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Bio Farma Integrated & Centralized E-Procurement System for Partner

I. Completing Company Profile 2
I. Upload Quotation for Non Open Tender 4
a. Register the Procurement Package 4
b. States Interest Response 6
c. Input Bidding/PI/Quotation 7
II. Register and Upload 8
a. Check the Open Tender Package 8
b. Register the Procurement Package 9
c. Download the Prequalification or others Requirement Documents 11
d. States Interest Response 12
e. Input Prequalification Documents 13
f. Input Technical and Price Quotation 13
III. Respond Negotiation 15
IV. Download PO 17
I. Submit Progress (for services) and Invoicing Document (for Goods and Services) 18
a. Submit the Working Progress (only for services) 18
b. Submit Invoicing Document (for goods and services) 21


I. Completing Company Profile

1. Login to your account, click the company name button, then click “Partner’s Profile”

2. Complete all the mandatory data and documents i.e : (* or mandatory means required)
a) Company Profile
Company Name : Fill the Company secondary email and Website field (if any), then press SAVE ( )
Company Address : Fill the Phone Number field (without + for country code) , then press SAVE ( )*
Contact Person : Complete this section with contact of the person who will be in charge of the
Procurement process in Bio Farma. Fill the Full name, Mobile Phone Number, and Email field, then press
SAVE ( )*
b) Org. Structure
Board of Directors : Complete this section with Full Name and Position of person who have responsibility
of the company. Don’t forget to check the “Agreement Signing” to marked this person will sign an
agreement with Bio Farma, then press SAVE ( )*

Company’s name

Organization Structure: Complete this section with documents that showing the organizational structure
in the company, the system needs it to prove legally the person who will be in charge. Fill Issue Date
with the day you filled and upload the file, then press SAVE ( )*
c) Legal Aspect
Deed of establishment : Fill deed numb, upload file company of incorporation/certificate of
establishment/deed of establishment, choose category “company establishment”, and deed’s issued
date, then press SAVE ( )*
Domicile Letter : Fill the file with uploading file company of incorporation/certificate of
establishment/deed of establishment again, issued date of document, and check Valid Forever, then
press SAVE ( )*
d) Products/Services
Product/Service Detail : Fill Provider type with “Goods/Services/Consultation Supplier”, Item Group, and
Product Name , then press SAVE ( )*

e) Cerfication
Cerfication : Complete this section with GMP certificate (if any)
f) Financial Info
Bank Accounts : Complete this section with Bank Account Data, Fill the currency, Bank’s Name, Account
Number, and Account Holder field, then click SAVE ( ) button*.
Please contact us ( if you can’t find your bank names here.
g) Portofolio
Portofolio : Complete this section with your company’s experiences (client name and project name
only), then press SAVE ( )*. Minimal 2 experience.
3. Once you finish all the steps above, click tab “Confirmation” and click button to send the
company profile to BioFarma for verification.


I. Upload Quotation for Non Open Tender

a. Register the Procurement Package
Numb Picture Step
1 This is the first step before
inputting your quotation.

Login to your account, then in

homepage (Activity Summary) click
Part “Procurement
Implementation” then choose
menu “RFQ”

2 System will show you the list of RFQ

from Bio Farma, then Click
“View/Lihat” button to view the

3 You can find the schedule of

procurement in section “Tender
Once the schedule for registration
in the tender schedule is missed,
please contact us because you will
not be able to proceed to the next
process before the schedule is
changed by the Bio Farma side.

When the schedule runs properly,

the next process is to register the
package. In section “Partisipasi”
choose “Register”,
Then click button

System will show you successful


Panel Requirements showing
general requirements for the
tender, it’s including qualification
req. (vendor can provide
goods/services), administration
req. (vendors have completed
company profile in application),
Technical Req. (Goods/Services that
are provided by vendors according
to Bio Farma’s need), Price Req.
(the Quotation price doesn’t
exceed the owner 's estimate).
It’s just for your information, if you
want to download the details of Bio
Farma’s need (the
Requirement/URS/TOR/etc) and
input your quotation you must
register first.

If Panel Participation contains the

information as the picture on the
left means the schedule has
expired, you must contact PIC in
BioFarma to fix this issue first.

Once register process succeeded,

get back to home page by means of
4 click BICEPS logo then go to
procedure for states interest
response below

b. Download the URS/TOR and States Interest Response
Numb Picture Step
1 Login to your account, then click
Tab “Procurement
Implementation”, choose menu
“Procurement Package”

2 Click “View/Lihat” button to view

the details of package

System will show the detailed of
the procurement package including
the items (part ITEM), schedule
(part TENDER SCHEDULE), etc.

If any, you can download the

Requirements document from
BioFarma in part DOCUMENT. Once
you can’t find a requirement
document in the system, please
contact us.

Make sure you can provide

BioFarma’s needs before state the
interest responds.
Follow this steps to state the
interest response. In section
“Interest Response” choose
“Interest”, then click
4 button

Back to home page by means of

click BICEPS logo and go to
procedure for input Quotation

c. Input Bidding/PI/Quotation
1. After login, Click tab “Procurement Implementation” then choose menu “Input/Edit Bidding”

2. Click “Process” button, then you’ll find the forms to input your Quotation
3. In section “Input Bidding”, Filled the “currency” with USD/IDR or according to the needs

Then fill the “Price” column with the price per unit in your Quotation letter, then
automatically the total of your quotation will appear in “Total” Column. Make sure the price in the Total
column is the same as the total price in your quotation letter.

4. In section “Bidding Document”, click tab “Administration” then click Browse button to upload the Artworks
or proposal or terms or spec documents or others that support the quotation letter (if any).

Then, click tab “Technical” and choose ‘F’ in URS Compliance column

Then, click tab “Price” and click Browse button to upload your Quotation letter.

5. If you have finished all the steps above, then click the button to send your quotation to Bio
Farma. Bio Farma will receive it then make the evaluation or clarification (if any).

II. Register and Upload Pre Qualification or Quotation for Open Tender
a. Check the Open Tender Package
Numb Picture Step
1 This is the first display once you
open our e-procurement website.

Check the open tender List by

clicking the Tender Title

2 System shows the general

information of the tender package.
Header contain the title of
procurement package, Procurement
committee/PIC, Package Number;
Item Terpilih contain Products that
Bio Farma needs;
Detail of Procurement contain the
method of package (configure by
internal Bio Farma);
Tender Schedule contain list of
detail schedule of the package;
Requirements contain general
requirements in terms of
qualification, administration,
technical, and price.

Click back to continue the process.

3 Click button Daftar/Register on the
open tender section;
System showing pop up login, if the
prospective bidder has been
registered as Bio Farma’s Partners
then input the username and
password registered.
If the prospective bidders are not Bio
Farma partners then click the blue
word ‘disini’ then input your
company email that becomes the
username of your company account.

4 System send the activation button to
your company email, click the
activation button on your email to
continue the process.

5 System showing the registration

form, fill out the form especially the
mandatory data with red star (*) and
the password to login to your
company account.

Once it has been completed, click

the button send/simpan to finish the
registration process.
6 Try to login to your company
account with the username and
password that has been registered.

b. Register the Procurement Package

Numb Picture Step
1 After login to your account, then in
homepage (Activity Summary) click
Part “Procurement
Implementation” then choose
menu “RFQ”

System will show you the RFQ from

the open tender package that you
become listed earlier. Click
2 “View/Lihat” button to view the
register the package.

You can find the schedule of the
3 procurement in section “Tender
Schedule”. Once the schedule for
registration in the tender schedule
is missed, please contact us
because you will not be able to
proceed to the next process before
the schedule is changed by the Bio
Farma side.

When the schedule runs properly,

the next process is to register the
package. In section “Partisipasi”
choose “Register”,
Then click button

System will show you successful


Panel Requirements showing

4 general requirements for the
tender for the terms of
qualification req. (vendor can
provide goods/services),
administration req. (vendors have
completed company profile in
application), Technical Req.
(Goods/Services that are provided
by vendors according to Bio
Farma’s need), Price Req. (the
Quotation price doesn’t exceed the
owner 's estimate). It’s just for your
information, if you want to
download the details of Bio Farma’s
need (the Requirement) and input
your quotation you must register

5 If Panel Participation contains the

information as the picture on the
left means the schedule has
expired, you must contact PIC in
BioFarma to fix this issue first.

6 Once register process succeeded,

get back to home page by means of
click BICEPS logo then go to
procedure for download
requirement documents in part

c. Download the Prequalification or others Requirement Documents
Numb Picture Step
1 Login to your account, then click
Tab “Procurement
Implementation”, choose menu
“Procurement Package”

2 Click “View/Lihat” button to view

the general information of the

3 Systems showing the general

information of the procurement
package contain the items (part
ITEM), schedule (part TENDER

If any, you can download

Requirements documents from
BioFarma in part DOCUMENT and
Once you can’t find a requirement
document in both parts, please
contact our procurement PIC.

Check and study the documents, if

your company fulfills the
requirements then prepare the
documents required in 1 pdf file
then you are ready to proceed to
the state interest response process
in part below.

Notes :
Make sure the process does not
exceed the schedule that has been

d. States Interest Response
Numb Picture Step
1 Login to your account, then click
Tab “Procurement
Implementation”, choose menu
“Procurement Package”

2 Click “View/Lihat” button to view

the general information of the

3 System showing the general

information of the procurement
package contains the items (part
ITEM), schedule (part TENDER

If any, you can download

Requirements documents from
BioFarma in part DOCUMENT and
Once you can’t find a requirement
document in both parts, please
contact our procurement PIC.

For state interest, in section

“Interest Response” choose
“Interest”, then click

Back to home page by means of
click BICEPS logo and go to
procedure for input Prequalification
or Quotation below

e. Input Prequalification Documents
1. After login, Click tab “Procurement Implementation” then choose menu “Input/Edit Bidding”

2. Click “Process” button, then you’ll find the forms to input your Prequalification Documents
3. For the prequalification process, sections “Input Bidding” are not recommended to fill.
4. Scroll down the page until section “Bidding Document”, click tab “Qualification” then click Browse button to
upload the prequalification document (allowed to upload 1 pdf file).

5. If you have finished the steps above, then click the SAVE button to send your prequalification documents to
Bio Farma.
6. For the sake of the future process so that it runs smoothly, please complete the company profile data, the
detailed procedure can be seen in Chapter 1.

f. Input Technical and Price Quotation

1. After login, Click tab “Procurement Implementation” then choose menu “Input/Edit Bidding”

2. Click “Process” button, then you’ll find the forms to input your Quotation
3. In section “Input Bidding”, Filled the “currency” with USD/IDR or according to the needs

Then fill the “Price” column with the price per unit in your Quotation letter, then
automatically the total of your quotation will appear in “Total” Column. Make sure the price in the Total
column is appropriate with the total price in your quotation letter.

4. In section “Bidding Document”, click tab “Administration” then click Browse button to upload the Artworks
or proposal or terms or specification documents or technical documents or others that support the
quotation letter (if any).

Then, click tab “Technical” and choose ‘F’ in URS Compliance column to declare that your company can
provide all technical requirements

Then, click tab “Price” and click Browse button to upload your Quotation letter.

5. If you have finished all the steps above, then click the button to send your technical and
price quotation to Bio Farma.

Bio Farma will receive it then open the quotation and make the evaluation or clarification (if any).

III. Respond Negotiation
After the evaluation result has been done from the Bio Farma side, you’ll receive email notification about the
negotiation process. Check and respond the negotiable price from Bio Farma in the following ways:

1. After login, Click tab “Procurement Implementation” then choose menu “NEGOTIATION”

(The red number means how many pending negotiation processes are on your account).

2. Next page will show the list of pending negotiations, search the number of procurement packages or the
title in column “Search” then Click “Process” button.
3. You will see the Negotiation Page, make sure the status of Provider is Pending and the status of
Procurement Function is Approved and there is button AGREE and NEGO.

4. Scroll down the page then check the negotiable price from Bio Farma in section NEGOTIATION HISTORY

5. If you agree with the price, click the button AGREE. Then your consent will be sent to BioFarma and the
status of both Provider and Procurement Function changed to “Approved”.
6. If you do not agree with the total price, clear the price in column “Unit Price” then input the negotiable unit
price from your side then make sure the “Total Price” and “Total Amount” are true. You can tell your reason
why you’re not accepted in column “NOTE” (but not in long words).

Then click the “NEGO” button to send your negotiation price to Bio Farma.
The status of Provider changed to “Approved” and status of Procurement Function changed to “Pending”.
If you scroll down to section NEGOTIATION HISTORY you will find your negotiation price there.
7. Wait until the next email notification from the system to know Bio Farma agree or re-submit the new
negotiable price.

IV. Download PO
You will receive email notification once the PO is released, you must download and sign the PO (by a person who has
responsibility for the company) then send the signed PO to PIC in Bio Farma or by email. Follow this steps to
download your PO :

1. You will receive an email that contains the PO/Contract has been published.
2. Login to your account and click tab “Contract Management”

3. Click menu “Contract Released”, system will show list of contracts that has been published by Bio Farma for
your company.

4. Using Search feature, fill the number of PO/contract or the PO/contract title so the system will
automatically search to find the keyword.

Tips : Searching by PO number (PO/BIOF/…/…) or by Contract Number (SPJ/BIOF/…/…)

5. Click button to see the content

6. If you want to download the unsigned contract document, please scroll the page to the bottom and find part

“Unsigned Document”. Click button to download the unsigned contract document.

7. If you want to download the PO formed from Contract, please scroll the page to the middle of page and find

part , there click button . System will show a list of PO formed

from the contract, click the VIEW button. System will show a page of PO details, scroll the page to bottom
and find part Unsigned Document, click the button DOWNLOAD to download the PO.
8. Print the document and sign it by the person in charge of the company (usually the dDirectors or
Representative (with power of attorney) who is already registered in biceps as a contract signer.
9. For the local vendors, send the signed document to Bio Farma address as follows : PT Bio Farma (Persero)
Jalan Pasteur No. 28, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Operational Procurement Team/Tim Operasional
For the international vendors, send the signed document to our PIC’s email.
10. Once we get your signed contract, we will continue the process of signing by our authorized official and we
will upload it to the system after the contract release by the authorized official.
11. You can download the fully signed PO in the same way as this procedure in the part Signed Document.


I. Submit Progress (for services) and Invoicing Document (for Goods and Services)

a. Submit the Working Progress (only for services)

1. After login, Click tab “Progress Execution” then choose menu “Open PO Services”

2. System will show the List of PO (Services) owned by your company which contains several information as the
following :
a. SPPBJ Number : display the number of services SPPBJ document (you can download the SPPBJ document
in menu Contract Management, then click menu SPPBJ Released)
b. Contract Number and PO Number : display the number of the contract/PO (you can download the
contract/PO document in menu Contract Management, then click menu PO Released)
c. PO ERP Number : display the number of the contract/PO in our ERP application
d. PO Title : display the title of your services
e. Total Value : display the total price of the services
f. Currency : display the currency for the price
g. Contract Source : display the source of contract (if any)
h. Progress Status : display the progress of the services that has been submitted to Bio Farma

3. If you can’t find the title of services that you want to submit, search the number of PO or the title of services

in column “Search”
4. At the bottom of the table list there is a bar to slide left or right the table, slide the tab to the right to find
the Detail button then Click “DETAIL” button, then you’ll find the forms to submit your percentage of
services that has been done who wants to be asked for the payment.
5. In part “Header” please make sure the content in field marked yellow is in accordance with the contract/PO,
if there is any difference please contact us via email because your invoice
may not be submitted well.

6. Below the Header, there is part “Item” that contains the services, the price, and the progress realization,
slide the table to the right and you will find the “Progress” button. Click the Progress button on the
percentage you want to ask for payment.

7. Then the system displays the form to input Detail Progress. Fill in the form according to the data you want to
input, the Qty field means the percentage of the payment price for example if you want to ask for 30% of the
total payment then fill 0,3 in this field.

8. Then make sure the amount field is in accordance with the payment you want to submit. If it isn’t
appropriate then back to Qty field and edit it to the right amount.

If the amount is appropriate, fill in the file attachment field with the name of the progress for example
“Payment 1”.
Then click Browse button to input only 1 pdf file of the supporting document like work handover letter
(BAST), request for work handover letter (BAST), contract/PO, tax (if any) (combine all those documents in
one pdf file).
Then Fill in the Additional info for example “Asked for Working Progress”.
Make sure all data is appropriate then click the SAVE button.
9. If you want to see the progress that has been saved, click the VIEW button in part Log View

10. Then click BICEPS Logo in to go to the home page, then click tab Progress Execution, then click the menu
Daily Progress Report.
11. System displays the Progress that you saved in point 8. Slide right to the table and checklist the progress you
want to submit to payment. Then click button.
12. Fill in the data on the form, input and upload the same file with point 8 then click the SAVE button.
13. Your working Progress has been successfully sent to Bio Farma. You can monitor the status of your request
in the menu Official Report of Completion.

This is the final step for submitting working progress, after this you can proceed to upload the invoice below.

b. Submit Invoicing Document (for goods and services)
1. After login, Click tab “Invoice” then choose menu “Unbilled”

2. System displays the list of unbilled payment, if you want to submit services invoice then click Services
button, but if you want to submit goods invoice then click Goods button.

3. Then If you can’t find the title of services/goods that you want to submit, search the number of PO or the

title of services/goods in column “Search”

4. Slide right to the table until you find the create button, then click the create button.
5. System displays the form to create an invoice, fill in all the data and documents. Make sure the base amount
is 0 because it will automatically fill when BioFarma approved your invoicing request.
6. Please make sure all data is appropriate then click the CREATE INVOICE button.
7. Your invoice has been successfully sent to Bio Farma. You can monitor the status of your request in the


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