Chap 6 - Atlantic Basins (Hafid-2008)
Chap 6 - Atlantic Basins (Hafid-2008)
Chap 6 - Atlantic Basins (Hafid-2008)
Atlantic Basins
6.1 Introduction
M. Hafid
Ibn Tofail University, Unité de Géophysique d’Exploration, Dépt. de Géologie, Faculté des
Sciences, Kénitra, BP 133, 14000 Kénitra, Morocco, e-mail:
G. Tari
Exploration Advisor, OMV Exploration and Production, Gerasdorfer Strasse 151, 1210 Vienna,
Austria, e-mail:
D. Bouhadioui
Exploration engineer, ONHYM, P.O.Box 8030 NU, 10 000, Rabat, Morocco,
I. El Moussaid
Ibn Tofail University, Unité de Géophysique d’Exploration, Dépt. de Géologie, Faculté des
Sciences, Kénitra, BP 133, Kénitra, Morocco, e-mail:
H. Echarfaoui
Ibn Tofail University, Géosciences de l’Eau, Dépt. de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences, Kénitra,
BP 133, 14000 Kénitra, Morocco, e-mail:
A. Aı̈t Salem
Senior Offshore Exploration Projects Manager, ONHYM, 5 Avenue Moulay Hassan, B.P 99,
Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:
M. Nahim
Exploration Engineer, ONHYM, 5, Avenue Moulay Hassan, B.P 99, Rabat, Morocco,
M. Dakki
Senior Onshore Projects Manager, ONHYM, 34 Charia Al Fadila, 10050 BP 8030 Nations Unies,
10000 Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:
A. Michard et al., Continental Evolution: The Geology of Morocco. Lecture Notes 303
in Earth Sciences 116, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
304 M. Hafid et al.
IPOD international research projects (e.g. Lancelot & Winterer, 1980; Vincent et al.,
1980; Von Rad et al, 1982; Jansa & Weidmann, 1982; Stets & Wurster, 1982; Hinz
et al., 1984; Winterer & Hinz, 1984; Jansa et al., 1984; Ruellan & Auzende, 1985;
Heyman, 1989). The date and mechanism of the opening of the Central Atlantic
Ocean, and the lithospheric structure of the margin are documented by Steiner et al.
(1998), Olsen et al. (2003), Contrucci et al. (2003), Knight et al. (2004), Sahabi et al.
(2004), and Maillard et al. (2006). Several unpublished thesis and published papers
reviewed the stratigraphy and/or structure of certain segments of the margin based
on industrial and research-generated geophysical and geological data. They are ref-
erenced in the next sections. Papers with the most general stratigraphic/structural
. 6.7
Fig. 6.8a
.8c Rh TBB
Fig. 6.8b
Fig. 6.12b
Fig. 6.8d Jb
Fig. 6.10a
Fig. 6.12a
Fig. 6.10b WH
Fig. 6.12c
Fig. 6.10c Ag SB
-A tla
Tindouf Basin
Fig. 6.1 Location map partly based on ONHYM internal reports and Tari et al. (2003). Bathymetry
is a courtesy of Vanco. Ag., Agadir; Ca., Casablanca; C.H.A, Central High Atlas; CM, Central
Morocco; DB, Doukkala Basin; EHB, Essaouira-Haha Basin; Es., Essaouira; Fv: Fuerteventura;
Jb, Jebilet; MA, Middle Atlas; MB, Missour Basin ; Ra, Rabat; RB, Gharb Basin; Rh. Rehamna;
SAB, Saiss Basin, SB, Souss Basin; Ta, Tangier; TBB, Tadla-Bahira Basin
6 Atlantic Basins 305
COB Breakup
Detachment Mantle Detachment Rifting extension 15 km
extension exhumation extension
30 km
Upper crust Serpentinized Upper crust
peridotites Active part
of the LDR Underplating or
lower crust lenses
mantle Lower crust
COB: Continent-Ocean Boundary
LDR: Land-dipping Reflector
after Maillard et al., 2006
Fig. 6.2 2D-model of the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean between the conjuguate margins
of Morocco and Nova Scotia at the pre-rupture stage (∼ 195 Ma), after Maillard et al. (2005),
modified. The model is build from seismic reflection and refraction data of SISMAR and SMART
cruises. Note the asymmetry of the margins at the continent-ocean boundary (COB). Black squares
are homologous points along the large detachment fault, whose latest active part corresponds to the
imaged land dipping reflector (LDR)
purpose are those published by Le Roy et al. (1998, 2004), Tari et al. (2000, 2003),
Le Roy & Piqué (2001), Zühlke et al. (2004), Tari & Molnar (2005),
The Atlantic margin of Morocco extends over nearly 3,000 km from Tangier
in the north to Lagouira (La Gouira) in the south (Fig. 6.1). It is one of the
oldest existing passive margins, and is conjugate to the Nova Scotia margin of
North America (Fig. 6.2). Because of its key position within the Central Atlantic
Ocean, and its promising hydrocarbon potential (Morabet et al., 1998; Davison,
2005) it was, and still is the object of extensive research programs and industrial
exploration studies. These works reveal that the Moroccan Atlantic margin shows a
broad homogeneity in its geodynamic evolution, with the exception of the segments
adjacent to the Rif and Atlas ranges. This evolution can be subdivided into two
main phases: a rifting phase, which started in the Late Permian-Triassic, followed
by a drifting phase, which initiated in the Early Liassic around 195 Ma (cf. Chap. 1).
In the present chapter we first review the main stratigraphic and structural features
which characterize each of these two phases within the Moroccan Atlantic margin
as a whole. Second, we describe the individual offshore and onshore basins which
compose this margin, starting from north to south. The description is based essen-
tially on regional seismic transects and borehole data.
6.2 Rifting
References: The following section relies on the papers by Hinz et al. (1982),
Fietchner et al. (1992), Flinch (1993), Medina (1995), Tari et al. (2000, 2005), Le
Roy & Piqué (2001), Roeser et al. (2002), Olsen et al. (2003), Maillard et al. (2006),
306 M. Hafid et al.
Davison (2005), Hafid (2000, 2006), El Arabi E.H. (2007). Concerning the Central
Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), see Sebai et al. (1991), Hames et al. (2003),
Olsen et al. (2003), Youbi et al. (2003), Marzoli et al. (2004), Knight et al. (2004),
Sahabi et al. (2004).
Before the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, a Late Permian to Triassic/Early Juras-
sic continental rifting phase resulted in the formation of what was to become the
Moroccan Atlantic margin, i.e. a system of predominantly NE-trending half-grabens,
linked by E-W striking transfer faults on top of the Variscan continental crust (cf.
Chaps. 1 and 3). The Moroccan margin was located in the upper plate of the asym-
metric rift that opened between this eastern margin and the conjugated Canadian
margin of Nova Scotia (Fig. 6.2). In the onshore basins, where they have been
mapped from seismic and surface studies, most of these structures are bounded
by northerly striking normal faults that mimic the structural grain of the underly-
ing basement (compare Fig. 6.3 with Fig. 3.16). The half-grabens were filled by at
least 2000 m of continental red beds overlain by basalt flows and silts. This infilling
crops out in the so-called “Couloir d’Argana” (cf. Chap. 4, Fig. 4.6), where four
tectonostratigraphic sequences (TS) have been recognized (Olsen et al., 2003). The
lowermost sequence (TS I) is dated from the Late Permian by its Vertebrate fossils;
the intermediate sequences (TS II, TS III) are assigned to the Carnian and Norian
based on palynology (although the occurrence of the Middle Triassic is likely at the
bottom of TS II as in Central High Atlas; El Arabi E.H., 2007), and the basaltic se-
quence (TS IV) is dated from the Rhaetian-Hettangian to lowermost Sinemurian by
isotopic results. This stratigraphic record reflects the combined effects of tectonic
pulsations (rifting episodes) and climatic changes on sedimentation and can be cor-
related with sediments of the equivalent basins of North America. In the offshore
Fig. 6.3 Pattern of upper
Triassic formations
diapir; TIF: Tarhzhout-Ichech Transfer and/or
Paleozoic, Precambrian
strike-slip fault
fault; TTF: Tizi n’Test fault
6 Atlantic Basins 307
beyond the shelf break, the early syn-rift half-grabens are generally deeper than
recorded by most of the old seismic data and have been rarely drilled. Evidence
from recently acquired sections suggests that they trend similarly and yield thick-
nesses comparable to their onshore equivalents (Tari et al., 2005).
Syn-rift salt presently forms extensive diapiric provinces along both Eastern and
Western North Atlantic margins (Fig. 1.8). The eastern diapiric province extends
along the Moroccan Atlantic margin over some 900 km. Its northern edge is offset
and overlapped by the Rif-Betic thrust belt and its eastern limit makes an inland
incursion into the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (Fig. 6.1). Seismic evidence shows that it
extends southward into the Tarfaya-Laayoune Basin, and its western limit roughly
coincides with the S1 magnetic anomaly (Fig. 1.8) which is interpreted by several
studies as marking the ocean-continent boundary (OCB; Fig. 6.2). As illustrated be-
low, mobile syn-rift salt strongly influenced the post-rift sedimentary and structural
evolution in this province. The original thickness of the salt layer probably exceeded
1.5 km judged by the size and frequency of the salt diapirs (Davison, 2005).
Seismic, surface and borehole evidence indicates that toward the end of salt
deposition high magmatic and volcanic activities occurred in the Moroccan At-
lantic basins and resulted in extensive basalt flows that were emplaced at the
Triassic/Jurassic boundary (Figs. 4.6, 4.7). These volcanics immediately pre-date
the spreading stage of the Central Atlantic and characterize the Central Atlantic
Magmatic Province (CAMP; cf. Chap. 1, Fig. 1.6). In Morocco, CAMP magmatic
events range in age from 203 to 197 Ma (Knight et al., 2004; Marzoli et al., 2004).
Recent studies suggest that the CAMP volcanics were extruded or intruded over
a very large area in both sides of the central Atlantic during a brief magmatic ac-
tivity (less than 1 Myr) that centred around 200 Ma, i.e. at the Rhaetian/Hettangian
boundary. In Morocco, they consist essentially of subaerial lavas and pyroclastics in-
terbedded with shallow-water clastic/evaporitic sequences and yielding a geochem-
istry that is compatible with a lithospheric mantle source (Youbi et al., 2003).
References: The age of earliest inception of Atlantic drifting was discussed by Jansa
(1981), Steiner et al. (1998), Medina et al. (2001), Sahabi et al. (2004), Davison
(2005). The main recent references for the further evolution of the margin are Le
Roy et al. (1997, 1998), Le Roy & Piqué (2001), and Hafid et al. (2000, 2006).
Detailed data on the Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments can be found in Bouaouda
(1987, 2004), Stets & Wurster (1982), Einsele et al. (1982), Du Dresnay (1988),
Stets (1992), Algouti et al. (1999), Labbassi et al. (2000), Nouidar & Chellai (2002),
Kolonic et al. (2005).
The onset of spreading in the central Atlantic is not well constrained. It is
placed in the Early Toarcian based on field observations of Middle Aalenian to
Bajocian sediment lying unconformably on oceanic basalts on Canary Islands
(Fuerteventura; Steiner et al., 1998). Using a spreading rate of 43 mm/yr and
considering the 30 km distance that separates this outcrop from the estimated
308 M. Hafid et al.
position of the ocean–continent boundary, Davison (2005) estimated that the old-
est oceanic crust of the Atlantic margin of Morocco would have formed 0.7 Myr
before the ocean crust on eastern Fuerteventura. Hence, the oldest possible age of
this crust would be 178.7 Ma, and the youngest would be about 170 Ma according
to this author. Based on the adjustment of North American and Northwest African
marginal magnetic anomalies, which he considers to mark the end of salt deposition,
Sahabi et al. (2004) estimated that the first expansion occurred earlier, at about 195
Ma (Sinemurian).
The onset of drifting in the central Atlantic coincides with the establishment
of a widespread carbonate platform that extended from Portugal to Guinea Bissau
(Jansa, 1981). In the Moroccan margin this platform involved shallow marine lime-
stones, dolomite and anhydrite that were deposited near-shore covering the syn-rift
sequence (Fig. 6.4) as well as deeper water carbonates further offshore (Fig. 6.5).
Predominantly open marine transgressive conditions prevailed until carbonate de-
position terminated with the early Berriasian global sea-level fall which continued
throughout Valanginian to Hauterivian time. This resulted in certain areas in the de-
velopment of prograding delta systems (e.g. Tan-Tan delta). From the Barremian
to the end of the Cretaceous sedimentation was associated with a steadily rising
sea level which resulted in deposition of extensive marine shales and carbonates
(Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).
The Atlas and Rif Mountains are Alpine orogenic belts which resulted from the
converging motion between Africa and Eurasia from Late Cretaceous times onward.
A synopsis of their geological history is given in chaps. 4 and 5, respectively. Both of
TURONIAN 1605m 22m
CENOMAN. 2649m 115m
ALBIAN 3027m
Basal Age Poorly ~150m
1335 1994m 3527m Constrained 170m
BARREMIAN 12° 10° 291m
DSDP 416/370
ESR1 Essaouira 915m
TITHONIAN Cap Sim1 1300m
KIMMERIDG. 1335 1994m 1601m
Marcan 1 SOUSS1
AGM1/2 30°
TOARCIAN 3713m Sidi Ifni
SINEMUR. 100 km
2616m 3033m
HETTANG. 1981m 12° 10° 3027m 3244m
2671m 3087m 3536m
Conglomerate Breccia
Sandstone Salt/anhydrite 3361m
Basal Age Poorly
Mudstone “Red beds” Tenuous
Carbonate, Limestone Volcanics
and Dolomite
Fig. 6.4 North-South chronostratigraphic correlation of logs of industrial wells drilled in the
Essaouira-Agadir shelf segment of the Atlantic Margin of Morocco
6 Atlantic Basins 309
Morocco Salt Basin Mazagan Plateau
Sea Level Fuertaventura
SHARK-B-1 DSDP 415 DSDP 416/370 DSDP 546 DSDP 544 DSDP 547 DSDP 545
High Low Sea Sea
160m 105m 80m 255m
305m 650m 140m
SINEMUR. 100 km
Conglomerate Breccia Black Shale
Fig. 6.5 North-South chronostratigraphic correlation of logs of DSDP wells and SHARK-B-1 well
drilled in the El Jadida-Agadir deep basin of the Atlantic Margin of Morocco with the outcrop
section of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
these fold belts extend westward onto the Atlantic margin (Figs. 1.2, 4.1 and 5.5) in-
troducing thereby several interferences in the classical evolution scheme of a typical
passive margin. Below the main features that have resulted from these interferences
are shown on selected seismic transects.
In the following sub-sections we present the specific structure of the Moroccan At-
lantic transects from North to South (see Fig. 6.1 for location).
References: The recent literature concerning the structure of this segment includes
the papers by Flinch (1993, 1996), Litto et al. (2001), and Zizi (2002). The Neo-
gene stratigraphy has been studied by Feinberg (1986), Wernli (1988), Benson et al.
(1991), Kerzazi (1994), and Sefiani et al. (2002).
The Gharb (Rharb)-Mamora and Saiss Basins form a roughly E-W trending Late
Miocene to Pleistocene trough that covers the western part of the so-called “Couloir
310 M. Hafid et al.
Sud-rifain” (South Rifian Corridor). This trough evolved as a foredeep that separates
the Rif fold-thrust belt from its foreland to the south (Meseta and Middle Atlas)
(Fig. 6.1). It was a 500 km long E-W marine channel that connected the Atlantic
with the Mediterranean during the Miocene. Following the closure of the strait in
Taza area at the end of Miocene, it became an Atlantic gulf. On the southeast border
of the Gharb Basin the foredeep is bounded by the “Rides Prérifaines” (Fig. 5.7) that
are made up of Jurassic sediments deposited in extensional systems inverted during
the Pliocene-Pleistocene (Figs. 5.31, 5.32). Stratigraphy
The stratigraphy of the Gharb-Mamora and Saiss Basins can be subdivided into
pre-foredeep and foredeep successions (Flinch, 1993). The pre-foredeep corre-
sponds to the infra-nappe formations that include Triassic sandstones and shales
unconformably overlying the Hercynian basement and overlain by Upper Creta-
ceous sediments in the onshore Gharb-Mamora Basin and by Jurassic to Upper
Cretaceous sediments to the West in the Atlantic margin. To the east the Mesosoic
section underlying the Saiss Basin essentially consists of Jurassic carbonates and
evaporites. The pre-foredeep section is topped by the so-called “Molasse de base”
which consists of Middle Miocene (?)-Tortonian conglomerates, sandstones, sandy
limestones and marls that transgress Paleozoic or Triassic formations of
Meseta (Fig. 6.6).
The foredeep succession consists of Upper Miocene (mainly Messinian) to
Pliocene sediments that unconformably overlie the pre-foredeep succession by a
Fig. 6.6 Idealized Rif foredeep subdivision into local stratigraphic units, after Flinch (1993),
slightly modified
6 Atlantic Basins 311
basal unconformity, and can be up to 3000 m thick in the northern parts of the
basin. They consist of a deep-water pelagic facies overlain by littoral deposits and
alluvial-fluvial deposits. The Prerif Nappe was emplaced within the lower part of
the foredeep succession (Fig. 6.6). It consists of Triassic to Miocene sediments
whose stratigraphy is obscured by complex, compressional and gravity-driven tec-
tonics (Feinberg, 1986). The deep-water foredeep sediments are represented by Up-
per Tortonian-Messinian to Lower Pliocene pelagic blue marls (“Marnes de Salé”)
that grade southwardly towards the southern basin margin into shallower coarse
sediments (“Sables de Mamora”) and are overlain by Middle Pliocene glauconitic
or ferruginous sandstones (“Sables verts glauconieux”, “Sables fauves” in the Saiss
Basin) that grade eastward into lacustrine Upper Pliocene carbonates (“Calcaires du
Saı̈ss”), and westward into alluvial sediments. Structure
Two regional NW-SE onshore and offshore sections and a N-S onshore section
across the Gharb Basin (Fig. 6.7) allow us to make the following remarks with re-
spect to the structural styles: (1) the basin fill shows three major seismic units corre-
sponding to the Pre-Nappe, the Nappe and Post-Nappe units (2) the Pre-Nappe unit
which consists of Paleozoic rocks and their thin Mesozoic-Cenozoic Infra-Nappe
cover is characterized by a gentle northerly dip. The upper part of this unit shows
normal faults and its thickness increases towards the Atlantic (3) the Prerif Nappe
unit is characterized by a northward thickening wedge-like geometry with south-
ward vergent imbricates (4) the top of the Nappe is offset by extensional faults that
are locally associated with frontal thrusts and that controlled the deposition of the
Post-Nappe sediments.
The northward dip of the Pre-Nappe unit reflects the flexural response to loading
the northern margin of the basin by the Rif frontal thrusts, and to slab pull from
the subducting Tethyan lithosphere (see Chap. 5). The normal faults and related
tilted blocks that are seen in the upper part of this unit are probably due to the Tri-
assic rifting as it is strongly suggested by similar structures seen under the shelf
margin offshore the Gharb Basin associated with other seaward-dipping normal
faults (Figs. 6.7b and 6.8). These Triassic structures are overlain by a relatively thin
Jurassic and Cretaceous succession similar to that of the El Jadida margin (see be-
low). The Prerif Nappe unit is a tectono-sedimentary complex consisting of chaotic
mixture of Triassic to Neogene sediments. The emplacement of this allochthonous
complex within the basin is classically understood to be the result of several phases
of deformation and gravitational tectonics due to unstable uplifted portions of the
Rif uplands to the north (Michard, 1976; Feinberg, 1986). A more recent work based
on subsurface data interprets the Prerif Nappe rather as a frontal accretionary wedge
of the Rif thrust belt that is deformed from below due to late thrusting which in-
volves the underlying passive margin successions (Flinch, 1993).
The supra-Nappe sediments involve compressional-extensional and exten-
sional satellite basins trending parallel and perpendicular to the arc. Contrary to
312 M. Hafid et al.
0 PM
? ? Tr
3 ? ? ? ?
TWT (Sec)
a 2Km
Sea water
3 SE
TWT (Sec)
PN Prerif Nappe PM Post Miocene SSW NNE
IM Infra-nappe Miocene UM Uppermost PM
Miocene UM Ms
JC Jurassic and Cretaceous ? T
Tr C
Triassic Ms Messinian
3 TWT (Sec) P Tr
P Paleozoic T Tortonian c
Fig. 6.7 Line drawings of seismic transects across the Gharb Basin onshore (a and c, after El
Moussaid, 2007) and offshore (b, interpretation of M. Dakki). See Fig. 6.1 for location
DB 4 4
1 km
0 0
2 2
1 km 4 4
b Dk25
Jurassic and
Cretaceous 0
Jurassic 1
Lower Liassic 2 km
ß c DC7
Permian– 0
Upper Frasnian 1
Lower Frasnian- ß
Silurian 2 km
d DC4
Cambro-Ordovician 2
and older
Fig. 6.8 Line drawings of seismic transects across the onshore Doukkala (a, b) and Abda (c, d)
Basins, after Echarfaoui et al. (2003). See Fig. 6.1 for location
6 Atlantic Basins 313
References: This segment has been particularly investigated by the Cyamaz Group
(1984), Ruellan & Auzende (1985), Jaffrezo et al. (1985), and more recently by
Echarfaoui et al. (2002a, b), as well by ONHYM (unpublished report, 1996). Le
Roy et al. (2004) have dedicated a study to the Miocene-Pleistocene evolution of
the continental shelf offshore El Jadida.
The basement of this segment is made up of folded Paleozoic rocks of the Coastal
Block of the western Hercynian Meseta which crop out in its northern onshore part.
This onshore part is mostly occupied by the Doukkala Basin where as its northern and
southern offshore parts are termed by petroleum geologists the Casablanca Offshore
and the Safi basin, respectively (Morabet et al., 1998; Tari et al., 2003) (Fig. 6.1). Stratigraphy
Seismic and borehole data indicate that the Doukkala Basin is underlain by Triassic,
Jurassic and Cretaceous formations that unconformably overlie a Paleozoic base-
ment that was essentially structured during an early Variscan deformation phase
(Echarfaoui et al., 2002) (Fig. 6.8a & b). Triassic Atlantic rift related extension
structures opened on top of this basement along northerly striking normal faults
that sometimes used Hercynian reverse faults (Fig. 6.3). As in the rest of western
Morocco, these half-graben structures were filled with fluvio-lacustrine deposits
containing evaporites and interbedded volcanics. The sequence attains ca. 1,400 m
in the troughs and consists of four units: (1) a thin basal alluvial fan conglomerate
changing laterally to fluvial sandstones (2) a lower shale unit consisting of an argilla-
ceous series with sandstones, gypsum, anhydrite and interbedded salt (3), a basalt
unit consisting of vuggy to tight volcanic flows and (4), an upper shale unit con-
sisting of massive saline series containing shale interbeds and capped by red-brown
shales (ONHYM, 1996). The Jurassic-Cretaceous cover that unconformably over-
lies this syn-rift series is thin relative to its equivalent further south in the Essaouira-
Agadir Basin. The Jurassic is represented by supratidal dolomite and anhydrite that
thicken gradually westward and change into more open marine facies. The Jurassic
carbonate platform was drowned by the Cretaceous clastics that are encountered
across most of the basin and extend into the offshore.
314 M. Hafid et al. Structure
Figure 6.9a is a line drawing of a seismic section that illustrates one of several large
Triassic syn-rift structures (the Oulad Yacoub graben), mapped from existing seis-
mic data in the onshore Doukkala Basin (Fig. 6.3). As can be noted in this section,
some of the normal listric faults that bound the rift structures are rooted in older
Hercynian reverse faults and the post Triassic cover is virtually undeformed.
Farther south in the Abda Basin (southern part of the Doukkala Basin sensu lato,
east of Safi), Fig. 6.8c and 6.8d show a clear flexuration of the Upper Triassic to
Lower Jurassic units with westward divergent wedges and mild reverse faults. This
suggests that the Abda Corridor was subjected, during this period, to a compres-
sional uplift of the Paleozoic underlying the Mouissat-Jebilet area to the east of the
“West Meseta flexure or Lineament”. This uplift is related regionally to the “Dorsale
du Massif Hercynien Central” (cf. Chap. 4). It can be explained either as due to the
uplift of the Atlantic rift shoulder or simply as a local accommodation of extension
to strike-slip movements along E-W-oriented transfer faults. A third option is the
local compression generated in the rift margin by differential cooling near and away
from the mid-oceanic upwelling ridge (Echarfaoui et al., 2002).
No industrial wells were drilled in the Rabat-Safi offshore segment. The only di-
rect lithostratigraphic information available for this area is obtained from DSDP leg
79 holes (544, 545, 546, 547; Fig. 6.5) and from Cyana submersible sampling. This
information indicates that the basement of this segment consists of Precambrian and
Paleozoic rocks overlain by a thick Upper Triassic–Lower Liassic evaporitic series.
Figure 6.9 shows line drawings of three seismic transects that illustrate the struc-
ture of the Rabat-Safi offshore. The northern transect (6.9a) is a NW-SE section
across Rabat offshore south of the external limit of the Prerif nappe of which it
slightly crosses the edge at the NW extremity (Fig. 6.1). The basement, which con-
sists of Paleozoic rocks probably similar to those known from the nearby coastal
zone, is not resolved in this section. However, its upper surface shows vertical offsets
due to the presence of syn-rift structures bounded by both eastward- and westward-
dipping normal faults. They are probably filled with siliciclastic and evaporitic series
that characterize the West Moroccan Triassic as we have seen above. The Juras-
sic shows a westward dipping carbonate ramp structure whose base seems to have
sealed the normal faults. Its thickness decreases both eastward and westward, and
its upper surface is deeply cut by the basal Cretaceous unconformity.
Transect 6.9b shows the shelf area of the Casablanca offshore with a relatively
thin Mesozoic cover overlaying a deformed Paleozoic basement characterized by
broad compressive structures similar to those seen in the Coastal Block outcrops
to the east and in the subsurface of the Doukkala Basin to the south (Fig. 6.8a).
Further south, the much longer transect (Fig. 6.9c) illustrates the transition from the
shelf of the Mazagan Plateau to the oceanic basin. The syn-rift tilted blocks that
characterize this transition are similar to those seen in the Rabat offshore but here
the distension clearly continues into the Jurassic and the post-rift sedimentation and
structure are strongly controlled in the deep basin by halokinesis. This is attested by
the presence in the western part of the section of three large salt domes surrounded
6 Atlantic Basins 315
? 4
10 km
a ?
0 TWT (Sec)
Jurassic Triassic
Carboniferousv 2
b Cambrian and older 10 km
TWT (Sec)
10 km 8
Fig. 6.9 Line drawings of seismic transects across the Rabat offshore (a), Casablanca offshore (b)
and Mazagan Plateau (c). (a) and (c) after Tari et al., 2003; (b): interpretation of A. Ait Salem. See
Fig. 6.1 for location
References: This segment was repeatedly studied onshore and offshore. The main
recent references dedicated to this particular transect are Bouaouda (1987), Heyman
(1989), Stets (1992), Broughton & Trepanier (1993), Medina (1994, 1995), Amrhar
(1995), Mustaphi et al. (1997), Labbassi et al. (2000), Frizon de Lamotte (2000),
Hafid (2000), Mridekh et al. (2001), Mridekh (2002), Hafid et al. (2000, 2006), and
Hafid (2006).
The most special feature of the Essaouira-Agadir segment is its localization in
an area where the High Atlas fold belt intercepts the Atlantic passive margin. The
geological evolution of this large area can be subdivided into three main stages that
are : (i) the Syn-Rift stage from Middle-Late Triassic to Early Liassic; (ii) the Pre-
Atlasic Post-Rift stage from late Early Jurassic to Mid-Late Cretaceous, and (iii) the
Atlasic Post-Rift stage from Mid-Late Cretaceous to the Present.
The onshore part of this segment which corresponds to the Essaouira-Haha and
Souss Basins are treated with the Western High Atlas (cf. Chap. 4.). Figure 4.5
shows a synthetic stratigraphic log of the Essaouira Basin. Except for the salt tec-
tonics, which will be analysed for the entire onshore/offshore area, we focus here on
the offshore zone which corresponds to the Essaouira and Agadir offshore basins of
petroleum geologists.
As stated above, during the syn-rift stage, extensional depocenters opened on top of
a peneplained Paleozoic basement, being controlled by N- to NNE- striking normal
faults laterally offset by E-W trending transfer faults (Fig. 6.3). The formations that
have filled these depocenters can be subdivided, both in the surface and in the sub-
surface, into at least three tectonostratigraphic sequences (Figs. 4.5, 4.33) that are
bounded, in the onshore, by mainly eastward dipping faults, and in the offshore by
mainly westward dipping faults (Fig. 6.10b).
Seismic profiles show that the uppermost sequence was deposited, probably dur-
ing the transitional phase between rifting and drifting in a continuous, considerably
less faulted, salt-rich sag basin with extensive basalt flows (Fig. 4.16). Most of the
salt presently encountered at different structural levels within the studied Western
6 Atlantic Basins 317
Rafts 2
TWT (Sec)
Tongues 4
Diapirs Diapirs
W Figs. 6.12C & 10b SMF E
Canopies ?
b Toe thrust
TWT (Sec)
after Hafid et al. (2000) 6
100 Km 8
Toe thrust Diapirs 2
TWT (Sec)
El Klea fault 8
100 Km
Fig. 6.10 Line drawings of seismic transects across the Safi offshore (a), the Essaouira on-
shore/offshore (b) and the Ifni offshore (c) basins. After Tari et al. (2003), modified. See Fig. 6.1
for location
Morocco basins was deposited in this shallow evaporitic sag basin. The occurrence
of a possible direct connection of this Atlantic salt basin with the Tethyan salt basin
east of the West Moroccan Arch (Fig. 4.7A) is presently in debate.
The post-rift stage started with the onset of spreading in late Early Jurassic times
by the establishment of a widespread carbonate platform where shallow marine
limestones and dolomites were deposited near-shore over the syn-rift sequence and
deeper water carbonates farther offshore. Open marine transgressive conditions pre-
vailed until the carbonate platform ended by the early Berriasian global sea-level
fall which continued throughout Valanginian to Hauterivian time. By the end of
this, period the Barremian sedimentation was associated with a steadily rising sea
level which resulted in deposition of extensive marine shales and carbonates (Figs.
4.35, 6.4 and 6.5).
of this compression at the scale of the entire Atlas System are reviewed in Chap. 4.
Here we focus on the perturbations which overprinted the classical profile of the
passive margin. The most important of these perturbations are illustrated by two re-
gional transects: an E-W transect that extends from the Chichaoua onshore platform
to the DSDP 415 well in the deep offshore basin (Fig. 6.10b) and an N-S transect
that crosses the Cape Tafelney offshore basin (Fig. 6.12b).
The near-shore platform appears very distinctly in these profiles separated by a
shelf margin flexure (SMF) from a southward-dipping post-Jurassic flexural basin:
the Cape Tafelney Basin. The SMF is characterized by steep dips and deeply eroded
layers suggesting a pronounced Neogene compressional flexure coeval with the Ter-
tiary formation of the Atlas Mountains. The Cape Tafelney Basin is bounded to the
north and south by two E-trending transfer faults which correspond to the Diabet-
Meskala fault and the offshore branch of the El Kléa fault, respectively (Fig. 6.3,
Fig.6.10c and Fig.6.12b). The Cape Tafelney Basin was filled mostly by thick north-
ward wedging Upper Cretaceous to Tertiary marly/clastic sediments. The folds trend
NE-SW and form the Cape Tafelney High Atlas (CT in Fig. 6.11) that corresponds
to the tip of the Atlas System at its intersection with the Atlantic margin. The SMF
is interpreted as the expression of a complex set of lateral ramps between a salt-
based fold belt on top of an oceanic and/or transitional crust (the Cape Tafelney
High Atlas) from a coastal to onshore, basement-controlled fold belt characterized
by complex inversions of Triassic-Upper Jurassic extensional systems (the onshore
Western High Atlas). The basal décollement level of the Cape Tafelney folds is
located above syn-rift salt and “ramps” going down into the Paleozoic basement
of the coastal basins to the east (Fig 6.10b). On a regional scale, this décollement
level can be linked, in the North, to the J. Hadid-J. Kourati reverse fault which con-
nects with the North Jebilet reverse fault and, farther east, to the North Atlas frontal
ramp. In the South, it connects the Agadir-Souss basin to the South Atlas front (El
Kléa and Tizi n’Test faults) (Fig. 6.11 and Fig. 4.35a). All these major faults were
interpreted by Hafid et al. (2000) and Hafid (2006) as merging into a mid-crustal
decoupling level revealed by previous geophysical studies (Giese & Jacobshagen,
As stated above, the Essaouira-Agadir Basin is the only segment of the Moroc-
can Margin where the Atlantic salt basin makes an incursion into the onshore.
Figure 6.11 shows the structural map of the main mobile salt bodies as roughly
mapped in this segment from the available seismic and well data. The patchy dis-
tribution of these bodies suggests that the thickest salt is located above half-graben
structures (Tari et al., 2003). Onshore, the Necnafa area contains the main salt domes
and diapirs (e.g. Tidsi) and also the thickest Jurassic and Cretaceous sections in the
basin. It was shown that this local thickening, which was well mapped since the
early work of Duffaud et al. (1966), can be explained by differential subsidence due
to salt withdrawal (Fig. 6.10b) (Hafid et al., 2000a; Hafid, 2006). Seismic evidence,
6 Atlantic Basins 319
Eastern edge of the Salt Basin
Fig. 6.12c
Fig. 6.12a
? H
Cape Rhir
25 km
Fig. 6.11 Structural sketch and salt map of the western termination of the Jebilet-High Atlas sys-
tem and of the Essaouira-Cape Tafelney segments of the Moroccan Atlantic Margin, after Hafid
(2006), modified. EN: East Necnafa; P: Palmera; WN: West Necnafa
however, is not good enough to exclude the possibility that for the Jurassic, this
thickening can also be partially due to renewing the extension as suggested by
some earlier works (Medina, 1994; Amrhar, 1995). In areas where salt is thinner
(e.g. Meskala), there is some evidence that salt started to move before the onset of
the drifting stage. On the other hand, in some other areas (e.g. OTA well), salt is still
interbedded within the section.
The presence of a thick salt layer within the section also controlled the structural
styles of the Atlas compression in several important ways:
• In areas where the original salt layer was not very thick (e.g. eastern onshore
Essaouira, Fig. 4.33A), salt was squeezed into the cores of the anticlines.
• In the case of inverted Triassic-Liassic half-grabens, such as the Kourati-Hadid
structure, salt was obliquely injected upward along the reverse fault planes.
• In the case of well-developed pre-existing diapirs (e.g. Tidsi diapir), compres-
sion simply reactivated them as compressional folds sometimes associated with
westerly verging reverse faults (Figs. 4.33B and 6.10b).
• In the Essaouira offshore the syn-rift salt acted as a detachment level above which
the Cape Tafelney folds formed by thin-skin shortening (Hafid et al., 2000). Salt
was squeezed upward along the reverse fault planes into inclined salt anticline
320 M. Hafid et al.
cores, but it seems to stay in normal stratigraphic contact with the overlying
strata, except where pre-Atlasic well-formed diapirs existed (e.g., south end of
Fig. 6.12b).
• The previously formed slope structures were reactivated by the Late Cretaceous
to Tertiary Atlasic compression which squeezed the salt upward to form large
west-verging salt tongues. These salt tongues coalesce downdip and form large
salt canopies and salt sheets (Figs. 6.12b, c).
• With compression starting in the Late Cretaceous, the rising relief of the High
Atlas supplied many clastics that bypassed the shelf margin and locally initi-
ated by differential loading Late Cretaceous to Tertiary extensional structures
(Fig. 6.11). These raft structures slid downdip either on shales (near shore raft
system in Fig. 4.34) or on allochthonous salt. Figure 6.12c is a strike section
along this latter raft system. The basal salt décollement surface extends over
several tens of kilometres, and its roof is dissected by gravity-driven listric
growth faults that limit supra-salt minibasins which accumulated a thick Upper
Cretaceous-Neogene clastic section. The inception of rafting is slightly earlier
(Mid-Cenomanian to Campanian) in the shale-based near-shore raft compared to
its western neighbour which outdated it and appears to remain active.
• On the lower slope of the Essaouira offshore west of the salt tongues, prominent
toe thrust–related, salt-cored folds (Fig. 6.10c) are located, which represent the
main exploration target in this area (Tari et al., 2000, 2003). Newly acquired
high quality seismic data show that these salt-cored folds, which represent the
westernmost salt structures in the Essaouira offshore, are underlain by basement
tilted blocks that are bounded by westerly dipping normal.
S TMS1(Proj.) TAT1 Fault (D-M.F) OTA 3 N
Amsittene Necnafa Palmera
Upper Cretac. 0
Upper Jurassic Lower
Lower & Middle C re t a c 1
Jurassic eous
Triassic 2
Paleozoic Tarhzhout Ihchich ? Diabet-Meskala 3
a Fault (T.I.F) Fault (D-M.F)
Fig. 6.12 Line drawings of N-S seismic transects across the Essaouira-Haha Basin, after Hafid
(2006), modified. See Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 6.11 for location. (a) Near-shore/onshore profile showing,
from north to south: the platform (OTA well), the West Necnafa depression and the outcroping
Amsittene and Timsiline (TMS) anticlinal structures.- (b): Essaouira-Haha offshore zone showing
from north to south the wide Essaouira shelf, the shelf margin flexure and the folded Cape Tafelney
Basin.- (c): Upper slope of the Essaouira-Haha offshore showing extensive allochthonous salt and
an extruded diapir
6 Atlantic Basins 321
• To the west of the western termination of the offshore salt basin there is a zone
of non-deformed flat Meso-Cenozoic sediments penetrated by the DSDP 415
borehole (Fig. 6.10c).
References: The recent recent works dealing with this transect are those by Ranke
et al. (1982), Einsele et al. (1982), El Khatib (1995), El Khatib et al. (1995), Le
Roy et al. (1997, 1998), Abou Ali et al. (2005). The Cenomanian-Turonian black
shales have been particularly studied by Lüning et al. (2004) and Kolonic et al.
The Tarfaya-Dakhla Basin is the southernmost Atlantic basin of Morocco. It
stretches over more than 1000 km along the western margin of the Sahara. It is
bounded to the southeast by the Mauritanide thrust belt (Adrar Souttouf, Dhoul,
Zemmour) and the Precambrian Reguibat Arch, and to the northeast by the
Paleozoic outcrops of the Anti-Atlas (Figs. 1.11 and 6.1). Two well correlations
(Figs. 6.13 and 6.14) and two regional cross-sections based on seismic data
(Figs. 6.15 and 6.16) allow us to illustrate the stratigraphy and structure of the
Atlantic-related formations in the northern parts of this very large area.
TARFAYA-1 Coast line Plio-Quaternary
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Cre ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
......................... U
_.._.._ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Tertiary ........
ce ous ........
er C
................................ 1000
.......... Low ................................
.......... ................................
.......... ................................
......................... 1500
ic ......................
u ra c T.D: 2574 m
rJ si
pe r as
Up Ju 3000
T.D.: 3005 m e
Tarfaya-1 M
& 3500
El Amra
Tarfaya Lo
Puerto Cansado
T.D.: 4091 m
. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Amseiquir 8-1 Conglomerates ........................
....... Sandstones Marly limestone
DSDP 397
(4117 m)
. . . . .. . Shales Limestone
. . . . .. . Sandy shales
DSDP 369
Gypse Marls Dolomite
Fig. 6.13 E-W lithostratigraphic correlation between Tarfaya-1 offshore well, Puerto Cansado-1
and El Amra-1 onshore wells, Tarfaya Basin (after ONHYM 2004, modified)
322 M. Hafid et al.
TARFAYA-1 Coast line DAOURA-1 LAAYOUNE-8-3 CORC-15-1
o . .... . . .
Plio-IV ...........
. ... . .. .
. . . .
. . . . . .. . . . .
... .. . . .. . .. . .. .
. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . .. .
. .. ... . . . . .. .
. . . . .. .
................................ . . . . . . . . .
. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .
. . . .. . .. .
......................... . . . . . . . .
. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .
. ..
_.._.._ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .
500 . . . . .. . Tertiary .
. . .. . ..
. . . . .. .
. . . . .. .
. . . . .
. . . .. .. .. .. . .
. ..
.. . . . . .. .
. . . . . ... . . . .
. .. . . .. . .. . .. .
. . . . .. .
. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .
. . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .
. . . . .
. .. . . . . . . . .. .
. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .
. . .. . . . . .. .
. . . .. . . ..
. . . . .. .
1000 . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. .
. ... . . . . . . .. .
. . . . .. . . . . . .. .
.......... . . . . .. .
.......... . . . . .. .
.......... . . . . .. .
. . . . .. .
. . . . .. .
. .. . .. . .. . . . . .
.......... . . . .
. .. . .. . .. .
1500 . . . .
. .. . . .. .
. . . .. .
. .. . . .. .
. .
. .. . . .. .
. . . .. .
Lower Cretaceous
T.D: 3005 m
Tarfaya-1 Upper Jurassic
T.D: 3470 m
Tarfaya ?
DSDP 397 T.D: 4241 m Shales Dolomite Gypse
4500 Alisio 15 A-1
m . .. . .. . .. . Sandy shales
. . . . Marly limestone
DSDP 369
....... Marls
. . . . . . . . Sandstones Limestone
Fig. 6.14 N-S lithostratigraphic correlation between Tarfaya-1 offshore well and Daoura-1,
Laayoune-8-2, Laayoune-8-3 and CORC-15- onshore wells, Tarfaya Basin, after ONHYM 2004,
HM - 1 MO - 6 MO - 1 CHEBEKA 1 EL HAMRA 1
Sea level A A Depth (m)
NT 10
Tertiary/Quaternary Middle/Lower Jurassic 20
Fig. 6.15 SE-NW geological cross-section based on seismic data, Tarfaya Basin, after ONHYM
2004, modified. See Fig. 6.1 for location Stratigraphy
TWT (sec)
Basement 20km
Fig. 6.16 Line drawing of the seismic section 1266 BJ-2, Boujdour offshore basin, after ONHYM
2004, modified. See Fig. 6.1 for location
It consists of red conglomerates and sandstones and thin bedded shales and carbon-
ates. Doleritic basalt lava flows are interbedded in the section which was drilled
with a maximum thickness of 2165 m in the Chebeika well (Fig. 6.13). Evaporites
were detected by drilling and seismic profiling only in the offshore part of this seg-
ment where they form the southern extremity of the Moroccan Atlantic salt basin
(Figs. 6.1, 6.15).
The post-rift megasequence is also known (partially) only from wells. It starts
with Middle to Upper Jurassic carbonates which grade laterally into detrital facies
towards the continent in the east and into marly facies towards the basin in the west.
The thickness of the section is variable and increases northward and westward (up
to 600 m of Middle Jurassic in the Puerto-Cansado well and up to 1700 m of Upper
Jurassic in the Ameisquir-1 well) (Figs. 6.1 and 6.13). Prominent shelf edge reefal
mounds formed during the Liassic and Dogger. They attain a maximum thickness of
1500 m. The Dogger reefs migrated seaward with respect to the Liassic ones. This
reflects the progressive flooding of the area by the waters of the nascent Atlantic
Ocean and the establishment of a carbonate platform. The transgression reached its
maximum in the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian and the carbonate platform prevailed up
to the Portlandian. To the west of the shelf margin, the Jurassic thins into a pelagic
basinal sequence that underlies the continental slope and the deep basin.
From Late Portlandian to Early Cretaceous an important regression resulted in
the deposition of a thick (up to 2334 m in the Corc-15-1 well) widespread continen-
tal to transitional (lagoonal and deltaic) section that unconformably overlies the car-
bonate platform sediments. The Upper Cretaceous is characterized by thinner (about
750 m) shallow marine to lagoonal sediments that are deeply truncated at the shelf
edge by the base Tertiary regional unconformity (Figs. 6.13 and 6.15). Organic-rich
black shales occur at about the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. They developed
in relation with upwelling along the Atlantic coast during the C/T Oceanic Anoxic
Event (Lüning et al. 2004; Kolonic et al., 2005). Paleocene-Eocene thin sandy to
marly sediments overlie unconformably the Upper Cretaceous strata and, in turn,
are overlain by a Miocene sequence which abruptly thickens westward beyond the
shelf edge (up to 1 km in thickness).
324 M. Hafid et al. Structure
Figure 6.14 is the interpretation of an E-W regional seismic transect that illus-
trates the transition from the onshore Tarfaya Basin to its offshore. It shows that
the onshore basin is characterized by syn-rift structures in grabens and half grabens
overlain by virtually undeformed Jurassic to Cretaceous formations which form
a slightly westward dipping monocline structure. The syn-rift deposits were sub-
divided into four tectonically controlled sequences comparable to those defined in
northern basins, and the rifting also migrated westward (Abou Ali et al.,
The Alpine phases responsible for the folding of the Atlas belt to the north are
reflected here by uplifts that resulted, from Upper Cretaceous onward, in periodic
influx of detrital material into the basin. However, salt tectonics, as it was the case
in the northern basins, played an important role in the evolution of the slope and the
abyssal plain in the northern part of this segment. Important salt diapirs formed to
the west of the shelf edge, and halokinesis greatly influenced sedimentation around
salt bodies, among which some reached the sea floor (Fig. 6.15). Likewise, shale-
related slope tectonics, characterized by the up dip extension and downdip compres-
sion, controlled Cretaceous sedimentation. This control seems to increase southward
as illustrated by a section from the Boujdour margin (Fig. 6.16). Finally our sections
show that a major regional Tertiary unconformity cuts deeply into the Mesozoic-
Cenozoic section.
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