Asme Aed-1-2023
Asme Aed-1-2023
Asme Aed-1-2023
Product Definition
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. The
standards committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from competent and
concerned interests had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public
review and comment, which provided an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies,
and the public-at-large.
ASME does not "approve," "certify," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME does not
take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this
document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable
letters patent, nor does ASME assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of
the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.
Participation by federal agency representatives or persons affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or
industry endorsement of this code or standard.
ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME
procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.
The endnotes and preamble in this document (if any) are part of this American National Standard.
"ASME" and the above ASME symbol are registered trademarks of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Copyright © 2023 by
All rights reserved
1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 Engineering Drawing Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 Industry-Specific Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1-1 Form and Proportions of Symbols ........................................... 3
3-1 Corner ............................................................... 5
3-2 Edge ................................................................. 5
4·1 Pilot Hole Location Specification ............................................. 6
4-2 Optional Coverage ....................................................... 7
5-1 Orientation and Direction of Dimensional Requirements ........................... 12
5-2 Single Dimension Line or Double-Arrowhead Methods ............................. 13
5-3 Views With True Dimensions ............................................... 14
5-4 Views With All Dimensions True ............................................ 15
5-5 Center-Located Radius .................................................... 16
5-6 Tangent-Located Radius ................................................... 17
5-7 Controlled Radius ....................................................... 18
5-8 External Radius - Permissible Termination .................................... 19
5-9 Internal Radius - Permissible Termination .................................... 20
5-10 Parabola Tangency ...................................................... 21
5-11 Parabolic Fillet - Example Specification ....................................... 22
5-12 Elliptical Fillet - Example Specification ....................................... 23
5-13 Blind Hole ............................................................. 24
5-14 Blind Hole With a Through Hole ............................................. 25
5-15 113-deg Drill Point Callout Example .......................................... 26
5-16 Edge Break Examples .................................................... 27
5-17 Near-Side Projected Tolerance Zone .......................................... 28
5-18 Far-Side Projected Tolerance Zone ........................................... 29
5-19 Both-Side Projected Tolerance Zone .......................................... 30
5-20 Both-Side Projected Tolerance Zone With Different Projected Lengths .................. 31
5-21 One-Side Projected Tolerance Zone Including Feature Length ........................ 32
5-22 Individual Symbol ....................................................... 33
5-23 Existing Feature Adjustment Tolerancing Example ................................ 34
5-24 Reference Method ....................................................... 36
5-25 Applicable Condition Method ............................................... 37
5-26 Aggregate Datum With Inherent Motion in the Assembly .......................... . 38
6-1 Arrangement of Aircraft Views .............................................. 39
6-2 Identification of Geometry Reference Planes .................................... 40
6-3 Application of the Symbol Method .......................................... . 40
ASME AED-1-2023 is a revision of ASME AED-1-2018, Aerospace and Advanced Engineering Drawings. The objectives
for this edition are to correct errors or inconsistencies, resolve deferred comments made during the review of the
previous edition's draft, and introduce new concepts submitted by members of the ASME Aerospace and Advanced
Engineering Product Definition (AED) Standards Committee.
It remains the intention of this Standard to be a supplement to the ASME Y14 series of standards for engineering
product definition and not a replacement. To better support that aim, this Standard has been reorganized to group
concepts based on the ASME Y14 standard where that concept is most likely to reside if adopted. The new section
4, Engineering Drawing Practices, covers similar concepts as ASME Y14.100. The new section 5, Dimensions and Tol
erancing Practices, covers similar concepts as ASME Y14.5. ASME AED-1 will continue to add sections as it adopts
additional concepts similar to those covered in other ASME Y14 standards.
In addition to regrouping existing concepts, ASME AED-1-2023 includes the following changes:
-Direction indicators for projected tolerance zones have been added.
-A symbol has replaced the "INDIVIDUALLY" notation for repetitive datum features.
-Existing concepts, such as the pilot hole location symbol, have been clarified or refined.
The ASME AED Committee collaborates with the ASME Y14 Standards Committee and its various subcommittees with
the goal of migrating concepts to the appropriate ASME Y14 standards. For example, ASME Y14.5-2018 adopted the AED
concept of dynamic profile. Other Yl 4 subcommittees are considering adopting ASME AED-1 concepts as well. When such
adoptions occur, the AED Committee will move the affected information to an appendix within ASME AED-1. In this
manner, control and ownership of the subject matter will be placed with the proper Y14 subcommittee, but the history
and usage will remain visible within ASME AED-1. However, the AED Committee has maintained in ASME AED-1-2023 a
paragraph on dynamic profile rather than moving the information to an appendix. The paragraph directs the user to ASME
Y14.5-2018 for rules and methodology. Organizations that have not yet adopted ASME Y14.5-2018 can therefore access
the dynamic profile control by adopting ASME AED-1-2023.
This Standard is available for public review on a continuing basis. Public review provides an opportunity for additional
input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME AED-1-2023 was approved by the AED Standards Committee. It was approved as an American National Standard
by the American National Standards Institute on August 18, 2023.
Aerospace and Advanced Engineering Product Definition
(The following is the roster of the committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)
General. ASME codes and standards are developed and maintained by committees with the intent to represent the
consensus of concerned interests. Users of ASME codes and standards may correspond with the committees to propose
revisions or cases, report errata, or request interpretations. Correspondence for this Standard should be sent to the staff
secretary noted on the committee's web page, accessible at AED
Revisions and Errata. The committee processes revisions to this Standard on a continuous basis to incorporate
changes that appear necessary or desirable as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Stan
dard. Approved revisions will be published in the next edition of the Standard.
In addition, the committee may post errata on the committee web page. Errata become effective on the date posted.
Users can register on the committee web page to receive e-mail notifications of posted errata.
This Standard is always open for comment, and the committee welcomes proposals for revisions. Such proposals
should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the
reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent background information and supporting documentation.
(a) The most common applications for cases are
(1) to permit early implementation of a revision based on an urgent need
(2) to provide alternative requirements
(3) to allow users to gain experience with alternative or potential additional requirements prior to incorporation
directly into the Standard
(4) to permit the use of a new material or process
{b) Users are cautioned that not all jurisdictions or owners automatically accept cases. Cases are not to be considered
as approving, recommending, certifying, or endorsing any proprietary or specific design, or as limiting in any way the
freedom of manufacturers, constructors, or owners to choose any method of design or any form of construction that
conforms to the Standard.
(c) A proposed case shall be written as a question and reply in the same format as existing cases. The proposal shall also
include the following information:
(1) a statement of need and background information
(2) the urgency of the case (e.g., the case concerns a project that is underway or imminent)
(3) the Standard and the paragraph, figure, or table number(s)
(4) the edition(s) of the Standard to which the proposed case applies
(d) A case is effective for use when the public review process has been completed and it is approved by the cognizant
supervisory board. Approved cases are posted on the committee web page.
Interpretations. The committee does not issue interpretations for this Standard.
Committee Meetings. The AED Standards Committee regularly holds meetings that are open to the public. Persons
wishing to attend any meeting should contact the secretary of the committee. Information on future committee meetings
can be found on the committee web page at AED
ASME AED·l-2023
1.1 Scope
This Standard provides a method to document requirements that are common across aerospace and other industries
that use advanced manufacturing technologies. This Standard offers symbologies, terminologies, and concepts to enhance
the understanding and abilities of those who create and use design documentation.
1.2 Conventions
The conventions in paras. 1.2.1 through 1.2.10 are used in this Standard. With the exception of the system of units
described in para. 1.2.7, these conventions are similar to the conventions used in the ASME Y14 standards.
1.2.1 Mandatory, Nonmandatory, Guidance, and Optional Words
(a) The word "shall" establishes a mandatory requirement.
(b) The word "will" establishes a declaration of purpose on the part of the design activity.
(c) The word "should" establishes a recommended practice.
(d) The word "may" establishes an allowed practice.
(e) The words "typical," "example," "for reference," and the Latin abbreviation "e.g:' indicate suggestions given for
guidance only.
(!) The word "or" used in conjunction with a requirement or a recommended practice indicates that there are two or
more options for complying with the stated requirement or practice.
(g) The phrase "unless otherwise specified" or the abbreviation "UOS" shall be used to indicate a default requirement.
The phrase is used when the default is a generally applied requirement and an exception may be provided by another
document or requirement.
1.2.2 Cross-Reference of Standards. Cross-reference of standards in text with or without a date following the stan·
<lard designator shall be interpreted as follows:
(a) Reference to ASME Y14 standards in the text without a date following the standard designator indicates that the
edition of the standard identified in the References section (section 2) shall be used to meet the requirement.
(bJ Reference to ASME Yl 4 standards in the text with a date following the standard designator indicates that only that
edition of the standard shall be used to meet the requirement.
1.2.3 Invocation of Referenced Standards. The following examples define the invocation of a standard when specified
in section 2 and referenced in the text of this Standard:
(a) When a referenced standard is cited in the text with no limitations to a specific subject or paragraphs of the
standard, the entire standard is invoked. For example, "Dimensioning and tolerancing shall be in accordance with
ASME Y14.S" is invoking the complete standard because the subject of the standard is dimensioning and tolerancing
and no specific subject or paragraphs within the standard are invoked.
(bJ When a referenced standard is cited in the text with limitations to a specific subject or paragraphs of the standard,
only the paragraphs on that subject are invoked. For example, "Assign part or identifying numbers in accordance with
ASME Y14.100" is invoking only the paragraphs on part or identifying numbers because the subject of the standard is
engineering drawing practices, and part or identifying numbers is a specific subject within the standard.
(c) When a referenced standard is cited in the text without an invoking statement such as "in accordance with," the
standard is for guidance only. For example, "For gaging principles, see ASME Yl 4.43" is for guidance only, and no portion of
the standard is invoked.
1.2.4 Definitions. Section 3 provides definitions specific to this Standard. For definitions of words used in but not
defined in this Standard, see Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary at
ASME AED-1-2023
1.2.5 Parentheses Following a Definition. When a definition is followed by a standard referenced in parentheses, the
standard referenced in parentheses is the source for the definition.
1.2.6 Notes. Notes depicted in this Standard in ALL UPPERCASE letters are intended to reflect actual production
definition entries. Notes depicted in initial uppercase or lowercase letters are to be considered supporting data to the
contents of this Standard and are not intended for literal entry on the product definition. A statement requiring the
addition of a note with the qualifier "such as" is a requirement to add a note, and the content of the note is allowed to vary
to suit the application.
1.2.7 Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out the first time used in this Standard,
followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. The acronym or abbreviation is used thereafter throughout the
1.2.8 Units. U.S. Customary units are featured in this Standard. It should be understood that the International System of
Units (SI) could equally have been used without prejudice to the principles established.
1.2.9 Figures. The figures in this Standard are intended only as illustrations to aid the user in understanding the
practices described in the text. In some cases, figures show a level of detail as needed for emphasis. In other cases, figures
are incomplete by intent so as to illustrate a concept or facet thereof. The absence of figures has no bearing on the
applicability of the stated requirements or practice. To comply with the requirements of this Standard, actual data sets
shall meet the content requirements set forth in the text. To assist the user of this Standard, a list of the paragraphs that
refer to an illustration appears in the lower right-hand corner of each figure. This list may not be all-inclusive. The absence
of a paragraph reference is not a reason to assume inapplicability. When the letter "h" is used in figures for letter heights or
for symbol proportions, select the applicable letter height in accordance with ASME Yl4.2.
1.2.10 Precedence of Standards. The following are ASME Yl4 standards that are basic engineering product definition
ASME Y14.l. Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.1M. Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.2. Line Conventions and Lettering. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.3. Orthographic and Pictorial Views. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.S. Dimensioning and Tolerancing. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.24. Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.34. Associated Lists. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.35. Revision of Engineering Drawings and Associated Documents. The American Society of Mechanical
ASME Y14.36. Surface Texture Symbols. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.38. Abbreviations and Acronyms for Use on Drawings and Related Documents. The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.41. Digital Product Definition Data Practices. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.100. Engineering Drawing Practices. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
All other ASME Yl4 standards are considered specialty types of standards and contain additional requirements or
make exceptions to the basic standards as required to support a process or type of drawing.
The following revisions of American National Standards form a part of this Standard to the extent specified herein. A
more recent revision may be used, provided there is no conflict with the text of this Standard. In the event of a conflict
between the text of this Standard and the references cited herein, the text of this Standard shall take precedence.
ASME AED-1-2023
Figure 1-1
Form and Proportions of Symbols
1.5h �-- AG
2.5h �
Modified Blind Hole
! �- _l
-, ----+-I BH xxx I 2h
5.62. 5.9
Reference Plane - Symbol Method Pilot Hole Location
2.5h --t----�
. 2
. 4.1
ASME AED·l-2023
ASME Y14.2-2014. Line Conventions and Lettering. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.5-2009. Dimensioning and Tolerancing. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME Y14.100-2017. Engineering Drawing Practices. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
3.1 Blend
blend: a transition between adjacent surfaces intended to reduce abrupt changes in the topography.
3.3 Corner
corner: the projected intersection of two surfaces, flat or curved, where the angle of included space is less than 180 deg
(see Figure 3-1).
3.5 Edge
edge: the projected intersection of two surfaces, flat or curved, where the angle of included material is Jess than 180 deg
(see Figure 3-2).
3.6 Fillet
fillet: a radius applied to a corner of a part.
3.8 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
AED Aerospace and advanced engineering drawing
ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BL Buttock line
CR Controlled radius (ASME Y14.S-2009)
DOD U.S. Department of Defense
EP Elliptical fillet
FS Fuselage station
LBL Le� buttock line
LMB Least material boundary (ASME ¥14.5-2009)
MMB Maximum material boundary (ASME ¥14.5-2009)
OPTL Optional
PA Parabolic fillet
R Radius (ASME ¥14.5-2009)
RBL Right buttock line
RS Radome station
SI International System of Units
STA Station
uos Unless otherwise specified
WG STA Wing station
WL Waterline
ASME AED-1-2023
Figure 3-1
Corner Corner
Figure 3-2
Edge Edge
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 4-1
Pilot Hole Location Specification
PILOT 10.260
I 4.1
ASME AED-1-2023
Figure 4-2
Optional Coverage
ASME AED·l-2023
5.2 Use of Single Dimension Lines or Double Arrowheads on Space-Restricted or Partial Views
When space is restricted, or when only a partial view is used, features may be dimensioned using one of the methods
depicted in Figure 5-2. When the opposite, unshown surface is unclear, that surface shall be identified in another view and
be considered the dimension origin UOS.
5.4 Radius
Radius tolerance and controlled radius tolerance of ASME Y14.5 are amended as described in paras. 5.4.1 through 5.4.4.
5.4.1 Radius Tolerance. A radius symbol, R, creates a zone defined by two arcs (the minimum and maximum radii).
The part surface shall lie within this zone. Where the center of the radius is located via dimensions, the arcs are
concentric (see Figure 5-5). Where the center of the radius is not located (tangent located), the arcs create a crescent
shaped tolerance zone whose "width" is set by placing both the maximum and the minimum radii tangent to the
adjacent surfaces (see Figure 5-6).
5.4.2 Controlled Radius Tolerance. Where a controlled radius is specified, the part contour within the tolerance zone
shall be a fair curve without reversals. Controlled radii may be toleranced directly or, when specified as basic dimensions,
with a profile (see Figure 5-7). When the radius is directly toleranced, all points on the part contour shall be neither
smaller than the specified minimum limit nor larger than the maximum limit. Where it is necessary to apply further
restrictions to the part radius, those restrictions shall be specified on the drawing or in a document referenced on the
5.4.3 Tangent Radii. The ends of a radius when shown tangent shall blend smoothly and terminate within 5 deg of
tangency (see Figures 5-8 and 5-9). Because the center of the radius is not specified, the crescent zone of a tangent radius is
free to rotate to contain the blended surface, which shall connect both adjacent surfaces (see Figure 5-6). Disruptions in
the surface contour are not permitted. Mismatches where the radius and adjacent surface meet shall not exceed the
effective form tolerance of the applicable adjacent surface.
5.4.4 Radius Tangencies. The surface of a radius near its visual tangency shall conform to the tolerance of the adjacent
feature, the appropriate radius tolerance zone (crescent or concentric arcs), or both. See Figure 5-8 for an external
tangency radius or Figure 5-9 for an internal tangency radius.
ASME AED·l-2023
5.5.1 Parabolic Fillets. The cross section of a parabolic fillet is a parabola instead of a constant arc.
Due to the geometric definition of a parabola, the axis of symmetry for a parabola cannot be perpendicular to either
blending surface when the surfaces meet at a 90-deg angle. Additionally, a parabola cannot be tangent to any surface
parallel to the parabola's axis of symmetry. For these reasons, the axis of symmetry shall be set to an angle other than O deg
from the adjacent surface to the long leg of the parabolic fillet (see Figure 5-10).
A parabolic fillet is expressed using three terms in the following order: length of long leg parallel to the surface adjacent
to the long leg, length of short leg perpendicular to the surface adjacent to the long leg, and angle between the surface
adjacent to the long leg and the parabola's axis of symmetry.
(a) The parabolic fillet angle is between O deg and 90 deg. A parabolic fillet whose axis of symmetry is parallel to the
surface adjacent to the long leg of the fillet has an angle of O deg.
(b) At least one leg of the parabolic fillet shall be dimensioned to clarify the fillet's orientation. When used to relieve
stress concentrations, the long leg of the parabolic fillet should correspond to the direction of the major fatigue load (see
Figure 5-11).
(c) Parabolic fillets shall be specified using the abbreviation "PA" followed by a three-segment representation of the
parabola's proportion and orientation. Each segment of the parabolic fillet symbol shall be separated with a "by" symbol
(an uppercase X preceded and followed by a space; see Figure 5-11), for example
(1) PA 3.00 X1.00 X0° = parabolic fillet, 3.00 on the longer leg and 1.00 on the shorter leg, with the major axis aligned
parallel to the long leg
(2) PA .750 X .200 X 10° = parabolic fillet, .750 on the longer leg and .200 on the shorter leg, with the major axis
rotated 10 deg from the long leg into the included angle of the fillet
5.5.2 Elliptical Fillets. The cross section of an elliptical fillet is an ellipse instead of a constant arc.
Due to their geometric definition, ellipses may be tangent at their major and minor axes when blending two surfaces
that meet at a 90-deg angle. For these reasons, an ellipse may be easier to define than a parabola when blending surfaces
that meet at a 90-deg angle (see Figure 5-12).
An elliptical fillet is expressed using three terms in the following order: length of long leg parallel to the surface adjacent
to the long leg, length of short leg perpendicular to the surface adjacent to the long leg, and angle between the surface
adjacent to the long leg and the ellipse's major axis.
(a) The elliptical fillet angle is between O deg and 90 deg. An elliptical fillet whose major axis is parallel to the surface
adjacent to the long leg of the fillet has an angle of O deg.
(b) At least one leg of the elliptical fillet shall be dimensioned to clarify the fillet's orientation. When used to relieve
stress concentrations, the long leg of the elliptical fillet should correspond to the major fatigue load (see Figure 5-12).
(c) Elliptical fillets shall be specified using the abbreviation "EP" followed by a three-segment representation of the
ellipse's proportion and orientation. Each segment of the elliptical fillet symbol shall be separated with a "by" symbol (an
uppercase X preceded and followed by a space; see Figure 5-12), for example
(1) EP 3.00 X 1.00 X 0° = elliptical fillet, 3.00 on the longer leg and 1.00 on the shorter leg, with the major axis aligned
parallel to the long leg
(2) EP .750 X.200 X10° = elliptical fillet, .750 on the longer leg and .200 on the shorter leg, with the major axis rotated
10 deg from the long leg into the included angle of the fillet
ASME AED·l-2023
5.6.2 Drill Point Defined by Callout. The preferred drill point may be indicated with a modified blind hole symbol as
shown in Figure 1·1. See Figure 5-15 for a 135-deg drill point callout example.
ASME AED·l-2023
(a) Existing Features With Adjustment atAssembly. The component or subassembly containing the feature has freedom
for adjustment during the assembly process to allow the specified feature to comply with the dimensional requirements
after it is assembled as described in para. 5.8.1.
(b) Features Manufactured atAssembly. Where the feature is to be manufactured after the component or subassembly
has been assembled, all feature requirements that shall be met at the assembly level shall be wholly defined on the
assembly drawing as described in para. 5.8.2.
Tolerances applied at the assembly level for features that exist at the component or subassembly level shall be met
without material removal. If material removal is allowed, it shall be noted on the drawing. For features that are defined at
the assembly level, removal of material is permissible to meet the requirements. If no material removal is allowed to meet
a specific requirement, it shall be noted on the drawing.
5.10.1 Existing Feature Adjustment Tolerancing. Existing feature adjustment tolerancing is used when a feature is
fully defined at a component or subassembly level and is also toleranced at the assembly level to meet a requirement
different from that allowed by the component or subassembly dimensional requirements specified. The requirement
shall be met without any material removal at the assembly. One example of this practice is to locate a feature from one part
relative to a feature from a second part on a welded assembly. The features from each component are defined at a lower·
level drawing and then the two components are welded as defined on the assembly drawing to meet the location require·
ment after welding.
In the example shown in Figure 5-23, the location of the bushings bonded to a plate is controlled by existing feature
adjustment tolerances. The location of the bushing inner diameter in the plate is controlled with less variation than the
hole in which it is bonded.
5.10.2 Manufactured at Assembly Tolerancing. Manufactured at assembly level tolerancing is used when a feature is
manufactured at the assembly level. Under these conditions, the feature shall be controlled in accordance with ASME
Y14.5. One example of this practice is machining mounting holes into a weldment after all the welding operations are
complete. Since the holes do not exist on a lower-level drawing (or may not be at the finished size), they are to be shown in
the appropriate views, when applicable, and dimensioned accordingly on the assembly level drawing.
5.10.3 Assembly Level Datums. Any feature or combination of features that would be a valid datum feature on a detail
part can be used as a datum feature on an assembly. The datum feature shall be identified the same way as it would on a
detail part. See ASME Y14.S for requirements regarding indication and placement of datum feature symbols. Datum
features on detail parts that are also used as datum features on assemblies do not need to maintain the same datum letter. Surface Features as Datum Features. A feature that is not a feature of size can be designated as a datum
feature on an assembly drawing using the same methods employed on detail parts. Consideration should be given to
qualifying datums at the assembly level with form, orientation, or location control, as applicable, to account for the effects
of any processes used to create the assembly. Features of Size as Datum Features. A feature of size can be designated as a datum feature on an assembly
drawing in much the same way as it is on a detail part, subject to the considerations described in paras. and Datum Features Created at a Lower Level. When a feature of size, defined at the component or subas
sembly level, is to be designated as a datum feature at either MMB or LMB on an assembly drawing, sufficient information
shall be provided on the assembly level drawing to establish the MMB and LMB boundaries for the assembly level datum.
This may be accomplished by either of the following methods:
(a) Reference Method. The size dimension and tolerance, as defined on the component or subassembly drawing, shall
be shown as reference information on the assembly drawing (see Figure 5-24). When a datum feature of size is to be
referenced as the secondary or tertiary datum, the geometric tolerance that establishes the inner and outer boundaries
(MMB and LMB) of the feature of size is associated to the reference dimension. The geometric tolerance may be a
restatement of the geometric tolerance from the component or subassembly that defined the feature. If the geometric
tolerance is not a direct restatement of the original callout, it shall be consistent with the original callout on the component
or subassembly. For a geometric tolerance to be considered reference information, the abbreviation "REF" shall be noted
adjacent to the feature control frame. Without the "REF" designation, the feature control frame establishes a new require
ment for the feature at the assembly level.
(b) Applicable Condition Method. For this method, the value of the boundary may be stated, enclosed in brackets,
following the applicable datum reference and modifier in the feature control frame in accordance with ASME Y14.5 (see
Figure 5-25).
ASME AED·l-2023 Produced at the Assembly Level. When a feature of size produced during assembly is designated as a
datum feature, it shall be fully defined per ASME Y14.5.
5.10.4 Aggregate Datum. The aggregate features of the designated aggregate datum restrict one or more degrees of
freedom without affecting any inherent motion within the assembly. An aggregate datum with no inherent motion shall be
identified per para. and specified in a feature control frame per ASME Yl4.5. An aggregate datum with inherent
motion shall be identified per para. and specified in a feature control frame per para. Where aggregate
datum features are accessible, a physical datum feature simulator should be used. Where aggregate datum features are
not accessible with a physical datum feature simulator, the combined effect of the assembly acts as the physical datum
feature simulator. Identifying an Aggregate Datum Feature. The aggregate datum feature symbol is the letters 'J\.G" within a
hexagon (see Figure 1-1). An aggregate datum feature symbol shall be associated with at least one of the features used to
derive the aggregate datum. The aggregate datum feature symbol or the word 'J\.GGREGATE" shall be placed next to the
datum feature symbol (see Figure 5-26). Identifying Inherent Motion of an Assembly. The inherent motion of the assembly shall be indicated by
(a) a datum reference frame symbol placed with at least one of the axes aligned with the inherent motion
(b) the appropriate degree of freedom symbol placed after the aggregate datum feature reference letter in the feature
control frame
(c) an asterisk placed after the degree of freedom symbol to indicate motion direction or freedom rather than the
motion constraint default per ASME Y14.5
A note may be used to clarify movement or method on how the assembly is to be restrained.
For an assembly with motion, at least one full cycle of the movement is required for verification, UOS (see Figure 5-26).
Figure 5-1
Orientation and Direction of Dimensional Requirements
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-2
Single Dimension Line or Double-Arrowhead Methods
This on a drawing
DETAIL A 150.0
Means this
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-3
Views With True Dimensions
This on a drawing
Means this
176.798 TRUE
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-4
Views With All Dimensions True
This on a drawing
-!�� i
Means this
50.099 TRUE
114.724 TRUE
129.806 TRUE
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-5
Center-Located Radius
This on a drawing
R.27 R.27
.29 .31
l_ _______ _L ......________.
l--.29 �.31
ASME AED-1-2023
Figure 5-6
Tangent-Located Radius
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-7
Controlled Radius
,··-··-··-··- ....... .
' r··-··--------.. ··, Area in
I: : r Wh"ICh fair
I ....... •
,I ,I .. \.. curve
I, I, .
�, \, exists
1i I
: I:
: ··-··-··-··-··-··-··---'
. ______-_-____________ ____--__ _-
_ __ __-_J
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-8
External Radius - Permissible Termination
5 max
5 max 5 max
(100 ) (80 )
Mismatch Mismatch
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-9
Internal Radius - Permissible Termination
° 5 max
5 max
° °
5 max 5 max �
Mismatch 5.4.4
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-10
Parabola Tangency
Nontangent long leg
long leg
�J\xis of
;, symmetry
\, .. �.-�">-··-
.· ·r-... .
Tangent I
Tangent point
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-11
Parabolic Fillet - Example Specification
This on a drawing
Q .80 A BC
PA 4.00 X 1.00 X 19.5
Means this
19.5 ----i-.___
Angle between the long leg
adjacent surface and the
axis of symmetry
Axis of symmetry
Basic parabola
4.00 I
Length of long leg
.80 tolerance zone
Length of short leg 5.5.1(b)
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-12
Elliptical Fillet - Example Specification
This on a drawing
Q .50 A BC
EP 4.00 X 1.00 X 0
Major axis
Basic ellipse
Length of long leg
Length of short leg 5.5.2
ASM E AED·l-2023
Figure 5-13
Blind Hole
Any �onfgurati on
within s �aded regio n
is allowable
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-14
Blind Hole With a Through Hole
.400 T RU
0 .250
01�� I BH ,� :���
.600 .800
Any configuration
within shaded
region is allowable
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-15
113-deg Drill Point Callout Example
This on a drawing
Means this
0 1.080 --+._.....�
Any configuration
within shaded region
is allowable
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-16
Edge Break Examples
This on a drawing
Means this
Part contour Part contour
R.010 .030 .040
.030 ---1,,,,o----.j
Part contour
Figure 5-17
Near-Side Projected Tolerance Zone
35 minimum
projected tolerance
zone height
Tf 11
,1 /' I
/1 >
In an edge view: /1 :s:
L m
6X M20 X 2-6H
I-$- l�0.4@®+35!AIBICI 0
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-18
Far-Side Projected Tolerance Zone
plane A
35 minimum ,
projec.ted loleraflCce
zone height
• I True po)1t100 axis
t '
/'� 0(). 4 po�1t1on
A>us of pitch cylinder ,... Toleranc� tone
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-19
Both-Side Projected Tolerance Zone
Means this
35 minimum projected
tolerance zone height : II,:
' I
I plane A
I 11 I
� (Z}0.4 position
. Of pr.tch cyrin der �""t:17
tolerance zone 5.8.2
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-20
Both-Side Projected Tolerance Zone With Different Projected Lengths
Means this
35 minimum projected
tolerance zone height I
, ',, �Datum
' plane A
I '
20 minimum projected
tolerance zone height �j I _ True position axis
. . . �'f (Zlo.4 position
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-21
One-Side Projected Tolerance Zone Including Feature Length
Means this
�0.4 position
. . . tolerance zone
True pos 1 t1on axis��
- G i--__Axis of pitch cylinder
35 minimum projected i/J
tolerance zone height : 11 1
t I I �Datum
plane A
, I
O minimum
.. �di proJecte
tolerance zone height
ASME AED-1-2023
-cD -
I _J
o CD w
-cD - -EB-
0 N
Lq I I
0 0 +i CD
0 00
O C) .....: 0
LO c::,
B. '&@
-$- C)
-(;)- -(;)-',
I :
-(;)- -(;)-
�- -d) : :
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-23
Existing Feature Adjustment Tolerancing Example
Plate drawing
_L .006 A B
�--�---+- 2X 3.000 I I
�-+--- 2x11.0001
-t-- 4.500±.030
2X 1.000
4X 0 .456±.001 THRU
I-$-10 .008(9) I A IB Ic I
Bushing drawing
0 .441
.439 _L .001 E
l-$-10.001 I EI
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-23
Existing Feature Adjustment Tolerancing Example (Cont'd)
Assembly drawing
�--�- 2X
3.000 I I
+ --
4X (0 .25
.25 )
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-24
Reference Method
1.5 00:aodt
�I��1.02o(0 I A I B(0 I
0 . 002
2x (0 .250:g
I� 10 .o3o(0 IA lse0 I 0°i)
REF -$- 0 .005 (0 A
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-25
Applicable Condition Method
---j l.1so I
�A (b)
ASME AED·l-2023
Figure 5-26
Aggregate Datum With Inherent Motion in the Assembly
6.1 Aerospace
6.1.1 Aircraft and Related Part(s) Views. Engineering drawings that depict complete aircraft views should be
arranged using left-side, rear, and top views as the principal orthographic views. The aircraft's nose in the top and
left-side views shall point to the left-hand edge of the drawing and front (forward) direction of the aircraft. See
Figure 6-1 for aircraft views arrangement.
6.1.2 Aircraft Engines and Related Part(s) Views. UOS, the terms "FRONT," "REAR." "LEFT," and "RIGHT" may be used
on engineering drawings to indicate position in an assembled aircraft engine or related parts (e.g., flange bracket
mounting) as follows:
(a) Front is in the direction closest to the nose of the vehicle.
(b) Rear is the opposite of front.
(c) Left and right are based on the observer's position when facing forward.
6.1.3 Aircraft Geometry Reference Plane Callouts and Toleranced Reference Planes
6.1.3.l Aircraft Geometry Reference Planes. Geometry reference plane callouts are used to identify location on the
vehicle. Designations for geometry reference planes include, but are not limited to, station (STA), fuselage station (FS),
waterline (WL). wing station (WG STA), radome station (RS), buttock line (BL), right buttock line (RBL), and left buttock
line (LBL). Symbol or Callout Method. When used, geometry reference plane specifications shall be shown on the field of
the drawing by using the symbol method or the callout method. The symbol method uses a consistent geometric shape,
e.g., circle, rectangle, or cartouche, to specify the abbreviated reference plane designation and reference plane location.
The callout method uses the abbreviated reference plane designation and reference plane location (see Figures 1-1 and
6-2). When both methods are used on the same drawing, the callout method specifications shall be considered reference. A
leader or extension line shall be used to designate the location of the reference plane.
ASME AED·l-2023 Tolerances. UOS, reference plane dimensions have no tolerance. The reference plane is theoretical and may
be coincident with a toleranced feature. Use of Geometry Reference Planes. Geometry reference planes that are coincident with a part feature may be
used as a dimension origin. Geometry reference planes shall not establish datums (see Figure 6-3).
Figure 6-1
Arrangement of Aircraft Views
ASME AED-1-2023
Figure 6-2
Identification of Geometry Reference Planes
Figure 6-3
Application of the Symbol Method
D 4.00
4.00 ---!-o4----©
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ISBN 978-0-7918-7624-4
9 780791 876244
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