Detailed Method Statement
Detailed Method Statement
Detailed Method Statement
B. Testing Services: Contractor shall employ and pay for qualified independent testing
laboratory to perform all tests herein specified tests during earthwork operations.
Additional tests shall be performed to determine the quality of work, if required by the
Engineer. The testing laboratory shall be approved by the Engineer. Perform each test in
conformance with the following:
5. Material Description
C. Quality Testing Compliances: Based on reports of the testing and inspection, if the
subgrade, fill, or backfill does not meet the specified requirements these materials shall
be considered defective and shall be rejected. Excavate rejected materials and provide
new acceptable materials replacing the rejected materials and re-compact the new
materials as specified. Re-test the re-compacted material and repeat the procedure as
necessary until the specified compaction is obtained.
Project Site Information: Sub-surface site investigation reports have been prepared for
the project area and are available to the Contractor for information only. The Contractor
is entirely responsible for his own assessment (see, interpretation, use and conclusions
drawn from the information data, tests analyses and opinions contained in the reports.