The Perspective of Power in Three Dimensions
The Perspective of Power in Three Dimensions
The Perspective of Power in Three Dimensions
Power in its four dimensions refers to the The authority of the bureaucracy
complex web of power networks that is the
A tendency rooted in one's psyche to resort to
basis for society's internal organization.
aggressive or threatening behavior
The Iconic Figures and Locations of Power
A capacity for lowering levels of uncertainty
Peter Fleming and André Spicer established a
Ownership of useful assets and materials
framework with the intention of organizing the
large amount of academic study that has been
done on power. Faces of power and locations of
power are the two categories that are included The use of power to influence the subjects that
in their approach. people talk about and to define the problems
that people talk about within desired
parameters is an example of manipulation. The
ability to manipulate originates from a variety
The Many Sides of Power
of places, including the following:
The many ways in which individuals are exposed
The skill of subverting established norms of
to power are referred to as "the faces of
power." When you learn more about these
faces, you will see that there are parallels Being able to specify the results that individuals
between them and the many aspects of power anticipate achieving
Mobilizing prejudice inside an organization, There is a possibility that the organizational
either in favor of or against specific subjects, culture at the hospital places a high importance
with the goal of exerting influence on the on patient care. It is possible that it will seek
decision-making process of its members this value since this is what society expects
hospitals to do; more specifically, the goal of
The direct use of power to acquire the
saving lives is a valid endeavor. All of the
obedience of others is an example of episodic
employees at the hospital subscribe to those
power. Systematic power, on the other hand,
core beliefs. When a patient then goes to visit a
examines the web of power that is responsible
doctor, the doctor automatically thinks that the
for the organizational structures that exist
patient wishes to extend their lifespan. They
inside our society. Dominance and
then make the decision to carry out the
subjectification are both components of it.
procedures necessary to preserve the life of
that patient.