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DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
Original paper
Ben Wisner 2
Abstract Integrated disaster risk management (IDRiM) is a lofty and ambitious goal. It would bridge
scales from the global to the local, involving a wide range of actors or stakeholders. It would draw on
local as well as outside specialist knowledge, and this external knowledge would come from a wide array
of professional and scientific fields from economics and the social sciences to the earth and biological
science and engineering, public administration and communication. Above all the word ‘integration’
implies that established distinctions are bridged, such as between planning for development and planning
for disaster risk management. This paper argues that over the past ten years some progress has been made
in laying out the road map, but that we are not there yet. In fact, the journey has only begun. There have
been key events that have motivated people to seek IDRiM such as the Indian Ocean tsunami and Haitian
earthquake and their aftermaths. New institutions have been created that have the potential to move us
toward IDRiM such as UN-ISDR. Finally, a series of concepts have emerged from many reports,
evaluations, and research. These ideas are discussed, and the challenge for the next 5-10 years mapped
Key words Integrated disaster risk management
This essay discusses the evolution and future of integrated disaster risk management (IDRiM) from the
point of view of key events, concepts and challenges. First, however, it’s necessary to consider the
meaning of the word ‘integrated’.
1 The author thanks his co-editors of the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Natural Hazards and Disaster
Risk Management and Reduction, Ilan Kelman and JC Gaillard, for their constant stimulation over many
months and gratefully acknowledges their role in shaping the ideas in this essay, especially the section on
2 Aon-Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, University College London, UK & Environmental Studies Program,
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
‘Integration’ and the adjective ‘integrated’ are very common in disaster management literature. The
UN-ISDR’s Hyogo Framework of Action exhorts countries to ‘integrate disaster risk reduction (DRR)
into plans and policies for sustainable development and poverty reduction’ (UNISDR 2005). The UN’s
Food and Agriculture Organization states that ‘the integration of DRR into sustainable development and
sectoral policies and planning is recognized as priority number one by the international community (FAO
There are several problems here. Firstly, one needs to define ‘sustainable development’ – itself a very
murky subject and a task I shall not undertake here. Secondly, the sense of ‘integrate’ in such statements
usually boils down in practice to mean ‘add’. A planning and policy apparatus exists already with its
methods, mandates, timelines and resources (human, cybernetic and financial). So the task is to ‘add’
DRR into this pre-existing and on-going activity. But that apparatus is stronger, has credibility with an
existing audience or group of consumers (ministers, members of parliament, business leaders, donors,
etc.) and DRR does not. It is the weaker of the two, and it would appear to be clamouring for attention
among many other ‘issues’ such as HIV-AIDS, gender equality, indigenous rights, etc. It is also vying for
attention alongside its very large and powerful (well-funded and highly credible) cousin, climate change
adaptation. The third problem is that such statements do not question whether ‘sustainable human
development’ is itself internally integrated or, in fact, if DRR itself enjoys integration among its part
processes (e.g. awareness, training, legislation, risk assessment, monitoring, warning, etc.).
In short, there are two issues of integration here. Logically prior is the question of DRR’s own status.
Is it integrated internally? Secondarily, then, one can ask about its inclusion as a function, goal or pillar
of sustainable human development.
There are many formal and even more working definitions of ‘integration’; however, the most
interesting and promising ones go deeper than simply ‘adding’ disaster prevention to existing
programmatic activities. That richer notion of ‘integration’ involves doing existing activities differently,
in a risk aware manner.
For example, the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery entitled its 2009
annual report Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Poverty Reduction and gave numerous examples
of how sectors such as water, agriculture and housing have been made risk-sensitive in a number of
countries (GFDRR 2009).
Getting beyond the bureaucratic constraints and divisions of labour among agencies, an intellectual
grounding for ‘integration’ can be sought in the nature of the diverse phenomena that make up a
contingent world where risk occurs. The International Council for Science finds a rationale for integrated
research into disaster risk in the mutual causation that links social and natural systems. It therefore sets
out a framework within which numerous natural science and social science disciplines should bring their
methods and concepts in order to understand such complexity. The work they recommend should involve
not only multiple disciplines but multiple scales (ICSU 2008).
The ICSU science plan defines key questions, and these in turn suggest the diversity of disciplines
required to answer them:
• What are the places at risk, the people most at risk, the level of risk; and how does risk change
over time? (p. 19)
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
This is an impressive list. However, research and knowledge are one thing, application to the real
world and implementation are another. A higher order ‘integration’ is required to see, in the words of the
Society for IDRiM (2010), ‘implementation of success[ful] models for efficient and equitable disaster risk
management options’.
Shi et al. (2007) provide a functional definition of ‘integration’ with the example of China’s multi-
level, multi-hazard risk management system based on the principle of giving ‘priority to disaster
prevention and combin[ing] prevention with disaster resistance and relief’ (p. 9).
The deepest level or meaning on ‘integration’ seeks out the causal chain or cascade begins with root
causes that may be distant in historical time and global in spatial scale and studies how they are
transmitted through dynamic pressures such as weak government, unplanned urbanization, etc.so that they
shape particular unsafe conditions (Wisner et al. 2004).
Why IDRiM?
One reason why disaster risk management needs to be integrated is that risk itself has become
integrated in the sense of ‘systemic’ in the modern world. Ikeda et al. (2005) refer to ‘systemic risk in a
modern post-industrial society where a single physical disaster can trigger secondary and tertiary effects
on other social systems or organizations’.(see also Beck 1991; 1999;` Perrow 2008). Another reason is
that reduction, as opposed to mere management, of risk implies digging into its root causes and making
the changes in economic and political systems, policies and practices that continue to reproduce these root
causes (Wisner et al. 2004; see also www.radixonline.org ). Otherwise even the best recovery work and
DRR/DRM only reproduces the status quo ante following a disaster, and people are left as vulnerable as
they were to the next extreme natural event (Susman et al. 1984).
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
A number of key events have driven mounting interest in IDRiM during the ten years during which
these various aspects of ‘integration’ attracted increasing attention. In a variety of ways each of these
showed failures in planning and governance before the events and insufficient learning from these
disasters. Of course, what the UNISDR calls ‘extensive risk’ – the accumulated, erosive influence of
many small hazards impacts on the livelihoods of the poor – has a great effect on vulnerability to disaster
and capacity to cope (UNISDR 2009). In addition, there are numerous crises that affect livelihoods and
well being of people without ever being officially recognised as ‘disasters’ (Wisner and Gaillard 2009).
Nevertheless, a number of large scale disasters have had a major effect politically and added momentus to
thinking and programming in an more integrated fashion. The following are a few of these key events.
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
surrounding towns, and there was massive structural damage. The difference lies in the strength of Chile’s
economy, relatively good governance, a strong and enforced building code and high level of education
including many qualified engineering and scientists who engage with authorities and the private sector as
sources of knowledge and advice. All of that was missing in Haiti. In addition, recovery has been
complicated by weak government capacity, poor integration of civil society efforts into national recovery
plans and controversy over election results.
Global cooperation for disaster risk reduction has advanced during the past decade. 2000 witnessed
the creation of the UN Secretariat for International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) as the
follow up to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (UN-IDNDR) which ran from 1990-
1999. At the first-ever World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Japan, in 2005, 168
countries signed the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA). This framework is supposed to guide the world
toward a ‘significant reduction of disaster deaths’ (UNISDR 2005) by 2015. At this writing a formal
mid-term review of the HFA is underway, and progress of its implementation was studied and reported in
2009 (UNISDR 2009; GNDR 2009).
Reform and restructuring of the world’s humanitarian architecture has also taken place. A new
divisions of labour and new modes of cooperation among the many UN agencies, INGOs and donors have
been established under the so-called ‘cluster approach’ to humanitarian assistance. New institutions for
monitoring and evaluation have also emerged such as the Active Learning Network for Accountability
and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP http://www.alnap.org/). Scores of new research and
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
learning platforms have also been developed, and the Society for IDRiM is the most recent of these
(http://idrim.org/ ).
In the past decade many governments have passed laws that set up institutions at national level that at
least on paper go beyond conventional ‘civil protection’ and ‘emergency management’ and attempt to
reduce risk. The World Bank’s Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery list 19 countries where
‘disaster risk reduction is an integral part of the national development strategy’ (GFDRR 2009: 7). The
UNISDR’s Global Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction 2009 lists others (UNISDR 2009).
However, despite increasing discussion of integration and mainstreaming in all these forums and new
institutions, there is still very slow implementation of these ideas in the daily practice of government.
Certain key concepts need to be further internalized into policy, programming and practice. Among these
key concepts are the following.
Life is complex. The world is complex. Complexity should not be feared but grasped. The fact
that complexity can and should be understood must be communicated to policy makers and
practitioners, and tools provided to help them work within that larger and more uncertain context.
Much human action takes place in the face of uncertainty, and consequences of action are not
always foreknown or immediately evident. The challenge here is that hierarchical institutions of
governance work on the basis of rules and routines. Complexity and uncertainty are foreign to this
method of work.
Webs of Relations
One approach to complexity is a systems analytical one. Inspecting the phenomenon of disaster
risk and the human project of risk management and reduction, key sub-systems are apparent. Key
sub-systems involve people—and hence history, politics, culture, psychology, technology and the
built environment, economics, and social relations—as well as the interaction of people with the
world around them, including nature and the hazards that emerge from these interactions. Much
research and policy is focused too narrowly on hazards and not on the web of relations and cascade
of consequences that characterize the interactions among these sub-systems. Most of all, political
and economic power and differential access to the means of production and means of protection are
often ignored. Also frequently ignored are violence and treat of violence (means of destruction) as
they structure vulnerability to hazard through marginalization and displacement (Wisner 2009).
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DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
disaster vulnerable people using participatory action research methods as well as the technology
available to Western science (Okada and Takeuchi 2006).
3REDD, or Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, is an international program that,
when implemented fully at national level, would pay land users to preserve forest cover and to reforest
degraded land (see http://unfccc.int/methods_science/redd/items/4531.php ).
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
where policy and practice could affect risk. These are suggested in Figure 1.
There are persistent patterns evident over the past ten years that continue to obstruct the path toward
IDRiM while, ironically, making it all the more important in order to deal with these challenges in a
timely and systematic manner.
If it is true, as I asserted above, that development, DRR and CCA are linked, is one to suppose that
risk governance in these troubled territories is any more advanced than progress toward meeting the
MDGs? In other countries, the non-fragile, corruption remains an enormous challenge to building trust
with communities and effective DRR (Transparency International 2005).
IDRiM (2011) 1(1) ISSN: 2185-8322
DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
Unplanned Urbanization
Half of humanity lives in one kind of town, city or urban region or another. Urban growth
continues, by natural increase and immigration of rural people, especially in the middle sized
cities of the global South. Here there is very little planning of peripheral (‘urban or ‘peri-urban’)
settlement and little infrastructure such as drainage and sanitation provided. Many of these areas
are exposed to health hazards, floods, storms, liquefaction and landslides, among other hazards
(Pelling and Wisner 2009).
Hurricane Post war recovery Long history in Isolated rural Civil society Deforestation of
Mitch on going three region of villages affected demands voice in steep slopes for
1998 countries affected marginalization recovery planning farming
of small farmer
Mozambique Post war recovery Watershed Traditional flood- Poor land
Floods on going when communication retreat agriculture management
2000 floods occurred problems upstream in large
rivers such as
Save & Zambezi
Indian Civil war in two Caste Deficient or Minority cultural Mangrove &
Ocean affected regions differences on absent warning groups retained coastal
tsunami Indian coast systems traditional management
2004 knowledge of
warning signs
Hurricane Land and water Strong race & Poor national/ Self-help groups Coastal wetland
Katrina management pre- class divisions state/ local and ‘green’ destruction
2005 Katrina involved with long coordination in initiatives in
many actors from history response & rehousing
contractors to recovery
Army Corps of
Engineers to oil
Haiti Post- hurricane Land tenure Very limited Civil society Deforestation &
earthquake recovery on-going complicates government excluded from soil erosion had
2010 & civil disorder resettlement capacity in recovery planning pushed many
when earthquake efforts informal farmers into Port
struck settlements & au Prince
small towns
Pakistan Violent conflict in Large farmers Poor Basin wide Deforestation in
floods some affected use dykes & international planning requires Indus watershed
2010 parts of Indus drainage to coordination in dialogue with many
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DOI 10.5595/idrim.2011.0015
Globalization of Risk
The volcanic eruption in Iceland that shut down air traffic over much of Europe was a dramatic
reminder of how globalization has produced new dependencies and the need for more coordination and
preparedness. Another reminder was the pandemic disease crises caused by SARS, avian flu and H1N1.
Climate change is yet a third alert concerning the global nature of risk, and hence the necessity for
coordinated, cooperative measures to address it. Climate instability signals are very clear and have
implications for future natural hazards including heat and cold waves, unusual monsoon rainfall, drought,
very intense coastal storms, landslides, floods, and wildfires (IPCC 2011).
A number of dramatic disasters and a variety of institutional responses to them have accelerated the
intellectual development IDRiM as a concept and academic project. However, thought has rushed ahead,
well beyond the scope of action except in the form of pilot projects. The confluence of the challenges
listed above, on top of residual risk built up over decades (and in some cases centuries) of distorted
development, makes it all the more urgent that IDRiM move from the seminar room into government
offices, corporate board rooms and the editorial meetings within the mainstream media.
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