Assignment 01
Assignment 01
Assignment 01
Assignment No.1
Unit No. 1 – 4
Educational Research (837)
Tutor: Respected Mrs. Salma Ayyub
Submitted By:
Name: Muhammad Ibrahim
F/Name: Rasheed
Reg. No: 17BQA00340
Roll Number: BO639202
Semester: Spring 2023
Programme: M.Ed. One Year Science Education
District: Quetta, Balochistan
In deductive reasoning you must know the premises before you can reach
a conclusion, but in inductive reasoning you reach a conclusion by
observing examples and generalizing from the examples to the whole class
or category. To be absolutely certain of an inductive conclusion, the
investigator must observe all examples. This is known as perfect induction.
Imperfect induction is a system in which you observe a sample of a group
and infer from the sample what is characteristic of the entire group. An
example of a conclusion based on imperfect induction is the present
thinking concerning the physical characteristics of very intelligent children.
Research plays a key role in all fields of study. It is the fundamental building
block for academics and the entire education system. The field of
educational research is an essential part of every university’s academic
department, as well as an important component of the overall education
system itself. Education research has been conducted on a wide range of
topics, with some focusing on particular areas of sub-fields within
educational research, while others focus on broader issues.