SCEM Replacement Procedure
SCEM Replacement Procedure
SCEM Replacement Procedure
For software.
There are four main steps which are detailed in. They
N, U, W, RL series are:
A. Preparing
range of the product B. Replacing electronic card
C. Reloading SCEM Data
D. Recalibrating voltages
Step 5: Fit the SCEM cover and insert each of the four
screws and tighten to finger pressure to hold the cover
in place. Use a circular pattern to progressively tighten Step 8: Click the “Import Data File” button to
each of the bolts. The replacement SCEM card is now in import the cal file.
Step 9:
- Click No, the following appears and Recloser
controller starts writing SCEM data into SCEM. This step will recalibrate voltage readings. This
You should hear audible alarm from the requires the presence of primary voltage of at least
controller HMI and see the text “Writing- Do 6000V –Phase-to-Earth. A calibrated single phase
Not Disconnect Switchgear” on the Controller voltage injection set is required to do this step.
LCD screen.
- Make sure switchgear be in Closed position and
voltage are live on all bushings. Open
Calibration page on WSOS as shown. Only
proceed this step when Data is Valid as shown
on the screen. Voltage calibration algorithm
require the phase designation be ABC- This is a
setting on the Status page. A different phase
- Click OK, you will see the SCEM Write progress designation will introduce a warning on the
on the status bar. It lasts for approximately 60s Calibration page. If this is observed, please go
before the “Switchgear Write Successful” to Status page to change it as follow.
appears. This confirms the Write was complete.
go back to WSOS and go online to double check
for the new data in Status and Measurement
- While online enter, one by one, the correct
voltages which are presently applied on the 6
terminals of the recloser. Note that this is
Phase-To-Earth voltage. The controller will
recalculate the respective CVT data each time a
new voltage is entered. Following is an example
when” A1 Phase to Earth” field was selected
and 10005V was the expected voltage reading
for this terminal.
Step 11
- The above step can be repeated multiple times
It is essential that the original protection
for each and every bushing until voltage
settings of the controller be restored using the
readings shown on the Calibration screen are
menu “Options- Write Switchgear Settings to
Switchgear “on the WSOS file which was
- Once all six voltage readings are as expected,
captured in the above Preparation stage. For
click “Write Data to SCEM” to update new CVT
some controller type or firmware versions
calibration data (for correct voltage readings)
factory CVT data in new SCEM card might have
into the new SCEM. This is the same procedure
disabled some voltage-related protection
as seen in step 8 above.
functions and this step will restore them.
Step 10: Once all switchgear records (serial
There are some passwords which may be
numbers, …) and voltage readings are correct,
required by WSOS5. These default factory
Calibration page can be closed. Power down
passwords are as follows.
controller, wait for at least 30s and power up
System Password: Wsos
again. This is to refresh the SCEM data in
Protection/ Operator/ Telecontrol passwords:
controller memory with the new data which
has been written into the SCEM in above steps.
Remote access password: 000000 (six zeroes)
Wait for 1 min for SCEM data to be read valid,