Wa-11-Ex-9-Resonance Tube
Wa-11-Ex-9-Resonance Tube
Wa-11-Ex-9-Resonance Tube
Aim: To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube by two
resonance positions.
Apparatus: Resonance tube, two timing forks of known frequencies 512 Hz and 480 Hz, a
rubber pad, one thermometer, plumb line, set squares, water in a beaker.
Consider the length of two air columns for first and second resonance as l1 and l2. Let the
frequency of the tuning fork be f. Then, the formula is
The inner tube of the resonance column is lowered to minimum so that the length of the air
column inside the tube is very small.
Take a tuning fork of known frequency and strike it with a rubber hammer. The tuning fork now
produces longitudinal waves with a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the tuning fork.
Place the vibrating tuning fork horizontally above the tube. Sound waves are passes down to
the tube and reflect back at the water surface.
Now, raise the tube and the tuning fork until a maximum sound is heard.
Measure the length of the air column at that position. This is taken as the first resonant length, l1.
Then raise the tube approximately three times the first resonant length.
Excite the tuning fork again and place it on the mouth of the tube.
Change the height of the tube until the maximum sound is heard.
Measure the length of the air column at that position. This is taken as the second resonant
length, l2
We can now calculate the velocity of sound in air at room temperature by using the relation,
Observation Table:
No of Frequ First resonating Second resonating Velocity
Obse ency length, l1 in cm length, l2 in cm
rvatio of m/s
ns tuning 1 2 Mea 1 2 Mean
fork in n
Room temperature, t=250C
Velocity of sound in air at room temperature, v =347.36 m/s
Resonance tube should be vertical.
Pinch cock should be tight.
Tuning fork should be vibrated gently by a rubber pad.
Prongs should be vibrated in a vertical plane above the mouth (end) of the metallic tube.
Sources of error
Resonance tube may not be vertical.
Pinch cock may be loose.
Air in the air column is denser than open air outside. This may reduce velocity.
Air in the air column has humidity. This may increase velocity.