This method yields a high recovery (80-95%) of intact DNA fragments of any size. It is more efficient at removing impurities than other methods, enabling downstream enzymatic applications of the isolated DNA.
Original Title
1991-A simple and efficient method for isolation of DNA
This document describes a simple and efficient method for isolating DNA fragments from agarose gels. The key steps are: (1) running DNA fragments on a low-melting point agarose gel, (2) excising the DNA band and placing it on top of Sephadex G-50 beads, (3) melting the gel at 55-60°C allowing the DNA to pass through the beads, (4) centrifuging to elute purified DNA. This method yields a high recovery (80-95%) of intact DNA fragments of any size. It is more efficient at removing impurities than other methods, enabling downstream enzymatic applications of the isolated DNA.
This document describes a simple and efficient method for isolating DNA fragments from agarose gels. The key steps are: (1) running DNA fragments on a low-melting point agarose gel, (2) excising the DNA band and placing it on top of Sephadex G-50 beads, (3) melting the gel at 55-60°C allowing the DNA to pass through the beads, (4) centrifuging to elute purified DNA. This method yields a high recovery (80-95%) of intact DNA fragments of any size. It is more efficient at removing impurities than other methods, enabling downstream enzymatic applications of the isolated DNA.
A simple and efficient method for isolation of DNA
fragments from agarose gel Tapas Mukhopadhyay1 and Jack A.Roth1l 2 Departments of 'Thoracic Surgery and 2Tumor Biology, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulveard, Box 109, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Submitted June 21, 1991
We describe a simple method for isolation of purified DNA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
fragments from agarose gels. There are different methods for isolation of DNA from gels, but the major disadvantage of most We wish to thank Carol Torrence in the preparation of this of the techniques is that the recovery is often low for the manuscript. This study was partially supported by grants fragments of longer or shorter sizes. Some methods are inefficient (CA45178) from the National Cancer Institutes of Health at removing impurities that interfere with subsequent enzymatic [J.A.R.]; Brown and Mathers Foundation [J.A.R.]; and by gifts manipulation of the DNA. The method we describe is quick, to the Division of Surgery from Tenneco and Exxon for the core efficient, and does not require expensive materials. It enables lab facility. us to recover a high yield of intact pure DNA fragments of any size. The procedure involves the electrophoresis of the DNA fragment in 1 % low-melting-point agarose (BRL) gel either in TAE or TBE buffer. Sephadex G-50 beads were equilibrated with TE buffer and autoclaved. A Sephadex G-50 column was made in a 10-ml syringe and spun at 3000 rpm for 5 min; dried Sephadex beads were stored in a tube. The bottom of a 1.5-mi microfuge tube was plugged with a small amount of sterile siliconized glass wool. The desired DNA band was excised from the ethidium-bromide-stained gel. A volume of Sephadex G-50 dry beads was placed on top of the glass wool. The gel slice was placed on top of Sephadex beads. The tube was closed and placed in a 55°C to 60°C water bath to melt the gel (5 to 10 min, Figure 1. One microgram of Hindlll digested bluescript vector was size approximately). As the gel slice melted, it entered into the fractionated in 1 % low-melting-point agarose gel at 80 V for 1 h (a). A linearized Sephadex pack. A volume of TE buffer was added and incubated single DNA band was excised from the gel and eluted according to the method described. The total eluted DNA was further run on the same type of gel and for another 5 min at 55°C. The tube was then placed in ice for photographed (b). 5 min. Two small holes were made, one at the top and another at the very bottom of the tube, with a 21-gauge needle. The tube was placed on top of another microfuge tube and spun at 1000 Table I. Recovery of DNA fragments from agarose gels rpm for 5 min at 4'C in a tabletop centrifuge. About 85 % of Gel Size Radioactivity Radioactivity eluted % Recovery the DNA came out in the flowthrough. However, if 15 to 20 frag (103 bp) in vel slice from column 1d of TE buffer was added to the tube, further centrifugation (l0- Cpm) (Total) (l05 cpm) (Total) would increase the yield to 95 %. Since the DNA fragment passes 1 23.1 1.97 (197910) 1.8 (186850) 94.4 through the Sephadex beads, it is clean and ready for subsequent 2 9.4 1.05 (105270) 0.95 (95753) 90.9 manipulation. This method is also applicable to standard agarose 3 6.6 0.75 (75706) 0.69 (69893) 92.3 gels, but the gel piece melts at 80°C, and 2 equivalent volumes 4 4.4 0.61 (61230) 0.57 (57930) 94.6 of TE buffer must be added during the melting of the gel. 5 2.3 0.60 (60975) 0.56 (56645) 92.8 To determine the percentage of recovery, restriction fragments 6 2.0 0.43 (43736) 0.41 (41716) 95.3 7 0.6 0.58 (58210) 0.55 (55985) 96.1 of different sizes of HindIII digested DNA (BRL) were nick translated under mild conditions with ct-32p labeled dCTP. The The percent recovery of the DNA fragments which ranged from 500 bp to 20 DNA was run on 1 % low melting point agarose gel; ethidium- kb. Usually, about 80% to 90% recovery is achieved regardless of fragment size. bromide-stained gel bands were excised and the radioactivity of However, it should be noted that high molecular weight DNA fragmients are more the gel pieces was counted. The DNA from each gel piece was efficiently recovered. Frequently, high molecular weigh DNAs are diff-icult to elute from the gel piece; either the recovery is very low or the DNA is broken eluted through the column as described above and the percent down during extraction. This method allows an efficient alternative for isolating radioactivity recovered was calculated as shown on Table 1. particularly large DNA fragments.