SPE 92412 Asphaltene Deposition During Drilling With Emulsified Drilling Fluids
SPE 92412 Asphaltene Deposition During Drilling With Emulsified Drilling Fluids
SPE 92412 Asphaltene Deposition During Drilling With Emulsified Drilling Fluids
more oil-wet conditions, and this is expected to reduce the oil Table 1
relative permeability. The solubility of asphaltene molecules Composition of artificial formation water.
and/or the dispersion of asphaltene aggregates have been Salt Concentration, g/l
reported to be affected by chemicals, e.g. cationic surfactants NaCl 24.79
can increase the solvency of asphaltenes20. Chemicals in OBM
MgCl2.6H2O 11.79
systems may also affect the solubility of asphaltenes.
Most of the nickel (Ni) and vanadium (V) in reservoir oils KCl 0.80
are bonded to molecules in the asphaltene fractions21-23. CaCl2.2H2O 1.60
Dilution of crude oils and asphaltene deposition will reduce
the concentrations of these ions. Asphaltene deposition was in
the project studied by determination of the Ni and V Table 2
concentrations by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass STOs used in study of asphaltene deposition.
Spectrometry (ICPMS). Compatibility of MFs and crude oils STO Code Asphaltene content, weight%
was first studied by determination of asphaltene solubility in Light STO 1 L1 0.8
bulk experiments. Formation damages caused by asphaltene Light STO 2 L2 1.0
deposition were studied by mixing crude oils and MFs in cores
Light STO 3 L3 0.8
at initial water saturation (Swi).
Heavy STO H1 12
Fluids. Artificial formation brine was used in core floods to
simulate the formation water. The composition for this brine is Table 3
given in Table 1. Main components in prepared OBM systems.
Four different stock tank oils (STOs) were used in the Component
study of asphaltene deposition, three light oils with low Base oil (mineral base oil or synthetic base oil)
asphaltene content (L1, L2 and L3) and one heavy oil with Emulsifiers (primary and secondary)
high asphaltene content (H1). The asphaltene contents (n-
heptane) for the STOs are given in Table 2.
Two types of commercial OBM systems were used, one Organoclay
with mineral base oil (MB) and one with synthetic base oil Fluid loss additives (primary and secondary)
(SB, linear alpha olefine (LAO)). The main components in the Water
prepared OBM systems are given in Table 3. The water-oil CaCl2
ratio in all prepared OBM systems was 25/75. Aromatic
content was less than 1.0w% in MB and 0.0w% in SB. The
mud systems were prepared with and without solids (barite
and organoclay) and with and without Gilsonite (an asphalt Table 4
product) as fluid loss additive. Types of bulk studies carried out.
MFs were prepared by filtration of OBM systems stepwise
from 120 P GRZQ WR P 0)s prepared from mud
Bulk study Mud fluids Crude oils
systems with MB and SB are called MFMB and MFSB, Preliminary MFMB and MFSB prepared from OBM L1 and L2
study systems without solids and Gilsonite
Base oils (MB and SB) L1 and L2
Bulk. STOs and MFs were mixed in different ratios. The Main study MFMB and MFSB prepared from OBM L3 and H1
types of studies carried out are shown in Table 4. In a systems with solids and without
preliminary study, OBM samples without solids (barite and Gilsonite
organoclay) and without Gilsonite were used to prepare MFs.
This was done because the separation of the mud phases was
Core flood. Blaxter sandstone outcrop was selected as a
faster in samples without solids than in samples with solids.
reference rock for consolidated sandstone with low-to-medium
The base oils, MB and SB, were also mixed with STOs in the
permeability. The absolute permeability (brine) was in the
same study. In the main study, MFs were prepared from OBM
range 100-200 md. Swi in the range 0.20-0.25 was established
samples with solids but without Gilsonite.
in Blaxter cores (length 8 cm and diameter 3.8 cm) by
All the prepared mixtures of MFs and STOs were stored at
flooding at 90°C. The cores were aged for 14 days at 90°C.
90°C for one week to reach equilibrium. The Ni and V
MFs prepared from OBM systems with solids and Gilsonite,
concentrations in STOs, MFs, and mixtures of STOs and MFs
were injected into the cores using an inlet filter of 0.45 P
were then determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass
Asphaltene deposition can be a rather slow process and
Spectrometry (ICPMS)21-23. Since some of the mud
emulsions can be formed at high shear rates. A low injection
components contained Ni, the V concentration was used as a
rate (0.02 ml/min) was therefore used. After the injection of
measure of asphaltene concentration. The solubility of
MFs the cores were again aged for 14 days at 90°C before the
asphaltenes was determined by comparing the V
concentrations in mixtures (corrected for dilution by base oil cores were back-produced using the same crude oil as in the
or MF) and crude oils. preparation of the cores. The injection rate during back-
production was 0.02 ml/min during the first pore volume and
SPE 92412 3
Normalized V [%] .
contained Ni, but V was not detected in these MFs. It was
therefore decided to use the V concentration as a measure of
asphaltene solubility. 40
In the preliminary study, MFs were prepared from OBM
systems without solids (barite and organoclay) and without
Gilsonite. When the light crude oils L1 and L2 were mixed
with the base oils (MB and SB) and MFs (MFMB and MFSB),
the solubility of the asphaltenes were reduced. See Figure 1 0
Oil L2
L2/MB 1:9
L2/SB 1:9
L2/MFMB 1:9
L2/MFSB 1:9
and Figure 2 for oil L1 and L2, respectively. Mixing of MFs
and light reservoir oils can therefore increase the potential for
asphaltene deposition. The asphaltene solubility was in the
same range in L1/MF mixtures and L1/base oil mixtures. This
means that the solubility of asphaltenes from oil L1 was not Figure 2
affected by the chemicals in MFs. The mud chemicals were Normalised V concentration (relative to oil L2) in base oils, MFs,
found to reduce the solubility of asphaltenes from oil L2, L2/base oil mixtures and L2/MF mixtures. The results for mixing in
the volume ratio 1:9 are presented.
because the asphaltene solubility was lower in L2/MF
mixtures than in L2/base oil mixtures. The different effects of
the mud chemicals on asphaltene solubility for the two oils L1
and L2, was probably due to different oil compositions. The
type of interaction between oil components and mud
components may depend on the concentrations of polar 80
components in STOs, e.g. the concentrations of acids and
Normalized V [%] .
bases. 60
Oil L3
L3/MFMB 1:9
L3/MFSB 1:9
Normalized V [%] .
40 Figure 3
Normalised V concentration (relative to oil L3) in base oils, MFs,
L3/base oil mixtures and L3/MF mixtures. The results for mixing in
20 the volume ratio 1:9 are presented.
L1/MB 1:9
L1/SB 1:9
L1/MFMB 1:9
L1/MFSB 1:9
effects of MFMB and MFSB on asphaltene solubility were was approx. 0.015. Less mixing of injected and displaced
therefore different for L3 and H1. As for the light oils in the fluids, oil H1 and MFMB, was therefore obtained. The
preliminary study, this may be due to the different asphaltene deposition was therefore less than in the previous
compositions of STOs. Detailed chemical structures of the step where oil H1 was displaced by MFMB. The Ni and V
mud components were not available for the project. It was concentrations in MFMB were much lower than in oil H1, but
therefore of no value to characterize the different fractions of the Ni/V-ratio in MFMB was much higher than in oil H1.
the STOs. However, it can be concluded that the potential for After 1.0 porevolume (PV) of back-production with oil H1,
asphaltene deposition depends on the compositions of both the Ni and V concentrations were in the same range as in oil
crude oils and OBM systems. H1. This confirmed that the asphaltene deposition was low in
this step, and the displacement of MFMB by oil H1 was very
efficient. This was because the mobility ratio was very low.
120 Ko(Swi) after back-production with oil H1 was 7% higher than
ko(Swi) before MF exposure. This means that the oil
100 permeability before and after MF exposure was in the same
range. The damaged caused by asphaltene deposition was
Normalized V [%]
therefore found to be nonpermanent.
dP [mbar]
H1/MFMB 1:1
H1/MFMB 1:3
H1/MFMB 1:9
H1/MFSB 1:1
H1/MFSB 1:3
H1/MFSB 1:9
Figure 4 0
Normalised V concentration (relative to oil H1) in base oils, MFs, 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5
H1/base oil mixtures and H1/MF mixtures. Results for mixing in mud filtrate [PV]
different volume ratios are presented.
Figure 5
Differential pressure (dP) across the core during displacement of
Asphalt products contain molecules similar to asphaltenes oil H1 by MFMB.
in crude oils. In OBM systems containing the asphalt product
Gilsonite, the Ni concentrations in MFs were much higher (>3
times, 18000 ppb) than in the light STOs. It was confirmed 2000 0,5
Q [ml/min]
dP [mbar]
Core floods. After aging of the core prepared with the heavy 0,2
oil H1 at Swi, the oil H1 was replaced by MFMB (prepared
from mud system with solids and Gilsonite). A temporary 0,1
increase in the differential pressure (dP) across the cores were
then observed, and dP was not stabilized. See Figure 5. During 0 0,0
MFMB injection the oil permeability (ko(Swi)) was reduced to 0 2 4 6 8
Crude oil [PV]
approx. 3% of the original ko(Swi). The mixing of the fluids (oil
H1 and MFMB) was efficient in this step, because the Figure 6
mobility ratio for displacement of oil H1 by MFMB was high. Differential pressure (dP) across the core during displacement of
The viscosity ratio for oil H1 and MFMB was approx. 67. MFMB by oil H1.
Since the viscosity of MF (1.2 mPa·s) was much lower than
for oil H1 (80 mPa·s), a drop in the differential pressure was Asphaltene deposition was also studied in cores prepared
expected due to the replacement of fluids. The pressure build with oil L3. See Table 5. When oil L3 was displaced by
up was therefore due to the formation damage caused by MFMB at Swi, the oil permeability was only decreased by
asphaltene deposition. 14%. After new aging for 14 days at 90ºC, MFMB was
After new aging at 90ºC for two weeks, MFMB was replaced by oil L3. The oil permeability was then increased to
replaced by oil H1. No pressure build up was observed in this 6% higher than before exposure to MFMB. In another
step, and the oil permeability was dramatically improved. See coreflood, oil L3 was replaced by MFSB at Swi. The oil
Figure 6. The mobility ratio for displacement of MFMB by oil permeability was then increased by 5%. After new aging for
H1 was low. The viscosity ratio between MFMB and oil H1 14 days at 90ºC, MFSB was replaced by oil L3. The oil
SPE 92412 5
permeability was then increased to 11% higher than before the interactions between the compounds in mixtures of MF and
exposure to MFSB. This means that in the worst case only a reservoir oil can depend on the conditions. The main
slightly decrease in the oil permeability was measured in the characteristics of the reservoir oil and mud systems can give
corefloods with oil L3. The amount of asphaltene deposition however some guide-lines. E.g., the potential for formation
that could cause formation damages was also much lower in damage by asphaltene deposition will be much higher for
the corefloods with oil L3 than in the corefloods with oil H1. reservoir oils with high asphaltene concentration close to the
The asphaltenes concentration in the oil L3 was also 15 times onset of asphaltene deposition than for reservoir oils with low
lower than in the oil H1. concentration of asphaltenes far from the onset for asphaltene
The interfacial tension between the oil phase and water deposition. Low aromatic OBM systems will have higher
phase was reduced to 3-4 mN/m by the emulsifiers in MFs. potential for asphaltene deposition than OBM systems with
Reduction of interfacial tension can reduce Swi and thereby higher aromatic contents.
increase the oil permeability. In the corefloods, production of If the reservoir oil is not saturated with asphaltenes, it can
water was not observed during injection of MFs, and Swi was dissolve asphaltene depositions and also desorb asphaltene
therefore not changed. When oil L3 was displaced by MFs, the molecules adsorbed/aggregated on the rock. The compositions
mobility ratio was only slightly higher than one. The viscosity of the reservoir oil will therefore determine whether it can
ratio between MF and oil L3 was in the range 1.2-1.5. This contribute to removal of asphaltene deposition. In the
means that the mixing of fluids (oil and MFs) were less corefloods in the presented study, the formation damages
effective in the corefloods with oil L3 than in the corefloods caused by asphaltene deposition were dissolved during back-
with oil H1. In the back-production of MFs by oil L3 the production with the crude oils. The oil permeability was then
mobility ratio was slightly lower than one. The viscosity ratio increased to the same level as before the MF exposure. This
between oil L3 and MF was in the range 0.6-0.8. It was means that formation damage caused by asphaltene deposition
therefore expected that the back-production of MFs with oil was nonpermanent. Also in the fields the permeability (and
L3 should be less efficient than in the corefloods with oil H1. wettability) can be restored in this way. Dissolution of
This was confirmed by analysis of effluent for Ni and V asphaltene depositions by the reservoir oil will be most
concentrations. After 4 PV of oil L3 injection, the Ni and V efficient if the sweep efficiency of the damaged area is high.
concentrations had not reached the levels in the injected oil. The drawdown may in some cases be too low to start the back
production and thereby start the removal of asphaltene
deposition. It may then be necessary to remove the damage by
Table 5 chemicals/solvents, e.g. injection of aromatic solvents. In
Oil permeability before and after MF exposure for horizontal wells the drilling time will usually be much longer
cores saturated with oil L3. than for vertical wells. The mud invasion can therefore be
Core exposed to Core exposed to much deeper and more severe in horizontal wells than in
Flooding step vertical wells24. Compared to vertical wells, very low
ko(Swi) ko(Swi) drawdown pressure is needed to start the oil production in
[mD] [mD] horizontal wells. This will reduce the viscous forces available
After aging with STO 112 130 for cleanup of the near wellbore damages, e.g. dissolution of
After aging with MF 96 136 asphaltene depositions.
After new aging with STO 119 144
The extension of the mixing zone for MF and reservoir oil
will depend on the mobility ratio. The mixing zone will be
largest for displacements with high mobility ratios. For high
Discussions viscous reservoir oils, the oil-to-MF mobility ratio during MF
Mixing of MFs both with the light crude oils and with the invasion will be higher than one, and good mixing of MF and
heavy crude oil was found to reduce the asphaltene solubility. reservoir oil will then be obtained. The time before the start of
If MFs and reservoir oil is mixed in the reservoir, asphaltene oil production will be long, and extensive flocculation of
deposition can reduce the permeability and thereby create a asphaltene aggregates is then possible. If the MF-to-reservoir
formation damage. In addition, asphaltene deposition can also oil mobility ratio is higher than one during back-production
alter the wettability to more oil-wet conditions. Even though with the reservoir oil, good mixing of reservoir oil and MF
mixing of MFs and light crude oils was found to reduce the will be obtained. In this case, the time for flocculation will be
asphaltene solubility in bulk experiments, only minor changes much shorter than during MF invasion.
in permeability was observed when MFs were injected into Asphaltenes in two different crude oils can be
cores containing the light oil L3. When MFMB was injected, incompatible, i.e. mixing of two crude oils can give asphaltene
the permeability was slightly decreased. However, when deposition. Asphalt products, e.g. Gilsonite, contain molecules
MFSB was injected the permeability was slightly increased. similar to asphaltene molecules in reservoir oils. Gilsonite was
The asphaltene concentration was also much lower in the light found to be partly soluble in the MFs. Asphaltenes from the
crude oils (0.8-1.0 weight%) than in the heavy crude oil (H1, Gilsonite dissolved in the MF and asphaltenes from reservoir
12 weight%). Since the potential for formation damage by oil can as asphaltenes from two reservoir oils, be
asphaltene deposition depends on the composition of the incompatible. Mixing of asphaltenes from Gilsonite from MF
reservoir oil, it can be difficult to extrapolate the performance and from reservoir oil can therefore create formation damages.
of the OBM system to the next reservoir. Both the reservoir oil Asphaltenes can also cause other types of formation
and OBM system contain many compounds, and the damages. If the shear rate in the reservoir is high, asphaltene
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