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Principles of AstroPsychology

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

First Create Space Edition, 2016

All rights reserved in all media. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without
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review, nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other without
permission from the publisher.

Note: The birth data in this book and the most of the brief biographies are the subject matter of
public domain and are available freely on Wikipedia and other resources. They can be used by any
individual for further research.


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Copyright © 2016 Gaurav Agrawal

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1534746251

ISBN-13: 978-1534746251


This book is dedicated to the One who is the source of inspiration in the heart of each soul, who is the
true source of knowledge, from whom all the knowledge emanates. Whatever is known or will be known
or is long forgotten, he knows that all, all the time. This small object of His is dedicated to Him alone.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................... i

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

A Brief History ....................................................................................................................... 1

Astrology and Science ............................................................................................................ 3

Vedic AstrologyBasics of Astrology .......................................................................................... 4

Basics of Astrology ..................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction of Vedic Astrology............................................................................................. 5

Planets ................................................................................................................................... 10

Basic Horoscope Reading ......................................................................................................... 19

Principles of Interpretation ................................................................................................... 19

Ascendant Signs .................................................................................................................... 20

Aries ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Taurus.................................................................................................................................... 21

Gemini ................................................................................................................................... 21

Cancer ................................................................................................................................... 21

Leo......................................................................................................................................... 22

Virgo ..................................................................................................................................... 22

Libra ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Scorpio .................................................................................................................................. 23

Sagittarius.............................................................................................................................. 23

Capricorn ............................................................................................................................... 23

Aquarius ................................................................................................................................ 23

Pisces ..................................................................................................................................... 24

Interpretation of 12 Houses .................................................................................................. 24

Principles of AstroPsychology

Psychological Meaning of Houses............................................................................................ 43

Psychological Meaning of Planets ............................................................................................ 46

The Sun.................................................................................................................................. 48

The Moon .............................................................................................................................. 49

Mars ....................................................................................................................................... 50

Mercury ................................................................................................................................. 51

Venus ..................................................................................................................................... 53

Saturn..................................................................................................................................... 54

Rahu....................................................................................................................................... 55

Ketu ....................................................................................................................................... 56

Personality in Astrology............................................................................................................ 59

1. Body Type & Physical Appearance ............................................................................ 59

2. Self Concept or Ego .................................................................................................... 62

3. Likings and Interests ................................................................................................... 64

4. Challenges in Life........................................................................................................ 65

5. Family Dynamics......................................................................................................... 68

6. Temperament..................................................................................................................... 74

7. Emotions............................................................................................................................ 78

8. Education........................................................................................................................... 84

Signs of Psychopathology in Horoscope .................................................................................. 89

Signs of mental illness in horoscope .................................................................................... 89

Diagnoses in AstroPsychology ................................................................................................. 95

Depression ............................................................................................................................. 95

Anxiety: Phobia ................................................................................................................... 107

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Sleep Disorder ..................................................................................................................... 117

Eating Disorder ................................................................................................................... 128

Delusions............................................................................................................................. 135

Schizophrenia ...................................................................................................................... 143

Schizophrenia ...................................................................................................................... 143

Mixed Psychological Problems .......................................................................................... 154

Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation ..................................................................... 156

ADHD ................................................................................................................................. 164

Paedophilia .......................................................................................................................... 172

AstroPsychological Remedies ................................................................................................ 183

Concept and Implications ................................................................................................... 183

About Author ...................................................................................................................... 197


This is the right time for me expressing my gratitude to all those people whose biographies and
horoscopes are discussed in this book. Had it been a book of fiction, they would have been the heroes
and inspiring characters. I never got a chance to meet them except only a few, whom I know personally.
But, without them this book might have never seen the sunshine. I now feel guilty and embarrassed, as
for the most of the time I brought out only the negative features of their lives, and never cared to
appreciate the great achievements and positives of their personalities. I just pray that these unknown
souls and my readers would forgive me for that. I also express my deepest gratitude for the bunch of
people working at the website This website has a big data, ‘Astro Databank’ as they call
it, containing a big collection of birth data and brief biography of thousands of the people. This became
possible by the combined efforts of the thousands of the contributors. I want to congratulate and thank
you all from the deepest core of my heart for collecting such valuable information at one place and
allowing the free access of the same to everyone. With the help of this information I was really helped in
a great manner in my research in Astro-psychology. The most of the horoscopes used in this book are
taken from this website. I am indebted to Prof Hemadri Sao (HOD, department of psychology, Dev
Sanskriti University, India) for constantly pushing me to write this book and carry out my research in
AstroPsychology. He is the main source of inspiration behind this book. I am also grateful to Dr.
Abhishek Bhardwaj (Senior Scientist, Patanjali Research Foundation, India) and Dr. Santosh
Vishwakarma (Associate Professor, Dev Sanskriti University, India) for their valuable feedbacks and
inputs. And at last, I am grateful to numerous other great authors of astrology and psychology literature
and websites from where I learned a lot and took help for writing this book.

AstroPsychology is relatively a new subject. This is an effort to apply the wisdom of astrology to
the new born modern psychology and develop a better understanding of human behaviour. What
makes it a hot topic of discussion is its promise to be capable of bringing positive changes in
human behaviour and personality. Astrology in itself is a very wide subject and can be applied to
all faces of human life and even to all faces of life in general. Psychology, in the west, finds its
roots in philosophy and metaphysics. Its a subject of natural interest for philosophers and
metaphysicists from the beginning. Forefathers of psychology had always tried to understand the
psychology and allied sciences as subjects related and closely associated to all possible forces of
universe that can affect human behaviour and psyche. They didn’t confine themselves to merely so
called observable phenomenon rather they also tried to understand indirect forces too and how they
affect the human mind and behaviour.

The psychology as we know it today seems to be a very new subject. But one may question if there
was no system to understand the human mind and human behaviour for thousands of years. Didn’t
our forefathers ever need to understand it? Or they never questioned how it was happening. Just
thinking it logically would reveal that for sure there were systems to explain all of it and even cure
the mental illnesses. The only difference was that they were not called psychology. Jung was one of
those modern geniuses who saw it very early that there were many other ancient systems too that
were equivalent to psychology and could explain the causes of human behaviour in one way or
other. Astrology is a kind of psychology in itself and actually a lot more than that. It is the
traditional system of understanding human personality in a very intense manner and it also
addresses the relationship dynamics of a person with his parents, wife, children other family
members and society at large. And not just dynamics but also the development and changes in
these relationships from time to time. But then its name is astrology, so it also addresses thousand
many more things about a human being than just what psychology is expected to do.

The traditional Indian saying is that human mind (Chitta) is the mirror of the cosmos and they both
affect each other. The ancient masters systematically and patiently observed their interrelations and
noted down various principles which were validated and verified by thousands of the practitioners
in last five thousand years. They questioned if human psyche was affected by gross natural forces
than how come it was not affected by more subtle but stronger forces of nature. This way astrology
was developed after the hard work of great geniuses.

A Brief History
Here I would like to make my readers aware of the brief history of AstroPsychology. In the very
infancy of modern psychology in the west the famous psychologist Carl Jung started to lose faith in
psychodynamic approach of Freud and new born behaviourism. He started to look elsewhere for
understanding the human behaviour, motivation and pathology in them. He was fascinated by the
ancient Asian cultures and philosophy. He was surprised to know that well before the awakening
about western psychology, there were people dealing with behaviour and behavioural problems. Of
course there were diverse interpretations and very different and strange techniques of dealing with
them. With this new light, Jung conducted a research into the symbolic meaning of his patient's
dreams, conversations and paintings. Jung observed recurring mythical themes or archetypes. He
announced that there are some universal and timeless archetypes that channel experiences and

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

emotions, resulting in recognizable and typical patterns of behaviour with certain probable
outcomes. Jung was very intrigued to observe a strong correlation between these archetypes and
astrological signs. Jung wrote, "Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of

Later together with pioneer theoretical physicist (and Nobel laureate) Wolfgang Pauli, Jung
developed the theory of synchronicity. This theory, which Jung compared to Aristotle's formal
causation, poses that "whatever is born or done at this particular moment of time, has the quality of
this moment of time". Accordingly, astrological claims of correlations between the position of
planets and signs at the time of birth and an individual's development were defined by Jung as
being ‘acausal’ and not directly caused by the planets.

A number of astrologers and psychologists were also interested by the findings of Carl Jung. So by
the latter half of the 20th century, astrologers began emphasizing on personality in psychological
terminology. Few of the first (western) astrologers to combine Jungian psychology with astrology
were Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti. Rudhyar termed it ‘humanistic astrology’. Rudhyar’s
famous book ‘The Astrology of Personality’ was published in 1936. By taking inspiration from the
famous works of Rudhyar, the field of humanistic psychology was born, which triggered an interest
in astrology in the late 60's and 70's. In later decades of 20th century, psychologists and astrologers
alike were trying to find out the means for bringing Jungian, psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioural
and various other models together with astrology. This was the advent of AstroPsychology. In
1983, Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, a psychosynthesis psychotherapist, founded the Centre
for Psychological Astrology in London. In 1962, the Hubers founded the Huber School of
Astrology and their work is now taught at the Astrological Psychology Association.

Although there is no single unifying approach of studying and practicing psychological-astrology

as almost by definition psychological astrology is transpersonally oriented. Transpersonal
psychology is that branch of psychology that incorporates spiritual notions into its framework and
as such is a more inclusive school of psychology—a "fourth wave", as Abraham Maslow called it,
following psychoanalysis, behaviourism, and humanistic psychology.

Before going any further, I’d like to address a difference in AstroPsychology (that is discussed in
this book) and psychological astrology or astrological psychology. In AstroPsychology we want to
see the human behaviour and personality from the point of view of astrology without trying to
change the traditional meanings of astrological concepts and terminology while psychological
astrology or whatever is practiced in different parts of the world is an effort of searching
psychological concepts and meanings in astrology. For example in astrology people are trying to
find out which planet and house is associated with psychological concept of id, ego, superego,
archetypes, unconscious and personality types or dimensions. It changes the whole complexion as
people start projecting their own meanings and beliefs onto the astrological terms. And
psychologists from different schools try to tell that astrological planets correspond to their concepts
only and other interpretation is basically wrong. Here we will learn what astrology has to offer
without imposing our own psychology knowledge on to it. This way AstroPsychology provides
more value and possibility to the current practice of psychology and transforming it into a more
spiritualized and unified model that look at the mind and behaviour from a higher plane. A simple
and working definition of AstroPsychology would be:

Principles of AstroPsychology

“AstroPsychology is application of the principles of astrology for understanding human behaviour

and personality.”

Astrology and Science

These days you can see a new and interesting fashion. This is exhibited by people of all age,
ethnicity, education and religion. What is that? The fashion is to believe that ‘if I don’t understand
something, then it must be wrong; if I can’t learn something, then it must be foolish.’ The meaning
is that a kind of ‘intellectual arrogance’ is in the fashion. I would say that this intellectual arrogance
is also a contagious disease. This has a cure too. The cure is to learn and get more knowledge until
one’s arrogance become self evident.

It is a common practice to criticize the astrology in the morning and seek the guidance of an
astrologer in the evening. By some ‘science minded’ people, astrology is held as a pure
superstition. Interestingly all the time, these are the people who never cared to study the astrology
and still they claim their logics are infallible. There is a saying that in a battle it is always
imperative to know your enemy, before you open attack. But in cases with astrology and its
criticizers, if one criticizer knows his enemy (astrology), then chances of battle disappear forever as
none can fail appreciating the grandeur of this ancient and rich subject. There is something about
astrology that it has stood the test of time and criticism. People who criticized astrology were
forgotten very soon and history never cared to remember their names, but great astrologers and
their works are remembered and studied with fondness and appreciation. When someone asks me if
astrology is scientific, then I always ask them ‘what is the definition of science for you’. For the
most people science is only whatever is written in the books of physics, chemistry, biology and
various natural sciences. But if one says that science means a knowledge ascertained by
observation and experiment, critically tested, systematized and brought under general principles,
then astrology strictly fulfils all these criteria. If one says that science is the interpretation of the
experiences (of natural phenomenon), then astrology is definitely a science. Here I don’t want to
provide any defense of astrology as this is not needed in the first place and secondly it is already
there in detail in astrology literature for those who care to see.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Unit 1

Vedic Astrology

Principles of AstroPsychology

Basics of Astrology
The simple meaning of word ‘Jyotish’ (astrology) in Hindi is flame. The flame that shows the light
and removes the darkness of ignorance. This light had shown the path to the millions of the people
in last five thousand years and helped them choose the right path. This flame had allowed them to
see themselves better in the mirror and improve where they were lacking. Further, it is told that
astrology is the subject for the intelligent and wise people only (as astrology requires the capacity
to take into consideration many variables simultaneously with their interaction effects). If one is
not intelligent and wise enough, then either he will run away or if he sticks for longer, then he will
be blessed with intelligence and wisdom. So my suggestion to my readers it to be patient and hard
working as it can take time in grasping the subject.

Indian astrology or Vedic astrology is based on complex and accurate astronomical principles. In
reality all the astronomical research is done by the astrologers of the past. One may wonder how
those ancient geniuses calculated all the complex and minute movements of the planets and their
path without the help of any modern instruments. These were the astrologers who found out the
phenomena such as the rotation and the revolution of the earth, the formation of seasons, the
occurrence of eclipses, the concepts of solar and lunar months, the equinoxes, and the subtle
concepts of disposition of the planets and stars in the sky. Further, they applied their knowledge in
day to day life and associated it with human life. Thinking about the hard work carried out and time
spent in that makes us only appreciate the astrology.

Introduction of Vedic Astrology

Astrology is the study and interpretation of the influences of the (planets in the sky at the time of
birth) on human life. Here we are learning the AstroPsychology (based on Indian astrology) and
few of you, who had previous study of western astrology, may find it a bit different. Indian
astrology is more precise and is based on sound scientific and mathematical principles. For learning
the principles of AstroPsychology you need to understand few simple terms used again and again
in astrology.

Keep your horoscope ready with you. For following this book the Vedic horoscope (only) will be
needed. You can create your horoscope free of cost from thousands of free online applications and
software on internet. You can also get your horoscope from

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

For starting, use only Lagna (ascendant) Chart. This is very simple to create your horoscope and if
you want you can download many other programs free of cost. Now enter your name, date of birth,
time and place and get your horoscope. Be sure to select the north Indian horoscope. It is simpler.
Now come on the page where you see the horoscope. Don’t be confused by seeing many different
charts and stay on the main horoscope (Lagna Horoscope) only. It will look something as given

Here you can see that the big square is distributed in 12 parts and there are numbers written from 1-
12 in all the 12 parts. These numbers denote the signs or zodiac signs (also called rashi). These
signs are from Aries to Pisces and most of you might have heard about them. Any way below is a
brief description of the signs telling what they really are. Keep your horoscope with you and we
will come back to it for discussing other aspects of it and what else it has.

Signs or Rashi

The planets move around the Sun in their fixed orbits. This orbit/belt of the sky in which planets
move is elliptical consisting of 360 degrees. This belt is called the zodiac. It is 18 degrees wide.
This zodiac has been divided into 12 zones and each one is given a different name, so that if a
planet appears in a particular zone we can universally define its position and its characteristics.
When the zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each such part has an extension of 30 degrees
of the arc. Each such division is called a sign or Rashi. A particular group of stars in the zodiac is
considered as the starting point of the zodiac. From this point the twelve signs begin. A planet
located anywhere along the zodiac may be considered as located in a particular sign, depending
upon which twelfth division of the zodiac it is in. The planets from the Sun to Saturn have been
allotted the ownership of these signs. While the Sun and the Moon own one sign each, the
remaining planets own two signs each. Rahu and Ketu are not allotted ownership of these signs.
The names of the twelve signs, their planetary lords, and their extent in the zodiac, etc., are given in
Table given below:

Signs Hindu equivalent Lord Extent in degrees

1 Aries Mesha Mars 0-30
2 Taurus Vrisha Venus 30-60
3 Gemini Mithuna Mercury 60-90
4 Cancer Karka Moon 90-120
5 Leo Simha Sun 120-150
6 Virgo Kanya Mercury 150-180
7 Libra Tula Venus 180-210
8 Scorpio Vrischika Mars 210-240
9 Sagittarius Dhanu Jupiter 240-270
10 Capricorn Makara Saturn 270-300
11 Aquarius Kumbha Saturn 300-330
12 Pisces Meena Jupiter 330-360

Principles of AstroPsychology

Planetary Lordship

The Sun owns Simha

The Moon owns Karka
Mars owns Mesha and Vrischika
Mercury owns Mithuna and Kanya
Jupiter owns Dhanu and Meena
Venus owns Vrisha and Tula
Saturn owns Makara and Kumbha

The Houses

The twelve signs mentioned above when placed in a horoscope become twelve houses. And their
order is fixed in a north Indian Vedic horoscopes, as you can see it in the picture given below. The
first house is in the top middle and then you number each part anti clockwise till twelfth. The sign
rising at the time of birth is marked as the first house or the ‘ascendant’ or ‘Lagna’ and the
remaining signs marked in regular order in an anti-clockwise direction. As you can see below;

You need to remember this point carefully. The twelve signs tell the fixed distribution of the
horizon. The 360o is divided in 12 equal divisions. Now when a person is born, at that moment the
sign rising in the east is called the ascendant sign. The number denoting this sign is placed in the
first house and now counting from that sign we place these sign in 12 houses in anti clockwise

For understanding it in a better manner, look at the example horoscope given blow.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

In this horoscope the ascendant happened to lie in 3 rd sign Gemini. So Gemini becomes the
ascendant or first house and now the Cancer becomes the Second house, the Leo is 3 rd house and
same way Virgo becomes the Fourth house. Libra is 5 th house, Scorpio is here the 6th house and so
on. At last you can see the first sign Aries in 11th house and 2nd sign Taurus is in twelfth house.

Further you see there the names of planets too. Following abbreviation are used universally.

The Sun Su
The Moon Mo
Mars Ma
Mercury Me
Jupiter Ju
Venus Ve
Saturn Sa
Rahu Ra
Ketu Ke
Neptune* Ne
Uranus* Ur
Pluto* Pl

Now in above horoscope you can see that Jupiter is in 3 rd sign Gemini in first house. Same way
Mars, Saturn and Rahu are in 7th sign Libra in 5th house.

*Ignore the last three as they are not used in Vedic system.

Following table explains the horoscope.

House No. Sign in It Planet in it

1 Gemini 3 Jupiter
2 Cancer 4
3 Leo 5
4 Virgo 6
5 Libra 7 Mars, Saturn, Rahu

Principles of AstroPsychology

6 Scorpio 8
7 Sagittarius 9 Venus
8 Capricorn 10 Sun
9 Aquarius 11 Mercury
10 Pisces 12 Moon
11 Aries 1 Ketu
12 Taurus 2

Again numbers placed inside the chart tell the number of the signs and not the houses. Houses are
fixed in Vedic horoscopes (North Indian horoscope). And these numbers denote in which sign a
particular house falls. Practice the same in your own horoscope or horoscopes given in this book
till it becomes very easy.

Note: You don’t need to create a horoscope by mathematical calculations at your own as you can
get it prepared through the computer program.

Twelve Houses

1st house (Ascendant)

The 1st house is also called ascendant. It shows the head - ego – one’s self, body, general
prosperity, health and well being, self expression, physical constitution, personality. Sun is the
natural significator of the 1st house.

2nd house (Possessions)

The 2nd house is associated with gathering & holding resources, livelihood, speech, youth, financial
success (or not) through career, labor. This house also shows our tastes, food, and family. Mercury
and Jupiter are the natural significators of the 2nd house.

3rd house (Siblings)

The 3rd house is also called as the house of siblings. It is associated with curiosity, courage,
siblings, friends, motivation, interest, basic life energy, impulses & intentions that drive us. Will,
contracts, agreement, legal documents, ambition, passion, zeal, rashness impulsiveness main
interests, sport, hobbies, small journey. Mars and Mercury are the natural significators of the 3rd

4th house (Happiness)

The 4th house is also called the house of happiness. This house is associated with emotions,
happiness, property, upbringing, education, mother, refinement, masses, popularity, land
acquisition, vehicles. The Moon is the natural significator of the 4th house.

5th house (Children)

The 5th house is the house of children and creativity. It is also associated with knowledge,
speculation, romance, sports (recreational activites), spiritual practices. Children show our basic
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

creative capacity. Jupiter is the natural significator of the 5 th house.

6th house (House of enemies)

The 6th house is connected with health and disease, work & service, pets, enemies, effort, resistance
to illness, immune system. This house tells one’s capacity to do hard labor and hence overcome
physical obstacles / enemies. Saturn and Mars are the natural significators of the 6th house.

7th house (Spouse)

The 7th house tells about long term romantic relationships, marriage, spouse, general relations with
others, business associates. Venus (for men) and Jupiter (for women) are the natural significators of
the 7th house.

8th house (Death)

The 8th house is associated with many different things, from inheritances to business transactions,
death, sex, longevity, research, destruction / regeneration of any sort, accidents & injuries. The 8th
house is also associated with any sort of accident, illness or loss. Saturn is the natural significator.

9th house (Fortune)

The 9th house tells about things related to religious, philosophical or ethical principles, grace,
Dharma (life purpose) higher education, research, books writing, long journey and Father. Natural
significator of the 9th house is Jupiter.

10th house (Karma or profession)

House of profession, i.e. the 10th house is associated with professional areas and achievements.
This house tells about public status, material achievement, skill, success, career in politics.

11th house (Benefits / Wish fulfillments)-

The 11th house tells about the wish fulfillments of any type. Any planet in the 11th house tells the
fulfillment of wishes associated with that planet. This house is also associated with aspirations and
goals, financial and material gains, friendship, abundance and excess.

12th house (House of expanses)

The 12th house is associated with the expenditures of any kind, any long trips like foreign journeys,
solitudes, losses, hospitalization. This house is responsible for making the individual negatively
affected by adversity and sorrows. With these bad things, the 12th house is also associated with
enlightenment. Saturn and Ketu are natural significators of this house.

Indian astrology or Vedic astrology recognizes nine planets. They are the Sun, the Moon, Mars,

Principles of AstroPsychology

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. One can question the logic behind the 9 planets or
just the 9 planets. As one can see that these planets are none but the neighbors of the planet earth.
Of these, the Sun is a star and the source of the life on the earth so it is indispensable. And although
the Moon is a satellite of the earth, still it has a vast and visible influence on the earth. Rahu and
Ketu are mere mathematical points on the zodiac. These were later included in the astrological
considerations as they exert great influences on the earth. Astronomically, the Moon in its orbit, on
a northerly course from South to North, crosses the ecliptic (the path of the Sun). This point of
intersection on the north is known as Rahu (‘Dragon's head’). 180 degrees away from this point, the
Moon on its southerly course crosses the ecliptic again. This point is called Ketu (‘the dragon’s
tail’). Thus, Ketu and Rahu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon
as they move around the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the
north and the south lunar nodes or shadows.

These planets (appear to) revolve around the earth while staying within the limits of the zodiac.
The apparent path of the planets, including the Sun along the zodiac is not circular rather it is
ecliptic. The extra-Saturnine planets, called Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have not been considered
deliberately as they were considered to be too far from the earth and did not seem to be very
influential on the living beings on the earth.

Personification of Planets

The ancient sages personified the planets so that we can understand their functioning, results, styles
and their combined effects (mutual relationships) in the same manner as we do for different kind of
human beings. It was their wisdom that guides us in understanding the astrology in a logical and
reasonable manner. These planets, when personified, were associated with various human qualities.
Understanding them helps us in learning astrology in a systematic manner. These qualities of the
planets are used as principles, and logical interpretations are made with the help of them. If the
same understanding is applied with common sense, then astrology becomes easy to learn and

Social Status of Planets

Sun King (40-45 Years of age)

Moon Queen (35-40 Years of age)
Mercury Prince/princess (7-10 Years of age)
Venus Minister of Palace (20-25 Years of age)

Jupiter Minister of Kingdom/Priest/Guru (55-60 Years of age)

Mars Commander-in-chief (30-35 Years of age)

Saturn Servant (70-75 Years of age)

Rahu Army (25-30 Years of age)

Ketu Army (55-60 Years of age)

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal


Masculine Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu

Feminine Moon, Venus

Eunuchs Mercury, Saturn

Benefics and Malefics

Natural Benefics Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu (highly malefic)
Natural Malefics
Sun (less malefic)

Personality of Planets

The Readers should understand that planets would have those characteristics that suit to the above
description. For example the Jupiter has the characteristics of a wise minister and priest who is also
a man and gentleman of age 55-60 years. Venus is also a minister but she is a female and is young.
So the both can be intelligent but their experience and expertise are different. Same way the Moon
is also a woman but she is a queen and much older than Venus so her qualities will be very
different from Venus, but since both are women, so some similarities should be expected in their
ways. Try to understand them below:


The Sun has been conceptualized as king of the planets. This clearly means that the Sun should be
understood to have the kingly ways. The Sun has dominance and the ego of a king, but the Sun is
also protective of his people (friends and family members). The Sun, the king, possesses leadership
skills & desire to rule, management, an attractive personality, a royal nature, bravery, generosity,
good intelligence, impressive & authoritative voice, the kindness of a father, heroism and
fearlessness. Physically the Sun is described with a square build, strong bones, curly hair, lovely
appearance, medium stature, bilious nature, firm temperament.


The Moon is described as the queen. So the Moon behaves like a middle age woman of high status.
The Moon possesses the feminine qualities like vanity, kindness, affection, sensitivity,
discriminating wisdom, restless nature, and excessive sexual urge. But the Moon is not a young girl
rather a wise elderly woman having the qualities of a mother, so the Moon is also associated with
motherly love. The Moon is also associated with emotions, mind and mental peace. The Moon has
a sweet and soft voice. The Moon has a slim but roundish body, beautiful appearance, lovely eyes,
sweet tongue, phlegm and wind in his composition, white complexion, short curly hair, amiable
nature, Satwik (virtuous) inclination.

Principles of AstroPsychology


Mars is the army commander so it possesses the characteristics of the same. Mars has the
leadership capacity with dominance, cruelty, a fierce nature & aggression, desire to compete &
win, possessive nature, manhood, sexual aggression, impatience and irritable nature. The voice of
Mars is rude and full of audacity. Physiologically Mars is characterised by fierce eyes, short
stature, athletic and youthful body, fickle disposition, curly hair, valorous nature, Tamasik
inclination, readiness to hurt, irritability, bilious nature and fair complexion.


Mercury, the little prince/princess, is chatty with a sweet voice and humor. Mercury, the young
prince has intelligence, logical & reasoning capacity, an inquisitive brain, jolly nature, naughty
childish ways, instable but stubborn mind, desire of change & novelty and a capacity to play with
words. Mercury has a slim and beautiful body, large eyes, beautiful young skin, medium height,
Rajasik inclination, plenty of energy, bile, wind and phlegm in his composition.


Jupiter is described to have the personality of a minister or high priest with virtuous disposition.
The high priest Jupiter is wise, knowledgeable, noble, distinctly intelligent, highly educated,
rational and logical planet. Jupiter is also just, true, spiritual, calm & helpful being with keenness in
religious practices and forgiving nature with a measured speech. Physiologically Jupiter is
described to possess a big belly and a fat body, phlegmatic and calm temperament, Satwik


The Venus is thought to possess the female characteristics. But unlike the Moon, the Venus is a
young woman. So it also possesses the characteristics like attraction for opposite sex, lust,
sensuality, desires for beautiful things that attract, aesthetic sense and all sorts of material
pleasures. The social status of Venus is the same as that of Jupiter, but while Jupiter is responsible
for external affairs of the kingdom (life) the Venus is entrusted with the duties of palace (home).
She is the counsel or assistant of queen the Moon. Venus also is associated with higher education,
creativity, writing of poetry, a musical voice, wisdom & intelligence and religious things, but
unlike Jupiter Venus is not that much of noble character. Physiologically the Venus is very
beautiful/handsome, of symmetrical limbs and dark curly hair, and has an amorous disposition. She
has an excessive seminal fluid, windy and phlegmatic temperament, Rajasik inclination, grace,
vigor, and multi-colored robes.


Saturn has been conceptualized as the old servant of the family. Thus, Saturn is described by the
qualities like responsibility, discipline, but slow and fussy movements because of the old age (lazy
disposition), a miser, cruelty, very thoughtful nature and detachment. The voice of Saturn is harsh.
Saturn has a tall, lean and weak body, stiff hair and limbs, large teeth, windy temperament,
Tamasik inclination.

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Rahu (& Ketu) is given the lowest status in planets’ family i.e. a soldier or guard. So Rahu (&
Ketu) has characteristics of aggression, anger, sudden disruption, mean behaviour, intelligence,
lust, and all sorts of addictions. Rahu is also described to be a shadow planet. So Rahu acts like the
planet that is conjunct with Rahu, or if nothing then Rahu (& Ketu) behaves as the shadow of its
sign lord i.e. Rahu gives the result of those planets, but in an abrupt and extreme manner. This is
the peculiarity of Rahu (& Ketu). Rahu (& Ketu) has an artificial behaviour in all respects,
including the voice yet it tries to imitate. Physical properties of Rahu/Ketu are the same as that of
the planet imitated by them. Ketu is somewhat less malefic and is associated with detachment that
naturally comes with old age (Ketu is 55-60 Years of age).

Exaltation and Debilitation signs of Planets

Planets move in the sky in their orbits around the Sun. Since this path of their movement is
elliptical (not circular), so their distance from the Sun/earth also varies. In this movement when
these planets are closest to earth/Sun they seem to be the most illuminated. This position of the
planet is called exaltation. Same way when the planet is at the farthest position from the earth, it
seems to be the least illuminated. This position is called debilitation. Planets are at their strongest
and the most favorable positions when placed in their exaltation signs while in debilitation they are
at their weakest and the least favorable situation. Exaltation and debilitation signs of any planet are
always 180 degrees away from each other. In a horoscope they are always opposite of each other.

Planet Exaltation Debilitation

The Sun Aries Libra
The Moon Taurus Scorpio
Mars Capricorn Cancer
Mercury Virgo Pisces
Jupiter Cancer Capricorn
Venus Pisces Virgo
Saturn Libra Aries
Rahu Gemini Sagittarius
Ketu Sagittarius Gemini

Note: In few traditions Rahu is said to be exalted in Taurus. But when we see that no other two
planets are exalted in the same sign then why there should be any exception to this rule for Rahu.
We also should consider that Rahu and Moon are natural enemies (in traditional astrological
literature) and they both can’t go along nicely in any house. Moreover Rahu being the soldier can’t
be given the same status in the house of a minister as the queen Moon receives. But Rahu with his
shrewdness can easily win the belief of little prince Mercury, so Rahu is exalted in Gemini.

Planets’ Aspects

As human beings, we have a tendency of keeping an interest in our nearby people and environment.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Same way these personified planets also do. The person who lives in front of our house is directly
visible to us and vice versa, and his mere presence in front of us affects us and working style. The
same way all these planets also influence (‘aspect’ in astrological terms) the house in front of them,
i.e. the 7th house counted from their own position/house. The aspected planet and house is
influenced by the nature and the occupation of the aspecting planets. The planets generally respect
the influence (suggestions) of the aspecting planet, but these aspects in no way completely change
the results of the aspected houses and planets.
For understanding it better take an example. Husband and wife are quarreling in full force in their
house. They could be saying thousand things to each other and there can be many accusations
towards each other in a very loud voice. But if, their lives an elderly and respected person right in
front of their house and the couple is aware of his presence and him watching them from his flat’s
balcony, the couple would lower their voice and at least their quarrelling will not involve violence
and throwing of household stuff. Of course his watching them will not change their poor relations
into a happy marriage, but they will keep their problems in their bedroom only, so that they are not
being laughed upon. Even if things are very bad and they decide to take divorce, it would be a lot
more silent and peaceful.
But for one moment imagine that a cruel and wicked person is living in front of your house, then
awareness of his presence and his watching to your house would disturb the mental peace of the
most of the peace loving people. In normal world we say someone is watching his neighbors, the
same thing for a astrological planet is aspect of that planet. But yes, those aspected planets are free
to keep the order of their own house as they wish. But the influence of the aspect they are receiving
will also be visible. They follow the normal courtesy and follow the ways of common human
All planets aspect the seventh house (and planets located therein) from their own position. Sun,
Moon, Mercury and Venus are living in their palaces and are with normal 7th aspect (directly in
front of them). While Jupiter being the minister/priest of the kingdom has two extra aspects,
namely 5th (knowledge) and 9th (spiritual affairs). Same way, Saturn the servant has 3rd (siblings)
and 10th (work) aspects with usual 7th aspect. Mars the army general has extra aspects, namely the
4th (home/homeland) and 8th (secrets) with usual 7th one. Rahu and Ketu being the soldiers are
granted the normal 7th aspect.
Sun aspects 7th house
Moon aspects 7th house
Mercury aspects 7th house
Venus aspects 7th house
Jupiter aspects 5th, 7th and 9th house
Mars aspects 4th, 7th and 8th house
Saturn aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house
Rahu aspects 7th house
Ketu aspects 7th house

Aspects of planets are explained in the following charts. See the charts carefully and then read the
lines below them.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

In the above chart the Sun is in the 1st house and is aspecting the 7th house in front of it. Same way
the Venus is in the 5th house and is aspecting the 11th house opposite of it and Mercury in it. So we
will say that Venus is aspecting 11th house and Mercury. Same way Mercury is aspecting the 5th
house and Venus sitting in it. The Sun, the Moon, Venus and Mercury don’t have any special
aspect. Now look at the chart given below.

Jupiter aspects (5, 7, 9) houses from its position. So in this chart Jupiter is in the 3rd house and it
aspects the 7th house (5th from the position of Jupiter) and the Mars sitting there, the 9th house (7th
from Jupiter) and the 11th house (9th from Jupiter) and Mercury posited in the 11th house. Note that
these houses are counted from the position of Jupiter.

Same way, in the above chart the planet Mars aspects the 10th house (fourth aspect), the 1st house
(seventh aspect) and the 2nd house (eighth aspect) from its position.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Next chart given below explains Saturn’s aspects (3, 7, 10).

Here you see that Saturn from the first house aspects the 3rd house and Jupiter there, the 7th house
and Mars posited there and the 10th house which is vacant.

Following chart is for your practice.

Note the aspects of all the planets and write down which houses and planets they are aspecting.
And then you can check your responses from the table given below.

Sun aspects 7th house (no planet in it)

Moon aspects 3rd house (no planet in it)
Mercury aspects 6th house (no planet in it)
Venus aspects 10th house
9th, 11th and 1st house
Jupiter aspects
Moon, Saturn, Sun

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5th, 8th and 9th house

Mars aspects
Jupiter, Rahu, and Moon
1st, 5th and 8th house
Saturn aspects
Sun, Jupiter and Rahu
Rahu aspects 2nd house, Mars, Ketu
Ketu aspects 8th house, Rahu

Principles of AstroPsychology

Basic Horoscope Reading

Principles of Interpretation
Remember and use following principles in your readings of astrological horoscope. The most of
these principles are the normal principles of our daily human behaviour.

1. Any planet in its own house (falling in the house that has its own sign) brings good result. It
is logical that any person, good or bad, will only do well in its own house and will help
prosper the matters signified by it.
2. Sign exchange (called house exchange) between two planets is a fortunate combination for
the both of these houses.
3. Any planet exalted in any house will help prosper the matters signified by it in a very strong
4. Any planet debilitated in any house harms the matters signified by the houses it rules and the
house it occupies.
5. Aspects of benefics are helpful for the planets and houses that receive it, while the aspects of
malefic are harmful for the planets and houses.
6. Aspects don’t completely change the original results, but they modify the results according to
the nature of aspecting planet.
7. Any planet falling in 6th, 8th and 12th houses of horoscope becomes a malefic and its aspect
also should be considered as malefic aspect.
8. Malefic planets in malefic houses, i.e. in the 6th, 8th and 12th reduce the bad effects of these
houses while benefic in these houses loose much of their beneficial strengths. Cruel people
generally do well in dangerous places as they are well accustomed and well equipped to
handle them.
9. The houses (and matters associated) ruled by the planet deposited in 6 th or 8th or 12th house
will definitely suffer because of the poor placement of their lords. This rule is also true for
the houses ruled by the malefic.
10. Presence of malefic planets (Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars and Sun) in any house (except the
house they rule and 6th, 8th and 12th) negatively affects the house. If other Planets are sitting
in the same house they also get afflicted and bring some bad results.
11. Any planet in quadrants i.e. in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th brings mostly good results. Planets in 1st
and 10th do only good for the subject.
12. Any planet occupying any house is stronger than the house lord (if house lord is not in the
same house). So the results of the house will be according to the planet occupying the house
and not according to the house lord. It is, as we say in our cities that if a tenant lives in any
house, he will modify the house according to his will.
13. If more than one planet occupies any house, then mixed results will be experienced. In this
situation the stronger planet’s results will be much more experienced.
14. If there is more than one planet in any house, then the house becomes powerful (and
important) and if there are more than two, then it means this house is of the utmost
importance of the subject. The subject will also experience the strong influence of those
people (related to that house) in his own life. Influence will be good or bad according to the
nature of planets in the house.
15. If there is no planet in any house, then the results of that house will be interpreted according
to the position of the house lord. If house lord is in good houses/receiving benefics’ aspect or

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in exaltation then it will prosper the matters. But if house lord is in 6 th, or 8th or 12th house or
in debilitation or in malefic aspects then it will harm the results of its own house.
16. Different planets give different results in the same house. So Mercury, Saturn and Venus
bring the different results in the 1st house. The difference will be according to the nature of
the planets.
17. Saturn is a slow planet, so it gives delayed, but certain results. Mercury and the Moon are fast
moving planets so they give quick results.
18. There is no single planet that is always good and bad for everyone. Each planet gives results
for the house with which it is associated (by lordship or by occupation) only. Each house has
a few good and a few bad things to offer.
19. Any planet in the 12th house from its own house (one house before its own) gives worse
results for its own house.
20. While deciding the results of any house, take into account many factors. Try to understand it
from many angles. For example: Saturn (lame old servant) in the 2nd house (finance and
family) cannot give riches as Saturn itself is not rich. People will say that person will suffer
for finance. But yes, it can give hard work and perseverance so that subject can do alright
with modest resources. But the same Saturn if exalted in 2nd house or the 2nd house will do a
lot better for financial things (much more hard work and discipline) but still subject may not
be rich. The same will be the case if Saturn is lord of the 2nd house and 2nd house is empty.
But if Jupiter or Venus or Sun or Moon occupies the 2nd house, then the subject will enjoy
better financial success as you can see that all these planets have higher social -economic
standard than Saturn. The same should be understood about all houses and all matters.

Ascendant Signs
In the western astrology people put a lot of emphasis on the Sun sign in which they are born. But
the Sun remains in a sign for a month and it is very superficial and illogical to say that all the
people born in that month will share the common qualities. Same way in India the same emphasis
is placed on the Moon sign (by people who are ignorant of astrological principles). But again this is
also very broad (better than the western way of looking) as the Moon remains in a sign for two and
a half day. If you learn Vedic astrology, then you understand that it is the ascendant sign that is the
most important one. Ascendant remains in a sign for two hours only (which is very small time as
compared to the Sun sign or the Moon sign). So ignore the Sun or Moon sign, and judge the
characteristics of the individual according to his ascendant sign only, and your calculations will be
very correct and precise. Note: Of-course we need to see the whole picture by judging all the
planets in horoscope, so many modifications can be expected from these results.
Below is a brief description of the results of the 12 signs, if they appear to be the ascendant (first
house) in your horoscope.


Aries is ruled by Mars. People born in Aries will have Mars (army commander) qualities, like a
certain amount of independent thinking and reasoning faculty. They are not strict followers of
convention. They are lovers of scientific thought and philosophy; have their own ideas of right and
wrong and are strongly bent upon educational pursuits. They are stubborn, often frank, impulsive
and courageous. They are more gossipers than practical men. As Mars is the lord of Aries, they
will be martial in spirit. Their constitution will be hot, and they are occasionally subject to
Principles of AstroPsychology

complaints of piles. The diseases they suffer from will be mostly those of the head and may often
lead to mental affliction and derangement of the brain. Their build will be slender and females
generally possess fairly perfect contours. They love beauty, art and elegance.


The stature of the persons born in this sign ruled by Venus will be medium or short and often
inclined towards being fat, square face, well-shaped lips and dark hair are prominent features;
women are generally very beautiful with grace and vanity (due to the effect of Venus). They like to
be listened and become restless if they are not. They have their own principles and ways of life.
Often they have a piercing intellect, they shine well as authors, book dealers and journalists. They
are not very sentimental, but appreciate them. They are remarkable for their ability to commit to
memory. Their physical and mental endurance is immense. They are often liable to extremes,
zealous and easily accessible to adulteration, they generally suffer from nervous complaints after
their fiftieth year, but their memory and powers of imagination will never deceive them. They don’t
get angry very soon, but when provoked, furious like the bull. Due to the effect of Venus they have
too much indulgence in sexual pleasures and are subject to sexual troubles unless they learn to
exercise self control.


Gemini ascendant people are often tall and straight in nature and active in motion, forehead broad,
eyes clear and nose a bit snug. The prince Mercury rules their horoscope. They are active and
become experts in mathematics and other sciences; and even in mechanical sciences if Saturn has
some strong influence over them. They will be ‘a jack of all trades, but master of none’. They are
excited about everything in life (like a child), but are inconsistent. They may have sudden nervous
breakdowns as they tend to get anxious and tense very soon. Besides it, they need to learn to
exercise a certain amount of caution in moving with the opposite sex as they get attached to anyone
too soon; a habit of self-control must be cultivated. They are also liable to be cheated and
manipulated by others. They are good at criticizing and finding fault. So their mind will be often
conscious of their own faults too. As a child they are innocent but at the same time can be very
naughty too. If evil planets are found in Gemini, trickery and deceit will characterize their nature.
Many of these traits can be corrected by proper training.


Subjects born under cancer are ruled by the queen Moon. They have a middle sized body, face full
and roundish, nose snubbed to some extent and a feminine appearance. They often have a double
chin. They are very intelligent, bright and equally industrious. Their frugality often takes the form
of miserliness. They are sympathetic but moral cowardice will be present. They will be very much
attached to their children and family. The Moon makes them quite sensitive, so much that their
extreme sensitiveness renders them nervous and queer. They often meet with disappointments in
marriage and love affairs because of impractical expectations. Still, they are very talkative, self-
reliant, honest and unbending. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture.
They have reputation for love of justice and fair play.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal


The sign Leo is governed by the king Sun. So the persons born under the Leo ascendant will be
majestic in appearance, broad shoulders, bilious constitution and bold & respectful in temperament.
They possess the knack to adapt themselves to any condition of life. They are very much ambitious
and very good at organizing and management of the things. They are independent thinkers and
generally don’t like to be told what to do. They stick up to orthodox principles in religion, but are
generous towards others’ precepts and practices. They are lovers of fine arts and literature and
possess a certain amount of philosophical knowledge. Since the Sun is the lord of the Leo, they are
great leaders. They want to rule and as long as people around them accept their authority they seem
very nice and generous people. But when they start to challenge their authority and question their
decisions the Leos become aggressive. If the ascendant or the tenth house is afflicted, they may not
get what they want. Then they put forth much struggle. Their ambitions remain unfulfilled to some
extent. Anyway, Leo ascendants are capable of non attachment and contentment. As Saturn the
servant happens to be the lord of the 7th, they must resist the temptation of dominating their wives
or husbands if domestic happiness is to prevail.


The ascendant Virgo is ruled by the young prince Mercury. The people, born when Virgo, is rising
will exhibit their intelligence and memory when quite young. They will be middle sized persons
and exhibit taste in art & literature. Their chest will be prominent and when afflicted, will also
develop various lungs or breathing troubles. They are discriminating and emotional and are carried
away by impulses. They can become good authors. Beside it, they do well in the subjects that
challenge the intelligence and logical capacities. This includes all the scientific and technical
subjects, especially physical and chemical sciences. These people have piercing intellects and can
judge things only at a glance. They love music and fine arts and acquire much power and influence
over other people. They are liable to suffer from nervous breakdowns and paralysis when the sign
is afflicted (by the presence or aspects of malefic). Otherwise, if Mercury and Jupiter are placed
well (connecting to the 9th house), they can become great philosophers or writers. They generally
feel themselves lucky in respect of their wives or husbands.


Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. The complexion of persons born in Libra is generally fair, their
stature middle sized, face broad, fine eyes, chest broad and light, handsome appearance,
constitution rather phlegmatic, sensual disposition and keen observation. They have keen foresight
and reason out things from their own views. Venus being the most creative planet bestows upon
them much imagination. They are more idealists than realists or practical men and often
contemplate upon schemes like building castles in the air. They are sensitive by nature, but don’t
care much to what others say about them. But as political leaders and religious reformers (if 10 th
house is occupied by some strong benefic) they exert tremendous influence over the masses and
sometimes their zeal and enthusiasm can be contagious. They love excitement and have the power
of intuition upon which they often rely for their own guidance. They are not easily amenable to
reason. They are great lovers of music. They have a special liking for truth and honesty and do not
hesitate to sacrifice even their lives at the altars of freedom and fair play. Their domestic life may

Principles of AstroPsychology

be crossed by frequent tension.


People born under this sign of Mars have the youthful, attractive appearance and fierce eyes. They
are fickle minded and constantly need some stimulation. They love adventure and are bit risk
taking. In their own personal lives they are inclined to sensual things while they will not hesitate to
philosophize upon the merits of controlling sensual pleasures. Even females born in this sign will
have more of masculine tendencies like aggression and dominance in place of feminine softness
and submissiveness. They love to dominate in every field of life and ask for the total
submissiveness from the people around them. They can become expert musicians if they care to
practice that art. They are proficient in fine arts, dancing and the like. They have a tendency to
discard the convention if these customs don’t suit to their purpose. They boldly uphold their own
views but nevertheless will not clash with those holding opposite ones. Their constitution will be
hot and they are liable to suffer from piles after their 30 th year. Mars the aggressor being the lord of
the ascendant, their married life may not be quite happy; not only due to temperamental
differences, but also due to the very high sexual demands they place on their partner.


Jupiter the high priest and minister rules this sign, and persons born under this sign will generally
be inclined towards obesity. They are of a phlegmatic temperament. They are conventional in all
respects of their lives and sometimes businesslike also. They are prompt and uphold conservative
views. They are always inclined towards the study of religious texts, classics and various
philosophies and sciences. They are noble people and take pride in it. They never think of schemes
which are made to disturb the progress of others. Jupiter the obese priest being the lord of this sign
they generally fail to exercise control over their food and drinks. In their later years they must be
careful about their lungs as they are liable to suffer from these problem.


The sign Capricorn is ruled by the servant Saturn. Subjects born in this sign will be tall with
prominent hair on the eyebrows and the chest. Women will be slim, good looking and youngish in
appearance. They have large teeth sometimes protruding outside the lips. They have the knack of
adapting themselves to circumstances and environment. The hard working Saturn makes them
noted for their perseverance. But the problem with them is that (like any old and trusted servant in
the home) they do the things at their own pace slowly-2 without any indication of hurry. Others
would doubt if they are responsible even a bit for the task they are working upon. In fact, they are
working with their own planning and would ignore any suggestion of hurry. They are never afraid
of the miseries of life. They possess the characteristics of sympathy, generosity and humanity, and
take great interest in literature, science and education. They make loyal husbands or wives.
Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house they can become philosophically minded or
develop social consciousness.


For the people born in Aquarius the birth lord becomes the lord of the 12th house i.e. loss. Still,
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

some of the greatest philosophers and seers are born in the Aquarius ascendant. Those born under
this sign will possess the body structure of Saturn. Tall, lean, fairly handsome, pleasing manners,
appearance attractive, disposition elegant. Their lips are flashy, cheeks, broad with prominent
temples and buttocks. They are highly intelligent and make friends with others very soon. They are
pure in heart and always inclined to help others. They shine very well as writers and good
spokesmen. They are at times timid and afraid. They will be much devoted to their husbands or
wives and never betray friends or even enemies. They are liable to suffer from colic troubles and
must take special precaution to safeguard themselves against diseases incidental to exposure to cold


Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. People, born in this sign as ascendant, will be stout (like Jupiter) and
moderately tall. They are generally superstitious & religious (even fanatical), rigid in the
observance of orthodox principles; or they can be exactly the opposite and oppose even the very
existence of any morals or religion. They are somewhat stubborn, rather timid, and ambitious to
exercise authority over others. This is because of their desire to hide their own lack of self
confidence. They are true friends and are generally intelligent with a lot of knowledge. They also
feel proud of their educational and other attainments. They are restless and fond of history and
mythological masterpieces. They are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth.

Interpretation of 12 Houses
Before reading this part, learn the meaning of houses, signs and planets well enough, then you’ll
find this chapter easy and very logical. Keep on checking the meaning of the previous things so you
understand this chapter.

First House

First house tells many things. We’ll discuss them one by one in some detail.

Physical Appearance

The Sun in the first house (or owner of the first house) means the person has a square build and
rather large and round face. He has broad shoulders and forehead. Royal and king like appearance.

The Moon in the first house (or owner of the first house) tells that the individual has a slim but
roundish body, beautiful, but feminine appearance, lovely eyes, white complexion and short hair.
Upper body is larger as compared to lower parts. With the age they can acquire a prominent

Mars in the first house (or owner of the first house) tells that the individual has average stature,
tough and youthful body, short and shining curly hair. Aspect of Mars on the first house also makes
one athletic.

Mercury in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual has a slim and
beautiful body with childish smile, large eyes; the eyebrows are curved and rich with hair, healthy
& young skin and medium height. If Virgo is the ascendant than the subject also gets blue eyes.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Jupiter in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual has a tendency to
gain weight easily and many times people are seen obese. It tells bilious nature. Aspect of Jupiter
on the first house also makes a person overweight. In a recent research conducted in India by
Aanchal Rani and her colleagues (in 2013) it was found that people who have the influence of
Jupiter on the first house, have a significantly higher rate of obesity.

Venus in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual is quite
handsome/beautiful, of symmetrical limbs and a thick neck. The subject gets bald from the ears and
close to that part of the head. If Libra is ascendant, then the subject has the parrot like nose too.

Below is the horoscope of beautiful actress Angelina Jolie.

Saturn in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual has tall, lean and
weak body, oval and thin face, long nose, deep set eyes, stiff hair and limbs (Vata nature), large
and outward teeth.

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets and just increase the results of the house lord or the planets
sitting with them.

There are a few key points to remember:

1. If the first house is empty only, then the physical appearance will be according to the house
2. Planet sitting in the first house will be stronger than the lord of first house. So if Jupiter is in
first house and Saturn is the house lord (but not in first house) then the body structure will be
according to Jupiter.
3. Aspects of some other planet will bring combined results.
4. More than one planet in the first house will also give combined results.


The first house also tells the likings of the subject. The lord of the first house and planets sitting in
the first house connect to whichever house by placement or aspect or lordship, the subject has a
liking for the matters associated to those houses.

If the first house lord is sitting in the first house itself then subject has quite attractive personality

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and likes the appreciation for his works.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 2nd house, the subject has the strong
desire to earn money and material things. He loves his family and tries to stay with them.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 3rd house, then the subject loves his
younger siblings. He is brave, intelligent and courageous with good communication skills.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 4th house, then the subjects loves his
mother very much and is quite sensitive and peace-loving.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 5th house, the subject is quite
romantic. Otherwise, he goes in love of God. He is creative and loves children in general. This
subject doesn’t get diseases for a long time.

Below is the famous yogi Paramhans Yogananda. Lord of the 1st house is in the 5th house.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 6th house, subject has a tendency to
get health problems every now and then. His health is quite delicate. Many times lot of debt may
occur to him.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 7th house, then such an individual
loves his spouse very deeply and tries very hard to keep him happy. He wants to have a good
married life at all costs.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 8th house, then the subject has a
tendency to get some injuries and accidents again and again. He feels himself cheated and

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 9th house, then the subject goes
nicely with his father. He is a religious and ethical person. Mostly he gets the best education and
likes long travels. He may also get settled in a far place away from his native place.

Principles of AstroPsychology

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to the 10th house, the subject is quite
popular and well known. A career in politics or social work is quite possible.

Below is Bill Clinton’s Horoscope with first house lord Moon in the 10th house.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 11th house, then the subject has many
friends and his most of the wishes are fulfilled easily.

If the first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 12 th house, then subject lives in a
different country or city and he feels himself alone and stranded. His health also remains down
through out.

Second House


The lord of second house or the planet deposited in second house affect the voice of the subject in
the following manner:

Sun Loud commanding voice with

Moon Gentle and courteous soothing voice
Mars Fast and abusive with contempt
Mercury Quick but sweet and childlike with lot
of giggles
Jupiter Thoughtful slow and wise words
Venus Soft and well mannered with smile
and naughty words
Saturn Cold voice with no respect and
niceties and is disliked for that
Rahu & Rough manners and causes troubles
Ketu because of poor speech

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Financial Success (Money Matters)

If the second house lord is deposited in 2nd, 6th, or 11th house the subject is definitely quite rich and
lives happily. Always remember that 6th house is a positive house for money matters.

If the ruler of 6th house or 11th house is deposited in 2nd house, then the subject is quite rich and
lives happily.

If the second house gets aspects of the lord of 2nd or 6th or 11th house the subject is rich enough.

If the 2nd house lord is exalted (or in his own house) in a positive house for finance (2nd, 6th, 10th
and 11th house) or if the occupant in 2nd house is exalted there (or in his own house) then also
subject is financially fortunate and lives comfortably

If the lord of the 5th or 8th or 12th is deposited in 2nd house the subject feels troubles with money and

If the lord of the 5th or 8th or 12th aspect the 2nd house or 2nd house lord, then also subject’s financial
condition is weak.

If the second house lord is in 5th or 8th or 12th house, then also subject suffers financially.

If the 2nd house lord is debilitated in the horoscope (especially in a negative house for finance, i.e.
5th, 8th and 12th) or if the occupant in 2nd house is debilitated there then also subject suffers in
financial matters and lives with many troubles.

Below is a horoscope of a street beggar. Look that 2 nd lord is debilitated and two malefic are in 2 nd

Connection of 2nd house with 1st house, 7th and 9th house are rather satisfactory for money matters
and they tell average life.

Connections of both positive (2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th house) and negative houses (5th, 8th and 12th)

Principles of AstroPsychology

should be understood to bring ups and downs in life for financial matters.

If there are many planets in the 2nd, 6th and 11th house, then the person earns lots of money while

Look at the horoscope of Angelina Jolie in earlier pages and below the horoscope of one of the
richest Warren Buffet.


Benefics (Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) in the 2nd house or their aspects tell good and happy
family life.

Malefic (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) in the 2nd house or their aspects tell trouble with the
family and a tendency to live away from the family people.

The Sun The individual is very dominating and ruling over

family members. Of course, quite protective too.
Saturn Coldness and lack or warm relations
Mars A lot of aggression brings the trouble

If Mercury is in the 2nd house with some malefic then many times person runs away from the home
in early life.

Third House

Communication Skills

Mercury or Jupiter connected (deposited or by lordship or aspect) with the 3rd house tells a very
good communication skills. The person is blessed with diplomatic ways and can get anything done
from anyone.

Mercury + Sun in 3rd house promise a capacity to instill the excitement in mass through the great
and encouraging words. The subject can lead the people in anyway like a great leader.

Rahu connected with the 3rd house tells manipulating tendency.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Above is the horoscope of famous Oprah Winfray with the combination of Mercury, Sun and Rahu
(and Venus) in the third house.


The benefics in the third house or their aspects tell good relationship with younger siblings while
malefic tell the poor bonding with them.


Mars or Sun connected with 3rd house tells a courageous person who is not afraid of anything in
life. But if Mars or Sun gets exalted in the third house, the subject become careless and jumps into
anything without a proper thought.

If the lord of the third house falls in the 6th or 8th or 12th house the subject has lots of fears and he
may develop a general lack or courage.

If the lord of the third house or planet in third house is debilitated, then also the same result is


Mercury or Jupiter connected with the third house makes a person intelligent. Mercury especially
gives a great sense of humor.

Rahu’s connection with the 3rd house or third house lord makes the subject shrewd and street smart
with great communication skills. One who can do almost anything.


Lord of the third house if connected with, the third house, the subject has a taste of working in
magazines or news channels. Often these people are good at correspondence, advertising,
announcements, conferences and communications media.

If the lord of the 3rd is Venus and is connected with the 5th house, then the subject writes
fascinating stories or poetry.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Look below the chart of famous writer Rudyard Kipling.

Fourth House


If some other benefic planet occupies the 4th house and the 4th house lord is not in the 3rd or 6th or
8th or 12th house the subject loves his mother a lot and remains happy with his mother.

If some malefic occupies the 4th house the subject doesn’t get much love and relation with his
mother are not very good.

If the 4th lord is placed in the 12th house and the Moon is also weak (in bad house, debilitated, bad
aspects) then person lives away from mother. Many times distance is not physical, but emotional.

Mental Peace

If the 4th house lord or the Moon is poorly placed (aspected) the subject has many emotional
problems in life. The subject also feels many fears and mental peace is disturbed.

Malefic in the 4th house can also cause various mental problems for the subject. It is discussed in
later chapters in great detail.


Jupiter or Mercury connected with the fourth house promises good and regular school education.

But if Rahu or Mars or Saturn is connected with the 4th house, then school education is disturbed.

If the 4th house lord is connected with the 9th house (by aspect or ownership or occupation) the
subject gets high education like a masters or PhD.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Comforts and possession

Venus connected with the fourth house promises the comfort of vehicles like cars or bikes.

Saturn /Mars connected with the fourth house and the 4th house lord placed in a good house (2nd,
4th, 10th and 11th) promise the acquisition or inheriting land or house.

Above is the horoscope of a rich person with all comforts and many lands and properties. The 4th
house lord is in its own house and aspected by Mars. Saturn is in the house of the 4th lord Venus.


If the lord of the 4th is badly placed and is also aspected by malefic, the person’s character becomes

Fifth House


If the 5th house lord is nicely placed and there is no malefic in 5th house, the person has many

If the 5th house gets the aspect of the benefic or benefics occupy the 5th house and Jupiter is strong,
the person will have children.

If the 5th house and the 5th lord are placed between malefic, the person can lose the children.

If malefic are in the 5th house and the 5th lord is placed in the 4th or 6th or 8th or 12th house, the
person loses his children.

Strong male planets’ influences on 5th house promise male children while strong female planets’
effect gives the female children.

If all the malefic occupy the 4th or if all of them occupy the 12th, 5th and the 1st, the person’s family
becomes completely extinct.
Principles of AstroPsychology


If the 5th house has benifics in it and the 5th lord is strong, then the subject possesses a very sharp

Strong Mercury or Jupiter in the 5th house makes a person intelligent with a sharp memory.

Malefic in the 5th house causes mental discomfort and psychological troubles.

Venus associated with the fifth house or if Venus is the lord of the 5th house, then the subject
possesses good creative capacities.

Mercury associated with the 3rd and the 5th house both promises great literary capacities.


Moon or Venus connected with the 5th house tells that the subject dreams about the romantic
partner and love.

If the 5th house lord is deposited in the 6th house or the 8th house, then subject feels himself cheated
in love and romance.

The period/sub period of the planet occupying the 5 th house or the lord of the 5th house is the time
of love and romance.


One or more benefics (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) connected (by lordship or by occupying
house) with the 5th house suggest a definite taste of any creative art like, writing, singing, dancing,
painting, drawing or something like that.

Below is the horoscope of great entertainer Michael Jackson. Jupiter promises creativity and Rahu
increases it many folds. But the Rahu’s presence and aspect of Mars are causing various mental
discomforts too. Venus is also the house lord of the fifth house.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Sixth House


Any Malefic in the 6th house is a good sign as it promises the subject a good immunity system and
‘never give up’ attitude in hard times.

Any benefic in the 6th house causes more health problems than the lord of the 6 th house. Any planet
in the 6th house causes the health troubles in the combined period of it and 1st house.

2 or more planets in the 6th house practically confine a person to bed and general troubles in life.
He has many enemies (or makes everyone his enemy) and is always suffering from some problems.

If the 6th house lord occupies the 5th house (12th to 6th) or the 11th house, then subject doesn’t
remain affected by any disease for too long.

If the 1st lord occupies the 6th house, the subject has a delicate body and gets some illness again
and again.


Jupiter in the 6th house (and 2nd house/2nd lord is weak) causes many debts and subject takes many
loans from the banks and his friends.

Earning from Job

If the lord of the 2nd house or 10th house is connected with the 6th house by aspect or by
occupation, then the subject earns well through a good paying job.

If the lord of the 6th house occupies the 10th house, then the subject can hold a respectful job
mostly in government agencies.

Marriage Problems

If the 7th house lord occupies the 6th house (12th to the 7th), various troubles in marriage life (even
divorce) are possible.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Above is the chart of famous psychologist Karl Jung. The 7th lord the Sun in the 6th house suggests
marriage troubles. He didn’t take divorce just to save his international reputation otherwise his
married life was very poor.

Social Work

A malefic in the 6th house also suggests that the subject can do some serious social work, especially
for the lowest and most deprived sections of the society.

Below is the horoscope of great social worker ‘Mother Teressa’ who worked whole life for the
poor and deprived in India.

Seventh House

Marriage/ Spouse

If benefics occupy the 7th house and the lord of the 7th is also placed in good houses, then the
subject enjoys a happy married life. If his relation ever ends, then it is by mutual consent and in a
friendly manner.

If Saturn occupies or aspects the 7th house or 7th lord, then person marries a man or woman of
elderly age. The age difference between the couple is more than usual.

If Mercury occupies or aspects the 7th house or 7th lord, then person marries a man or a woman of
childish attitude.

If Venus or Moon is the lord of 7th house or occupy the seventh house, then subject marries a
beautiful girl or boy.

If Rahu, Saturn or Mars occupy the 7th house or are 7th house lord then marriage is usually late.

If Saturn and Moon are somehow connected (by aspect or by occupying the sign of each other or
by conjunction) then also marriage comes takes place after a lot of delay.

If the 7th house lord falls in 6th, 8th or 12th house, then the subject doesn’t go along nicely with his
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

spouse. Marital tensions.

Below is the horoscope of a woman who was divorced just a few days after her marriage (7th lord
in 6th house).

(Please also refer to the horoscope of Carl Jung above).

If a malefic occupies the 7th house, then also it causes the various troubles in relationships.

If the lord of the 7th house and the 10th house exchange their houses, then marriage brings all the

If three out of four quadrants (1, 4, 7 and 10) are occupied by malefic then relationships don’t bring

If Rahu is in the 7th house, then the subject marries someone rich or famous (higher socioeconomic
standard) to raise his own level.

If Ketu is in the 7th house, then the subject is either detached or possessive about the relationship
and spouse.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Note: If Rahu/Ketu occupies the 7th house, then subject can’t stay with his spouse for long enough.
The subject tries his best to keep the relationship alive but husband and wife can’t stay with each
other and decide to stay apart to avoid fighting at home.

If the lord of the 7th house is afflicted and poorly placed then the subject’s own character is of
questionable nature.

If the 7th house lord joins the Rahu/Ketu and is aspected by Saturn or Mars, then the subject doesn’t
remain loyal to his partner.

Eighth House

Problems and humiliations

If planet the Sun falls in the 8th house, then the subject has some eye sight problem. If the 1st house
lord is also weak, then the subject has an inferiority complex and he doesn’t have a good self

The Moon in the 8th house causes various emotional problems, Mercury tells fears and anxiety,
Mars brings troubles with siblings and Venus brings the humiliations and troubles from spouse.

If there are two or more planets in the 8th house, then the subject has to face a lot of humiliation
too, and the subject feels that people close to him are cheating him.

If Mars or Rahu or Ketu occupy the 8th house the subject becomes very aggressive and violent.

Saturn in the 8th house or as a lord of 8th house promises a very long life, but also causes a long
delay in getting the fruits of one’s hard work.

Accidents and Losses

The person gets many accidents, humiliations and troubles in the combined period of the planets
connected with the 1st house and the 8th house.

If the 2nd house lord occupies the 8th house, then person looses the money that he lends to friends
and relatives, doesn’t come back.

Benefics falling in the eighth house become too weak in the eighth house to give the best results
they usually promise, while any malefic in the 8th house ward off much of the bad effect of 8th

Extra Ordinary Success after Troubles

If the lord of the 8th is in the 6th or 12th house, then the person goes on to win (in the most difficult
times for everyone else) and gain remarkable success.


Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

If the lord of the 3rd house occupies the 8th house, then the person can write fiction with great
suspense and violence.

Mercury or Jupiter or the 9th house lord in the 8th house suggests the interest in hidden sciences and
occult including psychology, psychiatry and healings.

Unearned Income

Exalted or strong benefics in bhava-8 bring large alimony, inheritances, and insurance settlements.

Ninth House


If benefics occupy the ninth house, then the subject has good relations with his father.

If malefic are in the ninth house, then subject doesn’t go along nicely with his father.

If the 9th lord is in the 12th or 8th house, then subject doesn’t get enough love from his father.

If Jupiter is the lord of 9th house and placed nicely, then subject’s father is a wise and honorable

If the lord of the 1st and the 9th are strong and the Sun is placed in good house, then subject is
obedient to his father.

Higher Education

If Mercury or Jupiter is connected with the 9th house, then subject gains higher education and
knowledge. Jupiter especially is also connected with teaching and spiritual education.

Look at the house exchange between the owners of the 3rd house and the 9th house in above
horoscope. Jupiter is in the 9th house and Mercury is in the 3rd house. The subject is a person of
Mensa level intelligence (above 132 IQ) and higher education.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Below is another horoscope of an Indian scientist. This horoscope is not good for marital
happiness, but promises higher education research and fame.

Mercury is exalted in the 9th house, Jupiter is also exalted in the 7th house and Venus is in the 10th
house (both are centre houses); so for knowledge, education and research this is a good
horoscope. But at the same time presence of three malefic in the 7th house (Mars is debilitated too)
and the 7th house lord Moon in the 12th house suggests a poor married life.


If Rahu lies in the 9th house, then subject falsely shows off his knowledge of religion and religious

If the 9th is occupied by benefics and the 9th lord is also nicely placed then the subject is generally
satisfied with his life.

Well placed 9th house and the 9th house lord make a person morally strong, truthful, just and
religious, with true knowledge.

Long Travel

If the first house lord is connected with the 9th house, then Subject has a tendency to travel in far
places and get settled there.

Tenth House

The 10th house is almost as strong as the ascendant himself. So any planet in 10 th house becomes
very powerful and dictates the horoscope.


If the lord of the 10th house connects with the 7th house, then subject usually takes the business as
his profession.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

If the lord of the 10th house connects with the 6th house, then subject takes up a job as a profession.

If the 10th house lord connects with both 6th and the 7th houses, then subjects does both for some

If Mercury connects with the 10th house, then the subject has more than one profession for most of
the time.

If the lord of the 10th house is deposited in the 2nd or 6th or 7th or 10th or 11th house, then profession
brings fortunes and subject earns good money and prestige from it.

Social Status and Fame

Two or more planets in the 10th house also promise fame and popularity.

If the 10th house lord is in its own house or exalted in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th or 11th then subject
usually joins politics or some other social work.

Above is the horoscope of a German woman who was the director of a big company and had quite
a good fame in his profession. She also had many good contacts in politics. Look at the presence of
the Sun (debilitated) and Mercury in the 10th house and the 10th house lord Venus in the 11th house.

If Rahu occupies the 10th house with some benefic then the subject gets great fame and popularity.

If Saturn occupies the 10th house, then the person doesn’t get enough recognition for his good
works or he feels too shy to take credit.

Jupiter in 10th house promises a respectful position in religious offices or the subject becomes a
well known professor or philosopher.

Venus in 10th house brings the fame and popularity through the arts and creative fields.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Eleventh House

If the lord of the 11th is strong and well-placed, the immediate elder sibling will be a very helpful
person in one's life.

However, if lord of the 11th is in its own house or exalted or in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house, the
native is often himself the eldest. He will have well-placed friends, and gain substantially from the
matters signified by that exalted planet.

Mercury in the 11th house gives gain through a network of highly communicative, well-connected,
often mentally gifted friends.

The 4th house lord or Mars in the 11th house promise the gains of immovable property like land and

If the 2nd house lord occupies the 11th house the person earns lots of money.

Lord of the 6th house in 11th suggests the benefits from jobs and no illness stays too long to the

If the lord of 11th house (a strong planet) occupies the 1st house, the subject achieves recognition
and respect for his wonderful progress in life.

Twelfth House

If the 1st house lord occupies the 12th house, then subject settles in a far off place and remains
alone (emotionally).

If the 1st house lord is connected to 6th and 12th or 8th and 12th then person losses his health and
remains sick throughout the life.

The 4th house lord occupying the 12th house tells the loss of ancestral property. If the Moon is also
weak, then the subject’s mother can also be away (even dead).

Venus in the 12th house tells that the person lives his life with all sorts of comforts. He can also
have the sexual relationships with many women.

A weak Moon (debilitated, poorly aspected or with evil planets) in the 12th house for female
natives causes various gynecological problems too.

Two or more planets in the 12th house also cause the various sleep problems to the person.

If Saturn or Ketu occupy the 12th house, then the person has a strong feeling of detachment. These
people spend a lot of time in monasteries and forests.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Unit 2
Introduction to AstroPsychology

Principles of AstroPsychology

Psychological Meaning of Houses

First House: The Self

In AstroPsychology the first house describes the basic personality of the subject and his
temperament. It describes who the subject is, and how he projects himself in the world. Besides it,
the first house tells the liking of the subject, and those issues that the subject wants to resolve and
master in this lifetime. The connections of the first house tell the likings of the subject and things
he deems important.

Second House: Personal Ethics and Voice

The second house describes the moral values and ethics of the subject, and how far he is going to
stick to them. Whether he is a person with strong ideals and ethics or ‘if he would go little left or
right ways to make some extra bucks’ can be decided by the 2nd house. Besides it, the 2nd house
describes the family relations in general. The 2nd house also tells about the quality of voice and
ways of speaking (sweet or harsh). A sweet voice can win the world, that’s why the 2nd house is
also associated with movable possessions or money.

Third House: Affiliation, Communication, reasoning and decision making

The 3rd house in classical astrology is called the house of siblings. The 3rd house tells the relations
with siblings and adjustment with the immediate environment. One who can maintain satisfactory
relations with siblings can also keep great adjustments with friends & nearby people and vice versa.
Besides it, the third house is also connected with communication skills, self expression (by
speaking or writing), mental growth and initiative. Logical decision making and reasoning are also
judged by the 3rd house.

Fourth House: Mother, emotions, comprehension and general happiness.

The 4th house tells about the mother’s love, care, nurturance and effect of mother on the subject or
lack of that. Mother’s love (a real unconditional love) is an important and necessary aspect for the
development of a normal adult personality. Availability or lack of the same very much affects the
emotional being of the subject. The 4th house describes your home (It also includes the
environment that one feels in home relaxed, unstressed, peaceful, and comfortable) and
motherland. Moreover the 4th house also tells the mental peace and general happiness experienced
by the subject. Its afflictions are hard to overcome, as the 4th house is the most sensitive one. The
4th house is associated with basic education & comprehensive of the subject.

Fifth House: Mind, Creativity, Intelligence, Memory

The fifth house of the horoscope is associated with the mind and mental processes like intelligence,
creativity, memory, perception etc. The higher creativity is expressed in artistic pursuits and lower
creativity gets its expression in procreation. Affliction to the fifth house affects the mind in general
and capacity to perceive the things objectively.
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Sixth House: Stress and Coping Skills

The 6th house tells about stress and pressure in daily life and how the subject is going to cope with
that. The 6th house tells about the various failures, fears, and things that create anxious moments for
the subject. The house of enemies, i.e. the 6th house creates the challenges not only in the personal
life but also social life too. It challenges the subject to use his cognitive capacities suggested by the
3rd, 4th and 5th house, like intelligence and diplomacy to overcome these troubles. Further challenge
for him is to bring others (subject’s near and dear ones) out of it or leave them behind.

Seventh House: Marital Happiness

The house of spouse is associated with the marital success and adjustment or lack of it. It also tells
the various demands and expectations the subject has from his partner. More over the 7th house also
tells if the subject himself is willing to fulfill the expectations of the partner. The 7th house tells the
perceived personality of the spouse. It also tells about the sexual desires and the relation of the
subject. A good 7th house is many times the key to the psychological well being.

Eighth House: The Hidden or the Dark Side

The 8th house tells about death, the occult and hidden side of life. The 8 th house tells about the
things that we want to hide from the world. It tells the dark side of human being. This is the secret
house where a person stores his guilty side, i.e. the wrongs and mistakes he has done in life. The 8th
house is associated with negative emotions like jealousy, anger, hostility and lust. This includes
those deeds that cause guilt, fear and anxiety. Disturbed eighth house causes over usage of defense
mechanisms like repression, suppression, projection and denial. Here the houses and planets
connected with the 8th house hint that the subject has an untold hate and dissatisfaction towards the
people (and even apprehensions of them) signified with these houses and planets.

Ninth House: Father, High Education

The 9th house is associated with father, long travel, philosophy, religion, higher education, and
research. In AstroPsychology also the 9th house tells the father. It tells how the subject fares with an
authority figure and about his desire to assert his personality and revolt when he is dominated. This
house in combination of 4th house also tells the subject’s education.

Tenth House: Ambitions and Efforts

The 10th house in natal astrology is associated with the profession, social respect, and public image.
Psychologically the tenth house associates with the esteem needs and power needs. The 10 th house
tells the desire to assert oneself in the society. It tells subject’s ambitions and resources (he
believes) he possesses to fulfill them. Of course it needs a lot of efforts and hard work. Here the
10th house itself tells about these efforts too.

Eleventh House: Group Dynamics

The 11th house is associated with friendship and goals. Some astrologers feel that the essential
meaning of the 11th house is how we relate to larger groups and the community in which we live. It

Principles of AstroPsychology

describes the manner in which we participate in community activities, and how important the larger
community, national, and global issues are to us.

Twelfth House: Unconscious, Sleep & Dreams

The 12th house is associated with various things such as loss, expanses, institutions, hospitals,
prisons, etc. A psychological view of the 12th house is that it describes the unconscious thought and
feelings of responsibility. It throws light on the subject’s unconscious motives and desires. Various
fears, depressive and self defeating thoughts are to be studied from this house. It also shows a
desire to escape from one’s own circumstances. This leads to the feelings of being isolated, left
alone and dejection. The planets and houses connected with the twelfth house denote the issues and
areas that are creating these knots in the minds of the subject. These unconscious reasons are affect
sleep and dreams. So the twelfth house is also associated with sleep and dreams or the disturbances
of them.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Psychological Meaning of Planets

The planets in horoscope tell various psychological complexes according to their position in the
horoscope. Each planet corresponds to certain key characteristics and these characteristics are
further modified by the strength and position of planets in the horoscope. A planet can be weak or
strong in following ways:


• Any planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th house becomes weak and brings bad results
• Any planet in its debilitation
• In conjunction of some malefic planet
• In aspect of some malefic planet
• Any planet sandwiched between two malefic planets in houses either side of it


• Any planet in its own house (ruled by himself) becomes strong and brings good results
• Any planet in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house
• Any planet in its exaltation
• In conjunction of some benefic planet
• In aspect of some benefic planet
• Any planet sandwiched between two benefic planets in the house either side of it

Note: Malefic planets also become weak in conjunction and aspects of some malefic. Logic behind
it is simple. Even the rough kind of person also suffers in the presence of other rough.

Further the strength of planets is judged in the following method. According to this method the
planets’ position can be Satwik, Rajsik or Tamasik. They are explained as below:


‘Satwa’ means pure, peaceful & harmonious. A planet in Satwik position brings good results. This
is the best position of the planet where it brings the positive and helpful traits and does no harm.
Usually any planet placed in a good house without the presence of any negative influence
(described above) and with some positive influences (also described above) will be called in Satwik
(dignified). In Satwik position planet enhances the psychological growth and renders the capacity
to resolve various complexes by oneself. For example please check the following chart. In this
chart Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in Satwik position. Mercury is exalted in the ninth house
with benefic Venus and Sun without any negative influence. Same way Sun is also Satwik. Saturn
is exalted in the tenth house with Jupiter next to it and Mars is in its own house in the eleventh
house in the aspect of the benefic Moon. Check other charts and try to understand yourself.

Principles of AstroPsychology


‘Rajas’ means stimulation, activity. It is not so pure and harmonious a Satwa. Rajas (excited)
position of the planet is the one in which there are many good influences with some strong evil
influence on any single planet. This way, such planet becomes excessively strong, but still offers a
different expression of the traits (not ideal) for the personality of the subject. The subject is visibly
good in those areas, but at the same time starts misusing them. Here any planet in rajas disturbs the
psychological equilibrium of a subject. For example look at the above chart. The Moon, Rahu,
Venus and Jupiter are Rajasik. The Moon is exalted in the fifth but in the aspect of malefic Mars.
Same way Rahu is exalted in the sixth house (a difficult house) but in the aspect of Jupiter. Venus
is debilitated in the 9th house but in the company of strong benefic Mercury and Satwik Sun. Same
is the case of Jupiter.


‘Tamas’ means darkness, passiveness and ignorance. Any planet in Tamas / inflicted position in
horoscope causes troubles. Inflicted position of any planet leads to various psychological
complexes. The various capacities associated with the planet are seen missing or lacking.
Whenever environmental forces ask for those characteristics, the subject finds himself out of depth.
Two or more of the bad effects (without the support of any good effect) cause a planet to be in
Tamas. The Tamasik position of planet in the horoscope is usually the reason of psychological
troubles. If two or more planets are in Tamasik position in horoscope then chances of psychological
illness increase many folds.

In the following horoscope look at the position of the Moon. She is in the aspect of Mars and Ketu
and in the company of Rahu in the seventh house. Of-course there is the conjunction of Jupiter too,
but the afflictions are too strong and far too many. So the Moon is Tamasik. For the same reasons
Jupiter is also tamsik. Further, look at the position of Saturn. Saturn is in the eighth house and in
the aspect of strong malefic Mars. Saturn has no positive influence on it. So Saturn is definitely

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Let’s undertsand what are the qualities of Satwik, Rajsik and Tamsik nature of planets, and how
they affect our persoanlity:

The Sun
If the Sun, the king is in Satwik (good) position in horoscope then it promises a wealth of virtues.
These include a natural leadership skill, management and initiative capacity and great protective
care for the people working under his rulership. The Sun in good position doesn’t need to try to
take the lead rather it comes to him naturally as people around him announce him their preferred
leader. A Satwic Sun also induces the self respect, pride and commanding nature, but still the
subject has the respect for elders, humility and patience to listen the advices of other people. The
subject possesses a loud and encouraging voice. Such a subject would fulfill his promises at all
costs. This also provides a sense of responsibility (like a king and leader) for oneself, one’s nation
and society. Sun is a noble king, so a good position of the Sun tells a noble, generous, disciplined,
humanitarian and dignified person. Such a subject wants to show his example to the other people. It
also gives a desire to forgive. A Satwik Sun also tells enthusiasm, will power, activity, cheerfulness
and innovative thoughts and plans. The subject has a tendency of waking up early morning, and
further he follows the Satwik life style. Sun is the source of light in the whole universe, so if the
Sun is strong in horoscope then subject can’t remain in darkness, i.e. in disappointment, low spirits
and depression for a long time.

If the Sun is in Rajas in the horoscope then the extreme qualities start coming up. Extreme of
anything is no way good in any circumstances. When the Sun is strong, but with negative
influence, then the subject has a strong desire to be in the spotlight and on the front to take the
credit of all that is good. He takes responsibility only if it glorifies him otherwise blames others for
the failures. He wears an artificial smile and behaves in an affected mannerism. Rajasik Sun makes
the subject very proud, egoist, arrogant and dominating. No doubt he possesses the great leadership
skills but his leadership is like that of a dictator. He can’t see anyone standing in front of him and
expects everyone to be accepting his superiority and authority. For achieving this, the subject can
be manipulating and exploiting the weaker people. The protective nature of the king Sun can

Principles of AstroPsychology

transform into a belief that he is the great ‘Saviour’ of this world. It is similar to feeling of
grandiosity. The subject respects his father and elder people only if they are respectable in his
viewpoint. The subject has high power need and can’t see himself ignored by nearby people.
Anyway a very strong Sun in horoscope tells an obsession of high position and power.

If Sun is in Tamas (quite weak) in horoscope, then the subject experiences an inability to wake up
in the morning at an early time and feels lethargic. He can’t even sleep early at night. Moreover a
very Tamasik Sun causes a lack of self esteem and a poor self image. This subject tries to shield
himself by showing hostility, arrogance and dominance on weak people. He doesn’t have any clear
goal and vision for his life. Such a subject is quite dependent on the opinion of others and his
decisions are colored by their views. The Tamasik Sun makes him quite irresponsible and careless
in his daily lives. Many times he doesn’t give any importance to his own promises. The subject also
humiliates and taunts the respectable people and his colleagues. Actually this is his technique to
feel comfortable and secure while he knows that he is no way as good as others are.

The Moon
The Moon, the queen, is the natural significator of mind, emotions and mother. A Satwik position
(good position) of the Moon in horoscope promises a very friendly and caring attitude to every
individual. For this the Moon should be in good houses, in its own sign or in a friendly sign with
conjunction/favorable aspects from Jupiter, Venus or Mercury and without the
conjunction/unfavorable aspects from malefic. The Satwik position of the queen (the Moon)
promises the feminine qualities that make a person, kind, sensitive and a bit shy. The subject is
accessible for everyone without any discrimination. He is ever cheerful in all circumstances and his
company is soothing and inspiring for his friends and relatives. Others around him wonder how
come he is so happy, and if he has any worries and sad moments in life. Satwik Moon can be
associated with high EQ (emotional intelligence). He always wears a sweet, honest and childish
smile. A Satwik position of Moon promises a calm mind, emotional satisfaction and maturity in
expressing his emotions. Such a person is kind and gentle to everyone and has a motherly love and
care for his people. Subject deeply loves his mother with a sense of gratitude and always feels
himself fortunate to have ‘such a loving mother’. He loves children and becomes a child himself in
their company. Such a subject also possesses imaginations and sometimes a very good intuition
too. These imaginations can also be channelized in creative arts, provided other planets (especially
Venus) are also favorable.

If the Moon in the horoscope is in Rajas, i.e. strong but with few malefic effects on it (for example
exalted with conjunction/aspect of benefic planets), then it is not so favorable situation as it
suggests very restless mind and sensitive & emotional nature. Such a person has big mood swings.
In the morning he can seem very happy and cheerful and in the evening very tired and sad. He
swings between great enthusiasm to feeling gloomy and activeness to passiveness. They will start
working on some projects with great enthusiasm for a few hours or days and then will completely
put it on a side for a long time. These people have very sharp brains and they understand and
remember anything very quickly, but forget it even quicker. They can express their emotions very
well, but at the same time have a tendency to be concerned of their own emotional needs only. At
many times they fail to see that they are emotionally blackmailing or manipulating their near and
dear ones. This all happens unconsciously, as in their own hearts they remain true and caring.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

These people are overly dependent on their emotional relationships and the fear of losing them can
make them a bit jealous and possessive. With their children they are very much loving and caring
but at the same time can become overprotective and not allowing them to grow up. They remain
happy with the feeling of control over the situation and the people whom they love.

The Moon, a natural significator of mind, if in Tamas, causes many psychological troubles and
mental discomforts. The influence of a Tamasik or the weak Moon (the Moon in the 6th, 8th or 12th
house becomes weak. Moreover debilitation and conjunction/aspects from malefic make it even
worse) is characterized by regressive thinking (pondering about the past), a tendency to go into
depression again and again, exaggerated fears, poor concentration, weak memory, hypochondriasis.
Moreover, such a subject faces various emotional problems. There is either exaggerated emotional
feelings or complete inability to express one’s feelings openly. Generally they get influenced by
other people’s emotional responses quite easily, and later feel themselves to be ‘used’. Few of my
clients told that sometimes they wondered if they were emotional fools. The Moon (the queen) is
the most important planet for the women. For the women and young girls the Tamasik i.e.
weakened position of the Moon in the horoscope indicates the various menstrual and gynecological
troubles. I saw many very thin and weak girls in the society have the Moon very weak in their
horoscope. The most of them admitted that they had serious menstrual troubles for years. Tamasik
Moon can also bring the swelling in the body due to the increase of uric acid in the body. The
Moon is also the natural significator of mother so the poor position of the Moon is associated with
poor relationships with mother and hostility towards the mother. Many times mother may not be
emotionally available or in some extreme cases she may die early. Moreover, poor position of the
Moon tells indifference towards children. Either these people don’t want the children (abortions
and miscarriages) or find it very difficult to give proper care and nurturance to their own children.
The reason is obvious. They are so much engrossed in their own personal emotional problems that
providing the emotional support to their own children or anyone else becomes very difficult for

Mars is given the status of an army general in the planetary world. So naturally a satwik position of
the Mars in horoscope makes a person fearless warrior. Such a person has great will power and self
belief to achieve anything in life and face any challenges. He takes the life events on their face
value without wondering their real or hidden meanings. He is full of athleticism and seems younger
than his actual age. The subject has a natural interest in sports and adventure activities. Satwik
Mars in the first house (or the aspect of Mars on 1st house) promises an athletic built. Mars in good
position makes a person enthusiastic and courageous. He is brave and sure about this and doesn’t
need to show it off by dominating and threatening others. He is more protective rather than being
aggressive. A satwik position of Mars in horoscope makes a person a natural leader (army
commander). Such a subject has a logical thinking based on practical aspects of life. Once he takes
a decision or starts a project then he works really hard to achieve his goals. Satwik Mars tells a
capacity to fight for one’s ideals. Such a person can stand alone in the face of strong adversaries
(for his values), even when he knows that he can’t win in the battle. For example, you can think of
those revolutionaries that appear in the history of every country from time to time.

If Mars is in Rajas in horoscope then the subject indulges in tough physical activities to show off

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how tough he is. Like body building, martial arts, wrestling, sports like football, rugby, basketball
and adventurous sports, etc. It includes all those physical activities by which an individual can
exhibit his physical strength and dominate or frighten weaker people so that they accept his
rulership without uttering a word in protest. (In the ancient times, the martial arts were taught with
a view to protect and not to attack. The teachers were careful to teach their disciples the discipline
and any desire to harm the weaker ones was severely criticized. The desire to protect is Satwik
Mars in harmony while desire to attack and harm is Mars in Rajasik position causing troubles to
whole society). Such a subject takes pleasure in the competitions where they can defeat their
enemies. Many times it tells a sadistic person too. Besides, a very Rajasik Mars induces high lust in
the subject who takes pleasure in causing pain in love making. Cruelty is one aspect connected with
Mars. All sorts of heinous sexual violence are caused by overly Rajasik Mars (connected with
Venus). Many hardened criminals and serial killers also have Mars in similar position in their
horoscopes. If other planets also support then the subject can also take pride in drinking alcohol
and eating raw meat.

When Mars is in Tamas in horoscope then it logically tells ‘not a brave person’. This subject is
generally meek and submissive. Besides it, he lacks courage and can’t stand for his rights. These
subjects are easily led and manipulated. Many times these people are also subject to physical abuse
and violence. Their failure to ‘take revenge’ from their adversaries makes them find soft and weak
targets to direct their frustrations. So such a person is generally hostile and aggressive towards the
weaker people. All sorts of bullying is the act of weak/Tamasik Mars. On weaker people they exert
their power, but whenever they meet someone of their own size or even stronger they run away
very quickly. Bullying is definitely an act of cowardice to hide one’s own weakness of character.
Besides, many times sadistic attitude is the result of weak Mars in the horoscope. Tamasik Mars
also increases the lust many folds and many times a person may become violent in sex too. The
hostility is generally evident in their voice which is full of anger, obscene language and devoid of
any respect and gratitude. The reason of this hostility is the inner frustration that is directed onto
nearby soft targets. Another indication of Tamasik Mars is a lack of motivation and inability to do
hard work in life.

Mercury is described as an intelligent prince/princess in the kingdom of planets. So a Satwik
position of Mercury is associated with a sharp mind and penetrating intelligence with a capacity to
analyze the things. A satwik position of Mercury makes anyone good in mathematics, philosophy
and astrology. Good Mercury in the horoscope also promises great skills in communication and
convincing anyone with his unbeatable logics and reasoning capacity. Mercury (as a young child)
tells a capacity to learn anything very quickly. Such a subject can learn many languages too. Satwik
Mercury also makes a witty person. People with Satwik Mercury generally have a high IQ (above
average). I saw in my research that subjects with a Mensa level IQ have a Satwik (many times
Rajasik too) Mercury (we’ll discuss it later in detail with few examples). Moreover a good Mercury
makes a subject thirsty for the knowledge and ready to learn something new forever. In our daily
lives, we see that young children have good humor and can find the reason to laugh anywhere at
any time. Same way Mercury the child also promises a great humor. Such a subject has a childish
innocence around him. He is ever smiling and also keeps others nearby happy by his jokes.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

A Rajasik Mercury is not such a good thing is the horoscope. It suggests exaggeration and misuse
of Mercury capacities. A subject with Rajasik Mercury is generally very intelligent and cunning in
his methods. He likes to keep himself discreet and hidden so much that others don’t understand
what is going through his minds or what his real aims are. A Rajasik Mercury in horoscope makes
a subject a ‘know all’. He possesses arrogance for his super intelligence and this makes him rash
and careless. He believes that he can find ways in all sort of tough situations so he doesn’t need to
hear anyone’s advice. Nobody can give him any suggestions. Even if he listens, then also he
doesn’t pay any ear to it. He uses his eloquence to make contacts with influential people and even
manipulate them. Such Mercury is generally useful in politics. Mercury the child is when Rajasik
in the horoscope, it also causes an inability to sit silently. His mind needs constant stimulation.
These subjects have too much energy in their mind and body. Although they have good intelligence
and memory, still suffer from poor concentration. An excess use of logical and reasoning capacity
makes him argumentative. A subject with overly strong Mercury can prove a doctrine on a day and
the next day he can give unbeatable logics against it. Just for the sake of argument they take sides
against any opponent and challenge the well established norms of the society. Many great
philosophers (e.g. Nietzsche) had very strong Mercury in their charts and they had a tendency to
upset the things in their fancy of arguments. But in the end all this mental circus becomes futile as
neither subject himself really reaches anywhere, nor does he show light to a few (of which he was
more than capable).

If Mercury is in Tamas (weak) in horoscope then psychologically it is not a good sign. These
subjects have a poor concentration. They find it difficult to keep their minds on one thing for long
enough. A poor position of Mercury in the horoscope is associated with a poor memory and an
inability to learn and replicate it into their lives. Generally they are average/below average in their
studies and find it difficult in schools. They find it difficult to make others understand their point of
view. Many times they don’t have good communication skills. Of-course same can be acquired by
a regular practice (job demand). Tamasik Mercury makes a person quite careless and always in a
hurry. He becomes absent minded and forgetful (not because of any disease). Weak Mercury
causes irritable nature and a suspicious behaviour. Irritability makes them react a lot on petty
issues. Such subjects can’t withstand criticism. Mercury is associated with nervous system, so a
weak nervous system is generally the result of a poor Mercury in the horoscope. This causes
constant stress and tension. These subjects have a special capacity to make small things big in their
minds. I observed that their hands are full of fine lines and generally wet.


Jupiter is described in classical astrology as a wise minister and priest. So, logically a Satwik
Jupiter in horoscope gives the characteristics worthy of a wise and noble minister. A Satwik
position of Jupiter tells an honest, generous and true person. He is a man of honor, and keeps his
words at all costs. Such a person feels proud of his moral values & traditions, and follows them
despite all the temptations to do otherwise. He has a desire to show his example to others. Noble
characteristics of Jupiter make him compassionate and helping for the poor & weak. Such a subject
is intelligent and thoughtful. He is a man of planning, and he seriously carries out his plans into
action. Jupiter the minister has a very thoughtful and measured speech (unless Mercury is not
saying otherwise). Satwik Jupiter promises optimistic outlook towards the life. The subject has a
tendency of seeing the bright side of the life. In all sorts of difficulties he never loses his courage

Principles of AstroPsychology

and patience. This helps him find an out of the box solution for any problem. Since Jupiter is a
priest, so naturally a good position of it tells spiritual and religious outlook with an interest in
philosophy and allied subjects. People with good Jupiter usually have good knowledge, even if it is
not earned in university or school. Their knowledge and skills are evident in their life and total
personality. Jupiter is also called as ‘Guru’ i.e. teacher. So the subject has a natural capacity for
teaching and especially counseling. People like to tell him their difficulties and seek his advice and
guidance. Jupiter the teacher also promises a lot of knowledge and higher education. The subject
has respect for his father and teachers, and a sense of gratitude is promised towards everyone.
Satwik position of Jupiter can be associated with self actualization need described by Rogers.

If Jupiter is in Rajas (too strong) in horoscope it also causes some problems in personality of the
subject. It creates a heightened sense of optimism. The subject has a tendency to hope against the
hope and believe in divine helps. This doesn’t sound bad as it is what we want from individuals.
But when a person is blinded by his lack of capacity to perceive the plain reality then it is for sure a
problem. Such a subject always believes that nothing wrong can happen to him. This belief makes
them reckless and carefree. They fail to see the consequences of their own actions. The Jupiter, the
wise priest, when in Rajas also makes a person proud who fails to appreciate the others’ point of
view. His ‘wise words’ become final. Rajasik Jupiter gives a dictator like attitude. The subject
behaves as supreme authority and puts his rules on others in the name of morality and values, while
for himself he has another set of rules. Many times subject becomes fanatic in his religious beliefs
and rituals.

A Tamasik Jupiter in horoscope causes a person to lose his morals and values at any given point of
time. He finds it difficult to resist temptations. Moreover a weak Jupiter (the priest) can behave
either in atheist or fanatic manner. Many religious groups/sects just want to increase their numbers.
If you don’t follow them, then you are against them. Their beliefs are not based on sound
philosophical or spiritual grounds rather on the conviction that only they are right. This means a
lack of coexistence. It is because of an inability to reason out right & wrong. Jupiter in Tamas also
causes a harsh and rude manner with a definite air of contempt. Subject shows this contempt
towards all the authorities, especially towards his father and teachers. Besides it, the subject may
find troubles in continuing with education. If somehow he manages to get a good one (pushed by
parents in schools or continuing education without much aim), still mostly he never gets to do
anything associated with that. It is happening a lot these days. So many young boys and girls in
India are getting a good education without much purpose. They remain average or even below
average students throughout, still end up with a couple of university degrees. But they themselves
have no belief in their degrees and skills in their field of expertise. I saw that the most of these
people had poor Jupiter in the horoscope. One thing more, that Tamasik Jupiter misses. It is the
hope and optimism. People with weakened Jupiter are always seen wrapped in certain pessimism;
hence they break down in difficulties very soon.

Venus is described in classical astrology as the female priest or queen’s maid. A good Satwik
Venus (also without the aspect or conjunction of Mars) in horoscope suggests a romantic and kind
person who looks at the world through his pink glasses. He desires the platonic kind of love in his
life. At many times he finds himself in an alien world. Satwik position of Venus gives a self

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assuredness about one’s body image. The subject loves himself and feels comfortable in his own
body. He loves to look attractive without trying to be vulgar. Well posited Venus (without the
aspect or conjunction of Mars) also suggests a good libido and rather satisfied with a partner. He
forgives the people he loves for their ill behaviour. He has a certain grace and feminine vanity in
him. The subject possesses a great aesthetic sense. He likes to keep the beautiful and soothing
things around him. Such a subject is very much careful to enhance and improve the environment
around him. He likes to collect beautiful and artistic things, for this he can spend a lot of money on
luxurious articles.

If Venus is in Rajas in horoscope then it causes the extreme nature of Venus, i.e. insatiable sexual
lust and many partners in whom he looses the interest with every passing day. It also causes too
many sexual fantasies in mind and causes him a lack of concentration in the presence of the
opposite gender. The subject has a heightened body image about self and wants constant
appreciation for the same. These subjects have a tendency of seeking attention from the opposite
gender, and for this they usually exhibit vulgar behaviour, clothing (in the name of fashion) or
talking. Extreme of this tendency can be understood as nymphomaniac behaviour. Usually this
term is only used for so called ‘men crazy’ women, as men exhibiting this tendency usually get
away without any such label stuck upon them. The reason behind this is that men are socially
believed to be more or less ‘women crazy’ and it is thought to be a norm. The most common
example of this is the flirting nature, associated with loose character. So if a man exhibit vulgar
behaviour to attract women or express his higher sexual demands people just ignore it or laugh it
away. If Mars is also aspecting or is conjunct with a Rajasik Venus, then the subject gets sexually
violent and causes pains to their partners. The subject also becomes possessive and obsessive for
his partner. It also causes a strong jealousy. He finds it difficult to forgive the people whom he
loves. Expanses on sensual pleasure are a lot.

If Venus is Tamasik i.e. weak in horoscope then it is characterized by the disregard for morality for
sexual gratification. The subject has a natural tendency for everything seemed ‘taboo’. Hidden
sexual pleasures and adultery are possible if time and space permit. It also leads to excessive sexual
fantasies and pornography; sometimes even addiction of the later. Further, the subject is not
satisfied with his own body image. They either see themselves as overweight or underweight.
Women with Venus in Tamas want a very thin body (they compare themselves with TV models)
while men want to possess a body of wrestlers. Anorexia and Bulimia are the extreme of Tamasik
Venus in horoscope. Many such people are also excessively worried about the size and shape of
their certain body parts. This is weak (Tamasik) Venus in their horoscope. This poor body image
leads them to express their sexuality very covertly. Subjects with Tamasik Venus also doubt if
anybody really loves them as they don’t find themselves attractive enough. Here lust replaces the
love as sexual contacts make them feel more comfortable and desirable. So they feel more sexual
contacts they have, more love they have in life.

Saturn is described as an old servant. A well posited (Satwik) Saturn in horoscope refers to
humbleness and modesty in the subject. Such a subject is a bit introvert and likes to stay far from
the crowd and noise. One who likes to live calmly without any interference or trouble with anyone.
Such a subject can learn many things in life. He shows independence and detachment from all

Principles of AstroPsychology

sensual pleasures. The subject can see the connecting thread binding past, present and future and
remains unmoved by anything. A Satwik position of Saturn also suggests a dislike for any show-off
or exhibition of false ego. Such subject is loyal, honest and sincere to carry out his responsibilities.
Satwik Saturn in horoscope makes a person disciplined and organized in his daily routine. He likes
to see that things are being done methodically correct. For him process is more important than the
actual outcome. One special quality is that he has control over his feelings. His emotions don’t
interfere his cold decision making (based on facts). This provides him great patience and endurance
for working on any project for a very long time till he reaches his goal. He is a workhorse type
person who likes working silently without concern of the outside world and any expectation. It is
like ‘Karma Yoga’ as described in Geeta.

If Saturn is Rajasik in horoscope then it increases the perseverance of the subject too much and he
becomes a workaholic. He believes that hard work is the purpose of life. There is a chance that the
subject may find himself doing too many things in life. This leads to being a ‘Jack of all trades and
master of none’. The subject has a tendency to wear a grave seriousness on his face and forgets to
smile and relax in life (especially if Mercury is also tamasik). Too much sincerity and seriousness
makes him very cautious and fanatically disciplined & organized. The subject doesn’t believe other
people for getting the things done and, has a tendency to find mistakes. Reason is simple. He
believes that if he hasn’t done it himself, then it can’t be perfect. Rajasik Saturn tells feeling of
competition with authority figures like teachers, father or boss. Subject wants to prove himself
better than these people. It also causes some personality clashes with the authoritative people in

If Saturn is in Tamas (quite weak) in horoscope then the subject becomes irresponsible and
careless. Hard work becomes a burden for him. Such subjects want to do something that can bring
‘easy success’, and for this some ‘compromises’ are possible. He also becomes overly dependent
on his friens and people. He likes to be in a safe environment. This causes various fears of rejection
from the nearby people. He is afraid of being left alone and obsessively remembers the sad events
of his life. Subject many times may become overly submissive to keep himself safe. Time spent in
loneliness ignites the sad memories in him. There is a feeling of self pity and he believes himself to
be a victim of harsh environment / destiny. The subject loses his patience rather early and has a
tendency to be restless. Such a person may also behave with contempt and possesses a desire to
hurt and humiliate. And for this subject usually doesn’t have any logical reason. All torturing is
manifestation of Tamasik Saturn with Mars. Saturn is cold and cruel planet, therefore a Tamasik
Saturn is very dangerous (such position was in the charts of the Nazis, Hitler, and Stalin) in
combination of an afflicted Mars in the horoscope. There is a strong possibility that subject himself
might have suffered some sort of abuse or torture in his own life.

Rahu is the young and aggressive soldier in the planetary system, and is also called the cause of
illusion and Maya. If Rahu is in a Satwik in horoscope then it reduces the illusion and provides the
capacity to take logical and correct decision in life. Nobody can manipulate him by sweet words,
cunning tricks or by temptations. The subject is street smart and has a capacity to survive the most
hostile situations. Satwik Rahu makes a person resourceful. Even if he is with an empty pocket in a
new city, he knows that he can find some solution without resorting to anything wrong. He doesn’t

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remain in the non decisiveness. He has a liking for the natural things. The subject loves the nature
and likes to live close to it. He neither appreciates the artificial things too much nor does he run
behind them madly. He is not afraid of the future. Furthermore, the subject is unselfish in his
approach and wants to share his pleasures with others.

A Rajasik Rahu in birth chart calls for extreme material desires ‘Maya’. The subject has the liking
for advanced technology and equipments associated with it. This liking can be up to the level of
running madly behind these things. He appreciates cars, mobile, internet, virtual world, fantasy
movies, novels and anything that creates an unreal parallel world. In modern times addiction of
Facebook and other social platforms should be associated with a Rajasik Rahu. Manipulation of
others for selfish purposes is the result of this position of Rahu. The subject also has a tendency to
not to trust anyone and his view of human relations is overly negative. The reason behind this is
obvious. It is the projection of his own manipulating thoughts that he presumes others also possess.
The subject can also be very fanatic in his religious beliefs. Usually they like to follow some cult or
ritualistic practice like ‘Tantra’ or magic. But the aim is again to achieve some special power to
manipulate the nature or people around them.

A Tamasik Rahu in horoscope causes various illusions and delusions. The subject has a tendency to
have various doubts and suspicion. This way he can see the things or intentions that don’t exist and
suspects ‘something wrong’ even in the best times of his life. He has blurred consciousness and
lacks the clarity of thoughts. Often their ideas are devoid of cohesion. More often than not there is a
possibility of some sort of addiction. This addiction provides them an ‘excuse’ to fight against their
own blurry minds and indecisiveness. This blurry mind is also evident in the real world around
them. Their surrounding is generally a mess and unorganized. Their things are always everywhere
in their home/room. Cleanliness and organization in life is not their piece of cake. Even if someone
points it out to them, they don’t know how to deal with it. Their food habits are also disturbed and
they seem to eat the junk food almost daily until they can’t digest it anymore. They suffer from
poor digestion and food poisoning.

Ketu is also the old/wise soldier in the planetary kingdom. The position of Ketu in horoscope
corresponds to wisdom and courage in the subject. So a reasonably Satwik position of Ketu
suggests understanding, discipline in personal life, bravery, but self restraint in the face of
temptation of violence and inner strength. Besides it, the wisdom of Ketu also makes it detached
from the worldly attraction of power and position. Be it the temptations of gold or women or
temptations of respect & honor. A Satwik position of Ketu resists all and the subject stays content.
Even after achieving everything such subject remains silent and never sings about himself. In pains
and troubles of life he remains patient without many expressions. Wisdom of Satwik Ketu brings
remarkable insight and foresight. The chances are good that (if other planets are also good) subject
can devote himself in the search of truth and God.

A Rajasik position of Ketu in horoscope results in extreme behaviours especially unpredictable

behaviour. Here courage leads to rash and careless attitude towards life. The subject believes that
he has hundred solution for each problem of life in his pocket. Since it usually doesn’t pan out as
he expects, so the result is big mood swings. From feelings of being in total control and confidence

Principles of AstroPsychology

to self doubt and worthlessness. Feelings of extreme courage and wisdom also lead him to fight
against everyone for his own conservative or fanatic ideals. This leads to believe himself to be a
rebel (or communist). Another result of believing himself to be wise is that the subject has a
tendency to resist any challenge to his ideals and beliefs. He wants to live in his own world where
he is the only right person.

The Tamas position of Ketu logically suggests the wisdom and understanding. He fails to see the
connecting thread among various events. Such a subject has a tendency to overreact. Their
reactions are often exaggerated. They suffer from the inability to maintain their temper. The
wisdom and courage the necessary ingredients are found missing in them. They feel themselves
insecure and want to hide themselves in the face of adversaries. The failure to handle the situations
properly makes them impulsive and ready to explode. Generally they chose denial to hide. Lack of
wisdom is evident when their actions contradict all common sense and logic. They further blur their
understanding by resorting to toxic substances. Ketu in Tamas makes a person live in dirty and
messy manner and any action to change the environment is often resisted very strongly.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Unit 3
AstroPsychology: Personality

Principles of AstroPsychology

Personality in Astrology
Personality as we say in psychology is the complex and unique adjustment of an individual with his
environment. In other words personality of a subject is the sum total of his behaviour in response to
environmental demands. Understanding the personality helps us predict the behaviour of the
subject with some confidence. For understanding the personality of a subject it is necessary to
know few basic things about an individual. Here is a list of the factors that we’ll consider for
knowing a subject in a better way. Of-course personality is such a big and complex term (made of
so many traits) that no single test or analysis can be designed to cover all the traits and information
about a subject exhaustively. Still following factors include mostly all the important information
about an individual.

1. Body type & Physical appearance

2. Self Concept & Ego
3. Likings
4. Challenges
5. Family Dynamics
i. Relation with parents
ii. Relation with spouse
iii. Immediate environment
6. Temperament
7. Emotions
8. Education
9. Unconscious motives
10. Social factors
11. Goals and aspirations
12. Behavioural aspect

Now let’s try to understand the above information from the horoscope:

1. Body Type & Physical Appearance

Every man desires to have a body like athletes and women envy the attractive body of famous
models. Physical appearance or how an individual looks, has a very important role to play in his
overall personality. Everybody wants to look good and wants to have a fit and healthy body, so that
he can be liked by others. Subject’s own external appearance creates a strong self concept in his
mind that is very difficult to change. In the modern psychology, Sheldon has discussed the
description of personality on the basis of only three body types namely ectomorphic, mesomorphic
and endomorphic. Although this system is already very old but still many people try to understand
the personality only on the basis of these three body types. Here astrology goes even further and
can describe the physical appearance (not just body type) of a person with some confidence. The
first house of the astrological horoscope tells about the physical build and appearance of the subject
quite accurately.

The physical build or body type of a subject will be the similar to the planet deposited in the first

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house or the lord of the first house (if there is no planet in ascendant house). If there is more than
one planet in first house, then the combined effect of these planets will be experienced and yet the
planet more influential in ascendant will dominate the results.

Sun in first house (or owner of the first house) means the person has a square build and rather large
and round face. He has broad shoulders and forehead. Royal and king like appearance.

Moon in the first house (or owner of the first house) tells that the individual has a slim but roundish
body, beautiful, but feminine appearance, lovely eyes, white complexion and short hair. Upper
body is larger as compared to lower parts. With the age they can acquire a prominent abdomen.

Mars in the first house (or owner of the first house) tells that the individual has average stature,
tough and youthful body, short and shining curly hair. Aspect of Mars on the first house also makes
one athletic. This is the kind of appearance that everyone is looking for. They look younger than
their real age. These subjects look masculine, healthy and handsome.

Mercury in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual has a slim and
beautiful body with childish smile, large eyes, the eyebrows are curved and rich with hair, healthy
and young skin and medium height. If Virgo is the ascendant than the subject also gets blue eyes.

Jupiter in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual has a tendency to
gain weight easily and many times people are seen obese. It tells bilious nature. Aspect of Jupiter
on the first house also makes a person overweight. In a recent study ‘Finding Obesity in
Horoscope’ by Rani et al. (2013), it was found that Jupiter’s presence or aspect in the horoscope is
directly associated with obesity. Look at the following chart of a subject who is doing everything to
reduce the weight with little success.

Jupiter is in the first house and there is no aspect of Saturn or Mars (or any other planet) on the
first house to reduce the effect of Jupiter from the first house. The Moon is also the house lord of
the first house. The subject is quite overweight.
Principles of AstroPsychology

Venus in the first house (or owner of the first house) suggests that the individual is quite
handsome/beautiful, of symmetrical limbs and a thick neck. The subject gets bald from the ears and
close to that part of the head. If Libra is ascendant, then the subject has the parrot like nose too.

Below is the horoscope of beautiful actress Angelina Jolie, who has explored the dimension of
feminine athleticism in the whole world. Venus in the first house is responsible for extreme beauty
while Mars as ascendant lord has helped her achieve and maintain a young and athletic (feminine)
shape. Check that Saturn also aspects (explained below) the ascendant house.

Saturn in the first house (or owner of the first house)

suggests that the individual has tall, lean and weak
body, oval and thin face, long nose, deep set eyes, stiff
hair and limbs (Vata nature), large and outward teeth.
These subjects accurately fall in the category that we
call skinny. They don’t gain weight even after many

Here is the horoscope of a man who remained thin

all life despite his best efforts for increasing the
weight. We can see that the first house lord is
Saturn who is also exalted in the tenth house. No
aspect of other planets on the first house. For
more examples check some horoscopes in chapter
describing the eating disorder.

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets and just

increase the results of the house lord or the planets
sitting with them.

There are a few key points to remember:

1. If the first house is empty only then the

physical appearance will be according to
the house lord.
2. A planet in the first house will be stronger
than the lord of the first house. So if Jupiter
is in the first house and Saturn is the house
lord (but not in the first house) then the body structure will be according to Jupiter.
3. Aspects of some other planet will modify the results a bit.
4. More than one planet in the first house will also cause mixed results.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

2. Self Concept or Ego

Another important aspect of personality is self concept. Self concept or simply called ego is one’s
sense of identity i.e. ‘Who I am’. The self concept of the subject is defined as his personal
evaluation of himself that includes elements such as academic performance, gender roles, sexuality,
and racial identity. One’s personality is shaped in a great deal according to one’s self concept.
Further it also affects one’s mental health and coping mechanism. Our self concept is a collection
of one’s experiences in his life time and his interpretation of them. This way self concept is quite
dynamic. But still once it is formed (by the teenage), is difficult to get modified. This ego is badly
affected by the various traumatic experiences of life and negative judgment of the people in family
and friends. Other way around, various achievements, rewards, appreciations at various stages of
life give a strong boost to one’s ego. Still subject’s own viewpoint of himself is the most important
one and if it is positive i.e. one’s self concept is good then it saves him a great deal in his life.

In horoscope there are certain markers for judging the self concept of the subject. They are
mentioned below:

The ascendant house and lord are closely associated with the one’s ego. So the position of the
ascendant house and the ascendant lord determine the nature of one’s self concept. Further, this is
the position of the planet Sun which determines the self concept of the subject.

A. Two or more of the following situations lead to a positive self concept:

1. A Satwik planet in the first house or first house empty without any malefic effect.
2. The first house lord in a good house in Satwik position.
3. The Satwik position of the Sun (in any house)

The positively strong ego leads to ambitions, leadership and sense of immense abilities; the ability
to accomplish any difficult task and touch the skies if needed. He feels good about himself and is
self secured. This strength of ego helps the subject in difficult times. The subject is not much
affected by the negative evaluation of himself by the people around him. He always has the
capacity to gather himself and force his way out of the demanding situations of the life.

B. Two or more of the following situations lead to a false ego:

1. A Rajasik planet or a malefic planet or aspect of a malefic planet in the first house
2. The first house lord in Rajasik position
3. The Rajasik position of the Sun (in any house)
4. Many planets in the first house

A negatively strong ego (false ego) leads the subject to dominate and suppress others. It can make
someone arrogant and power hungry. He seeks those powers and privileges that are simply not
available to him; hence he reacts with hostility and violence towards everyone. The subject’s self
concept is very brittle and is easily influenced by the negative evaluation by the others. The subject
is quite sensitive to any sort of criticism.

C. Two or more of the following situations lead to a poor self concept (weak ego):

Principles of AstroPsychology

1. One or more Tamsik planet in the first house

2. Many strong malefic aspects on the first house
3. The first house lord in a Tamsik position
4. The tamsik position of the Sun (in any house)

A poor self concept can lead to the third situation, very different from previous two. It leads to self
pity and feelings of being a victim. The subject can become quite submissive and may find himself
not good enough in any manner. Ambitions, leadership and sense of responsibility are missing.
This is also a strong marker of various neurotic problems.

Please check the following example horoscopes:

Depression Case History No. 5

Name Brood, Herman Gender: M

Born on 5 November 1946 at 19:00 (= 7:00 PM )
Place Zwolle, Netherlands, 52n30, 6e05
Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

Netherlands musician, Holland's most famous rock

star, a suicide by jumping from the roof of the
Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam on 7/11/2001, 3:00 PM
MEDT. A lifelong junkie, Brood's addiction
moved into wrenching depression. Also a talented
painter, he was a longtime friend of Nina Hagen,
with whom he was married briefly in 1979.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant lord Mercury is poorly placed in the sixth house and badly afflicted by Mars and
Ketu. Mercury is tamasik.
➢ The ascendant house also has the aspect of Mars and Jupiter over it. So both ascendant
house and its lord are quite weak.
➢ Further, the Sun is also debilitated in the fifth house. This way all three situations
suggesting a very poor self concept or ego are there.
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Note: Check some horoscopes given in the book or from other places by yourself to get good
understanding of this.

3. Likings and Interests

First house planets (lord and occupant) tell the likings of the subject. These planets connect (by
aspect or by being lord) to whichever house, subject is very fond of the people or things associated.
For understanding it better, look at the following chart:

Make a list of all those houses that are connected with the 1st house planets and these house matters
will be important things in the subject’s life. In the above chart you can see that ascendant lord is
Moon and it is in the 3rd house. Mars is occupant of the 1st house. Mars rules 5th house and 10th
house. The Moon aspects the 9th house. Mars aspects the 4th, 7th and 8th house. So now the 1st house
planets, Moon and Mars connect to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th house. So the subject has the
liking and attachments to the matters associated with above houses. Here houses ruled by the 1st
house occupant and the houses occupied and ruled by the 1st house lord are the most important
ones. Houses aspected by these planets are less important. So the subject has a strong liking for the
matters related to the 3rd, 5th and 10th houses. On the second level, he also likes the things
associated with the 4th, 7th and 9th houses. The result of this liking can be understood in following

1. If the first house lord is sitting in the first house itself, then the subject has quite an
attractive personality. Being aware of it he makes sure that he is looking good in front of
others, and likes the appreciation for his appearance. It creates a kind of narcissism in his
personality. He wants to know what other people think about him. He enjoys attention of
the people towards himself. If Mars or Sun (king or commander) is 1st house lord here, then
firstly it is not possible for others to ignore his presence and secondly subject himself makes
sure that it never happens. He can’t accept being ignored.
2. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 2nd house, the subject has a lot of
concern about finance, food and family. He feels safe in life when he has a good inflow of
money. If a strong malefic like Mars or Rahu or Saturn is also deposited in the 2nd house,
then the subject may even compromise the morals for earning some good fortune. Besides
it, the subject has a special liking (up to the level of addiction) for the certain food items.
Principles of AstroPsychology

Presence of malefic may turn his food habits into an unhealthy one, i.e. eating lots of junk
food and dislike for raw and natural food. The subject’s concern for his family members
may make him over protective and even possessive.
3. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to 3 rd house, then the subject is very
diplomatic. He speaks in a very sweet and convincing manner. He tries his best to maintain
a good adjustment with his immediate environment, i.e. his siblings in childhood and
neighbours & colleagues in adult age. He is very alert and awake person who remains
always conscious of the surrounding environment.
4. If the first house lord / occupant planet is connected to the 4th house, then the subject wants
the safety of the home environment. He is a bit homesick, and long time away from home
makes it difficult for him. Mother is a very important person in his life and a certain
dependence on her is there.
5. If the first house lord / occupant planet is connected to the 5th house, the subject is quite
fond of the concept of romance and love. Subject’s desires (especially of female subjects)
of enjoying a romantic life are extreme and seem to be coming directly from romantic
novels of the 19th century. Moreover, subject has a lot of love for children. Further subject
likes to play and enjoy the life. Presence of Masculine planet like Mars or Sun suggests
interest in sports, adventure or outdoor activities. Benefics or feminine planets suggest
liking for the arts, plays, creative things, music, dance and all such faculties.
6. The first house lord / occupant planet connecting to the 6th house suggests the subject’s
tendency to remain stressed and anxious. It also creates many health problems every now
and then. The reason is subject’s failure to cope with stress in his life.
7. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 7th house, then such an individual
loves his spouse very deeply. He tries very hard to keep him happy. He wants to have a
good married life at all costs; and for this he himself is ready to make some compromises &
8. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 8th house, then the subject has a
tendency to get some injuries and accidents again and again. He feels himself cheated and
humiliated by the nearby people. The subject is self critical and may develop a self pity.
9. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 9th house, then the subject goes
nicely with his father. He wants to be religious and ethical person. He is mostly interested in
high education (including religious, philosophical texts and long travels).
10. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 10th house, then the subject has high
ambitions. He aspires to be popular. He has a serious need of power and affiliation. Interest
in political and social domains is possible.
11. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 11th house then the subject has desire
of many friends. Generally they have big social circles. Mostly they are very much active
on social platforms like facebook. Connection of Venus with the eleventh house also
suggests the desire of making friendship with opposite gender.
12. If the first house lord / occupant planet connects to the 12th house, then subject has a desire
to live away from his own house (escape), in a different country or city. He likes to remain
alone, and then complain for that.

4. Challenges in Life
The planets in the sixth house, eighth house and twelfth house show the challenges and difficulties
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

that the subject faces in life. Moreover the tamasik and Rajasik nature of planets also present
various questions to the subject. These planets represent those aspects of the life that are difficult to
handle for the subject. He finds himself lacking in the skills for dealing those matters effectively.
Further the position of more than one malefic planet (malefic aspects) in any house or house lord’s
poor position also brings the bad result for that house. It can be understood in the following lines:

➢ If the first house lord finds a place in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or is tamasik, or there are
malefic influences in first house, then the subject has a tendency to exaggerate the problems
by obsessively pondering about them. This way he can lose heart easily in difficult
situations. He can be suffering from self defeating thoughts and remembers his failures
more than his successes. For example look at the horoscope of Brood, Herman (Depression
case history No. 5 and many others)
➢ The second house lord in bad shape or various malefic effects in second house bring various
financial problems, which can also cause disruption in the family matters. Further, this also
challenges the subject’s moral strength as he faces various temptations to compromise his
moral values.
➢ The same situation for the third house challenges the subject’s communication skills,
intelligence, diplomacy and adjustment to his immediate environment (also including his
siblings, colleagues and friends). The subject can easily develop a tendency of perceiving
more than logical, and then he can become a victim of cognitive distortions. For example
check various charts of Eating Disorder and Delusion
➢ The fourth house lord in difficult houses (6th, 8th or 12th houses) or various malefic
influences in fourth house cause affliction in the fourth house resulting in various emotional
challenges. The subject finds challenges in managing his emotions and mental peace, as he
is either too sensitive or too oppressive of his feelings (according to the different planets). If
malefic influences are very intense in the fourth house, then the subject may find it difficult
to live in his own house and a constant restlessness may follow. The reasons of his
emotional problems are generally found associated with his mother (fourth house associates
with mother). For better understanding please check various charts of Emotions case
history and many others in the book.
➢ The fifth house represents the mind, intelligence and wisdom. The poor positions of the
fifth house and the fifth lord hint to the challenges to the psychological health. The subject
has blurry vision and thoughts. He cannot think and see objectively. It is a challenge for him
to see the love and happiness in life. He has this feeling (even if he doesn’t mention it) that
nobody loves him. The subject doesn’t find the reasons of being happy and cheerful. There
are serious possibilities of developing some psychological problems. They can be anything
from neurotic disorders like mood disorder, anxiety, conversion disorders to serious
psychotic problems like schizophrenia and bipolar. This is explained with various examples
in following chapters. For better understanding please check various charts of Depression,
Anxiety and other mental problems in the book.
➢ Poor situation of the sixth house and the sixth lord in horoscope point towards the
challenges in work environment. The subject perceives tough competition and rough
competitors in all aspects of life. The challenge for him remains to deal with some nasty

Principles of AstroPsychology

people who criticize him at each step. The subject finds his job to be a difficult one. It takes
some efforts for him to keep himself motivated.
➢ The affliction in the seventh house challenges the subject to maintain good relationships
with spouse. He finds it difficult to adapt himself according to his life partner and vice
versa. Western people who are searching for a ‘Soul Mate’ will find a challenge to find /
choose their soul mate in lifetime. This is discussed in detail later.
➢ The tamasik position of the eighth house lord and affliction in the eighth house poses the
serious challenges to face one’s own dark side. The subject suffers from his own immoral
acts, cheating and especially the mistakes he has committed in his life. In other words he
doesn’t want to remember what wrongs he has done in life. These include sexual assaults,
adultery, conspiracy, cheating and breaking the belief of someone. The victims are the
people who are represented by the house/planets with which the eighth house or eighth lord
connects. This unacceptable and hidden part of personality shows him his own face that
subject is not comfortable with. It causes an intense guilt feeling and anxiety. The worse
part of the picture is that he can’t disclose and share his sufferings with anyone. It is also
possible that the subject himself was subjected to some molestation and sexual or physical
abuse and he may start blaming himself for this; therefore he might be suffering from the
guilt of those deeds that he never did. This is quite common with the victims of sexual
abuse and rape. For better understanding please check Paedophilia Case History No. 1 and
many others in the book.
➢ The troubled ninth house and ninth lord cause challenge in the maintaining healthy
relationship with father. The subject finds his father physically or emotionally missing.
Relation with father is discussed in detail in further pages. Besides father, the ninth house
afflictions also challenge his self assertion. The subject finds that in front of some authority
figure he loses his sense of control and confidence. The subject usually becomes a rebellion
instead of asserting himself in a right manner. The ninth house is associated with feelings of
positive expectations. So in case of some serious affliction in the ninth house, subject may
develop a tendency to blame his fortunes for his failures in life. He starts seeing himself as
an unfortunate person. It leads to resignation from the life
➢ Some affliction in the tenth house and the tenth lord puts a difficult test of subject’s
resourcefulness. The subject is challenged by various difficulties that jeopardize subject’s
prestige, social position and respect. Usually the reason is that initially he doesn’t seem to
have a plan for how he is going to present and assert himself in front of society. And later
he finds that everyone has gone ahead, and he might be late to react. The subject finds it
difficult to fulfil his power & esteem needs. He has to learn skills and to develop strategies
by which he can come out victorious, and keep his head high with respect.
➢ The affliction to the eleventh house and the eleventh lord cause challenges to the subject’s
capacity to form good and lasting friendships. For this subject, friendship takes time to form
and is usually not very productive. Further, creating a good social circle becomes difficult.
The subject doesn’t find much interest in various social and community activities. He
doesn’t find himself playing any role in the bigger picture of the country and world.
➢ The poor position of the twelfth house and its lord in the horoscope causes isolation. Even
in the company of friends and family, the subject finds himself alone. The common
complaint is of not being understood by anyone. The battle between id and superego
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

becomes intense. The overuse of defence mechanisms causes the neurotic tendencies.
Further, various sleep problems like not enough sleep or waking up frequently in the night
are quite common. The subject may also complain of frequent nightmares. Check various
horoscopes of sleep disorders and various others in the book.

5. Family Dynamics

A. Relationships with Parents

In modern psychology the father/mother complexes or relations with parents are very important
aspects. In Freudian psychology, the same had a very crucial role to play in the development of an
adult personality. In the modern time too it is thought to be a very important aspect to consider.
Here horoscope can help us identify what sort of relations the subject enjoys with his parents, and
what he feels and receives from them. Since it is a complex and important matter to understand, so
extra care should be employed in this regard. As many as three factors are to be evaluated for
understanding it well.

Mother Complex

As you may remember from the previous chapters that the fourth house, its lord and the position of
the Moon are responsible for the connection with mother. If fourth house is empty, then it is the
lord of the fourth house (and its position) that we’d consider. And if there is some planet in the
fourth house then it is the tenant planet that will also come into the picture. This tenant will suggest
about the relation with mother along with the fourth house lord and the Moon. The aspecting planet
will modify the results a bit, but will not change them completely. Again, if more than one planet is
seen in the fourth house, then firstly the fourth house i.e. mother becomes a very important figure
for the subject. Secondly, the result will be according to the status hierarchy of the planet. And
other planet will just add their bit in the results of the more influential planet. Further the position
of the Moon and the 4th house lord tell the nature of emotional connection the subject experiences
with his mother.

The emotional problems with mother can be understood if one or more of the following conditions
are present in the horoscope.

1. The fourth house lord is weak or tamasik.

2. Malefic planets are in the fourth house.
3. The Moon is afflicted and weak.

Father Complex

And in the same way the ninth house and the position of the Sun are responsible for the relation
with the father. If ninth house is empty, then it is the lord of the ninth house (and its position) that
we’d consider. And if there is some planet in the ninth house, then it is the tenant planet that will
suggest about the relationship with the father. The aspecting planet will modify the results a bit, but
will not change them completely. Again, if more than one planet is seen in the ninth house then
firstly the father is a very important person in the life of the subject. Secondly, the result will be

Principles of AstroPsychology

according to the status hierarchy of the planet. And other planet will just add their bit in the orders
of the more influential planet. The emotional problems with the father can be understood if one or
more of the following conditions are present in the horoscope.

1. The ninth house lord is weak or tamasik.

2. Malefic planets are in the ninth house.
3. Afflicted or tamasik position of the Sun will also cause trouble in establishing a healthy
relation with the father.

Further understanding is as below:

➢ Sun the king is a generous and heroic plant. Sun, as the ninth house lord or a tenant in the
ninth house, is perceived as the hero father. One who is respectable, generous, courageous
and protective, but doesn’t let one forget that he is the only authority.
➢ Moon the queen is the caring and loving figure. So the subject finds that the Moon (as the
ninth house lord or a tenant in the ninth house) as a father is so protective of his children
that they can’t go outside without an adult to supervise. The Moon as a father is perceived
to play the role more of a mother than that of a father.
➢ Mars the army general is an aggressive planet. So the Mars as a father (as the ninth house
lord or a tenant in the ninth house) is perceived a dynamic, sporty father who is also
impatient and aggressive. If there is no good aspect on 9 th house, then Mars can prove to be
an abusive father.
➢ Mercury the little prince is a logical and talking planet. So the Mercury as father (as the
ninth house lord or a tenant in the ninth house) is the smart, intelligent, logical and a
communicating father; who is always available for his children.
➢ Jupiter the learned priest/minister is the knowledgeable man. Jupiter in 9th house is
perceived as a father with a lot of knowledge, high values and ideals; who always has good
& noble advice and solutions for his children.
➢ Venus the priest/minister is the planet loving luxury and comfort. So the subject views the
Venus as a father (as the ninth house lord or a tenant in the ninth house) who thinks more of
his own appearance than putting food on the table (a narcissist). The one who can have
some artistic/creative talents (can teach to his children too) but likes to show off
(extravagance). Venus as a father is very much allowing as he lacks the control/authority of
a father figure.
➢ Saturn the servant doesn’t like to take any instruction from his father. Saturn (in Indian
mythology had a troubled relationship with the father) in the ninth house tells a feeling of
imagined competition with the father. Subject aims to prove a point to his father by his own
achievements. Any suggestions from father are viewed to be an intrusion in the
independence. So here subject views his father a disciplinarian, domineering and controlling
man, who always knows what is better for his children.
➢ Rahu and Ketu cause extreme behaviour of the sign they possess or the planets they

Many planets in the 9th house also provide extra importance to the father’s house. In this condition
the father becomes a role model and a dominant personality in the subject’s life. The subject looks
at his father for the inspiration. Though, the presence of different (malefic) planets can make the

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relation with father a bit tense. Besides it, while judging also consider if planets associated with
father house are in Satwik, Rajasik or Tamasik position. Planet in Satwik position will usually
bring harmonious relation even after the various characteristics discussed above. A planet in Rajas
will increase the above tendencies a lot and will cause exaggeration. While if planet associated with
father is in Tamas, then the various unresolved complexes are under the surface. An unconscious
distrust and hate is rising. It is the job of the AstroPsychologist to identify and resolve them

Note: Above method also works fine if somebody wants to judge the relation with mother. But
while judging the relation with mother the Moon should also be given equal weight.

B. Relation with Spouse

Healthy and peaceful relations with the family members are important aspects of psychological
health. A person who maintains good relations with his spouse escapes many of the mental health
issues, and avoids the feeling of being isolated and lonely. Researchers pointed out that a good
married life or relationship is negatively correlated with mental health problems. It is also
reasonable that one who enjoys a healthy and satisfying married life will find that life is not so
difficult. He will always have his spouse standing behind him strongly in tough times. So his
coping skills will find a strong boost.

The seventh house, the seventh house lord and Venus are responsible for the perceived success of
marital relationship. The seventh house denotes the marriage and spouse, so it is the chief agent for
the marital adjustment. It should be understood that for the purpose of horoscope there is no
difference in a legal marriage or the concept of ‘relationship’ as in the western countries. Further
the planet Venus should be considered for understanding the success in love, romance and sexual
relationships. Venus denotes the conjugal love and not the love or affection with other members of
the family. The Moon is responsible for emotions in general. Further the planet tenanting the
seventh house also affects the married life and relationship with spouse according to its nature.
More than one planet in the seventh house again suggests the increased value the subject places on
the importance of the spouse and his relation with himself in his life. Following are the key features
to consider while judging the quality of the relationship with the spouse:

➢ If the seventh house lord finds a place in the sixth house or the eighth house or in the
twelfth house then one can expect poor relationship with spouse.
➢ Poor position of Venus also suggests that subject may not find happiness with his spouse.
Further the position of queen (the Moon) also tells the emotional maturity and satisfaction
of the subject.
➢ Malefic planets in the seventh house also disturb the marital relationship and the subject
finds difficult to adjust with his spouse
➢ The Sun, the king in 7th house or house lord suggests that subject may find his spouse
loving and protecting but little dominating and possessive.

Note: In Indian astrology we talk about the Mars Dosha i.e. Mars being in 1st or 2nd or 4th or 7th or
8th or 12th house of the subject’s horoscope is detrimental for subject’s marital adjustment. The idea

Principles of AstroPsychology

is such a subject can be overly dominating and aggressive towards his spouse and this way his
spouse may not love him enough. Hence the relationship with the spouse is poor.

Look at the following example horoscope.

Relation with Spouse Case History No. 1

Name VM Gender: F
Born on 18 December 1983 at 07:10
Place Meerut, India, 28n59, 77e42
Timezone IST h5.5e (is standard time)
She had troubles in her marriage, could never adjust. Right from the beginning she and her husband
had troubles and at present they are living separate from each other.

➢ The seventh house lord is in the first house in the aspect of Saturn and Mars.
➢ Venus also is afflicted by Saturn’s presence next to it.
She seems to possess all astrological signs of emotional problems. These emotional problems
included the adjustment issues with spouse too.

C. Immediate Environment

Adjustment with the immediate environment, i.e. neighborhood is a powerful marker of the
subject’s coping skills. Usually it is seen that the environment poses various psychological and
emotional challenges for the subject. The most of the mental health issues begin with poor
adjustment and coping skills. Right from the childhood, in the school days, subject has to make
adjustments with his peers and friends who are total strangers to him. Further in life the subject has
to undergo or face the school bullying or going in the college. He needs to make new friends and
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

face the risk of being evaluated and rejected. Later in the life also, making good relations with
colleagues and neighbors makes the life simpler and healthier. If a subject succeeds in all this then
he finds emotional support, friendship and great self image. His self concept develops and ego
takes a boost. The subject feels that he can deal with the most of the difficult issues calmly and
come out without much fuss. If an individual can find a reasonable level of adjustment with his
environment, then one can safely guess that he is mentally, socially and intellectually well
equipped to face various challenges in the life, as these are the skills needed to succeed in this
domain. But unfortunately if he fails, then one can easily understand the mental and emotional state
of such a subject. He will find himself alone and everyone out there will be a competitor or
conspiring against him. His belief in his cognitive skills will take a blow as he would be wondering
how come only he doesn’t have friends while everyone else does. And how come nobody likes him
that much & misunderstands him many times. It is well established in the psychological literature
that good adjustment with environment reduces the chances of psychological troubles while failure
in achieving so entails various cognitive distortions, increasing the risk of serious troubles.

In AstroPsychology it is the third house and third house lord that are analyzed to understand the
subject’s ability to adjust to his immediate environment. Further explanation of the same is below:

➢ The third house lord in the 6th house suggests that the immediate environment seems
challenging and hostile. The third house lord in the eighth house brings to the subject the
feelings of humiliation in his environment and thus possesses for the people and that
environment follows. In the same way the third lord in the twelfth house shows the feeling
of not being connected and left alone. So a desire of going away from the immediate
environment is seen in the subject.
➢ Benefics in the third house enhance the adjustment skills of the subject greatly, while
malefics reduce these skills and denote subject’s struggle in this area.
➢ More than one malefic effect on/in the third house strongly increases the chances of
cognitive distortion (of the environmental challenges). This in turn enhances the
vulnerability of mental discomfort. On the other hand more than one benefic influence on
the third house enhances the adjustment level of the subject and his tendency of finding the
environment as helpful and friendly. This significantly reduces the chances of psychological
➢ Aspecting planet also influences the third house according to its nature.

If there is no planet in the third house, then the subject’s adjustment will be according to the nature
& position of the house lord of the third house. If there is a planet in the third house, then this
planet will have a bigger role to play in the subject’s perception of his environment.

➢ The king Sun (in Satwik state) in the third house or as third house lord suggests that subject
dominates his environment and is perceived as a generous leader. The subject is well
received in his neighborhood and makes a good friendship with his peers and colleagues.
On the other hand a tamasik or Rajasik Sun in the third house will be dominating, and this
way the subject will find that nobody likes him that much.
➢ The Moon in the third house or as third house lord suggests motherly nature towards the
people around him. Usually subject will find good adjustment. If the Moon is Satwik, he
deals with the nearby environment with emotional maturity and skills. But on the other

Principles of AstroPsychology

hand a Rajasik or tamasik Moon in the third house causes overly sensitive nature which is
easily hurt and always complains of not being loved / treated well.
➢ Mercury ‘the prince’ is gifted with great communication skills and intelligence. Hence the
adjustment level will be great. The subject is humorous and makes everyone happy in his
company by his witty nature. Satwik Mercury is the centre of attraction in his environment
while a tamasik or Rajasik Mercury tries to control the neighborhood by manipulating
everyone nearby.
➢ Mars ‘the commander’ is aggressive and wants to dominate the nearby environment. Even
for the friends and colleagues (with whom he enjoys the good relations), he becomes overly
protective and possessive. For the subject this is the method of showing his care and
concerns, but people around him perceive it as interference in their personal space.
Anyway, who likes to be told what to do at all the times. Here it is to be noted that the
subject himself complains that his personal space and freedom is being invaded by others.
Mostly he finds that his siblings and well-wishers are being too helpful while it is not
required. There are good chances that he may perceive the environmental forces to be
hostile. His own aggression is a method to take a revenge (of hostility/bullying he received)
from everyone.
➢ Jupiter ‘the wise minister’ in the third house or as third house lord enables the subject to
create very harmonious relations with the environment. The subject is capable of selecting
the good influences onto himself and ignore the unwanted ones. This way he avoids the
various stressful situations and doesn’t get bothered too much even in difficult situations.
The subject trusts his intelligence and solves the mystery of finding a good adjustment
➢ Venus ‘the female priest’ in the third house also promises a healthy adjustment to the
immediate environment.
➢ A visible coldness (towards the immediate environment and people in that) is seen in the
subject when Saturn finds a place in the third house (or as a third house lord). Saturn the old
servant is never happy with anything. At the same time he doesn’t complain too much, but
keeps a certain degree of resentment and dissatisfaction from everything. The subject, much
like an old servant, develops a tendency of finding flaws in everyone but doesn’t point them
out openly. Rather, he exhibits an irritable nature that becomes permanent. A tamasik
Saturn, logically, increases this tendency of the subject many folds.
➢ Rahu & Ketu in the third house don’t allow to develop good adjustment with one’
immediate environment. Rahu is known for creating illusions and delusions. So Rahu in the
third house makes the subject to misinterpret the ideas, motives and words of the people
around him. Such a subject is always suspicious of the hidden meaning and intentions that
are actually not available. To counter the perceived conspiracies, he is always on his guard
and doesn’t find the happiness and good adjustment that is available easily. On the other
hand Ketu in the third house represents the detachment from the nearby environment. This
detachment develops as a cumulative effect of the various bad experiences that the subject
fails to forget. Ketu in the third house makes the subject remember the negative experiences
and forget the good ones very easily.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

6. Temperament
Temperament refers to the characteristics and aspects of personality that we are born with. For that
reason, these traits are thought to be enduring and more or less permanent. Children who are
anxious and nervous tend to be the same way when they are older. Here it can be added that
temperament is more associated with emotionality. One can understand that one’s temperament is
one’s style; temperament is how a person does something and not what he does, i.e. the
temperament can be understood as style of behaviour without taking into account the actual action
that he performs. The view of modern psychologists is that to be considered as temperament a
behaviour pattern must be consistent and visible even in adulthood. Moreover temperament of an
individual may be visible as early as in his childhood. He may be called as nervous, restless,
anxious, hard working, easy going or active by his parents, teachers and colleagues. Temperament
is a remarkable and dependable indicator for understanding one’s personality in a holistic manner.
Researchers have noted that children who are perceived to have a "difficult temperament" are
particularly at risk for social relationship problems in their life. In modern psychology there are
various theories and models of temperament. Among them Thomas and Chess (1977), described
nine factors that compose temperament: activity level, adaptability, approach/withdrawal, attention
span and persistence, distractibility, intensity of reaction, quality of mood, regularity, and threshold
of responsiveness.

AstroPsychological Classification of Temperament

Astrology also didn’t fail to notice the importance of early identifications of temperament. Right
from the beginning, astrology recognized three basic temperaments. They are discussed as ‘Gana’
or groups. The subjects of each Gana share the same kind of temperamental issues and strengths.
These are the Deva Gana, Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana.

Each of these three Gana is represented by nine stars or Nakshatra. How would you know which
Nakshatra you are born in? The simple meaning of Nakshatra is a star or a group of stars. But here
a Nakshatra is also a rule of measurement. Nakshatra is a smaller division than zodiac sign. The
Moon’s position in the sky at the time of birth determines the Nakshatra of the person.

1 Nakshatra = 13˚ 20’

So, 360˚ = 27 Nakshatras

While, 1 sign/Rashi = 30˚

So, 1 sign = 2.25 Nakshatra

This way there are a total of 27 Nakshatras in the sky. Now bring out your Vedic horoscope that
you have created by (or any other software/program). If you have the JPG or PDF
file of your horoscope then you should be seeing it like this.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Here you can see that Nakshatra of this subject is Ardra-4. You can simply ignore the number and
say he is born in Ardra Nakshatra or his birth star or Nakshatra is Ardra. This way you should be
able to find your own Nakshatra too.

Now Gana of a person is determined from his or her birth Nakshtra. There are 27 Nakshtras &
below is given the details on Nakshtra & Gana.

➢ The subjects born in Ashwini, Mrigshira, Punarvasu, Pushya/Pushyami, Hasta, Swati,

Anuradha or Sravan, Revathi Nakshtra are said to belong the Dev Gana.
➢ The subjects born in Bharni, Rohini, Ardra or Poorvaphalguni, Utraphalguni, Purvashada or
Uttraashada or Poorvbhadra, Uttrabhadra are said to belong the Manushya Gana.
➢ The subjects born in Krithika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Mool,
Dhanishta, Satabisha are said to belong the Rarkshas Gana.

These names Dev, Manav and Rakshas mean deity, human and demon respectively. These names
are symbolic and tell what temperamental qualities these three Ganas represent as compared to
each other. In AstroPsychology the temperamental tendencies can be thought to be lying on a linear
plane and the subject’s Gana tells where he stands for these issues. A quick reference table is given

Nakshatra Gana

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

1. Ashwini. Deva

2. Bhairini Manushya

3. Krittika Rakshasa

4. Rohini Manushya

5. Mrigasira Deva

6. Ardra Manushya

7. Punarvasu Deva

8. Pushya Deva

9. Aslesha. Rakshasa

10. Magha. Rakshasa

11. Purva Phalguni. Manushya

12. Uttara Phalguni. Manushya

13. Hasta. Deva

14. Chitra. Rakshasa

15. Swati. Deva

16. Visakha. Rakshasa

17. Anuradha. Deva

18. Jyestha. Rakshasa

19. Moola. Rakshasa

20. Purvashadha. Manushya

21. Uttarashadha. Manushya

22. Shravana. Deva

23. Dhanista. Rakshasa

24. Satabisa. Rakshasa

25. Purva Bhadra. Manushya

26. Uttara Bhadra. Manushya

27. Revati Deva

Principles of AstroPsychology

Deva Gana

People of Deva Gana share a relaxed and easy going temperament. The key concept of their
temperament is ‘sharing with an open heart’. They are ‘nice’ kind of people who don’t lose the
temper easily. Their temperament is dominated by withdrawal emotions rather than approach, i.e.
they tend to walk away from the challenge and difficulty rather than facing it. The withdrawal
emotions are sadness, depression, surprise, guilt. This is their initial reaction in the face of
challenges. Besides it, they don’t remember any good or bad deeds of anyone for forever. They
believe in forgive and forget. The intensity of their reactions is usually low. They can easily ignore
the mistakes of someone without even letting him know that he did something wrong. They are
usually on the receiving end of hostility and not opposite. They are usually soft spoken. It is rare to
see a person of Dev Gana shouting and quarrelling at his opponents with great intensity. They like
sharing and are known for giving and they are happy giving everything. They adjust and make
room for the other people in social and personal relationships. They try to mould themselves
according to the needs of others instead of expecting him to do so. Further, they have low
emotional demands.

Rakshas Gana

The temperamental issues faced by the subjects of Rakshas Gana are a lot different than those of
Dev Gana. They lie on the opposite extreme. The concept of their temperament is based upon
‘Might is right’. These subjects are known to lose the temper easily and once they become angry it
takes time for them to cool down and come back to their original self. Forgive and forget is out of
the question. Usually the Rakshas Gana people don’t forget the good and bad deeds of anyone.
Even if they don’t express their hostility, then also they make sure to make someone realize that
they are not happy with him and what wrong he has done. Nobody can tell them something or act
against their wishes and walk away. If they don’t react then they suffer within themselves. Many
times their anger is expressed by harming themselves as a method of emotionally dominating
others (emotional blackmail). The temperament of Rakshas Gana is dominated by approach
emotions, i.e. in the face of the challenges they move towards the challenging stimulus. The
approach emotions are happiness, excitement, anger, courage, aggression, etc. The intensity of the
reaction is high and quick. They believe in the fight and not in flight. Their voice even if sweet is
full of taunts and pinching language. It is common to see that a Rakshas Gana is person is shouting
and fighting with someone. In the personal and social relationships the Rakshas Gana expects
others to adjust according to them and not vice versa. The other person is expected to mould
himself to accommodate a Rakshas Gana person. They are passionate about things they care. The
Rakshas Gana people are not shy of placing their demands openly and happily receive any favour.
The last thing to note about Rakshas Gana is that the subjects of this temperament are very
sensitive and stingy for their needs, desires, plans and emotions. They can accept no compromise
and modification to them by anyone.

Manav Gana

The subjects of Manav Gana are somewhere in between these two extremes. The basic philosophy
for them lies in simple rule of give and take; hence their temperament is based upon the rule of
profitable compromise. They are blessed with a balanced kind of temperament, thus exhibit both

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avoidance and approach emotions. These subjects can express the anger, but come back to their self
quite early. They also tend to express their hostility, but in a more subtle manner. The subject feels
that it is enough to make one realize one’s mistake and the unhappiness that the subject is feeling.
Manav Ghna forgives at last, albeit it takes time and effort. The reactions of the people of Manav
Gana temperament are of moderate intensity, i.e. they react more than Dev Gana but much less
than Rakshas Gana. They are unmistakably courteous but at the same time can express explicit
enmity too. Subjects with Manav temperament adapt according to the time. In company of bad
people they can become bad and with good people they learn their tricks as well. The subjects of
this temperament want to adjust in their personal and social relationships, according to other
people’s need if others also are ready to do the same or if the need arises so. At all other times he
protests and expresses his anguish at the pressure that is being created by the others’ demands and
needs. Again Manav temperament allows them to give if some distant benefit is possible. They
mind receiving something from someone if it is unexpected and if the other person seems to be
getting nothing from them.

7. Emotions
The modern definitions of emotion view three aspects of emotions, i.e. feelings, physiological
changes (that determine the intensity) and cognitive interpretation of the environment. Daniel
Goleman emphasized the importance of management of one’s emotions, telling that it had higher
implications on the overall success of one’ life. According to the Goleman the person who can
successfully manage his emotions, identify others’ emotions and successfully mould them for his
benefit is emotionally intelligent. For many psychologists one’s success is directly proportional to
one’s emotional intelligence and not IQ (intelligence). The AstroPsychology can help us
understand one’s emotional intelligence quite well. For this purpose, we will have to consider the
following factors:

The Fourth House

The fourth house in the horoscope is associated with the feelings part of the emotions. It is seen
that some people have a tendency of finding happiness and others are prone to get sadness again
and again. Now it is established that depression and anxiety can be acquired even in a very tender
age, i.e. a person can acquire the tendency of remaining sad and anxious right from the beginning.
The reason behind this is usually an unhappy childhood where a child was subjected to the absence
of love, care, affection, security, assurance and attention. In the same way one can conclude that a
subject may have developed a tendency of getting other feelings too, like happiness, jealousy,
anger, frustration, surprise and fear. The position of the fourth house and its lord determine the
valance of the emotions i.e. good or bad feelings associated with emotions. Properly placed fourth
house and the fourth lord suggest the satisfaction from the emotional sphere and a view of no
complaint from anyone. As readers may remember that the fourth house is traditionally and
psychologically associated with the mother. So if the fourth house and its lord are well placed then
the subject enjoys the full attention, love and nurturance from his mother. It means a largely happy
childhood where the subject learned to appreciate the love and learned the importance of sharing it,
where he enjoyed the feelings of security both emotional and physical, wasn’t subjected to any sort
of ignorance and deprivation. So in this case one can reasonably expect the subject to exhibit rather
satisfied and fond memories of his childhood. Since he received plenty of love, happiness, security
and attention, he will most likely learn these things and develop a tendency of finding happiness

Principles of AstroPsychology

and positive emotions instead of negative ones. Connection of benefics with fourth house and
fourth lord (with both fourth house and fourth lord placed well) increases the mental peace.

On the other hand, many inflictions in the fourth house and to the fourth house lord (explained in
detail earlier) hint towards a not so happy childhood or not receiving enough love and attention
from the mother. This causes dissatisfaction and becomes a chief reason of finding emotionally
uncomfortable stimuli more frequently. Saturn’s connection with fourth house causes the
detachment from the people and situations. The subject doesn’t possess that much deep feeling for
the most of the things in the life. Mars in the same situations causes insecurity and fear that results
in frustration and lack of mental peace. Rahu and Ketu also offer the feelings of dissatisfaction with
people and life. The subject has a complaining nature.

The Moon

The Moon is the chief significator of the emotions and moreover for their expression and
perception. The Moon also represents the intensity of the emotions. The position of the Moon in
horoscope determines the emotional state of the person. If the Moon is properly placed and is
Satwik in horoscope then the subject enjoys an uninhibited expression of the emotions. He doesn’t
have to hide his feelings and he is comfortable in expressing them rather than inhibiting. The
subject is not overly sensitive and his feelings are neither blunt nor exaggerated. The subject has an
immaculate understanding of the feelings of others and he also provides them the proper space for
their expression. The Moon in Satwik position in the horoscope (discussed earlier in detail) is
approachable by everyone for the discussion and sharing. The subject understands how to help
others by managing their emotions in a better way. This way the good position of the Moon in the
horoscope enhances the emotional intelligence considerably.

On the other hand the Rajasik or Tamasik nature of the Moon in the horoscope inhibits the
adequate expression of one’s feelings. In case of a Rajasik Moon the subject has many mood
swings and exaggerates the expression of his feelings. It makes him extremely sensitive. The
subject is overly dependent on others for the emotional support and fear of losing them is
constantly haunting them. The tamasik nature of the Moon in horoscope causes either complete
inhibition or exaggeration of one’s feelings. In any case the subject fails to express the feelings in
proper manner. Generally, he gets influenced by other people’s emotional responses quite easily
and later feels himself to be ‘used’. The reason behind this is that they are not sure about the
appropriateness of their own feelings and are excessively worried about the feelings of others about
the various situations. This way they mimic the feelings of others. The subject might be carrying
some burden of emotions from the past as the tamasik Moon suggests some regressive thinking. At
times the subject admits that he sees himself as an emotional fool.

For example, if a man ‘Mr X’ (with a tamasik Moon in his horoscope) met an old friend. She was a
woman who was cursing her husband for many reasons and crying loudly. Then this Mr. X might
also started cursing her husband and developed a view that her husband was a very bad man. This
would happen without even thinking and listening the whole stuff. In a desire to be of help subject
might become overly protective of her and develop an attitude of hate and dislike for her husband.
When after some time this woman would be again living with her husband, Mr. X would find
himself stranded. He could find it difficult to understand how this woman can go back to her
husband without even looking back at him. In the same situation if Mr. X had a Satwik Moon in his
horoscope then he would listen and give comfort to her, but without being attached to her feelings

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and encouraging her anger and grief. He would be a source of empathy and won’t find himself
stranded when she returned to her husband again. Rather, he would be happy to bring happiness to

The Fifth House

The Fifth house is associated with knowledge in traditional Vedic astrology. Here in
AstroPsychology we can understand subject’s personal interpretation of his environment by the
position of the fifth house in the horoscope. The fifth house offers the cognitive aspect of emotions.
In other words, the fifth house determines the role of mind in the heart matters. The sound position
of the fifth house and fifth lord allow the subject to interpret the emotional stimuli in the most
objective manner. He would like to analyze the environment for various cues and then decide what
emotional response is proper in the present context. At many times the subject would decide that
there is no need to express emotions rather a smile or a raise in eyebrow is enough. In this case the
subject would delay his emotional responses for the cognitive process to decide the proper moment.
He is not carried away by the views of other people about him. Moreover the various incidents of
anger, frustration, insult and conflicts will also exhibit the delayed and measured emotional
responses so that the situation would be dealt with in a very effective manner. The strong fifth
house provides immunity from various fears, stress, over interpretation and self defeating thoughts.
The subject is free from the excessive use of ‘understanding the hidden motives and real feelings.
On the other hand, if the fifth house and fifth lord are poorly placed (the malefic in the fifth house
and fifth lord in bad houses or in Rajasik and tamasik state) then the result is quite opposite. The
subject’s objective understanding takes a blow. He can’t analyze the things from different
perspectives. The emotions take him over quite soon as he can’t delay the expressions of them. The
only way to not to express them is repression for him. This repression also leads to various
psychological complexes that keep on compounding and may become difficult to handle later. The
petty events of everyday life like other’s views about his manners, small incidents of
embarrassment, failure and conflicts with nearby people bring out the deep states of emotional
unrest. Further subject is blessed with a notorious capacity of reading the hidden feelings of
everyone. On the basis of that he is always ready to face the emotional challenges. He is always
planning to deal with the situations that can cause him emotional problems. And this is his own
planning that fails him delaying his emotional responses. So it is quite common for him to get
caught by stress, fears, anxieties, panic and self defeating thoughts. Rahu’s influence on the fifth
house badly impairs the capacity to see the things objectively while Saturn and Ketu cause the
detachment and expectation of failures and frustrations. The influence of the Mars in the fifth house
makes the subject to perceive the constant hostility from the environment.

Below are some example charts for consideration:

Emotions Case History No. 1

Name Taylor, Livingston Gender: M

Born on 21 November 1950 at 12:24 (= 12:24 PM )
Place Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

Principles of AstroPsychology

American singer and noted family, the younger

brother of folk-pop superstar James Taylor. As a
child, Taylor suffered from emotional problems
and while attending high school, he became
severely depressed and sought treatment at
McLean Psychiatric Hospital in Belmont,
Massachusetts, the same place his brother James
was treated during 1965. Never a great student,
he decided to get work in the music business, so
after completing his treatment, Taylor stayed in
Boston and performed in local coffeehouses.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fourth house and fifth house both are empty. The lord of both Venus and Mercury
respectively, are placed in the tenth house in the aspect of tamasik Saturn. Saturn himself is
afflicted by Ketu so is doubly dangerous.
➢ The fifth house is aspected by Mars and Saturn both.

The affliction in the fifth house and its lord were responsible for developing various emotional
problems most probably by misinterpretation causing fear and stress.

Emotions Case History No. 2

Name Odgren, John Gender: M

Birthname John Albert Odgren
Born on 1 September 1990 at 03:08 (= 03:08 AM )
Place Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 42n35, 71w48
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

American youth, suffering from Asberger's Syndrome, hyperactivity, and perhaps other emotional
challenges, allegedly killed a high school boy, James Alenson, by stabbing Alenson in the school
bathroom. Odgren, a baby-faced 16-year old, was a highly intelligent youth according to reports.
As a seventh-grader, he had shown physical and verbal abuse towards others, and after this his
parents appealed to the educational system for help. In 2000 he was diagnosed with depression and
Attention Defective Hyperactivity Disorder. He was placed in a program for pre-teens and was

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

described as a troubled preadolescent with poor social skills. He often withdrew completely,
staying in his room in a fetal position and he would sometimes become confused or hostile when
asked to do something.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fourth house lord Venus is afflicted by Ketu in the first house.
➢ The fifth house is getting the malefic aspect of Mars.
➢ The chief problem in this horoscope is tamasik position of the Moon. The Moon is in the
sixth house afflicted by Saturn. To make the matter worse Mars also aspects the Moon. This
way the Moon is very weak.

Poor position of the Moon in combination of other small afflictions caused John to suffer from
various emotional problems and lack of social skills.

Emotions Case History No. 3

Name Duel, Peter Gender: M

Born on 24 February 1940 at 07:59 (= 07:59 AM )
Place Penfield NY, USA, 43n07, 77w29
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American actor; star of TV series "Alias Smith and Jones." Discovered while acting in college,
Duel was known for his heavy drinking and emotional problems. Driving while intoxicated, he was
involved in an auto accident, 10/24/1970, outcome unknown. Even though he was beginning to
receive accolades for his performances on the series, Duel was still disheartened and discontent.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fourth house and fifth house lord

Saturn is debilitated and further
afflicted by the Mars. Saturn is tamasik
so is at his worst.
➢ The fourth house also receives the
aspect of weak Saturn. The Moon is
fine in the eleventh house.

The poor position of the fourth and fifth house

lord Saturn is responsible for the various
emotional problems of the subject.

Emotions Case History No. 4

Name VM Gender: F
Born on 18 December 1983 at 07:10
Place Meerut, India, 28n59, 77e42
Timezone IST h5.5e (is standard time)

VM is an educated girl suffering with bursts of

emotional problems. She had troubles in her
marriage, could never adjust. She is unsatisfied
with many things and perhaps could not express
what she really wanted to anyone.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fourth house lord Jupiter is in the twelfth house with Ketu. So Jupiter is Tamasik. The
fourth house receives the malefic aspect of Mars.
➢ The fifth house also receives the aspect of Mars and Saturn both.
➢ The Moon, although exalted but is placed in the sixth house in the company of Rahu. So
Moon is also weak.
She seems to possess all astrological signs of emotional problems. All these ill combinations
disturbed her life really badly.

8. Education
Another very important factor for understanding one’s personality is education. The education
plays a significant role in shaping a personality and further enhancing it. Mostly there is a visible
difference in the personalities of educated and uneducated people. Without any disrespect for any
less educated person, I’d say that people with good education are more confident, responsible,
courageous, possessing better coping skills and competitive. An educated person can’t be easily
manipulated as he is aware of many things and while less educated people are at a higher risk of the
same. An educated person is aware of his rights and freedom and demands for the same. Of-course
a number of less educated individuals also possess these characteristics and some with good
education are seen lacking. But they are still less common. In ancient Indian literature also it is told

विद्या ददाति विनयम ्, विनयाद् याति पात्रिाम ् ।

पात्रत्िाद्धनमाप्नोति, धनाद् धमं ििः सख
ु म ् ।।

It simply means that knowledge brings humility, by humility one develops skills, skills help earn
the money, money helps fulfilling one’s duty and by that one achieves happiness.

In astropsycholgy the education can be seen by the position of the fourth and ninth house. If fourth
house, ninth house and their lords are well placed then usually education level is quite good. Few
important rules are given here. Please note this list is not exhaustive as astrological literature is
very vast. Some of these rules are explained in the following lines:

➢ The fourth house is associated with basic education like school education, i.e. high school in
the western system.
➢ Mercury the intelligent prince or Jupiter the wise priest or Venus the minister as the lord (or
occupant) of the fourth house suggests that subject had a good chance of achieving a good
school education. He should have been a bright student.
➢ Malefic especially Mars and Rahu in the fourth house (or house lord) cause various
disturbances in education like not good marks, failing in exams or gaps due to illness.
➢ Sun and Moon in the fourth house support decent progress, but not as good as Mercury and
➢ Higher education is denoted if the fourth house lord is connected with the ninth house or
vice versa in any manner i.e. by aspect or by occupation. Higher education here means
university education like Masters, PhD or some specialization.

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ Malefic in the ninth house causes various disturbances in the flow of education. Further,
even if the subject earns a good education, he usually fails to apply it in his life i.e. he takes
some very different field.
➢ If there is no connection between the fourth house and ninth house, but Mercury or Jupiter or
Venus is ninth house lord (or occupant) then subject earns good education but outside the
school or university. It means he earns a lot of knowledge by self study only.
➢ The Satwik position of the planets in the fourth and ninth house and their lords help achieve
a better education. The exaltation or placement in good houses of concerned planets also
suggests good result with respect to education.

Let’s take some example charts to understand it.

Education Case History No. 1

Name Education 1 Gender: M

Born on 3 Sep 1984 at 02:17
Place Meerut, India, 28n59, 77e42
Timezone IST h5.5e (is standard time)

The subject is successfully running his business. He

was a very bright student and earned his first degree
in commerce. Afterwards he got a specialized training
in diamond cutting and sorting. He went for a
masters, but didn’t finish it for ‘lack of time’. (The
chart is given below on the next page)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fourth house lord is Mercury and Venus

is placed in the fourth house. This promises
good education in school and an appetite for
➢ The ninth house lord Saturn is exalted in the
fifth house and is aspected by the fourth house
lord. This promises good education, but with
some disturbances. Good education was his
advanced training while disturbance was his
failure to complete his masters.

Education Case History No. 2

Name Education 2 Gender: F

Born on 23 June 1987 at 10:50

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Place Meerut, India, 28n59, 77e42

Timezone IST h5.5e (is standard time)

This subject is a normal housewife. Never expected to get a decent education as she was an average
or below average, but ended up finishing with masters in many subjects. She aims to continue with
education without any ambition of getting any benefits from that.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Both the fourth and ninth houses are ruled by Mars in the eleventh house. Saturn is
occupying the fourth house confirming that the subject was initially a dull student.
➢ But ninth house is occupied by Jupiter, suggesting good knowledge.

➢ Mars the lord of both fourth house and 9th house is posited in the eleventh house with
Mercury. So this also confirms subject’ good education.

Education Case History No. 3

Name School Dropout 1 Gender: M

Born on 12 May 1967 at 11:50
Place Kashipur, India; 29n12, 78e57
Timezone IST h5.5e (is standard time)

The subject is a very attractive and humble gentleman with excellent communication skills, but he
is the one who couldn’t finish his school. He dropped out of school at the age of 14. After that he
did get some education in computers and worked as a computer hardware engineer. Later he
established some bulb filament factory. His knowledge of many different fields makes it impossible
to believe that he didn’t finish even high school.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Venus as the lord of the fourth house suggests that the subject must have been a bright
student, but malefic Ketu in the fourth house disturbed his education and he dropped out.
The fourth house lord Venus in the twelfth house doesn’t help too.
➢ The ninth house is occupied by another malefic Saturn. The lord of ninth house is Jupiter
which is placed in ascendant house and aspects the ninth house from there. So subject has a
lot of knowledge about many things. No connection between fourth and ninth. So the
subject didn’t receive good education, but it didn’t prevent him from getting it informally.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Unit 5

Principles of AstroPsychology

Signs of Psychopathology in Horoscope

The big contribution astrology can give to modern psychologists is by helping them in finding
those people who are prone to get some psychological troubles in life before they reach mental
hospitals or their clinics. It is beyond doubt that there are various genetical issues for most of the
psychological disorders. Or in other words, we can say that some people are born with them;
various psychological diseases dormant in them waiting for the ‘right time’ or a trigger to become
visible. Of-course not everybody with same genetics, i.e. all children of same parents get the same
diseases. So there should be something more than just genetics. You can call it environment or
learning or a maladaptive learning. Here again, not the same environment elicits the same response
from every individual. As a psychologist we are puzzled at this. This is where astrology can play a
crucial role. It helps a psychologist making various risk categories like low risk, moderate risk and
high risk. After this what we need to do is just carefully distribute the clients/individuals in these
categories and prepare different programs that can deal with environmental demands or
maladaptive coping. We’ll definitely need different prevention programs for different people, but
this all can be done after identification of those individuals. And yes, if we can do it well, we’ll be
able to save lots of money, time and most importantly many precious lives and useful brains.

Role of Moon and Mercury

Moon and Mercury are two universally important planets in horoscope to consider for the purpose
of mental health issues. The Moon represents the mind and Mercury the nervous system. A strong
Moon causes the cheerful nature and a loving mother, a calm and relaxed mind. All of these prove
to be a strong antidote for most psychological troubles. So definitely the afflicted or weak position
of the Moon can be a strong indication of some mental discomfort. The same way a good position
of Mercury provides intelligence and logical decision making, the nervous system that can handle
stress. As we all know most of the psychological problems are caused by cognitive distortions i.e.
weak Mercury.

Further, in my research with charts of mental patients and the study of astrology from different
sources I concluded that there are fourteen major signs of mental problems in the horoscope. As the
number of these combinations increase in the horoscope, the chances of mental illness also increase
considerably. My research tells me that four or more of these signs in a single horoscope definitely
raise an alarm for a mental problem at any moment in life. Three or less are quite manageable and
should not be taken seriously. These fourteen signs are discussed below and explained with
numerous examples:

Signs of mental illness in horoscope

1. Weak Ascendant lord
2. Afflicted house of Ascendant
3. Weak 3rd house lord
4. Affliction in 3rd house
5. Weak 4th house lord
6. Affliction in 4th house
7. Weak 5th lord
8. Affliction in 5th house
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

9. Weak or afflicted Moon

10. Moon alone in any house
11. Moon sandwiched between malefics
12. Weak or afflicted Mercury
13. Debilitated Saturn/Mars
14. Many planets in 6th, 8th and 12th house

Any four or more situations in any single horoscope start causing the mental troubles that can turn
into serious psychological problems too. As the number of bad combinations increase, higher the
possibilities of mental illnesses become. Below is the brief description of these astrological

Weak Ascendant Lord

Ascendant lord is the lord of the first house. Ascendant lord’s strength suggests the strength of the
subject is adverse situations. If the ascendant lord is placed well, then other afflictions in chart are
reduced up to a great extent because the subject can handle various challenging situations of life.
On the contrary weak 1st hose lord increases the ill effect of other combinations. In this condition
subject has a tendency of exaggeration. He makes the small troubles big in his mind by obsessively
thinking about them. If this first house lord (ascendant lord) is in one of these below situations,
then it will be called weak:

• 1st house lord deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

• Ascendant lord deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Ascendant lord aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Ascendant lord debilitated in any house

Afflictions in Ascendant

If more than one natural malefic is deposited (even with benefics or house lord) in 1 st house or
aspect the first house, it also causes a serious affliction to ascendant house. Again the subject
exaggerates the sad things in life and ponders over them again and again. He complains a lot. This
way the chances become ripe that if there are other bad combinations, the subject will be suffering
from various psychological issues.

Note: The strength of ascendant house and ascendant lord indicate the psycho immunity of the
subject. Psycho-immunity is a newly coined term by Dr. Abhishek Bhardwaj in his research
‘Concept and applications of psycho-immunity (defense against mental illness): importance in
mental health scenario’(Bhardwaj & Agrawal, 2015). PI (psycho immunity) refers to the immunity
of the subject against stressors and harsh environment and hence saving him from being a victim of
mental illness. Higher the PI of the subject, better are his chances of avoiding psycho pathology.

Weak 3rd house Lord

The third house is associated with intelligence, decision making, and adjustment to environment.
Weak 3rd house lord causes maladjustment, poor peer relations and cognitive distortions.

3rd house lord deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

Principles of AstroPsychology

• 3rd house lord deposited in 2nd house is also not good as 2nd house is 12th to 3rd house
• 3rd house lord deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• 3rd house lord aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• 3rd house lord debilitated in any house

Affliction in 3rd house

Any afflictions to third house itself also influence in the same manner as discussed above. If natural
malefics are deposited (even with benefics or house lord) in 3rd house, this also causes a serious
affliction to ascendant house. 3rd house if aspected by malefic also causes mental troubles because
of poor adjustment and cognitive distortions.

In the above chart two malefics are placed in the third house while the third house lord Jupiter is
placed in the eighth house. The subject is suffering of poor adjustment and cognitive distortions.

Weak 4th house Lord

• 4th house lord deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

• 4th house lord deposited in the 3rd house is also not good as 3rd house is 12th to 3rd house
• 4th house lord deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• 4th house lord aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• 4th house lord debilitated in any house

The afflicted fourth house lord causes the mental problems, especially related to mother, emotions,
general happiness and mental peace.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Affliction in 4th house

If natural malefics are deposited (even with benefics or house lord) in 4th house, this also causes a
serious affliction to ascendant house. The 4th house if aspected by malefic also causes mental
troubles as 4th house is associated with many important psychological aspects like mother,
emotions, general happiness and mental peace.

In the above chart strong malefic Saturn and Ketu are placed in the fourth house while the fourth
house lord Mars, another malefic planet, aspects them.

Weak 5th house Lord

• The 5th house lord deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

• The 5th house lord deposited in the 4th house is also not good as the 4th house is 12th to the
5th house
• The 5th house lord deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• The 5th house lord aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• The 5th house lord debilitated in any house

Affliction in 5th house

If natural malefics are deposited (even with benefics or house lord) in the 5th house, this also causes
a serious affliction to ascendant house. The 5th house if aspected by malefic also causes mental
troubles as the 5th house is the most important house for mental health. Problems in this house
significantly disturb the general well being of the subject. This also causes fear, sadness and
regressive thinking associated with sad memories.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Weak or afflicted Moon

The Moon is the chief planet for psychological health and also the most sensitive to any sort of
affliction. Even the smallest affliction to the Moon can cause a potential threat to a person’s mental
balance and can’t be ignored. The Moon is the significator or emotions, mind, mother and

• Moon deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

• Moon deposited in 12th sign is the same as Moon in 12th house
• Moon deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Moon aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Moon debilitated in any house

Moon Alone

If the Moon is alone in any house (no other planet in the same house) and there are no planets in
one house before and after the Moon, it causes fear in the subject. For example, in the below chart
the Moon in 10th house is alone as there is no other planet in 9th, 10th and 11th houses.

Moon sandwiched between two malefic

If the Moon is hemmed between two malefic planets on both sides of the Moon then also it gives
the fears to the subject. In the following chart you can see that there are malefic in either side of the

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Weak or afflicted Mercury

Mercury as described earlier is associated with intelligence, conscience, reasoning capacity and
nervous system. Any affliction to Mercury in the horoscope is a point to consider for psychological

• Mercury deposited in 6th, 8th or 12th house

• Mercury deposited with natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Mercury aspected by natural malefic i.e. with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu
• Mercury debilitated in any house

Debilitated Saturn/Mars

Any planet in its debilitation is at its weakest situation causing all sorts of troubles. But here Saturn
and Mars are especially important for mental health issues. Unlike Moon and Mercury, Saturn and
Mars are malefic, but still they are regularly seen in the charts of psychologically troubled subjects.
Saturn if debilitated in any house causes a feeling of extreme sadness, loneliness and being
dejected. On the other hand a debilitated Mars induces a sadistic, aggressive, frustrated and rebel

Many planets in 6th, 8th and 12th house

The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are the trouble houses in every horoscope. Many planets in the 6th, 8th
and 12th house also tell many troubles in different areas of life. These many troubles challenge a
subject’s coping skills. Mostly at times a subject succumbs to the stress and gets victimized of
Principles of AstroPsychology

serious psychological issues. Here one shouldn’t see any difference between benefic and malefic
planets as all these planets are equally important for a horoscope. If 3 or more planets are found in
trouble houses 6th, 8th and 12th (in one of these houses or distributed in them) then it is a sign to be
noted in the assessment of mental health of the subject. Please look at the following horoscope.
There are as many as four planets in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

Diagnoses in AstroPsychology

Feeling sad, or what we call ‘depressed’, happens to everyone at various points of time. But this
episode of sadness and feeling low usually passes after a while. However, a person, with what we
call a ‘clinical depression’, finds that his mental and emotional states interfere with his daily life.
His normal functioning is seriously impaired so much that he himself and his family members and
colleagues are affected by it negatively. There is no medical test to identify depression, but still just
by seeing the symptoms the psychologists conclude to diagnose this as depression. Depressive
disorders not only cause serious mental problems, but also affect the overall health of an individual.
His sleep, hunger and interest in other activities are reduced and this in turn can also invite various
other physical problems. Many depressed people end their lives by suicide too. Depression is a
major cause of morbidity worldwide.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Depression has long been understood as a disorder that arises because of some reason. There are
many biological, social, psychological, behavioural and environmental are held responsible for the
same. But it has been seen that the same reason that cause depression in some people fail to arise
the any pathology in many others. Moreover, some people are more sensitive than others and tend
to get depressed sooner than others. These depression prone people can be seen everywhere in the
society. Everyone can remember a few of them in his neighborhood. These depression prone
people are seen frequently and easily depressed and take longer to come out of their troubles. There
are arguments saying that depression can be in traits of some people. Researches show that
depression runs in families and can be transferred genetically.

Famous researcher Ferster proposed that depression could be understood as a state of extinction
from positive reinforcement. In other words depression is a state in which person’s responses don’t
produce reinforcement. Neither by others, nor by himself. Thus he learns to remain in a state of
apathy and sadness. There are various direct benefits of identifying this trait of depression.

➢ If a person comes to know that he has developed a trait of depression, then he may try to
unlearn his maladaptive behaviour by himself, hence seriously diminishing his chances of
getting seriously impaired in the future.
➢ It is also very important for the other family members of this person (who has this trait of
depression) to know that this person has a tendency to be low and depressed easily, so they
need to provide him an extra bit of love and care in his difficult times.
➢ It will work as an early warning system, thus reducing the time in therapy and also reducing
the rates of suicide considerably by initiating the people earlier for the therapy if needed.
➢ By knowing that this recurring depressive episodes are the result of some personality trait
and can be altered by regular practice will also be very strengthening for most of the people.

According to American psychologist Seligman, depression in humans is similar to learned

helplessness in laboratory animals, who remain in unpleasant situations when they are able to
escape. These animals don’t escape because they initially learned that they had no control.

A depressed person may report multiple physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or
digestive problems; physical complaints are the most common presenting problem in developing
countries. Other symptoms of depression include poor concentration and memory (especially in
those with melancholic or psychotic features), withdrawal from social situations and activities,
reduced sex drive, and thoughts of death or suicide. Appetite often decreases, with resulting weight
loss, although increased appetite and weight gain occasionally occur. Family and friends may
notice that the person's behaviour is either agitated or lethargic. Depressed individuals often blame
themselves for negative events. Interestingly, patients who blame themselves for negative
occurrences might not take credit for positive outcomes. Depressed individuals have negative
beliefs about themselves, based on experiences of failure, observing the failure of social models, a
lack of social persuasion that they can succeed, and their own somatic and emotional states
including tension and stress. These influences may result in a negative self-concept and a lack of
self-efficacy; that is, they do not believe they can influence events or achieve personal goals.
Depressed people may be preoccupied with thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate
guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred. Insomnia is common among the

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychology of Depression

For finding a tendency of depression in horoscope there are various factors to consider.

➢ The first thing to consider is the ascendant house and lord. If they are weak then subject
looses the strength and firmness to deal with problems. He exaggerates the problems and
gives up rather early. It also associates with poor self image and ego. A strong first house
suggests that subject will fight hard against the problems of life and most probably will
come out victorious.
➢ A weak Sun is also associated with poor self concept and ego. The subject starts
underestimating himself and a feeling of self doubt and worthlessness creeps in. Moreover,
weak Sun also causes a tendency to avoid the responsibility and remain passive.
➢ The Moon is the most sensitive planet in the horoscope and is the first thing to consider. A
weak position of the Moon in the horoscope suggests emotional problems and the subject’s
inability to cope with emotional challenges. As mentioned earlier the Tamasik position of
the Moon causes the lack of emotional intelligence. This is evident in the most cases of
➢ The next thing to see is the poor position of the fourth house, i.e. lack of mental peace,
unconditional love and some poor childhood experience.
➢ The poor position of the fifth house and its lord cause lack of mental happiness, regressive
thoughts, recurring sad memories and a tendency to note the negative side of the things.

Other astrological combinations for various symptoms associated with depression include disturbed
third house (cognitive distortions and adjustment issues), the eighth house (guilt feelings, feelings
of being humiliated) and twelfth house (sleep disturbance).

Below are some case histories of some well known and lesser known people with the
AstroPsychological analysis of their horoscope with respect to their problems.

Depression Case History No. 1

Name Churchill, Winston Gender: M

Birthname Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Born on 30 November 1874 at 01:30 (= 01:30 AM )
Place Woodstock, England, 51n52, 1w21
Timezone GMT h0e (is standard time)

British politician, a descendant of the 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650 to 1722). In 1940 and 1951
he was elected as Prime Minister of Great Britain until 5 April 1955, when he resigned. One of the
greatest statesmen in world history, Churchill is known as the great WW II Prime Minister.

Churchill was also a noted speaker, historian, soldier, war reporter and author-biographer. By the
age of 57, he was a renowned writer. He wrote a six volume history of WW II which earned him
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. The same year, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

Born prematurely, Churchill suffered delicate health. He was troubled by a speech impediment,
lisping and stuttering. At times his secretary's would guess at a word rather than interrupt, as he

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

found it intolerable to have an interruption of his creative flow. He survived several strokes, bouts
of bronchitis, pneumonia and jaundice throughout his long life. He called his periodical spells of
depression "the black dog on my back." During his final decade, he gave up reading, writing,
seldom spoke and when he did, was difficult to understand.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Mercury is inflicted by conjunction with Ketu and an aspect of Saturn.
Jupiter’s presence gives some respite to it. The ascendant house is occupied by malefic
Mars (without any unfavorable aspects) that gives determination and courage to face any
challenge in life. The ascendant lord is not very strong, and rightly Churchill suffered from
his depression throughout his life (but he never allowed it to dictate him).
➢ The third house is strengthened by the presence of King Sun. Third house lord Mars is also
powerfully placed in ascendant house. All is well here. So there are no cognitive distortions
and subject is well aware of his mental states and thoughts.
➢ The fourth house receives the aspect of Mars while the fourth house lord Jupiter is also
afflicted by the presence of Ketu and aspect of Saturn. It disturbs the mental peace and
domestic happiness.
➢ The fifth house is occupied by its lord Saturn. No ill aspects to it. Saturn is Satwik here so
doesn’t cause too many mental troubles.
➢ The Moon is in the twelfth house causing constant emotional problems.

There are few combinations that are responsible for the depression of the subject. But since the
subject is a strong fellow he could fight with it and lived a remarkable life.

Depression Case History No. 2

Principles of AstroPsychology

Name Aldrin, Buzz Gender: M

Birthname Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.
Born on 20 January 1930 at 14:17 (= 2:17 PM )
Place Glen Ridge, New Jersey, 40n48, 74w12
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American astronaut, the second man to walk on

the Moon after Neil Armstrong on 7/20/1969.
They landed the lunar module Eagle while
Collins remained in orbit in the spacecraft
Columbia, a historic first.

Troubled by depression after his lunar

excursion, he spent a year doing public relations
work for NASA. Aldrin was too famous for a
middling job and too inexperienced for one at
the top. Then he returned to active duty in the air
Force and was assigned as commandant of the
services test-pilot school. In 10/1971 he was
hospitalized for depression. In 1978, he faced up
to another problem, alcoholism.

By 1987, Aldrin was a space technology

consultant in Laguna Beach. He married in the
fall to his third wife, Lois Cannon, with whom
he scubas and skis. His kids, Mike, born in
1963, a flight attendant, and Andy, born in 1965, a Ph.D. at UCLA, are frequent visitors. A self-
proclaimed futurist, he gives interviews and is prized on the lecture circuit.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is placed nicely in the fourth house. Venus is Satwik. Though
malefic planet Ketu occupies the ascendant house, yet both ascendant house and ascendant
lord both are quite strong.
➢ The third house is badly inflicted by two strong malefic Saturn and Mars. The lord of third
house Jupiter is in the eighth house, so Jupiter is also weak. It causes cognitive distortions
and adjustment problems.
➢ The fourth house is quite strong by the presence of three benefic planets. This also suggests
the important role of subject’s mother and his strong affection for his home. The fourth
house and fifth house lord Saturn is inflicted by the Mars. The fifth house is also aspected
by Saturn, its lord.
➢ Mercury is well placed in 3rd house without any unfavorable aspect. He doesn’t lose his
intelligence and reasonable decision making.
➢ The Moon finds a place in the twelfth house and in the aspect of an afflicted Saturn. It
causes emotional problems and unhappiness.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

There are enough combinations for the development of few psychological issues, but due to a
strong ascendant subject is capable to handle and recover from his problems.

Depression Case History No. 3

Name Babilonia, Tai Gender: F

Birthname Tai Reina Babilonia
Born on 22 September 1960 at 10:45 (= 10:45 AM )
Place Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15
Timezone PDT h7w (is daylight saving time)

American ice skater paired with Randy Gardner

when he was eight and she, ten, in 1970 by their
coach to achieve a precision mirror-image grace.
They were National champions from 1976,
winning five consecutive U.S. pairs titles and
bronze medals for two world meets. They were
ready to take on the 1980 Olympics until, in
February, Randy had a muscle injury. Their
skates were put away along with their hopes and

When they returned to the ice, going pro with the

Ice Capades in a grueling schedule, Babilonia
was isolated and unhappy. She began to use
drugs and alcohol and engaging in short term
romances. In January 1988 she decided to quit
skating, She was tired and overworked with no
personal life. In her love life, she could not seem
to choose the right person or to make a
commitment. She would spend too much time
crying, and one night, she lost control and turned on Randy in his dressing room, hitting him and
screaming at him. After they finished their Las Vegas run, she dropped out. She sat around her
condo, sleeping, not answering the phone, drinking, thinking of suicide.

In June, she went to her first AA meeting, and told her parents that she was an alcoholic. Three
months later, when she slipped and fell off the wagon, she lost control. On September 14 she took
pills and booze. Instead of peacefully falling asleep, she found that suicide involves shaking,
sweating, vomiting and terror. She called her mom and said, "I did a really stupid thing." With her
survival from the brink, she immediately entered rehab and therapy to pull herself together.
Gardner stuck by her through thick and thin, and their friendship has been one of the great
constants in Babilonia's life.

AstroPsychological Analysis
Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is in ascendant house itself. No unfavorable aspects. Venus is
Satwik. So the first house is very strong and well guarded.
➢ The third house lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in third house itself, but inflicted by Saturn
and aspected by Mars. This hampers the subject’s peer relations, adjustment and causes
cognitive distortions.
➢ The fourth house and fifth house lord Saturn is aspected by Mars. Mars also casts its aspect
on the fourth house while Saturn on fifth. The fifth house is further afflicted by the presence
of Ketu in it.
➢ There are three planets in twelfth house, including the sensitive planets the Moon and
Mercury. This makes twelfth house extremely active. Further Saturn and Mars both cast
aspects on this house and its occupants. Hence there are many unconscious conflicts for the
subject. This also causes various sleep problems too. Although Mercury is exalted, giving
her intelligence, she is suffering from these problems. The poor Moon causes many
emotional problems and lack of support. The weak position of the Sun causes a poor self

In spite of so many unfavorable combinations, if the subject decided against suicide and was
prepared to go to rehab, it was due to the favorable effect of a very strong ascendant.

Depression Case History No. 4

Name Bean, Orson Gender: M

Birthname Dallas Frederick Burroughs
Born on 22 July 1928 at 08:00 (= 08:00 AM )
Place Burlington, Vermont, 44n29, 73w13
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American TV and stage actor, producer and author. He began his career on the road as a magician
and comic, eventually unpacking his travelling bag in New York, where he spent nearly 20 years
on and off-Broadway. Life was not always smooth. When he was a boy, his mom committed
suicide the day after he refused to go visit her. He was blacklisted in the '50s and his TV career
dried up overnight. When the infamous Weather Underground explosion happened in his block in
Greenwich Village in March 1970, he decided to relocate. He moved his family to Australia but
was driven out by an encounter with a Satanic cult. When his wife left him, he went into a
downward spiral of booze and drugs. He had reached the lowest point of being one payment short
of homelessness in 1983 when he had his insight of how much joy is possible in life. The following
day his agent called with a commercial job. Since then, he has kept joy as his companion and work
has richly rewarded him. He said he had never known happiness until he "learned to surrender, to
give up the crazy pursuit for sensual gratification and fame."

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

AsroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. Both Saturn and Jupiter are inflicted by
other malefic. The ascendant lord falls in the twelfth house in the aspect of Mars. Together
it doesn’t make the strongest first house. So we can expect exaggeration and flight rather
than fight attitude in the face of challenging situations. Weak Sun also causes a poor self
image and a tendency to be dependent on people’s approval.
➢ Third house lord finds a place in the twelfth house. Third house and its lord are in the aspect
of Mars. So some cognitive distortions are possible.
➢ The fourth house is definitely afflicted by Saturn and Ketu in the aspect of Mars. Lack of
mental peace and emotional support. As you see in biography his mother killed herself
when he was young and many divorces.
➢ The feminine planet Moon is alone in a house so it also causes emotional insecurity and
mood swings. This was further compounded by two planets in the twelfth house aspected
by Mars. Isolation, guilt and feeling of not being able to do what he wanted.

Depression Case History No. 5

Name Brood, Herman Gender: M

Born on 5 November 1946 at 19:00 (= 7:00 PM )
Place Zwolle, Netherlands, 52n30, 6e05
Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

Netherlands musician, Holland's most famous rock star, a suicide by jumping from the roof of the
Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam on 7/11/2001, 3:00 PM MEDT. A lifelong junkie, Brood's addiction
moved into wrenching depression. Also a talented painter, he was a longtime friend of Nina Hagen,
with whom he was married briefly in 1979.
Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant lord Mercury is poorly placed in the sixth house and badly afflicted by Mars and
Ketu. The ascendant house also has the aspect of Mars and Jupiter over it. Ascendant is
quite weak, so exaggeration of things is definite possibility.
➢ Third house lord Sun is debilitated and tamasik in the fifth. We expect cognitive distortion
and poor adjustment. Moreover a poor position of the Sun also causes a poor self image and
diminished ego.
➢ Fourth house lord Mercury is afflicted in the sixth house while Saturn casts its malefic
aspect on the fourth house. Lack of mental peace and domestic happiness.
➢ Fifth house also suffers from the presence of a tamasik Sun in it. The fifth lord Venus is
also afflicted in the sixth house. Memories of sad events.
➢ The sixth house is overly populated causing excessive stress and challenging situations in
➢ The twelfth house is expected by a combination of four afflicted planets and also houses
malefic Rahu. It provides many unresolved conflicts, unconscious fears and extreme

Depression Case History No. 6

Name Depressed 5579 Gender: F

Born on 30 August 1922 at 15:00 (= 3:00 PM )
Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

American depressed widow, in great shock

when her husband died on 6/14/1976. She
worked with her husband in his construction
business. They did everything together,
including hobbies and anything in their free
time. Deeply depressed, she has not found
anything to interest her. She has forced herself
to join clubs and attend functions; everyone
thinks that she has adjusted. However, she finds
it an ordeal to wake up in the morning and is
getting more desperate with the passing of
every day.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Jupiter is placed in

the tenth house and badly inflicted by
Saturn, Rahu and a debilitated Venus.
The ascendant house is occupied by
Moon and Mars. Ascendant lord is quite weak and suggests exaggeration of the problems.
Mars in first house makes her dominating, brave and athletic, but Moon in the same house
tells an overly emotional and sensitive person. Here the Moon is afflicted so emotionally
she is weak and dependent.
➢ Third house lord Saturn is also placed in an overly populated tenth house with Rahu and
debilitated Venus and exalted Mercury.
➢ The fourth house suffers badly by the various reasons. Firstly the presence of Ketu, then the
aspect of Mars and lastly the aspect of a combination of five disturbed planets. This serious
infliction to the fourth house makes her lose the mental peace, domestic happiness,
emotional support and love in general. This is the cause of her prolonged depression as she
finds herself alone and the finds nobody else to provide her emotional support.

This chart is special as it brings out the importance of the fourth house. Here fourth house is
weakened by so many malefic aspects. At the same time don’t miss to see the highly emphasized
tenth house too. It suggests how important is it for her to assert her personality and be independent
in life. The moment she couldn’t do that she suffered and an afflicted Moon also points out her
weakest nerve.

Depression Case History No. 7

Name Depressed 12756 Gender: M

Born on 9 November 1954 at 09:09 (= 09:09 AM )
Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

Principles of AstroPsychology

American male in such a severe state of

depression throughout 1978 that he was
thinking of suicide. He has always been
fearful with very little experience in sports or
social life. He does not date and may be
"sexually crippled." He has a degree in
advertising but works at a menial job.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The first house is occupied by Venus

without any malefic effect. The
ascendant lord Mars is exalted in the
third house, in the aspect of Jupiter.
Mars is Rajasik. So both ascendant
and ascendant lord are strong. It
results in exaggerations of problems.
➢ Third house lord Saturn is exalted but
in the twelfth house. The third house
is occupied by a Rajasik Mars. Both third house and its lord are strong, but afflicted. It
results in cognitive distortions and lack of adjustment and logical decision making. The
fourth house lord is also Saturn, Saturn is Rajasik in the twelfth house. It further increases
the emotional and domestic problems.
➢ The fifth house lord Jupiter is exalted in the ninth house, but Jupiter is also aspeted by
Mars. Creative person but lack of objectivity.
➢ The Moon is placed in the sixth house and further weakened by the aspects of Mars and
Saturn. The Moon is Tamasik. The result is many emotional problems and mood swings.
Mercury is also in the twelfth house, inflicted by Saturn.
➢ There are three planets in the twelfth house, including a debilitated Sun and exalted Saturn.
This increases various problems like loneliness, unconscious conflicts, restlessness and
guilt. Further a very tamasik Sun also causes an excessively poor self image. The subject
has a feeling of worthlessness and can’t keep his head high in any situation. Rahu and Ketu
are also debilitated rubbing salt to the wounds.

Although as many as three planets are exalted in this horoscope, there are more than enough
reasons for subject to be depressed and defeated in life. These exalted planets may offer many
achievements in life, but they can’t deny the lack of mental peace, logical decision making, self
image and excess of emotional problems, feeling of being dejected and unresolved conflicts
producing guilt.

Depression Case History No. 8

Name Depressed 6704 Gender: F

Born on 24 February 1930 at 05:20 (= 05:20 AM )

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00

Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American depressed female with serious mental

health problems since 1969, has been under
psychiatric care. She is often depressed and
physically ill with eating disabilities that range
from no appetite to enormous food binges.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant lord Saturn is placed in the

twelfth house. Mars is exalted in the
ascendant house in the aspect of benefic
Jupiter. This makes Mars Rajasik. So the
subject is aggressive and wants to

➢ Third and fifth house are fine. But the

fourth house suffers from the presence of
Rahu and the aspect of Mars over it. This
disturbs the mental peace and emotional
support. The fourth house lord is well
placed in ascendant house.
➢ The twelfth house is occupied by two planets. One of them Saturn is natural malefic and
second Moon is afflicted by Saturn. So there are feelings of being isolated, unconscious
conflicts, guilt and sleep troubles.
➢ Mercury is also afflicted by Mars. The second house and occupant Sun are in the aspect of

In this chart the major afflictions are only to the Moon, Mercury and the twelfth houses. Further
Sun afflicted by Saturn’s aspect also causes a poor self image. A Rajasik Mars also asks for This
could be the cause of eating disorders.

Depression Case History No. 9

Name Depressed 9830 Gender: M

Born on 5 January 1945 at 21:40 (= 9:40 PM )
Place 42n00, 71w00
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American depressed male who still lives with his widowed foster-mom. He has a job as a
messenger for a printing company. The job is unrewarding, his social life is stinted, no love life,
life is boring and he has been in group therapy for five years suffering with bouts of depression.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Sun is badly

afflicted by Mars and Ketu. For rubbing
the salt Saturn and Rahu also aspect
Sun. Sun becomes tamasik. Saturn also
aspects the ascendant house. So both
ascendant and ascendant lord are weak.
The subject has given up pretty soon
and now just rues his bad luck. Tamasik
Sun also suggests lethargy, poor self
esteem and self image. It also makes
him careless and irresponsible in his
life. Same is the case with his job.
➢ The fifth house representing mind or
psyche is overly populated and afflicted
by two malefic and aspects of other two.
The afflicted fifth house causes him to
have so many blurry and confused
things in mind. It results in several
mental tensions that coupled with his poor self esteem have manifested in chronic
depression. Mercury is also inflicted in the fifth house.
➢ Rahu and Ketu are Rajasik and further blur his perception of reality. Ketu makes him
renunciate in life and doesn’t let him try harder.

Anxiety: Phobia
Everyone has experienced anxiety. Speaking in front of a group, or performing on the stage for the
first time makes most of the people anxious. However, when feelings of intense fear and distress
are overwhelming and prevent us from doing everyday things, it is called as anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue in the whole world. An estimated 40
million adults in the U.S. alone are suffering from some sort of anxiety problem. By an estimate
18% of the total population have an anxiety disorder. Approximately 8% of children and teenagers
experience the negative impact of an anxiety disorder at school and at home. Most people develop
symptoms of anxiety disorders before age 21 and women are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with
an anxiety disorder than men.


Anxiety disorders are a group of related conditions, and each with unique symptoms. However, all
anxiety disorders have one thing in common: persistent, excessive fear or worry in situations that
are not threatening. According to the NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) people can

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

experience one or more of the following symptoms:

Emotional symptoms

1. Feelings of apprehension or dread

2. Feeling tense and jumpy
3. Restlessness or irritability
4. Anticipating the worst and being watchful for signs of danger

Physical symptoms:

1. Pounding or racing heart and shortness of breath

2. Upset stomach
3. Sweating, tremors and twitches
4. Headaches, fatigue and insomnia
5. Upset stomach, frequent urination or diarrhea

Different anxiety disorders have various symptoms. This means that each type of anxiety disorder
has its own treatment plan. The most common anxiety disorders include:


Everyone tries to avoid certain things or situations that make them uncomfortable or even fearful.
However, for someone with a phobia, certain places, events or objects create powerful reactions of
strong, irrational fear. Most people with specific phobias have several triggers. To avoid panicking,
someone with specific phobias will work hard to avoid their triggers. Depending on the type and
number of triggers, this fear and the attempt to control it can seem to take over a person’s life.

AstroPsychology of Anxiety (Phobia)

➢ Although various astrological causes discussed earlier are seen in the horoscope, still in the
most cases of anxiety disorder, the third house is seen alright. The reason is simple. In the
most cases, the subject is well aware that his fears are irrational.
➢ The fourth house is associated with mental peace and emotions. This house in most cases is
seen afflicted along with the Moon. The Moon is the chief cause of all psychological
problems. A weak Moon also causes various irrational fears leading to anxiety disorders.
➢ Further the next thing to consider is the situation of the fifth house in the horoscope. The
fifth house is associated with the mind. In the following charts you can find that the fifth
house and its lord afflicted in the cases of the anxiety disorders.
➢ Here if the ascendant house and its lord are strong then the subject is capable of fighting his
fears. By his will powers and efforts he can come out of his anxiety episodes. The good
position of the Sun also helps in this regard.

Anxiety Case History No. 1

Name Adjani, Isabelle Gender: F

Birthname Isabelle Yasmine Adjani

Principles of AstroPsychology

born on 27 June 1955 at 01:00 (= 01:00 AM )

Place Paris, France, 48n52, 2e20

Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

French actress and international film star; first

accepted by Comedie-Francaise at 15 due to her
extraordinary talent. Beautiful, high strung,
neurotic. She gained rave reviews in 1975 for the
film "The Story of Adele H." Her first Hollywood
attempt was disastrous; she played in the flop
film "Ishtar," 1987. However, she won excellent
reviews for the title role of "Camille Claudel."

The daughter of a German mom and Algerian-

Turkish dad, she became the unmarried mother of
a son, Barnabe, in 1979, with Bruno Nuytten,
who directed her opposite Gerard Depardieu in
"Claudel". She met Daniel Day-Lewis in 1989
and moved in with him in London for two years,
then continued an intermittent relationship. Their
son, Gabriel Kane, was born early April, 1995 in
New York. Adjani won her fourth Caesar Award
(equivalent of the Oscars) for "Queen Margot" in

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Jupiter (although in the aspect of Saturn) is exalted and well placed in
5th house. The ascendant house itself is also free from any malefic effect. So the subject can
face the various challenges of life with courage.
➢ Mercury is placed well in the third house without any discomfort. Mercury is also the lord
of the fourth house. Mercury and Venus both are Satwik.
➢ The third house lord Venus is in third house itself. So third house is very strong and secure.
So no cognitive distortions are expected and rightly subject is well aware of her problem
and the unreasonableness of it.
➢ 4th house is afflicted by the presence of Mars and Ketu. So mental peace and comfort is
missing. The existence of three planets in fourth house also makes it to be very important
and troublesome as all three planets are malefic. The mother might have played a very
important role in her life, but might be too disciplined.
➢ The Moon is placed in a strong house, but in the malefic aspect of Mars. The Moon is also
the lord of the 5th house.
➢ The fifth house is strong, even after the aspect of malefic Saturn. Saturn is exalted but in 8th

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

The above factors tell that of-course the subject was suffering from some psychological trouble but
it was not disabling her. There are not multiple bad effects on any psychologically sensitive houses
and planets. This led to her having anxiety and various fears. But still she was well equipped to
handle the situations and carry on with them.

Anxiety Case History No. 2

Name Andersen, Hans Christian Gender: M

Born on 2 April 1805 at 01:00 (= 01:00 AM )
Place Odense, Denmark, 55n24, 10e23
Timezone LMT m10e23 (is local mean time)

Danish writer of fairy-tale stories, plays, novels,

poems and travel books. His fables are translated
into more languages than any other books, outside
of the Bible. Andersen is chiefly remembered for
"The Ugly Duckling," "The Emperor's New
Clothes" and "The Red Shoes." But his life was
not that idyllic. In his family history, his dad, a
cobbler, went insane and died when Hans was 11.
His paternal grandmother was a pathological liar
who had, in her youth, been jailed for repeatedly
producing illegitimate children and her husband
had a reputation as the town lunatic.

At his best, Andersen was simple, sincere,

affectionate and witty. At his worst, he was vain,
irritable, snobbish and terribly peculiar, with fits
of depression and phobias. A hypochondriac and
high strung, Andersen was often ill, and deeply
afraid of being buried alive. His fear of dying in a
fire was so great that he packed a rope in his
suitcase when he travelled in order to escape from a window. He never married.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Mars is debilitated in 9th house with Ketu. Mars here becomes very
Tamasik. The ascendant house is aspected by Saturn. It makes the ascendant house very
weak and so subject failed to face the various challenges of life. Hence the subject is very
timid and is not ready to face the challenges. This also increases the ill effect of malefic
planets on psychologically sensitive houses and planets. Jupiter is in the 1st house. It gives
some strength to the personality of the subject.
➢ The third house lord is inflicted by the presence of Rahu and aspect of Mars. This led to
increased chances of cognitive distortions, and self defeating beliefs. Father the adjustment
with the immediate environments and peer relation was also poor.

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ The fourth house receives the aspect of strong malefic and Tamasik Mars. Mental peace and
happiness was disturbed for the subject. The Moon is in 6th house without any further
infections. Weak Moon meant many emotional problems for the subject and possible loss of
mother’s affection.
➢ The fifth house becomes too strong by the presence of three planets in it. Here Venus is
exalted and is Rajasik while Mercury is debilitated and is Tamasik. Strong 5th house and
Rajasik Venus provide greater creative capacities. But here the fifth house receives the
aspect of Saturn with poor Mercury in it. Benefic Jupiter also casts its aspect to Venus. In
total it leads to a gloomy nature and constant sadness.
➢ The ninth house is here worth mentioning too. It is associated with relation with the father
and a few more things. We’ll discuss only about the relationship with the father. Look at the
presence of debilitated Mars (Tamasik) with another malefic Ketu. The lord of the ninth
house, the Moon is also in the 6th house. This way 9th house and its lord both are afflicted.
The father of this subject was ‘insane’ and died when the subject was only 11.

The above analysis explains the subject’s helplessness in coping with the situations. He had all
sorts of emotional, family and social challenges in front of him. He chose to not to deal with them
and rather ignore them completely. He built his life on his strengths of creative writing. This way
he was able to live a respectable life without having to answer the serious questions of life.

Anxiety Case History No. 3

Name Artist 13754 Gender: F

Born on 13 February 1962 at 06:34 (= 06:34 AM )
Place Salt Lake City UT, USA, 40n45, 111w53
Timezone MST h7w (is standard time)

American commercial artist, average talent with an I.Q. above average. She had violent mood
swings, guilt, anxiety and is dependent on outside approval from one source or another.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant house is overly populated by the presence of as many as five planets in it.
Ascendant lord Saturn presents himself in the ascendant house. Mars is exalted in the first
house. It becomes Rajasik and in company of Saturn and Ketu becomes overly active. The
result is an overly aggressive and dominating behaviour. She is overly proud and
dominating. (You can read previous chapters for more detail). Jupiter is debilitated and is in
the presence of many malefic with weakened Mercury. Jupiter becomes Tamasik here. A
tamasik Jupiter leads to pessimism. But still ascendant is very strong and renders immense
strength to the subject for handling his problems, of course same thing also causes many
➢ Third house lord Jupiter is debilitated in the presence of many malefic. Saturn aspects the
third house too. The result is cognitive distortions and illogical thoughts.
➢ Fourth house lord Mars is exalted in the first house. Only the aspect of a Rajasik Mars is on
4th house. Hence, subject should live rather peacefully.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ The fifth is strong by the presence of an exalted the Moon. One important feature is that
there are no planets in the house either side of the Moon. This is a potent sign of fears and
anxiety. Moon and fifth house receive only the aspect of a Tamasik Jupiter. The Moon
becomes Rajasik. So subject seems quite cheerful at times, but there are many mood
swings. She is quite dependent on others for emotional needs.

Anxiety Case History No. 4

Name Henderson, Florence Gender: F

Birthname Florence Agnes Henderson
Born on 14 February 1934 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )
Place Dale, Indiana, 38n10, 86w59
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

American singer and actress on stage, film and TV, best known as the star of the TV series "The
Brady Bunch," 1969-74. The youngest of ten children of a poor Indiana sharecropper, Henderson
grew up with the resolve that there was a better life to be had after watching the musicals of Fred
Astaire, Gene Kelly and Jane Powell, dancing and singing all the way home. She was mortified of
her hand-me-downs which often had holes in them. She recalls working in the fields helping her
father to grow tobacco at age eight. She credits her mother for instilling much of her tenacity and
her love of singing. By the time she was two, her mom had taught her 50 songs and often made her
perform before family and friends.

She also suffered severe stage fright and developed a fear of flying after the death of her eldest
brother. It was an unhappy period in 1984 when her marriage broke up, plus she had a

Principles of AstroPsychology

hysterectomy. Through hypnotherapy and

counseling Henderson learned her stage fright
was a phobia, a fear of failing and losing control.
She also was diagnosed with hypoglycemia,
which in combination with her fears induced
stress that adversely affected her sugar levels,
thus triggering panic attacks. A workaholic and a
strict Catholic, her life is severely impacted by
control issues.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant is afflicted by the presence of

two malefic Saturn and Rahu. Ascendant
lord Saturn is in first house itself, but
afflicted by the presence of Rahu with it.
But the presence of three planets in first
house makes the subject very ambitious
and strong character. But chances are ripe
that she’ll make her problems worse.
➢ Third house lord Jupiter is deposited in 10th house. It is very strong here, though it receives
the aspect of Saturn. Third house also receives the aspect of Saturn. So definitely some
adjustment problem and cognitive distortions are possible. These are evident from the fear
of flying after his brother’s death.
➢ The fourth house is empty and receives the favorable aspect of Jupiter. The fourth house
lord Mars is with benefics. That’s a good thing promising domestic comforts.
➢ Fifth house lord Venus is in the first house afflicted by the presence of Saturn and Rahu.
The fifth house also gets the aspect of Mars, further disturbing the psychological health of
the subject.
➢ Furthermore, both sensitive planets the Moon and Mercury are also afflicted by the
presence of Mars with them. This causes anxiety. Weakened Moon also causes emotional
problem. The Sun also becomes afflicted here in the presence of malefic Mars. It causes a
poor self concept and increased self doubt.

Anxiety Case History No. 5

Name Fleming, Renée Gender: F

Birthname Renée Lynn Fleming
Born on 14 February 1959 at 12:22 (= 12:22 PM )
Place Indiana, Pennsylvania, 40n37, 79w09
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American opera singer, a soprano who made her professional debut in Austria, 1986. This was
followed by a long period of self-doubt and frustration, emphasized by training that was not right

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

for her voice from the German soprano

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. Tortured by horrible
stage-fright, she had to overcome a fear of
performing along with learning to trust the
method that was best for her voice. Part of her
study of youth was jazz singing and Renee can
launch into a Duke Ellington Doo-we along
with Mozart and Schubert. Her stage presence
developed along with her vocal skills and

In September 1989, Fleming married the actor

Richard Lee Ross, whom she first met as a
student at Juilliard. They have two daughters,
born in 1992 and 1995. After 11 years of
marriage, she divorced and is living with her
daughters in Connecticut.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is in the tenth house, but aspected by Saturn. Strong planet Mars
is in an ascendant house in the aspect of strong Jupiter. It gives the subject an athletic
personality with dominance.
➢ The third house lord the Moon is in the twelfth house. Its not a good sign for logical
thinking and adjustment with peer and immediate environment. It caused her inability in
believing her nearby people. Further, the Moon is sandwiched between two malefic on
either side of it. The weak Moon causes emotional instability and fears.
➢ Fourth house receives the aspect of Mars and its lord the aspect of Saturn (very malefic in
8th house). Again, it creates a loss of mental peace.
➢ The fifth house suffers from the presence of Rahu. It causes the various illusions, doubts
and takes away the cheerfulness. Fifth house lord Mercury although very strong in the tenth
house is in the aspect of Saturn. This also weakens it a little.
➢ The Sun although strong in the 10th house is in the aspect of Saturn. It leads to self doubt,
diminished ego and poor self concept. Since the Sun was not so weak, the subject could
overcome it by some training.

Anxiety Case History No. 6

Name Atkins, Chet Gender: M

Birthname Atkins, Chester Burton
Born on 20 June 1924 at 02:00 (= 02:00 AM )
Place Near Luttrell Tennessee, USA, 36n11, 83w46
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

Principles of AstroPsychology

American country-western guitarist and

songwriter who rose from poverty to
international fame. A regular on the Grand
Ole Opry from 1945-1953, he was the most
responsible for the "Nashville sound" that so
popularized strings-laden music, starting in
the 1950s. A recording artist, he not only did
tours and concerts, but played both classical
and Country-West guitar, and he was
inducted into the Country Music Hall of
Fame in 1973.

Growing up dirt-poor in Tennessee, Atkins

was known for his easy-going style and total
lack of arrogance, despite his towering
stature and influence (on everyone from the
Everly Brothers to Elvis). He suffered from
stage fright.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant house is empty but receives the aspect of Saturn. Ascendant lord Mars is in the
11th house with Ketu. Ascendant is reasonably strong reducing the gravity of various ill
➢ Third house lord Mercury is in 2nd house receiving the aspect of Mars. There are Sun and
Venus in the third house. The third house is also just alright. So no cognitive distortions and
good adjustment are the result.
➢ The fourth house relates to mental peace, emotions and comfort. The fourth house is empty
(ignore the Neptune) and receives the aspect of Saturn. Fourth house lord the Moon is
strongly placed in the tenth house without any afflictions. So not much to say here.
➢ Fifth house (mind) has some serious afflictions in it because of the presence of Rahu in it.
Furthermore, Mars also aspects the fifth house. The fifth house lord the Sun is well placed
in the 3rd house. The result is some psychological problem, although not too serious. It
manifested in the form of fear from the stage.

As we analyzed above, the chart doesn’t show many psychological issues. Of-course there are few
things that draw the attention, but this wasn’t too serious and a strong ascendant would have helped
the subject overcome it in due course.

Anxiety Case History No. 7

Name Basinger, Kim Gender: F

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Birthname Kimila Ann Basinger

Born on 8 December 1953 at 11:04 (= 11:04 AM )
Place Athens, Georgia (US), 33n58, 83w23
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American film actress, sensual, full-lipped and

lushly gorgeous. She began her acting career
with appearances on TV series like "Charlie's
Angels" and "The Six Million Dollar Man." In
1981 Basinger made her feature film debut in
"Hard Country" and her breakthrough role came
two years later opposite Sean Connery's James
Bond in "Never Say Never Again." She rapidly
rose to stardom with convincing performances.

Basinger is a vegetarian, environmentalist and

animal rights advocate, as well as an
agoraphobic. After taking off a few years to
devote time to her family, she came back with
the biggest role of her career, as the Veronica
Lake look-alike in the critically acclaimed L.A.
Confidential, 1997, for which she received an
Oscar for Best Supporting Actress on 3/23/1998.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ This chart seems almost alright as we’ll analyze here. Ascendant lord Saturn is exalted in
10th house without any ill effect on it. Saturn is Rajasik making her work very hard. The
ascendant house is occupied by Rahu, but without any ill effect. Here Rahu increases the
desires to achieve too much too soon. But anyway ascendant house is very strong and
reduces the gravity of any poor combination.
➢ Third house receives the aspect of Mars and the 3rd house lord Jupiter is well placed in 5th
house without any bad effect. So third house is alright.
➢ Fourth house lord Mars is in the 9th house without any trouble. Even after the aspect of
Saturn the fourth house is acceptably good.
➢ The fifth house or its lord has no ill effect on it. Mercury is also placed well in 11th house
without any malefic aspect company or aspect. So where is the trouble?
➢ The Moon lies in 12th house and it is in poor shape as it also receives the aspect of Saturn
and Mars both. It causes emotional instability and fears. Many gynecological problems are
also possible, but we don’t know about them from the above description.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorder is the medical conditions where the sleep pattern of a person is seriously disturbed
due to various reasons. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical,
mental, social and emotional functioning. The most common sleep disorder is when a person
suffers from difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep with no obvious cause, it is referred to
as insomnia.
Disruptions in sleep can be caused by a variety of issues, from teeth grinding to night terrors. Some
common sleep disorders include sleep apnea , narcolepsy and hypersomnia, and cataplexy (sudden
and transient loss of muscle tone while awake). In case of apnea the subject can’t breathe while
sleeping. This usually happens with the old people. Narcolepsy is the sleep disorder where a
subject falls asleep at anytime anywhere. Here the sleep impulse is so strong that subject can’t
resist it. Other disorders include sleepwalking, night terrors and bed wetting. There can be various
physiological, psychological and emotional causes of sleep disorders. Sometimes sleep disorder are
temporary and due to some other physical problems, but at times sleep disorder like apnea,
narcolepsy and cataplexy can be caused by neurological causes (not fully understood).

AstroPsychology of the Sleep Disorders

➢ The first thing to notice here is the state of the ascendant house and ascendant lord. If they
are weak then subject can’t handle the various psychological stress and difficulties so well
and it reduces his psychological immunity. Hence the chances of various mental problems
increase many fold.
➢ The most important aspect for the sleep disturbance is the position of the twelfth house. The
twelfth house is associated with unconscious mind, sleep and dreams. If the twelfth house is
inflicted by malefics and the twelfth house lord also suffers, then this is the potent sign of
sleep disorders.
➢ Further if there are two or more planets possessing the twelfth house (malefics or benefics),
then also it increases the unconscious problems and sleep disturbances a lot.
➢ The next thing to see is the position of the Moon. The Moon is associated with all kind of
mental health issues.
➢ Further the poor position of the fourth house (mental peace and emotions) and the fifth
house (mind) also help causing the sleep disturbances suggested by the twelfth house.
Let’s see some example charts for the sleep disorders for understanding these principles.

Case History No. 1

Name Narcoleptic Family 4811 Gender: F

Born on 28 November 1913 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM )
Place 38n22, 96w46
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

American married woman with a family who would become drowsy and fall asleep in any
situation. She was the victim of a rare hereditary disease of unknown cause, narcolepsy. For 25
years she took mild 'pep' pills throughout the day to stay awake.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ First house lord Mars is debilitated in 9th house. Moon a very important planet for mental
health is also in debilitation in 1st house with Mercury, another sensitive planet for mental
health. Both are in aspect of Saturn. 1st
house, 1st house lord Mars and Moon &
Mercury in 1st house all are aspected by
malefic Saturn. This way ascendant
becomes very weak and increases the
chances of psychological issues.
➢ Third house (attention and alertness) is
also aspected by malefic Mars.
➢ The 4th house associated with mental
peace and comfort is occupied by Rahu
and aspected by Saturn and Mars both.
Mars and Moon are both Tamsik.
➢ Twelfth house is associated with sleep,
dreams and unconscious things. 12th
house lord Venus is in 12th house itself,
aspected by a Tamsik Mars in 9th house.

This way the subject’s horoscope is ripe for

various mental health issues. Since twelfth
house is also weak, so the total result came as
serious sleep disorder with various other psychological troubles.

Case History No. 2

Name Narcoleptic Family 7296 Gender: F

Born on 20 August 1933 at 04:30 (= 04:30 AM )
Place Los Angeles CA, USA, 34n04, 118w15
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American daughter of a narcoleptic mother with a more acute case of the disorder. She took two
'pep' pills every morning with her coffee, and perhaps another during the day in order to stay
awake. The pills prescribed by her physician were taken every day from 1951.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant house is empty and doesn’t receive any malefic aspect. The ascendant lord
Mercury is in second house in the aspect of Saturn. Ascendant house and lord are not too
weak. The subject could find the methods (brief description above) to handle her problems.
Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ The third house and its lord Sun are

afflicted by the presence of malefic Ketu.

➢ Fourth house lord Mercury is in the aspect

of Saturn but there are two strong
benefics Venus and Jupiter in fourth
house. Venus is debilitated and so
Tamasik. This reduces the mental peace
and comfort a bit. We’ll discuss it further.
➢ The fifth house lord is Venus, tamasik in
fourth house. The fifth house is also
afflicted by the presence of Mars and
aspect of an afflicted Saturn (Saturn is in
8th house). More chances of psychological
➢ At last look at the twelfth house which is
associated with sleep disorders and
related issues. 12th house receives the
malefic aspect of Mars. The twelfth house
lord is again Venus. Venus is debilitated
in 4th house.

Above analysis brings out the various AstroPsychological factors responsible for the narcolepsy of
the subject. Her twelfth house is a lot weaker than her mother so she suffered more. At the same
time her ascendant is stronger so she got the medicine for the problem at an early age.

Case History No. 3

Name Narcoleptic Family 12077 Gender: M

Born on 29 January 1952 at 15:30 (= 3:30 PM )
Place 34n01, 118w30
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American grandson and son of two narcoleptic women; by age 15, he was an obvious inheritor of
the family disease. He dozes a lot during the day and is not doing well in school, although he shows
mechanical aptitude. He is lethargic compared to his brothers and sisters.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ In this chart also look at the presence of ascendant lord Mercury in the 8th house. Saturn
also aspects the ascendant house.
➢ Third house, fourth house and fifth house are inflicted by the presence of Ketu, Saturn and
Mars respectively.
➢ The Moon is deposited with great malefic Rahu.
➢ 12th house is in the malefic aspect of Mars. The lord of twelfth is in 7th house without any
further infliction to it. So there is not too much damage to the twelfth house.
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

The above analysis points out the reasons for the

inclusion of this chart in our discussion. There are
various psychological challenges for him. No
doubt the subject inherits the narcolepsy from his
mother and grandmother but it seems from the
above discussion that his problem is less serious
than his ancestors. He is described as dozy and
lethargic as compared to his siblings. But we can
be afraid that he may develop few other mental
health issues in future, other than only
narcolepsy. Unfortunately no further information
is available about the subject to throw light on his
mental health.

Case History No. 4

Name Conan Doyle, Arthur Gender: M

Born on 22 May 1859 at 04:55 (= 04:55 AM )
Place Edinburgh, Scotland, 55n57, 3w13
Timezone GMT h0e (is standard time)

Scottish writer best known as creator of the modern

detective story, and of the characters Sherlock
Holmes and his colleague Dr. Watson. The son of a
civil servant who worked hard to support his brood
of seven kids, Conan Doyle escaped the family
domestic tension by reading for hours. When he
came home to enroll at Edinburgh University's
school of medicine, he was met by the sad spectacle
of his dad, broken by depression, epilepsy and
alcoholism. His dad was institutionalized for the
rest of his life, causing great sorrow and hardship
for the family.

Conan Doyle, like his father, was beginning the

dark periods of depression, that plagued him the rest
of his life. Conan Doyle married his first wife,
Louise Hawkins, in 1885 and their daughter Mary

Principles of AstroPsychology

Louise was born two years later. His marriage stabilized him, and Doyle's stories began to
markedly improve and gain great popularity. His medical practice began to fall by the wayside in
his keeping up with the demand for Sherlock Holmes stories. A son was born, Kingsley, and Conan
Doyle was getting unheard-of prices for his stories, when his world crashed down; Louise was
diagnosed with tuberculosis. Over the next few years, Conan Doyle developed insomnia,
nightmares, depression and mood swings.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ In this chart of Arthur Conan Doyle we can see various afflictions. Firstly the ascendant
house is inflicted by the presence of Mars in it and the ascendant lord Venus being in 12th
house further makes it weaker. Moreover the Saturn also aspects the Venus, the first house
lord. So both ascendant and ascendant lord are afflicted. This removes any possibility of
any second line of defence against various mental challenges.
➢ Third house is occupied by malefic planet Saturn (cognitive distortions and adjustment with
immediate environment is badly affected).
➢ The fourth house is inflicted by the presence of Ketu and aspect of Mars on it is further
affecting the mental peace and domestic happiness.
➢ Fifth house (mind and psychological wellbeing) suffers as it is aspected by the Saturn and
its lord Mercury is in 12th house, again in the aspect of Saturn.
➢ If it is not enough then look at the presence of the Moon in the ninth house but in the aspect
of Saturn again. It causes various emotional problems. There are two planets in 12 th house
suffering from the aspect of malefic Saturn, it causes various sleep troubles with various
other troubles like depression and anxiety.
➢ The presence of Sun with Mars in 1st house brings a lot of leadership, dominance and
athleticism in personality. Good combinations of house exchange between Mars and Venus
takes place in 1st and 12th houses. Another such possibility comes from the house exchange
of Saturn and the Moon.

Case History No. 5

Name Depressed 9938 Gender: F

Born on 27 May 1945 at 07:00 (= 07:00 AM )
Place 35n28, 94w47
Timezone CDT h5w (is daylight saving time)

American depressed female with no interest in life following a divorce. She sleeps excessively,
unable to manage her money and depressed with her inability to reproduce while her ex-husband
has had a child with another woman.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is in the twelfth house. But the ascendant house is good with the
Sun in it without any malefic aspect.
➢ The third house lord the Moon is debilitated. So there are strong chances of cognitive

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

distortions and restlessness by that.

➢ The fourth house receives the malefic aspect
of the Saturn which himself is Tamsik due to
the company of Rahu and aspect of Mars.
➢ The fifth house lord Mercury is in the
twelfth house and the fifth house also
receives the malefic aspect of the Mars on it.
➢ The most important aspect for sleep
problems is twelfth house. The twelfth house
has two planets there suggesting some
disturbance. Furthermore the twelfth lord
Mars is aspected by a Tamsik Saturn.

There are various signs for depression and marital

problems in this horoscope along with sleep
disturbance. Readers should try to note them by
themselves for understanding how things are

Case History No. 6

Name Divine Gender: M

Birthname Harris Glenn Milstead
Born on 19 October 1945 at 07:28 (= 07:28 AM )
Place Baltimore, Maryland, 39n17, 76w37
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American actor and singer, the Drag Queen of the

Century, a 375 lbs. transvestite whose greatest spoof
was his own character, "Divine." Glenn grew up in a
big old Victorian house on a charming 30-acre estate
in suburban Baltimore.

Glenn did play a few roles out of drag and even had
a brief career as a disco diva recording star and club
attraction. The videotape, "Divine Live at the
Hacienda," captures one of his many club
appearances, this one at the famous Manchester, UK
club, Hacienda, on 2/16/1983. The songs he
performed included "Jungle Jezebel," "Born To Be
Cheap," and "Shake it Up," among other comedy
renditions. In person, Divine was said to be quite
different from his wild screen persona, soft-spoken
and businesslike, faintly grand and not particularly

Principles of AstroPsychology

funny, low-key and pleasant.

Due to his weight, Divine had a plethora of problems with his body including a sleeping disorder,
sleep apnea, in which chronic violent snoring results in memory loss, mood swings, heart attacks
and strokes. His weight, among other problems, including depression about every aspect of his life,
led him through down cycles of bitterness.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is in debilitated in twelfth house. Venus is also in the aspect of
Mars and Saturn. The ascendant house houses Sun and Mercury. The Sun is also debilitated.
So both ascendant house and house lord are inflicted. The weak tamasik Sun also suggests
poor self concept and self doubt. But Sun in the first house also promises subject has a royal
presence that is impossible to ignore, dominating nature and independent behaviour.
➢ The third house is inflicted by the presence of Ketu in it. Mars also aspects the third house.
The third house lord Jupiter is in the twelfth house in the aspect of Saturn and Mars. So
there are cognitive distortions and poor peer relation and adjustment. Ketu is exalted so it is
Rajasik. Detachment from family and friends. It was evident in his life.
➢ Fourth house lord Saturn in powerfully placed in 10th house without any ill effect. So Saturn
is Satwik. Fourth house receives the bad aspect of Mars and Saturn. The fifth house is
perfectly fine without any ill effect. Its lord is also Saturn.
➢ Moon is in 6th house that causes various emotional and mental troubles.
➢ Twelfth house lord Mercury is in 1st house but in the company of debilitated Sun. Twelfth
house is occupied by a tamasik Venus and Jupiter. Moreover 12th house receives the aspect
of Saturn and Mars too. This way twelfth house becomes very much inflicted and causes
sleep problems including apnea and insomnia.

Divine’s horoscope shows both the brilliance and the troubles. He enjoyed both in his small
illustrious life.

Case History No. 7

Name Morgan, Jaye P. Gender: M

Born on 3 December 1931 at 23:45 (= 11:45 PM )
Place Denver CO, USA, 39n44, 104w59
Timezone MST h7w (is standard time)

American singer, recording artist and club performer. She relates that she has exceptionally vivid
dreams during sleep.

AstroPsychological Analysis

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ Ascendant house is occupied by an

exalted Jupiter. Jupiter is Rajasik here.
The first house receives the aspect of
Mars. The ascendant lord Moon is
inflicted by the presence of Ketu and the
aspect of Saturn. Even after the presence
of a strong Rajasik Jupiter in 1st house, it
doesn’t provide enough safeguards against
mental health challenges. Of course the
presence of Jupiter offers an influential
personality to the subject.
➢ Third house lord is Mercury which is
badly placed in sixth house with two
malefic. The presence of Ketu and aspect
of Saturn in third house further disturbs it.
➢ The fourth and fifth house lords are in
sixth house inflicted by malefic with
➢ Here sixth house, related with stress,
challenges and hard work is over
populated increasing the chances of mental exhaustion and extreme stress.
➢ Twelfth house lord Mercury is again inflicted in 6th house. Further twelfth house receives
the combined aspect of four inflicted planets. This badly disturbs the matters related with
sleep, dreams, comfort and unconscious complexes.

Case History No. 8

Name Martin, Billy Gender: M

Birthname Alfred Manuel Martin, Jr.
Born on 16 May 1928 at 15:43 (= 3:43 PM )
Place Berkeley, California, 37n52, 122w16
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American baseball player and manager, famous for his gutsy all-out baseball playing style and
barroom fighting brawls. Martin's father, a Portuguese farmhand, deserted the family a year after
his birth. His mother was of Italian descent and his grandmother, who spoke no English, helped
raise him.

He married his high school girlfriend in 1950. A daughter was born in 1952. Following a divorce,
Martin became depressed and underwent medical treatment for insomnia, hypertension and acute
melancholia. He admitted to becoming addicted to sleeping pills.

AstroPsychological Analysis

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ The ascendant lord Mercury is inflicted by the

presence of Rahu and aspect of Saturn. The
ascendant house is aspected by Mars. Both
ascendant house and lord weak.

➢ Third house is inflicted by the presence of

Saturn and Rahu.
➢ The fourth house lord is Jupiter that is placed in
the difficult eighth house.
➢ The fifth house receives the aspect of Saturn.
The fifth house lord is also Saturn that is also
inflicted by the presence of Ketu with it.
➢ The twelfth house is empty but receives the
aspect of Saturn. Lord of twelfth house is Sun,
badly afflicted by the presence of Rahu and
aspects of Mars and Saturn. This situation
alone is enough for many sleep disturbances.
➢ Psychologically sensitive planets the Moon and
Mercury are also badly inflicted by the presence of Mars and Rahu respectively.

Case History No. 9

Name Ferguson, Eugene Gender: M

Born on 31 July 1939 at 15:58 (= 3:58 PM )
Place 41n28, 82w11
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American radio newscaster and investigative reporter

since 1967. A narcoleptic since age 12, he slept up to
18 hours a day during college. The doctor prescribed
Dexedrine and he slowly withdrew from medication
after 1975.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant lord Mars receives the aspect of

Saturn otherwise the ascendant house and
ascendant lord are almost alright. The
ascendant also receives the aspect of a Satwik
Jupiter. This provided the subject the
necessary strength for fighting the
➢ The third house suffers by the presence of
Mars in it and the lord of third and fourth
house Saturn being in sixth house, further

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

inflicted by the Ketu and aspect of Mars.

➢ The fifth house is hundred percent secure.
➢ Moon and Mercury both are inflicted. Moon is inflicted by the Mars and aspect of Saturn
while Mercury is in aspect of Mars.
➢ The twelfth house is occupied by the malefic Rahu and aspected by Saturn. The lord of
twelfth house is situated in ninth house but in the aspect of Mars and Jupiter. The Jupiter is
Satwik and its aspect reduces the threat.

Case History No. 10

Name Ronstadt, Linda Gender: F

Birthname Linda Maria Ronstadt
Born on 15 July 1946 at 17:39 (= 5:39 PM )
Place Tucson, Arizona, 32n13, 110w56
Timezone MST h7w (is standard time)

American singer of country, folk, ballads and

rock. Her folks, two brothers and one sister all
sang. At 18, she left home to become a top
country singer, but her style and capacity kept
shifting and growing. Her career spanned
everything from blues-rock to Mexican folk, big-
band standards to mariachi, musicals to light
opera, tours and records. She has Sung to the
beat of many different drums since making her
1960s debut with the "Stone Poneys." With a
handicap of intense stage fright, she has no love
for touring, but did what she had to do to
advance her career.

She kept a psychiatrist on hand for years and had

some serious problems with her septum from
snorting. She has suffered with sleep apnea from
1998, checking into the Tucson Medical center
for treatment and further testing

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant house lord the Sun is nicely placed in eleventh house. Mars is in ascendant
house. Besides it, both ascendant house and house lord both are good. So no serious
psychological issues or they can be handled.
➢ The third, fourth and fifth all houses are almost ok. All of these three bear some small
troubles that are inconclusive for any real inferences.
➢ The Moon and Mercury both are suffering in difficult houses, sixth and twelfth
respectively. The Moon is also the lord of the twelfth house. The Moon is further inflicted

Principles of AstroPsychology

by the aspect of Saturn and Mercury by the company of the same. This way both twelfth
house and its lord are afflicted. The result is sleep disturbance.

Case History No. 11

Name Incest Victim 8168 Gender: F

Born on 8 May 1938 at 23:52 (= 11:52 PM )
Place Los Angeles CA, USA, 34n04, 118w15
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American incest victim whose father sexually

attacked her in 1945 at the age of seven. She
became a classical pianist and married a
supportive husband; they had one child.
However, she has sexual problems and is
troubled by an inability to cope. She has spent
time in a mental hospital for amnesia and dreams
that her father will cut off her fingers.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant suffers from the presence

of Rahu in it and aspect of malefic Mars.
Mars is also the lord of first house (and
sixth house) and is inflicted by Ketu and
aspect of Saturn.
➢ The third and fourth house lord is Saturn
placed nicely in 5th house. Both these
houses are secure.
➢ Saturn afflicts the fifth house by its presence.
➢ The Moon is in the aspect of Mars while Mercury finds a place in sixth house. Moon is also
alone (no planets in its neighbour houses). So both of are badly placed.
➢ The twelfth house seems alright but then look at its lord Venus. It seems to be ambushed by
so many malefic. Mars and Ketu are inflicting it by presence while Saturn aspects it.

Incidentally Venus is also the seventh house lord associated with marriage and sexual relations.
Sun is exalted but placed in the sixth house. So she is battling with guilt and poor self image while
she does her best to overcome this and remain positive.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Eating Disorder
Eating disorders are mental illnesses charcterized by abnormal eating habits that may involve
either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual's physical and mental
health. Bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa are the most common specific forms of eating

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder characterized by binge eating and purging. Purging can include self-
induced vomiting, over-exercising, and the usage of diuretics, enemas, and laxatives. Anorexia
nervosa is characterized by extreme food restriction to the point of self-starvation and excessive
weight loss. The extreme weight loss often causes women and girls who have begun menstruating
to stop having menstrual periods.

There are numerous reasons for these problems. The chief causes are not being secured within
oneself, feeling for insecurity, fear of losing ‘love’ or not getting enough attention. Usually the
victims of these problems judge themselves by the opinion of others. Society has taught people that
being accepted by others is necessary at all costs. Every girl has an innate desire to look beautiful
and desirable. But what is the scale of this beauty? The media plays a major role in the way in
which people view themselves. Countless magazine ads and commercials depict stick thin
celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie and Mary Kate Olsen, who appear to gain nothing
but attention from their looks. For the long time the women in general have been trying to look as
perfect as models on TV and films. For the most of the victims, eating disorders are only the cost of
that perfect shape and size.

Psychological Factors that Can Contribute to Eating Disorders:

➢ Low self-esteem
➢ Feelings of inadequacy or lack of control in life
➢ Depression, anxiety, anger, stress or loneliness
➢ Troubled personal relationships
➢ Difficulty expressing emotions and feelings
➢ History of being teased or ridiculed based on size or weight
➢ History of physical or sexual abuse
➢ Cultural pressures that glorify “thinness” or place value on obtaining the “perfect body”
➢ Narrow definitions of beauty that include only women and men of specific body
weights and shapes
➢ Cultural norms that value people on the basis of physical appearance and not inner
qualities and strengths
➢ Stress related to racial, ethnic, size/weight-related or other forms of discrimination or

AstroPsychological Indications

➢ Poor self concept and self image is the dominating cause of eating disorders. A weak
(Tamasik or Rajasik) Sun shows the tendency of low self esteem.
➢ A perfectionist and self critical approach is the characteristic of eating disorder. In
horoscope a Rajasik or Tamasik Saturn is responsible for such an approach.

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ Saturn in the first house (or Saturn as first house lord, if the first house is empty) leads to a
natural tendency towards emaciated body.
➢ Poor Venus also suggests a tendency to feel uncomfortable in one’s own body. The subject
has a tendency to complain about his body type or certain body parts. Moreover a weak
Venus also puts high concerns on drawing other gender’s attention and is ready to do
anything for that. Moreover a tamasik Venus can disregard morals for sexual pleasures.
➢ Third house tells cognition, decision making and immediate environment including peer
relation. So a weak third house and third house lord suggest cognitive distortions and poor
adjustment with peers. This results in being ridiculed or feeling of being ‘not liked’ by the
peers and later associating it body shape.
➢ More often than not the Mars and Saturn are connected by aspect or by conjunction. This
increases the possibility of a history of sexual abuse or assault.
➢ At last the weak ascendant lord and ascendant house cause inability to face the various
environmental challenges and pressures.

Let’s take some horoscopes for understanding the eating disorder in horoscope for better
understanding of the above principles.

Eating Disorder Case History No. 1

Name Eating Disorder 11182 Gender: F

Born on 24 February 1949 at 17:48 (= 5:48 PM )
Place Huntington Beach CA, USA, 33n40, 117w59
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American anorexic, takes laxatives, starves and

runs 10-20 miles a day. She has a low self-esteem;
a divorced mom of two boys. She attracts
unfaithful men and lives at home of her parents.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Saturn occupies the first house and

instantly suggests an emaciated person.
Furthermore Saturn, receives the combined
aspect of Mars, Sun and Venus. This
makes Saturn Rajasik. So a fanatically
organized person (perfectionist) and
critical person. She is competitive with
everyone and here this competition is
about reducing weight and attracting
number of men.
➢ The planet Sun, the planet for self concept
and self image is Tamasik in 7th house. It is
conjunct with malefic planet Mars and aspected by Saturn. A Tamasik Sun causes a very
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

poor self image and motivates her to try to look good. This she believes is possible by
reducing the weight and looking thin. Sun is also the ascendant lord.
➢ Venus also shares the same fate as it is also in seventh house. A tamasik Venus also points
out that subject doesn’t find herself attractive and is not comfortable in her own body. This
makes her excessively worried about the size and shape of their certain body parts. Besides
it a tamasik Venus disregards all the morals for sexual pleasures.
➢ The third house lord Venus is tamasik and third house is occupied by Ketu and is also
aspected by Saturn. So both are weak. Result is cognitive distortions and subject is at loss
for handling the peer relation and environmental pressure.

All these factors cause the subject to suffer from eating disorder and cause her serious troubles in

Eating Disorder Case History No. 2

Name Eating Disorder 11706 Gender: F

Born on 2 October 1950 at 05:09 (= 05:09 AM )
Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American anorexic young woman afflicted with "starvation illness," in which the victim cannot, or
will not, eat to the point of emaciation. She was assaulted and raped at knife point.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The first house is densely populated by

the presence of four main planets
including two malefic and also Sun &
Venus. So the subject is overly obsessed
by her looks and personality. Saturn in
first house makes her naturally emaciated
but she is still not happy with that too.
Saturn is also Rajasik. So subject is
critical and perfectionist.
➢ The planet Sun, the planet for self
concept and self image is Tamasik in 1 st
house. It is conjunct with malefic planet
Saturn and Ketu. A Tamasik Sun causes
a very poor self image and motivates her
to try to look good. This she believes is
possible by reducing the weight and
looking thin. But still Sun is in first
house so promises a desire to dominate.
She can’t stand being unnoticed. So she

Principles of AstroPsychology

wants to be beautiful at any cost.

➢ Venus also shares the same fate as it is also in ascendant house. Venus is also debilitated. A
tamasik Venus also points out that subject doesn’t find herself attractive and is not
comfortable in her own body. This makes her excessively worried about the size and shape
of their certain body parts.
➢ The third house is occupied by Mars. Mars is house lord but is also aspected by Rajasik
Saturn. The Saturn –Mars connection again appears and confirms the history of molestation.

Eating Disorder Case History No. 3

Name Eating Disorder 12692 Gender: UNK

Born on 25 August 1954 at 08:00 (= 08:00 AM )
Place London, England, 51n30, 0w10
Timezone GDT h1e (is daylight saving time)

British anorexic. (No more information except the birth detail).

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Sun is in twelfth house. This causes a

poor self image which is a important
characteristic of eating disorder. Of-
course the Sun is in its own house
with Mercury so the poor self image
may not be very marked.
➢ Saturn is exalted in second house
without any affliction so nothing to
say about it.
➢ Venus is debilitated in the ascendant
house. So Venus is quite weak. The
subject definitely is not happy with
her body type and shape. Moreover
she has a high demand of opposite
gender’s company and appreciation.
An overly thin female body can be a
method for this, as culture has made
it for women to believe so.
➢ The third house is fine but the third
house lord Mars is in the company of
Rahu in fourth house. Mars also
receives the aspect of Saturn. So
Mars is Tamasik. So the subject lacks the courage. She can’t stand the criticism and is
afraid of being left alone. Further Tamasik Mars makes her easily submissive and easy to
manipulate. Mars is also the third house lord. So a weak third house lord suggests cognitive
distortion and poor adjustment with environment.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ The ascendant lord also finds a place in twelfth house.

All these factors contribute to the eating disorder of the subject. Since the ascendant lord and
ascendant house is not very weak so the subject is capable of facing the psychological, social and
cultural pressures.

Eating Disorder Case History No. 4

Name Eating Disorder 13325 Gender: F

Born on 19 August 1958 at 22:42 (= 10:42 PM )
Place Chula Vista CA, USA, 32n39, 117w05
Timezone PDT h7w (is daylight saving time)

American anorexic, bulimic and suicidal, she works out four-six hours daily. She has a low opinion
of herself. She loses boyfriends and can't keep any friends. Works as an engineer.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The Sun is in fifth house with

Mercury but receiving the aspect of a
Tamasik Saturn. It causes somewhat
poor self concept for the subject. She
doesn’t feel good about herself.
➢ Saturn finds a place in eighth house
and also receives the aspect of Mars.
Saturn is Tamasik. So the subject has
a tendency of finding flaws in herself.
She wants everything to be in order
and fails to see herself as perfect
beauty as her culture expects her to
➢ Venus receives the aspect of Mars
who himself is afflicted by the
presence of Ketu with it.
➢ The third house is alright but third
lord Mercury is in the aspect of a
Tamasik Saturn. So some poor
adjustment with immediate environment (peers) and cognitive distortions are indicated.
➢ The ascendant house is also afflicted by the presence of Mars and Ketu in it.

The above factors (of-course not very marked) have led this woman to have a poor self image and
thus suffer from eating anorexia. There are few other factors for mental health but they are not
being discussed.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Eating Disorder Case History No. 5

Name Eating Disorder 1668 Gender: F

Born on 11 August 1970 at 03:30 (= 03:30 AM )
Place Rotherham, England, 53n26, 1w20
Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

British anorexic, former dancer and

choreographer. She began compulsive
dieting in 1989, anorexic. She then went
to the other extreme and became greatly
overweight. Self-employed, intense hard

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The planet Sun responsible for

self image and pride is afflicted
by the presence of debilitated
Mars. So the self image of the
subject can’t be expected great.
Still the Sun is in the first house
so she has a desire for the public
attention and she can’t accept
being ignored. So the method for
her is to look good by reducing
the weight.
➢ Saturn is debilitated. Again self
criticism and desire to be
perfect. No Saturn-Mars
connection for the change. So she doesn’t seem to have suffered any sexual abuse/assault.
➢ Venus is again debilitated. This time in the third house. She is not comfortable in her body
and has high demand of opposite gender’s company and attention. Moreover poor
adjustment and cognitive distortions can be expected.
➢ The ascendant lord Moon is also debilitated.

So there are more than enough reasons in the horoscope of the subject for him to be suffering from
the eating disorders. A very thin model like figure was a method for her initially and later she tried
other way by increasing the weight. May be nothing helped. The problem was not in her body
shape, but in her perception of the problem and method of solving.

Eating Disorder Case History No. 6

Name Abdul, Paula Gender: F

Birthname Julie Paula Abdul

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Born on 19 June 1962 at 14:32 (= 2:32 PM )

Place Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15
Timezone PDT h7w (is daylight saving time)

American singer with Syrian-Brazilian-

French-Canadian ancestry. She grew up
in North Hollywood, was in community
theatre by seven and a student of jazz
and tap dance by ten. She signed with
Virgin America on 8/13/1988 and did a
debut release "Knocked Out" in 1989, a
commercial pop song and dance album
that made U.S. No.41. By 1990, she was
a top artist with star status and world

Bulimic for 15 years, from age 16, she

revealed on TV in 1995 that she had
binge-purged, resorting to vomiting and
liposuction to keep slender until rehab
clinic in July 1994.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Sun, the planet for self concept and

pride doesn’t suffer from any
affliction and is absolutely fine in the
first house.
➢ Saturn finds a place in eighth house with Ketu next to it. So Saturn gets Tamasik bringing the
tendency of being self critical and perfectionist.
➢ Venus in second house is also suffering by Rahu’s presence and aspect of Saturn and Mars.
Venus also becomes Tamasik. Again the subject is not comfortable with her body’s shape and
size. Higher need of approval and appreciation from opposite sex.
➢ The third house is fine. So the subject has proper understanding and adjustment. Ascendant is
also reasonably alright though the ascendant lord Mercury is in the twelfth house..

As we can see that only poor Saturn and Venus are there responsible for the long term Bulimia of
the subject. Since third house and ascendant both are strong so this helped the subject to cope this
in later years.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of psychotic prblrm i.e. a mental
illness called which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of
this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something far from facts.
People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that
could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved
from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or
experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally apart from
the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner.
This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom
of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so
preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted. Although delusions might be a
symptom of more common disorders, such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder itself is rather rare.
Delusional disorder most often occurs in middle to late life and is slightly more common in women
than in men.

Types of Delusional Disorder

There are different types of delusional disorder based on the main theme of the delusions
experienced. The types of delusional disorder include:

• Erotomanic: Someone with this type of delusional disorder believes that another person, often
someone important or famous, is in love with him or her. The person might attempt to contact
the object of the delusion, and stalking behaviour is not uncommon.
• Grandiose: A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth,
power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has
made an important discovery.
• Jealous: A person with this type of delusional disorder believes that his or her spouse or
sexual partner is unfaithful.
• Persecutory: People with this type of delusional disorder believe that they (or someone close
to them) are being mistreated, or that someone is spying on them or planning to harm them. It
is not uncommon for people with this type of delusional disorder to make repeated complaints
to legal authorities.
• Somatic: A person with this type of delusional disorder believes that he or she has a physical
defect or medical problem.
• Mixed: People with this type of delusional disorder have two or more of the types of delusions
listed above.

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The first and foremost important feature of delusions in horoscope is afflicted third house
and/or third house lord. The third house is associated with cognitive capacities and perception.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

The subject suffering from delusions has a tendency to create cognitive distortions and
misinterpret the things.
➢ The second important feature is the poor position of Rahu. Rahu, as we discussed in earlier
chapter, is a planet associated with illusion and delusions. In most cases of delusions the Rahu
is afflicted by Mars and Saturn.
➢ The subject suffering from delusion is overly sensitive and takes everything too seriously. He
has fears and he is usually looking for the potential threats from all directions. Afflicted Moon
causes various fears. So the poor position of the planet Moon and in some cases Rahu-Moon
connection is a marker of paranoid behaviour.
➢ Mercury requires a special mention here. The planet Mercury is associated with intelligence,
logic reason and rationale. Although the victims of delusion are intelligent enough but mostly
devoid of logic and reason, rather they have a tendency to create the false logic and reason for
keeping their delusions alive. Like a spider they create a web of false logics and very soon get
stuck there themselves, and can’t come out of it.
➢ And the last thing once more is to see if there are enough astrological signs of psychological
illness. More of those, the more severe is the delusional disorder.

Let’s see some real case histories with horoscopes explaining the above principles.

Delusion Case History No. 1

Name Waugh, Evelyn Gender: M

born on 28 October 1903 at 22:30 (= 10:30 PM )
Place London, England, 51n30, 0w10
Timezone GMT h0w (is standard time)

British writer, a novelist best known for

"Decline and Fall," published in September
1928, a book that made his name. His "Brides
head Revisited" was filmed as a television
mini-series in the '90s.

Waugh became a convert to Roman

Catholicism, being received into the church on
9/29/1930. Some years later, when upon
questioning his belief system toward the end of
1954, he became deeply despondent. At the
end of 1953 his health was deteriorating and he
suffered from delusions. He hoped for a cure
from a cruise in January 1954 but he became
so deranged that the captain put him ashore at
Port Said. He flew to Ceylon where his wife
joined him to take him back to England with a
complete mental breakdown.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The third house and third house lord is afflicted by the presence of malefic Rahu, causing
cognitive distortion and blurred mind.
➢ Rahu avoids any bad aspect and is fine.
➢ The Moon is inflicted by Saturn so the subject is sensitive and can misinterpret the things.
➢ Mercury the planet for logic and reasoning is badly afflicted by Rahu as mentioned earlier.
➢ As many as 6 markers of psycho pathology are present in this horoscope increasing the
chances of psychological problems.

Delusion Case History 2

Name Graeff, Tom Gender: M

Birthname Thomas Lockyear Graeff

born on 12 September 1929 at 14:13 (= 2:13 PM )

Place Ray, Arizona, 33n11, 111w0

Timezone MST h7w (is standard time)

American film director primarily of

independent movies, he is perhaps best
remembered for the cult film, “Teenagers
from Outer Space” released by Warner
Brothers in 1959. That same year, the
pressures of the industry, financial concerns,
and his own fragile mental state contributed
to a mental breakdown that included
delusions that he was another coming of
Jesus Christ, born to save humanity. Graeff,
pronounced "Graff" tried to get his life
under control, drifting in and out of projects
for the next ten years. On December 19,
1970, he committed suicide by carbon
monoxide poisoning in a garage in La Mesa,
CA. He was 41.

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The third house is aspected by Saturn

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and third house lord Saturn is getting malefic aspect from Mars, causing some cognitive
distortion and blurred mind.
➢ Rahu is also aspected by malefic Mars so chances of illusion and delusion are increased.
➢ The Moon is inflicted by Saturn in the first house and also aspected by Mars, so the subject
is sensitive and can misinterpret the things.
➢ And Mercury the planet for logic and reasoning although exalted but is badly afflicted by
presence of Mars next to him and the Saturn’s aspect on it. Hence he can find the reasons
justifying his delusional beliefs. So this way all the markers of delusions are present.
➢ As many as 10 markers of psycho pathology are present in this horoscope increasing the
chances of psychological problems. For understanding the suicide try to understand how the
Moon is in very poor shape with 1st house 3rd, 4th and 5th house and their lords are afflicted.

Delusion Case History No 3

Name Rosenthal, Richard Gender: M

Birthname Rosenthal, Richard Howard

born on 16 April 1955 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )

Place Newark NJ, USA, 40n44, 74w10

Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American homicide; a white male, dark

haired and serious looking, who strangled
and bludgeoned his wife Laura Jane on
8/28/1995, cut out her heart and lungs and
impaled them on a stick in the back yard of
their Framingham home.

A John Hancock insurance executive,

Rosenthal says that he began a mental
decline when his infant son, Reese, was
born with a terminal condition on
2/18/1994 and died within the day. He
began to have delusions that he was being
persecuted by doctors and was chosen as a
messenger of God. His wife was turning
into a hostile space alien.

Their marriage had a long history of

spousal abuse and marital discord. On the
day of Laura's death, Richard had called
home nine times. That night, their tension
reached a head. About 8:00 PM, Laura

Principles of AstroPsychology

angrily confronted him and began pummelling him after he let a dish of ziti overcook. He strangled
her until she blacked out, then he got a rock from the back yard and bludgeoned her to death. He
cut out her organs and impaled them on a stick in their back yard.

In spite of an attempt to convince the jury of an insanity defence, Rosenthal was convicted of
homicide on 11/07/1996 and given a mandatory life sentence.

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The third house is afflicted by the presence of malefic Mars and the third house lord Venus
is situated in the twelfth house. Both these factors are causing some cognitive distortion and
blurred mind.
➢ Rahu is also aspected by both malefic planets Mars and Saturn, so chances of illusion and
delusion are highly increased.
➢ The Moon is alright and avoids all bad influences.
➢ But Mercury the planet for logic and reasoning is in poor shape as he is in debilitation.
Hence he has the great tendency of finding the reasons justifying his delusional beliefs.
➢ As many as 7 markers of psycho pathology are present in this horoscope increasing the
chances of psychological problems.

Delusion Case History No. 4

Name Nash, John Gender: M

Birthname John Forbes Nash, Jr.

born on 13 June 1928 at 07:00 (= 07:00 AM )

Place Bluefield, West Virginia, 37n16, 81w13

Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American mathematician and Nobel Prize winner 1994. In his acceptance speech, Nash said,
"Statistically, it would seem improbable that any mathematician or scientist, at the age of 66, would
be able through continued research efforts, to add much to his or her previous achievements."

His mom encouraged his studies but his teachers labeled him as "backwards" due to his lack of
social skills. During interludes of enforced rationality, he worked productively. In the late ‘60s, he
returned to the dream-like delusional thinking but of relatively moderate behaviour and thus tended
to avoid hospitalization and the direct attention of psychiatrists. He gradually began to
intellectually reject irrational thought as essentially a hopeless waste of intellectual effort. He
finally renounced his delusional hypotheses and gradually returned to mathematical research in the
early 1970s. John Nash's story was dramatized in the movie "A Beautiful Mind," directed by Ron
Howard and starring Russell Crowe (born 04/07/1964), nominated for the best film of 2001. Nash
continues to hear his voices on occasion but for the most part is able to ignore them.

AstroPsychology of Delusions

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ The third house is aspected by Saturn

and third house lord Sun is in a very
poor shape. The Sun is in twelfth
house with Rahu and in the aspect of
Saturn. This is causing grave cognitive
➢ Rahu is also sharing the fate of the
Sun. Rahu also is in twelfth house in
the aspect of Saturn, so chances of
illusion and delusion are greatly
➢ The Moon is in the tenth house in the
company of Mars. So the Moon is
weak too.
➢ And Mercury the planet for logic and
reasoning is in the first house in the
aspect of Mars. So he can find the
reasons justifying his delusional
beliefs. But the first house is not that
weak; hence the subject had the
strength to fight his mental problem.
➢ As many as 9 markers of psycho pathology are present in this horoscope badly increasing
the chances of psychological problems.

Delusion Case History No. 5

Name Kray, Ronnie Gender: M

Birthname Ronald Kray

born on 24 October 1933 at 20:10 (= 8:10 PM )

Place London, England, 51n30, 0w10

Timezone GMT h0e (is standard time)

British homicide; a professional criminal along with his identical twin brother. The younger of the
two, in middle age, he became more stout. After measles and diphtheria at age three, he was slower
and less gregarious.

Given three years in prison in 1956, he suffered from paranoid delusions and was certified insane.
Homosexual, his schizophrenic symptoms persisted after he was released. He gained wealth but
was restless and dissatisfied; desiring power and prestige. The twins crime career was most
successful during the early 1960s. Both were arrested 5/1968 and sentenced to life for murder and
other crimes.

In July, 1979, Ron was again declared insane by prison authorities and transferred to Broadmoor,
where he died of a heart attack on 3/17/1995. He was given a huge, expensive funeral on 3/291995.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The third house is occupied by Ketu

and the third lord the Sun is in
debilitation. So third house is in poor
shape causing serious cognitive
distortion and blurred mind.
➢ Rahu is also aspected by malefic
Mars so chances of illusion and
delusion are increased.
➢ The Moon is sandwiched between
two malefic planets Mars and Saturn,
so Moon is also weak. As a result the
subject is sensitive and can
misinterpret the things.
➢ Mercury the planet for logic and
reasoning finds a place in the sixth
house and further afflicted by the
presence of Mars next to it. Hence he
finds the reasons justifying his
delusional beliefs. So this way all the
markers of delusions are present.
➢ As many as 9 markers of psycho
pathology are present in this horoscope increasing the chances of psychological problems.

Delusion Case History No. 6

Name Hemingway, Ernest Gender: M

Birthname Ernest Miller Hemingway

born on 21 July 1899 at 08:00 (= 08:00 AM )

Place Oak Park, Illinois, 41n53, 87w47

Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

American writer, novelist and adventurer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for "The Old
Man and the Sea" and in 1954, the Nobel Prize for Literature.

His fabled life started to unravel in 1960, when he began to suspect the FBI of putting him on their
Most Wanted list. Suffering from paranoid delusions and high blood pressure, high cholesterol and
a badly functioning liver, his depression was severe enough for electroshock treatments twice a
week during December and early January. They gave him headaches and temporary amnesia.
Finding himself unable to compose a simple inscription to a presentation volume for President

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Kennedy, he broke down in front of his

doctor and cried that he could not write any

He was discharged on 1/22/1961 and flew

back to Idaho, quiet and withdrawn. On
April 25th, after a couple episodes that
clearly pointed to the direction of suicide,
he returned to Rochester for further
treatment. They started the stressful drive
back on June 26, taking five days to reach
home. The man who was a legend in his
own time died of self-inflicted gunshot
wounds on 7/02/1961, Ketchum, Idaho.

AstroPsychology of Delusions

➢ The third house is alright but the

third house lord Venus is with Ketu
in the eleventh house. It creates
some problems.
➢ Rahu is alright? It has no bad aspect on it but here Rahu is in debilitation so it seriously
increasing chances of all sorts of illusions and delusions.
➢ The Moon is in the fifth house in the company of a debilitated Rahu. So the Moon is very
➢ Mercury is in the first house with malefic planet Mars. Saturn is also casting its aspect on it.
So Mercury is also in a poor shape. So the delusional logics can be generated and defended.

As many as 8 markers of psycho pathology are present in this horoscope seriously increasing the
chances of psychological problems.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Schizophrenia is a combination of many serious mental disorders. Don’t make a mistake to think
that it is a single disorder rather we use schizophrenia in a plural number to outline this fact.
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and
behaves. This is the same mental disorder which in layman language is called lunacy or insanity.
People with schizophrenia behave like if they have lost connection with real world. The symptoms
of schizophrenia are diverse and can be very disabling. The symptoms of schizophrenia are evident
at different age for the people. Still usually they start surfacing at between ages 16 and 30. In rare
cases, children have schizophrenia too.

The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into three categories: positive, negative, and cognitive.

Positive symptoms: “Positive” symptoms are psychotic behaviours not generally seen in healthy
people. People with positive symptoms may “lose touch” with some aspects of reality. Symptoms

▪ Hallucinations
▪ Delusions
▪ Thought disorders (unusual or dysfunctional ways of thinking)
▪ Movement disorders (agitated body movements)

Negative symptoms: “Negative” symptoms are associated with disruptions to normal emotions
and behaviours. Symptoms include:

▪ “Flat affect” (reduced expression of emotions via facial expression or voice tone)
▪ Reduced feelings of pleasure in everyday life
▪ Difficulty beginning and sustaining activities
▪ Reduced speaking

Cognitive symptoms: For some patients, the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia are subtle, but
for others, they are more severe and patients may notice changes in their memory or other aspects
of thinking. Symptoms include:

▪ Poor “executive functioning” (the ability to understand information and use it to make
▪ Trouble focusing or paying attention
▪ Problems with “working memory” (the ability to use information immediately after learning

Important thing here is that not all the patients of schizophrenia exhibit all the symptoms or the
same symptoms. Since the symptoms are varied and diverse, so are the causes. As we discuss
different causes of schizophrenia, same way in horoscope too there is no single set of rules that can
point out this serious mental problem.

AstroPsychology of Schizophrenia

➢ In the cases of schizophrenia readers will notice that in the most cases ascendant lord and
ascendant house are not that weak suggesting that subject is strong in himself. Of-course he is

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

suffering from various mental diseases collectively called schizophrenia but it is due to the
serious weakness of other planets.
➢ In most cases it is Mercury that is more tamasik than Moon. The weakness of Moon is much
more associated with emotional problems causing anxiety, depression or other neurotic
problems while it is afflicted Mercury (afflicted by Mars or Saturn) that is more often seen to
be associated with psychotic (more serious mental problems). The reason behind this is that
Mercury is associated with nervous system and brain (physical aspects) while the Moon is
associated with mind.
➢ In case of psychotic mental problems, readers will note that more often than not, these are the
malefic planets that are suffering more than benefics. The tamasik malefics cause much more
mental crisis than their benefic friends.
➢ In case of homicide, readers will do well to notice the role of Mars or Saturn inflicted by Rahu.
➢ In the cases of suicide see the role of the Sun and the Moon suffering from the same planets
Saturn or Rahu.
➢ Here the readers will do well to notice the number of serious afflictions in the horoscope. In
case of schizophrenia, the horoscope shows a large number of the fourteen signs of mental
crisis discussed in earlier chapter. Look for all the classical signs of mental illness.

Case History No. 1

Name Bardo, Robert John Gender: M

Born on 2 January 1970 at 02:10 (= 02:10 AM )
Place Edwards Air Force Base, California, 34n54, 117w52
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

The 19-year-old Bardo was the youngest of

seven kids of a former Air Force Sergeant and
a Korean mother who worked as a waitress
while raising her family. After moving around
the world, his dad retired in Tucson when the
boy was 11. He was a bright student, earning
straights A grades and with no history of
violence, but a loner who was first placed
under psychiatric care when he was 14. He
dropped out of school and took a series of
menial jobs. He became obsessed with Rebecca
Schaeffer, a 21-year-old actress with fresh,
unspoiled beauty, the co-star of a TV series,
"My Sister Sam". Shortly after 10:00 AM on
7/18/1989, he rang the doorbell of her Los
Angeles apartment and when she answered the
door, shot her once in the chest and left her
bleeding in her doorway. Later he was
diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Ascendant is occupied by two benefics Jupiter and Moon. But it is aspected by a tamasik
Saturn. Ascendant lord is also placed well in the third house without any malefic effect. In
spite of a tamasik Saturn’s aspect the ascendant is reasonably strong. From the biography of
the subject also it never seems that he was struggling from any disease.
➢ Third house is strong but its lord Jupiter is aspected by Tamasik Saturn.
➢ Saturn itself is the lord of fourth house and fifth house and is in very poor shape. Again a
tamasik Saturn aspects the fourth house. Fifth house is badly inflicted too by the presence of
two strong malefic Mars and Rahu.
➢ Both sensitive planets the Moon and Mercury are aspected by the Saturn. Mercury
especially is important here as it is associated for nervous system.
➢ A tamasik Saturn itself is the cause of a desire of hurting others without any possible
➢ Rahu and Ketu increase the tendencies of any planet. Here Mars with Rahu becomes very –
very aggressive. Fifth house stand for the romance and love too, so here we see the
aggression for the one whom subject likes. A combination of these two in fifth house firstly
blurs the mind and secondly inability to rationalize (weak Mercury and poor Jupiter)
worsen the matter.

Case History No. 2

Name Medical: Schizophrenic 43268Gender: M

Birthname Bob
Born on 25 April 1945 at 17:30 (= 5:30 PM )
Place Chicago IL, USA, 41n51, 87w39
Timezone CWT h5w (is war time)

American male, a paranoid schizophrenic who

lives on disability and retains normalcy with the
use of heavy medications. He has never married, is
heterosexual and had girlfriends at one time but
has been celibate for about 15 years (as of 2000).
His main occupation is watching TV; his
apartment is unkempt and filthy with animal
refuse from his pets. He lived with his mother
until he was 30 or so and she kicked him out. As a
boy, his dad was abusive, a man in a permanent
bad mood after returning from the military.

His two brothers avoid him as he is always

demanding and irrational and generally draining,
which he thinks is cold and cruel and he feels that
he is entitled to more than society gives him. His
phone conversations will last four or five hours

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

until someone cuts him off. He is obsessive compulsive and decision making is very hard because
he gets fixated on one thing and ignores everything else.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant is aspected by combination of Mars, tamasik Mercury and inflicted Rajasik
Venus. Ascendant lord Mercury is Tamasik (debilitated and inflicted). So both are quite
weak. So subject doesn’t want to face the difficulties rather expects others to do more for
➢ Third house and fifth house lord Mars and Saturn are in mutual aspect. But both houses are
free from any malefic effect. Forth house is occupied by Ketu and its lord finds a place in
twelfth. Both, fourth house and lord of it are aspected by Saturn. So mental peace,
emotional satisfaction and domestic happiness is missing.
➢ Moon and Mercury both are badly placed and cause isolation and serious damage to
nervous system respectively.
➢ Sun is exalted but in eighth house (poor self image). Venus is exalted but afflicted by Mars.
➢ Rahu is exalted but inflicted by Saturn and Mars. All the malefics are inflicted by each
other which in itself is a powerful sign of this problem. All malefics are Rajasik and allow
the subject arrogance and ignorance about what can be rectified easily. Subject is
manipulating, demanding and illusioned.

His unusually long phone calls are due to Rajasik Rahu and Venus, obsessions and loneliness are
due to inflicted Saturn. The absence of Satwik positions of planet is hurting the subject along with
the above markers.

Case History No. 3

Name Medical: Schizophrenic 43994Gender: M

Birthname Emerson Case No.2
Born on 13 August 1945 at 12:52 (= 12:52 PM )
Place Jackson MI, USA, 42n14, 84w24
Timezone EWT h4w (is war time)

American catatonic schizophrenic, unresponsive to normal social situations. He committed suicide

by hanging himself 5/16/1967.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Look in this horoscope (at the next page) at the third house. It is afflicted by Ketu and
receives the aspects of Mars and Saturn. The third house lord Jupiter is also occupying the
twelfth house. So cognitive distortions are on the cards.
➢ Further Mercury is afflicted by the aspects of poorly placed Mars and afflicted Saturn. This
is indicating towards the brain degeneration and problems related with nervous system.

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ Saturn and Rahu both are suffering in the

presence of each other. Rahu afflicted by
the Saturn gives the serious possibility of
delusions and hallucinations. Rahu is
exalted but afflicted by Saturn. Rahu is
Rajasik and so is Ketu.
➢ Another rank malefic Mars is also weak in
the eighth house.
➢ Saturn the lord of the fourth and the fifth
house is in poor shape, hence increasing
the mental health problems.
➢ The ascendant lord Venus is also in a very
poor shape in the ninth house in the
presence of Saturn and Rahu. This
reduces the psycho-immunity of the
subject. At the same time the planets the
Sun and the Moon are perfectly alright.

There are more than enough factors to conclude serious psychological problem. But truly even after
some emotional problem, delusions and poor psycho immunity, we can’t conclude catatonic
schizophrenia. For this more research is needed.

Case History No. 4

Name Medical: Schizophrenic 43995Gender: M

Birthname Emerson Case No.3
Born on 10 August 1957 at 04:55 (= 04:55 AM )
Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

American schizophrenic with frequent sojourns into mental hospitals. His parents died early in his
life and his older brothers gave him a rough time. One of his brothers dabbled in magic, using Tom
as his practice subject and later rejected Tom, making him feel guilty for his own illness. This
brother was a father-figure to Tom as a child. Tom is sure that he was responsible for the death of
someone when he was about twelve, and no logic could dissuade him. After some eight months he
was diagnosed as schizophrenic and given a medical discharge.

Tom's leading interests cantered around magic and the occult and he aspired to become an adept,
skilled in alchemy. He is generous, outgoing and friendly but without discrimination, and others
take advantage of him. He doubts his potency and is rather afraid of sexual relationships with a
religious fear of committing mortal sin. Tom's IQ is well above average. He is quite shrewd and

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

perceptive in analyzing the motives of others but

has difficulty in relating to anyone. He considers
himself a coward.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant house (the horoscope on

the next page) is quite strong by the
presence of king Sun in it. No malefic
influence on ascendant house. The
ascendant lord Moon is placed in seventh
in the aspect of Saturn. So ascendant is
reasonably strong and suggests subject’s
will to change the situations in his
favour. Sun is Satwik here, so subject is
ambitious, respectful and humble.
➢ The third house lord Mercury is inflicted
in the presence of Mars and in the aspect
of Saturn. The third house seems good by
the presence of Jupiter in it but it is
actually suffering as it is sandwiched between two malefic on its either side. So serious
cognitive distortions and lack of adjustment is there.

➢ The fourth house suffers by the presence of Rahu and its lord being inflicted by Mars. Same
way the fifth house is occupied by malefic Saturn and aspected by Mars. These things take
away mental peace, emotional happiness and clarity of mind.
➢ Saturn aspecting Mercury and Moon both causing again emotional problem and damage to
nervous system. Mercury’s afflictions are more serious so is the mental disease.

This way we can see there are serious afflictions to many sensitive houses and planets. The few
good things inducing hope are the strong ascendant, Satwik Sun, Rahu and Ketu. They are
playing their parts in keeping the subject somewhat normal and pushing for some good job
instead of just accepting the schizophrenia and staying on a petty pension.

Case History No. 5

Name Clare, John Gender: M

Born on 13 July 1793 at 23:40 (= 11:40 PM )
Place Hepstone, England, 52n37, 1e20
Timezone LMT m1e20 (is local mean time)

British poet who emerged like a meteor from humble work as a farm worker to shine, briefly but
brightly, in the salons of London's literati before disappearing into the obscurity of a lunatic
Principles of AstroPsychology

His village farmer parents eked out a meagre

living and he helped in the fields from the
time he was a kid. He did learn to read and
write and at 13, secretly decided that he was a
poet. In 1820 his first volume was published
of four that gained acclaim in the following
15 years. By the age of 36 his popularity
waned and he fit neither in literary London or
the rural farmland. In 1837, he was first
committed to an asylum. Three years later he
escaped but was recaptured and lived among
the insane to his lifespan of 70.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant house is inflicted by a

debilitated and tamasik Saturn. The
ascendant lord Mars is also aspected
by the Saturn. This renders weakness
to both ascendant and ascendant lord
which makes the subject vulnerable.
Further a tamasik Saturn also renders him incapable of any hard work. Further it leads to
self pity and he believes himself to be victim of harsh environment / destiny.
➢ The third house is inflicted by the presence of Mars which is further inflicted by the malefic
aspect of Saturn. So expect cognitive distortions and failure to adjust with immediate
➢ The third house lord Mercury is placed in the fourth house and is sandwiched between two
rank malefics. Poor Mercury, as we know already, is associated with the problems of
nervous system.
➢ Fourth house itself is secure but is sandwiched between two malefic. The lord of fourth
house the Moon is also placed in 6th house in the aspect of Mars. The Moon becomes
tamasik too. Tamasik Moon causes various emotional and psychological problems like
regressive thinking (pondering about the past), a tendency to go in depression again and
again, exaggerated fears, poor concentration, weak memory, hypochondriasis.
➢ The fifth house is also disturbed by the presence of Rahu in it so it leads to blurriness of
mind. Jupiter the planet for self confidence and optimism is also badly placed in eighth
➢ Many such disabling combinations are sufficient for the subject to suffer from various
mental disorders that might have been called schizophrenia at that time.

Case History No. 6

Name Schizophrenic 49982 Gender: M

Born on 13 November 1958 at 05:30 (= 05:30 AM )
Place Washington DC, USA, 38n53, 77w02

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

Data source From memory

American schizophrenic and suicide. The individual ended his life by jumping off a bridge in 1991.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus is placed in ascendant house itself. There are three planets in
ascendant so it suggests a quite individualistic and proud person.
➢ But at the same time debilitated Sun
is placed in first house. He doesn’t
allow the ascendant the same
strength, it would have enjoyed
without the presence of this
Tamasik Sun. The tamasik Sun
causes a very poor self image and
self pity. The subject also wears a
very low self concept and constantly
needs approval from the people.
➢ Third house is inflicted by the
presence of Saturn and aspect of
Mars. So cognitive distortions and
adjustment problems are expected.
➢ The important feature to note for the
psychotic problems is the position
of the Mercury. Here Mercury is
placed in the second house in the
aspect of the malefic Mars who
himself is further weakened by
lying in the eighth house. Further,
Mercury is with the tamasik Moon, so he is getting more afflicted.
➢ All the malefics are in weak positions. Ketu is in the sixth, Mars is in the eighth and Rahu is
in the twelfth (in the aspect of Saturn). Saturn himself is afflicted by the aspect of the Mars.
➢ Fourth and fifth house are fine but their lord Saturn is aspected by Mars. Still not too bad
➢ For the reason of suicide generally poor positions of Sun or Moon is the chief cause. Here
both are tamasik. The Moon is also aspected by the Mars. The tamasik Moon leads to
regressive thinking (pondering about the past), a tendency to go in depression again and
again, exaggerated fears, poor concentration, weak memory, hypochondriasis. Most
probably the subject might be suffering from few of these.
➢ As you can see that there are not many serious afflictions in this horoscope and a reasonably
strong ascendant. I don’t have much information about this subject’s biography but I
suspect that subject was suffering from chronic schizophrenia which is a mild but
irreversible subtype of schizophrenia. Moreover he might be dealing with long bouts of
depression that finally took his life.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Case History No. 7

Name Cariaggi, Guendalina Gender: F

Born on 13 May 1970 at 19:00 (= 7:00 PM )
Place Milan, Italy, 45n28, 9e12
Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

Italian noted family, the daughter of singer Lara

Saint Paul and producer Pier Quinto Cariaggi.

In 1988, after a car crash, she began having

mental problems. She was given treatment but it
was not until October 1993 that the doctors
diagnosed her as having a form of irreversible

On 3/26/1998, she gave birth to a son. The

doctors were only aware of the pregnancy after
her 6th month. In summer 1999, her mom asked
for $50 million in damages from the clinic,
accusing them of not diagnosing the mental
illness earlier, so they could get adequate help.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Venus finds a place

in eighth house and is further inflicted by
Mars. The ascendant house receives the malefic aspect of a debilitated Saturn. Both
ascendant and ascendant lord are quite weak and this leads to helplessness and inability to
come out of the troubles.
➢ The third house is in aspect of Mars while its lord Jupiter is aspected by Saturn. So subject’s
adjustment and logical thinking is disturbed.
➢ Saturn the lord of fourth and fifth is tamasik. The fourth house is also aspected by Saturn
while fifth is occupied by another malefic Rahu. Both of these put serious dangers to the
psychological health of the subject.
➢ Mercury, the planet for nervous system, is inflicted by the tamasik Saturn and this might be
the reason of organic problem caused by accident.
➢ Three malefics Mars, Saturn and Ketu are in poor shape. This is an important feature for
serious psychotic problems.
➢ The Moon, responsible for emotional happiness, is inflicted by Ketu and further aspected by
a tamasik Mars. Of-course the king Sun is exalted but it becomes Rajasik because of the
influence of a tamasik Saturn. So the Sun can’t provide the serenity it could.

So many serious afflictions in this horoscope are more than sufficient to cause severe mental
problems that manifested in Schizophrenia.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Case History No. 8

Name Chapman, Mark David Gender: M

Born on 10 May 1955 at 19:30 (= 7:30 PM )
Place Fort Worth, Texas, 32n44, 97w19
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

American homicide; a schizophrenic, he shot

and killed John Lennon outside the door of his
New York house. When he was 12 he told his
mother about his friends, "the little people." In
1964 his IQ was measured at 121, the lower end
of the gifted scale. He ran away from home,
returning two weeks later. Chapman had a
record of arrests for armed robbery and
abduction. He had gone through life periods in
which he was extremely religious and would not
play Beatles' records because they had been
considered more popular than Jesus.

He worked as a security guard while battling

bouts of depression and thoughts of suicide. He
decided to go to Hawaii and kill himself, but
accepted his failed attempt as God's will. Mental
health specialists speculate that suicidal
individuals who fail to take their own life
sometimes reverse the need to "succeed" by taking the life of another. Soon he was referring to the
little people who gave advice and counsel as they had when he was a child. It was they, he told his
psychiatrists, who told him to kill John Lennon. He later attributed the orders to kill Lennon to

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant and ascendant lord are strong and bear no big malefic effect as in most cases
of psychotic problems. Except the aspect of Mars the ascendant lord on ascendant house
everything is fine. The subject is a strong character. (Horoscope on the next page).
➢ Saturn the lord of the third and forth house is placed in twelfth house and is exalted. Saturn
is Rajasik here so suggest a methodical and fanatically serious subject.
➢ Moon and Mercury are badly inflicted by Rahu and Mars respectively. The Moon is also
aspected by Mars and Saturn. Afflictions to the Moon and Mercury lead to emotional
problems and damage to nervous system respectively.
➢ Rahu and Ketu both are debilitated and so are Tamasik. Rahu is further inflicted by the
aspects of Mars and Saturn. This is causing delusions, hallucinations and suspicions.
➢ Three out of four malefics are weak in horoscope.

Principles of AstroPsychology

➢ The exalted Jupiter and Venus allow the subject to possess an intelligence of above average
level, but they don’t offer a clear consciousness as that is blurred by poor position of Rahu
and Ketu. Further inflicted Mercury also doesn’t help. The result was the various delusions
and hallucinations of the subject causing all the trouble.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Mixed Psychological Problems

Case History No. 1

Name Medical: Mental Illness 43260Gender: M

Born on 20 January 1948 at 04:45 (= 04:45 AM )
Place Los Angeles CA, USA, 34n03, 118w14
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American male, fits the textbook description

of "schizoid", not schizophrenic. He was
never diagnosed because he had such a high
IQ, over 150, and his parents were so proud of
his prodigious skills that they ignored his anti-
social behaviour. His father was 37 when he
was born. He showed no signs of autism as a
child but was a loner who did not play with
other children. It was obvious from the
beginning he was different, so this is not like
schizophrenia where it manifests in the late

He never grasped the concept of give and take

or sharing. He is difficult for anyone to be
around for any length of time because he
explodes with anger when anything doesn't go
exactly as he wishes (such as in restaurants
when the menu doesn't have what he wants,
when anyone has an opinion different than
his, etc.).

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant lord Jupiter is in the twelfth house in the aspect of malefic planet Mars. The
ascendant house is fine.
➢ The third house is aspected by Mars again and the third house lord Saturn is placed in
eighth house. So this leads to poor adjustment with environment and cognitive distortions.
He feels lonely for sure.
➢ The fourth house lord Jupiter is in twelfth house in the aspect of Mars and fourth house also
receives the aspect of Mars. This causes lack of mental peace and emotional happiness.
➢ The fifth house is occupied by Rahu and receives the aspect of Saturn. Moon also is in fifth
house and is badly afflicted by Rahu and Saturn. So mental stress and tensions are also
there. Mind is blurred by Rahu and subject can’t see the things objectively.
➢ Mercury also receives the aspect of Saturn

Principles of AstroPsychology

So in this horoscope there are no serious afflictions but many small ones that together are surely
enough for causing serious psychological troubles

Case History No. 2

Name Medical: Schizophrenic 43271Gender: M

Born on 1 October 1957 at 16:45 (= 4:45 PM )
Place New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

American male diagnosed with schizo-

affective disorder. He had countless suicide
attempts, including one in January or
February 1996, when he jumped off a four-
story building. He suffered two fractured legs
and spinal damage, but the doctors were able
to prevent paralysis with immediate surgery.
He still has a limp from that incident. He's
also developed into a compulsive gambler,
which he may use to medicate his
schizophrenia and depression. He never
married. His mom was an alcoholic who
eventually sobered up and his dad is also a
compulsive gambler.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The ascendant house is empty but

receiving the aspect of Saturn. The
ascendant lord Saturn is in the
eleventh house. So there is not much
trouble. The subject can face the environmental pressures.
➢ The fourth house is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Mars. So mental peace and happiness
is disturbed. Relationship with mother and emotional troubles can be expected too as the
Moon is also in the twelfth house in the aspect of Mars. The Moon is tamasik. So we can
expect many emotional problem and failure to cope with them. Further, the subject is an
easy victim of psychological diseases.
➢ The fifth house is aspected by Saturn and the fifth house lord Venus is with Rahu. Both
these are enhancing the possibility of mental problem.
➢ Mercury is also in the eighth house in the aspect of Saturn. So Mercury is also Tamasik.
Nervous system of the subject is weak and he can’t handle the stress. Again not a good sign.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation

If a person has an intellectual disability, it means that he or she learns and develops more slowly
than others. At one time, intellectual disabilities were called "mental retardation," but that term is
not used so much anymore because it hurts people's feelings.

Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a

lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn
new skills, but they learn them more slowly. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability,
from mild to profound.

Someone who has an intellectual disability will have trouble learning and functioning in everyday
life. This person could be 10 years old, but might not talk or write as well as a typical 10-year-old.
He or she also is usually slower to learn other skills, like how to get dressed or how to act around
other people.

What is intellectual disability?

Someone with intellectual disability has limitations in two areas. These areas are:

• Intellectual functioning: Also known as IQ, this refers to a person’s ability to learn,
reason, make decisions, and solve problems.
• Adaptive behaviors: These are skills necessary for day-to-day life, such as being able to
communicate effectively, interact with others, and take care of oneself.

IQ (intelligence quotient) is measured by an IQ test. The average IQ is 100. A person is considered

intellectually disabled if he or she has an IQ of less than 70.

To measure a child’s adaptive behaviors, a specialist will observe the child’s skills and compare
them to other children of the same age. Things that may be observed include how well the child can
feed or dress himself or herself; how well the child is able to communicate with and understand
others; and how the child interacts with family, friends, and other children of the same age.

Intellectual disability is thought to affect about 1% of the population. Of those affected, 85% have
mild intellectual disability. This means they are just a little slower than average to learn new
information or skills. With the right support, most will be able to live independently as adults.

What are the signs of intellectual disability in children?

There are many different signs of intellectual disability in children. Signs may appear during
infancy, or they may not be noticeable until a child reaches school age. It often depends on the
severity of the disability. Some of the most common signs of intellectual disability are:

• Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking late

• Talking late or having trouble with talking
• Slow to master things like potty training, dressing, and feeding himself or herself
• Difficulty remembering things

Principles of AstroPsychology

• Inability to connect actions with consequences

• Behavior problems such as explosive tantrums
• Difficulty with problem-solving or logical thinking

In children with severe or profound intellectual disability, there may be other health problems as
well. These problems may include seizures, mental disorders, motor handicaps, vision problems, or
hearing problems.

Let’s try to understand the AstroPsychological combinations of ID in horoscope. The birth data of
these children is collected by one of my student who took informed consent from their teachers to
use this data for research purpose and publication.

AstroPsychology of ID

➢ The third house associates with cognitive capacities and decision making. It includes
intelligence, adjustment to the environment and logical & reasoning faculties. Adjustment
with environment here includes well refined motor and cognitive functions. This also
includes an ability to make the environment friendly for you or simply making friends. As
we know in case of ID the subject lacks motor control, cognitive capacity to deal the
challenges and skills to create friendship with nearby people. So any affliction to third
house or third house lord is an important aspect to look for intellectual disability.
➢ The fifth house associates with mind, memory and capacity to gain knowledge by learning.
In case of ID all these capacities are markedly lacking. Thus any affliction to fifth house
and fifth house lord should be noticed.
➢ Moon relates with mental health and emotions while Mercury associates with nervous
system and intelligence. So in case of ID both of these planets are very sensitive and
affliction to them can’t be ignored.
➢ Jupiter is associated with wisdom or understanding. In case of the victims of the ID the
understanding is definitely lacking. So Jupiter’s poor position can also be a contributing
factor for the ID.

As the number of above features increases in a single horoscope, so will also increase the
possibility of the person suffering from ID or having poor intelligence. Let’s take some example
charts for understanding how ID is reflected in horoscopes:

ID Case History No. 1

Name Ankit Gender: M

Born on 8 November 2006 at 17:30
Place Dehradun, India, 30n19, 78e02
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house is occupied by the

Moon. Both, third house and the Moon
are fine. But third house lord Mercury is
placed with Mars and is further inflicted
by the aspect of an inflicted Saturn. So
Mercury is in poor shape.
➢ The fifth house is also suffering by the
presence of two rank malefic Saturn and
Ketu. To make the matter worse the
fifth house lord the Sun is debilitated
and also shares the fortune of Mercury
i.e. sitting with Mars and receiving the
aspect of Saturn.
➢ Jupiter is also placed in eighth house.
So we can conclude that there are enough
reasons for this child to be suffering from
intellectual disability.

ID Case History No. 2

Name Dipesh Gender: M

Born on 1 Feb 2002 at 05:00
Place Haridwar, India, 29n58, 78e09
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord finds a place in sixth

house. The third house receives the aspect of
➢ The fifth house lord Mars is alright and
same is the case with fifth house.
➢ The Moon is receiving the aspect of Mars
and is alone i.e. there are no planets in the
one house before or after the Moon. Both of
these things are detrimental for the Moon.
Mercury is fine.
➢ Jupiter is also having a hard time being
placed with Rahu and also receiving the
aspect of Mars.

This horoscope is not as much disturbed as the

previous one but there are enough difficulties for

Principles of AstroPsychology

the subject to be suffering from ID.

ID Case History No. 3

Name Vansh Gender: M

Born on 22 March 2007 at 06:30
Place Haridwar, India, 29n58, 78e09
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord Venus receives the

aspect of Mars and Saturn both.
➢ The fifth house is occupied by Saturn and
is aspected by Mars. The fifth lord the
Moon is also in malefic aspect of Mars
and Saturn.
➢ Mercury, the planet associated with
nervous system and intelligence is in the
twelfth house with Rahu. Mercury
becomes Tamasik and causes all sort of
mental troubles and disturbs the chances
of learning.

ID Case History No. 4

Name Princy Gender: F

Born on 21 Dec 2005 at 05:55
Place Delhi, 28n40, 77e13
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord Saturn is in mutual aspect of Mars, which is poor as it is lying in sixth
house. The third house also receives the aspect of this inflicted Saturn.
➢ The fifth house is occupied by Rahu. It blurs the mind and memory. The fifth lord Jupiter is
placed in twelfth house and also receives the aspect of Mars.
➢ Moon responsible for memory and mind is free from any direct ill effect but is sandwiched
between two malefic and is vulnerable. Mercury the planet for intelligence and nervous
system is receiving the aspect of an inflicted Mars and is suffering.
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Hence there are all the possible afflictions and no

wonder that this small child is suffering from ID.

ID Case History No. 5

Name Kanishk Gender: M

Born on 11 July 2006 at 14:24
Place Dehradun, India, 30n19, 78e02
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord Jupiter receives the

aspect of Mars which is debilitated and
inflicted by Saturn. so the subject’s
understanding of the things is not the best.
➢ The fifth house lord Saturn is in poor
shape in the company of debilitated Mars
and the same Mars also casts its malefic
aspect on the fifth house.
➢ Moon responsible for memory and mind
is again free from any direct ill effect but
is alone in the house. There are no planets
in the houses before or after the Moon. So
Moon is suffering. Mercury the planet for
intelligence and nervous system is also in
difficulties with two strong malefic.

Again this horoscope has all those combinations

Principles of AstroPsychology

that are discussed as responsible for intellectual disability. This is a classical example of
understanding ID by AstroPsychology.

ID Case History No. 6

Name Nandini Gender: F

Born on 14 December 2012 at 05:34
Place Saharanpur, India, 29n58, 77e33
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house and its lord Saturn are

perfectly fine.
➢ The fifth house is not so fortunate. The
Moon and Jupiter are placed there and
together they receive the aspect of Saturn
and Mars. Mars is also inflicted by Rahu,
so it is even worse. So the fifth house, its
lord Jupiter and the Moon all are

➢ The Mercury is also inflicted badly by

being with Mars and Rahu.

ID Case History No. 7

Name Kuwar Gender: M

Born on 18 November 2009 at 15:00
Place Bareilly, India, 28n21, 79e25
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord Venus is placed in eighth house and aspected by an inflicted Mar.
Venus is becoming Tamasik.
➢ The fifth house is occupied by Mars and Ketu. Mars is debilitated there and getting
Tamasik. So fifth house is suffering very badly. The fifth lord Moon is debilitated and is
aspected by Saturn. Moon is Tamasik.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ Mercury is receiving the aspect of Saturn

too. And finally Jupiter responsible for
understanding is inflicted by Rahu and
also receives the malefic aspect of Mars.
Jupiter also becomes Tamasik too.

Many Tamasik planets along with pathological

combinations are suggesting very bad mental
health and not just ID for the subject. You can see
that no planet except Saturn is placed in a healthy
manner. The readers can understand other
personality features and psychological issues of
the subject themselves.

ID Case History No. 8

Name Sayeba Gender: F

Born on 22 February 2004 at 08:22
Place Saharanpur, India, 29n58, 77e33
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house doesn’t have any trouble

in it and its lord Venus is exalted in the
first house. Saturn also aspects it. But
still both third house and its lord are
➢ The fifth house is aspected by Mars
which is inflicted by Rahu. The fifth
lord Moon is also aspected by Saturn.
➢ Mercury is placed in twelfth house while
Jupiter (ascendant lord) is seen in sixth
house where it also gets the aspect of

Principles of AstroPsychology

This horoscope doesn’t look that bad as compared to previous few. Unfortunately we know that
this child is suffering from ID. But if is he doing better than others is not known. But from the
horoscope we can logically guess that his situation is less severe and he might be suffering from
mild retardation only.

ID Case History No. 9

Name Satyam Gender: M

Born on 1 January 2006 at 19:25
Place Saharanpur, India, 29n58, 77e33
Timezone IST h5.5E (Standard Time)

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Again the third house is occupied by a

malefic. It is Ketu and is also aspected by
Saturn. The third house lord Mercury is
also placed in sixth house.
➢ The fifth house is aspected by Mars while
the fifth lord Mars is getting the aspect of
➢ Moon is in seventh house in the aspect of
Saturn while Jupiter receives the aspect of

Since all the planets and houses are somewhat

disturbed this horoscope also points out that
subject is definitely suffering from some
intellectual deficiency. This horoscope is also
suggesting some mild severity of ID. Again our
information about this child is that he is a victim
of ID but severity is not known.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric disorder of the neuro-
developmental type. It is characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity,
or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person's age. These symptoms
begin by age six to twelve, are present for more than six months, and cause problems in at least two
settings (such as school, home, or recreational activities). In children, problems paying attention
may result in poor school performance. Although it causes impairment, particularly in modern
society, many children have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting. People with
ADHD are more likely to have problems with social skills, such as social interaction and forming
and maintaining friendships. This is true for all subtypes. About half of children and adolescents
with ADHD experience social rejection by their peers compared to 10–15% of non-ADHD children
and adolescents. People with attention deficits are prone to having difficulty processing verbal and
nonverbal language which can negatively affect social interaction.

Symptoms of ADHD

There are three different categories of ADHD symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.

Inattention may not become apparent until a child enters the challenging environment of school.
In adults, symptoms of inattention may manifest in work or in social situations.

A person with ADHD may have some or all of the following symptoms:

• Difficulty paying attention to details and tendency to make careless mistakes in school or
other activities; producing work that is often messy and careless
• Easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli and frequently interrupting ongoing tasks to attend to
trivial noises or events that are usually ignored by others
• Inability to sustain attention on tasks or activities
• Difficulty finishing schoolwork or paperwork or performing tasks that require concentration
• Frequent shifts from one uncompleted activity to another
• Procrastination
• Disorganized work habits
• Forgetfulness in daily activities (for example, missing appointments, forgetting to bring
• Failure to complete tasks such as homework or chores
• Frequent shifts in conversation, not listening to others, not keeping one's mind on
conversations, and not following details or rules of activities in social situations

Hyperactivity symptoms may be apparent in very young preschoolers and are nearly always
present before the age of seven. Symptoms include:

• Fidgeting, squirming when seated

• Getting up frequently to walk or run around
• Running or climbing excessively when it's inappropriate (in teens this may appear as
• Having difficulty playing quietly or engaging in quiet leisure activities

Principles of AstroPsychology

• Always being 'on the go'

• Often talking excessively

Hyperactivity may vary with age and developmental stage.

Toddlers and preschoolers with ADHD tend to be constantly in motion, jumping on furniture, and
having difficulty participating in sedentary group activities. For instance, they may have trouble
listening to a story. School-age children display similar behaviour but with less frequency. They are
unable to remain seated, squirm a lot, fidget, or talk excessively. In adolescents and adults,
hyperactivity may manifest itself as feelings of restlessness and difficulty engaging in quiet
sedentary activities.

Impulsivity symptoms include:

• Impatience
• Difficulty delaying responses
• Blurting out answers before questions have been completed
• Difficulty awaiting one's turn
• Frequently interrupting or intruding on others to the point of causing problems in social or
work settings
• Initiating conversations at inappropriate times

Impulsivity may lead to accidents such as knocking over objects or banging into people. Children
with ADHD may also engage in potentially dangerous activities without considering the
consequences. For instance, they may climb to precarious positions.

AstroPsychological of ADHD

Let’s try to understand those patterns in horoscopes that appear regularly in the horoscope of
patients suffering from ADHD. Presence of all or many of these features in a horoscope will create
serious doubt in the mind of a astro- psychologist that symptoms associated with ADHD may be
there in subject’s personality. Of course, look for other signs of mental health issues discussed
earlier for confirmation.

➢ From the horoscope ADHD can be judged by analyzing third house, third house lord and
Jupiter. The third house is responsible for cognitive faculties. Important here are thinking,
planning, rational decision making, adjustment, communication and patience. Third lord
will also help these matters. In case of ADHD these skills are generally seen impaired.
➢ Jupiter is associated with understanding, capacity to learn and concentration for the same.
The subjects suffering from ADHD find it difficult to learn anything new and especially
when this new learning involves concentration.
➢ In many cases Saturn can also be in suffering in horoscopes. Saturn is associated with
perseverance. In case of ADHD the subject is generally seen to be lacking for continuous
working at one thing.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

ADHD Case History No. 1

Name Cobain, Kurt Gender: M

Birth name Kurt Donald Cobain
Born on 20 February 1967 at 19:20 (= 7:20 PM )
Place Aberdeen, Washington, 46n59, 123w49
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American musician, lead singer whose

anguished lyrics helped sell millions of
records featuring the gritty sound of grunge
rock 'n roll of "Nirvana," a head banging
punk metal band formed in 1991.

Cobain was diagnosed as a hyperactive

preschooler and given the amphetamine-
based drug. The side effects of the drug
were countered with sedatives to help him
sleep at nights. His parents’ divorce in 1975
emotionally shook his world. Filled with
anger and confusion, Cobain became sullen
and antagonistic to his bewildered mom
who finally sent him to live with his dad. He
took drugs, drank, vandalized cars and lived
life on the streets in Aberdeen.

Years later at the peak of success, Cobain

died of a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the
head in the afternoon or evening of
4/05/1994. Cobain's suicide death shocked
the nation and highlighted the heroin drug problem in the music industry

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house is badly inflicted by the presence of Mars and Ketu in it. The third house
lord Venus is exalted but is placed in eighth house with Saturn next to it. So Venus is not in
good shape. Both these poor features disturb the planning, decision making, patience and
adjustment of the subject.
➢ Jupiter is exalted but not in a good house. Jupiter is in twelfth house impairing the
concentration and learning capacity of the subject. The subject was wise and understanding,
and didn’t lose his capacity to learn completely but yet was struggling with concentration.
➢ Saturn is also placed in the eighth house so he lacks the perseverance and it definitely
disturbs subject’s capacity to stay with one thing at a time especially when the learning
involves long concentration and some failures.

All these features create every possibility that subject could be suffering from difficulties in

Principles of AstroPsychology

learning and sustained attention. Check for the other signs of mental health issues and not so good
connection with parents yourself. They are not highlighted to avoid unnecessary expansion.

ADHD Case History No. 2

Name Englund, Robert Gender: M

Birthname Robert Barton Englund
Born on 6 June 1947 at 04:26 (= 04:26 AM )
Place Glendale (Los Angeles County), California, 34n09, 118w15
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

American actor, a character player onscreen

in small roles from the mid-'70s. He became
a star and a pop cult figure of the horror
genre with his role as Freddy Krueger in
"Nightmare on Elm Street," 1984 and its
many sequels. Married, no kids, he is
energetic, quick and nervous, suffering from
ADHD, biting his fingernails and pacing. In
1988, he made a debut as a director.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house is afflicted by

presence of Saturn and aspect of
Mars. The third house lord Moon is
placed in eighth house.
➢ Jupiter can be seen in the sixth
house where it is further weakened
by the aspect of Mars.
➢ Saturn is also receiving the aspect of
Mars as discussed above.

The subject has all the features associated with ADHD and is suffering from lack of concentration
and learning. Poor position of the Moon further suggests various emotional problems and fears.

ADHD Case History No. 3

Name Bissell, Patrick Gender: M

Birthname Walter Patrick Bissell
Born on 1 December 1957 at 03:11 (= 03:11 AM )
Place Corpus Christi, Texas, 27n48, 97w24
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

American ballet principal with the American Ballet Theater who made a rapid rise, was an
outstanding dancer and was sensational on stage. Handsome, athletic and driven, he was hyper
from the time he was a child. A womanizer, he
bragged that he had been drinking from the time
he was ten and shooting up heroin by 14.
Eventually, he became addicted to drugs. The
anguished process of decay slowly and inexorable
moved forward as Bissell lost the respect of
colleagues, lost roles and gradually, lost his life.
He was found dead in his New York apartment
on 12/29/1987, age 30.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house is negatively affected by

the presence of Saturn disturbing his
decision making, appraisal, patience and
adjustment with environmental demands.
The third house lord Mars is inflicted by
Rahu in the second house.
➢ Jupiter is ambushed by malefic Mars and
Rahu and is vulnerable. Concentration and
learning are impaired.

The readers can understand and evaluate other aspects of his personality including his skills in
dance and women by above horoscope. We are not going to discuss all of his other personality
traits resisting the temptations of doing so.

ADHD Case History No. 4

Name Helfgott, David Gender: M

Born on 19 May 1947 at 08:28 (= 08:28 AM )
Place Melbourne, Australia, 37s49, 144e58
Timezone AEST h10e (is standard time)

Australian musician, concert pianist and child prodigy celebrated in the 1997 Australian film,
"Shine." Helfgott went from a promising career as a youth to a devastating mental illness in his
adult life. His life and career were resurrected with the help of his wife and others. Helfgott was the
second child of Elias Peter Helfgott, a rabbi's son who emigrated from Poland as a young man.

Helfgott suffered a mental breakdown while he was a student at school, checking into the hospital
in October 1969. For the next 12 years, Helfgott would come and go into psychiatric hospitals in
London and Australia. Today, doctors diagnose Helfgott's mental condition as "schizoaffective
disorder." He chatters with a stream of free-associative hyper speed commentary and self-addressed
pep talks. He is given medication to control his anxiety and stress, but he is not schizophrenic and

Principles of AstroPsychology

may be manic only in the colloquial rather than

the clinical sense. He is categorized as a ADHD
patient too.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house is again disturbed by the

presence of Saturn in it. Mars casts its
malefic aspect on it. Moreover the third
house lord the Moon is placed in twelfth
house with Mars. Saturn also aspects the
➢ Jupiter is lying in sixth house and
aspected by Mars.
➢ As told earlier Saturn receives the aspect
of Mars.

David’s horoscope has many other pathological

signs that should draw the attention of readers.
These pathological signs were responsible for his
more serious mental troubles. Check the position of Moon, Mercury and ascendant lord.

ADHD Case History No. 5

Name Family Distress: K3 Gender: M

Birthname MK
Born on 22 October 1954 at 21:00 (= 9:00 PM )
Place Long Beach CA, USA, 33n46, 118w11
Timezone PST h8w (is standard time)

MK is severely ADHD, probably bipolar too, dropped out of high school. In and out of prison for
drug possession, he was released in January 2000 on parole. Of him, his parents said he was "a
handful." Never married - one son out of wedlock, no longer drinks but still shoots heroin once in a
while, smokes pot. Working on improving his life.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ In the birth chart of MK the third house receives the aspect of Mars while the third lord Sun
is debilitated with Saturn, creating serious damage to his decision making, patience (and
self esteem).
➢ Great minister Jupiter is exalted but is in the aspect of two strong malefic Saturn and Mars.
➢ Saturn himself is OK but poor position of 5th house, Moon and Mercury (also the first house
lord) is suggesting poor psychological immunity and hence causes various mental health
issues along with ADHD.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

ADHD Case History No. 6

Name Medical: ADHD Gender: M

Birthname Max
Born on 31 January 1991 at 03:38 (= 03:38 AM )
Place Nowra, Australia, 34s53, 150e36
Timezone AEDT h11e (is daylight saving time)

Australian youth with Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder. From dawn through the
day he creates havoc at home and at school. His
mom, Shirley, found that removing sugar and
artificial additives from his diet was a help and
eventually put him on medication. Max is an only
child, a bright boy who was not only hyperactive
but extremely focused when he was interested. He
needed constant mental stimulation.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Saturn the third house lord is afflicted by

Rahu. The third house itself escapes the
➢ Jupiter is exalted but is placed with Ketu
in eighth house. Saturn also casts its
malefic aspect on it. Exalted Jupiter and 1st

Principles of AstroPsychology

house Mercury reconfirm that Max is a bright child and can do well if given proper

Few other afflictions are there too that can create other mental issues. Readers should find them
and evaluate them by themselves.

ADHD Case History No. 7

Name Odgren, John Gender: M

Birthname John Albert Odgren
Born on 1 September 1990 at 03:08 (= 03:08 AM )
Place Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 42n35, 71w48
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

American youth, suffering from Asberger's

Syndrome, hyperactivity, and perhaps other
emotional challenges, allegedly killed a high
school boy, James Alenson, by stabbing Alenson
in the school bathroom. Odgren, a baby-faced 16-
year old, was a highly intelligent youth according
to reports. As a seventh-grader, he had shown
physical and verbal abuse towards others and his
parents appealed to the educational system for
help. In 2000 he was diagnosed with depression
and Attention Defective Hyperactivity Disorder.
He was placed in a program for pre-teens and was
described as a troubled preadolescent with poor
social skills. He often withdrew completely,
staying in his room in a fetal position and he
would sometimes become confused or hostile
when asked to do something.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third house lord Mercury receives the aspect of Mars while third house itself is afflicted
by the aspect of Saturn.
➢ Jupiter although exalted is in the company of Ketu so he is afflicted.
➢ Saturn is in poor shape as well. Saturn is in the sixth house and in the aspect of Mars.

This way all the combination wre there to warrant a diagnosis of ADHD in this horoscope. Poor
position of the Moon in combination of other small afflictions caused John to suffer from various
emotional problems and lack of social skills too. Readers should investigate them by themselves.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Children are sweet and beautiful. They make everybody smile and fill each heart with feelings of
love. But for some people a sight of children can induce lust in place of love and affection. A
careful investigation of horoscope can throw some light on this monster like human behaviour and
help us find the answers for questions like why an individual takes interest in molesting innocent
and young children and then, even after understanding the risk of receiving so much hate and insult
from everyone, actually performs it. There are few factors to be considered in the case of pedophile

AstroPsychology of Paedophilia

➢ First of all look at the third sign Gemini. The sign Gemini is also associated with children. If
the third sign is afflicted in horoscope then subject has an aggressive fascination for children.
These subjects like or even love children but still this liking behaviour is not merely ‘normal
➢ At next step judge the fifth house and the fifth lord. The fifth house is also associated with
love, affection and fondness of children. Any affliction to the fifth house or its lord leads to
poor handling (relation) of children. The subject somehow doesn’t know how to love the
children. His fondness of children turns into lust for them and molestation.
➢ From the previous chapters you should remember that an inflicted or tamasik Venus is also
known for all kind of sexual perversion and nymphomaniac behaviour. In this case lust takes
the place of love. Having sexual intercourse is the only way they believe that they love. So an
inflicted Venus is important here.
➢ A tamasik Mars means showing dominance by resorting to aggression and sexual act. It takes
pleasure by inflicting pain on its victim. The result is torturing and humiliating his victim and
enjoying his pain.
➢ Mercury is associated with reasoning and childish stubbornness. An afflicted Mercury suggests
a lack of this reasoning and stubborn nature takes place to get the desired things at any cost.
➢ And at last, it is mighty Jupiter that comes into play. Jupiter, the wise minister, is associated
with wisdom and morality. An afflicted or tamasik Jupiter in horoscope takes away the moral
judgement and the fear of earning a bad name in the society. The subject becomes almost blind
by the lust caused by the earlier combinations.

Of course, as readers might have already understood that none of the above factors single handedly
is responsible for such sexual offence against children but surely the increasing number of above
factors in a horoscope increase the chances of pedophile behaviour. Let’s see how the above factors
unfold in the following charts of some individuals infamous and convicted for the molestations of

Pedophilia Case History No. 1

Name Arth, Michel Gender: M

Born on 23 May 1945 at 22:00 (= 10:00 PM )

Principles of AstroPsychology

Place Trivieres, Belgium, 50n26, 4e08

Timezone MEDT h2e (is daylight saving time)

Belgian retired school teacher, living on an

invalid’s pension. He was interested in the occult
and particularly, in black magic.

From 1978 to 1993 he raped, tortured, filmed and

even lent to other abusers, a young 12-year-old,
her twin brother and their little sister - and this
with their parents’ knowledge and complicity!
Arth was arrested on 12/13/1995 and sentenced
on 11/14/1996 to ten years in jail.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third sign Gemini falls in difficult eighth

house and is further afflicted by Saturn and
➢ The fifth house is afflicted by the presence of
Mars and aspect of Saturn. The fifth house
lord Jupiter is also aspected by Mars and
Saturn both.
➢ Venus is no doubt exalted but is badly afflicted by Mars and aspect of an afflicted Saturn. So
Venus is also in poor shape.
➢ Mercury is in the sixth house while Jupiter the lord of wisdom is badly aspected as pointed

Here exist in this horoscope all those combinations that I discussed above for the paedophile

Pedophilia Case History No. 2

Name Coppernolle, Willy Gender: M

Birthname Coppernolle, Willy Rene Joseph van
Born on 9 August 1943 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )
Place Gand, Belgium, 51n03, 3e43
Timezone MEDT h2e (is daylight saving time)

French homicide; he raped and killed Abdel, an 11 year old boy, on 3/27/1993, in Remoulins,
France, ten days after his release from a five year sentence for rape. On April 2nd of the same year
he raped two twenty year olds.

Coppernolle was the son of a father in the military who had abused his daughters. The boy was put
in the care of a religious institution at age six, where he says he was raped. He began to accumulate
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

a police record of 34 convictions dating from

1966, with five in sex related cases. After he was
tried for rape and murder, he was sentenced on
3/27/1995 to 22 years without parole.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third sign Gemini falls in twelfth house

and is afflicted by Saturn possessing it. The
fifth house is aspected by Mars. Both of these
suggest the subject’s abnormal ‘liking’ for the
➢ Venus and Mercury in the second house are
also aspected by Saturn from the twelfth
house. Afflicted Venus causes insatiable lust
and sexual perversion. On the other hand
afflicted Mercury suggests failure of
reasoning and child like stupid desires.
Second house the seat of morality is also
aspected by the Saturn so morality is
➢ Jupiter the planet for morality and understanding of right and wrong is exalted in first house.
But he is afflicted by Rahu and receives the aspect of Mars. So Jupiter is Rajasik here. Such a
subject always believes that nothing wrong can happen to him. This belief makes him reckless
and carefree. They fail to see the consequences of their own actions.
➢ The Jupiter is also the lord of ninth house, the house associated with father. The ninth house is
in the aspect of Saturn while Jupiter is also disturbed. This explains his abusive father and his
relation with him.

Pedophilia Case History No. 3

Name Byron, Lord Gender: M

Birthname George Gordon Noel Byron
Born on 22 January 1788 at 14:00 (= 2:00 PM )
Place London, England, 51n30, 0w10
Timezone LMT m0w10 (is local mean time)

British nobility, the sixth Lord Byron and one of the great romantic poets of the English language.
Byron was born with a clubfoot, a deformed right foot and calf, and was raised by an erratic mom
after his dad's death when he was three. He was a poor student, but an avid reader. Extremely
handsome, he had almost as much fame for his outrageous sex life as for his great works of poetry.
Scarcely out of adolescence, he embarked on numerous liaisons with partners ranging from married
women to a choir boy. "Byron's Letters and Journals" (1973-94) freely confides his most intimate
feelings and experiences. The details of his sex life - a remarkably varied one, including
homosexuality at school and after, much whoring and tupping of servant girls, an orgiastic

Principles of AstroPsychology

interlude in Venice, incest with his half-sister,

and numerous seductions and liaisons within his
own social class - have all emerged in graphic
detail. At his second and final departure from
England, in 1816, he was a monster of vanity and
appetite, with one possibly redeeming quality; he
could write.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The most important factor for paedophile

behaviour, the third sign Gemini, is clearly
afflicted by Mars and Ketu. Mars and Ketu
are also afflicting each other. Furthermore
the fifth house lord Venus is deposited with
Saturn so she is also afflicted. These things
definitely bring in insatiable lust and
unconcerned attitude for the right and wrong.
➢ Mercury the planet for reasoning capacities
and intelligence is also the victim of Rahu
and further receives the aspect of an afflicted Mars.
➢ Jupiter gets a place in the difficult twelfth house.
➢ Since fifth house is ruled by Venus and Venus gets a place in ninth house, so the subject is
blessed by artistic capacities.

Pedophilia Case History No. 4

Name Kelley, Robert E. Gender: M

Born on 23 January 1942 at 05:40 (= 05:40 AM )
Place Concord MA, USA, 42n27, 71w20
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American ecclesiastic, this Roman Catholic Priest was convicted of sexually molesting 50 to 100
young girls while he was an associate pastor at St. Cecilia's parish in Leominster, MA from 1976 to
1983. On May 6, 2002, he was charged with raping two girls in Leominster and Gardner, MA more
than 20 years before. Although he originally pleaded not guilty in June 2002, he changed his plea
to guilty. On October 1, 2003, he was sentenced to jail for 5-7 years with 20 years probation. While
he has not been defrocked, he has not been active in the priesthood since 1986. Kelley pleaded
guilty in March 1990 to assault with intent to rape a young girl and was sentenced at that time to 6
1/2 year in prison. He was released from that sentence in 1997. His victims were between four and
nine years of age.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Gemini is empty here but receives the aspect

of an afflicted Saturn. The fifth house is
ambushed by the presence of two rank
malefic Mars and Saturn. The Mars is also
the fifth lord, he is afflicted by the presence
of Saturn. These factors are enough for
suggesting a paedophile person.
➢ Mercury and Venus in second house are the
victim of afflicted Saturn’s aspect. Jupiter
also finds a place in sixth house.
➢ All factors that point towards molestation of
children are available here.

Pedophilia Case History No. 5

Name Koresh, David Gender: M

Birthname Vernon Wayne Howell
Born on 17 August 1959 at 08:49 (= 08:49 AM )
Place Houston, Texas, 29n46, 95w22
Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)

American religious fanatic and psychopath. He was a high school dropout and rock musician
before becoming the polygamist preacher of the Davidian Sect. He built his church on a simple
message: "If the Bible is true, then I'm Christ." Under his direction, the Sect of more than a
hundred followers built an armed fortress near Waco, Texas in which to wait for the end of the

His followers were schooled in war drills, living on a strict vegetarian diet, with TV and festivities
forbidden. Men and women lived separately in celibacy. The rules did not apply to Koresh himself,
who had TV, beer, meat and air conditioning - plus the women of the compound. Two of the kids
in the compound, perhaps more, were fathered by Koresh, and he had a sexual preference for
young girls, some as young as 11 or 12. By 1991, he had established an outside residence in La
Verne, CA where he had 18 "wives" housed, including one who was age 12.

Federal and state cops were aware that he was stockpiling weapons and laid plans for a raid of the
compound. When the attack began, fires broke out in several locations and the wooden buildings
quickly became an inferno. Koresh's body was identified several days later, dead from a gunshot to
the head.
Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Gemini, the third sign, is in the aspect of

Saturn. The fifth house and its lord both are
absolutely fine.
➢ Venus is placed in the twelfth house in the
company of Mars. Venus is definitely
tamasik. Mars is also placed in the twelfth
➢ Mercury is fine and is also receiving
encouraging aspects of Jupiter and Moon. So
the subject is intelligent and not devoid of
➢ But Jupiter is also receiving the aspect of
Mars from the twelfth house so wisdom and
ethics are not there.

As readers might have understood from the

biography described above, that the subject was
not a fool rather he was an intelligent rebel. He
was not blinded by deep lust or aggression but he still managed to create his own empire and
seduce the young girls by his claims of divinity.

Pedophilia Case History No. 6

Name Bernardo, Paul Gender: M

Birthname Paul Kenneth Bernardo
Born on 27 August 1964 at 08:31 (= 08:31 AM )
Place Toronto, Ontario (CAN), 43n39, 79w23
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)

Canadian homicide; a story of degradation, sadism and terror. He and Karla had met in late June
1990 when he was 23 and she, 17, and fell in love. Soon together, they drugged Karla's 15-year-old
sister Tammy two days before Christmas. Upstairs in the Homolka home, he raped and had anal
sex with Tammy and had Karla perform oral sex on her sister. Tammy choked to death on her own
vomit the next morning and it was deemed an accident. Paul also raped and murdered after torture
to many more young kids of the age ranging 12-15 years in next couple of years.

It was not until 1993 that Karla left Paul, afraid that she would be the next victim. Paul was
arrested in February 1993 and charged with sexual attacks on 19 women as well as the murder of
the teenagers. The sensational trial began the third week in May 1995, Toronto. Karla divorced
Paul in 1994 and testified at his 1995 trial in return for a relatively light sentence.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Unsurprisingly the third sign Gemini is badly

inflicted by Mars and Rahu. The fifth house
lord Saturn finds a place in sixth house while
the fifth house receives the aspect of an
afflicted Mars. These factors point towards
the inappropriate ‘liking’ of children or in
other words the lust for them.
➢ Mercury is placed in twelfth house in the
aspect of Saturn. So the reasoning capacity
and understanding the consequences of his
actions is missing in the subject. Venus is
also badly afflicted in tenth house by Mars
and Rahu. This makes the subject blind by
lust and brings in all sexual perversion.
➢ Mars is also afflicted by Rahu that brings out
the sadistic beast from the personality of the
subject. The subject is aggressive and takes
pleasures in torturing and humiliating his
➢ Finally Jupiter seems alright. But the second house and third house lord Mars and Venus are
badly inflicted suggesting the subject is devoid of morals and reasoning.

Pedophilia Case History No. 7

Name Lavigne, Richard R. Gender: M

Birthname Richard Roger Lavigne
Born on 18 February 1941 at 23:00 (= 11:00 PM )
Place Chicopee, Massachusetts, 42n09, 72w37
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American Roman Catholic priest. A well-liked ecclesiastic, ordained in 1966, he was called
“outstanding” and “inspirational.” He was arrested 10/21/1991 on charges of raping two boys and
indecently assaulting another. He received a suspended sentence and ten years probation and was
ordered to enter an inpatient psychiatric program. Father Lavigne, 51, agreed to never again serve
as a parish priest.

The pending charges aroused the re-opening of a 20-year-old murder case, that of 13-year-old altar
boy Danny Croteau who disappeared 4/15/1972. At age 12, he had disappeared and his body was
found strangled with a piece of clothesline and bludgeoned. Danny was a former altar boy, he was
one of five boys in his family, all of whom had served the church as altar boys at the mass. When
the investigation began in 1991, three of Daniel’s brothers said they had been sexually molested by
Father Lavigne.

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ Gemini, the third sign, receives the malefic

aspects of Mars and tamasik Saturn. The
fifth house lord Saturn is debilitated and is
➢ Mercury is fine so subject doesn’t lack the
reasoning capacity and is well aware of the
consequences his evil actions. No problem
with Mars and subject doesn’t seem to be too
much aggressive and a sadistic person. At
least it wasn’t proved otherwise. But Venus
receives the aspect of Rajasik Saturn and this
makes him blind by lust and brings in sexual
perversion and no concern of morals.
➢ Jupiter is afflicted in seventh house by the
presence of a debilitated Saturn. This further
removes any care of morality and ethical

Pedophilia Case History No. 8

Name Bar-Jonah, Nathaniel Gender: M

Birthname David Paul Brown
Born on 15 February 1957 at 08:38 (= 08:38 AM )
Place Worcester, Massachusetts, 42n16, 71w48
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)

American psychopathic monster cannibal who sexually assaulted, killed, roasted and stewed little
boys. In his youth, he spent 12 years in the Bridgewater Facility for the Sexually Dangerous in
Massachusetts for sex offenders, charged with pedophilia. After graduating from a technical school
in 1975, he was charged with abducting an eight-year-old boy and arrested. By 1978, he had been
convicted of attacking two more boys and started his stay in Bridgewater. In 1991, it was a short 43
days after his release from Bridgewater when he was again arrested.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The fifth house receives the aspect of a malefic planet Mars. The fifth lord the Moon is also
badly placed in sixth house and is also aspected by Saturn which in itself is afflicted (by
Rahu and aspect of Mars). So both fifth house and fifth lord are afflicted.
➢ Mercury and Venus both are also in the aspect of an afflicted Saturn. So both are also in
poor shape and cause failure of reasoning capacity, stubbornness and sexual perversion

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

➢ Besides it Saturn is also tamasik here. A

tamasik Saturn causes him to have a desire
to hurt and humiliate them and for this
subject usually doesn’t have any logical
reason. Aspect of Mars also brings in the
methodical torturing and sadistic manners.
➢ In this horoscope it is not Mars itself who
is making the subject a sadistic monster
rather it is Saturn and aspect of Mars on
him that makes him even more dangerous.

Pedophilia Case History No. 9

Name Martin, Jean Gender: M

Birthname Martin, Jean Auguste Emile
Born on 10 January 1936 at 10:00 (= 10:00 AM )
Place Fromy, France, 49n45, 4e45
Timezone GMT h0w (is standard time)

French sex offender, child molester and paedophile

who was convicted by the Court of Arlan for molesting
four boys, ages 9, 10, 12 and 14.

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third sign Gemini falls in fifth house where it

afflicted by the Ketu. The fifth lord Mercury finds
a place in twelfth house surrounded by other three
strong malefic.
➢ Mars is afflicted by Saturn while Venus and
Jupiter receive the aspect of an afflicted Saturn.
➢ All the expected conditions for child molestations
are present here. The good thing was that in spite
of Mars being inflicted by the Saturn subject
didn’t seem to have tortured and murdered his
victims. At least this was not mentioned in the
short biography available above.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Pedophilia Case History No. 10

Name Allocca, Andrea Gender: M

Born on 22 February 1927 at 04:00 (= 04:00 AM )
Place Comiziano, Italy, 40n57, 14e33
Timezone MET h1e (is standard time)

Italian homicide, a pedophile who raped and

killed the Delle Cave boy, age nine, on

AstroPsychological Analysis

➢ The third sign Gemini is afflicted by the

presence of Rahu in it.
➢ The fifth house lord Mars is also posited
in sixth house in the aspect of Saturn. No
benefic aspects on Mars. So Mars is also
tamasik. So the subject has some
aggressive/lusty fascination for the
➢ Moreover, since Mars and Saturn both are
tamasik and tamasik Saturn is in the
aspect of Mars, the sadistic nature of the
subject is also confirmed.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

Unit 6
Astrological Remedies

Principles of AstroPsychology

AstroPsychological Remedies
The remedial portion of the astrology is the most important part. Doctor is good when he not only
can diagnose the illness, but also can suggest some medicines. The ancient masters developed
various methods by which the ill effects of the planets can be mitigated or the positive one can be
increased. As the readers might have understood till now that poor position of the planets in
horoscope leads to various mental health issue or undesirable personality traits. But how do these
planets operate? How can they affect our psychological plane?

Concept and Implications

As explained in the opening chapter, this is possible when these planets are actually corresponding
to our mental states. The Sun is not affecting ego, self concept, leadership skills and responsibility
from the sky rather its position in horoscope is directly proportional to the self concept etc of a
subject. These planets actually mould our perception of the things rather the things themselves.
Somehow these planets are operating from our minds and we tend to think according to their strong
or weak position. As we know that poor position of the Moon is associated with emotional
problems and poor management of emotional situation. It doesn’t mean that a subject will find all
the people in his life causing him these problems; rather his perception of those situations will be
such as to find some trivial matters and the tendency to react exaggeratedly towards them. He may
find it difficult to ignore or ‘forgive and forget’. He simply lacks those skills.

So if a person learns new skills and brings the desired behavioural changes in himself, will the
planets change in his horoscope? Of course not. But he will not be affected by those situations as
he is now well equipped to handle these situations in future.

Traditional astrologers in India were employing various kinds of ‘Upaya’ (remedies). These
remedial measures may seem curious and absurd to few, but wise people know that they are
carrying great logic behind them. This is how they work and bring desired results in varying
degrees. Since this is a text book of AstroPsychology, we’ll try to understand the psychological
relevance of those remedies too. Basically all the astrological remedies can be categorized in three
broad categories namely behavioural, cognitive and spiritual. They are discussed below:

Behavioural Remedies

These remedies are the most prominent but least understood ones. People look at them with
surprise and when they work they just admire with sheer faith and devotion. Since the traditional
astrologers don’t explain various psychological traits and their correlation with the planets, rather
they just tell the effect of those planets which seems very right and appealing to the client. So when
an astrologer tells some behavioural remedies, only he (astrologer) himself knows (not very well of
course) how it is functioning. And when after some time the subject gets the desired result, he feels
there must some magic behind these tricks. Let me give you an example. An astrologer saw in the
horoscope of someone that because of the poor position of the Mars, the subject lacks the courage,
initiative and finds himself being dominated. So the subject is not progressing in life. The
astrologer suggested him to do a simple ‘Upaya’ (remedy). Feed the bananas or chick peas (Chana)
to the monkeys for three months. Subject did it with full faith and every day gave bananas to the
monkeys by his own hand. Initially he might be afraid of these animals as they can bite him but

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

within a few days he might be confident enough to deal with them and fear might have become
reduced. He may even enjoy this adventurous experience within a few weeks. This lack of fear and
increased courage to deal seemingly difficult situations will also reflect in his everyday life too.
Both astrologer and client don’t know that they have just applied a good behavioural technique to
full effect.

Cognitive Remedies

In astrological Upaya (remedies), various remedies are cognitive in nature. Often employed
together with behavioural techniques, they are a bit different from our usual cognitive therapies
which take many hours every week to bring some change. Here the subject will be instructed to
study some text (often religious in nature) every day for a long time ranging from few days to few
months. For example for the above problem the subject might be suggested by the astrologer to
study ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ the poetic description of Hanuman’s (a powerful monkey God in Indian
mythology) adventures everyday. He is required to read how ‘Hanuman’ single handedly solved all
kind of problem by his intelligence and great power. If you read one book for several times you
start liking the characters and most people will be inspired by the hero. But if you might read for
100 times or more the natural inspiration will start making some positive changes in cognition.

Spiritual Remedies

Here in India, people say that calling the God doesn’t hurt anyone. In reality various spiritual
methods provide a lot of mental strength and capacity to deal with the problems. Ancient masters
also developed various techniques for reducing the ill effects of the planets. These techniques are
chosen according to one’s faith and then his faith brings dramatic changes in the life. Here the faith
is the main reason for the positive change, still various mystiques have told the mechanism of these
techniques too. How these techniques work on the mental plane is little difficult to explain
scientifically, as there is a serious lack of systematic research work on these matters in modern
psychology and science. Of course so many traditional explanations are already available in
spiritual / religious texts that try to explain their mechanism. But anyway the results are evident and
undeniable. If you say that they are just placebo effect then also there is no problem. Special
mantras, prayers rituals and wearing gems have been suggested and used with remarkable success
for long time. If readers are comfortable with them then they can also give them a try.

These remedies are suggested for various planets in following pages:

A. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Sun

Behavioural Remedies

1. Waking up in Morning: The subjects with the poor position of the Sun in horoscope have
hard time waking up. It makes them careless, irresponsible and lazy. Waking up early surely
changes this attitude and fills them with energy and enthusiasm. For waking up early they’ll
have to sleep early too. It is well known that early sleeping and early waking up is important
for physical and mental health. It improves the self image too. They say in folklore,

“Early to bed, early to rise,

Makes a man, healthy wealthy and wise.”

Principles of AstroPsychology

2. Morning Sun Salutation: Next thing the subject must do is to perform ‘Sun Salutation’ or
other physical exercise or ‘work out’ in early morning time for at least 20-30 minutes. Sun
Salutation is a very well known Yoga practice. This provides a complete body exercise by
physical movements of moderate level difficulty. It can be learned in a yoga class next to you
or by simply watching it from YouTube. Sun Salutation is known to increase self confidence,
self concept, physical strength, good health and bring enthusiasm in the subject. The subject
with a Tamasik or Rajasik Sun in horoscope feels himself weak and low in energy. A healthy
physical body is very important for good mental health, self image and confidence. Sun
Salutation is no way a religious act (as you may find after doing it) but some people may
become afraid by the very name of it. They should also try to do some other kind of physical
activities in early morning for increasing the Sun characteristics in themselves.
3. Taking Some Voluntary Job: Tamasik position of Sun in horoscope causes serious lack of
leadership skill, responsibility, ego and respect for rules. On the other hand Rajasik Sun makes
a person quite dominating, arrogant and dictator. For both things, Sun must be improved by
taking responsibility in small voluntary jobs like helping old people, working in orphanage or
children in school, or doing voluntary cleaning in public places like park, temples, in your
street, house. Other ways could be voluntarily teaching to poor children for free or feeding the
poor people. Sun is improved by any good social work. The subject feels proud about himself.
He learns to take responsibilities and carry them out. His self image and confidence also
4. Respecting Your Father and Authority Figure: A poor Sun in horoscope causes problems in
the adjustments with father and authority figure. The subject in these situations finds himself
misunderstood by these people and can’t express himself openly without being rude. He
always finds himself being dominated and for saving his ego from getting hurt he always ends
up in ego clashes. His ego gets hurt if he has to take the orders from father or boss. So in these
situations the subject should try to be respectful to his father, boss or any authority figure next
to him. He must learn to not to feel being dominated and avoid bringing his ego in the picture.
Humility must be worn without being overly submissive. For this purpose the assertiveness
training can also be helpful.
5. Sun Bath: Everyday spending few hours in Sun light must be observed. Sun bath is useful
only in early morning and in evening and not in noon.

Cognitive Remedies

Cognitive remedy for the enhancement of the positive qualities of Sun is to read good literature.
The literature that enhances the responsibility feelings, teaches how to make good adjustment with
people in the family should be studied for Sun. Further all patriotic literature enhancing the pride
for the country, religion and family makes a person feel good about himself should be studied on
regular basis. Stories like the ‘Ramayan’ where the subject comes to know of the ideals and how to
live for them are pretty useful.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Offering water to the Sun in the early morning.

2. Chanting of the mantra “Om Suryaya Namah”.
3. Chanting of ‘Gayatri Mantra’. This can be listened and learned from YouTube.
4. Feeding the cow the first chapatti cooked in the house.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

B. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Moon

Behavioural Remedies

1. Drinking Milk: Weak position (especially the tamasik) of the Moon in the horoscope creates
various emotional problems. Further it is found that these subjects have some sort of aversion
from the milk. But milk (cow milk) is supposed to be a medicine for emotional problems. Milk
is called liquid love as it comes from the mother. Milk helps the subject find the love and
emotional support from within. So regularly drinking milk helps in cases of the weak Moon in
horoscope. Weak Moon also causes various menstrual and gynecological problems for women.
Here milk also rejuvenates them and help them cope up with that effectively.
2. Fasting: Fasting is a natural response in all sort of emotional problems. Not only humans but
also animals stop eating when they are sad. Fasting builds the mental and emotional strength to
avoid the mood swings which is quite characteristic of the weak position of the Moon in
horoscope. Author of this book has also explained in one of his research the benefits (and
mechanism) of the fasting for the mental health in the light of Ayurveda. Fasting once in a
weak is sufficient and shows results very quickly.
3. Respecting and Loving your Mother: But who doesn’t love his mother. Of-course everyone
does but still many people have poor relation with their mother. They are somehow not getting
that unconditional love and care from their mother and due to that they themselves can’t
provide others the same unconditional love. You can give only what you have. The result is
emotional problems. So here a subject must do everything to make his mother happy and
satisfied. Bring her flowers, sweets, new clothes and spend a lot of time with her.
Note: The mental health problems and emotional problems are increasing in the west very rapidly
and you’ll note that people there don’t spend that much time with their mother and father or
they have some issues and dissatisfaction. While in a country like India most people have good
relationships with their parents and they also take care of them. The result is that mental
health issues in India are far less than that in the west.
4. Spend time with Children: Spending time with the children works wonders for the Moon.
This brings about the acceptance, unconditional love and playfulness in the subject. Nobody
can remain depressed for a very long time with children. They are crystallized happiness and
spread the same. If you are with children then there is a great chance that very soon you may
also become a child again with them. And this is idea. An adult has many more useless worries
but mostly a child is away from them. We need to awaken the child within ourselves again. Be
a child, be playful, cheerful and carefree. So start playing with the children if you have a poor
Moon in the horoscope.
5. Creative Arts: The Moon when disturbed in the horoscope causes various emotional problems
and mood swings. But various emotional problems can be successfully cured by developing
some creative hobby like music, singing, dance, drawing, painting, photography and making
handicrafts. These activities allow the subject to express his emotions and feelings by some
way and provide the outlet for repressed emotions. In modern researches music therapy and art
therapy is found very successful for treating various emotional and mental problems. So
subject should learn some of these arts and practice them for recreational activities regularly.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Meditation: The weak Moon causes various mental health issues, poor concentration, poor
memory and sleep disturbances. For these problems meditation practices provide the trusted

Principles of AstroPsychology

solution. Ample research work is already available to explain how meditation can be helpful
for improving one’s psychological health. Regular meditation practices also work as
preventive methods for avoiding possible mental problems.
2. Writing Poems or Stories: The next thing that can help in case or a poor position of Moon is
to write something every day. It can be writing diary or blogs too. But writing poems and
stories are the best option. Writing freely works as free association. You can write what you
feel, experienced and understand. It helps the subject express his suppressed feelings and
emotions on paper in a manner where he is comfortable. Even if the subject expresses himself
in a disguised manner he feels relieved. And when writing becomes a habit or is done regularly
then the sting of those difficult emotions disappears slowly-2.

Spiritual remedies

1. Chanting Gayatri Mantra: Gayatri Mantra is known for a long time to bring back the mental
and emotional balance. This is the mantra for intelligence. When the Moon is afflicted in
horoscope it causes the lack of emotional intelligence and emotional maturity. Regular
chanting of Gayatri Mantra brings a lot of mental strength and the subject finds love and peace
all around.
2. Donations to Orphanage and Hospitals: There is a famous proverb in English. It says, ‘you
can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.’ When the Moon is afflicted in
horoscope the subject has a lack of love and peace. He is missing that unconditional love and it
causes all sort of mental and emotional problems. So the ancient astrologers suggested that the
subject should happily give donations to orphan age home, for poor people, institutions and
poor women.
3. Wearing a Pearl necklace: Wearing a pearl necklace or a small ring of pearl definitely helps
in improving the positive characteristics of the Moon.

C. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Mars

Behavioural Remedies

1. Discipline: For increasing the positive qualities of Mars the first thing should be learned is
discipline. A poor Mars in horoscope causes an impulsive and rash behaviour. By cultivating
discipline in life the subject learns to respect the rules and follow them with patience. This also
brings in higher degree of tolerance. But the over use of discipline or being obsessed by the
rules also is not suggested rather rules should be following them by understanding their spirit.
2. Martial Arts: The weak position of Mars causes a lack of courage and bravery. Rajasik and
Tamasik nature of Mars characterize the heightened aggression and bullying kind of activities.
For improving the qualities of Mars the subject should start practicing some martial arts like
Karate, Judo, TaiChi, boxing, wrestling etc. Earlier in India all children were encouraged to
participate in local wrestling clubs and even before that everyone was encouraged to practice
swords play and archery. These martial arts bring a sense of security for the self and capacity
to protect your near and dear ones. The unreasonable fear and anxieties don’t develop and if
they are there, they disappear pretty quickly. In the modern time everyone including women
should participate in some martial arts training.
3. Masculine Sports: Further, for increasing the positive qualities of Mars the subject (even
women) must participate in (so called) masculine sports like football, volleyball, basketball,

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

kabaddi, athletics, boxing and horse riding. These sports increase the competitiveness without
allowing them to go too far. The subject learns to spend his aggression in a sporting manner
and learns to accept the defeats without being frustrated. Masculine sports also are healthier
and provide all round development for boys and girls. These days in India both boys and girls
are getting weaker than those few decades before and even as compared to the boys and girls
of western countries. But even after that Indian boys and girls are seen to join a Gym only for a
model like body. That is only good for seeing in the mirror and gives a false sense of good
health and fitness.
4. Feeding food to the Monkeys: This is the traditional upaya (remedy) for the Mars. Again this
remedy exposes the subject to naughty and dangerous looking monkeys. It requires courage to
give a banana to the monkey by your own hand. Children with poor Mars should be
encouraged (in parental guidance) to give food to monkeys, apes, cows etc.
5. Having a Pet: Having a pet dog or cat also does the same trick. It also exposes the subject to
animals that can cause danger and fear. Sometimes these pets also can bite you but slowly
subject becomes alright and not afraid of these small dangers of life.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Reading/chanting Hanuman Chalisa (a famous prayer song for Hindu God Hanuman)
2. Studying the stories and literature where courage and hard work is rewarded in success are
helpful. Further all patriotic literature, the biographies of great kings, leaders, revolutionaries
who achieved the great feats by performing the deeds of courage and valor must be studies.
But the literature must highlight how the great courage and powers were used for the purpose
of protecting others and self instead of causing pain to anyone.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Fasting (on Tuesday or any other day) is helpful in increasing mental strength and induces
tolerance courage and patience.
2. Non violence as taught in Yoga and Buddhism teaches that power must be used only for self
defense and protecting others and never for harming anyone. Further non violence removes
any fear from the heart.
3. Vegetarian Satwik diet is spiritually advised for removing the aggression from the heart and
mind. Eating meat is told to increase aggression and hostility as the meat is achieved by the act
of killing innocent creatures.
4. Worshipping Hanuman the monkey God of strength and bravery brings those characteristics.
5. A small piece of red coral in gold or copper ring in the ring finger is suggested by ancient
astrologers for increasing the positive qualities of Mars. (In my own views it is more helpful
when Mars is Tamasik. In case of Rajasik Mars it can increase the aggression and dominance.)

D. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Mercury

Behavioural Remedies

1. Public Speaking: The simplest method for improving the Mercury is talking in front of
people. Giving lectures, talks, performing from the stage develop the Mercury skills. Initially
the subject is not confident enough to so in front of everyone or he if does so his performance

Principles of AstroPsychology

is very poor. In this case age old method for talking in front of mirror or in a closed room and
recording what you say helps a lot. I myself have developed my skills by this method and now
people say that I can do it alright.
2. Teaching Free of Cost to Poor Children: Teaching can also do wonders for Mercury. A
person with poor Mercury may find teaching a very difficult job but one should teach to
children free of cost in start and within a few months and years he can find a lot development
in himself.
3. Job of Salesman: What can be a better method for developing Mercury than being a
salesman? Within a few months the subject’s communication skills, diplomatic skills, logical
capacity and reasoning improves considerably. Traditional astrologers also suggested that for
improving Mercury one should learn business skills.
4. Avoid Useless Talk and Obscene Language: Useless and nonsense talks consume a lot of
time and mental energy of some people. Their mental energy is used in making nonsense and
obscene jokes and stories. Slowly but surely it becomes a habit and then their natural thinking
and reasoning is directed to this side alone. They can be a good entertainer for a small group of
friends but for themselves they don’t find any great idea and strategy. Talking less and useful
is told by astrologers a positive sign of Mercury’s development. Any way when you talk a lot
all the time, it is mostly useless and just creates mental exhaustion.
5. Avoiding Romance in School or College: Some readers may not like this idea and may
decide to call it moral policing or unwanted advice. Any way this remedy is based on
astrological common sense. Mercury and Venus can’t go very well together. One will
overpower other. Mercury becomes exalted in the Virgo while Venus is debilitated in the same
sign. Other way around Mercury is debilitated in Pisces while Venus is exalted in that sign. So
while learning in school or college all sort of romantic relations should be avoided (only for
that time being), this helps develop the characteristics of Mercury at that age. Otherwise the
same is achieved by hard work or other techniques later in life. In my teaching career in
university and my learning days in school or college also I saw that my friends and students
who fall in love while in education, their performance mostly dipped. (Anyway it’s not a rule).

Cognitive Remedies

1. Learning a New Language: Learning a new language can enhance the characteristics of
Mercury considerably. Very soon a improvements in communication skills, decision making
and intelligence is seen. In modern researches it is found that people who can speak two or
more languages are better at verbal intelligence than those who can speak only one language.
2. Sudoku / Mathematics: Another potent method for enhancing the qualities of Mercury is by
playing Sudoku. Sudoku is a game of numbers and tests one’s logical capacity and in the long
run improves it too. I have seen many young and old Sudoku fans and their problem solving
skills and reasoning capacity improved. Further study of mathematics also is positively
correlated with Mercury’s qualities.
3. Philosophy: The next thing that can help is study of philosophy. Philosophy is the subject for
intelligent people. Regular study (not just reading) of philosophy books also is a method for
improving Mercury. One thing is important here that some people after reading philosophy for
too long can have the false ego of being wise and ‘I know all’. This should be avoided.

Spiritual Remedies

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

1. As mentioned earlier Gayatri Mantra is the mantra for intelligence and wisdom. Regular
chanting of this mantra brings wonderful results. Gayatri mantra should be chanted for at least
125,000 times as it is told in scriptures and then it starts showing it results.
2. Regular donations should be made for schools of poor children, helping someone get
education, donating books, donations to orphanages improves the Mercury. (Mercury
represents the prince or princess i.e. a child).
3. Wearing A small green emerald in silver ring in little finger is suggested by traditional

E. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Jupiter

Behavioural Remedies

1. Respecting Teachers and Guru: Jupiter is strengthened by showing respect to all Gurus and
teachers in your life. Teachers’ blessings remove the darkness of ignorance and enhance the
Jupiter. Subject should visit the teachers and scholars on regular basis.
2. Positive Attitude: Effort-fully positive attitude must be brought in life but it should be a
practical one. The tendency of finding flaws and criticizing others should be avoided and
everyone should be appreciated for whatever goodness he has. With time and practice it comes
in the habit and bad effect of Jupiter is countered.
3. Teaching: Teaching is also helpful for Jupiter (Jupiter represents teacher). Again a person with
poor Jupiter may find teaching a very difficult job but one should teach to children free of cost
in start and within a few months and years he can find a lot development in himself. Teaching
as a profession also brings great benefits for Jupiter.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Higher Education: Jupiter is enhanced by achieving higher education and research. But this
high education doesn’t mean just collecting the degrees rather the knowledge should be
learned. Many people have many degrees but they never respected their own degrees i.e. they
don’t know much about those subjects and feel embarrassed if someone asks something about
those subjects they learned. If one is getting the education then ideally he should be good
enough to teach the same thing. If it is not possible for someone to go to college then also he
should try to keep on studying something every day. Aim should be to get more knowledge.
2. Study of the Scriptures and Philosophy: Further Jupiter is improved by the study of religious
and spiritual scriptures of all religions. This way deeper and serious questions about the
existence arise in the mind and the answers of the same is reached. The pessimism and
hopelessness caused by a weak Jupiter is relieved. Study of the subject works like cognitive
therapy and provides sound cognitive restructuring.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Jupiter is enhanced by visiting temples and churches regularly. Once in year or two one should
do pilgrimage.
2. Devotion to some God or Goddess also helps.
3. Going according to moral code of conduct is suggested.

Principles of AstroPsychology

4. Giving scholarships to needy students and helping someone achieve higher education improves
5. Traditional astrologers also suggest wearing a gold or copper ring of yellow sapphire in index
finger for improving Jupiter.

F. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Venus

Behavioural Remedies

1. Loving & Respecting Your Spouse: When Venus is disturbed in horoscope the emotional
relation with spouse is disturbed. It seems that love and marital pleasure is not possible in life.
So the first thing should be done is love and respect your spouse or partner. Make him or her
happy by regularly expressing your love and gratitude, bringing gifts, flowers and sweets.
Even if he or she is worst person of the world, try to make him happy.
2. Loving Your Parents & Siblings: Next thing is love your parents and siblings
unconditionally. This is the difficult thing to love someone without expecting any benefits. But
then only this is called love. It is my observation that boys and girls who fall in romantic
relations (and duly fail in that too) at a tender age are those who don’t have the best of the
connection with their parents and siblings. If a person loves his family and sees them loving
him then he doesn’t have to struggle for that love outside. People who don’t find love in home,
they seldom find it outside. If you love your family, you can love and be successful with
3. Making Handicrafts: Venus is enhanced by making some handicrafts by hand. It expresses
the creativity and creative urge of the individual in a positive manner. Making something
beautiful by your hands improves the inner joy and peace; hence the emotional turmoil is
4. Decorating Your House / Locality: Venus likes beauty. Decorate your house and nearby
places with flowers, good smell and light. Keeping dirt and mess is a method of destroying the
5. Avoid Showing Off: Everyone likes appreciation. This is especially true for any creative
talent, riches and beauty. But doing something only for getting noticed and catching attention
of others tells that person is not comfortable with himself. Some artists and women become sad
too if they don’t get words of praise. Their all talent, riches and beauty is useless for them. It
happens when Venus is Rajasik. They don’t find joy with their creativity and riches, and are
just using it only for ‘winning the people’. This is pure manipulation and those people also get
manipulated by false admiration. Then they complain that people used them or cheated them
but in reality those people just gave them (people with weak Venus) what they wanted and
took whatever benefit (including love, belief, money and sex) they could take from them. So
the moment you have lust for appreciation, remind yourself and stop showing off.
6. Decent Clothes: The next thing that enhances the Venus is wearing decent clothes. When
Venus is weak, the subject has a tendency for wearing revealing or indecent clothes for
drawing the attention of others expecting love and praise. People claim, ‘if I have an attractive
body, why should I not show it’ or ‘it’s my body, I will decide what to wear’ or they ask for
‘equality’. Nobody gets love by wearing these clothes but definitely invites the lust; while
decent clothes make you more attractive and feel confident where somebody looking at you or
not doesn’t cause any discomfort. A man or woman wearing tight or revealing clothes is
walking on a road. What he should be thinking. About intellectual things, emotions, society,
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

how can I help someone or spiritual development? Most probably he is too much conscious of
his body and eyes of other people on him. Women with this kind of clothes are seen to be
hiding themselves and cursing everyone under their breath. While decent clothes take his
consciousness away from physical plane and may draw for higher things. It is amazing how
wearing different clothes can change our way of thinking and way of looking at the world.
Venus is enhanced by wearing simple and decent clothes.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Learning Creative Arts: The cognitive practices for improving the Venus is start learning
creative arts. They include singing, dancing, painting , drawing, fashion and photography.
These practices express the appreciation for beauty and aesthetics and avoid being caught in
lust of Venus.
2. Writing Poetry, Stories: Further writing poetry and stories is a much better and great way of
enhancing Venus qualities. Writing also serves as free association and doesn’t allow the
repression and suppression.
3. Read News Paper: When Venus is weak, the subject may become overly concerned about
himself (pleasures, needs, comforts, desires etc) or his love and romantic relations. This way
he may get disconnected with the realities of the world. He may start believing that looking
beautiful and having success in love, romance and sexual relation are the important parts of
life. But that’s not true as these are only small aspect of life. For this purpose reading news
paper, watching news channels make him aware about the outside world. Further being aware
of the world by various magazines including knowledge of political, social, spiritual and
scientific matters will definitely help and provide the bigger perspective of life.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Giving Food to Poor People: Venus When Venus is weak the subject doesn’t find difference
in love and lust. When the sharing and giving is happening, love is expressed and enhanced
and when just taking and possessing happens it increases the lust. A mother expresses her love
by making his child eat and watch him enjoy. This also enhances the joy of mother. The person
who knows the joy of giving is always full of love and compassion. So feeding the food to
everyone (including your family members) especially poor people make the heart bigger and
then heart can contain more love.
2. Feeding the Fishes: Feeding the food not only for human but also animals especially fishes is
3. Singing Devotional Songs: In India all sorts of creative arts like singing, dancing, playing an
instrument is thought to be a method of worshiping the God and not just entertainment. Many
creative people are seen to suffering from various relationship and mental problems. The
ancient masters told that if creative arts are used for ‘winning the people’ or fulfilling the
sexual needs then they lead to destruction. So when Venus is weak (especially when Rajasik)
the creative arts should be pursued and they should be employed for singing songs in devotion
of God (expressing unconditional love).
4. White Coral in Ring Finger in Gold or Silver: Another thing is to wear a small white coral
in a ring in ring finger of writing hand.

Principles of AstroPsychology

G. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Saturn

Behavioural Remedies

1. Practice Disciple and Hard Work: For enhancing the positive qualities of Saturn subject
should try to lead a life of discipline and hard work. A tamasik Saturn causes the nature of
laziness and avoiding hard work. By practicing discipline the subject becomes responsible,
attention and concentration improve and the subject can do hard work accepting the failures.
2. Relax While Work: The overdose of discipline and workaholic nature is the characteristic of a
Rajasik Saturn. So even with discipline the subject should not be over stressed by the results
and focus on following the process correctly. Further it should be learned to find some
relaxation and refreshments while working. Always working with deadlines burns out someone
very quickly.
3. Oil Massage: Saturn when rajasik and tamasik causes various body pains including joints
pain, back pain, neck pain, arthritis, gout etc. The best method of reducing these bad effects is
by applying some oil on your body every day. Simply massage yourself with some oil
(mustard, sesame, coconut or any ayurvedic oil) regularly. Putting oil on the body also helps
finding relaxation, relief from stress and better sleep which are also rare when Saturn is
afflicted in horoscope.
4. Spend time with Friends: Next thing is spend some light moments with friends and family
members as an inflicted Saturn causes isolation and grave seriousness. So keeping the
company of friends and family members even effort fully should be done so that in later years
subject doesn’t find himself all alone in the world. Being isolated and overly thoughtful is a
cause and symptom of various mental problems.
5. Serve Old and Sick Family Members: Further Saturn is enhanced by serving the old and sick
people in the family. The subject learns humility and humbleness by this and gets the benefits
of their experiences. Otherwise a weak Saturn in horoscope causes the disrespect and
arrogance to not to listen anyone.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Mantra Chanting: Saturn is enhanced by mantra chanting as it leads to stay with one thought
for long enough. When Saturn is weak the attention span and concentration becomes poor. He
tries to do everything I life without spending enough time to get success in one. mantra
chanting improves both concentration and attention.
2. Study of Bhagwad Geeta: A Rajasik and tamasik Saturn leads to overly associated nature
with results. The subject can’t stop finding flaws and becomes a perfectionist. Study of
Bhagwad Geeta teaches everyone to do hard work without expecting (Karma Yoga). Further
the nature of self pity is reduced and subject starts taking responsibility of his actions.
3. Meditation: All the benefits told above are also achieved by the practice of Meditation too.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Donations to Baggers: Donations to baggers allow the subject to bring empathy and share the
fruits of his achievements with others.
2. Helping Physically or Mentally Handicaps: Helping physically or mentally handicaps
removes the idea of self pity from the heart and subject finds himself capable of many more

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

3. Observe Fasting: Fasting is a wonderful technique for learning detachment and not
complaining. Fasting teaches a person how the life is not dependent on so many things as we
presume it to be.

H. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Rahu

Behavioural Remedies

1. Clean Your House: A tamasik Rahu is characterized by a mess and dirty house and locality.
So the first thing a subject can do is to appreciate cleanliness and organize the things around
him a lot more. Slowly it becomes habit not only for household but also for everywhere else
2. Avoid Virtual World: A weak Rahu also bring a fascination for unrealistic things and later he
starts seeing the world from the same glasses and finds suspicious things all around himself. So
the logical method is to avoid all sorts of imaginary and fantasy things.
3. Spend time with Friends: As mentioned above for Saturn, the Rahu also is strengthened by
remaining with friends and family members. Prolonged isolation can disturb the mind of
anyone so it must be avoided.
4. Stay Close to Nature: The next thing that must be employed to keep the mind calm and clear
is to stay in nature. Spend some time in green environment, mountains, rivers etc. This way
stress is relieved, acceptance is enhanced and the small illusions and suspicions also fade
5. Avoid All Toxic Substances: A weak Rahu is responsible for cognitive distortions and
misinterpretations. If toxic substances are also added then situation is really dangerous as the
subject’s capacity to differentiate between reality and illusions are damaged very badly. So
avoiding the use of any toxic substance is a must for reducing the effect of Rahu. Other
therapeutic measures will be fail without it.
6. Avoid Gambling: Gambling is also the effect of a afflicted Rahu in horoscope. So it must be
stopped at earliest.
7. Milk and Satwik Food: At last drinking milk and eating the Satwik food is to done so that the
tamasik nature of Rahu can be countered. This technique is useful for all the planets when they
are Tamasik.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Study Inspirational Books: The cognitive method for Rahu is same as for other planets.
Reading good and inspirational books remove all sort of illusions and doubts with the time and
build a positive outlook.
2. Discussion with Friends on Various Topics: Telling and discussing your problems and issues
with the friends and colleagues is a healthy habit. In most cases of psychological problems
(especially problems caused by Rahu) the sharing & discussing is seriously missing. It must be
practiced when Rahu is weak in horoscope.

Spiritual Remedies

1. Worship Lord Shiva: All the worships of lord Shiva are told to ward off all fears and
misinterpretations. So if subject can do it, it is a great technique.

Principles of AstroPsychology

2. Chant Gayatri Mantra: Same way the Gayatri Mantra is a time tested mantra of wisdom and
sharp intelligence.
3. Ahimsa (nonviolence): In the anger and violence the subject can’t see the right and wrong. He
can harm others and at the same time himself or his family members. Avoiding the violence
brings this possibility out of the picture.
4. Donate Black or Blue blankets to Poor People: As I told earlier helping the poor and
disabled people is sure shot technique of warding off ill effects of all the planets. So helping
the poor people with warm clothes and blanket (black for Rahu as told in astrological classics)
reduces the ill effect of Rahu.

I. Remedies for enhancing the qualities of the Ketu

Behavioural Remedies

1. Avoid Extremes of Everything: Ketu is strengthened by avoiding too much in everything

including in eating, fasting, studying, had work and even spiritual practice. When Ketu is
weak, the subject becomes a maniac of something.
2. Spend some time Alone: Ketu is further strengthened by learning detachment. This can be
learned by spending some time in a spiritual retreat, monastery or in a small village away from
too much crowd. This provides the time reflect and think about his mistakes and exaggerated
3. Share your Pleasures: One should learn to share his pleasures for enjoying them more. A
weak Ketu makes a person mean and self centered and opposite of this i.e. sharing is a remedy.
4. Experiment with Small Things: When Ketu is weak then subject should try new ideas and
make courage for experimenting with different things in life. Usually a weak Ketu has a
tendency of believing that path he has chosen is the only right one as he is the wise one. by
trying new things the subject learns to see that other methods can also be right.

Cognitive Remedies

1. Meditation with Mantra: All mantra chanting and meditating helps in case of a weak Ketu. It
avoids all mood swings and sudden bursts by bringing the calmness.
2. Write Diary Everyday: This provides the time and chance for reflecting on your life and
drawing understandings from the same. This understanding helps us making better decision
and choosing newer roads in life.
3. Reading Stories of Courage and Bravery: It is Self explanatory.
4. Teaching of Yoga and Buddhism: Yoga and Buddhism both are taking a person away from
the worldly pleasures in detachment naturally. These both inspire the insight that takes a
person on the right path. The subject learns to accept the things as they come without

Spiritual Remedies

1. Feed the Dogs and Other Animals: Self explanatory.

2. Donations for Charity Organizations: Self explanatory.
3. Selfless Service for Poor and Disabled: As mentioned earlier helping the poor and disabled
people is sure shot technique of warding off ill effects of all the planets.

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

4. Serve Your Grandfather and Grandmother: Further Ketu represents old family members of
house i.e. grandparents. So serving them for long time reduces all the bad effects of Ketu

Remedial part of AstroPsychology is the real USP. Traditional astrologers always suggested these
remedies for bring the peace in the lives of their clients. In India, in most parts the psychologists
don’t find much job or a big number of clients. You can call it ignorance of the people and simply
forget it. But, if I tell truly the reason is the application of astro remedies by them. This is an open
secret that the most of the common Indian people would visit an astrologer before a psychologist.
The astrologers in India would definitely suggest them some ‘Upaya’ (some astro remedy). Some
people would find relief and some would not. They may decide to go to another astrologer or a
psychologist. But what if a client undergoes both kinds of treatments, would he not be benefitted
more? I have seen many astrologers successfully applying (and I myself have applied) these
therapies with great results. I strongly recommend to apply above astro remedies (or others if you
know) along with traditional psychotherapy by practitioners of AstroPsychology.

Principles of AstroPsychology

Final Remarks

As a student of psychology in my university days, I couldn’t understand why there were so many
theories of personality. They all seemed quite different and not agreeing with each other. Each theory
borrowed few ideas from others and criticized other ideas of the same authors. So, ‘which one of them
was right’ I always wondered. Then, there were so many therapies based on various theories and
sometimes many therapies based on the same theory. Again which one to chose? Which one should I
learn and master? All claimed to have success in all mental problems. If it was not enough, then there
were also so many theories of intelligence, memory, attention, perception, emotions etc. They all had
evidences in support and against them. I still couldn’t understand which one is the right definition of
intelligence and what does it mean. So many conflicts are there. What I wanted to learn was a single
and clear cut explanation and technique to do the things. Alas! It was never there.

But today, as a university professor of psychology, I know that it was important to have knowledge of
various systems of personality and therapy. This helps to understand a client from many different
manners and develop a treatment plan accordingly. Yes, I understand that many times our first choice
of therapy might not work so well and we need to change our strategy too. But having these many
options is a good headache. I saw in university, students asking their professor how he (professor) had
always plan B or plan C. Further, I could appreciate various underlying similar voices and agreements
among these different therapies and theories. Again, the contrasting and incomplete ideas about
emotions, intelligence, attention etc. are supposed to be learned so that we can see the things in
different perspectives. Now I have a better understanding of intelligence and memory and how they
function separately and together. Of course this understanding will keep on getting improved as it is
far from being complete.

Coming back to AstroPsychology, it is based on the astrological principles. But then there are also
various systems of astrology too. Let me tell you, there are at least ten systems of Indian Vedic
astrology. The basics of them are quite same but as you go deeper, there are differences. A professor of
psychology is supposed to know and appreciate various theories or personality etc., the same way a
good astrologer is supposed to be able to appreciate various systems of astrology. This book is the first
one (in my knowledge at least) on AstroPsychology based on Indian Vedic astrology. This book tried
to systematize the study of personality and psychopathology in horoscope by formulating various rules
(explained with various case histories), and for this purpose the author has done extensive research
too. The idea behind writing this book was to develop a kind of diagnostic manual which can work at
least as an early warning system for identifying various subjects at risk of being a victim of mental
health issues. If identified, these subjects can undergo some precautionary measures, thus reducing
their chances of actually getting some serious mental disease. But I have no problem to say clearly that
this book is far from being complete. There are so many areas that are not touched in this small book;
so many details are overlooked because of the fear of being led too far from the topic. The present
book is based on the simplest of the principles of Hindu Vedic Astrology, and didn’t try to bring so
many other well known but complex principles. As an author I was afraid that this way the book will
become too big or will not be useful for common people. Various systems of astrology are there that
can also help this AstroPsychology grow. AstroPsychology in the present time is only in its infancy.
New researches and careful investigation are required. The author urges the astrology and psychology
community to come together explore a wonderful new world of possibilities.

About Author

The author of this book Dr. Gaurav Agrawal is presently working as Assistant Professor in the

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal

department of Clinical Psychology in Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar. He earned his PhD in clinical
psychology. He lives in the beautiful and holy city of Rishikesh, in the northern parts of India. Being a
clinical psychologist he brings his knowledge of psychological complexes in astrology. He says that the
science of astrology has a lot more to offer than just future telling. He sees the astrology as a tool of
assessment of the personality traits and mental state of an individual. For him an astrologer’s job is a
lot like that of a counselor and understanding of astrology can help even a trained psychologist to see
the world as the subject himself does. He made extensive research in AstroPsychology in last five
years. As the results of his research, he could find some new insights about the correlation between
astrology and psychology, and develop some accurate rules for identifying the mental illness. This book
is the result of the same research and brings out some astonishing findings in the field of


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