Optimum Architecture of Neural Networks Lane Following System

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 42– No.12, March 2012

Optimum Architecture of Neural Networks lane following

Imen klabi , Afef Benjemmaa , Mohamed Slim Masmoudi , Mohamed Masmoudi
METS Research Group-National Engineers School of Sfax, Tunisia,

Recently, neural networks have demonstrated their ability to
achieve excellent performance for the control of mobile robots.
In fact, the recourse of this control method by learning has
become a necessity because control systems obtain then, proceed
by collecting empirical data, storing and removing the knowledge D1
contained in it and using this knowledge to respond to new D2
situations. However, the problem of choosing an optimal number Arrière Avant
of hidden layers as well as choosing neurons per layer is very
critical for these networks. So here we propose to determine the
settings for the optimum architecture of neural network.
In the course of our experiments, we have shown that the error of
learning as well as the one of the validation provides a satisfactory D3 D4 D5
criterion for the optimization of network architecture.
Neural network learning, MLP, MSE, optimum architecture.
1. INTRODUCTION Figure 1: Positioning of the various detectors
Neural networks became in few years valuable tools in various
fields of industry and services. 3. METHODOLOGY AND
Indeed, they possess a remarkable property that is the cause of EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
their practical interest in various areas: they are universal In this paper, a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) network with a
approximators parsimonious [1], and it is in this character that back propagation algorithm [7] is used.
reside the specific nature of neural networks. The input and output of the neuron i, in a MLP mode according to
In this article, we studied the multi-layer networks that are widely the back propagation algorithm [8] are:

used in the field of robotics [2,3,4].
They may have several hidden layers and it is the way to manage Input: x i w o b
i, j j
their training which has given renewed interest to their study. Output: oi  f xi  (2)
In fact, even if the approximation theorems of the late 80s affirm
that, theoretically, a single hidden layer is sufficient to Where wi , j is the weight of the connection from neurone i to
approximate any function sufficiently regular, nothing prevents to node j, bi is the numerical value called the biais and f is the
implement a back-propagation learning in networks with multiple
activation function.
hidden layers[5].
A back propagation algorithm is designed to reduce error between
Besides, some results [5,6] highlight the interest in considering
the actual output and the desired output of the network in the
two or more hidden layers to obtain more parsimonious efficient
gradient descent manner. The Mean Square Error (MSE) is
networks and that’s by calling several levels of non-linearities.
defined as :
So the number of hidden layers as well as the number of hidden 2
units in each layer is a very important step to be determined  
1 
wisely. MSE   o pi  t pi  (3)
In this context lies the purpose of this paper: to determine the 2 
optimum architecture of a neural network.
 p i 
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE LANE Where p indexes the all training patterns and i indexes the output
FOLLOWING neurons of the network. o pi and t pi denote the actual output and
Our robot has the same configuration as a normal car. Five the
infrared detectors which are used to find the distance between the
vehicle and desired output of the neuron, respectively, when the input vector,
its obstacles (see Figure1). Three sensors were placed at the right p, is applied to the network.
side of the vehicle facing the parking area and two detectors were During training, the weight and biases of the network are
installed on the front and rear of the vehicle. iteratively adjusted to minimize the network performance
function. Here the performance function for the network is the

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 42– No.12, March 2012
mean square error between the network outputs and the target Table 1: Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type I
outputs. NN = 5, 9, 10,...25
The number of hidden units plays a crucial role in controlling the
ability of the neural network. In some situations, we may choose
the number of neurons in the lowest hidden layer. NN Training performance Validation performance
At this moment, the network has few parameters and it is likely to 5 0.0122 0.2522
have insufficient capacity of learning where it cannot capture all
9 0.0021 0.2168
the dependencies that are used to model and predict the values of
the observed process. 10 0.0019 0.2141
Contrarily, if we choose a high number of hidden neurons, a 11 0.0017 0.2121
problem of over-learning would appear; the network will learn by
heart and will give poor results when we will present different 12 0.0015 0.1690
data to it. 13 7.2388e-004 0.1000
So we must understand that neural networks are universal
approximators, they can model any function if the number of 14 8.3577e-004 0.2365
hidden units is sufficient. 15 8.8055e-004 0.1848
Indeed, to ensure that the neural network sticks to the basic
relationships of dependence, we use in addition to all training, a 16 7.3952e-004 0.2139
second set called validation set: At the end of each period of
17 7.7529e-004 0.2032
training we measure not only the training error but also the
validation error, i.e. the total error committed in all the examples 20 5.4872e-004 0.2173
of the validation set.
Two types of networks with a single hidden layer and two hidden 25 6.7041e-005 0.2455
layers, respectively, are used to determine the optimum
architecture. Table 1 shows that the performance (MSEt = 7.2388e-004 and
Having led to a large class of neural networks in matlab, each with MSEv = 0.1000) of the network 5-13-1 are the best among the
a different number of hidden units, we can compare training and other networks type I.
validation errors.
3.1 Neural networks with one hidden layer 3.2 Neural networks with two hidden layer
(type I): (type II):
Figure 2 presents the first type of network with one hidden layer.
Figure 3 shows the second type of network with two hidden
Each time we increase the number of hidden neurons in this layer
and give the performance progressively.

IW{1,1} is the weight matrix in the hidden layer

b{1} is the biais vector in the hidden layer IW{1,1} is the weight matrix in the first hidden layer
LW{2,1} is the weight matrix in the output layer b{1} is the biais vector in the first hidden layer
b{2} is the biais vector in the output layer LW{2,1} is the weight matrix in the second hidden layer
b{2} is the biais vector in the second hidden layer
LW{3,2} is the weight matrix in the output layer
Figure 2: The neural networks type I b{3} is the biais vector in the output layer

The number of neurons in this layer varies for NN = (5.9...

25). With NN is the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Figure 3: The neural networks type II
We got the result shown in table 1.
The number of neurons varies for:
 5-NN1-NN2-1 : NN1=3 et NN2 = (3,5,…25),
 5-NN1-NN2-1 :NN1=5 et NN2 = (3,5,…25),
 5-NN1-NN2-1 :NN1 = 7 et NN2 = (3,5,…25),
 5-NN1-NN2-1 :NN1 = 10 et NN2 = (3,5,…20),
 5-NN1-NN2-1 :NN1 = 12 et NN2 = (3,5,…15),
 5-NN1-NN2-1 :NN1 = 15et NN2 = (3,5,…10)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 42– No.12, March 2012
NN1 represents the number of neurons in the first hidden layer, Table 5. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II
NN2 is the number of neurons in the second hidden layer, 5 NN1=10 and NN2 = 3, 5, 7,…20
represents the number of neurons in the input layer and 1
represents the number of neurons in the output layer. Training Validation
We got the results shown in tables 2-7. performance performance
Table 2. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II 10-3 0.0048 0.1335
NN1=3 and NN2 = 3, 5, 7,…25 10-5 2.0817e-004 0.0762

NN1-NN2 Training performance Validation performance 10-7 1.8126e-004 0.0534

3-3 0.0171 0.2413 10-8 1.4334e-005 0.1934
3-5 0.0047 0.1740 10-10 4.5780e-006 0.2271
3-7 0.0045 0.0590 10-15 3.6188e-009 0.2379
3-10 0.0028 0.0464 10-20 1.7309e-010 0.2859
3-15 0.0013 0.2391
Table 5 shows that the performance (MSEt = 1.8126e-004 and
3-20 8.3059e-004 0.2726 MSEv = 0.0534) of the network 5-10-7-1 are the best.
3-25 5.0371e-004 0.2080
Table 6. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II
Table 2 shows that the performance (MSEt = 0.0028 and MSEv =
NN1=12 and NN2 = 3, 5, 7,…15
0.0464) of the network 5-3-10-1 are the best.
NN1-NN2 Training performance Validation performance
Table 3. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II
12-3 3.0091e-004 0.1420
NN1=5 and NN2 = 3, 5, 7,…25
12-5 2.2950e-005 0.1171
12-7 6.3429e-006 0.1888
Training Validation
NN1-NN2 12-10 4.2428e-006 0.1518
performance performance
5-3 0.0038 0.1879 12-15 6.2401e-011 0.1943
5-5 0.0022 0.2345
5-7 9.1175e-004 0.1731 Table 6 shows that the performance (MSEt = 4.2428e-006 and
MSEv = 0.1518) of the network 5-12-10-1 are the best.
5-10 8.8884e-004 0.0668
5-15 2.5297e-004 0.1874 Table 7. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II
5-20 9.1206e-006 0.2014 NN1=15 and NN2 = 3, 5…10
5-25 1.2411e-006 0.2097
Table 3 shows that the performance (MSEt = 8.8884e-004 and NN1-NN2 Training performance Validation performance
MSEv = 0.0668) of the network 5-5-10-1 are the best. 15-3 1.9579e-005 0.2315
15-5 2.0981e-006 0.2017
Table 4. Optimal number of neurons in the RN Type II 15-7 5.5098e-007 0.1912
NN1=7 and NN2 = 3, 5, 7,…25
15-10 3.5035e-009 0.2528

NN1-NN2 Training Validation Table 7 shows that the performance (MSEt = 5.5098e-007 and
performance performance MSEv = 0.1912) of the network 5-15-7-1 are the best.
7-3 0.0026 0.2293
7-5 0.0028 0.2262 3.3 Interpretation results
7-7 4.6031e-004 0.2218 We notice that the training error decreases progressively as the
number of hidden units increases.
7-10 9.4999e-005 0.2095 The validation error, in its turn, is high when the number of
7-15 1.9471e-005 0.2064 hidden units is low, decreases with increasing the number of
hidden units, reaches a minimum for an optimal number of hidden
7-20 6.3533e-005 0.2053 units, and increases when the number of units becomes too large.
7-23 1.4151e-005 0.1067 So the use of a validation set, distinct from the training set, allows
us to choose the optimal number of hidden units or neurons. In
7-25 6.4267e-009 0.2002 some situations, we find that the validation error may increase
Table 4 shows that the performance (MSEt = 1.4151e-005 and when the error of learning decreases too much. We say then, that
MSEv = 0.1067) of the network 5-7-23-1 are the best. the neural network suffers from over-learning.
After these test simulations in Matlab, the optimum architecture of
our neural network is chosen according to these two criteria:
training performance and validation performance.
Table 8 shows the best results of network architectures trained.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 42– No.12, March 2012
Table 8. Summary table of the best architecture

NN Validation performance
13 7.2388e-004 0.1000
3-10 0.0028 0.0464
5-10 8.8884 -004 0.0668
7-23 1.4151e-005 0.1067
10-7 1.8126 -004 0.0534
12-5 2.2950 -005 0.1171
15-7 5.5098e-007 0.1912

As final result, the optimal architecture of our neural network is

constituted of 10 neurons in the first hidden layer and 7 neurons in
the second hidden layer.
Figure 4 (see end of the paper) show the graphs of the learning
performance (left graph), variation at the desired output and the
output of the network and look of the error (right graph), for some



International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 42– No.12, March 2012




Figure 4: Pace of learning performance (left graph) and variation at the desired output and the output of the
network and look of the error (right graph).
4. CONCLUSION hidden neurons, and arrangement of these neurons) so that the
The choice of architecture is an important task for the network is able to replicate what is deterministic in the data.
implementation of neural network, (external data, the number of The number of adjustable weights is one of the fundamentals of a
successful application. Indeed, the problem of determining the
optimum architecture remained for a long time an open problem.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 42– No.12, March 2012
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