Fish Ladders Safe Fish Passage or Hotspot For Pred
Fish Ladders Safe Fish Passage or Hotspot For Pred
Fish Ladders Safe Fish Passage or Hotspot For Pred
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4 authors, including:
Elineide Marques
Universidade Federal de Tocantins
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Angelo Antonio Agostinho1, Carlos Sergio Agostinho2, Fernando Mayer Pelicice2 and
Elineide Eugênio Marques2
Fish ladders are a strategy for conserving biodiversity, as they can provide connectivity between fragmented habitats and
reduce predation on shoals that accumulate immediately below dams. Although the impact of predation downstream of
reservoirs has been investigated, especially in juvenile salmonids during their downstream movements, nothing is known
about predation on Neotropical fish in the attraction and containment areas commonly found in translocation facilities. This
study analysed predation in a fish passage system at the Lajeado Dam on the Tocantins River in Brazil. The abundance,
distribution, and the permanence (time spent) of large predatory fish along the ladder, the injuries imposed by piranhas during
passage and the presence of other vertebrate predators were investigated. From December 2002 to October 2003, sampling
was conducted in four regions (downstream, along the ladder, in the forebay, and upstream of the reservoir) using gillnets,
cast nets and counts or visual observations. The captured fish were tagged with thread and beads, and any mutilations were
registered. Fish, birds and dolphins were the main predator groups observed, with a predominance of the first two groups. The
entrance to the ladder, in the downstream region, was the area with the highest number of large predators and was the only
region with relevant non-fish vertebrates. The main predatory fish species were Rhaphiodon vulpinus, Hydrolycus armatus,
and Serrasalmus rhombeus. Tagged individuals were detected predating along the ladder for up to 90 days. Mutilations
caused by Serrasalmus attacks were noted in 36% of species and 4% of individuals at the top of the ladder. Our results
suggested that the high density of fish in the restricted ladder environment, which is associated with injuries suffered along
the ladder course and the presence of multiple predator groups with different predation strategies, transformed the fish
corridor into a hotspot for predation.
Passagens para peixes têm sido consideradas como estratégias para conservação da biodiversidade, visando além de assegurar
os deslocamentos entre habitats fragmentados, atenuar a mortalidade por predação dos estratos populacionais que se
concentram nos trechos imediatamente abaixo de barragens. Embora a mortalidade por predação no trecho a jusante de
reservatórios tenha sido bem investigada, especialmente sobre os juvenis de salmonídeos em movimentos descendentes,
nada se sabe acerca da predação de peixes neotropicais em áreas de atração e confinamento de peixes, eventos comuns a
essas facilidades de transposição. Nesse estudo são analisados aspectos da predação em um sistema de transposição de
peixes (barragem de Lajeado, rio Tocantins, Brasil), buscando avaliar a abundância, a distribuição e o tempo de permanência
de grandes peixes predadores na escada, as injúrias impostas por piranhas durante a passagem e a ocorrência de outros
vertebrados predadores. Para isso foram realizadas amostragens a jusante, ao longo da escada, no trecho imediatamente acima
da barragem e a montante do reservatório, utilizando redes de espera, tarrafas e contagens ou registros visuais durante o
período de um ano (Novembro de 2002 a Outubro de 2003). Marcações com linha e missanga e registro de mutilações foram
também realizados em concomitância. Peixes, aves, quelônios e cetáceos foram os principais grupos de predadores observados,
com predomínio dos dois primeiros. A área nas imediações da entrada da escada, a jusante, foi a região com maior número de
grandes predadores, sendo a única de relevância para vertebrados não peixes. Indivíduos marcados permaneceram na escada
exercendo a piscivoria por até 90 dias. Rhaphiodon vulpinus, Hydrolycus armatus e Serrasalmus rhombeus foram os principais
peixes predadores. Mutilações por ataques de Serrasalmus atingiram 36% das espécies e alcançaram 4% dos indivíduos no
topo da escada. Os resultados sugerem que a alta densidade de peixes no ambiente restrito da escada, associada às injúrias
sofridas no percurso e a presença de múltiplos predadores dotados de estratégias de predação variadas, transforme o
corredor para passagem de peixes em um “hotspot” de predação.
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura – Nupélia. Av. Colombo, 5790, 87020-
900 Maringá, PR, Brazil. (AAA)
Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Núcleo de Estudos Ambientais - Neamb, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Ecótonos.
Jardim dos Ipês, 77500-000 Porto Nacional, TO, Brazil.
688 Fish ladders: safe fish passage or hotspot for predation?
definition was based on the analysis of the stomach contents To estimate the contribution of piscivorous fish in the
of the fish collected during the present study, other collections assemblages, we followed two survey methods. In the
from the same basin and information from the published vicinity of the ladder, counts were conducted in the areas
literature (Monteiro et al., 2009). immediately below the first tank (entrance) and above the
To investigate the numerical proportion of piscivorous water intake (exit). These counts were based on visually
fish in the assemblages, the structure of the ichthyofauna detecting fish and were always conducted by the same
was assessed in the area downstream the dam, near the ladder person, who was trained to visually identify and record
(entrance and exit) and in different parts of the reservoir species. Each observation was performed monthly for
(forebay, transition and upstream). approximately 10 min in the morning between November
2002 and October 2003. The decreased water visibility (<
40 cm) in November and April prevented data collection
during these months. In the four other sites considered,
gillnets of different mesh sizes (3.0 to 16.0 cm between
knots) were installed for 24 hours and were examined every
eight hours. These four sites were sampled to capture the
longitudinal gradient in the river: downstream of the dam,
the forebay area of the reservoir, the transition stretch of
the reservoir and the Tocantins River upstream, near the
mouth of the Santa Teresa River. To quantify the numerical
importance of piscivorous species near the entrance and
exit of the ladder and along the longitudinal gradient of
the river, the fractions of the total piscivorous recorded in
relation to the total number of individuals and species at
each site were calculated. To investigate the contribution
of the larger species (and therefore more predatory capacity
per individual), the proportion of the piscivorous species
with a maximum standard length above 40 cm was also
The use of the ladder by piscivorous fish species was
evaluated by the frequency at which those species were
identified in this structure during the year. For this purpose,
the fish were sampled with cast nets (mesh size of 4.0 cm
and a perimeter of 15 m) twice a month during the period
from November 2002 to October 2003. The sampling
followed a standardised procedure at 12:00, 18:00, 00:00
and 06:00 hours, always starting with the lower tank at
12:00. The fishing effort in each resting tank was constant
throughout the year (480 cast nets / year / tank ± 6SD). All
of the captured fish were identified, counted and released,
except for those captured at 06:00, which were retained for
other analysis.
Mark-recapture experiments were used to investigate
the permanence of the fish in the ladder. These experiments
consisted of marking individuals with cotton thread and
beads of different colours. The colour of the line
corresponded to a specific resting tank, and the colour of
the beads indicated the months of release. The experiments
were performed concomitantly with the fish ladder
sampling. The limitations of this marking method did not
allow assessing the actual movement of individuals
between the dates of release and recapture, and the
Fig. 1. Map showing the monitoring sites in the Lajeado maximum distance travelled by a fish was assumed to be
Reservoir and in the fish ladder (picture in detail). (Reservoir: the distance between the capture and recapture locations.
Down = downstream, Fore = forebay, Tran = reservoir However, this procedure did allow inferences about the
transition, and Upst = upstream; fish ladder: Entr = entrance permanence of the fish in the ladder or its vicinity when
and exit of the fish ladder; RT = resting tank) recaptures occurred between collections.
690 Fish ladders: safe fish passage or hotspot for predation?
To compare the predation patterns of the piscivorous fish accounted for 40.7% of the species captured at the ladder entrance
caught on the ladder with the patterns of those caught outside (Fig. 2b). Although there was a decline along the ladder, the
of it, the stomach contents of the fish caught on the ladder percentage remained high (33.3%) at the exit. By contrast, the
were compared with those of fish from the same species piscivorous fish species found upstream at the lotic section of
sampled in the reservoir. The volumes of the different dietary the Tocantins River accounted for 25.4% of the total species, a
components present in the stomachs were quantified using a similar value to that recorded downstream of the dam (Fig. 2b).
graduated cylinder or through compression of the items on a Generally, this study suggested that piscivorous fish
surface graduated in mm (Ribeiro, 2007). constituted a larger fraction (abundance and species
The incidence of injuries to fish bodies and fins was richness) around the ladder than in the reservoir and the
evaluated in the individuals caught in the ladder. The fish river. Additionally, the larger and more aggressive species,
were captured, identified by species, counted, examined such as Hydrolycus armatus (Schomburgk, 1841), B.
for injuries (the presence of bites on the body and fins) cuvieri, Cichla sp., and S. rhombeus, also represented a
and returned to the locations they were captured (except greater proportion of the overall fish population around
for those captured at 06:00, which were retained for the the ladder.
biometric and diet analyses). Lacerations on the body and
fins were interpreted as the results of attacks by the piranha Permanence along the ladder
Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766), as this was the The analysis of the samples collected in the ladder
only species present on the ladder that consumes parts of resting tanks revealed that 96% of individuals belonged to
its prey. The percentage of injured fish was calculated for three trophic groups: insectivores (43.6%), piscivores
each tank. To determine the species that suffered the most (34.3%), and omnivores (17.9%). Three of the captured
injuries on the ladder, only those with a total catch of more
than 50 individuals were considered. The correlation
between the monthly percentage of injured fish and the
position of the tank was assessed using the non-parametric
Spearman correlation coefficient and a significance level
of 5%.
Finally, the presence of other predators (including
reptiles, birds, and mammals) in the vicinity of the Lajeado
Dam fish ladder was evaluated in a preliminary and
qualitative manner. The animals were recorded,
photographed, and identified.
Table 1. Piscivorous species that account for 90% of the total fish from this trophic group caught along the Lajeado Dam fish
ladder (entrance and exit), and in the areas adjacent to the dam (downstream, forebay, transition stretch of the reservoir, and
upstream). The total number of piscivorous fish species in the different locations is also shown (S). The bold typeface denotes
species with a maximum standard length of less than 40 cm.
Location Species (%)
Rhaphiodon vulpinus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 (33.9); Pseudotylosurus microps (Günther, 1866)
(13); Agoniates halecinus Müller & Troschel,1845 (10.7); Serrasalmus rhombeus (9.1);
Downstream Hydrolycus armatus (7.8); Zungaro zungaro (Humboldt, 1821) (5.7); Plagioscion
(S = 27) squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (4); Boulengerella cuvieri (2.1); Pinirampus pirinampu (Spix &
Agassiz, 1829) (1.9); Sorubim lima (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (1.6)
Sorubim lima (39.1); H. armatus (22.3); Serrasalmus rhombeus (14.1); P. microps (7.7); B.
cuvierii (6.7)
(S = 11)
S. rhombeus (51.9); Cichla sp. A (16.2); B. cuvieri (12.6); Leporinus gr. friderici (Bloch, 1794)
(S = 7)
L. batesii (21.1); R. vulpinus (21.1); S. rhombeus (19.9); P. squamosissimus (7.2); Ageneiosus
Forebay brevis (6.1); Acestrorhynchus microlepis (5.2); H. armatus (4.9); Cichla sp. A (4.3); B. cuvierii
(S = 27) (2.8)
L. batesii (31.5); R. vulpinus (12.9); H. armatus (10.8); S. rhombeus (9); B. cuvierii (5.7);
Res. (transition) Agoniates halecinus (4.8); P. pirinampus (3.7); A. brevis (2.9); Cynodon gibbus (Agassiz, 1829)
(S = 33) (1,5)
B. cuvierii (27); P. squamosissimus (17.5); L. batesii (9); R. vulpinus (8.2); H. armatus (7.8); P.
nattereri (6.7); Serrasalmus. rhombeus (5.9); Serrasalmus eigenmanni Norman, 1929 (4.0); A.
(S = 31)
brevis (2.7); P. microps (2.2)
species were of particular relevance: R. vulpinus (29.4% of bites to the body and fins. A total of 64 species were found
the total catch), H. armatus (1.5%) and S. rhombeus (0.7%). along the ladder, of which 23 exhibited injuries. The species
The displacement patterns along the ladder revealed by that were most frequently encountered with injuries were R.
the mark-recapture locations demonstrated evident transit vulpinus (151 individuals), followed by Pseudoplatystoma
time differences between the recaptured species. In the punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) (23) and H. armatus (12).
studied ladder, we tagged and released 1917 individuals. The percentage of injured fish in the resting tanks
Out of this total, 29 individuals were recaptured and 10 increased from 0.9% in tank 1 to 4% in tank 5 (Fig. 3a). There
individuals remained in there for more than 15 days. was a significant correlation between the tank position and
However, 41% of the 29 recaptured fish were found on the the percentage of injured fish (N = 60, Spearman rs = 0.39, t (N-
ladder at different times on the same day, with two thirds of 2) = 3.21, p = 0.0021), but this pattern was strongly influenced
them being found in the lower resting tanks. Among those by the capture and injuries faced by R. vulpinus (Fig. 3a). The
fish that stayed longer, the transit times ranged from 15 to abundance of this species was uniformly high along the tanks
90 days, with distances travelled ranging between 139 and (except for the last tank, where many individuals accumulated)
456 m (Table 2). Among the typical large piscivorous species, (Fig. 3b). Percentage of injured fish increased along the tanks,
only H. armatus (with fish on the ladder reaching a standard with an accumulation of mutilated fish in the last tank. The
length greater than 75 cm) had individuals that remained for piranha S. rhombeus was present in all of the tanks (Fig. 3c).
more than 15 days in this environment. However, the typically This species was also one of the most abundant species
herbivorous (Myleus cf. torquatus (Kner, 1858)) or captured at the ladder entrance and exit (Table 1).
omnivorous (Oxydoras niger (Valenciennes, 1821) and Among the species with a total capture of > 50 individuals,
Pimelodus blochii Valenciennes, 1840) species in the the most frequently injured species were P. punctifer (18.5%
reservoir significantly increased their fish consumption of the captured individuals), H. armatus (7.2%) and R. vulpinus
along the ladder (Table 2). These species were found in at (4.8%) (Table 3); up to 33% of P. punctifer individuals in the
least 75% of the samples collected in the resting tanks first tank and 14% of H. armatus individuals in the last tank
throughout the year. Hydrolycus armatus and O. niger were had injuries. However, the majority of species exhibited
also captured throughout the year. relatively low (< 2% of captures) injury frequencies.
Table 2. Capture and mark-recapture data for the Lajeado Dam fish ladder, showing the species with longer release-recapture
times, including the time, distance between tanks and proportion of fish in the diets of individuals from the ladder (LAD) and
reservoir (RES). Oc = number of months occurrence in the ladder between November 2002 to October 2003, (n) = number of
stomachs analysed, Arrows indicate displacements and direction.
Resting tank Duration Distance % Fish in diet
Species Oc
1 2 3 4 5 (days) (m) LAD RES
30 154.50
45 316.85
30 316.85 100% 100%
Hydrolycus armatus 12
15 154.50 n = 51 n = 180
30 192.15
45 316.85
30 293.43
30 293.43
30 138.93 19% 3%
Myleus torquatus 9
15 162.35 n = 18 n = 61
90 293.43
12 162.35
15 138.93
10% 1%
Oxydoras niger 12 15 138.93
n = 47 n = 132
15 192.15
49% 33%
Pimelodus blochii 9 15 455.78
n = 31 n = 94
a number of species were recorded around the Lajeado ladder: to sections locate far upstream. By contrast, high
the cetaceous Amazon river dolphin Inia geoffrensis proportions of piscivorous fish were found in reservoir
(Blainville, 1817); and birds, such as cocoi herons Ardea cocoi areas, confirming the patterns previously reported
Linnaeus, 1766, the great egret Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758 (Petersen, 1994; Koed et al., 2002; Agostinho et al., 2007a).
and the Neotropical cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus Studies conducted after the formation of Peixe Angical
(Gmelin, 1789). These predators were observed near the ladder Reservoir found a six-fold increase in the abundance of
entrance (Fig. 4). Reptiles, such as the South American river piscivorous fish relative to the previous period (Monteiro
turtle Podocnemis expansa Schweigger, 1812 and the yellow- et al., 2009). The large population of piscivorous fish above
spotted river turtle Podocnemis unifilis (Troschel, 1848) were the dam suggested a higher predation pressure than in the
also observed, but the importance of fish in their diets is downstream areas, especially as some larger-bodied species
unknown. were also more abundant upstream (R. vulpinus and S.
rhombeus). Thus, despite the low abundance of
Discussion piscivorous fish at the ladder exit, ascending fish are likely
to encounter many predators in the reservoir. We highlight,
The results of this study demonstrate that the dam however, that ascending fish encounter a vast area for
structures that aid fish ascension to the upstream reservoir dispersion upon entering the reservoir, which (along with
(i.e., fish ladders) have the potential to intensify predation on the increased participation of smaller predators) may
the passing fish. In fact, ascending the fish ladder resulted in attenuate the effects of strong piscivory.
the exposure of shoals to a variety of predators, including Our results suggest that there is intense predation along
representatives of all vertebrate classes other than and close to the fish ladder. Large populations of piscivorous
amphibians. The fish were especially vulnerable to predators species were recorded near the ladder entrance, a confined
as a result of being confined in a narrow water channel, environment of limited dimensions compared to the river
potentially turning an otherwise safe passage into an channel. It is noteworthy that 90% of the predatory fish
ecological trap. Therefore, building fish passages with the recorded in this area were large species (standard length > 40
secondary purpose of reducing the accumulation of fish and cm) that can consume entire prey and thus generate high
predation pressure in the sections immediately below dams predation pressure on the ascending shoals. To attract and
can produce the opposite effect (by enhancing piscivory). guide the fish to the ladder, fish ladders are designed so that
Fish passages, in this case, may become a hotspot for the flow of water at the entrance is competitive with the local
predation (McLaughlin et al., in press). river currents (Clay, 1995), which increases the fish density
Although the fish density is generally high in the first compared to adjacent areas. In the case of the Lajeado fish
few kilometres downstream of dams (Pompeu & Martinez, ladder, this shoal concentration occurs in an environment
2006; Agostinho et al., 2007c; Pelicice et al., 2009), the with large predator populations, possibly exposing the
proportion of piscivores above Lajeado Dam was similar ascending fish to increased risk of mortality.
A. A. Agostinho, C. S. Agostinho, F. M. Pelicice & E. E. Marques 693
The high prey density along the Lajeado fish ladder Table 3. Fish species with the greatest frequencies of injuries
and the expected state of exhaustion from overcoming the (bites) in the resting tanks along the Lajeado fish ladder (> 1%
flow was one of the possibilities suggested by Agostinho of individuals injured). The table shows the total number of
et al. (2007c) to explain the abundance and permanence individuals caught (N), the average percentage of injured fish
along the ladder of some migratory and large piscivorous along the ladder (%), and the percentage of injured fish in each
resting tank (Resting Tanks in order from down to upstream).
Resting Tanks
Species N %
1 2 3 4 5
Pseudoplatystoma punctifer 124 18.5 33.3 0.0 14.3 26.3 9.5
Hydrolycus armatus 166 7.2 12.9 7.4 3.1 2.1 13.8
Rhaphiodon vulpinus 3153 4.8 0.0 3.4 7.0 6.3 5.0
Myleus torquatus 146 2.1 0.0 12.5 2.4 1.5 0.0
Myleus setiger 164 1.8 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 3.2
Prochilodus nigricans 261 1.9 0.0 0.0 1.2 5.7 1.7
Plagioscion squamosissimus 67 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0
Serrasalmus rhombeus 69 1.4 0.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Triportheus trifurcatus 373 1.3 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.1 9.1
Fig. 4. Dominant predator species along the fish ladder at the Lajeado Dam, Tocantins River.
catch turtles using fish baits. Additive and/or emergent phenomenon to preventing efficient fish passages. As the
effects are expected in such situations (Griffen, 2006; present study involved only qualitative records of other
Steinmetz et al., 2008), especially given the apparent predators, there is an urgent need for further research that
concentration of different predator groups with diverse quantifies predator diversity and predation dynamics
predation strategies and behaviours. In the case of additive (including additive and emergent effects).
effects, the risk of fish being consumed increases with The probable restrictions and mortality caused by the
complementary predatory activity, as the fish are exposed predators along the fish ladder resembled those described
to different types of predators (e.g., opportunistic, for certain terrestrial corridors linking forest fragments
ambushing, and chasing predators). In addition, emergent (Gilliam & Fraser, 2001; Weldon, 2006). Like terrestrial
impacts are unpredictable and arise from interactions among biodiversity corridors, fish ladders are conservation
different predatory strategies. In such cases, joint predatory strategies that aim to ensure free movement of individuals
activity can increase catches through facilitation between between fragmented habitats, thus ensuring demographic
predators. For example, predators that pursue prey, such as phenomena and gene flow between the fragments (Weldon,
dolphins and piranhas, can increase the exposure of prey 2006). As is the case for narrow and poorly-maintained
species to waiting and opportunistic predators, such as some corridors, however, the threat of predators in fish ladders
cichlids and large catfish. The clustering of different types cannot be ignored. When travelling to upstream habitats,
of predators in the vicinity of the ladder should therefore be fish are exposed to a wide range of predators near the ladder
an important factor that determines the piscivory levels in (river dolphins, birds, and probably turtles) or in the tanks
these locations. The synergistic impacts caused by multiple (large piscivorous fish) - areas that should provide safe
predators have been suggested as dispersal barriers to the passage. The prey species encounter new predators at the
small North American cyprinid (Rhinichthys osculus) end of the ladder, when they are likely to be exhausted by
(Harvey et al., 2004), demonstrating the relevance of this the effort expended during their ascension and often
A. A. Agostinho, C. S. Agostinho, F. M. Pelicice & E. E. Marques 695
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Pereira for drawing the figures. AAA received a CNPq Harvey, B. C., J. L. White & R. J. Nakamoto. 2004. An emergent
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696 Fish ladders: safe fish passage or hotspot for predation?