License Activity Oct 2022

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Activity Name

Business Sector Sub Sector Activity Code Activity Name License Type

Services in Oil & Natural Gas ‫حفر آبار النفط‬

Energy Energy Sector 1120-01 Well Drilling ‫والغاز الطبيعي‬ Service

Oil & Natural Gas

Services in Reinforcement ‫تدعيم آبار النفط‬
Energy Energy Sector 1120-03 Services ‫والغاز الطبيعي‬ Service

Onshore & ‫خدمات حقول‬

Services in Offshore Oil & Gas ‫ومنشآت النفط والغاز‬
Energy Energy Sector 1120-05 Fields Services ‫البرية والبحرية‬ Service

Repairing Oil & ‫إصالح معدات آبار‬

Services in Natural Gas Well ‫النفط والغاز الطبيعي‬
Energy Energy Sector 1120-06 Equipment Abroad ‫خارج الدولة‬ Service

Well Drilling & Oil ‫حفر اآلبار وتطوير‬

& Natural Gas ‫حقول النفط والغاز‬
Services in Development ‫الطبيعي خارج‬
Energy Energy Sector 1120-07 Abroad ‫الدولة‬ Service

Manufacturing Dairy Products

& Related Manufacturing & ‫صناعة وتعبئة‬
Food & Agro Services 1520-01 Packing ‫األلبان ومنتجاتها‬ Industrial

& Related Cheese
Food & Agro Services 1520-03 Manufacturing ‫صناعة الجبن‬ Industrial

# Data Classification: Sensitive

& Related Yogurt (‫صناعة اللبن‬
Food & Agro Services 1520-04 Manufacturing ‫الرائب (الزبادي‬ Industrial

& Related Cream of Milk
Food & Agro Services 1520-05 Manufacturing ‫صناعة القشدة‬ Industrial

& Related Ice Cream
Food & Agro Services 1520-06 Manufacturing ‫صناعة المثلجات‬ Industrial

& Related Bakery Products ‫صناعة منتجات‬
Food & Agro Services 1541-01 Manufacturing ‫المخابز‬ Industrial

& Related Pastry & Sweets ‫صناعة الفطائر‬
Food & Agro Services 1541-02 Manufacturing ‫والحلويات‬ Industrial

& Related Biscuit
Food & Agro Services 1541-03 Manufacturing ‫صناعة البسكويت‬ Industrial

Agro & F&B

Related Tea Blending &
Food & Agro Services 1549-03 Packaging ‫ خلط الشاي وتعبئته‬Industrial

& Related Mayonnaise
Food & Agro Services 1549-16 Manufacturing ‫صناعة المايونيز‬ Industrial

Agro & F&B ‫تحميص البن‬

Related Coffee Roasting & ‫(القهوة) وطحنه‬
Food & Agro Services 1549-19 Packaging ‫وتعبئته‬ Industrial

Manufacturing Sauces, Spreads &

& Related Condiments ‫تجهيز الصلصة‬
Food & Agro Services 1549-27 Preparation ‫ والبهارات والتوابل‬Industrial

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Agro & F&B Tea Blending &
Related Packaging and Tea ‫خلط الشاي وتعبئته‬
Food & Agro Services 1549-98 Trading ‫وتجارة الشاي‬ Industrial

‫تحميص البن‬
Agro & F&B Coffee Roasting & ‫(القهوة) وطحنه‬
Related Packaging and ‫وتعبئته وتجارة‬
Food & Agro Services 1549-99 Coffee Trading ‫القهوة‬ Industrial

& Related Soft Drinks ‫صناعة المشروبات‬
Food & Agro Services 1554-03 Manufacturing ‫الغازية‬ Industrial

Manufacturing Fruit Flavored

& Related Drinks ‫صناعة شراب‬
Food & Agro Services 1554-04 Manufacturing ‫الفواكه‬ Industrial

Personal &
Community Designing & ‫خياطة البدل‬
Services Tailoring 1810-14 Gents Tailoring ‫والمالبس الرجالية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Designing & Arab Wears ‫خياطة المالبس‬
Services Tailoring 1810-15 Tailoring ‫الرجالية العربية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Designing & ‫خياطة المالبس‬
Services Tailoring 1810-16 Ladies Tailoring ‫النسائية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Designing & Arabic Gowns ‫خياطة العباءات‬
Services Tailoring 1810-19 Tailoring ‫الرجالية البشوت‬ Service

Personal &
Community Designing & Ladies Gowns ‫خياطة العباءات‬
Services Tailoring 1810-20 Tailoring ‫النسائية وتطريزها‬ Service

Cards & Envelopes ‫طباعة البطاقات‬

Media & Marketing Advertising 2221-05 Printing ‫والمغلفات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Fabrics, Textiles &
Personal & Readymade ‫الطباعة على‬
Community Designing & Garments Screen ‫المنسوجات‬
Services Tailoring 2221-10 Printing ‫والمالبس الجاهزة‬ Service

Typesetting ‫خدمات تنضيد‬

Media & Marketing Advertising 2222-02 Services ‫ الحروف للمطبوعات‬Service

Color Separation
Media & Marketing Advertising 2222-03 Services ‫ خدمات فرز االلوان‬Service

Design & Artwork ‫خدمات التصميم‬

Media & Marketing Advertising 2222-04 Services ‫الفني للمطبوعات‬ Service

Manufacturing ‫عمليات سباكة‬

Precious Metals & & Related Gold & Precious ‫الذهب والمعادن‬
Stones Services 2732-01 Metal Casting ‫الثمينة‬ Industrial

Precious Metals & & Related
Stones Services 2732-05 Gold Refinery ‫تصفية الذهب‬ Industrial

‫معمل صناعة‬
Healthcare Medical Labs 3311-01 Dental Laboratory ‫االسنان وتركيبها‬ Service

Personal & Watches & Watches & Clocks ‫صناعة الساعات‬

Household Goods Accessories 3330-00 Manufacturing ‫بأنواعها‬ Industrial

Manufacturing Gold & Precious ‫صناعة المصوغات‬

Precious Metals & & Related Metal Products ‫من الذهب والمعادن‬
Stones Services 3691-01 Manufacturing ‫الثمينة‬ Industrial

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Precious Metals & & Related Precious Stones ‫تقطيع االحجار‬
Stones Services 3691-03 Cutting & Polishing ‫الكريمة و صقلها‬ Industrial

Precious Metals & & Related Precious Jewellery ‫صناعة المجوهرات‬
Stones Services 3691-04 Manufacturing ‫الثمينة‬ Industrial

Precious Metals & & Related ‫صائغ ذهب‬
Stones Services 3691-05 Goldsmith ‫ومجوهرات ثمينة‬ Industrial

Precious Metals & & Related
Stones Services 3691-06 Silversmith ‫صائغ فضة‬ Industrial

Manufacturing Laboratory Grown

Precious Metals & & Related Diamonds ‫إنتاج األلماس‬
Stones Services 3691-99 Production ‫المزروع مخبرًيا‬ Industrial

Security &
Systems ‫تركيب معدات‬
Technology & Telecom Installation & ‫وأجهزة االمن‬
Telecom Services 4530-08 Maintenance ‫ والمراقبة وصيانتها‬Service

Network ‫تركيب شبكات‬
Technology & Telecom Installation & ‫االتصال الداخلي‬
Telecom Services 4530-09 Maintenance ‫وصيانتها‬ Service

Communication &
Wireless System ‫تركيب معدات انظمة‬
Technology & Telecom Equipment ‫االتصال السلكي‬
Telecom Services 4530-10 Installation ‫والالسلكي‬ Service
Automotive New Motor ‫تجارة السيارات‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-01 Vehicles Trading ‫الجديدة‬ Trading

‫تجارة الحافالت‬
Buses & Trucks ‫والقاطرات خارج‬
Automotive Trading (Outside ‫دولة اإلمارات‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-02 UAE) ‫العربية المتحدة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تجارة السيارات ذات‬
Automotive Specialized ‫االغراض‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-03 Vehicles Trading ‫المتخصصة‬ Trading

Automotive Used Automobile ‫تجارة السيارات‬

Transportation Automobile 5010-04 Trading ‫المستعملة‬ Trading

‫تجارة المركبات‬
Used Vehicles ‫المستعملة خارج‬
Automotive Trading (Outside ‫دولة اإلمارات‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-05 UAE) ‫العربية المتحدة‬ Trading

‫تجارة العربات‬
Automotive Electric Cars ‫الكهربائية‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-06 Trading ‫المتخصصة‬ Trading
Automotive ‫تجارة سيارات‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-07 Racing Cars Trading ‫السباق‬ Trading

Safe Transport
Automotive Specialized ‫تجارة السيارات‬
Transportation Automobile 5010-08 Vehicles Trading ‫ الخاصة للنقل اآلمن‬Trading

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Parking Car ‫غسل السيارات في‬
Services Services 5020-18 Washing ‫المواقف‬ Service

Auto Spare Auto Spare Parts & ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬

Automotive Parts & components ‫السيارات والمركبات‬
Transportation Accessories 5030-01 Trading ‫ومكوناتها‬ Trading

Auto Spare
Automotive Parts & Auto Accessories ‫تجارة االجزاء‬
Transportation Accessories 5030-02 Trading ‫ االضافية للسيارات‬Trading

Auto Spare
Automotive Parts & Tyres & Rims ‫تجارة اطارات‬
Transportation Accessories 5030-03 Trading ‫السيارات‬ Trading

Auto Spare
Automotive Parts & ‫تجارة البطاريات‬
Transportation Accessories 5030-06 Batteries Trading ‫السائلة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تجارة الدراجات‬
Automotive Motorcycles ‫النارية وقطع غيارها‬
Transportation Automobile 5040-01 Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Automotive Trikke Scooters ‫تجارة الدراجات‬

Transportation Automobile 5040-05 Trading ‫الكهربائية‬ Trading

Auto Spare Motorcycles Spare ‫تجارة قطع غيارها‬

Automotive Parts & Parts & Accessories ‫الدراجات النارية‬
Transportation Accessories 5040-06 Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Professional Professional Commercial
Services Services 5110-03 Brokers ‫وسيط تجاري‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5110-04 Auction Hall ‫صالة بيع بالمزاد‬ Service

e, Liaison & Government
Managing Commercial Liaison ‫مكتب ارتباط تجاري‬
Support Services Offices 5110-05 Office ‫حكومي‬ Service

e, Liaison &
Managing Representative
Support Services Offices 5110-06 Office ‫مكتب تمثيل‬ Service

‫عرض وتجهيز‬
Merchandising ‫السلع والمنتجات‬
Media & Marketing Advertising 5110-08 services ‫ألغراض الترويج‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

e, Liaison &
Managing Regional Liaison
Support Services Offices 5110-09 Office ‫ مكتب ارتباط اقليمي‬Service

e, Liaison & Banking
Managing Representative
Support Services Offices 5110-11 Office ‫ مكتب تمثيل مصرفي‬Service

Hospitality Loyalty Card ‫خدمات إصدار‬

Hospitality Services 5110-12 Services ‫بطاقات الوالء‬ Service

e, Liaison &
Managing Academic Liaison
Support Services Offices 5110-13 Office ‫ مكتب تمثيل أكاديمي‬Service

Personal & Other Personal Authentic Artifacts ‫صالة مزادات‬

Community & Community & Antiques ‫األعمال الفنية‬
Services Services 5110-14 Auction House ‫والمقتنيات القديمة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

e, Liaison & Pharmaceutical
Managing Representative
Support Services Offices 5110-15 Office ‫ مكتب تمثيل صيدلي‬Service

‫خدمات اصدار‬
Hospitality Discount Cards ‫بطاقات التسهيالت‬
Hospitality Services 5110-19 Services ‫ واألسعار المخفضة‬Service

‫تأجير المركبات‬
Car Rental By ‫بواسطة الوسائط‬
Automotive Electronic Media & ‫االلكترونية‬
Transportation Auto Rentals 5110-96 Smart Apps ‫والتطبيقات الذكية‬ Service

Transportation & ‫إدارة طلبات النقل‬
Shipping & Delivery Orders by ‫والتوصيل من خالل‬
Shipping & Logistics Electronic Media & ‫المنصات االلكترونية‬
Logistics Services 5110-97 Smart Apps. ‫ والتطبيقات الذكية‬Service

Services Brokerage ‫وسيط الخدمات‬
Technology & Via Electronic ‫العالجية عبر‬
Telecom E-commerce 5110-98 Media ‫ الوسائط اإللكترونية‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Service Provider ‫مزود خدمة السوق‬
Telecom E-commerce 5110-99 (DMCC) ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

‫تجارة البذور‬
Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-01 Seeds Trading ‫والتقاوي‬ Trading

Flowers & ‫تجارة زهور القطف‬

Ornamental Plants ‫ونباتات الزينة‬
Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-03 Trading ‫الداخلية‬ Trading

Natural Herbs ‫تجارة النباتات‬

Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-04 Trading ‫ واألعشاب الطبيعية‬Trading

Food & Grains, Cereals & ‫تجارة الغالل‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5121-06 Legumes Trading ‫والحبوب والبقول‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Live Animal & Aquatic & live ‫تجارة الحيوانات‬
Food & Agro Requisites 5121-10 Animals Trading ‫المائية والحية‬ Trading

Live Animal &

Food & Agro Requisites 5121-16 Horses Trading ‫تجارة الخيول‬ Trading

Trees Seedlings, ‫تجارة شتالت‬

Ornamental Plants ‫األشجار ونباتات‬
& Annual Flowers ‫الزينة والزهور‬
Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-17 Trading ‫الحولية‬ Trading

Live Animal & Animal & Birds ‫تجارة اغذية‬

Food & Agro Requisites 5121-18 Feed Trading ‫ الحيوانات والطيور‬Trading

Live Animal &

Food & Agro Requisites 5121-19 Birds Trading ‫تجارة الطيور‬ Trading

Animal Fodder
Live Animal & Supplements ‫تجارة مكمالت علف‬
Food & Agro Requisites 5121-20 Trading ‫الحيوان‬ Trading

Coal & Firewood

Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-21 Trading ‫ تجارة الفحم والحطب‬Trading

Live Animal & Tanned Leathers ‫تجارة الجلود‬

Food & Agro Requisites 5121-22 Trading ‫المدبوغة‬ Trading

Cotton & Natural ‫تجارة القطن‬

Food & Agro Raw Materials 5121-24 Fibers Trading ‫وااللياف الطبيعية‬ Trading

Food & Foodstuff & ‫تجارة المواد الغذائية‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-00 Beverages Trading ‫والمشروبات‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Food & Food Supplements ‫تجارة المكمالت‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-01 Trading ‫الغذائية‬ Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-02 Baby Food Trading ‫ تجارة اغذية االطفال‬Trading

Food & ‫تجارة االغذية‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-03 Snack Food Trading ‫الخفيفة‬ Trading

Food & Dairy Products ‫تجارة االلبان‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-04 Trading ‫ومنتجاتها‬ Trading

Canned &
Food & Preserved Food ‫تجارة المواد الغذائية‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-05 Trading ‫ المعلبة والمحفوظة‬Trading

Fresh, Chilled & ‫تجارة اللحوم‬

Food & Frozen Meat ‫الطازجة والمبردة‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-06 Trading ‫والمجمدة‬ Trading

‫تجارة االسماك‬
Food & Frozen Fish & ‫واالغذية البحرية‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-07 Seafood Trading ‫المجمدة‬ Trading

Salted & Preserved ‫تجارة االسماك‬

Food & Fish & Seafood ‫واالغذية البحرية‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-08 Trading ‫ المملحة والمحفوظة‬Trading
Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-09 Egg Trading ‫تجارة البيض‬ Trading

Honey & Apiary

Live Animal & Accessories ‫تجارة عسل‬
Food & Agro Requisites 5122-10 Trading ‫ ومستلزمات المناحل‬Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-11 Sugar Trading ‫تجارة السكر‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-12 Tea Trading ‫تجارة الشاي‬ Trading
Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-13 Coffee Trading ‫تجارة البن والقهوة‬ Trading

Food & ‫تجارة البهارات‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-14 Spices Trading ‫والتوابل‬ Trading

Food & Bread & Bakery ‫تجارة الخبز‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-15 Products Trading ‫ومنتجات المخابز‬ Trading

Food & Confectionery & ‫تجارة الحلويات‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-16 Chocolate Trading ‫والشوكوالته‬ Trading

Food & ‫تجارة المعجنات‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-17 Pastry Trading ‫ والحلويات الشرقية‬Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-18 Ice Cream Trading ‫تجارة المثلجات‬ Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-19 Flour Trading ‫تجارة الدقيق‬ Trading

Food & Ghee & Vegetable ‫تجارة السمن‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-20 Oil Trading ‫والزيوت النباتية‬ Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-21 Nuts Trading ‫تجارة المكسرات‬ Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-22 Salt Trading ‫تجارة الملح‬ Trading

Food & Mineral Water

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-23 Trading ‫ تجارة المياه المعدنية‬Trading

Soft Drinks &

Food & Carbonated Water ‫تجارة المرطبات‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-24 Trading ‫والمياه الغازية‬ Trading
Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-25 Juice Trading ‫تجارة العصائر‬ Trading

Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-27 Ice Trading ‫تجارة الثلج‬ Trading

Food & Dried Vegetables & ‫تجارة الخضار‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-29 Fruit Trading ‫والفواكه المجففة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Live Animal & Fish & Marine ‫تجارة االسماك‬
Food & Agro Requisites 5122-30 Animals Trading ‫ والحيوانات البحرية‬Trading

Food & Flavours & ‫تجارة المنكهات‬

Food & Agro Beverage 5122-31 Fragrances Trading ‫ومكسبات الطعم‬ Trading
Food & Vegetables & Fruit ‫تجارة الخضار‬
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-32 Trading ‫والفواكه‬ Trading
Food &
Food & Agro Beverage 5122-33 Potatoes Trading ‫تجارة البطاطس‬ Trading

Electronic & Electronic

Electrical Cigarettes &
Equipment & Accessories ‫تجارة السجائر‬
General Trading Requisites 5122-35 Trading ‫ االلكترونية ولوازمها‬Trading

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة المنسوجات‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-01 Textile Trading ‫واالقمشة‬ Trading

Upholstery, ‫تجارة البطانيات‬

Personal & Carpets & Blankets, Towels & ‫والمناشف والمفارش‬
Household Goods Requisites 5131-02 Linens Trading ‫المنزلية‬ Trading

Personal & Carpets & Oriental Carpets ‫تجارة السجاد‬
Household Goods Requisites 5131-04 Trading ‫الشرقي‬ Trading

Personal & Carpets &
Household Goods Requisites 5131-05 Carpets Trading ‫تجارة السجاد‬ Trading

Personal & Household Flags & Flagpoles ‫تجارة االعالم‬
Household Goods Items 5131-06 Trading ‫والسواري‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Ready-made ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-07 Garments Trading ‫الجاهزة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-08 Arab Wear Trading ‫العربية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة مالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-09 Baby Wear Trading ‫االطفال‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-10 Underwear Trading ‫الداخلية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Men's Garment ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-11 Trading ‫الجاهزة الرجالية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Ladies Garment ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-12 Trading ‫الجاهزة النسائية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Sports Wear ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-13 Trading ‫الرياضية‬ Trading

Footwear, Protective
Personal & Bags & Garments & Vests ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-14 Trading ‫والسترات الواقية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة المالبس‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-15 Uniforms Trading ‫واالزياء الرسمية‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Slippers & Sandals ‫تجارة النعال‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-16 Trading ‫والصنادل‬ Trading

Personal & Bags &
Household Goods Accessories 5131-17 Shoe Trading ‫تجارة االحذية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Footwear, Garments
Personal & Bags & Accessories ‫تجارة مستلزمات‬
Household Goods Accessories 5131-20 Trading ‫المالبس‬ Trading

Personal & Household Sticks & Umbrellas ‫تجارة العصي‬
Household Goods Items 5131-21 Trading ‫والمظالت اليدوية‬ Trading

Other ‫تجارة الخيام‬

Personal & Household Tents , Sheds & ‫والمظالت‬
Household Goods Items 5131-22 Tarpaulins Trading ‫والطرابيل‬ Trading

Personal & Household Threads & Yarns ‫تجارة الخيوط‬
Household Goods Items 5131-23 Trading ‫والغزول‬ Trading

Upholstery, Curtains &

Personal & Carpets & Upholstery Fabrics ‫تجارة اقمشة الستائر‬
Household Goods Requisites 5131-24 Trading ‫واقمشة التنجيد‬ Trading

Equipment & Face Masks & ‫تجارة األقنعة‬
Healthcare Requisites 5131-98 Gloves Trading ‫والقفازات‬ Trading

Footwear, Handbags &
Personal & Bags & Leather Products ‫تجارة حقائب اليد‬
Household Goods Accessories 5139-01 Trading ‫والمنتجات الجلدية‬ Trading

Other Illustrated ‫تجارة المجالت‬

Personal & Household Magazines & ‫والمصورات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-02 Catalogues Trading ‫المتخصصة‬ Trading

Books, ‫تجارة الكتب‬

Other Newspapers & ‫والصحف‬
Personal & Household Publications ‫والمطبوعات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-03 Trading ‫االخرى‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Stationary & ‫تجارة األدوات‬
Personal & Office ‫المكتبية وأدوات‬
Household Goods Equipment 5139-04 Stationery Trading ‫الكتابة والرسم‬ Trading

Stationary &
Personal & Office Educational Aids ‫تجارة الوسائل‬
Household Goods Equipment 5139-05 Trading ‫والنماذج التعليمية‬ Trading

Other Invitation &

Personal & Household Greeting Cards ‫تجارة بطاقات التهنئة‬
Household Goods Items 5139-06 Trading ‫والدعوة‬ Trading

Other Multi-Dimensional
Personal & Household Images Trading (‫تجارة الصور عديدة‬
Household Goods Items 5139-07 (HOLOGRAM) ‫ االبعاد (الهولوغرام‬Trading

Advertising ‫تجارة الوسائل‬

Media & Marketing Advertising 5139-08 Requisites Trading ‫ واالدوات االعالنية‬Trading

Other Films & ‫تجارة افالم ومواد‬

Personal & Household Photography ‫التصوير‬
Household Goods Items 5139-09 Materials Trading ‫الفوتوغرافي‬ Trading

Home &
Personal & Tools & Ceramic & ‫تجارة الخزف‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-10 Chinaware Trading ‫والصيني‬ Trading

Home &
Personal & Tools & Household Utensils ‫تجارة االدوات‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-11 Trading ‫واالواني المنزلية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Home &
Personal & Tools & Cutlery & ‫تجارة الفضيات‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-12 Silverware Trading ‫وادوات المائدة‬ Trading

Home &
Personal & Tools & Cookers & Cook ‫تجارة المواقد‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-13 Stoves Trading ‫ واالفران والطابخات‬Trading

Electronic & Recording ‫تجارة االجهزة‬
Electrical Equipment & ‫السمعية والمرئية‬
Equipment & Accessories ‫واجهزة التسجيل‬
General Trading Requisites 5139-14 Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Home & Refrigerators,

Kitchen Washing Machines
Appliances, & Household ‫تجارة الثالجات‬
Personal & Tools & Electrical ‫والغساالت واالجهزة‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-15 Appliances Trading ‫ الكهربائية المنزلية‬Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Chandeliers
Household Goods Requisites 5139-16 Trading ‫تجارة الثريات‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Light Fitting & ‫تجارة ادوات االنارة‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-17 Fixtures Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Home &
Appliances, Filters &
Personal & Tools & Purification ‫تجارة اجهزة التنقية‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-18 Devices Trading ‫والتصفية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Ventilators & Fans
General Trading Requisites 5139-19 Trading ‫ تجارة اجهزة التهوية‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Home &
Personal & Tools & Ignition Materials
Household Goods Utencils 5139-20 Trading ‫ تجارة مواد االشعال‬Trading

Electronic & Refrigeration Spare
Electrical Parts & ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Equipment & Components ‫اجهزة التكييف‬
General Trading Requisites 5139-21 Trading ‫والتبريد ومكوناتها‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment &
General Trading Requisites 5139-22 Antennas Trading ‫تجارة الهوائيات‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Home Furniture ‫تجارة االثاث‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-23 Trading ‫المنزلي‬ Trading

Home &
Personal & Tools & Domestic Kitchen ‫تجارة المطابخ‬
Household Goods Utencils 5139-24 & Fixture Trading ‫المنزلية‬ Trading

lighting & Bamboo, Cane & ‫تجارة منتجات‬
Personal & Decoration Wicker Products ‫الخيزران والغاب‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-25 Trading ‫ والخوص وماشابهها‬Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Sponge Mattresses ‫تجارة المراتب‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-26 Trading ‫وفرش االسفنج‬ Trading

Watches & Clocks

Personal & Watches & & Spare Parts ‫تجارة الساعات‬
Household Goods Accessories 5139-27 Trading ‫وقطع غيارها‬ Trading

Gold & ‫تجارة المجوهرات‬

Precious Metals & Precious ‫والمصوغات من‬
Stones Metals 5139-28 Jewellery Trading ‫الذهب والفضة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Pearls &
Precious Metals & Precious Pearls & Precious ‫تجارة اللؤلؤ‬
Stones Stones 5139-29 Stones Trading ‫واالحجار الكريمة‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & Imitation Jewellery ‫تجارة الحلي من غير‬
Household Goods Accessories 5139-30 Trading ‫المعادن الثمينة‬ Trading

Personal & Household
Household Goods Items 5139-31 Gifts Trading ‫تجارة الهدايا‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Crystal Products ‫تجارة منتجات البلور‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-32 Trading ‫الكريستال‬ Trading

Personal & Household Toys & Games
Household Goods Items 5139-33 Trading ‫ تجارة لعب االطفال‬Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration
Household Goods Requisites 5139-34 Novelties Trading ‫ تجارة التحف الفنية‬Trading

lighting & ‫تجارة البراويز‬
Personal & Decoration Paintings & Frames ‫والصور واللوحات‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-35 Trading ‫الفنية‬ Trading

lighting & ‫تجارة الزهور‬
Personal & Decoration Artificial Flowers & ‫والنباتات الصناعية‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-36 Plants Trading ‫والمجففة‬ Trading

Personal & Household Smoking Requisites
Household Goods Items 5139-37 Trading ‫ تجارة لوازم التدخين‬Trading

Personal & Household Clothes Hangers ‫تجارة عالقات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-38 Trading ‫المالبس‬ Trading

Personal & Household Wax Candles
Household Goods Items 5139-39 Trading ‫تجارة الشموع‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Other Old Postage ‫تجارة الطوابع‬
Personal & Household Stamps & ‫والعمالت القديمة‬
Household Goods Items 5139-40 Currencies Trading ‫وما شابهها‬ Trading

Personal & Household Sport Equipment ‫تجارة المعدات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-41 Trading ‫ واألدوات الرياضية‬Trading

Other Horse Equestrian ‫تجارة عتاد الخيل‬

Personal & Household Equipment & ‫وادوات الفروسية‬
Household Goods Items 5139-42 Requisites Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Personal & Household Fishing & Hunting
Household Goods Items 5139-43 Requisites Trading ‫ تجارة ادوات الصيد‬Trading

Personal & Household Camping ‫تجارة لوازم وادوات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-44 Requisites Trading ‫الرحالت‬ Trading

Personal & Household Suitcases & Travel ‫تجارة الحقائب‬
Household Goods Items 5139-45 Requisites Trading ‫ولوازم السفر‬ Trading

Other Musical ‫تجارة اآلالت‬

Personal & Household Instruments & ‫واالدوات الموسيقية‬
Household Goods Items 5139-46 Requisites Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Other Equipment &
Personal & Household Accessories ‫تجارة آالت وادوات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-47 Trading ‫ التصوير ولوازمها‬Trading

Personal & Household Dry Batteries ‫تجارة البطاريات‬
Household Goods Items 5139-48 Trading ‫الجافة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Tools, Spare Occupational ‫تجارة لوازم السالمة‬
Engineering & Parts & Hygiene & Safety ‫والصحة المهنية‬
Machinery Accessories 5139-49 Requisites Trading. ‫وادواتها‬ Trading

Saddles & Animals, ‫تجارة السروج‬

Live Animal & Birds Training ‫ولوازم ترويض‬
Food & Agro Requisites 5139-50 Requisites Trading ‫ الحيوانات والطيور‬Trading

Equipment & Emergency ‫تجارة القالئد‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-51 Collection Trading ‫واألسورة الطبية‬ Trading

Other ‫تجارة الدراجات‬

Personal & Household Bicycles & Spare ‫الهوائية وقطع‬
Household Goods Items 5139-52 Parts Trading ‫غيارها ولوازمها‬ Trading

Equipment & Veterinary ‫تجارة االدوية‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-54 Medicines Trading ‫البيطرية‬ Trading

Pharmaceutica Medicinal ‫تجارة الكيماويات‬

Healthcare ls 5139-55 Chemicals Trading ‫الدوائية‬ Trading

Para- ‫تجارة المستحضرات‬

Pharmaceutica Pharmaceutical ‫الصيدالنية غير‬
Healthcare ls 5139-56 Products Trading ‫الدوائية‬ Trading

Medical Medical, Surgical ‫تجارة االدوات‬

Equipment & Articles & ‫والمستلزمات الطبية‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-57 Requisites Trading ‫ العالجية والجراحية‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Perfumes, ‫تجارة العطور‬
Personal & Cosmetics & Perfumes & ‫ومستحضرات‬
Household Goods Beauty Care 5139-58 Cosmetics Trading ‫التجميل‬ Trading

Personal & Cosmetics & Agarwood & ‫تجارة العود والبخور‬
Household Goods Beauty Care 5139-59 Incense Trading ‫والطيب‬ Trading

Medical Spectacles & ‫تجارة النظارات‬

Equipment & Contact Lenses ‫الطبية والعدسات‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-60 Trading ‫الالصقة‬ Trading

Personal & Bags & ‫تجارة النظارات‬
Household Goods Accessories 5139-61 Sunglasses Trading ‫الشمسية‬ Trading

Perfumes, Beauty & Personal ‫تجارة ادوات ولوازم‬

Personal & Cosmetics & Care Requisites ‫التجميل والعناية‬
Household Goods Beauty Care 5139-62 Trading ‫الشخصية‬ Trading

Personal & Cosmetics & Baby Care ‫تجارة لوازم العناية‬
Household Goods Beauty Care 5139-63 Requisites Trading ‫باالطفال‬ Trading

Paper Products ‫تجارة المنتجات‬

General Trading Other Trading 5139-64 Trading ‫الورقية‬ Trading

Medical Persons with ‫تجارة ادوات ذوي‬

Equipment & Special Needs ‫الحاجات الخاصة‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-65 Equipment Trading ‫ولوازمهم‬ Trading

Perfumes, ‫تجارة الصابون و‬

Personal & Cosmetics & Soap & Hair Care ‫مستحضرات العناية‬
Household Goods Beauty Care 5139-66 Products Trading ‫بالشعر‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Healthcare Pharmacies 5139-67 Pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬ Service

Furniture, Authentic
lighting & Antiques, Artefacts ‫تجارة المقتنيات‬
Personal & Decoration & Artworks ‫والقطع واألعمال‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-69 Trading ‫الفنية األصلية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Personal & Equipment & Video Games ‫تجارة أجهزة تشغيل‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-70 Consoles Trading ‫ألعاب الفيديو‬ Trading

Medical Disinfecting Booths

Equipment & & Equipment ‫تجارة كبائن ومعدات‬
Healthcare Requisites 5139-96 Trading ‫التعقيم‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Unique & Special ‫تجارة السلع النادرة‬
Household Goods Requisites 5139-97 Goods Trading ‫والمميزة‬ Trading

Trading in ‫تجارة األدوية خارج‬

Pharmaceutica Medicines (Outside ‫دولة اإلمارات‬
Healthcare ls 5139-98 UAE) (DMCC) ‫العربية المتحدة‬ Trading

Trading in ‫تجارة المنتجات‬

Pharmaceutical ‫الصيدالنية خارج‬
Pharmaceutica Products (Outside ‫دولة اإلمارات‬
Healthcare ls 5139-99 UAE) (DMCC) ‫العربية المتحدة‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Lubricants & ‫تجارة الشحوم‬
Energy s 5141-02 Grease Trading ‫وزيوت التزليق‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Tar & Asphalt ‫تجارة القار‬
Energy s 5141-05 Trading ‫واالسفلت‬ Trading

Crude Oil Trading ‫تجارة النفط الخام‬

Energy Oil & Gas 5141-09 Abroad ‫خارج الدولة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Trading Refined Oil ‫تجارة مشتقات تكرير‬
Energy Oil & Gas 5141-10 Products Abroad ‫ النفط خارج الدولة‬Trading

Minerals & ‫تجارة خامات‬

Metals & Minerals Ores 5142-01 Metal Ores Trading ‫المعادن‬ Trading

Steel and Basic

Steel Products ‫تجارة منتجات الحديد‬
Metals & Minerals Ferrous Metals 5142-02 Trading ‫االساسية‬ Trading

Basic Non Ferrous ‫تجارة المنتجات‬

Non-Ferrous Metal Products ‫االساسية للمعادن‬
Metals & Minerals Metals 5142-03 Trading ‫غير الحديدية‬ Trading

Gold & Non-Manufactured ‫تجارة الذهب‬

Precious Metals & Precious Precious Metal ‫والمعادن الثمينة غير‬
Stones Metals 5142-04 Trading ‫المشغولة‬ Trading

Scales & Dry ‫تجارة الموازين‬

General Trading Other Trading 5142-05 Measures Trading ‫والمكاييل‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare

Engineering & Parts & Bolts, Nuts, Screws ‫تجارة ادوات الرباط‬
Machinery Accessories 5142-06 & Nails Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Agricultural Tools ‫تجارة العدد‬

General Trading Other Trading 5142-07 Trading ‫ واالدوات الزراعية‬Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare

Engineering & Parts & Building Hardware ‫تجارة عدد وادوات‬
Machinery Accessories 5142-08 & Tools Trading ‫البناء‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Workshop

Engineering & Parts & Hardware & Tools ‫تجارة عدد وادوات‬
Machinery Accessories 5142-09 Trading ‫الورش‬ Trading

Other Metals Metal Drums & ‫تجارة البراميل‬

Metals & Minerals & Minerals 5142-10 Barrels Trading ‫المعدنية‬ Trading

Other Metals Metal Cans & ‫تجارة العلب‬

Metals & Minerals & Minerals 5142-11 Containers Trading ‫والعبوات المعدنية‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare

Engineering & Parts & Precision Dies ‫تجارة قوالب تشكيل‬
Machinery Accessories 5142-12 Trading ‫المعادن‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تجارة اللوحات‬
Traffic Signs & ‫المرورية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5142-13 Requisites Trading ‫واالرشادية‬ Trading

Other Metals Metal Wires ‫تجارة االسالك‬

Metals & Minerals & Minerals 5142-14 Trading ‫المعدنية‬ Trading

Other Metals Metal Ropes ‫تجارة الحبال‬

Metals & Minerals & Minerals 5142-15 Trading ‫المعدنية‬ Trading

Cargo Containers
General Trading Other Trading 5142-17 Trading ‫ تجارة احوية الشحن‬Trading

Personal & Household Gas Cylinders ‫تجارة إسطوانات‬
Household Goods Items 5142-18 Trading ‫الغاز‬ Trading

Metal Alloys ‫تجارة السبائك‬

Metals & Minerals Ferrous Metals 5142-20 Trading ‫المعدنية‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction Building &
Engineering & Materials & Construction
Machinery Requisites 5143-00 Materials Trading ‫تجارة مواد البناء‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Reinforcement
Machinery Requisites 5143-01 Steel Bars Trading ‫ تجارة حديد التسليح‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials &
Machinery Requisites 5143-02 Bricks Trading ‫تجارة الطوب‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Cement & Gypsum ‫تجارة االسمنت‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-03 Trading ‫والجبس‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction ‫تجارة الرمل‬
Engineering & Materials & Sand, Gravel & ‫والحصى واحجار‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-04 Stones Trading ‫البناء‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Building Metal ‫تجارة االشغال‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-05 Products Trading ‫المعدنية لالبنية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Tiles & Flooring ‫تجارة البالط‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-06 Materials Trading ‫واالرضيات‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Glass & Mirrors ‫تجارة الزجاج‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-07 Trading ‫والمرايا‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Wires & Cables ‫تجارة االسالك‬
General Trading Requisites 5143-08 Trading ‫والكابالت‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Cement Products ‫تجارة المنتجات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-09 Trading ‫االسمنتية‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Gypsum Products ‫تجارة المنتجات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-10 Trading ‫الجبسية‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & False Ceiling ‫تجارة االسقف‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-11 Trading ‫المعلقة‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Sanitary Ware ‫تجارة االدوات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-13 Trading ‫الصحية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Electrical Fittings ‫تجارة ادوات‬
General Trading Requisites 5143-14 Trading ‫ التمديدات الكهربائية‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Pre-Fabricated ‫تجارة االبنية‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-15 Houses Trading ‫الجاهزة واجزائها‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Swimming Pools ‫تجارة احواض‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-16 Trading ‫السباحة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Building &
Construction, Construction ‫تجارة الخزانات‬
Engineering & Materials & Tanks & Silos ‫والصهاريج‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-17 Trading ‫والصوامع‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Pipes & Fittings ‫تجارة االنابيب‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-18 Trading ‫والمواسير‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Fiber Glass ‫تجارة منتجات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-19 Products Trading ‫االلياف الزجاجية‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Ironmongery ‫تجارة المستلزمات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-20 Trading ‫المعدنية للمباني‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction Decoration
Engineering & Materials & Materials & ‫تجارة مواد الديكور‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-21 Partitions Trading ‫والقواطع‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration
Household Goods Requisites 5143-22 Wall Paper Trading ‫ تجارة ورق الجدران‬Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Metal Blinds ‫تجارة الستائر‬
Household Goods Requisites 5143-23 Trading ‫المعدنية العمودية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Lighting Poles
General Trading Requisites 5143-24 Trading ‫ تجارة اعمدة االنارة‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials &
Machinery Requisites 5143-25 Scaffolds Trading ‫تجارة السقاالت‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Ready-mix ‫تجارة الخرسانة‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-26 Concrete Trading ‫الجاهزة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Fencing & Barbed ‫تجارة السياج‬
General Trading Other Trading 5143-27 Wire Trading ‫واالسالك الشائكة‬ Trading

Raw & Basic

General Trading Materials 5143-28 Timber Trading ‫تجارة االخشاب‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Wooden Products ‫تجارة المنتجات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-29 Trading ‫الخشبية‬ Trading

Building & Special Fabrics &

Construction, Construction Fibers for ‫تجارة االنسجة‬
Engineering & Materials & Construction ‫وااللياف للعمليات‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-30 Trading ‫ االنشائية التخصصية‬Trading

Building & Doors, Windows &

Construction, Construction other Plastic
Engineering & Materials & Building Products ‫تجارة االشغال‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-31 Trading ‫البالستيكية لالبنية‬ Trading

Building & Building

Construction, Construction Maquettes & ‫تجارة مستلزمات‬
Engineering & Materials & Models Requisites ‫تنفيذ مجسمات األبنية‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-32 Trading ‫ و النماذج الهندسية‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction Crane Rails &
Engineering & Materials & Fixing Accessories ‫تجارة قضبان‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-34 Trading ‫ الرافعات ولوازمها‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Fire Resistant ‫تجارة األبواب‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-35 Doors Trading ‫المقاومة للحريق‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Building &
Construction, Construction Green Buildings
Engineering & Materials & Construction ‫تجارة مواد بناء‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-36 materials Trading ‫المباني الخضراء‬ Trading

Home &
Personal & Tools & Water Heaters
Household Goods Utencils 5143-37 Trading ‫ تجارة سخانات المياه‬Trading

Personal & Household Locks & Keys ‫تجارة االقفال‬
Household Goods Items 5143-38 Trading ‫والمفاتيح‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Paint & Varnish ‫تجارة االصباغ‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-39 Trading ‫والملمعات‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Marble & Natural ‫تجارة الرخام‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-40 Stones Trading ‫والحجر الطبيعي‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction ‫تجارة األنابيب‬
Engineering & Materials & Fire Fighting Pipes ‫الخاصة بأنظمة‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-41 Trading ‫اإلطفاء‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction Fire Resistant & ‫تجارة المواد‬
Engineering & Materials & Retardant ‫المقاومة والمانعة‬
Machinery Requisites 5143-42 Materials Trading ‫إلنتشار الحريق‬ Trading

Garbage & Waste

Collection ‫تجارة أحوية جمع‬
General Trading Other Trading 5143-43 Containers Trading ‫القمامة والنفايات‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Chemical Fertilizers ‫تجارة االسمدة‬
General Trading s 5149-01 Trading ‫الكيماوية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Agricultural &
Other Food & Veterinary ‫تجارة مبيدات اآلفات‬
Food & Agro Agro 5149-02 Pesticides Trading ‫الزراعية‬ Trading

Chemicals & Detergents &

Petrochemical Disinfectants ‫تجارة المنظفات‬
General Trading s 5149-03 Trading ‫والمطهرات‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Industrial Solvents ‫تجارة المنظفات‬
General Trading s 5149-04 Trading ‫الصناعية‬ Trading

Industrial & ‫تجارة الغازات‬

Liquefied Natural ‫الصناعية والغاز‬
Energy Oil & Gas 5149-06 Gas Trading ‫المسال‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Tannery & Dyeing ‫تجارة مواد الصباغة‬
General Trading s 5149-07 Materials Trading ‫والدباغة‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Acids & Alkalines ‫تجارة االحماض‬
General Trading s 5149-08 Trading ‫والقلويات‬ Trading

Plastic & Nylon

Raw & Basic Raw Materials ‫تجارة خامات‬
General Trading Materials 5149-09 Trading ‫ البالستيك والنايلون‬Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Industrial Sponge ‫تجارة االسفنج‬
General Trading s 5149-10 Trading ‫الصناعي‬ Trading

Raw & Basic

General Trading Materials 5149-11 Rubber Trading ‫تجارة المطاط‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Chemicals & Photography
Petrochemical Processing ‫تجارة مواد‬
General Trading s 5149-12 Materials Trading ‫التحميض‬ Trading

Equipment & Medical Gas ‫تجارة الغازات‬
Healthcare Requisites 5149-13 Trading ‫الطبية‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Fire Extinguishing ‫تجارة مواد مكافحة‬
General Trading s 5149-14 Materials Trading ‫واطفاءالحريق‬ Trading

Technology & Ink & Printing ‫تجارة االحبار ومواد‬

Telecom IT Requisites 5149-15 Materials Trading ‫الطباعة‬ Trading

‫تجارة الزيوت‬
Raw & Basic Non Edible Oil ‫النباتية والحيوانية‬
General Trading Materials 5149-16 Trading ‫غير الغذائية‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & ‫تجارة المواد‬
Machinery Requisites 5149-17 Adhesives Trading ‫الالصقة‬ Trading

Raw & Basic Gum & Glue ‫تجارة الصمغ‬

General Trading Materials 5149-18 Trading ‫والغراء‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction Insulation &
Engineering & Materials & Protection ‫تجارة المواد العازلة‬
Machinery Requisites 5149-19 Materials Trading ‫والواقية‬ Trading

Oilfield Chemicals ‫تجارة كيماويات آبار‬

Energy Oil & Gas 5149-20 Trading ‫النفط‬ Trading

Raw & Basic Waste Plastic ‫تجارة المخلفات‬

General Trading Materials 5149-21 Trading ‫البالستيكية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Basic Industrial ‫تجارة الكيماويات‬
General Trading s 5149-23 Chemicals Trading ‫ الصناعية االساسية‬Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction ‫تجارة المواد‬
Engineering & Materials & Construction ‫الكيماوية الغراض‬
Machinery Requisites 5149-24 Chemicals Trading ‫البناء‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Insecticides ‫تجارة مبيدات اآلفات‬
General Trading s 5149-25 Trading ‫المنزلية‬ Trading

‫تجارة االسمدة‬
Chemicals & ‫العضوية‬
Petrochemical Organic Fertilizer & ‫والمصلحات‬
General Trading s 5149-26 Plant Feed Trading ‫الزراعية‬ Trading
Ropes, Sacks & ‫تجارة الخيش‬
General Trading Other Trading 5149-27 Jute Bags Trading ‫والحبال‬ Trading

Food & Agro Raw Materials 5149-28 Paper Trading ‫تجارة الورق‬ Trading

Packing &
Packaging ‫تجارة مواد التعبئة‬
General Trading Other Trading 5149-29 Materials Trading ‫والتغليف‬ Trading

Raw & Basic Waste Paper ‫تجارة المخلفات‬

General Trading Materials 5149-31 Trading ‫الورقية‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Scrap & Metal ‫تجارة النفايات‬
Non-Ferrous Waste Trading ‫والمخلفات المعدنية‬
Metals & Minerals Metals 5149-32 Abroad ‫خارج الدولة‬ Trading

Personal & Carpets & Upholstery ‫تجارة مواد ولوازم‬
Household Goods Requisites 5149-33 Requisites Trading ‫التنجيد‬ Trading

Upholstery, Sewing &

Personal & Carpets & Embroidery ‫تجارة لوازم الخياطة‬
Household Goods Requisites 5149-34 Requisites Trading ‫والتطريز‬ Trading

Plastic Bags & ‫تجارة العبوات‬

General Trading Other Trading 5149-35 Containers Trading ‫ واالكياس البالستيكية‬Trading

Raw & Basic Raw Materials ‫تجارة الخامات‬

General Trading Materials 5149-39 Trading ‫والمواد االولية‬ Trading

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Laboratories ‫تجارة كيماويات‬
General Trading s 5149-40 Chemicals Trading ‫ المختبرات والمعامل‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Chemicals &
Petrochemical Petrochemicals ‫تجارة‬
Energy s 5149-42 Trading ‫البتروكيماويات‬ Trading

Building &
Construction, Construction
Engineering & Materials & Plastic Sheets ‫تجارة االلواح‬
Machinery Requisites 5149-43 Trading ‫البالستيكية‬ Trading

Chemicals & Water Treatment

Petrochemical & Purification ‫تجارة كيماويات‬
General Trading s 5149-45 Chemicals Trading ‫ معالجة وتنقية المياه‬Trading

Biodegradable &
Raw & Basic Compostable ‫تجارة المنتجات‬
General Trading Materials 5149-50 Products Trading ‫ القابلة للتحلل الحيوي‬Trading

Chemicals & Sterilizers &

Petrochemical Disinfectants ‫تجارة المعقمات‬
General Trading s 5149-99 Trading ‫والمطهرات‬ Trading

Computer Electric ‫تجارة تمديدات‬

Technology & Accessories ‫شبكات الحاسب‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5151-01 Trading ‫اآللي‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تجارة نظم وبرامج‬
Technology & ‫الحاسب اآللي‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5151-02 Software Trading ‫وأجهزة اإلتصال‬ Trading

Computer & Data ‫تجارة مستلزمات‬

Technology & Processing ‫الحاسب اآللي‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5151-03 Requisites Trading ‫ومعالجة البيانات‬ Trading

Computer ‫تجارة اجهزة‬

Technology & Equipment ‫الحاسب اآللي‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5151-04 Requisites Trading ‫ولوازمه‬ Trading

Electronic &
Technology & Equipment & Robotics & Smart ‫تجارة الروبوتات‬
Telecom Requisites 5151-07 Machines Trading ‫واألجهزة الذكية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical ‫تجارة شرائط‬
Equipment & Blank Cassette ‫التسجيل غير‬
General Trading Requisites 5152-01 Trading ‫المسجلة‬ Trading

Electronic & Electrical &

Electrical Electronic ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Equipment & Appliances Spare ‫االجهزة الكهربائية‬
General Trading Requisites 5152-05 Parts Trading. ‫وااللكترونية‬ Trading

Telephones &
Telecommunicatio ‫تجارة الهواتف‬
Technology & Telecom ns Equipment ‫واجهزة االتصال‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-06 Trading ‫السلكي‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Mobile Phones &
Technology & Telecom Accessories ‫تجارة الهواتف‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-07 Trading ‫ المتحركة ولوازمها‬Trading

Technology & Telecom Paging Receivers ‫تجارة اجهزة النداء‬

Telecom Requisites 5152-08 Trading ‫العام‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Electronic Card ‫تجارة البطاقات‬
General Trading Requisites 5152-09 Trading ‫االلكترونية‬ Trading

Electronic & Electronic

Electrical Precision
Equipment & Instruments ‫تجارة االجهزة‬
General Trading Requisites 5152-10 Trading ‫االلكترونية الدقيقة‬ Trading

Technology & Telecom ns Equipment ‫تجارة معدات‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-11 Trading ‫االتصال السلكي‬ Trading

Equipment & ‫تجارة معدات‬
Technology & Telecom Instruments ‫واجهزة االتصال‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-12 Trading ‫الالسلكي‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Technology & Telecom Satellite Receiving ‫استقبال القنوات‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-13 Equipment Trading ‫ التلفزيونية الفضائية‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Global Positioning
Technology & Telecom Systems (G.P.S) ‫تجارة أنظمة تحديد‬
Telecom Requisites 5152-14 Trading ‫ المواقع جي بي اس‬Trading

Technology & Telecom ‫تجارة شرائح الهاتف‬

Telecom Requisites 5152-16 SIM Trading ‫اإللكترونية‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Agricultural ‫تجارة الجرارات‬

Engineering & Machinery & Tractors & ‫واآلليات الزراعية‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-01 Machinery Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Equipment & ‫تجارة المعدات‬
Engineering & Machinery & Accessories ‫والمكائن الزراعية‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-02 Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Equipment & ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Engineering & Machinery & Machinery Spare ‫اآلالت والمكائن‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-03 Parts Trading ‫الزراعية‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Equipment, ‫تجارة معدات‬
Engineering & Machinery & Machinery & Spare ‫ومكائن الورش‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-04 Parts Trading ‫وقطع غيارها‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Construction, Heavy Industrial Plant ‫ومكائن تجهيز‬
Engineering & Machinery & Equipment & Spare ‫المصانع وقطع‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-05 Parts Trading ‫غيارها‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Oilfield & Natural ‫واجهزة آبار النفط‬
Gas Equipment & ‫والغاز الطبيعي‬
Energy Oil & Gas 5159-06 Spare Parts Trading ‫وقطع غيارها‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Office Furniture
Household Goods Requisites 5159-07 Trading ‫ تجارة االثاث المكتبي‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Solar Energy
Systems & ‫تجارة معدات‬
Alternative Components ‫واجهزة الطاقة‬
Energy Energy 5159-08 Trading ‫الشمسية ولوازمها‬ Trading

Fire Fighting & ‫تجارة معدات‬

Safety Equipment ‫واجهزة السالمة‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-09 Trading ‫واطفاء الحريق‬ Trading

Scientific & ‫تجارة المعدات‬

Laboratory ‫واالجهزة العلمية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-10 Equipment Trading ‫والمعملية‬ Trading

Measuring & ‫تجارة معدات‬

Control Systems ‫واجهزة القياس‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-11 Trading ‫والتحكم‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Refrigeration & ‫تجارة معدات‬
Equipment & Cold Storage ‫واجهزة الحفظ‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-12 Equipment Trading ‫والتبريد‬ Trading

Personal & Household Diving Equipment ‫تجارة معدات‬
Household Goods Items 5159-13 Trading ‫واجهزة الغطس‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Radio, TV Stations, ‫واجهزة االذاعة‬
Technology & Cinema & Theater ‫والتلفزيون والسينما‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5159-14 Equipment Trading ‫والمسرح‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Construction

Engineering & Machinery & Equipment & ‫تجارة معدات وآليات‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-15 Machinery Trading ‫البناء والتشييد‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Electronic &
Equipment & Air-Condition
General Trading Requisites 5159-16 Trading ‫ تجارة مكيفات الهواء‬Trading

Construction, Heavy Equipment &
Engineering & Machinery & Machinery Spare ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-17 Parts Trading ‫ معدات وآليات البناء‬Trading

Construction, Heavy Heavy Equipment ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬

Engineering & Machinery & & Machinery Spare ‫اآلالت والمعدات‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-18 Parts Trading ‫الثقيلة‬ Trading

Beauty & Personal ‫تجارة معدات‬

Care Equipment ‫التجميل والعناية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-19 Trading ‫الشخصية‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Handling, Loading

Engineering & Machinery & & lifting ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-20 Equipment Trading ‫التحميل والرفع‬ Trading

Animal & Poultry

Farms Equipment ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-21 Trading ‫ المزارع والمداجن‬Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Vending Machines ‫تجارة معدات البيع‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-22 Trading ‫اآللي‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬

Water Desalination ‫ازالة ملوحة المياه‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-23 Equipment Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Heavy
Engineering & Machinery & Bricks Making ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-24 Equipment Trading ‫صنع الطوب‬ Trading

Painting ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬

General Trading Other Trading 5159-25 Equipment Trading ‫الطالء‬ Trading

Bakeries & Flour

Mills Equipment ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-26 Trading ‫ المطاحن والمخابز‬Trading

Water Treatment ‫تجارة معدات معالجة‬

General Trading Other Trading 5159-27 Equipment Trading ‫المياه وتنقيتها‬ Trading

Water Cooling &

Heating Equipment ‫تجارة معدات تبريد‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-28 Trading ‫المياه وتسخينها‬ Trading

Printing Equipment
& Instruments ‫تجارة معدات‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-29 Trading ‫المطابع ولوازمها‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Lighting Equipment
Equipment & & Requisites ‫تجارة معدات االنارة‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-30 Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Home &
Appliances, Industrial Kitchen ‫تجارة معدات‬
Personal & Tools & & Catering ‫المطاعم والمطابخ‬
Household Goods Utencils 5159-31 Equipment Trading ‫المركزية‬ Trading

City Cleaning ‫تجارة معدات تنظيف‬

General Trading Other Trading 5159-32 Equipment Trading ‫المدن‬ Trading

Building Cleaning ‫تجارة معدات تنظيف‬

General Trading Other Trading 5159-33 Equipment Trading ‫المباني‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Sea Cleaning ‫تجارة معدات تنظيف‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-34 Equipment Trading ‫البحار‬ Trading

Protection ‫تجارة معدات حماية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-35 Equipment Trading ‫البيئة‬ Trading

Laundry & Dry

Cleaning ‫تجارة معدات تنظيف‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-36 Equipment Trading ‫المالبس‬ Trading

Auto Washing ‫تجارة معدات غسل‬

General Trading Other Trading 5159-37 Equipment Trading ‫ السيارات وتنظيفها‬Trading

Stationary &
Personal & Office Office Equipment ‫تجارة المعدات‬
Household Goods Equipment 5159-38 Trading ‫المكتبية‬ Trading

Stationary & ‫تجارة معدات‬

Personal & Office Shop Fittings ‫وتركيبات المحال‬
Household Goods Equipment 5159-39 Trading ‫العامة‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy Packing &

Engineering & Machinery & Packaging ‫تجارة معدات التعبئة‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-40 Equipment Trading ‫والتغليف‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy
Engineering & Machinery & Well Drilling ‫تجارة معدات حفر‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-41 Equipment Trading ‫اآلبار‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare ‫تجارة معدات‬

Engineering & Parts & Pest Control ‫مكافحة الحشرات‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-42 Equipment Trading ‫والحيوانات‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Heavy
Engineering & Machinery & Airport Equipment ‫تجارة معدات‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-43 Trading ‫المطارات‬ Trading

lighting &
Personal & Decoration Garden Equipment ‫تجارة معدات‬
Household Goods Requisites 5159-44 Trading ‫الحدائق‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Sports Fields ‫المالعب والصاالت‬
&halls Equipment ‫الرياضية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-45 Trading ‫وتجهيزاتها‬ Trading

lighting & Schools, Hospitals ‫تجارة اثاث المدارس‬
Personal & Decoration & Laboratories ‫والمستشفيات‬
Household Goods Requisites 5159-46 Furniture Trading ‫والمختبرات‬ Trading

Medical, Surgical
Medical Equipment &
Equipment & Instruments ‫تجارة اجهزة الطب‬
Healthcare Requisites 5159-47 Trading ‫ والجراحة وادواتها‬Trading

Medical Equipment &
Equipment & Instruments ‫تجارة اجهزة البيطرة‬
Healthcare Requisites 5159-48 Trading ‫وادواتها‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Structural Wire

Engineering & Parts & Rope Systems ‫تجارة انظمة الحبال‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-49 Trading ‫ المعدنية االنشائية‬Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Sewing Machines

Engineering & Parts & & Spare Parts ‫تجارة مكائن الخياطة‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-50 Trading ‫وقطع غيارها‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Heavy ‫تجارة المصاعد‬
Engineering & Machinery & Lifts, Escalators & ‫والساللم المتحركة‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-51 Spare Parts Trading ‫وقطع غيارها‬ Trading

‫تجارة المضخات‬
Construction, Heavy Pumps, Engines, ‫والمحركات‬
Engineering & Machinery & Valves & Spare ‫والصمامات‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-52 Parts Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

‫تجارة اآلالت‬
Technology & Calculators & ‫الحاسبة وقطع‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5159-53 Spare Parts Trading ‫غيارها‬ Trading

Typewriters, ‫تجارة اآلالت الكاتبة‬

Technology & Photocopiers & ‫والناسخة وقطع‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5159-54 Spare Parts Trading ‫غيارها‬ Trading

Power Generation,
Construction, Heavy Transmission & ‫تجارة معدات توليد‬
Engineering & Machinery & Distribution ‫الطاقة الكهربائية‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-55 Equipment Trading ‫ونقلها وتوزيعها‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Automatic Gates & ‫تجارة البوابات‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-56 Barriers Trading ‫والحواجز اآللية‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Irrigation

Engineering & Parts & Equipment & ‫تجارة اجهزة الري‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-57 Requisites Trading ‫ ومعداتها ولوازمها‬Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Designing
Engineering & Parts & Instruments ‫تجارة معدات الرسم‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-58 Trading ‫الهندسي‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Security Control & ‫تجارة اجهزة‬
Equipment & Alarm Equipment ‫ومعدات االنذار‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-59 Trading ‫والمراقبة‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Tools, Spare ‫تجارة البيوت‬
Engineering & Parts & Green Houses & ‫الزراعية ومعداتها‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-60 Equipment Trading ‫ولوازمها‬ Trading

Meat & Fish

Construction, Heavy Processing ‫تجارة معدات وآالت‬
Engineering & Machinery & Equipment & ‫تهيئة اللحوم‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-63 Machinery Trading ‫ واالسماك وتجهيزها‬Trading

Spinning &
Construction, Heavy Weaving ‫تجارة معدات الغزل‬
Engineering & Machinery & Equipment & Spare ‫والنسج وقطع‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-64 Parts Trading ‫غيارها‬ Trading

Electronic & Electronic Games ‫تجارة معدات‬

Electrical & Amusement ‫واجهزة صاالت‬
Equipment & Center Equipment ‫التسلية وااللعاب‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-65 Trading ‫االلكترونية‬ Trading

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Ships & Boats ‫تجارة السفن‬
Logistics Requisites 5159-67 Trading ‫والقوارب‬ Trading

Ships, Boats Spare

Ships & Parts & ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Shipping & Marine Components ‫السفن والقوارب‬
Logistics Requisites 5159-69 Trading ‫ومكوناتها‬ Trading

Aircraft Spare Parts

Aircrafts & & Components ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Aviation Requisites 5159-70 Trading ‫ الطائرات ومكوناتها‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Kids Rides & ‫تجارة تجهيزات‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-71 Games Trading ‫العاب االطفال‬ Trading

Auto Spare Trains Spare Parts

Automotive Parts & & Components ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Transportation Accessories 5159-72 Trading ‫ القطارات ومكوناتها‬Trading

‫تجارة االحواض‬
Aquariums & ‫ومعدات عرض‬
Display Cases ‫االسماك والحيوانات‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-73 Trading ‫البحرية‬ Trading

Construction, Tools, Spare Engines &

Engineering & Parts & Machinery Spare ‫تجارة قطع غيار‬
Machinery Accessories 5159-74 Parts Trading. ‫ المكائن والمحركات‬Trading

Construction, Heavy
Engineering & Machinery & Blast Furnaces & ‫تجارة االفران العالية‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-75 Smelters Trading ‫والمصاهر‬ Trading

Inspection, Testing ‫تجارة معدات‬

Equipment & ‫واجهزة الفحص‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-76 Devices Trading ‫واالختبار‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Central Ventilators ‫تجارة معدات التهوية‬
Equipment & & Air Filters ‫وتنقية الهواء‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-77 Trading ‫المركزية‬ Trading

Ships & Ports & Marine ‫تجارة معدات‬

Shipping & Marine Guide Equipment ‫الموانيء واالرشاد‬
Logistics Requisites 5159-78 Trading ‫البحري‬ Trading

Electronic & Photographic

Electrical Processing
Equipment & Equipment & ‫تجارة معدات‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-79 Requisites Trading ‫ التحميض ولوازمها‬Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Cleanroom ‫تجارة انظمة الغرف‬
General Trading Other Trading 5159-80 Systems Trading ‫المعقمة‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Monetary & ‫تجارة االجهزة‬
Equipment & Banking ‫والمعدات المصرفية‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-81 Equipment Trading ‫والنقدية‬ Trading

Ships & Gliders, Sailplanes ‫تجارة الطائرات‬

Shipping & Marine & Spare Parts ‫الشراعية وقطع‬
Logistics Requisites 5159-82 Trading ‫غيارها‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Security Devices ‫تجارة االجهزة‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-85 Equipment Trading ‫والمعدات األمنية‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Franking Machines ‫تجارة آالت التخليص‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-86 Trading ‫وصيانتها‬ Trading

Electronic &
Electrical Magnetic
Equipment & Technology ‫تجارة أجهزة التقنية‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-87 Equipment Trading ‫المغناطيسية‬ Trading

Construction, Heavy
Engineering & Machinery & Plate Heat ‫تجارة المبادالت‬
Machinery Equipment 5159-88 Exchangers Trading ‫الحرارية‬ Trading

‫تجارة معدات‬
Petrol Station ‫وادوات محطات‬
Energy Oil & Gas 5159-89 Equipment Trading ‫الخدمة‬ Trading

Electronic &
Equipment & Carbon Control ‫تجارة انظمة التحكم‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-90 Systems Trading ‫بانبعاث الكربون‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Electronic &
Electrical Simulation
Equipment & Equipment & ‫تجارة أجهزة وأنظمة‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-96 Systems Trading ‫محاكاة الواقع‬ Trading

Electronic & ‫تجارة أجهزة‬

Electrical Laser & Fireworks ‫ومعدات عروض‬
Equipment & Show Equipment ‫الليزر واأللعاب‬
General Trading Requisites 5159-98 Trading ‫النارية‬ Trading

Aircrafts &
Aircrafts & Helicopters ‫تجارة الطائرات‬
Aviation Requisites 5159-99 Trading ‫والمروحيات‬ Trading
‫تجارة االلعاب‬
General Trading Other Trading 5190-02 Fireworks Trading ‫النارية‬ Trading
‫تجارة اغطية‬
General Trading Other Trading 5190-03 Caps & Lids Trading ‫العبوات والقوارير‬ Trading
Glass Bottles ‫تجارة القوارير‬
General Trading Other Trading 5190-04 Trading ‫الزجاجية‬ Trading

Smelters &
Raw & Basic Refractory ‫تجارة الحجر الناري‬
General Trading Materials 5190-05 Materials Trading ‫ للمصاهر واالفران‬Trading

‫تجارة المستلزمات‬
Aircrafts & Airline Inflight ‫المستخدمة داخل‬
Aviation Requisites 5190-06 Products Trading ‫الطائرات‬ Trading

Technology & Telecom Vehicles Numbers ‫تجارة أرقام‬

Telecom Requisites 5190-07 Trading ‫السيارات‬ Trading

Medical Laboratories Tools ‫تجارة ادوات‬

Equipment & & Requisites ‫المختبرات والمعامل‬
Healthcare Requisites 5190-10 Trading ‫ومستلزماتها‬ Trading

Fiber Optic ‫تجارة منتجات‬

Technology & Products & ‫االلياف البصرية‬
Telecom IT Requisites 5190-11 Requisites Trading ‫ وملحقاتها ولوازمها‬Trading

Technology & Astronomy ‫تجارة اجهزة الرصد‬

Telecom IT Requisites 5190-12 Equipment Trading ‫والقياس الفلكي‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Electronic & Photographic
Electrical Equipment & ‫تجارة مواد ولوازم‬
Equipment & Processing ‫معدات التصوير‬
General Trading Requisites 5190-13 Materials Trading ‫التخصصية‬ Trading

Other Food &

Food & Agro Agro 5190-14 Dry Ice Trading ‫تجارة الثلج الجاف‬ Trading

Unmanned Aerial ‫تجارة الطائرات التي‬

Aircrafts & Vehicles (Drone) ‫تعمل بدون طيار‬
Aviation Requisites 5190-17 Trading ‫درون‬ Trading

Technology & Telecom Mobile Phones ‫تجارة أرقام الهواتف‬

Telecom Requisites 5190-29 Numbers Trading ‫المتحركة‬ Trading

Personal &
Community Departmental (‫مجمع استهالكي‬
Services Stores 5211-02 Supermarket ‫(سوبرماركت‬ Trading

Personal &
Community Departmental
Services Stores 5211-03 Grocery Store ‫بقالة‬ Trading

Personal &
Community Departmental
Services Stores 5211-04 Mini Store ‫متجر استهالكي‬ Trading

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5211-05 Grinding Shop ‫مطحنة‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5211-06 Roastery ‫محمصة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تعهدات تزويد‬
Hospitality ‫بالوجبات الغذائية‬
Hospitality Services 5211-08 Catering Services ‫الجاهزة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Departmental
Services Stores 5219-03 Department Store ‫متجر اقسام‬ Trading

General Trading Trading 5219-04 General Trading ‫تجارة عامة‬ Trading

Services in Fuel Supply ‫تعهدات تموين‬

Energy Energy Sector 5219-08 Services ‫ بالوقود والمحروقات‬Service

Construction, Consultancy &

Engineering & Technical Turnkey Projects ‫تعهدات تجهيز‬
Machinery Services 5219-10 Contracting ‫المنشآت العامة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Electronic & ‫تجارة األجهزة‬
Electrical Used Electrical & ‫واألدوات الكهربائية‬
Equipment & Electronic ‫واإللكترونية‬
General Trading Requisites 5240-03 Appliances Trading ‫المستعملة‬ Trading

Other Used Cloth & ‫تجارة المالبس‬

Personal & Household Personal Item ‫والمستلزمات‬
Household Goods Items 5240-07 Trading ‫ الشخصية المستعملة‬Trading

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5252-03 Shoe Polishing ‫مسح االحذية‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5252-06 Fish Seller ‫بائع سمك‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5252-07 Meat Seller ‫بائع اللحم‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Fruit & Vegetable
Services Services 5252-08 Seller ‫ بائع خضار وفواكه‬Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Publications & ‫كشك بيع المطبوعات‬
Services Services 5252-09 Stationery Outlet ‫والقرطاسية‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5252-10 Beverages Canteen ‫ كشك بيع المرطبات‬Service

Personal & Other Personal Commodities By
Community & Community Automatic Vending ‫بيع السلع بواسطة‬
Services Services 5259-01 Machines ‫معدات البيع اآللي‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal Devices & ‫إصالح األجهزة‬
Community & Community Equipment ‫واآلالت والمعدات‬
Services Services 5260-02 Repairing ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal & Other Personal Scales, Dry
Community & Community Measures Repair & ‫اصالح الموازيين‬
Services Services 5260-04 Maintenance ‫ والمكاييل وصيانتها‬Service

Technology & Telecom Mobile Phone ‫اصالح الهواتف‬

Telecom Services 5260-13 Repair ‫المتحركة‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Curtains Preparing ‫تجهيز الستائر‬
Services Services 5260-15 & Fixing ‫وتركيبها‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5260-16 Shoe Repair ‫اصالح االحذية‬ Service

Precious Metals & & Related ‫اصالح المجوهرات‬
Stones Services 5260-17 Jewellery Repair ‫ والمصوغات والحلي‬Industrial

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Watches & Clocks
Services Services 5260-18 Repair ‫اصالح الساعات‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community ‫اصالح االقفال‬
Services Services 5260-19 Locks Repair ‫والكوالين‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 5260-20 Spectacles Repair ‫اصالح النظارات‬ Service

Personal & Household ‫إصالح الدراجات‬
Household Goods Items 5260-26 Bicycles Repair ‫الهوائية‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Leather & Similar ‫اصالح المنتجات‬
Services Services 5260-29 Products Repair ‫الجلدية ومايماثلها‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Telecom Mobile Phone ‫خدمات تطوير أداء‬
Telecom Services 5260-33 Upgrading Services ‫ الهواتف المتحركة‬Service

‫فندق فئة الخمس‬

Hospitality Hotels 5510-01 Five Star Hotel ‫نجوم‬ Service

‫فندق فئة االربع‬

Hospitality Hotels 5510-02 Four Star Hotel ‫نجوم‬ Service

‫فندق فئة الثالث‬

Hospitality Hotels 5510-03 Three Star Hotel ‫نجوم‬ Service

Hospitality Hotels 5510-04 Two Star Hotel ‫فندق فئة النجمتين‬ Service

‫فندق فئة النجمة‬

Hospitality Hotels 5510-05 One Star Hotel ‫الواحدة‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5520-01 Restaurant ‫مطعم‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5520-02 Coffee Shop ‫مقهى‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5520-03 Cafeteria ‫ بيع الوجبات الخفيفة‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Hospitality Eateries 5520-04 Sandwich Shop ‫بيع الشطائر‬ Service
Juice & Soft Drinks
Hospitality Eateries 5520-05 Shop ‫بيع العصير‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5520-06 Ice-Cream Shop ‫بيع المثلجات‬ Service

Local Sweets ‫تحضير الحلوى‬

Hospitality Eateries 5520-09 Preparing ‫والحلويات الشعبية‬ Service

Sweets & Candies ‫تحضير الحلويات‬

Hospitality Eateries 5520-10 Preparing ‫والسكاكر‬ Service

‫تحضير الفطائر‬
Hospitality Eateries 5520-11 Pastry Preparing ‫وتجهيزها‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 5520-99 Kitchen Center ‫مركز المطابخ‬ Service

Automotive Transport Transport by ‫نقل الركاب‬
Transportation Services 6021-04 Rented Buses ‫ بالحافالت المؤجرة‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Automotive Transport Luxury Motor ‫نقل الركاب‬
Transportation Services 6022-07 Vehicles Services ‫بالسيارات الفخمة‬ Service

Services in Petroleum
Energy Energy Sector 6023-04 Transport ‫ نقل المواد البترولية‬Service

Money & ‫خدمات نقل النقود و‬

Automotive Transport Valuables ‫المجوهرات واالشياء‬
Transportation Services 6023-08 Transport Services ‫الثمينة‬ Service

Shipping Lines of
Shipping & Freight & ‫خطوط مالحية للنقل‬
Shipping & Logistics Passengers ‫البحري للركاب‬
Logistics Services 6110-01 Transportation. ‫والبضائع‬ Service

Sea Transport of ‫نقل البترول‬

Services in Oil & Petroleum ‫ومنتجاته بواسطة‬
Energy Energy Sector 6110-03 Products ‫ناقالت البترول‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine
Logistics Services 6110-05 Ship Charter ‫تأجير السفن‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Barges & Tugs ‫تأجير القاطرات‬
Logistics Services 6110-06 Charter ‫والصنادل البحرية‬ Service

Ships & Sea Freight & ‫النقل البحري بعقود‬

Shipping & Marine Passengers ‫خاصة للركاب‬
Logistics Services 6110-07 Charters ‫والبضائع‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Marine Tours ‫تسيير الرحالت‬
Logistics Services 6110-08 Operation ‫البحرية السياحية‬ Service

Aviation Aircraft & ‫تأجير الطائرات‬

Aviation Services 6220-01 Requisites Leasing ‫ولوازمها‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Air Charters for ‫النقل الجوي‬
Aviation Passengers & ‫العارض للركاب‬
Aviation Services 6220-03 Cargo ‫والبضائع‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics Cargo Loading & ‫خدمات تحميل‬
Logistics Services 6301-02 Unloading Services ‫وتفريغ البضائع‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics
Logistics Services 6301-03 Cargo Packaging ‫ خدمات حزم البضائع‬Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics ‫خدمات الشحن‬
Logistics Services 6301-04 Sea Cargo Services ‫البحري للبضائع‬ Service

Aviation ‫خدمات الشحن‬

Aviation Services 6301-05 Air Cargo Services ‫الجوي للبضائع‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine
Logistics Services 6303-01 Ports Management ‫ادارة المواني‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine ‫معاينة وسائل النقل‬
Logistics Services 6303-03 Vessels Inspection ‫البحري‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Ships & Vessel
Shipping & Marine Classification ‫توصيف وسائل النقل‬
Logistics Services 6303-05 Services ‫ البحري وتصنيفها‬Service

Shipping & Containers Loading

Shipping & Logistics & Unloading ‫خدمات تحميل احوية‬
Logistics Services 6303-08 Services. ‫الشحن وتفريغها‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Ship Management
Logistics Services 6303-10 & Operation ‫ ادارة السفن وتشغيلها‬Service

Civil Aviation ‫خدمات المعلومات‬

Aviation Information ‫المتعلقة بحركة‬
Aviation Services 6303-11 Services ‫الطيران المدني‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Ship Rental
Logistics Services 6303-12 Intermediator ‫ وسيط تأجير السفن‬Service

Aviation Management & ‫ادارة الطائرات‬
Aviation Services 6303-14 Operation ‫وتشغيلها‬ Service

Aviation Aviation
Aviation Services 6303-18 Consultant ‫ استشارات الطيران‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Travel &
Hospitality Tourism 6304-02 Travel Agent ‫وكيل سفر وسياحة‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics Sea Shipping Lines ‫وكيل خطوط مالحية‬
Logistics Services 6304-03 Agents ‫بحرية‬ Service

e, Liaison & Government
Managing Tourist Liaison ‫مكتب ارتباط سياحي‬
Support Services Offices 6304-04 Office ‫حكومي‬ Service

Travel & Hajj & Umra ‫تنظيم رحالت الحج‬

Hospitality Tourism 6304-06 Organizing ‫والعمرة‬ Service

Representativ International
e, Liaison & Airline
Managing Representative ‫مكتب خطوط طيران‬
Support Services Offices 6304-07 Office ‫دولية‬ Service

Aviation ‫وكيل خطوط شحن‬

Aviation Services 6304-10 Air Cargo Agent ‫جوي‬ Service

Travel & Out Bound Tour ‫منظم رحالت‬

Hospitality Tourism 6304-11 Operator ‫سياحية خارجية‬ Service

Travel & In Bound Tour ‫منظم رحالت‬

Hospitality Tourism 6304-12 Operator ‫سياحية داخلية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Educational &
Travel & Recreational Tours ‫تنظيم الرحالت‬
Hospitality Tourism 6304-13 Organizing ‫ التربوية والترفيهية‬Service

Transport Land Transport ‫وكيل وسائل النقل‬

Support Services Services 6304-14 Agent ‫البري‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics
Logistics Services 6309-01 Freight Broker ‫وسيط شحن‬ Service

Aviation Aviation Trading ‫الوساطة التجارية في‬

Aviation Services 6309-02 Brokerage ‫قطاع الطيران‬ Service

Aviation Aviation Services ‫تنسيق خدمات‬

Aviation Services 6309-03 Coordination ‫الطيران‬ Service

Unmanned Aerial (‫خدمات الطائرات‬

Aviation Vehicle (Drone) ‫التي تعمل بدون‬
Aviation Services 6309-99 Service ‫طيار(درون‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics Letters & Post ‫نقل بعائث بريد‬
Logistics Services 6411-02 Items Delivery ‫الرسائل‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics
Logistics Services 6411-05 Parcels Delivery ‫نقل الطرود‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics Documents ‫نقل الوثائق‬
Logistics Services 6411-06 Delivery ‫والمستندات‬ Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics ‫خدمات توصيل‬
Logistics Services 6412-01 Delivery Services ‫الطلبات‬ Service

Financials Banking 6519-01 Commercial Bank ‫مصرف تجاري‬ Service

Credit & Finance ‫مصرف ائتمان‬

Financials Banking 6519-02 Bank ‫وتمويل‬ Service

Financials Banking 6519-03 Investment Bank ‫ مصرف استثماري‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Financials Banking 6519-06 Saving Bank ‫مصرف ادخاري‬ Service

‫الخدمات المصرفية‬
Financials Banking 6519-09 E-Banking ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

‫تمويل المتاجرة‬
Financials Banking 6519-10 E-Finance ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

Financials Banking 6519-12 Islamic Bank ‫مصرف إسالمي‬ Service

Financial Financing ‫اجراء عمليات‬

Financials Services 6592-01 Operations ‫التمويل‬ Service

‫تنفيذ عمليات‬
Remittance of ‫التحويل بالعملة‬
Local & Foreign ‫المحلية والعمالت‬
Financials Banking 6592-04 Currencies ‫االجنبية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Investment in ‫االستثمار في‬
Commercial ‫المشروعات‬
Enterprises & ‫التجارية وتأسيسها‬
Financials Investment 6599-01 Management ‫وادارتها‬ Service

Investment in ‫االستثمار في‬

Industrial ‫المشروعات‬
Enterprises & ‫الصناعية وتأسيسها‬
Financials Investment 6599-02 Management ‫وادارتها‬ Service

Investment in ‫االستثمار في‬

Agricultural ‫المشروعات‬
Enterprises & ‫الزراعية وتأسيسها‬
Financials Investment 6599-03 Management ‫وادارتها‬ Service

Investment in Oil & ‫االستثمار في‬

Natural Gas ‫مشروعات النفط‬
Financials Investment 6599-06 Projects ‫والغاز الطبيعي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate
Facility Services Services 6599-08 Development ‫التطوير العقاري‬ Service

Investment in ‫اإلستثمار في‬

Sport Enterprises & ‫المشروعات‬
Financials Investment 6599-09 Management ‫ الرياضية و تطويرها‬Service

Investment in ‫اإلستثمار في‬

Water Enterprises ‫مشروعات المياه‬
Financials Investment 6599-10 & Development ‫وتطويرها‬ Service

‫بيع وشراء العمالت‬

Financials Banking 6599-11 Money Exchangers ‫االجنبية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Investment in ‫اإلستثمار في‬
Health Enterprises ‫المشروعات الصحية‬
Financials Investment 6599-14 & Development ‫ وتأسيسها وإدارتها‬Service

Investment in ‫االستثمار في‬

Educational ‫المشروعات‬
Enterprises & ‫التعليمية وتأسيسها‬
Financials Investment 6599-16 Management ‫وإدارتها‬ Service

‫االستثمار في‬
Investment in ‫المشروعات‬
Tourist Enterprises ‫السياحية و تأسيسها‬
Financials Investment 6599-17 & Management ‫و إدارتها‬ Service

‫تعدين األصول‬
Proprietary Crypto ‫المشفرة للحساب‬
Financials Other Trading 659990 Mining ‫الخاص‬ Trading

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Trading in Crypto- ‫تجارة السلع المشفرة‬
Financials Other Trading 659992 commodities ‫للحساب الخاص‬ Trading

Single Family Office ‫مكتب إدارة شؤون‬

Financials Family Offices 659993 (DMCC) ‫العائلة‬ Service

Trading for
Proprietary ‫التداول للحساب‬
account on ‫الخاص في‬
Financial regulated ‫بورصات خاضعة‬
Financials Services 6599-98 exchanges (DMCC) ‫لرقابة سلطة مالية‬ Trading

‫التداول في العقود‬
Financial Trading in DGCX ‫المقيدة لدى بورصة‬
Financials Services 6599-99 contracts (DMCC) ‫ دبي للذهب والسلع‬Trading

Financials Insurance 6601-01 Life Insurance ‫التأمين علي الحياة‬ Service

‫اعادة التأمين على‬

Financials Insurance 6601-02 Life Reinsurance ‫الحياة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Accidents &
Liabilities ‫التأمين من الحوادث‬
Financials Insurance 6603-01 Insurance ‫والمسئولية‬ Service

Financials Insurance 6603-02 Fire Insurance ‫ التأمين من الحريق‬Service

‫التأمين من اخطار‬
Transportation ‫النقل البري والبحري‬
Financials Insurance 6603-03 Risk Insurance ‫والجوي‬ Service

Credit & Saving ‫التأمين على االدخار‬

Financials Insurance 6603-04 Insurance ‫وتكوين األموال‬ Service

Financials Insurance 6603-05 Reinsurance ‫اعادة التأمين‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Financials Insurance 6603-07 Health Insurance ‫التأمين الصحي‬ Service

Mechanical Failure ‫التأمين ضد األعطال‬

Financials Insurance 6603-08 Insurance ‫الميكانيكية‬ Service

‫خدمات عرض‬
Financial ‫اسعار العمالت‬
Financial Instruments ‫والمعادن الثمينة‬
Financials Services 6711-02 Quotation Services ‫ونشرها‬ Service

‫وسيط بيع األسهم‬

Financial Local Shares & ‫والسندات المحلية‬
Financials Services 6712-02 Bonds Brokers ‫وشرائها‬ Service

‫وسيط بيع االسهم‬

Financial Foreign Shares & ‫والسندات االجنبية‬
Financials Services 6712-04 Bonds Broker ‫وشرائها‬ Service

Financials Banking 6712-05 Bank Brokers ‫ وسيط بين المصارف‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate
Facility Services Services 6719-10 Mortgage Broker ‫ وسيط رهن عقاري‬Service

Real Estate
Real Estate & Real Estate Mortgage ‫إستشارات الرهن‬
Facility Services Services 6719-12 Consultancy ‫العقاري‬ Service

Financials Insurance 6720-01 Insurance Brokers ‫وسيط تأمين‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Financials Insurance 6720-02 Insurance Agent ‫وكيل تأمين‬ Service

Financials Insurance 6720-03 Mathematics ‫رياضيات التأمين‬ Service
Financials Insurance 6720-04 Consultancies ‫استشارات التأمين‬ Service

Real Estate & Real Estate Buying & Selling of ‫شراءاالراضي‬

Facility Services Services 7010-01 Real Estate ‫والعقارات وبيعها‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate & Facility Commercial
Facility Services Management 7010-04 Complex ‫مجمع تجاري‬ Service

Hotel Apartments
Hospitality Hotels 7010-06 Rental ‫ تأجير الشقق الفندقية‬Service

Real Estate & Facility Shopping Center

Facility Services Management 7010-08 (Mall) ‫مركز تسوق‬ Service

Property Leasing &
Real Estate & Real Estate Management ‫خدمات تأجير وإدارة‬
Facility Services Services 7010-14 Services ‫ العقارات الخاصة‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Buying
Real Estate & Real Estate & Selling ‫الوساطة في بيع‬
Facility Services Services 7020-01 Brokerage ‫العقارات وشرائها‬ Service

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate Leasing ‫الوساطة في تأجير‬
Facility Services Services 7020-03 Brokerage ‫العقارات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

e, Liaison & Real Estate
Managing Representative
Support Services Offices 7020-04 Office ‫ مكتب تمثيل عقاري‬Service

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate ‫خدمات تثمين‬

Facility Services Services 7020-05 Valuation Services ‫العقارات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate
Real Estate & Real Estate Supervision ‫خدمات اإلشراف‬
Facility Services Services 7020-06 Services ‫اإلداري للعقارات‬ Service

Management &
Services for ‫خدمات اإلشراف‬
Real Estate & Real Estate Owners ‫اإلداري لجمعيات‬
Facility Services Services 7020-08 Associations ‫المالك‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate ‫أمين الترويج‬
Facility Services Services 7020-09 Promotion Trustee ‫العقاري‬ Service

Automotive ‫تأجير الدراجات‬

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-01 Motorcycles Rental ‫النارية‬ Service

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-05 Car Rental ‫تأجير السيارات‬ Service

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-06 Buses Rental ‫تأجير الحافالت‬ Service
Automotive Specialized ‫تأجير المركبات‬
Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-08 Vehicles Rental ‫المتخصصة‬ Service

Automotive ‫تأجير سيارات‬

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-09 Racing Cars Rental ‫السباق‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Automotive ‫تأجير الدراجات‬
Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-11 Bicycles Rental ‫الهوائية‬ Service

Automotive Off Road ‫تأجير الدراجات‬

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-12 Motorcycles Rental ‫النارية الترفيهية‬ Service

Automotive Electric Bicycles ‫تأجير الدراجات‬

Transportation Auto Rentals 7111-14 Rental ‫الكهربائية‬ Service

Construction, Heavy Construction

Engineering & Machinery & Equipment & ‫تأجير معدات وآليات‬
Machinery Equipment 7122-01 Machinery Rental ‫التشييد والبناء‬ Service

Construction, Heavy ‫تأجير المضخات‬

Engineering & Machinery & Pumps, Engines & ‫والمحركات‬
Machinery Equipment 7122-03 Generators Rental ‫والمولدات‬ Service

Construction, Heavy Heavy & Light ‫تأجير اآلالت‬

Engineering & Machinery & Machinery & ‫والمعدات الثقيلة‬
Machinery Equipment 7122-05 Equipment Rental ‫والخفيفة‬ Service

Extracting &
Construction, Heavy Drilling Equipment ‫تأجير آالت ومعدات‬
Engineering & Machinery & & Machinery ‫استخراج الثروة‬
Machinery Equipment 7129-02 Rental ‫الطبيعية‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal Movie Filming & ‫تأجير معدات‬

Community & Community production ‫تصوير وإنتاج‬
Services Services 7129-04 Equipment Rental ‫األفالم‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تأجير معدات‬
Alternative Solar Energy ‫وأجهزة الطاقة‬
Energy Energy 7129-08 Systems Rental ‫الشمسية‬ Service

Medical Disinfecting Booths

Equipment & & Equipment ‫تأجير كبائن ومعدات‬
Healthcare Requisites 7129-99 Rental ‫التعقيم‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Watersports ‫تأجير معدات‬
Services Recreation 7130-01 Equipment Rental ‫الرياضات المائية‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Costumes & ‫تأجير المالبس‬
Services Services 7130-04 Uniforms Rental ‫الجاهزة‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community ‫تأجير الحلي‬
Services Services 7130-09 Jewellery Rental ‫والمجوهرات‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Safety Deposit ‫تأجير الخزائن لحفظ‬
Services Services 7130-10 Vaults Renting ‫الودائع الثمينة‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Paintings & ‫تأجير اللوحات‬
Services Services 7130-99 Artworks Rental ‫واألعمال الفنية‬ Service

Technology & Computer Systems ‫إستشارات أجهزة‬

Telecom IT Services 7210-01 Consultancies ‫الحاسب اآللي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Network ‫إستشارات الشبكات‬
Telecom IT Services 7210-02 Consultancies ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

Technology & Technology ‫استشارات تقنية‬
Telecom IT Services 7210-03 Consultants ‫المعلومات‬ Service

Technology & Internet

Telecom IT Services 7210-04 Consultancy ‫ استشارات اإلنترنت‬Service

Technology & Cyber Security ‫إستشارات األمن‬

Telecom IT Services 7210-06 Consultancy ‫اإللكتروني‬ Service

‫تصميم نظم الحاسب‬

Technology & ‫اآللي وأجهزة‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-01 Software House ‫اإلتصال‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Electronic Chips ‫برمجة الرقائق‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-02 Programming ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

Technology & ‫تصميم مواقع الشبكة‬

Telecom IT Services 7229-03 Web-Design ‫ المعلوماتية االنترنت‬Service

‫امداد مواقع الشبكة‬

Technology & Internet Content "‫''اإلنترنت‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-04 Provider ‫بالمحتويات‬ Service

Education & ‫تصميم نظم الحاسب‬

Technology & Training Computer ‫اآللي التعليمية‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-05 Software ‫والتدريبية‬ Service

Technology & Computer Graphic ‫خدمات التصميم‬

Telecom IT Services 7229-06 Design Services ‫بالحاسب اآللي‬ Service

Social Media
Applications ‫خدمات تطوير‬
Technology & Development & ‫وإدارة مواقع‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-07 Management ‫ التواصل اإلجتماعي‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Crypto Mining ‫مشغل منشأة تعدين‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-96 Facility Operator ‫األصول المشفرة‬ Service

NFTs E- ‫مزود السوق‬

Technology & Marketplace ‫االلكترونية للرموز‬
Telecom E-commerce 7229-97 Provider ‫ غير القابلة لالستبدال‬Service

Technology & Metaverse Service ‫مزود خدمات محاكاة‬

Telecom IT Services 7229-98 Provider ‫ الواقع اإلقتراضي‬Service

Distributed Ledger
Technology & Technology ‫خدمات تقنية البيانات‬
Telecom IT Services 7229-99 Services ‫الموزعة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & ‫خدمات ادخال‬
Telecom IT Services 7230-01 Data Entry Services ‫البيانات‬ Service

Cyber Risk
Technology & Management ‫خدمات إدارة‬
Telecom IT Services 7230-02 Services ‫ المخاطر اإللكترونية‬Service

Technology & ‫انشاء البنية التحتية‬

Telecom IT Services 7240-01 IT Infrastructure ‫لتقنية المعلومات‬ Service

Technology &
Telecom IT Services 7240-04 Internet Services ‫خدمات االنترنت‬ Service

Marketing & ‫خدمات التدوين‬

Media & Marketing PR 7240-12 Blogging Services ‫اإللكتروني‬ Service

Technology & Community ‫خدمات إدارة‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-78 Management ‫مجموعة األلعاب‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫تقديم الخدمات‬
Technology & Gaming Production ‫المتعلقة بإنتاج‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-79 Service Providers ‫األلعاب‬ Service

Technology & Gaming Content ‫إنتاج محتوى‬

Telecom Gaming 7240-80 Production ‫االلعاب‬ Service

Technology &
Telecom Gaming 7240-81 Gaming Publisher ‫نشر األلعاب‬ Service

Virtual Reality &

Augmented Reality ‫خدمات تقديم‬
Provision & ‫وتطوير الواقع‬
Technology & Development ‫االفتراضي والواقع‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-82 Services ‫المعزز‬ Service

Gaming Quality
Assurance ‫خدمات ضمان‬
Technology & Specialized ‫الجودة المتخصصة‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-83 Services ‫لأللعاب‬ Service

Online Players ‫خدمات دعم العبي‬

Technology & Support Service ‫الرياضات‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-84 Providers ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

Technology &
Telecom Gaming 7240-85 Gaming Studio ‫أستديو ألعاب‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Gaming Streaming ‫تشغيل منصات تدفق‬
Technology & Social Media ‫األلعاب عبر وسائل‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-86 Platform ‫ التواصل االجتماعي‬Service

Technology & Localization ‫خدمات تعريب‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-87 Services ‫األلعاب‬ Service

Technology & Gaming Industry ‫الدراسات والبحوث‬

Telecom Gaming 7240-88 Research Services ‫ في مجال األلعاب‬Service

Technology & Gaming Engine ‫تشغيل محركات‬

Telecom Gaming 7240-89 Operation ‫األلعاب‬ Service

Technology & Development ‫خدمات تطوير‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-90 Services ‫األلعاب‬ Service

Technology & Consultancy ‫خدمات استشارات‬
Telecom Gaming 7240-91 Services ‫األلعاب‬ Service

Personal & ‫خدمات تحليل بيانات‬

Community E-sports Data & ‫الرياضات‬
Services E-Sports 7240-92 Analytics Services ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

‫خدمات نشر‬
Personal & ‫الرياضات‬
Community E-sports Online ‫االلكترونية عبر‬
Services E-Sports 7240-93 Publication ‫االنترنت‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Services E-Sports 7240-94 Gaming Academy ‫أكاديمية األلعاب‬ Service

Personal & ‫إدارة فعاليات‬

Community E-sports Event ‫الرياضات‬
Services E-Sports 7240-95 Management ‫اإللكترونية‬ Service

Personal & E-sports ‫منصة دعم‬

Community Tournament ‫المنافسات الرياضات‬
Services E-Sports 7240-96 Support Platform ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

Personal & ‫تشغيل دوري‬

Community E-sports League ‫الرياضات‬
Services E-Sports 7240-97 Operator ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

Technology & Offshore Gaming ‫تشغيل األلعاب عبر‬

Telecom Gaming 7240-98 Operator ‫ اإلنترنت في الخارج‬Service

Technology & Online Gaming ‫خدمات األلعاب على‬

Telecom Gaming 7240-99 Services ‫االنترنت‬ Service

‫اصالح اجهزة‬
Technology & Computer Repair & ‫الحاسب اآللي‬
Telecom IT Services 7250-01 Maintenance ‫وصيانتها‬ Service

Typewriters & ‫اصالح اآلالت‬

Technology & Calculators Repair ‫الكاتبة والحاسبة‬
Telecom IT Services 7250-02 & Maintenance ‫وصيانتها‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Technology & Public Networking ‫خدمات شبكات تقنية‬
Telecom IT Services 7290-01 Services ‫المعلومات‬ Service

Technology & Computer System ‫خدمات ايواء اجهزة‬

Telecom IT Services 7290-02 Housing Services ‫ونظم المعلومات‬ Service

Research &
Professional Development on ‫دراسات العلوم‬
Services Consultancy 7310-00 Natural Science ‫التطبيقية‬ Service

Researches & ‫الدراسات والبحوث‬
Healthcare Consultancy 7310-01 Studies ‫الصيدالنية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Consultants & ‫االستشارات‬
Services Consultancy 7310-02 Studies ‫والدراسات البيئية‬ Service

Alternative Renewable Energy ‫إستشارات الطاقة‬

Energy Energy 7310-04 Consultancy ‫المتجددة‬ Service

Research &
Professional Development on ‫دراسات العلوم‬
Services Consultancy 7320-00 Social Sciences ‫االجتماعية‬ Service

Research & ‫البحث والتطوير في‬
Education Consultancy 7320-02 Development ‫ مجال تقنيات التعليم‬Service

Professional Lawyers &

Services Legal Services 7411-01 Advocates ‫اعمال المحاماة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Services Legal Services 7411-02 Legal Consultants ‫ االستشارات القانونية‬Service

‫وكيل تسجيل براءات‬

Professional Patent & Industrial ‫االختراع والرسوم‬
Services Legal Services 7411-03 Property Agent ‫ والنماذج الصناعية‬Service

Quality &
Other Standardization ‫خدمات اصدار‬
Professional Professional Certificates Issuing ‫شهادات الجودة‬
Services Services 7411-04 Services ‫ والمعايرة والتقييس‬Service

Professional Trade Marks ‫وكيل تسجيل‬

Services Legal Services 7411-05 Registration Agent ‫العالمات التجارية‬ Service

Professional Property ‫وكيل تسجيل‬
Services Legal Services 7411-06 Registration Agent ‫المصنفات الفكرية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Copyrights &
Neighboring Rights ‫خدمات اإلدارة‬
Other Collective ‫الجماعية لحقوق‬
Professional Professional Management ‫المؤلف والحقوق‬
Services Services 7411-09 Services ‫المجاورة‬ Service

Other ‫خدمات استعادة‬

Professional Professional Medical Billing ‫مطالبات المرافق‬
Services Services 7411-11 Services ‫الصحية‬ Service

Halal Quality &

Other Conformity ‫خدمات إصدار‬
Professional Professional Certification ‫شهادات الجودة‬
Services Services 7411-99 Services ‫والمطابقة الحالل‬ Service

Professional Audit & Book Auditing of

Services Keeping 7412-01 Accounts ‫مراجعة الحسابات‬ Service

‫تنظيم السجالت‬
Professional Audit & Book Accounting & ‫والدفاتر المحاسبية‬
Services Keeping 7412-02 Bookkeeping ‫ومسكها‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional ‫اإلستشارات‬
Services Consultancy 7412-04 Tax Consultant ‫الضريبية‬ Service

Marketing & Research & ‫استشارات ودراسات‬
Media & Marketing PR 7413-01 Consultancies ‫تسويقية‬ Service

Marketing & Marketing

Media & Marketing PR 7413-02 Management ‫االدارة التسويقية‬ Service

Professional Professional Public Opinion ‫خدمات إجراء‬
Services Services 7413-06 Polling Services ‫إستطالعات الرأي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Transport
Services Consultancy 7414-01 Consultancies ‫استشارات النقل‬ Service

Professional Feasibility Studies ‫استشارات ودراسات‬

Services Consultancy 7414-02 Consultancies ‫ الجدوى االقتصادية‬Service

Other Commercial
Professional Professional Information ‫خدمات المعلومات‬
Services Services 7414-03 Services ‫التجارية‬ Service

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate

Facility Services Services 7414-04 Consultancies ‫ االستشارات العقارية‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Management ‫استشارات ودراسات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-05 Consultancies ‫ادارية‬ Service

Professional HR & Human Resources ‫استشارات الموارد‬

Services Recruitment 7414-06 Consultancies ‫البشرية‬ Service

Quality &
Professional Standardization ‫إستشارات الجودة‬
Services Consultancy 7414-07 Consultants ‫ والمعايرة والتقييس‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Media Studies & ‫والدراسات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-08 Consultancies ‫اإلعالمية‬ Service

Professional Installations ‫استشارت التجهيزات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-09 Consultancies ‫الفنية والتقنية‬ Service

Services Consultancy 7414-10 Hotel Consultants ‫ االستشارات الفندقية‬Service

Tourism &
Professional Recreation ‫االستشارات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-11 Consultants ‫ السياحية والترفيهية‬Service

Facilities Resources
Professional Planning ‫إستشارات تخطيط‬
Services Consultancy 7414-13 Consultancy ‫موارد المنشآت‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Management &
Professional Recycling ‫إستشارات معالجة‬
Services Consultancy 7414-14 Consultancy ‫ المخلفات والنفايات‬Service

Marketing & Public Relations

Media & Marketing PR 7414-15 Management ‫ إدارة العالقات العامة‬Service

‫إستشارات األندية‬
Professional Spa & Fitness Clubs ‫الصحية واللياقة‬
Services Consultancy 7414-16 Consultant ‫البدنية‬ Service

Professional Development ‫استشارات تطوير‬
Services Consultancy 7414-17 Consultant ‫المشاريع‬ Service

Cost Control & Risk

Professional Management ‫خدمات ادارة‬
Services Consultancy 7414-19 Services ‫ التكاليف والمخاطر‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Sourcing &
Professional Procurement ‫إستشارات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-20 Consultant ‫المشتريات‬ Service

Professional Heritage
Services Consultancy 7414-21 Consultant ‫ االستشارات التراثية‬Service

Professional Food & Dairy ‫استشارات االغذية‬

Services Consultancy 7414-22 Consultant ‫واأللبان‬ Service

Agricultural ‫االستشارات‬
Professional Research & ‫والدراسات‬
Services Consultancy 7414-23 Consultancy ‫ واألبحاث الزراعية‬Service

Shipping &
Shipping & Logistics Logistics ‫اإلستشارات‬
Logistics Services 7414-26 Consultancy ‫اللوجستية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Fire Safety ‫إستشارات السالمة‬
Services Consultancy 7414-28 Consultancy ‫ الوقائية من الحريق‬Service

Services Consultancy 7414-29 Cooking Consultant ‫ إستشارات فن الطهي‬Service

Other Project
Professional Professional Management ‫خدمات إدارة‬
Services Services 7414-32 Services ‫المشاريع‬ Service

Innovation &
Artificial ‫االستشارات‬
Intelligence ‫والدراسات في مجال‬
Professional Research & ‫اإلبتكار والذكاء‬
Services Consultancy 7414-98 Consultancies ‫االصطناعي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Oil & Natural Gas ‫استشارات البحث‬
Services in Exploration ‫والتنقيب عن البترول‬
Energy Energy Sector 7421-09 Consultancies ‫والغاز الطبيعي‬ Service

Construction, Consultancy & Building Maquette ‫الخدمات الفنية لتنفيذ‬

Engineering & Technical & Model Making ‫مجسمات االبنية‬
Machinery Services 7421-39 Technical Services ‫ والنماذج الهندسية‬Service

Construction, Consultancy &

Engineering & Technical Products Design
Machinery Services 7421-44 Services ‫ خدمات تصميم السلع‬Service

Construction, Consultancy & Geographical Maps

Engineering & Technical Drawing Technical ‫رسم الخرائط‬
Machinery Services 7421-47 Services ‫الجغرافية‬ Service

Noise Control,
Construction, Consultancy & Vibration & ‫استشارات التحكم في‬
Engineering & Technical Acoustics ‫الصوت والضجيج‬
Machinery Services 7421-61 Consultancy ‫واالهتزازات‬ Service

Vertical &
Professional Systems ‫استشارات أنظمة‬
Services Consultancy 7421-63 Consultant ‫النقل المتحركة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

‫الدراسات والخدمات‬
Geophysical & ‫الجيوفيزائية‬
Professional Geological Studies ‫والجيولوجية‬
Services Consultancy 7421-65 & Services ‫والسيسمية‬ Service

Construction, Consultancy &

Engineering & Technical Green Buildings ‫استشارات األبنية‬
Machinery Services 7421-66 Consultant ‫الخضراء‬ Service

Science &
Professional Technology ‫اإلستشارات العلمية‬
Services Consultancy 7421-67 Consultancy ‫والتقنية‬ Service

Models Production
Construction, Consultancy & By Three ‫إنتاج المجسمات‬
Engineering & Technical Dimensional Laser ‫بواسطة التصوير‬
Machinery Services 7421-68 Scanning ‫ثالثي األبعاد‬ Service

Professional Services in Radiation ‫إستشارات الطاقة‬

Services Energy Sector 7421-69 Consultant ‫اإلشعاعية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Marine Projects ‫إستشارات‬
Logistics Services 7421-72 Consultancy ‫ المشروعات البحرية‬Service

Services in Energy Projects ‫إستشارات مشاريع‬

Energy Energy Sector 7421-73 Consultancy ‫الطاقة‬ Service

Real Estate & Real Estate Real Estate Survey ‫خدمات المسح‬
Facility Services Services 7421-77 Services ‫العقاري‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Consultancy & Meteorology ‫استشارات هندسية‬
Engineering & Technical Engineering ‫في مجال األرصاد‬
Machinery Services 7421-78 Consultancy ‫الجوي‬ Service

Aviation Electrical
Network & ‫خدمات هندسة‬
Distribution ‫الشبكات الكهربائية‬
Aviation Engineering ‫والتوزيع الخاصة‬
Aviation Services 7421-80 Services ‫بالطيران‬ Service

Mechanical Power ‫خدمات هندسة القوى‬
Aviation Engineering ‫الميكانيكية الخاصة‬
Aviation Services 7421-81 Services ‫بالطيران‬ Service

Aviation Projects
Management ‫خدمات اإلدارة‬
&Technical ‫الهندسية ودراسة‬
Aviation Feasibility Studies ‫الجدوى الفنية‬
Aviation Services 7421-82 Services ‫ لمشروعات الطيران‬Service

Construction, Interior Design

Engineering & Consultancy ‫خدمات استشارات‬
Machinery Consultancy 7421-98 Services (DMCC) ‫التصميم الداخلي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Construction, Consultancy &
Engineering & Technical Soil Analysis
Machinery Services 7422-01 Services ‫ خدمات فحص التربة‬Service

Other Chemical &

Professional Professional Biological ‫مختبر تحاليل‬
Services Services 7422-02 Laboratory ‫ كيماوية وبيولوجية‬Service

Gold & Gold & Precious ‫مختبر تحليل الذهب‬

Precious Metals & Precious Metals Testing ‫والمعادن الثمينة‬
Stones Metals 7422-04 Laboratory ‫وفحصها‬ Service

Construction, Consultancy &

Engineering & Technical Safety ‫استشارات السالمة‬
Machinery Services 7422-06 Consultancies ‫والصحة المهنية‬ Service

Diamond &
Manufacturing Precious
Precious Metals & & Related Gemstones Testing ‫مختبر تحليل الماس‬
Stones Services 7422-15 Laboratory ‫ واألحجار الكريمة‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate & Facility Building Inspection ‫خدمات فحص‬
Facility Services Management 7422-21 Services ‫المباني‬ Service

Pearls &
Precious Metals & Precious
Stones Stones 7422-99 Diamond Cleaning ‫تنظيف الماس‬ Service

Researches & ‫إستشارات ودراسات‬
Media & Marketing Advertising 7430-01 Consultancies ‫إعالنية‬ Service

Promotional Gifts ‫تجهيز الهدايا‬

Media & Marketing Advertising 7430-03 Preparing ‫االعالنية‬ Service

Media & Marketing Advertising 7430-04 Advertising Agency ‫وكالة إعالن‬ Service

Distribution of
Materials & ‫توزيع المواد‬
Media & Marketing Advertising 7430-05 Samples ‫االعالنية والعينات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Consultancy ‫خدمات االستشارات‬
Media & Marketing Advertising 7430-99 Services (DMCC) ‫اإلعالنية‬ Service

Professional HR & Executive Search ‫خدمات األبحاث‬

Services Recruitment 7491-98 Services (DMCC) ‫التنفيذية‬ Service

Professional HR & Recruitment

Services Recruitment 7491-99 Services (DMCC) ‫خدمات التوظيف‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal Events Security & ‫خدمات امن الحفالت‬
Community & Community Private Guarding ‫وتامين الحراسة‬
Services Services 7492-02 Services ‫الخصوصية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Other Operations &
Professional Professional Security Control ‫مركز العمليات‬
Services Services 7492-03 Center ‫والمراقبة األمنية‬ Service

Professional Security
Services Consultancy 7492-06 Consultancies ‫ االستشارات األمنية‬Service

Professional Professional Vehicles Tracking ‫خدمات أنظمة تعقب‬
Services Services 7492-07 Systems Services ‫المركبات‬ Service

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Maritime Security ‫خدمات حراسة‬
Logistics Services 7492-09 Services ‫السفن‬ Service

Real Estate & Facility Building Cleaning ‫خدمات تنظيف‬

Facility Services Management 7493-01 Services ‫المباني والمساكن‬ Service

Personal &
Community Photography ‫التصوير‬
Services Photo Studio 7494-01 Services ‫الفوتوغرافي‬ Service

Personal & Photographs &

Community Motion Pictures ‫معالجة افالم‬
Services Photo Studio 7494-02 Processing ‫التصوير‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal & Commercial ‫انتاج الصور‬
Community Photographs ‫الفوتوغرافية‬
Services Photo Studio 7494-03 Production ‫التجارية‬ Service

Professional Aerial Photography ‫خدمات التصوير‬

Services Photo Studio 7494-04 Services ‫الجوي‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Gift Wrapping
Services Services 7495-01 Services ‫ خدمات تغليف الهدايا‬Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community Repackaging & ‫خدمات إعادة‬
Services Services 7495-02 Refilling Services ‫التغليف والتعبئة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Photocopy & Documents ‫خدمات نسخ الوثائق‬
Services typing Centres 7499-01 Copying Services ‫والمستندات‬ Service

Personal & Typing &

Community Photocopy & Photocopying ‫خدمات الطبع‬
Services typing Centres 7499-02 Services ‫والنسخ‬ Service

Personal & Maps & Plans

Community Photocopy & Photocopying ‫خدمات نسخ الخرائط‬
Services typing Centres 7499-03 Services ‫والرسومات‬ Service

Other Translation, Editing

Professional Professional & Proofreading ‫خدمات الترجمة‬
Services Services 7499-04 Services ‫والتدقيق اللغوي‬ Service

Professional Professional Documents ‫خدمات متابعة‬
Services Services 7499-06 Clearing Services ‫المعامالت‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

e, Liaison &
Support Services Offices 7499-07 Managing Office ‫مكتب ادارة‬ Service

Professional Professional Call Centers ‫خدمات مراكز‬
Services Services 7499-09 Services ‫اإلتصال‬ Service

Professional Professional
Services Services 7499-10 Debt Collecting ‫تحصيل الديون‬ Service

Professional Professional Surveying & ‫خدمات المعاينة‬
Services Services 7499-11 Evaluating Services ‫والتثمين‬ Service

Exhibition ‫تنظيم المعارض‬

Media & Marketing Events 7499-12 Organizing ‫وادارتها‬ Service

Personal &
Community Designing & ‫تصميم االزياء‬
Services Tailoring 7499-14 Fashion Designing ‫والمالبس‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Hospitality Hotels 7499-15 Hotel Management ‫ادارة فنادق‬ Service

Professional Professional Management ‫خدمات ادارة‬
Services Services 7499-16 Services ‫ شركات ومؤسسات‬Service

Professional Businessmen Business men & ‫خدمات رجال‬

Services Services 7499-17 women Services ‫وسيدات األعمال‬ Service

Real Estate & Facility Management
Facility Services Management 7499-20 Services ‫ خدمات ادارة منشآت‬Service

Fashion Shows ‫تنظيم عروض‬

Media & Marketing Events 7499-21 Organizing ‫االزياء‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Conferences &
Seminars ‫تنظيم المؤتمرات‬
Media & Marketing Events 7499-22 Organizing ‫والندوات وادارتها‬ Service

Other ‫خدمات استرداد‬

Professional Professional Tax Reclaim ‫الضرائب المدفوعة‬
Services Services 7499-23 Services ‫في الخارج‬ Service

‫تنظيم المزادات‬
Media & Marketing Events 7499-24 Auction Organizing ‫العلنية وادارتها‬ Service

Professional Professional Documents ‫خدمات إتالف‬
Services Services 7499-25 Destroying Services ‫ الوثائق والمستندات‬Service

Professional Professional Documents ‫خدمات حفظ الوثائق‬
Services Services 7499-26 Storage Services ‫و المستندات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Services Legal Services 7499-27 Legal Translation ‫الترجمة القانونية‬ Service

Other Non-Commercial
Professional Professional Information ‫خدمات المعلومات‬
Services Services 7499-28 Services ‫غير التجارية‬ Service

Sport Clubs & ‫ادارة االندية‬

Real Estate & Facility Facilities ‫والمنشآت الرياضية‬
Facility Services Management 7499-29 Management ‫وتشغيلها‬ Service

Claims Recovery ‫خدمات تسوية‬

Financials Insurance 7499-33 Services ‫المطالبات‬ Service

Professional Professional Credit Rating ‫خدمات التصنيف‬
Services Services 7499-36 Services ‫االئتماني‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Professional Information ‫خدمة دليل الخط‬
Services Services 7499-40 Helpline Directory ‫ المساعد للمعلومات‬Service

Professional Professional Customer Care ‫مركز للعناية‬
Services Services 7499-41 Center ‫بالعمالء‬ Service

Financial Management ‫خدمات حفظ السلع‬
Financials Services 7499-42 Services ‫المرهونة‬ Service

Other Parents of Children

Professional Professional with Disabilities ‫إستشارات أسر‬
Services Services 7499-43 Consultant ‫ األطفال ذوي اإلعاقة‬Service

Events ‫خدمات إدارة‬

Media & Marketing Events 7499-46 Management ‫الفعاليات‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Precious Metals & & Related Jewellery
Stones Services 7499-48 Designing ‫ تصميم المجوهرات‬Service

Other Intellectual
Professional Professional Property Rights ‫إدارة الحقوق‬
Services Services 7499-50 Management ‫والملكيات الفكرية‬ Service

Corporate Social
Other Responsibility ‫إعداد وتنفيذ مبادرات‬
Professional Professional Initiatives ‫المسؤولية‬
Services Services 7499-52 preparation ‫ اإلجتماعية للشركات‬Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫خدمات اإلنقاذ في‬
Services Recreation 7499-55 Lifeguard Services ‫أماكن السباحة‬ Service

Other Extended
Professional Professional Warranty
Services Services 7499-56 Management ‫ إدارة تمديد الضمان‬Service

Hospitality Services 7499-59 Hospitality Services ‫خدمات الضيافة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Professional Payment Services ‫خدمات تحصيل‬
Services Services 7499-60 Provider ‫الرسوم والدفعيات‬ Service

Other Documents & Data ‫خدمات التحقق من‬

Professional Professional verification ‫صحة المستندات‬
Services Services 7499-62 Services ‫والبيانات‬ Service

Sports Exhibitions ‫تنظيم المعارض‬

Media & Marketing Events 7499-65 Organizing ‫الرياضية‬ Service

Hospitality Restaurants
Hospitality Services 7499-67 Management ‫إدارة المطاعم‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Professional Immigration
Services Services 7499-68 Services ‫خدمات الهجرة‬ Service

Other Document ‫خدمات تصديق‬

Professional Professional Verification ‫الشهادات‬
Services Services 7499-70 Services ‫والمستندات‬ Service

Professional Professional Corporate Services ‫مزود خدمات‬
Services Services 7499-72 Provider (CSP) ‫الشركات‬ Service

Professional Professional ‫خدمات التوجيه‬
Services Services 7499-99 Lifestyle Coaching ‫ لتطوير أسلوب الحياة‬Service

Education Early Learning 8010-01 Nursery ‫دار حضانة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Education Early Learning 8010-02 Kindergarten ‫روضة اطفال‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8010-03 Primary School ‫مدرسة ابتدائية‬ Service

Institutions & Intermediate

Education Universities 8010-04 School ‫مدرسة اعدادية‬ Service

Early Learning
Education Early Learning 8010-05 Center ‫مركز تعليم مبكر‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8021-01 Secondary School ‫مدرسة ثانوية‬ Service

Institutions & ‫مدرسة مهنية‬

Education Universities 8022-01 Vocational School ‫متخصصة‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8022-02 Nursing School ‫مدرسة تمريض‬ Service

Institutions & Religious Studies ‫مدرسة ومعهد للتعليم‬

Education Universities 8022-03 School ‫الديني‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Institutions & Professional ‫معهد مهني‬
Education Universities 8030-01 Institute ‫متخصص‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8030-02 College ‫كلية جامعية‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8030-03 Community College ‫كلية مجتمع‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8030-04 University ‫جامعة‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8030-05 Internet University ‫جامعة انترنت‬ Service

Professional Aviation Training ‫خدمات التدريب في‬

Education Training 8090-01 Services ‫مجال الطيران‬ Service

Professional Rehabilitation ‫مركز رعاية وتأهيل‬
Education Training 8090-02 Center ‫ذوي اإلعاقة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Talented Children
Development ‫مركز تنمية مواهب‬
Education Early Learning 8090-03 Center ‫االطفال‬ Service

Professional Automobile ‫معهد لتعليم قيادة‬

Education Training 8090-09 Driving School ‫السيارات‬ Service

Professional Security Training

Education Training 8090-30 Institute ‫معهد تدريب أمني‬ Service

‫التدريب على‬
Professional Occupational ‫إجراءات السالمة‬
Education Training 8090-32 Safety Training ‫المهنية‬ Service

Professional First Aid Training ‫مركز تدريب‬

Education Training 8090-34 Center ‫اسعافات أولية‬ Service

Learning ‫مركز صعوبات‬

Education Early Learning 8090-36 Difficulties Center ‫التعلم‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Advanced First Aid ‫مركز تدريب‬
Education Training 8090-53 Training Center ‫إسعافات متقدمة‬ Service

Professional ‫التدريب على الوقاية‬

Education Training 8090-54 Fire Safety Training ‫من الحريق‬ Service

Professional Advanced Driving

Education Training 8090-55 School ‫ معهد القيادة المتقدمة‬Service

Professional &
Management ‫التدريب في مجال‬
Professional Development ‫التطوير المهني‬
Education Training 8090-57 Training ‫اإلداري‬ Service

Institutions & ‫التدريب في مجال‬

Education Universities 8090-58 Computer Training ‫الحاسوب‬ Service

Institutions &
Education Universities 8090-59 Language Training ‫تعليم اللغات‬ Service

Recreational ‫التدريب في مجال‬

Education Training 8090-60 Fine Arts Training ‫الفنون الجميلة‬ Service

Institutions & Education Support

Education Universities 8090-61 Services ‫الخدمات التعليمية‬ Service

Technical and ‫التدريب على‬

Professional Occupational Skills ‫المهارات المهنية‬
Education Training 8090-63 Training ‫التقنية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Child Skills
Development ‫التدريب على تطوير‬
Education Early Learning 8090-64 Training ‫مهارات األطفال‬ Service

Institutions & Quality Assurance ‫خدمات ضمان‬
Education Universities 8090-97 Services ‫الجودة التعليمية‬ Service

Technical &
Vocational ‫مركز منح الشهادات‬
Institutions & Certification ‫المهنية والفنية‬
Education Universities 8090-98 Center ‫الدولية‬ Service

Healthcare Centres 8511-01 General Hospital ‫مستشفى عام‬ Service

Medical Ophthalmology ‫مستشفى أمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8511-02 Hospital ‫العيون‬ Service

Medical ‫مستشفى أمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8511-03 Paediatric Hospital ‫األطفال‬ Service

Medical Gynecology & ‫مستشفى أمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8511-04 Obstetric Hospital ‫النساء والوالدة‬ Service

Medical Convalescence
Healthcare Centres 8511-05 House ‫دار نقاهة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Plastic Surgery ‫مستشفى جراحة‬
Healthcare Centres 8511-06 Hospital ‫التجميل‬ Service

Medical Rehabilitation
Healthcare Centres 8511-07 Center ‫ مركز تأهيل مدمنين‬Service

Medical Orthopedic ‫مستشفى جراحة‬

Healthcare Centres 8511-08 Surgery Hospital ‫العظام‬ Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-01 General Clinic ‫عيادة الطب العام‬ Service

Medical Internal Medicine

Healthcare Centres 8512-02 Clinic ‫ عيادة أمراض باطنية‬Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-03 Cardiac Clinic ‫ عيادة أمراض القلب‬Service

Medical ‫عيادة أمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-04 Paediatric Clinic ‫األطفال‬ Service

Medical Ophthalmology
Healthcare Centres 8512-05 Clinic ‫عيادة طب العيون‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Healthcare Centres 8512-06 Orthopedic Clinic ‫ عيادة جراحة العظام‬Service

Medical ‫عيادة األمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-07 Respiratory Clinic ‫التنفسية‬ Service

Medical Obstetric & ‫عيادة أمراض النساء‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-08 Gynecology Clinic ‫والوالدة‬ Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-09 Urology Clinic ‫ عيادة المسالك البولية‬Service

Medical ‫عيادة األمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-10 Psychiatry Clinic ‫النفسية‬ Service

Medical ‫عيادة األمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-11 Dermatology Clinic ‫الجلدية‬ Service

Medical Otolaryngology ‫عيادة األنف واألذن‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-12 Clinic ‫والحنجرة‬ Service

Medical General Dental

Healthcare Centres 8512-13 Clinic ‫ عيادة األسنان العامة‬Service

Medical Plastic Surgery ‫عيادة جراحة‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-15 Clinic ‫التجميل‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical General Surgery
Healthcare Centres 8512-16 Clinic ‫ عيادة الجراحة العامة‬Service

Medical Endocrinology
Healthcare Centres 8512-17 Clinic ‫ عيادة الغدد الصماء‬Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-18 Poly Clinic ‫مجمع طبي‬ Service

Medical Neurosurgery ‫عيادة جراحة‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-19 Clinic ‫األعصاب‬ Service

Medical ‫عيادة األمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-20 Oncology Clinic ‫السرطانية‬ Service

Medical ‫مركز الجراحات‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-21 Day Surgical Center ‫اليومية‬ Service

Medical Maxillofacial ‫عيادة جراحة الوجه‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-22 Surgery Clinic ‫والفكين‬ Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-23 Optical Center ‫مركز بصريات‬ Service

‫عالج االضطرابات‬
Medical Psychological & ‫النفسية والعاطفية‬
Healthcare Centres 8512-24 Behavioral Therapy ‫والسلوكية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Laser Cosmetic
Healthcare Centres 8512-25 Center ‫ مركز تجميل بالليزر‬Service

Medical Acupuncture ‫مركز وخز باإلبر‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-26 Center ‫الصينية‬ Service

(‫مركز معالجة يدوية‬

Medical ‫لتقويم العمود الفقري‬
Healthcare Centres 8512-28 Chiropractic Center ‫(كايروبراكتيك‬ Service

Medical Homeopathy ‫مركز طب مثلي‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-29 Center )‫(هوميوباثي‬ Service

Medical Traditional Chinese ‫مركز طب صيني‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-30 Medicine Center ‫تقليدي‬ Service

Medical ‫مركز طب هندي‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-31 Ayurvedic Center )‫ تقليدي (االيروفيديا‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Unani Medicine
Healthcare Centres 8512-33 Center ‫ مركز الطب اليوناني‬Service

(‫مركز معالجة يدوية‬

Medical ‫لتقويم العظام‬
Healthcare Centres 8512-35 Osteopathy Center ‫(أوستيوبثي‬ Service

Healthcare Centres 8512-36 Meditation Centre ‫مركز للتأمل‬ Service

Medical Smoking Cessation ‫مركز لمكافحة‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-37 Center ‫التدخين‬ Service

Medical Vascular Surgery ‫عيادة جراحة‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-39 Clinic ‫األوعية الدموية‬ Service

Medical Assisted
Healthcare Centres 8512-41 Fertilization Center ‫مركز إخصاب‬ Service

Medical Rheumatology ‫عيادة أمراض‬

Healthcare Centres 8512-45 Clinic ‫الروماتيزم‬ Service

‫مركز معالجة‬
Medical Naturopathy ‫بالطبيعة‬
Healthcare Centres 8512-46 Center )‫(ناتشروباثي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Renal Dialysis
Healthcare Centres 8512-48 Center ‫مركز غسيل كلى‬ Service

Medical Treatment & ‫مركز عالج‬
Healthcare Centres 8512-49 Diagnostic Center ‫وتشخيص طبي‬ Service

Medical Radio Diagnostic ‫مركز تشخيص‬

Healthcare Centres 8519-01 Center ‫إشعاعي‬ Service

Medical Air Ambulance ‫خدمات اإلسعاف‬

Healthcare Centres 8519-02 Services ‫الجوي‬ Service

‫خدمات الحمية‬
Dieting & Weight ‫الغذائية والسيطرة‬
Healthcare Consultancy 8519-03 Control Services ‫على الوزن‬ Service

Healthcare Medical Labs 8519-04 Clinical Laboratory ‫مختبر طبي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Treatment
Facilitation ‫خدمات التعهدات‬
Healthcare Consultancy 8519-05 Services ‫الصحية والعالجية‬ Service

Medical Home Health Care ‫مركز خدمات‬

Healthcare Centres 8519-07 Center ‫الصحة المنزلية‬ Service

Pharmaceutica Pharmaceutical ‫اإلستشارات‬

Healthcare ls 8519-08 Consultancies ‫الصيدالنية‬ Service

Health Planning ‫إستشارات التخطيط‬

Healthcare Consultancy 8519-09 Consultancies ‫الصحي‬ Service

Telemedicine ‫مركز إستشارات‬

Healthcare Consultancy 8519-12 Counseling Center ‫طبية عن بعد‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Ambulance
Healthcare Centres 8519-13 Services ‫خدمات اإلسعاف‬ Service

Health Awareness ‫خدمات التثقيف‬

Healthcare Consultancy 8519-15 Services ‫الصحي‬ Service

Physical Medicine
Medical & Rehabilitation ‫مركز طب طبيعي‬
Healthcare Centres 8519-16 Center ‫وتأهيل‬ Service

Medical Physiotherapy
Healthcare Centres 8519-17 Center ‫ مركز عالج طبيعي‬Service
Medical Audiology &
Healthcare Centres 8519-19 Speech Center ‫ مركز سمع وتخاطب‬Service

Personal &
Community Beauty & ‫مركز إلكتساب‬
Services Personal Care 8519-20 Tan Center ‫السمرة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Medical Special Need ‫مركز إحتياجات‬
Healthcare Centres 8519-28 Center ‫خاصة‬ Service
Medical Cupping Therapy ‫مركز عالج‬
Healthcare Centres 8519-29 Center ‫بالحجامة‬ Service

Children with
Medical Rehabilitation ‫مركز تأهيل أطفال‬
Healthcare Centres 8519-32 Center ‫التوحد‬ Service

Healthcare Medical Labs 8519-34 Gene Laboratory ‫مختبر جينات‬ Service

Medical Slimming Therapy ‫مركز للعالج‬

Healthcare Centres 8519-35 Center ‫التنحيفي‬ Service

Childbirth Support (‫خدمات مساعدات‬

Healthcare Consultancy 8519-36 Services (Doula) ‫التوليد (دوال‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Healthcare Centres 8520-01 Veterinary Clinic ‫عيادة بيطرية‬ Service

Professional Professional Veterinarian ‫مختبر تحاليل‬
Services Services 8520-02 Laboratory ‫بيطرية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 8531-01 Social Club ‫نادي اجتماعي‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 8531-04 Religious Center ‫مركز ديني‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 8531-05 Women Club ‫نادي سيدات‬ Service

Social, ‫اإلسشارات‬
Psychological & ‫اإلجتماعية النفسية‬
Healthcare Consultancy 8532-01 Family Consultancy ‫واألسرية‬ Service

Medical Early Intervention

Healthcare Centres 8532-02 Center ‫مركز تدخل مبكر‬ Service

Individualized ‫مركز الجلسات‬

Professional Special Education ‫الفردية للتربية‬
Education Training 8532-04 Center ‫الخاصة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Professional Businessmen ‫مجلس لتنمية عالقات‬
Services Services 9111-01 Business Council ‫العمل‬ Service

Professional Businessmen Businessmen ‫منتدى لرجال‬

Services Services 9111-03 Forum ‫االعمال‬ Service

Professional Businessmen Professional

Services Services 9111-98 Network ‫ شبكة تواصل مهنية‬Service

Professional Businessmen Industry

Services Services 9111-99 Association ‫رابطة أعمال‬ Service

Personal & Parties &

Community Entertainments ‫تعهدات الحفالت و‬
Services Entertainment 9214-03 Services ‫ المناسبات الترفيهية‬Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal & ‫تصوير الحفالت‬
Community Parties & Private ‫والمناسبات‬
Services Photo Studio 9214-04 Functions Filming ‫الشخصية‬ Service

Professional Fine Arts ‫استشارات الفنون‬

Services Consultancy 9214-09 Consultancies ‫الجميلة‬ Service

Personal &
Community ‫صالة لعرض‬
Services Entertainment 9214-11 Art Gallery ‫االعمال الفنية‬ Service

Services Consultancy 9214-15 Music Consultant ‫ استشارات موسيقية‬Service

‫تنفيذ مهرجانات‬
Performing Arts & ‫الفنون األدائية‬
Media & Marketing Events 9214-18 Music Festivals ‫والموسيقى‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Sports & ‫نادي رياضي‬
Services Recreation 9241-01 Recreational Club ‫ترفيهي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-03 Bowling Club ‫نادي بولينج‬ Service

Personal & ‫نادي للتدريب على‬

Community Sports & ‫فنون الدفاع عن‬
Services Recreation 9241-04 Martial Arts Club ‫النفس‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-05 Chess Club ‫نادي شطرنج‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫خدمات وتعهدات‬
Services Recreation 9241-07 Sports Services ‫رياضية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-08 Body Building Club ‫نادي كمال اجسام‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Men Physical ‫نادي لياقة بدنية‬
Services Recreation 9241-09 Fitness Club ‫للرجال‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Sports & ‫ساحة أللعاب التسلية‬
Services Recreation 9241-10 Amusement Tracks ‫الرياضية‬ Service

Personal & Rallies & Sport ‫خدمات تنظيم‬

Community Sports & Tournaments ‫السباقات والدورات‬
Services Recreation 9241-11 Organizing Services ‫الرياضية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Ladies Physical ‫نادي لياقة بدنية‬
Services Recreation 9241-13 Fitness Club ‫للنساء‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-14 Boxing Club ‫نادي مالكمة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-18 Gymnastics Club ‫نادي جمباز‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-20 Golf Club ‫نادي جولف‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Swimming Training ‫خدمات التدريب على‬
Services Recreation 9241-21 Services ‫السباحة‬ Service

Professional Professional Sport Research & ‫استشارات ودراسات‬
Services Services 9241-22 Consultancies ‫رياضية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Tennis Training (‫التدريب على كرة‬
Services Recreation 9241-23 Services ‫ المضرب ( التنس‬Service

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-26 Yoga Center ‫مركز لليوجا‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Community Sports &
Services Recreation 9241-27 Sport Academy ‫اكاديمية رياضية‬ Service

Marketing & Sports Events ‫تسويق الفعاليات‬

Media & Marketing PR 9241-31 Marketing ‫الرياضية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على التزلج‬
Services Recreation 9241-33 Ice Skating Training ‫على الجليد‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على الكرة‬
Services Recreation 9241-37 Volleyball Training ‫الطائرة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على تنس‬
Services Recreation 9241-38 Ping Pong Training ‫الطاولة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على‬
Services Recreation 9241-39 Wrestling Training ‫المصارعة‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Community Sports & Badminton ‫التدريب على تنس‬
Services Recreation 9241-41 Training ‫الريشة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على كرة‬
Services Recreation 9241-42 Basketball Training ‫السلة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & ‫التدريب على‬
Services Recreation 9241-43 Squash Training ‫األسكواش‬ Service

Sport & ‫بيع بطاقات‬

Personal & Recreational ‫المناسبات الترفيهية‬
Community Sports & Events Tickets ‫والمنافسات‬
Services Recreation 9241-47 Selling ‫الرياضية‬ Service

Professional Sports &

Services Recreation 9241-49 Sports Broker ‫وسيط رياضي‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Billiard & Pool
Services Recreation 9249-01 Room ‫صالة بلياردو‬ Service

Personal &
Community Electronic Games ‫صالة لأللعاب‬
Services Entertainment 9249-02 Arcade ‫االلكترونية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Kids Amusement ‫صالة العاب لتسلية‬
Services Entertainment 9249-04 Arcade ‫االطفال‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Ships &
Shipping & Marine Leisure Yachts & ‫تأجير قوارب وسفن‬
Logistics Services 9249-06 Boats Rental ‫النزهة‬ Service

Travel & ‫تأجير الطائرات‬

Hospitality Tourism 9249-07 Helicopter Rental ‫العمودية للنزهة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Sports & Recreational ‫خدمات وتعهدات‬
Services Recreation 9249-08 Services ‫ترفيهية‬ Service

Personal &
Community Cloth Pressing
Services Laundry 9301-01 Services ‫كي المالبس‬ Service

Personal &
Community ‫غسل المالبس‬
Services Laundry 9301-02 Laundry Services ‫والمفارش‬ Service

Personal &
Community Dry Cleaning ‫خدمات تنظيف‬
Services Laundry 9301-03 Services ‫بالبخار‬ Service

Personal & Gents Haircutting

Community Beauty & & Hairdressing
Services Personal Care 9302-01 Salon ‫صالون رجالي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal & Ladies Haircutting
Community Beauty & & Hairdressing
Services Personal Care 9302-03 Salon ‫صالون نسائي‬ Service

Personal &
Community Beauty &
Services Personal Care 9302-04 Henna Salon ‫صالون حناء‬ Service

Personal &
Community Beauty & ‫مركز تركيب الشعر‬
Services Personal Care 9302-07 Hair Fixing Center ‫المستعار‬ Service

Personal &
Community Beauty & Children ‫الحالقة وقص الشعر‬
Services Personal Care 9302-09 Haircutting ‫لالطفال‬ Service

Personal & Other Personal

Community & Community
Services Services 9309-01 Key Duplicators ‫نسخ المفاتيح‬ Service

Hospitality Eateries 9309-02 Baker ‫خباز‬ Service

Professional Professional Baby-Sitting
Services Services 9309-04 Services ‫خدمات الحضانة‬ Service

Personal &
Community ‫ايواء الحيوانات‬
Services Pets 9309-06 Pets Nursery ‫األليفة وتربيتها‬ Service

Personal & Ladies Cosmetic &

Community Beauty & Personal Care ‫مركز تجميل وعناية‬
Services Personal Care 9309-07 Center ‫شخصية نسائي‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Personal &
Community Beauty &
Services Personal Care 9309-08 Men Oriental Bath ‫ حمام شرقي للرجال‬Service

Personal & Gents Cosmetic & (‫مركز تجميل‬

Community Beauty & Personal Care ‫وعناية شخصية‬
Services Personal Care 9309-10 Center ‫(رجالي‬ Service

Personal &
Community Beauty & Ladies Oriental
Services Personal Care 9309-11 Bath ‫حمام شرقي للنساء‬ Service

Personal &
Community ‫صالون حالقة‬
Services Pets 9309-12 Pets Salon ‫للحيوانات االليفة‬ Service

Personal &
Community Beauty &
Services Personal Care 9309-13 Gents Spa Club ‫ نادي صحي رجالي‬Service

Personal &
Community Beauty &
Services Personal Care 9309-14 Ladies Spa Club ‫ نادي صحي نسائي‬Service

Other Multiple ‫خدمات إجراء‬

Professional Intelligence Test ‫إختبارات قياس‬
Education Services 9309-25 Services ‫الذكاء‬ Service

e, Liaison & Office of
Managing International
Support Services Offices 9900-01 Organization ‫مكتب هيئة دولية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Offices of
Representativ International
e, Liaison & Business & ‫مكاتب منظمات‬
Managing Professional ‫األعمال والمنظمات‬
Support Services Offices 9900-02 Organizations ‫المهنية الدولية‬ Service

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Activity Description Restrictions

Includes the process of drilling in the on and off

shore oilfields for the extraction of petroleum after
conducting the geological surveys to locate the
petroleum reservoirs, the process involves the
experimental and developmental drilling as well as
constructing the derricks and fixing the casing Outside UAE
pipes. Any Type only

Includes firms specialized in reinforcing oil and

natural gas wells using various techniques ,
including activated or processed cement pumping
or other materials used to reinforce and coat wells
for protection against erosion or interaction with
the surrounding natural materials , raise the
duration of possible utilization, or to maintain and Outside UAE
redrill. Any Type only

Includes providing technical and engineering

services to enhance and develop production in the
fields, it covers well drilling, testing and
maintenance, drilling fluids engineering, diving for
underwater pipes repair, pipe corrosion control, Outside UAE
equipment repair and maintenance. Any Type only

Includes the reparation and maintenance

operations carried outside the UAE for the
equipment involved in the various operations of oil
and natural gas production, from primary stages of Outside UAE
survey and exploration up to storage. Any Type only

Includes the process carried outside the UAE for

the drilling in the onshore and offshore oilfields for Outside UAE
the extraction of petroleum and natural gas. Any Type only

Includes manufacturing milk, Laban, fruit-flavored

milk and others, whether processed from fresh or Workshop or Subject to prior
powdered milk. This includes pasteurization and Retail or approval by
packaging for marketing. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes manufacturing cheese from high quality Workshop or Subject to prior

fresh milk, including pasteurizing, purifying and the Retail or approval by
renneting. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Subject to prior
Includes manufacturing yogurt by produced by Workshop or approval by
bacterial fermentation of milk then sugar and fruits Retail or DMCC
and other materials are added. Industrial Plot management

Workshop or Subject to prior

Includes extracting cream from milk by using Retail or approval by
centrifugal force. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Workshop or Subject to prior

Includes manufacturing ice cream and iced cakes Retail or approval by
and sweets, which use ice cream in processing. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes the manufacture of fresh, frozen or dry

bakery products, such as bread, rolls, pastry, cakes, Workshop or Subject to prior
pies, tarts, rusks, snack products, biscuits, crackers, Retail or approval by
and pretzels Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes preparing pastry made of flour, sugar, Workshop or Subject to prior

milk, butter and eggs, and is baked to be flaky and Retail or approval by
firm enough to support the weight of the filling. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Workshop or Subject to prior

Includes manufacturing the salted, sweetened and Retail or approval by
flavored biscuits. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes blending different types of tea to produce DMCC Tea

specially flavored brands and then pack for final Centre
consumption. Facility No Restriction

Workshop or Subject to prior

Includes producing mayonnaise using vegetable oil, Retail or approval by
egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice, and spices. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

DMCC Coffee
Includes roasting, grinding and packaging coffee Centre Only for Coffee
beans in well sealed packs or bags for marketing. Facility Centre members

Includes preparing and mixing of poultry, meat or

vegetable based spice mixes and cooking aids in Workshop or Subject to prior
dehydrated or moisture form, including packaging Retail or approval by
in sealed packs, compressed cubes or tablets. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes blending different types of tea to produce
specially flavored brands and then pack for final DMCC Tea
consumption. And reselling tea, whether in bulk or Centre Only for Tea
consumer packs. Facility Centre members

Includes roasting, grinding and packaging coffee

beans in well sealed packs or bags for marketing. DMCC Coffee
And reselling coffee beans, whether in bulk or Centre Only for Coffee
consumer packs. Facility Centre members

Workshop or Subject to prior

Includes the manufacture of beverages and soft Retail or approval by
drinks mixed with flavors or fruit extracts. Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes the manufacture of fruit flavored drinks

and juices processed from unnatural sources, by
using flavors and concentrates or essences of dried
and condensed fruits. manufacturing of fruit juices Workshop or Subject to prior
from natural sources is classified under activity Retail or approval by
1513-03 Industrial Plot DMCC Authority

Includes shops engaged in tailoring men's and

boys' suits, shirts and pyjamas, also, men formal
uniforms such as military and school clothing as
well as work wear for staff and workers in the
public and private sector. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops engaged in tailoring Arab men's

wear, such as "dishdashas" and others. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops engaged in tailoring women and

girls dresses, skirts, blouses, party dresses, wedding
dresses, nightdresses, women formal uniforms
such as military and school clothing as well as work
wear for staff and workwomen in the public and
private sector. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes tailoring the wear over men gowns from

knitted and crocheted fabrics. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes the tailoring, sewing, embroidering and

stitching of ladies' gowns, such as long Arab
traditional dresses "Jalabya" and shawls. This also
includes cutting, sewing and embroidering of
ladies' head and face veils and covers. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes printing business cards, invitation cards to

official events and celebrations, season's greeting
cards and weddings congratulations cards. This also Physical
includes printing the envelopes. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes silk-screen printing on textiles and wearing
apparel by transferring a multicolored image or
design image from a screen to textile articles
through lithographic, gravure, screen or
flexographic printing. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms carrying out typesetting for final

publishing of books, magazines, pamphlets,
directories, brochures, catalogues and others, by
using computer or other modern and traditional
techniques. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing pre-printing

analysis and color separation services for
photographs, drawings and other similar materials.
It also includes preparing films and fixing the
proportions used colors. This also includes any
other related services. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing a wide range of design and

artworks to firms engaged in printing and
publishing. This includes designing books, magazine
covers, stamps, greeting cards and brochures, the
process may take the traditional for modern
techniques. Any Type No Restriction

Includes smelting, purifying shaping gold and

precious in ingots with standardized weights and
sizes. It also includes gold and precious metals
rolling and extrusion to make respective wires, Workshop or
papers and chips. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes recovering and separate gold from

alloying elements such as copper, lead, zinc and
iron, the process involves melting and treating with
chlorine gas to transform the elements to their Workshop or
chlorides and leave the gold refined. Industrial Plot No Restriction

A health facility licensed and equipped to

manufacture dental prosthetics to be used by Physical
patients as per instructions of the dentist. Office space No Restriction

Includes manufacturing watches, clocks, alarm

clocks and timing mechanisms, instrument panel
clocks, time-recording equipment and equipment
for measuring, recording and displaying intervals of
time such as parking meters, time clocks, process Workshop or
timers, also, all the accessories and components. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes gold smithing of gold and other precious

metals (excluding silver), such as platinum, nickel
and other precious metals to produce jewellery
and gold articles, such as rings, bracelets, earring Workshop or
and other showpieces. Industrial Plot No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes cutting, polishing, burnishing of precious
stones into small pieces to prepare for jewellery Workshop or
making. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes the fitting of jewels or diamonds and

precious stones on Jewellery products, watches or
accessories as well as other gold articles and Workshop or
precious metals. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes small goldsmith workshops that repair

certain jewel accessories or manufacture certain
parts of jewels from gold and silver and precious Workshop or
metals. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes making of silversmiths’ articles, such as

brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings from Workshop or
silver. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes growing and modifying laboratory grown

synthetic diamonds by chemical vapor deposition
and high temperature, high pressure, it’s
contrasted with natural diamond created by Workshop or
geological processes and extracted by mining. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes installing and maintaining security and

surveillance systems in facilities and public utilities
to prevent burglary breaking in or sabotage or
other hazardous acts, such systems involve alarm
monitors, surveillance cameras and others Any Type No Restriction

Includes designing internal communication systems

and networks installed in large complexes, hotels,
hospitals, public institutions, student hostels and
others, also, fixing telephone calls reception and
answering machines and the maintenance and
repair services. Any Type

Includes firms specialized in installing

telecommunication apparatus, including main
switchboards and exchanges well as calls transfer
devices and the satellites ground stations. Any Type
Includes reselling of new motor vehicle for Outside UAE
personal passenger use, or for commercial use. Any Type only

Includes reselling different passenger buses, as well

as trucks and trailers for transporting goods, liquid Outside UAE
substances, building materials…etc. Any Type only

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling specialized motor vehicles
including ambulances, fire engines, garbage
collectors , street sweepers, truck- mounted cranes Outside UAE
for loading and discharging and truck mixers. Any Type only

Includes reselling used vehicles for passenger

transportation, whether being used for short or Outside UAE
long time. Any Type only

Includes reselling used vehicles and trucks for

transporting goods, building materials and liquid Outside UAE
tankers…etc Any Type only

Includes electric mini cars designed to serve in golf

clubs, football stadiums, horse racetracks as well as
passengers and visitors shuttles in airports and
malls. Any Type
Includes reselling different racing cars, which are Outside UAE
exclusively restricted to racing tracks. Any Type only

Includes reselling of vehicles fitted with protective

accessories to allow for safe transport of people Outside UAE
and hazardous materials. Any Type only

Includes firms engaged in car washing and cleaning

manually or through specially equipped movable
vehicles which carry out such services in public
parking lots and parking facilities in malls and other Physical
premises. Office space No Restriction

Includes reselling spare parts and to use fully or

partially in repairing and maintaining motor
vehicles, buses, trucks and trailers and other
relevant requisites including oils, detergents,
paints.. etc.. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the reselling accessories fitted in cars and

vehicles such as, additional bumpers to adjust
exterior, air deflectors to increase the car's
efficiency , baggage loading racks to diversify the
car's use , as well as sun and rain protectors and
small trailers, also, devices fitted in public service
vehicles such as police, ambulances and fire
engines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of various types of tyres and

requisites including casings, rims and tubes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling power generation and storage

batteries for cars, boats, motorcycles and other
machinery. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling the two or three wheeled
motorized motorcycles for cruising in paved roads
or for off road use, including selling spare parts and
motorcyclists accessories such as helmets . Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the three-wheeled electric

scooters which is equipped with battery to produce
power. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the parts and components used

for the repair or replacement of motorcycles failed
parts, also the motorcyclists accessories such as
helmets. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in bringing sellers and

buyers involved in wholesale and retail trade
together in return of a commission or
remuneration, these firms are neither allowed to
trade on own account nor practice brokerage in
real estate, services, shares and bonds and finance. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in buying and selling goods

by offering them up for bid whether indoor for
items like jewellery and vehicles and phone
numbers, or outdoor bidding for items like cars and
real estate, it doesn’t include authentic artifacts
and antiques which are classified under the activity Physical
no. 5110-14. Office space No Restriction

This is a government office established in the Dubai

by any competent official entity subordinated to a
foreign country in order to activate trade relations
with that country and to promote its products as
well as its industrial and commercial enterprises,
such offices are not allowed to carry out any
trading activity nor enter into commercial Branch
transactions and deals by themselves. Any Type companies only

This is an office established in DMCC Free Zone by

any international company or enterprise to
represent it in the UAE in order to promote its
products and services, boost business, or facilitate
commercial agreements between the principal the
customers, such office is not allowed to carry out
any trading activity nor enter into commercial Branch
transactions and deals by itself. Any Type companies only

Includes firms engaged in displaying and presenting

products in supermarkets and retail stores to
maximize sales, including, wrapping some goods
with gifts, pictures or cards to promote. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is an office established in DMCC Free Zone by
any foreign company or enterprise to facilitate the
contacts and follow-up of the company's activities
and affairs, and to promote the company services.
Such an office may not carry out the company's
activities nor make any trading activity inside the Branch
UAE. Any Type companies only

Includes offices established in DMCC Free Zone and

managed by any of the international foreign banks.
They are intended to promote the activities of the
major banks existing in the fatherland country or
those of any of their branches. They are also
assigned to facilitate contacts between the Branch
concerned banks and their clients. Any Type companies only

Includes firms that issue and/or operate loyalty and

preloaded card programs which enable cardholders
to become a member in a loyalty program, the card
works as identifier of the holder when making
purchases, the member will be entitled to
accumulate points and to redeem them against
goods and services at participating partners. It
includes joint promotions by partners within the
scheme and using partners’ outlets for distributing
loyalty program information and applications. Both
the firm and the cardholder will benefit of the
service, the first will increase the client base and
the latter will get additional benefits Any Type No Restriction

This is an office established in DMCC Free Zone by

any international academic institution to represent
and boost ties and to facilitate academic exchange
with its local counterparts; also, educating local
students and academic institutions of partners’
universities and their activities and specializations,
such office is not allowed to carry out admission Branch
services or commercial activities. Any Type companies only

Includes firms which conduct auctions of genuine

artifacts, antiques and/or artworks. Auctions may
be held for either commercial or non-commercial
purposes and may be held on behalf of a third Physical
party (e.g. art gallery, charity). Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is a scientific office established in DMCC Free
Zone by a pharmaceutical company to notify and
give information on the medicinal and chemical
elements of their pharmaceuticals, and shall be
contacted by the medical authorities in case
undesired adverse effects of their products, it will
also be responsible of the advertising as well as
facilitating deals with the local customers, such
office is not allowed to engage in commercial Branch
transactions. Any Type companies only

Includes firms which provide other parties with

cards that can be used to obtain reduced prices or
certain facilities when buying products or services
from a group of shops, hotels or other firms
participating in the program of reduced prices or
facilities provided by such cards. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms authorized by the RTA to provide the

rental service via calls, electronic media, smart
apps, or any other mean, it involves organizing the
booking, e-Payment, information, customer
support services Any Type

Includes firms authorized to manage the

transportation and delivery orders through
electronic platforms and smart applications Any Type

Includes firms operating interactive platform which

connects licensed healthcare providers and
patients via electronic media, smart apps, it
involves entering into contracts between the
healthcare providers and the platform to enable
the patients booking appointments with doctors,
radiology centres and clinical Laboratories,
obtaining medications prescriptions and dispensing
at the pharmacies, medical follow-up during the
treatment, creating electronic health record The provision of
containing the medical history for the patient, therapeutic
coordinating the approval of the Insurance services and
companies, the role of such firms is restricted to consultancies is
brokerage only. The provision of therapeutic not allowed
services and consultancies is not allowed under this under this
activity. Any Type activity

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in providing an online
platform which promotes third parties’ products
and services and facilitates commercial
transactions between buyers and sellers in return
of a commission or remuneration; such firms are
neither allowed to trade nor practise brokerage in Refer to
real estate, investments, forex or any other Additional DMCC
regulated activities. Any Type requirements

Includes reselling plants, trees and flowers seeds

and breeders for boosting agricultural output. This
should be carried for only agricultural and
industrial purposes and not for direct consumption. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling and arranging various types of

raw flowers and ornamental plants. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling raw and dried plants, herbs

tisanes and fruits used for medication and
treatment, without involving any converting or
industrial processes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling cereals and fruits such as rice,

wheat, barley, corn, dates, citrus, legumes, beans,
chick peas, and others. It also includes peeling,
blending and bleaching for preparation before
consumption. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes selling aquatic species, such as,
ornamental fish, dolphins, sea lions, sea otters, sea
turtles, penguins...etc, as well as pets such as cats,
dogs, etc., this does not include wild animals such
as lions, tigers, hyenas, crocodiles, and other
species that pose a threat to people's lives, it
involves selling the breeding and care tools such as
aquarium, cages, and feeders Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes reselling Arabian and thoroughbred

horses for racing, training and breeding. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that resell plant palm, fruits and

shade trees, seedlings like odorous plants,
ornament plants, flowers, bulbs. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling animals and birds feed whether

canned, dried or frozen, such as grains, seeds,
meats, fruits or animal waste, health food like
vitamins and tonics other than veterinary
medicines, also, fresh feed prepared from different
ingredients. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different species of birds, rare,

ornamental and falconidaes like hawks and eagles
(provided that selling not internationally prohibited Physical
) birds breeding tools and foods are also involved Office space No Restriction

Includes reselling supplements added to at

processing fodder, whether of vegetal or animal
origin, such as vitamins, amino acids and sulfates. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling wood and charcoal and stone

coal to use in heating, cooking and in factories. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of tanned and processed animal

leather to render for industrial or any other use. Any Type No Restriction

Includes trading of raw cotton before undergoing

any industrial or converting processes in order to
meet different industrial and commercial needs,
also, linen, jute, hemp and other natural fibers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of canned, preserved and frozen

foodstuff, or any of the items mentioned in this
class. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling the supplements which are
classified as food and not drugs and are intended
to provide nutrients which might be lacked in the
food or otherwise not be consumed in sufficient
quantities, it involves vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty
acids, or amino acids, honey and herbal tonics,
nourishing substitutes for athletes and diet recipes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling baby food, such as liquid or

powdered milk, beverages, juices and other dried
or liquid foods. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling snacks packed in bags or well-

sealed packs, such as potato chips or cheese
balls...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fresh and preserved milk,

whether in liquid, powdered or condensed, also,
dairies including cheese, butter, cream and others,
usually raw, canned or preserved. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling vegetables, fruits, meat and

other consumer vegetable and animal products
that are preserved in well sealed metallic cans,
frozen, or preserved in plastic, wooden, paper or
glass containers. Items mentioned in this Class
hereinabove and hereunder are excluded. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling beef, mutton, birds and poultry

meat (except fishes which are classified under No.
5122-30). These meats should be fresh, chilled or
frozen (Livestock trading is listed under class No.
5121), provided that no freezing or any converting
process have been executed. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling all types of frozen fishes and

seafood, such as snails, shrimps, sea tortoises and
other consumable seafood, after being packed in
plastic bags or packs to preserved frozen. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of salted, dried or smoked fishs

and seafood. Any Type No Restriction
Include reselling poultry and birds eggs for
consumption or incubation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling raw, purified, refined and bottled

honey, also, royal jelly, pollen, propolis as well as
beehives, beeswax sheets, honey extractors and
other apiary accessories. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sugar, whether in bulk or

consumer packs, in small packs or in small cubes. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling tea, whether in bulk or consumer
packs. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling coffee beans, whether in bulk or
consumer packs. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of dried, packed or preserved

spices, whether as raw or after having been
roasted, ground, blended or packed. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of different types of bread and

bakery products such as cakes, biscuits and toasted
bread. Any Type No Restriction

Includes re selling of all kinds of flavored

confectionaries such as caramels, toffee, gums,
lollipops, boiled sweets. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pastries in deferent fillings and

ready for consumption. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling made from dairy products, such

as milk and cream, and combined with fruits or
other ingredients and flavors. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling brown and white flour for making

bread, pies, biscuit, cakes, pastries…etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of packed fats and natural and

artificial vegetable and animal ghee, also, bottled
vegeta oils, such as corn, olive, sunflower, soya and
vegetable oil. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of all kinds of nuts, such as

pistachio, almond, and peanuts, whether raw or
after b peeling, processing, roasting, salting or
packing in well sealed packs for consumption. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling refined salt for food salting and

preservation as well as skins of animals tanning and
fishes salting. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling mineral water from mineral

springs and wells after purification and bottling. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sweetened and a flavored

carbonated water as well as the plain carbonated
water. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling of all vegetable & fruit juices,
whether liquid, dried or condensed. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling ice in blocks, and tubular types to

use in food storage and processing, chemical
manufacturing, concrete mixing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling vegetables and fruit dried

through sun, or through dryers or dehydrators,
such as figs, pineapple, peaches, apricots. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling fresh fish and marine animals,
whether whole or in pieces, no conversion or
preserving processes are involved (frozen and
preserved fish and seafood are classified under no Physical
5122-07 and 5122-08). Office space No Restriction

Includes reselling flavors and fruit extracts used in

processing foodstuff, also fragrances used in
manufacturing aromatics and cleaning products. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling fresh vegetables and fruits prior
to any drying or canning processes. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling fresh potatoes after sorting,
cleaning and packaging. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling electronic cigarettes which are

electronic devices that work by heating a liquid
called e-juice which generates vapor that is inhaled
by the user, the e-juice may or not contain
nicotine, e-cigarette is intended to simulate the
experience of smoking cigarettes and narghiles and
may help users to quit smoking Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of textiles and fabrics used for

sewing and fashion wear or making readymade
garments. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling household of blankets and linen,

including bedcovers, furniture covers, bed sheets,
towels, pillows, cushions and covers and all the
other similar products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling manually woven oriental carpet. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling all types of carpet, including

moquette andr decor machine-made pieces. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling flags fabrics, paper, plastic or

vinyl , also, flagpoles made from steel, aluminum,
glass fiber and wood, it includes other accessories
related to flags and flagpoles such as rope
assemblies, pulleys, winches, finials, anchor bolts,
counterweights, etc Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling outerwear and underwear for

men, women and children such as coats, suits,
jackets, skirts, shirts, trousers, shorts, coats, gloves,
swimming wear, socks. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling of Arab ready made wear, such
as dishdashas, ghotra, bishts, oqal and caps, also,
women traditional cloak (aba) head covers, veils. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of children’s swaddling clothes,

nappies, night wear, party clothes, shirts, trousers
and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling undergarments for men, women

and children made of woven, knitted or crocheted
fabric to be worn under other clothes, whether
over or below the waist. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling men's garments, such as shirts,

suits, coats, jackets, socks, ties and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling ladies' shirts and trousers, party

and evening dresses, maternity clothes, wedding
dresses, night and in-house wear, beach and bath
wear, scarves and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sportswear for exercising sports,

including socks, shoes, hats, gloves, balls, bags and
training suits. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling protective costumes and vests for

different uses, like fire resistant wears, athletes and
medical wears, also, body cooling vests, which can
be wore under and above clothes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling readymade uniforms, such as

military, hotels, airlines, school uniforms and
others, as well as requisites including, hats,
helmets, socks, gloves, shoes, ties, bags, badges
and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling men and women open-sided

slippers and sandals made for different uses and by
any material. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling footwear made from leather,

rubber or plastic and intended to protect and
comfort the human foot while doing various
activities. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling wide range of metal and plastic
garments accessories such as buttons, fabrics
interlining, beads, fancy belt buckles, hooks, snap
fasteners, safety pins, tags, packing clips. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sun-umbrellas, walking sticks,

seat-sticks. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling tents and temporary and

permanent sheds made of textiles or plastic and
designed to be fixed in shops or building or streets,
in order to protect against sun and rain, also,
covers and tarpaulin for covering outdoor or
transported cargo or for covering cars, it involves
fixing these products said places. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling all kinds of threads for tailoring

and embroidering garments, curtains, drapery and
upholstery, also, includes cotton and wool yarns
used in weaving and spinning industries. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different fabrics for curtains and

upholstery. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling face masks and respirators

intended for protection against particles and
viruses, and prevent the transmission of viruses
and microbes from infected person to a healthy
one, or infections to be transmitted via
contaminated hand contact with the mouth, it
includes also the gloves used by health care
professional s to prevent the transmission of
viruses and bacteria. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of handbags made out of leather,

fiber, textile or plastic, also, leather purses, belts,
leather, and office requisites, leather clothes are
excluded. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of magazines, directories,

catalogues and other specialized publications used
for promoting fashions, furniture, interior designs,
household items and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different knowledge books in

different languages as well as magazines and
newspapers. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling stationery, such as copying and
writing paper, notebooks, record books, various
types of pens and pencils, rulers, sharpeners, paper
perforators, paper clipping requisites, ready
stamps, typewriters ribbons and other stationery
materials, also, drawing requisites including
geometrical drawing pencils, decorative pens,
rulers, triangular rulers, colors, color pencils, ink,
drawing paper and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling drawings, specimens, maps,

samples, as well motion pictures and T.V.
documentaries and slides usually used as
educational and demonstratives. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the cards exchanged by

individuals on special occasions to feature an
expression of friendship or other sentiments or to
convey thanks, it involves invitation cards for
different occasions and events. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that supply other concerns with

multi-dimensional imaged posters, pictures and
stamps as per their commercial and professional
requirements, these firms are not involved in the
production process, but by specialized printing
houses which are classified under No. 2221-08. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling indoor and outdoor advertising

requisites like boards, electric and non-electric
signs as well as promotional gifts and similar items. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling photographic materials like films,

discs, chips and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling household utensils and art works

made of ceramic or chinaware. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of various household utensils

made of metal, glass, plastic, crystal, clay, ceramic,
or wood, including bowls, plates, cups, and other
food preparing items, except electrically operated
appliances and utensils which are classified under
activity No. 5139-15. This also involves manual
cleaners such as brooms, sweepers, garbage boxes,
ironing boards, clothes horses and others. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling cutlery spoons and knives and
other household trays, plates, candlesticks,
whether made of silver or gold or silver-plated
metal, or of stainless steel. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling electric, gas, coal or kerosene

burners, ovens and cookers, also, different
barbecue items (excluding restaurants and
cafeterias brands, which are classified under
activity 5159-31) Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling audio-visual electronic

equipment, involving radio sets, gramophones,
loud-speakers television and video sets,
cinematography projectors, slides projectors,
instant translators respectively, also,
cinematography and television photographing
systems, as well as other non-commercial.
Equipment used for photographing and recording
inside studios or for commercial purposes are
classified under Class 5150. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling refrigerators, freezers, water

coolers, washing machines and dryers,
dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, ironers, heaters,
also, electric kitchenware, such as mixers, mincers,
cutters, blenders, toasters, juice extractors,
grinders, kettles, small scales and other household
appliances. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different chandeliers whether

luxurious types coated with precious metals ad
decorated with crystal, or normal types coated with
other metals and decorated with glass. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling lighting lamps, ornamental ceiling

lamps (except crystal chandeliers) switch keys and
sockets. This also includes electric bells, spotlights,
garden and house lighting device. Public parks and
squares lightings are classified under Class 5159. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of filters and air purifiers of air

smokes, gases and dust, also, strainers and filters
to remove particles and salts from water or other
liquids, industrial filtering equipment are classified
under activity number 5150-16 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling units used in ventilating

residential facilities and offices like electric fans
and ventilators as well as ducts, towers, ventilation
flues, chimneys and silencers. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling igniters for household burners,
cookers and warmers, such as match boxes and
lighters, also, solid and liquid flammable materials,
as well as the traditional wicks, charcoal and
firewood. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling spare parts of air-conditioning

systems, central, window or split units as well as
coolers, cold storage compartments, central water
cooling and other refrigeration equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the electric devices which

convert electric power into radio waves to use in
radio and television broadcasting,
telecommunication receivers, wireless computer
network, radar. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling household beds, bedroom sets,

wardrobes, sofas and chairs, tables and requisites,
mirrors, hangers, also, furniture for hotels and
restaurants totally or partially made of wood,
plastic, glass, metal, fiberglass or others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling household wooden or aluminum

kitchens and fixtures tailored to the size of the
kitchen and customers' specifications. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of household mats, rugs, baskets

made of bamboo, cane, wicker and other, furniture
of the same is not involved. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling mattresses made of foam

rubbers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling watches, clocks, alarm clocks and

timing mechanisms, instrument panel clocks, time-
recording equipment and equipment for
measuring, recording and displaying intervals of
time such as parking meters, time clocks, process
timers, also, all the accessories and components. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling adornment jewellery such as

brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings,
which are made of gold, platinum, palladium,
titanium, silver and gemstones. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling of natural, cultured and artificial
pre-formed pearl, as well as diamond, corundum,
emerald, coral and other jewellery and precious
stones prior to cutting, polishing and making
various types of jewels, artificial precious stones
are also included. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling costume or imitation jewellery,

such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets,
rings made from base metals plated with precious
metals, or jewellery containing imitation stones
such as imitation gems stones, imitation diamonds. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pen sets, lighters, purses, key

holders, exquisite gift boxes, golden buttons, make-
up sets, tiny antiques and handicraft souvenir and
other miscellaneous items used for personal use or
presenting as gifts. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling decorative and household crystal

products, such as chandeliers, ladies ornaments,
utensils, gifts, trophies. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling children's toys and dolls, manual,

electric or electronic games, bicycles, cars, boats,
airplanes and other toys for children use. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of paintings, historical

photographs, statues, antiquity utensils, as well as
other art works made of silver, copper, wood,
ivory, crystal, glass or others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling paintings made by renowned

artists or others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling artificial flowers and plants made

of fibers, glass, ceramic and metal, also, flowers
arranging. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of smoking pipes, pipe holders,

narghile (water pipe), lighters, ash trays, match
boxes, tobacco boxes and other smokers'
requisites. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the wire, wooden or plastic

hangers which are designed to facilitate the
hanging of coats, jackets and other dress in a
manner that prevents wrinkles. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling candles made from paraffin wax

for lighting and decoration. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes selling, buying and exchanging old and
memorial postage stamps, coins and bank notes,
phone cards, celebrities` photos, whether set in
historical order, collectively or individually, activity
no.(513508) " Trading of Novelities" is not
included. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sports and fitness fixed

equipment, including cycling bikes treadmills, ping-
pong tables, other sports accessories, nets, spears,
beech canes and games results calculators, also,
trophies such as cups, medals, shields as well as
engraving and writing on them as per order. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of saddles, reins and other horse

riding accessories, also, breeding, training, feeding
and caring related requisites other than uniforms. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of fishing, nets, threads, hooks

and rods, as well as animal hunting rifles,
ammunition, nets, traps, bows, arrows and others,
beside falcon breeders and training requisites. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of camping and picnics food and

beverage preserving utensils, lightening, tents,
linen, clothes, shoes, kits and other requisites
usually used in camping and picnics. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of various traveling leather,

metal, plastic or textile and fabrics suitcases and
bags, as well as luggage wrapping and transporting
and any other item used only for traveling. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling electronic and normal musical

instruments like stringed, wind, percussion
instruments, pipes, accordions, organs, including
also the parts and accessories. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling cameras, whether traditional

using photographic film, or digital that takes video
or still photographs, also TV, motion picture, and
video cameras as well as underwater and aerial
photographic cameras. Any Type No Restriction

includes reselling the device consisting of one or

more electrochemical cells that convert stored
chemical energy into electrical energy, it involves
the primary type which is used once and
discharges, and the secondary type which is
designed to be recharged and used multiple times Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling protective helmets, gloves and
anti-radiation eyeglasses and other instruments
and kits for protecting workers from occupational
hazard in factories, oilfields, civil construction sites
and workshops. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling saddles, reins and accessories for

horses, camels and other animals, involving veils,
stands, straps and gloves for breeding and training. Any Type No Restriction

Includes trading emergency medical bracelets and

pendants that contain medical details of the holder
and which will give the ambulance and emergency
team the opportunity to get important information
at once, and thus be treated correctly, specially
those suffer of life- threatening allergy or those
depend on particular medication. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the two or three wheeled

bicycles used for recreation, transportation, racing
and as children's toys. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling any type of formulation that

contains one or more medical substances and
which is used to deal with the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and
injury in domesticate or wild animals. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling medicinal basic chemicals to

manufacture medicines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling para-pharmaceutical products

not directly used for medication or treatment,
including plasters, after-shave lotions, creams, anti-
smoking products, tooth pastes, mouth wash and
others sterilization products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of certain instruments and

precise medical apparatuses for treating of certain
diseases, such as earphones, batteries for cardiac
patients, pulse regulators, walking-sticks, splints for
bone fractures, medical shoes, artificial limbs,
dentures and other medical instruments, also,
surgical requisites like artificial organs and parts to
replace damaged organs, bone joints, heart valves,
in additional to surgical suture bandages and
plasters. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling different types of concentrated
or light perfumes whether manufactured
synthetically or extracted from plant or animal
sources, also cosmetics, such as body creams and
lotions as well as various types of eye make-ups
and facial cosmetics. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling agarwood, oriental perfumes,

various types of incense, as well as bottles, empty
boxes, vaporizers...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling spectacles and accessories,

frames and multi-focal lenses, as well as contact
lenses and eyewashes, sterilizers and optical and
eye treatment devices. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling darken lenses glasses used to

prevent sunlight and high energy lights from
damaging or discomforting the eyes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of personal beauty treatment

scissors ( hair and nails), shaving articles and
brushes( hear, teeth and shaving), combs, small
mirrors, rasps, wigs, hair dryers and shaving
devices (except cosmetics which are classified in
No. 5139-58) Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of children and new-born cradles,

chairs, beds, walkers, prams, baskets, linen and
covers, toys, creams, lotions and oil and mothers
requisites. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling paper or carton products,

including tableware, plates, cups, napkins, facial
tissues, toilets paper, paper towels, diapers,
sanitary napkins, except stationery items under
no.5139-04. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and articles for the

handicapped or persons with temporary or
permanent disabilities and senior citizens. They are
designed to work as artificial or auxiliary organs
during the medical treatment process or
permanently replacing an amputated organ. It
involves wheelchairs, walkers, special beds as well
as pacemakers and controlling devices for
hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and hearing
aids. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling hair care products like shampoo,

oils, lotions, tonics, whether chemically originated
or from natural extracts (herbs), also, toilet and
hand washing soap in bars and liquid, in addition
toilet foamy soap and similar products. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A specialized facility licensed to sell and prepare
registered drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies
and despense herbal and medical drugs against
medical prescription, according to the laws and
regulations issued by competent authority of UAE.
It is supervised by a licensed pharmacist who works
permanently in the pharmacy. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms trade in genuine antiques, artifacts

and original artworks,, including paintings,
drawings, sculptures, photographs, handicraft
works, masterworks, and old antique cameras and
accessories. Also includes promotional activities for
these works such as advertising, public relations
and events through a licensed media provider. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling video games consoles which

enable visual playing when connected to video
devices such as televisions, computers, mobile
devices and phones, such consoles involve
PlayStation, Xbox …etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling disinfecting booths and

equipment which are installed in different places to
disinfect all individuals and vehicles entering and
exiting the area. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in the display and trade of

unique and special goods such as antiques, frames,
furnishings and other products, provided that the
products displayed are limited quantities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of pharmaceuticals, medical

supplies, herbal medicines, and alternative Outside UAE
medicine drugs. Any Type only

Includes reselling pharmaceutical products directly

used for medication or treatment outside UAE Outside UAE
only. Any Type only

includes reselling the high viscosity oil based

lubricating substances used for lessening friction in
the working parts of a mechanism in order to
protect against wear and transfer heat. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling tar and asphalt derived from

petroleum distillation for using in road paving and
water and humidity proofing in buildings. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the trading process carried outside the

UAE for the crude oil before processing and Outside UAE
refining into more useful products. Any Type only

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes the trading process carried outside the
UAE for the oil products derived from converting
crude oil in refineries, such as gasoline, kerosene, Outside UAE
diesel, fuel oil. Any Type only

Includes reselling industrial basic ores for

extracting various metals including hematite,
bauxite, and zinc ore...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of semi-formed made blocks,

partitions, panels, rods, or ingots for various uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of blocks, partitions, panels, rods,

or ingots made of other non-ferrous metals,
including aluminum, copper or zinc for various
uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of the basic ores of gold, silver,

platinum and other precious metals in pre-
extraction condition, or in the form of ingots,
blocks, threads or chips in pre- forming
manufacturing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of electric and sensitive scales,

dry measures and balance equipment used for
weighing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of different types of screws, nuts,

nails, spikes, needles, tension, tighten, anti-friction
tools, gasket rings and similar requisites, also
includes chains, rings and anchoring hooks for
moorages and ports. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling gardening and nursing tools,

including soil movers, trees cutters, planters, palm
pollination, irrigation hoses, flower pots, fruit
baskets, also, wax cells, beekeepers cloths, apiary
accessories, as well as poultry and livestock farms
tools. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of construction and building

shovels, mattocks, coaters, whether all or partially
made of wood or plastic. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling workshops hammers, rasps,

chisels, pincers, welding rods, as well as other
hardware and tools used in carpentries, smithery
and auto workshops. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling containers of metal for storage

and transportation of water, petroleum products,
chemicals and other liquids. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling metal cans and containers for the

distribution or storage of goods. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of precision dies for metal or

plastic molding to make metal or plastic products. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling of signboards in streets, roads
and public squares to guide cars and pedestrians,
whether all or partially non -metallic, also, traffic
signals in streets and pedestrians crossings. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling metal wires for different uses, in

constructions, or as manufacturing intermediary. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling metal ropes used in pulling and

lifting objects and in industrial uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different dimensions containers

to store and transfer freight from one mode of
transport to another, ships, air, rail and semi-trailer
trucks. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pressure vessels used to store

gases at above atmospheric pressure for domestic
industrial and medical uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling alloys to produce steel plates,

structural beams, columns, angles, seamless and
welded pipes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling building and construction

materials and requisites as detailed in the
subsequent activities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling steel bars commonly used as a

tensioning device in reinforced concrete structures
holding the concrete in compression. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of bricks used in building and

construction bricks made of lime, bricks, glass or
any other material. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling raw and pre- to formed cement

and gypsum, gypsum and cement products under
activities 5143-09 and 5143-10 are not related to
this activity. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling sand, gravel and stones for

buildings construction and maintenance. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling aluminum, steel or copper doors,

windows, balconies, staircases, fences, window
grids and garden fences, cladding panels,
decorators, manhole covers and any other metal
product. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling different kinds of tiles, mosaic,
ceramic, cement and interlock tiles, marble tiles,
granite and basalt tiles, also, flooring materials
made of rubber, plastic, wood or fibers to cover
buildings and vehicles floors. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling glass to fix in doors and windows

to allow illuminating buildings enclosed spaces and
rooms as well as using in internal partitions and
external cladding. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling insulated and un-insulated

connecting wires and cables used in electric
conductors, telephone lines and cables, except
optic fibers activity which is under No. 513615 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling all manufactured cement

products except what came in details in this class. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling gypsum decorative ornaments,

maquettes, columns, architectural accessories,
cladding panels, insulators, flower pots Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of false ceilings made of

aluminum, gypsum, plastic, wood others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of sanitary wares, washbasins,

bathtubs, Jacuzzi sets, lavatories taps, spigots,
bathroom and kitchen articles (except furniture), as
well as water drainage tubes, pipes, joints,
drainage covering requisites and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling electric wires, cables, assembly

boxes, distribution panels, poles, cable, ducts and
communication wires. (related gauging devices are
listed under 5159-11). Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling permanent or temporary pre-

fabricated houses made of wood, cement, steel or
any other materials, and other related structural
metal parts and requisites...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pools made from concrete,

metal, plastic and fiberglass, and is intended for
swimming or water based recreations or lifeguard
training, including Olympic-size pools, and pools
installed in public and private places, hotels, sport
and health clubs, also other accessories and water
pumps and drainers and electric fittings. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

made of metal, plastic or reinforced fibers fixed in
residential, commercial or industrial facilities for
water, petroleum products, chemicals or other
liquids, also, grain, seed silos, truck mounted tanks
are classified under No. 503005. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling galvanized and corrosion

resistant steel pipes for oil and gas industries, also,
plastic or rubber hoses and tubes for extending
water and drainage networks, electric wires,
including also, joints, knobs, spigots, taps, valves
and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fiberglass decorations, tubes,

tanks, as well as raw fiberglass for manufacturing
various products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of steel and copper ironmongery

door and window knobs, fixed locks and keys, door
joints, and door closing requisites. Any Type No Restriction

Include reselling of indoor and outdoor decoration

materials and products as well as home and office
interior design, including gypsum engraves, wood
and cement partitions, fittings of artificial
decorators such as fountains, water falls and water
ways, ready-made partitions used to divide space
in offices made of wood, carton, aluminum, steel
sheets or others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling wallpaper in different designs to

cover cracks and decorate interior walls in
residential and commercial facilities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling metal slat blinds which consist of

many horizontal slats and connected to allow light
to pass between the slats. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling utility lighting poles made of

metal, concrete or wood for roads, streets and
parks lighting. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling temporary frames of metal pipes

or other materials, used to support people and
materials in the constructions or repair of
buildings. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the concrete is manufactured in a

factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe,
and then delivered to a work site, by mixers
mounted on trucks. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling fence and barbed wire to prevent
crossing industrial and agricultural installations,
airports, military facilities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling timber prior to cutting into

boards, bars or blocks to use in construction or in
industry. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling wooden or wooden doors,

windows, staircase fences, windows, false ceilings,
indoor decoration and other wooden products. Any Type No Restriction

Include reselling fabrics and fibers made of natural,

artificial or synthetic or metal materials and used
for specialized construction processes, such as
molding and concrete forms made by cement
injection or coating and covering of installations or
tilting used in buildings and other construction
works. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling plastic or fiberglass products and

requisites for building and construction projects
such as, doors, windows, cladding sheets,
partitions, plastic decorations, mesh for fly, dust
and sun rays screening and trapping, manhole
cover, water tanks, and similar products made of
plastic or semi-plastic materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling small physical models of buildings

or engineering projects or vehicles and equipment,
used to visualize how the finished work will look
like after constructing or manufacturing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the railroad for mounting cranes

on it in order to use in freight handling in goods
yards, or for accident recovery works. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fire rated metal, wooden or glass

doors which are certified by the competent
authorities after passing the test of high heat
resistance and prevent flames and smoke
spreading, also, fixing and installing by technicians
approved by the General directorate of Civil
Defense in order to ensure specifications
compliance. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling environment friendly building
materials and supplies for constructing green
buildings. Green buildings are designed to reduce
carbon dioxide emission and eventually reduce
global warming, including, wall materials,
insulators, doors and window insulation, central
heating and cooling systems, solar and renewable
energy sources energy efficient lighting systems
and energy efficient air conditioning. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling household water heaters

operated by electricity and solar energy. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the mechanical or electronic

fastening device which are released by a physical
object, such as key, keycard, fingerprint, security
token. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of liquid or powdered paints and

varnish painting buildings, cars, ships, furniture,
including thinners, thickeners, pastes and base
paints as well as varnish and similar materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling varieties of marbles and natural

stones like granite, basalt, limestone, this activity is
limited to firms that trade these materials as crude
before any conversional processes except cutting in
blocks or slabs for transport purposes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fire resistant and retardant

cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks,
paints. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fire resistant and retardant

cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks,
paints. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling and renting of containers for

garbage and waste collection from public places as
well as from residential commercial and industrial
facilities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of synthetic chemical compounds

containing plant nutritive elements, usually
containing one or more fertilizing elements. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling materials intended for protection
against and extermination and control of
agricultural pests, including disease carriers
affecting animals and plants. Pests are meant to be
any plant or creature harmful or destructive, such
as insects, spiders, nematodes, bacteria, fungal,
moss, plant viruses, harmful weeds, parasitic
plants, harmful birds, rodents, also, products plant
growth controllers and crop protection. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling chemical detergents for cleaning

clothes, carpets, floors, destainers, bleachers,
deodorants, bathrooms, kitchens and drainage
points disinfectants, also, included utensils and
glass polishers and air fresheners. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of solvents and abrasives for

cleaning equipment and machinery in factories and
workshops, or for central air-conditioners, lifts,
boilers, as well as motor and ship engines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of liquid gases used for industrial

purposes, such as workshop welding, and gas for
operating household air-conditioners and
refrigerators, involving also, liquefied natural gas
used for generation of electricity, production of
hydrogen and ammonia after warming the LNG
into natural gas , also, compressed natural gas is
used as an alternate to gasoline / diesel for
automobiles. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the solutions that contain dyes

and particular chemical material used to add color
to textile products, it also involves the acidic
chemical compounds for treating skins of animals
to produce leather. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling acids and alkalines for producing

other industrial products and compounds. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of high or low density chemicals

(plastics ) for manufacturing plastic products, nylon
and PVC, whether granules or polyethylene,
polypropylene, polystyrene or others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling synthetic sponge chemicals, or

fully manufactured sponge. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling natural and synthetic rubber to

use in manufacturing such as tires, belts, bags
shoes, synthetic sponge. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling photography processing
chemicals and photographs printing papers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of specially bottled gases for

medical and treatment purposes, including oxygen,
sterilization and anesthesia gases. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fire control and extinguishing

gases, foams and specially treated water, as well as
these materials original chemicals. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling printing inks either powdered,

paste or as liquid, in addition to inject cartridges
used in fax machines, photo copiers and computer
printers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of vegetable and animal non-

edible oil used for industrial purposes. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of glass, metal, plastic, wood

fixing adhesive, packs, boxes, carton boxes closing
tapes, paper, tiles, flooring and cladding adhesives
and tapes, and any other material not classified
under glue and gum. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling gum and glue for direct use or

use in producing various chemical compounds, as
substances for adhesive and cosmetics. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of insulators and requisites used

as humidity proof, water sealants, sun or
generated heat proof, acoustic enclosures,
vibration isolators, anti radiators, electric and
magnetic insulation, metal and wood protectors of
rust, corrosions, humidity and heat, as well as any
material used in constructions wood, machinery,
furnaces, vehicles marine equipment ...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling chemicals for various oilfield

applications like production, well stimulation,
drilling and injection. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling disposal of plastics being used by

the households and industrial and agricultural
facilities such as water bottles, detergents
containers, dishes, shopping bags, in order to
recycle and reproduce useful products. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling intermediate chemicals such as
resins, compounds, salts, sulfates, sulfurs, and
others used in manufacturing by blending with
other substances to produce paints, ink, cosmetics,
detergents, fertilizers, pesticides, final chemical
products, manufacturing metals, water purification
and sterilization, in food industries such as
preservatives, colorants, additives, flavors and
fragrances, or in environment protection. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling chemical agents and products to

use in building for concrete improving and curing
before and after pouring, water and humidity
proofing, pounding and adhesion, joints sealing,
solvents, floors handling, pasting and painting. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling natural or synthetic chemicals

used to manage insects pests in homes, hotels,
hospitals, warehouses, ships. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling animal and bird manure, or

vegetable residues or a mixture of them to improve
soil quality, such materials can exist as crude or
processed to render for marketing or use in
fertilizing agricultural soil, also, agricultural feed
added to the soil in order to improve and enhance
productivity. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling of bags and ropes made of
natural fibers, linen, plastic or other materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of paper made up of natural

ingredients, semi- synthetics or recycled and set in
rolls, foils and carton sheets for commercial and
industrial uses as in newspapers, printing,
packaging, construction, stationery and
photocopying paper is excluded as it is classified
under No. 5139-04 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling freight packing and wrapping,

industrial packaging materials, including packs,
boxes, panels, sheets, foils and straps made of
paper, plastic or metal materials or other
substances. Any Type No Restriction

Includes selling waste paper that can be used as

feedstock for making recycled paper, such waste is
obtained as paper trimmings and scrap from the
manufacture of paper, or as material discarded
after consumer use in packaging and printing. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling metal waste and scrap for
recycling, including collecting from different
sources, sorting and stripping reusable goods such
as parts from car wrecks, no real transformation
process should be involved, firms practicing this
activity are not allowed to deal in military waste Outside UAE
and scrap such as weapons and explosives. Any Type only

Includes reselling upholstery-related materials such

as fabrics, leather, buttons upholstering to
automobile and marine seats furniture and marine. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of tailoring threads, buttons and

needles, as well as embroidery golden and silver
threads, tiny diamonds, colored ribbons and
others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the resale of plastic containers and bags

used in commercial outlets for packaging. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of mineral ores and organic raw

materials used in manufacturing and handcrafting
and which are only exploitable after going
treatments, extraction or formation processes,
they involve pulpwood to make papers, shells for
shell handicrafts, extracts and natural herbs for
perfumes, medicines and cosmetics, also minerals
ores such as sand and rocks for extracting metals,
salts and other similar raw materials. This activity
does not include what being processed,
manufactured or semi-manufactured. It does not
involve any of the activities detailed in the various
classes of this category. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of solutions and chemicals for

scientific experiments and research, laboratory
analysis, including organic and non- organic acids,
alkaline, alcohol, salts, compounds elements, rocks,
metals and other solid or liquid chemicals. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes the resale of petrochemicals derived from
transforming refined oil derivatives and classified
as light petrochemicals such as Olovires, Butylene,
Ethylene, Probalene, aromatic compounds,
Benzene, Toluene, Xylene Methanol,
Formaldehyde, Ammonia and Urea, or
intermediate petrochemicals such as Monovinyl
chloride and final petrochemicals such as
polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, carbon and the
Hydrogen.such products are used in various
commercial and industrial as crude before any
treatment or transformative operations. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the resale of sheets made up of plastic or

of similar materials like P.V.C, fiberglass or acryl to
be used in industry or construction in covering
facades, partitioning, steel gates lining, building
pyramids and domes and false ceilings as well as
making signboards and guiding signals. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the chemicals which purify water

by assisting in the removal of the organic and
inorganic particles suspended in water, it involves
coagulants such as aluminum sulfate and iron
chloride. Any Type No Restriction

Includes trading different kinds of products made

out of resin, starch and natural substances that are
designed to disintegrate and biodegrade in weeks,
unlike the plastic products, it involves cutlery
product, such as, knives, spoons, forks, plates,
glasses, trays and other, also food and fruits
wrappers, cling films and shopping bags, since
these products dissolve in water and soil, then
landfills are minimized, pollution reduced and
positive impact in environment is produced. Any Type No Restriction

Includes trading of disinfectants and sterilizers

made of chemicals, either in a gaseous or liquid
form and used to eliminate microorganisms from
hands, surfaces, floors, and clothes Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling computer electric accessories

such as distributors, switches, surge suppressors
and battery back-ups and cables and connectors Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling the set of application software
and its documentation concerned with realizing the
user’s needs and problems, and is applicable in
different domains, medicine, accounting, and
engineering, it involves also the application
software designed to run on smartphones and
mobile devices. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling tapes, CD-ROMs, ribbons,

printers ink, paper and other requisites used in
computer operation and data storage. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling computers and accessories,

including servers, modems, monitors, and central
processing units, printers, drawing and
programmed discs, disc readers, and memory and
file storage requisites. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling robotics that apply artificial

intelligence to enable them to think intelligently in
the similar manner the intelligent humans think,
and which can take the place of humans in
dangerous environments, manufacturing, also,
other smart machines, such as, home automation
devices that turn homes into smart homes Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling blank video cassettes, audio

cassettes, cinematography tapes, and other tapes
used for photographing, copying or recording. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the spare parts of the audio-

visual electronic equipment, involving radio sets,
gramophones, loud-speakers television and video
sets, , cinematography and television cameras,
also, refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, washing
machines and dryers, dishwashers, vacuum
cleaners, ironers, heaters, electric kitchen mixers,
mincers, cutters, blenders, toasters, juice
extractors, grinders, kettles. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling telephone sets and

intercommunication equipment (intercom) and
other telecommunication devices including fax and
telex machines and internal switch boards. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling cellular phones which make and
receive telephone calls over a radio link while
moving around a wide geographic area, beside
telephony they support a wide variety of services
such as text messaging, email, Internet access,
gaming and photography, it involves selling
different accessories such as memory card, car
chargers, batteries, leather cases, screen
protectors, Bluetooth headset, data cables, silicone
skins, holders…etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the resale of wireless paging devices

operated as telecommunication systems to receive
messages and telephone number, other
telecommunication devices are classified in class
5150 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling specialized electronic cards such

as plastic membership cards, magnetic cards used
as key cards and ATM machines, credit cards, smart
cards, phone cards, finger print identification cards,
in addition to other electronically programmed
cards. Any Type No Restriction

Includes selling electronic devices to observe

different phenomena indiscernible by ordinary
senses, such as sound waves and vibrations
detectors, minute objects observers and measuring
instruments. Laboratory and medical equipment
are not included herein. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of equipment and systems used

in operating fixed and mobile telecommunication
networks, including exchanges, central switch
boards, and mini switch boards located in
commercial complexes, intercom systems, optic
fibre and copper made inter connecting networks,
microphones and internal paging systems.
Telephone equipment are classified under 5134. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the resale of wireless communication

equipment, including mobile and fixed units,
massaging devices or inter- communicative mobile
unites, also, ground stations receiving information
or communication or any transmission oriented by
satellites. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of systems and equipment

receive radio and television transmission
broadcasted by satellites or by special channels
irreceivable by ordinary receivers or antennas. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes specialized systems that provide users, in
land or sea, with accurate information about their
positions, as well as serving as navigators and
trackers in different transport means. Any Type No Restriction

Includes selling Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

issued by telecommunication companies to store
the subscriber’s information in addition to the
services the user has access to. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of agricultural tractors and

machinery, ploughs, seeding devices, and
harvesters, and other attachments to enable for
different uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of agricultural equipment and

machinery used in farms, orchards and gardens to
cut grass and small trees and roots, pesticides
sprayers as well as other attachments to enable for
different uses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the spare parts of the agricultural

machinery for soil preparation, planting or
fertilizing, ploughing, manure spreading, seeding,
grass cutting, sorters, milkers, pesticides sprayers,
poultry and bee-keeping. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of workshops cutting, welding,

balancing, pressure gauging and other equipment
and machinery, also, any other equipment and
machinery for carpentry, smithery, lathe
workshops, auto and electronic workshops. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and machinery

installed in industrial plants (except activities
mentioned in this class). It's applied to all kinds of
industries including oil refineries, petrochemicals,
food and plastic industries. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the equipment involved in the

various operations of oil and natural gas
production, from primary stages of survey and
exploration up to storage, including equipment
related to drilling, pumping, gas liquefaction,
refining and transportation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of office desks, chairs, tables,

cabinets and others, trading of office equipment
and shops fittings is classified under class 5150. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling solar panels and slabs energy
systems (photovoltaic) installed on tops and
facades of residential and commercial buildings, or
on the ground to generate power for use in water
heating and cooling and energy supply. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of equipment and machinery

used in vocational safely, labor accident
preventives, natural hazards protective tools, also,
firefighting equipment like electric cables, smoke
exhaust fans, alarm bells, manual extinguishers,
hoses, sprinklers, pumps, dampers, emergency/exit
lights, nozzles, automatic fire detectors, wet fire
systems. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the re-sale of all equipment, machinery

and tools made of glass and used in scientific,
medical and research laboratories. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling all systems and equipment used

in measurement, observation and control. This
applies to land survey, quantities measuring,
distances, temperature, humidity, height,
geographical and environmental changes, also,
equipment and devices to control the flow of
water, liquids, electricity, gases, speed regulators,
production levels organizers, cadastral and
meteorology meters, as well as doors and windows
control systems. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling central foodstuff, medicines and

chemicals coolers or freezers, including cold
compartments, and freezers used for cold storage
in groceries and supermarkets, household
refrigerators and freezers are classified under
activity 5139-15). Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling recreational and professional

diving equipment such as snorkel, mask,
rebreather, weighing system, depth gauge, fins,
suits, buoyancy control device, cylinders. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of cameras, lightings, projectors,

loudspeakers and montage systems used in
broadcasting stations and television studios, as well
as cinema and theater and radio and television
transmission. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of building and construction

excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road
paving, cement mixing equipment and machinery,
as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts . Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling central and window air-
conditioners as well as the split units, whether or
not linked with general central air-conditioning
system, also outdoor cooling products for hotels,
resorts and restaurants. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the spare parts of building and

construction excavating, filling, demolition, earth
leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment
and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and
heavy objects lifts. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the spare parts of heavy and

industrial machinery and equipment used for ,
handling, refrigeration, air purifying, metal cutting
and forming, food, beverage, and tobacco
processing, textile apparel, and leather production,
lifts, escalators, boilers, central kitchens, automatic
washing equipment, electric generators, water
pumps Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and supplies used in

beauty and hair saloons, rehabilitation and
personal care centers, also, health oriented
equipment like pure and flavoured oxygen
generators, relaxation and message equipment like
chairs, beds, steam and sauna rooms, other similar
ones unclassified as medical or sport equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes manufacturing of hand-operated ,towed

or power-driven tools and equipment, big or small,
to utilize in handling and lifting in airports, seaports
, warehouses, and customs stations, including
winches, forklifts, handling equipment, carriages,
trailers, dollies, ULD transfers and storage systems. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling cow, cattle and sheep, or chicken,

ducks, pigeons breeding farms machinery and
equipment, as well as other birds and animals bred
for trading and processing their products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling vending machines located in

public places for selling beverages and snacks,
newspapers and publications, DVD's, cigarettes,
photo booths, as well as paying public services
charges such as Etisalat bills payment machines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment involved in the large

or limited scale sea water desalination to produce
fresh water suitable for human consumption or
irrigation. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling bricks manufacturing equipment
and machinery, including sand bricks, red bricks
and gypsum bricks, whether they are fixed or
portable equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling painting, polishing or burnishing

equipment and machinery. Any Type No Restriction

Includes manufacturing machinery and equipment

to produce flour such as grinding mills, feeders,
sifters, bran cleaners, blenders, rice hullers, pea
splitters, also, bakery ovens, dough mixers and
dividers, molders, slicers, cake depositors. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling domestic and industrial water

treatment and purification equipment for domestic
use or irrigation, it involves deep filters, reverse
osmosis plants, ultra filtration plants, UV
disinfection systems, ozone systems, ion exchange
plants. Any Type No Restriction

Include reselling central coolers and boilers for

cooling or warming water in buildings, factories
and hotel, as well as water coolers in hospitals,
schools, mosques and other public places. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling machines for different printing

processes and techniques and on a variety of
materials, such as letterpress, photogravure, offset
lithography printing, engraving and intaglio, textile
screen Printing, hand printing sets, binding. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling lighting devices in public gardens,

parks, squares, airports, sports stadium and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling industrial kitchens equipment

and machinery usually used by hotels, restaurants
and hospitals to prepare, preserve and serve
meals. These equipment are ovens, grillers,
dishwashers, cold rooms, chillers, warmers and
refrigerators, (glass fronts) service counters,
conveyor belts,... etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes manufacturing machinery and equipment

for outdoor and city cleaning. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the equipment that facilitate and

expedite the cleaning process of buildings interior
and exterior. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling the specialized mechanical
equipment designed to clean up and collect and
remove marine floating debris, also the specially
designed sifting devices to remove rubbish and
other foreign matter form beach sand. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling environment protection and

pollution control machinery and equipment,
including sewage disposal treatment and waste
recycling equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling laundry machinery and

equipment for cleaning and ironing clothes,
textiles, linen, curtains, carpets and others,
whether by steam or dry cleaning. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling automatic and manual car

cleaning and washing equipment, involving fully
automatic tunnel car wash equipment, high press
automatic car wash equipment, rollover car wash
equipment, mobile equipment, vacuum cleaners,
foamers, dryers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling office equipment in public and

private facilities banks, including, automatic and
manual file shelves and cabinets, files moving
carriages, safes, paper shredders, day and time
attendance machines, paper and document binders
and laminators, cards printers laminating and other
equipment except office furniture. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and fittings for

groceries, cooperative outlets, bookshops, kiosks
and exhibitions and public shops, including, display
shelves, goods storage shelves, counters, electronic
promotion machines, also, trolleys, purchase
recording equipment, cash safes, insect traps...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling semi-automatic and automatic

packing and packaging equipment and machinery,
for wrapping, bagging, sealing materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling well drilling equipment to get

ground water whether through manual, percussive
or rotary digging techniques. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pests pests control and fighting

devices, except pesticides which are classified
under activity no.5150-02 Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling the support equipment found at
airport terminal, such as baggage handling system,
x-ray inspectors, metal detectors, luggage and body
scanners, also, equipment at the ramp area, such
as bag carts, trolleys for containers and pallets,
ground power units, container loader, passenger
boarding stairs. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling out-door and parks equipment

and fittings such as seats, umbrellas, flower pots,
garbage baskets, camping items and others. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling outdoor and indoor games

articles and equipment for sports, gymnasium,
fitness centre or athletic equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling furniture for schools, universities,

educational institutes, hospitals, clinics,
laboratories and others, including seats, tables,
cabinets, desks, beds, shelves, safes, display
windows, whether partially of wood, metal, plastic
or fabrics, or totally made of cane and bamboo. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling instruments and equipment used

in hospitals and clinics for diagnosis, treatment,
surgical operations, medicine and blood
preservation, X-raying, sterilization, waste disposal,
physical therapy and rehabilitation, also, manual
kits and instruments used for check-up, surgical
operations and bandaging. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and instruments used

to deal with the prevention, diagnosis and
treatment of disease, disorder and injury in
domesticate or wild animals. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling wire rope systems used in a

variety of different structural and decorative
applications, such as bridge suspensions, structural
bracing, balustrades, banners, mast rigging, awning
and fixture hangings. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling manual, electrical, electronic and

computerized stitching and embroidering clothing,
fabrics, shoes and leather products, whether a one
person or Industrial sewing machines for
automated process of stitching, it involves the
needles and other accessories. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling lifts fixed in multi-stories facilities
to carry people and goods, also, escalators and
electric belts in airports, shopping centers, hotels
and public utilities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling pumps for water or other liquid

pumping, engines and machines for transport
means like ships, boats, vehicles. It also includes
industrial and automatic equipment and fittings, as
well as various types and sizes of valves for
different industrial and mechanical purposes, and
spare parts needed to repair and maintain such
pumps, compressors, engines and valves. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the device used to perform both

basic and complex operations of arithmetic. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling typewriters, photocopiers, stencil

machines, microfilming machines, microfilm and
projectors and copiers, as well as spare parts,
ribbons, ink, chemicals and accessories. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of power stations turbines,

generators, and reactors, transmission and feed
equipment, distribution keys, panels, current
rectifiers, control systems and others for private or
public use. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling automatic gates opened and

closed doors by remote controls, as well as
automatic barriers regulating entrance and exit in
private and public parking. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling equipment and accessories used

in the artificial application of water to the land or
soil where the natural rainfall was insufficient to
support crops, it involves pivots for overhead
irrigation, pumps, sprinklers, drippers, control and
automation equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling stationery items for engineering

designing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of security-related and

monitoring equipment such as observation
cameras, anti burglar, motion detectors, intercoms,
alarms, access control, barrier gates, safes and
security vaults. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling greenhouses made of glass or
plastic and is designed to control the growing
environment of plants as regarding temperature
and light and humidity, the allow improve food
production in lands suffer shortcomings in the
growing qualities, as well as they enable certain
crops to be grown throughout the year. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of equipment and machines for

processing slaughtered cattle, chicken, fish and
seafood, including skinning, defeathering, removal
of crusts, cleaning and removal of unwanted parts,
also, cutting meat in slices, filets, or mincing meat
and preparing for cooking. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling machinery for various spinning

and weaving processes, such as reelers, wrappers,
looms, machines for making knotted net, textile
printing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, coating or
impregnating textile fabrics. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling entertainment centers

equipment and instruments, including billiard
tables, bowling hall requisites, electronic games
and home video centers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling different metal and wood

commercial vessels used in transportation such as
cargo ships, tankers, long and short distance
passenger vessels, tourist, fishing boats and fish-
processing factory vessels, recreation-type
hovercraft, tugboats, also metal and wood rescue
boats, fishing boats, recreation and sport boats. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of spare parts and components

for ship and boats reparation, maintenance,
renovation and efficiency upgrading, including
engines, ancillary engines, boilers, spindles, pipes,
communication and measuring devices. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of spare parts and other

components for aircraft reparation, maintenance,
renovation and efficiency upgrading, as well as
provision of safety and security systems or others. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling in-door children rides and games,
as well as those installed in public parks and
gardens for children entertainment, including
swings, slides, house and aircraft models, whether
made of solid and safe materials or of inflatable
objects. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling specialized parts of railway

locomotives and rolling Stock, such as axles and
wheels, brakes, hooks and coupling devices,
buffers, shock absorbers, wagon and locomotive
frames, bodies, corridor connections. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling aquariums to display fish and

marine animals in public places, in restaurants
serve sea food, in shops sell living fishs and marine
animals, also, equipment for preserving chilled for
selling. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling parts and components for

engines, motors, pumps, gear boxes, steering and
starters, including pipes, flexible metal, plastic and
fibers hoses used in hydraulic and gas engines and
motors, as well as belts, ball bearings, gears,
crankshaft and pistons. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling blast furnaces used for smelting

iron ores to produce semi-finished products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the reselling of equipment and devices

specialized in testing, examining, and inspecting
constructions, facilities, marine and industrial
equipment, vehicles and transport means, these
devices are related to on-site testing apart from
laboratory equipment which are classified under
5150-10 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling ventilation and air filtering

equipment to make air inside factories, workshops
and warehouses clean of smoke, dust and others,
central ventilators in closed facilities are also
included, in- houses ventilators are classified under
513410 Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling ports and harbors equipment and

fixtures, including installations ships and boats
berths, loaders and un-loaders, container movers,
traffic control and monitors, signals and marine
guide devices and lighthouses. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling photographic processing

apparatus which transform the latent image into a
visible printable image, it involves manual small
scale processing as well as the automatic
commercial processing equipment. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling cleanrooms which are designed
to have low level of environmental pollutants such
as such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol
particles and which are used in manufacturing and
scientific research which require controlled level of
contamination. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling monetary and banking

operations equipment and machines, including
A.T.M., currency and stock displayers, currency
counters, currency and banknotes detectors,
cheque numbers typewriters, money collectors,
credit cards identifiers...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling non-motorized glider or sailplane

for using in gliding. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling security devices and equipment

utilized by governmental and private entities, such
as security doors, metal detectors, surveillance
devices, thermal binoculars, and police specialized
equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms authorized by the General Postal

Authority to sell and maintain the franking
machines, they affix stamps or marks to indicate
postage payment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes selling magnetic technology equipment

and systems which are involved in the application
of agriculture and animal resources, thermal
energy, constructions, water treatment, chemical
and oil industries…etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling metal components used to heat

or cool one fluid by transferring heat between it
and another fluid, such technology has been
applied in industrial facilities and power generation
plants. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling fuel dispenser for pumping fuels

into vehicles. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized identifying , developing

and trading with carbon and other gases emission
reduction for industries whose improved practices
can have impact on the global environment. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes selling hardware and software that model
and simulate the characteristics of the real
processes, which will enable carrying out
experiments on physical objects rather than on real
objects, including flight, ships, trains and trucks
simulators that are used for training performance
optimization and safety. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling laser and fireworks show

products such as, digital light processors, screens
and projectors, high powered lighting units, video
devices, loudspeaker systems, these firms are not
allowed to deal in fireworks materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes trading of all types of civil aircrafts , and

helicopters used for transportation of people and
cargo, search and rescue, tourism, medical
transport and aerial observation, and other civil
related usages Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling of materials and devices used in
performing fireworks. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling different caps and lids seal the
mouths of bottles and containers. Any Type No Restriction
Includes reselling bottles made of glass and used to
store liquids. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling non-metallic materials having the

properties of resisting high temperatures and are
used in linings for furnaces, kilns, incinerators and
reactors. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of various products specifically

made for airlines to use including food trolleys,
blankets, towels, cushions, plastic and metal
cutlery, dishes and cups, toys and children items,
paper products. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the distinguished number plates

of the private vehicles obtain from the auctions
conducted by the licensing authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling laboratory requisites for scientific

and medical testing and analysis, including
glassware, instruments, apparatuses other than
chemical solutions and equipment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling of wires and cables made of fiber

optics for different uses, as well as related
connectors, sockets, feeding points, control and
distribution panels..... etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling telescopes and magnifying

equipment in different sizes and magnitudes to
observe astronomical phenomena, in addition to
measuring instruments to indicate directions,
geographical locations, celestial bodies distances
calculations..etc. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling films, chips, sheets, discs of
radiography and photogrammetry as well as
processing chemicals and photo papers. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling dry ice which is a solid carbon

dioxide at a very low temperature, it's
characterized by having several times the cooling
capacity of the normal ice, it's used in food and
beverage preservation, transport refrigeration,
meat processing, equipment blast cleaning, cattle
branding, fumigation, fog creation...etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

and Drones controlled by the remote control of a
pilot on the ground, in order to use for survey, still
and video imaging, mapping and inspection. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling the distinguished numbers of the

mobile phones obtain from the auctions conducted
by the concerned authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes commercial complexes involved in

marketing consumer fresh, preserved and canned
foodstuff, household utensils and tools, detergents
and other consumer goods for personal use. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes commercial firms whose activities are

based on the marketing of certain consumer
products and goods , such as fresh, preserved and
canned foodstuff, household utensils, and
detergents. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes mini stores linked to public utilities,

hotels, petrol stations, airports and others, they
provide refreshments, gifts, magazines and
newspapers and some personal goods and
requisites. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes small shops involved in grinding cereals,

spices and coffee for others, or make the grinding
and packing in consumer packs, such shops are so
small that they can not be classified as industrial
firms of category (D). Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes small shops engaged in roasting nuts,

coffee beans, spices, cereals or others, and make
the packing in small consumer packs, as well as
carry out roasting for others, also, reselling gifts,
novelties, artificial flowers and some foodstuff
items, such shops are small that they are not
classified as industrial firms of category (D). Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in the provision of food
services based on contractual arrangements with
schools, institutes, hospitals, airlines, shipping
companies and contractors with fresh meals
cooked and prepared in own kitchens such firms
must own necessary facilities to carry out the
catering activities. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes commercial firms engaged in trading

various consumer or capital goods which are
placed in different sections according to type to
facilitate the selling process, such sections include
household furniture, textiles and linens,
readymade garments, shoes, electric appliances,
household utensils, perfumes, medicines, gifts, toys
and foodstuff, such store may include a cafeteria to
provide snacks. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes commercial firms engaged in importing,

trading and re-exporting of any of the goods and
products mentioned in details in trade category,
except activities need special approvals. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in supplying sea and air

transport companies, industrial firms, power
generating plants with fuel and lubricants and
other similar materials to operate machinery and Outside UAE
equipment. Any Type only

Includes firm specialized in supplying private and

governmental facilities like educational, military
and health units, hotels, banks public departments,
offshore firms and others with furniture,
decorations, equipment, fixtures, appliances and
utensils. Firms classified under this activity execute
such services and the required installations either
through direct contracting or by sub-contractors,
these firms are permitted to directly import their
materials, but not re-export or trade them. Activity
does not allow electrical fitting & fixture service,
Electrical Network & Distribution, Engineering
Services, Interior Design Decoration, Mechanical
Engineering Services, Architectural Design
Consultancy, and Construction Engineering
Services. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes reselling used household electrical
appliances, such as, refrigerators, freezers, washing
machines and dryers …etc, also, audio-visual
electronic equipment, such as television and video
sets, cinematography …etc, also, electrical and
electronic equipment used in hospitals and clinics
for diagnosis, treatment, surgical operations. Any Type No Restriction

Includes reselling used books, toys, CD's, tapes,

clothes, shoes, leather items, hats and belts, the
process involves sorting out according to quality
and type and then packaging in bulks. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in shoe polishing. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sellers who perform selling fishes directly

to consumers in the public markets, the service
provided includes cutting and preparing fishes for
cooking. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes small shops and sellers who perform

selling meats and chickens direct to consumers in
the public markets, the service provided includes
cutting and preparing meats for cooking. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sellers who use benches and small stall in

public markets to sell fresh fruits, dried fruits such
as dates, lemon, medical herbs ... etc. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops engaged in selling stationery, such

as writing paper, notebooks, record books, writing
and drawing instruments, rulers, sharpeners, paper
perforators, paper clipping requisites, stamps,
typewriters ribbons. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes the preparation and serving of beverages

for immediate consumption on the premise. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes vending machines located in public places

for selling beverages and snacks, newspapers and Physical
publications, DVD's, cigarettes, photo booths...etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes repairing all electronics appliances and

equipment not given in details in this class Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes repairing and maintaining electric and
sensitive scales, dry measures and balance
equipment used for weighing. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in cellular mobile phones

maintenance and repair, including reconditioning,
screen replacement, antenna, phone housing,
water damaged phones and damaged parts
change. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes preparing all kinds of curtains and fixing in

different facilities. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes manual and mechanical repairing of

different gents, ladies and children footwear. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes repairing adornment jewellery such as

brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings,
which are made of gold, platinum, palladium, Workshop or
titanium, silver and gemstones. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes repairing and maintaining watches, clocks,

alarm clocks and timing mechanisms, instrument
panel clocks, time-recording equipment and
equipment for measuring, recording and displaying
intervals of time such as parking meters, time
clocks. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes repairing the mechanical or electronic

fastening device which are released by a physical
object, such as key, keycard, fingerprint, security
token. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes repairing ophthalmic goods, eyeglasses,

sunglasses, lenses ground to prescription, contact
lenses, safety goggles Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes repairing the two or three wheeled

bicycles used for recreation, transportation, racing
and as children's toys. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes repairing leather goods other than

footwear, such as hand bags, wallets, and belts,
wearing apparel, whether made of natural or
synthetic leather. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes upgrading operating systems in cellular
mobile phones, as well as performing modification
on the basic software. The modifications cover
installing anti-virus programs, reinforcing
transmission systems, handling programming
related malfunctions, such as screen vanishing,
decoding code number, data updating, phone
programming to match the transmission system,
phone adjustment. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes hotels offering upscale accommodations

and superior service, in-room media amenities, full
service accommodations offer diverse on-site
eateries ranging from fine dining to casual dining
and 24-hour room service, guests access to
concierge services, an on-site fitness facility and Physical
on-site pool, golf and water sports. Office space No Restriction

Includes hotels offer a high level of superior

services, luxurious facilities and amenities, provide
live entertainment and offer formal dining,
accommodations come decorated with stylish and
modern decor, guests have access to a fitness Physical
center and on-site pool, offering reception spaces. Office space No Restriction

Includes hotels which, in addition to the standard

two stars hotel, offer spacious accommodations,
access to a fitness center and swimming pools. On-
site restaurants typically serve breakfast, lunch and Physical
dinner. Office space No Restriction

Includes hotels offer rooms come with basic

amenities, including televisions and telephones.
provide limited restaurant services, such as serving Physical
breakfast, room service is not typically offered. Office space No Restriction

Includes hotels which lack additional amenities and

offer few services, they offer rooms with bath and
colored TV, daily room cleaning, reception service,
telephone and fax for guests, extended breakfast Physical
and beverage. Office space No Restriction

Includes restaurants equipped with the suitable

installations to prepare and serve food and snacks
inside, as well as various beverages for immediate
consumption by the public. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops sell coffee, tea, Juices, biscuits and

certain sweet cakes and ice-creams to the public. Retail Shop No Restriction
Includes cafeterias that sell snacks, juices and
beverages to the public. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes shops that provide sandwiches, juices and
beverages for immediate consumption Retail Shop No Restriction
Includes shops that provide fruits juices for
immediate consumption. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops which prepare and sell ice cream to

the public for immediate consumption, factories
which produce ice cream on commercial scale and
in standard size packs are classified under (1520). Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes preparing local sweets in stalls sell directly

to the public for immediate consumption Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops engaged in preparing and selling

oriental and European sweets, tea, soft drinks,
cakes and candies directly to the public for
immediate consumption. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops engaged in preparing and selling

pastries directly to the public for immediate
consumption, or selling un-cooked pastries to
consumers in such a way that they can latter cook
themselves. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes complexes fitted with all the necessary Subject to prior

equipment and utilities required to operate as approval by
shared kitchen spaces and offered for rental for DMCC
professional food production. Retail Shop Community

Includes firms specialized in providing passenger

transport on contractual bases, within cities on Physical
scheduled routes following timetable stopping. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

To sign the
Includes firms specialized in providing passenger letter for
transport by luxury motor vehicles within or Physical passengers
outside cities or as per order. Office space transport

Includes firms transporting petroleum products Outside UAE

and derivatives on tanks and as per order. Any Type only

Includes firms engaged in providing transport

services to carry money, precious metals like gold,
silver, Jewellery, masterpiece antiques, services
also include providing armored vehicles, safes and Physical
guarding. Office space No Restriction

Includes shipping companies working in the field of

passengers sea transport by own or ships or
chartered vessels, which sail in regular coastal or Physical
open sea international maritime lines. Office space No Restriction

Includes the bulk transport of unrefined crude from

its point of oil extraction to refineries by crude
tankers, and also moving refined products and Outside UAE
petrochemicals refineries to consuming markets. Any Type only

Includes firms specialized in renting and

operational leasing of water-transport boats and
for passenger transport or cargo, whether owned
by the company or being rechartered. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in renting and

operational leasing of tugboats for bringing vessels
into and out of the port safely, also the barges
which are built to transport heavy good. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms involved in passengers and freight

sea transport by chartered ships or vessels under
special contracts and according to semi-regular
trips. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which organize leisure cruising in the

city waterways or between cities to individuals and
tourist groups for marine discovery tours, sport
and recreational fishing, diving, whale watching Physical
and dolphin…etc Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in leasing airplanes under

lease contracts for air flights in scheduled
passenger and freight transport flights including its
operational and ground handling tools. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms involved in chartering airplanes
under charter contracts for air flights in non-
scheduled passengers and freight transport flights,
it involves transporting all kinds of animals,
including camels as well as horses for races abroad. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which provide services of goods

loading on board vehicles, ships or airplanes, or
goods discharging from ships, vehicles and
airplanes where goods transported. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms provide other parties with packaging

and preparing cargo for freight transportation, as
well as cargo moving to docks, also, wrapping and
packaging personal effects and goods in
warehouses prior to removing or restoring. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in sea shipping of

imported and exported goods. The role of such
firms is to receive goods from different parties to
arrange for shipping as well as handling all related
services such as storage, packing, unloading and
sorting out. The tasks of these firms involve also
contacting shipping companies or agents to reserve
spaces in ships and boats and arranging the
insurance formalities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized air transport of exported

goods, such firms are allowed to receive goods
from different parties as well as handling all related
services such as warehousing, crating, unloading
and sorting out, they coordinate with freight
forwarders and air-cargo agents to reserve aircraft
spaces and also arranging insurance formalities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in managing and operating

the logistic operations in the ports, involving the
movement of ships and cargo, the loading and
unloading of ships and containers and storage,
tugs, berths operations. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms deal in inspection of ships, vessels,

boats, barges and other maritime transport means
in order to determine value, productive age, the
type and volume of consignment weight that can
carried, to calculate the cost of maintenance, also,
inspecting consignments reporting to the owners
or lease holders or to the competent authorities. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which carry out the survey or
necessary tests on sea means of transport in
various types and sizes in order to classify
according to the applicable local and international
standard specifications. This is done for the
purpose of issuing certificates of classification and
specifications as regards the availability of safety
and rescue equipment, as well as other conditions
indicating the validity of the ship or the vessel for
operation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which operate in the ports, airports

and customs stations the loading and unloading
containers for domestic and international
shipments, involving proper inventory control for
incoming and outgoing shipments and proper
stacking and packing of cargo containers ensures
safe arrivals to destinations abroad. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in managing operating

ships and vessels and other sea means of transport
for the account of other parties. This involves
executing other operations necessary for handling
passengers and cargo transport, changing ships
crew and navigators, leasing and organizing ships
operation on certain shipping lines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in receiving all

information and data concerning civil aviation
operations according to specific information
system and to make these information available to
its member companies to use in its flights and
passengers reservation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes ship chartering intermediary between the

firms involved in renting in one hand and ship
owners and travel agents on the other. The role of
the mediator must confine to intermediary against
remuneration. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in managing and

operating airplane for other parties. This involves
executing operations necessary for handling
passengers and cargo transport, changing crew and
navigators. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing aviation

feasibility studies and consultancies as regarding
airplanes buying and selling, fleet planning and
aircraft selection, safety audits, crew selection and
appointment, maintenance follow-up,aircraft
registration, ownership transfer, lease delivery and
return. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes any person who sells air tickets outbound
trip, and provides related services including
accommodation, visas, tours organizing and
transportation, in addition to selling tourist Physical
programs organized by outbound tour operators Office space No Restriction

Includes the designated agents held responsible for

handling shipments and cargoes and transport of
passengers on behalf of ship owners, their services
involve, arranging for the pilot and the tugs,
drawing up the documents for the customs and
harbor services, arranging for storage bunkers,
organizing the supply, contacting shippers and the
receivers of the goods. Any Type No Restriction

This is an office established in DMCC Free Zone by

an entity subsidiary to a foreign government to
work as a representative and tourism promoter.
This office is neither allowed to involve in direct
transactions, nor to conclude contracts or Branch
agreements by itself. Any Type companies only

Includes offices which organize hajj (pilgrimage)

and umra to the holy places, carry out the
necessary procedures and contacts needed for
travel and hotel, and accommodation bookings and Physical
facilitate pilgrims' transportation during their stay. Office space No Restriction

Includes offices opened and managed by

international airline companies which have regular
flights. Such offices promote the company's
activities and make reservations, as well as other Branch
related activities. Any Type companies only

Includes agents of international airlines who are

engaged in air cargo operations. They are
authorized to reserve spaces for imported, Physical
exported or re-exported goods. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms that organize and sell tourist Physical

programs abroad via travels and tourism agents. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms that organize local incentive tours or

tours for foreigners to attend conferences and
events, it involves handling visas, transport and
residence. Certain aspects of the licensed activity
will be subject to the rules and requirements of the
applicable regulating authority, such as Dubai Physical
Tourism. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes organizing internal and external tours for
students to enhance their skills and motivate
competition among them through conducting
games and competitions and quizzes, the objective
is also, to learn how positively with oneself and
with the others, to develop the skills of thinking Physical
and mental capabilities. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in brokerage between their

agents and the owners of the means of land
transport, including undertaking contracts signing
on behalf of principal against commission. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that serve as a liaison between

individuals or companies that need air, sea and
land transport services and the respective freight
forwarders. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in variety of brokerage

services regarding aviation business such as
brokering flights on behalf of individuals and
companies market for both passenger and cargo
transportation, the sale and acquisition of
aircrafts..etc Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in coordinating between

their clients and services providers as related to
fuel services, airport ground operation, flight
permission and passenger facilitation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms operating unmanned (UAV) and

drones to provide various aerial services, such as,
aerial photography, aerial advertising, air show,
photogrammetry, Inspection, surveillance, spraying
seeds and fertilizer, wildlife protection, weather Physical
forecasting, firefighting..etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes delivering surface and registered mail,

usually letters, postcards, publications, small packs
and publication pouches weighing 1 kgm in most. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes delivering well wrapped parcels in specific

weights and dimensions of 1.5 meters at most, as
well as providing courier services. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes delivering documents and parcels
delivering and courier services as well, it involves
delivering official and non-official notifications
issued by official departments or others, private
firms can obtain licenses from the General Postal
Authority to perform such services through land or
air postal delivery channels, provided that the
weight of delivered items do not exceed 31.5 KG. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes delivering consumer goods and food of

the general stores, cooperatives and restaurants to
homes, offices, factories, airports and others, it
excludes delivering mail and parcels and postal Physical
item. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which regularly receive money from

the public in the form of call, notice or time
deposits, or invest loan instruments or deposit
certificates to use them partially or fully in the
granting of loans and advances for their account
and on their own responsibility. This also includes
firms which issue and receive cheques, introduce
public and private loans, trade in foreign currencies
or precious metals, open documentary credits,
exchange travel cheques , and carry out other
banking operations provided for by the Commercial
Law or have been established as operations
pertaining to commercial banks. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms mainly involved in lending or

granting individual or commercial loans, as well as
financing and participating in existing or under-
establishment projects, or investing their money in
movable assets, such as goods or any means
determined by the Central Bank. The activities of
such firms do not include the receipt of money in
the form of deposits. However, they are permitted
to borrow from their main office, other local or
foreign banks, or from stock markets. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms called business or investment banks.

They deal in medium, long and other terms
investments. They are also specialized in
investment operations and the acceptance of
deposits upon specific conditions (deposits are not
accepted for less than two years). Such firms do
not carry out ordinary banking operations carried
out by other banks, except in conformity with the
conditions set forth by the Central Bank. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms whose main activities are based on
the acceptance of individual and corporate savings
and the execution of certain investment operations
for the development of savings. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes banks engaged in delivery of banking

products through electronic channels, this involves
automated cash withdrawal and cash and cheques
deposits, collection of account statements, obtain
and transfer of customers instructions and
feedbacks to the bank, the e- bank is not allowed
to conduct directly any banking transaction. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes financial and monetary firms engaged in

providing direct financial facilities (live) to finance
commercial deals made by other firms on the
internet, either for themselves or for other parties.
These firms could have a actual existence or could
hypothetically exist, depending on their legal
status. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes financial institutions perform a form of

modern banking based on the principles of sharia
law, the underlying concept in this regard is
designing investment operations contrary the
interest-based commercial banking system, the
approaches applied are Mudarabah (profit
sharing), Ijarah (lease), Bai Salam (advance
purchase), Istisna (manufacturing finance),
Mudarabah (profit sharing), Musharakah (joint
venture), Qard hassan (good loan), it involves
conducting conventional banking against charges
such as opening accounts, accepting deposits,
opening letter of credits, issuing letters of
guarantee Retail Shop No Restriction

This includes non-banking firms working in the field

of loans and lending, whether by lending funds to
companies in order to finance their sales, or
lending individual consumers for individual Physical
financing. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in transferring and

receiving money locally and internationally, in local
o foreign currency, remittance methods involve,
cash or bank notes, bank account, money orders,
credit cards. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms and holding companies formed in
order to invest their funds through the
establishment of subsidiary firms which carry out
various commercial activities, as well as transport,
contracting and financing activities, besides other
investments or shareholdings in commercial
enterprises. This also includes the management of
such subsidiary companies and the organization of
their affairs. Any Type

Includes firms and holding companies formed in

order to invest their funds through the
establishment of subsidiary firms which carry out
various industrial, extraction or converting
activities, or by the investment of their funds
through the shareholding in such projects. This also
includes the management of such subsidiary
companies and the organization of their affairs. Any Type

Includes firms and holding companies formed in

order to invest their funds or create the necessary
investments for the establishment of subsidiary
projects, which carry out agricultural activities and
other subsidiary activities, such as land
reclamation, establishment of agricultural projects,
cattle, sheep and chicken farms, as well as the
marketing of agricultural crops and investment in
fish and sea animal resources. This also includes
the management of such subsidiary companies and
the organization of their affairs. Any Type

Includes holding companies formed in order to

invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries
to carry out investment in oil and natural gas
projects, it involves exercising operational control
and managing the operations of their related units. Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
Includes holding companies formed with a prime activities under
role of creating and developing property projects, one licence.
across residential, commercial and tourist facilities, However, it can
also, to develop infrastructure that offer luxury be incorporated
lifestyle. Such projects are then offered for sale on with other real
a freehold bases, whether they are belonged to the estate activities
licensee or others, and through a contract between from the same
the developer and the land owner. The developer group (refer to
must also register with the Property Developer Real Estate
guarantee Account before commencing the Physical Activities
project. Office space grouping)

Includes holding companies formed in order to

invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries
to carry out investment in sport infrastructures and
projects, it involves exercising operational control
and managing the operations of their related units. Any Type

Includes holding companies formed in order to

invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries
to carry out investment in water infrastructures
and projects, it involves exercising operational
control and managing the operations of their
related units. Any Type

Includes financial firms which work for their own

account or the account of others in money
exchange field, which is based on the purchase and
sale of negotiable foreign currencies, monetary
notes and coins. Their activities also include the
purchase and sale of travelers' cheques, financial
transfers and other exchange activities regulated
by the laws and statutes of the Central Bank. This
activity does not include firms working in financial
and monetary brokerage. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes holding companies formed in order to
invest their own funds or secure funds to be
invested in setting up healthcare projects or other
similar enterprises. This also includes managing
and organizing the affairs of such companies. Any Type

Includes firms and holding companies formed in

order to invest their funds through setting up
subsidiaries to invest in educational facilities, the
projects that aim at enhancing the capabilities of
the people with special needs and the children with
autism as well as knowledge and human
development promoting project, it also involves
the management and organizational activities. Any Type

Includes firms and holding companies formed in

order to invest their funds through setting up
subsidiaries to invest in tourist facilities that aim at
enhancing Dubai as tourist attraction, it also
involves managing and organizing such
subsidiaries. Any Type

licence activity
allowed for new
Includes entities engaged in verifying and adding companies only.
new transactions to the blockchain (using methods However, it can
such as proof-of-work and proof-of-stake) in order be can selected
to generate Crypto Assets and trade those assets along with
on a proprietary level on exchange platforms This ‘’Proprietary
activity does not include providing services to 3rd Trading in
parties, acting as an exchange, providing brokerage Crypto-
services, financial services, banking services, peer commodities ‘’
to peer trades or payment processing. Any Type activity only.

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Trading in
commodities is a
licence activity
allowed for new
Includes the buying and selling (Proprietary companies only.
Trading) of crypto-commodities developed on However, it can
distributed ledger technology applications. This be can selected
activity does not include acting as an exchange, along with
providing brokerage services, financial services, ‘Proprietary
banking services, payment processing or storage Crypto Mining‘’
services. Any Type activity only.

Includes offices founded by family members for the

provision of services to the same single family; such
services include wealth management, asset
management, concierge work, day to day
accounting and management of legal affairs,
corporate governance issues and all the
administrational and office affairs; such firms are
not allowed to offer any of the above mentioned
services to any third party other than the family’s
own members, entities, businesses, trusts or
foundations. Any Type

Includes firms whose main activities are based on companies
the trading of their own money in FX, OTC and whether DGCX
Exchange Traded Derivatives on regulated or Proprietary
exchanges. Any Type Traders only

Includes firms whose main activities are based on DGCX broker

trading in DGCX listed contracts for client accounts member with
under broker membership. Any Type SCA License only

Includes firms which execute all insurance

operations related to human life and covering any Physical
danger to life. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms involve in life insurance passing

some or all associated with high risk to a reinsurer Physical
to avoid bearing the high risk alone. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which execute all insurance
operations against damages incurred as a result of
individual accidents, work accidents, theft and
robbery, trust breach, as well as car and vehicle
insurance against crash, run-over and fall
accidents, insurance against civil liability,
engineering insurance, and other insurance modes
which are generally established as insurance Physical
against accidents and liability. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which execute all insurance

operations against damages incurred as a result of
fire, explosions, natural disasters and phenomena
and disturbances. This also includes other
insurance modes which are generally established Physical
as insurance against fire. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which execute all insurance

operations on passengers, goods, other movable,
freight remunerations, as well as carriers, such as
ships, and road transport means hulls, machinery
and accessories. This also includes insurance
against dangers that may arise during their
construction, manufacture, use, repair or
anchoring. This also includes damages incurred by
other parties, as well as other insurance modes
which are generally established as insurance Physical
against dangers of road, air and sea transport. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which execute insurance operations

on the issuance of documents, instruments and
certificates... etc. which bind a given company to
make a post-dated settlement of a certain amount/
amounts of money by one or more regular Physical
installment payment. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which carry out all or specific

type/types of insurance (excluding life insurance)
by concluding contracts with other insurance
companies as follows: The first insurance company
bears the responsibility of dangers insured against
by the first contract. The second insurance
company undertakes to insure the first company
against all or part of the dangers insured against by
the first company. The company which provides
the second insurance undertakes to cover all losses
which exceed a certain amount during a specified Inside JLT and/or
period. Any Type Outside UAE

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms carrying out health insurance
policies, which compensate, loss of income,
medication expenses of the insured in case of Physical
sickness. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms that offer mechanical breakdown

insurance that covers a wide range of mechanical Physical
and electrical parts and labour. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in displaying full range of

data of the financial instruments derived from
international exchanges via different media, such
as newspapers, radio, TV, internet …etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes agents or stock market brokers whose

activities are based on the negotiation of the
purchase and sale of ordinary shares and bonds,
loan bonds and other local or foreign financial
instruments, regardless of their being locals or Physical
agents representing foreign institutions. Office space No Restriction

Includes agents or stock market brokers whose

activities are based on mediating in the purchase
and sale of foreign ordinary shares and bonds and
loan bonds and other financial instruments, the
role of such firms is restricted to regardless of
negotiating the process up to concluding a deal
between the parties, these firm are not allowed to Physical
trade for themselves. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which act as mediators between

clients and licensed financial institutions for direct
buying and selling of local and foreign currencies
deposited with local and foreign banks and
financial institutions. Their activities are limited to
brokerage to conclude deals in the favor of third
parties. And they are not allowed to accept or keep
clients’ funds or money in any way Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
with other real
Includes personal and corporate brokers who estate activities
advice and assist borrowers in obtaining the best from the same
borrowing conditions from lenders and commercial group (refer to
banks to acquire or build properties, such service is Real Estate
against commission without exercising direct Physical Activities
lending to borrowers. Office space grouping)

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
Includes firms specialized in offering advisory on non-real estate
how to mortgage property to get loans from activities under
financial institutions for financing freehold one licence.
property, including selection of a financial However, it can
institutions , how to mortgage and release a be incorporated
property , preparation and submission of with other real
documents , the implications of breaking financing estate activities
and mortgaging in mid term , refinancing and from the same
mortgaging fully paid properties , re-mortgaging group (refer to
and transfer to another financer , evaluation of Real Estate
financing rates , such firms are not allowed to seek Activities
or carry out any mortgaging for themselves. Any Type grouping)

Includes firms which buy insurance policies for

individuals and companies from insurance
companies. These firms differ from insurance
agents in that they do not represent a certain
insurance company while buying the insurance
policies for their own clients. They provide their
services against remunerations received directly
from the beneficiaries of their services. Any Type Inside JLT only

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which represent one or more
insurance company/companies in dealing with the
insured parties, policy buyers and insurance
brokers. An establishment of that kind works for
the account of the insurance company under a
special contract. It represents the insurance
company on the local level and is authorized to
carry out business assigned to it, provided that all
its acts and activities are approved by the
company. It receives its remunerations from the
company and not from the insured parties. Any Type Inside JLT only

Includes firms specialized in mathematics sciences

related to probability principle and compound
interest as well as other insurance related
mathematical issues. Such firms use mathematical
and statistical methods in order to calculate the
rates set forth by insurance companies for each of
the insurance types. The basic elements for the
above-said can be the person's age or the age of
the insured thing, as well as the years during which
a person is expected to live, and the dangers that
may arise. Any Type No Restriction
Include firms which provide insurance consultancy
services. Any Type No Restriction

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
with other real
estate activities
Includes firms which work in the purchase of real from the same
estate, such as residential and non-residential group (refer to
buildings and commercial lands for selling, such Real Estate
firms are not allowed to practice the activity no. Physical Activities
6599-08 " Real Estate Development". Office space grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes complexes which consist of a large
number of units, various real estate and
commercial utilities leased to other parties who
can use them as shopping centers or offices, where
various commercial activities can be carried out.
This also includes other utilities such as housing
units, car parks, hotels, theaters, conference halls
or more as well as commercial exhibition halls and Commercial
other utilities. Plot

Includes firms which furnish residential apartments

with all requisites and means necessary for
residential purposes. Such apartments are leased
for relatively long periods in return for monthly or Physical
annual rent. Office space No Restriction

Includes centers which consist of a large number of

shops, halls, exhibitions, and offices where
commercial activities of selling goods and various
products or providing recreational and social
services such as entertainment centers,
restaurants, some housing units and others are Commercial
conducted. Plot

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
Includes firms engaged in managing commercial, with other real
residential, industrial buildings owned by the estate activities
owner and his first and second- degree relatives, from the same
also, handling contractual arrangements with the group (refer to
firms in-charge of maintenance, security and as Real Estate
well as issuing tenants contracts, such firms are not Physical Activities
allowed to practice real estate Brokerage. Office space grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

For a branch of
existing RERA
only.This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
with other real
Includes firms engaged in real estate brokerage or estate activities
be agents, they mainly involve in buying, selling or Physical from the same
appraisal activities. Office space group

For a branch of
existing RERA
only.This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
Includes the firms which work as a connection link with other real
between landlords and tenants regarding property estate activities
lease against remuneration, their role will end up Physical from the same
when said parties reach an agreement. Office space group

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is an office established in DMCC Free Zone by
any international company or enterprise to
represent it in UAE in order to market and promote
the property that it owns outside UAE, or facilitate
commercial deals between the the mother
company and it's customers, such office is not
allowed practice any activity or enter transactions Branch
concerning real estate by itself. Any Type companies only

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
with other real
estate activities
from the same
Includes firms specialized in assessing and estimate group (refer to
the value of fixed assets, such as, lands and Real Estate
buildings, as might be requested by disputant Activities
parties or be as an assignment by the court. Any Type grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
Includes firms specialized in managing and be incorporated
supervising properties as regarding contracting with other real
with the firms in charge of maintenance, cleaning estate activities
and security services, handling the administrative from the same
issues for the property's owner, coordinate with group (refer to
lease brokers to find tenants for vacant units in the Real Estate
building, these firms are not allowed to practice Physical Activities
selling, leasing or releasing properties Office space grouping)

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
Includes firms specialized in managing and one licence.
supervising the properties that are jointly owned However, it can
and run by owners' associations, as regarding be incorporated
contracting with the firms in charge of with other real
maintenance, cleaning and security services, estate activities
handling the administrative issues and the records from the same
of the building and the association, submitting group (refer to
periodical reports to the association, these firms Real Estate
are not allowed to practice property selling or Activities
purchasing or leasing brokering. Any Type grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate
Trustee is a
business activity
only given to a
select group of
people after a
process. This
Includes firms established for the purpose of activity is subject
providing real estate promotion services that are to approval from
provided through an electronic system of the Land the Real Estate
and Land Department, which includes the activities Promotions and
of (1) real estate promotion services and Investment
investment attraction, (2) inquiries and inquiries management
(customer service), and other related real estate sector of Dubai
services According to the terms and conditions of Physical Land
each service. Office space Department.

Includes firms engage in renting motorbikes, with

two wheels or more, fitted with motors, and are
intended for paved roads use. Retail Shop No Restriction

This activity
cannot be
provided on the
same license or
under same
company with
activities: 6304-
11-Out Bound
Tour Operator &
Bound Tour
Includes firms which lease cars without drivers. Retail Shop Operator

Includes leasing, without drivers, buses and other

public transports either by means of personal lease
for a short period of time or through long contract
arrangements with schools to transfer students or
with private and public firms to transport
employees. Retail Shop No Restriction
Includes firms engaged in renting specialized motor
vehicles without drivers. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes renting different racing cars without

drivers to be exclusively restricted to racing tracks. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in renting bicycles, fitted
with two wheels or more, non-motorized, and are
intended for leisure and sports use. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms licensed to engage in renting

recreational motorbikes, with two wheels or more,
fitted with motors, but not designed as vehicles or
karts and are intended for mountains and off road
use. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes renting the electric powered bicycles with

two or more wheels, electric scooters are not
involved. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes renting building and construction

equipment for excavating, filling, demolition, earth
leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment
and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and
heavy objects lifts. Any Type No Restriction

Includes renting and leasing pumps for water and

liquids pumping, engines and machines for ships,
boats, vehicles, also machinery for industrial
operation, the generators which convert the
electrical energy into mechanical energy to operate
machinery Any Type No Restriction

Includes renting and leasing heavy and industrial

machinery and equipment used for handling,
refrigeration, air purifying, metal cutting and
forming, food, beverage, and tobacco processing,
textile apparel and leather production, lifts,
escalators, boilers, central kitchens, automatic
washing equipment, electric generators, water
pumps, it involves also light duty equipment for
medical, packaging, transport, construction and
occupational Safety applications. Any Type No Restriction

Includes renting and leasing equipment for the

extraction of minerals occurring naturally, involving
extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas as
well as the mining and quarrying. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in renting filming and

production of movies and television programs,
including cameras, equipment for lighting and
sound, cranes and dollys, grips, smoke machines,
special effects devices, it involves the props used
on stage or on screen by actors during a
performance or screen production, such as,
statues, dinosaurs, pirate figures, animals,
weapons, decorations …etc Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes renting and leasing solar panels and slabs
energy systems (photovoltaic) installed on tops and
facades of residential and commercial buildings, or
on the ground to generate power for use in water
heating and cooling and energy supply, it involves
the batteries and devices to store the generated
energy. Any Type No Restriction

Includes renting disinfecting booths and equipment

which are installed in different places to disinfect
all individuals and vehicles entering and exiting the
area Any Type No Restriction

No display or
storage of
Includes firms engaged in renting watersport otherwise
equipment for sport facilities and individuals, such property type
as, diving devices, surf boards, windsurfs…etc Any Type should be retail

Includes offering costumes and uniforms rental for

men, women, and children, whether historical or
contemporary or for masquerading. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes renting and leasing diamond necklaces,

bracelets, earrings, watches. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms that engaged in renting vaults to

others to save their valuables and important
documents, involving furnishing a safe room
equipped with alarm systems, TV surveillance,
guarding, burglary insurance, as well as enable the
lessee the access his vault at anytime. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes renting distinctive artworks such as

drawings, sculptures, photographs, handicraft
woks, masterworks to art galleries, exhibitions,
museums…etc Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which provide consultancy to

enterprises and companies, prepare studies related
to the analysis of users' needs as regards computer
hardware and software and provide the best
solutions. This also includes the choice of software
that corresponds to the company's activities, the
choice of operation specifications, the equipment
and preparation of computer rooms. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing comprehensive professional
consultancies to IT organizations to help them
match their needs with the networking solutions, it
involves securing, analyzing and designing network
solutions that maintain the security and integrity of
their IT assets. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing technical services and

consultancies with respect to information
technology and applications like internet, internet
and data warehousing to enhance the
administrative and technical performance in
different corporations. In addition to offering
consultancies, to involve proposing the adequate
software and handling the surveys and studies to
determine the appropriate technology consistent
with the nature of the firm, it involve advising on
the most proper technical applications for
transformation to the platform of the block chain
technology, with emphasis on the economic return
expected from applying in different domains, these
firms are not entitled to market or produce any of
the software or products related to said
technology. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in drawing up the

strategies of using the internet technology in the
commercial entities, as well as impose laying out
the techniques of the practical application. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in offering

comprehensive professional cyber security
consultancy to other organizations on how to
prepare for, avoid and protect themselves against
cyber-attacks and threats, such threats might
involve networks, computers, programs and data
damage or unauthorized access. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in computer systems

software design, implementation, operation and
maintenance based on analyzing the user's
problems and his need for economical solution and
the programs necessary for realizing such a
solution, it involves designing application software
designed to run on smartphones and mobile
devices. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes programming electronic chips used in
computers or in other automatic electronic
devices, which are used in industry, vehicles,
household electronic appliances and electronic
games. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in designing the pages of

the electronic services sites, the internet is used
here as infrastructure. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing the internet

sites with contents and make them available for
users. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing computer systems analysis and

software design to the firms involved in education
and training process, it involves analyzing the user's
needs and problems and offering consultancy on
the best economical solution and the programs
necessary for realizing such a solution, also, the
software installation, testing and operation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes carrying computer drawing and designing

for decorations, wedding and greeting cards,
fashions, internet sites and many other activities,
such works shall then be executed by specialized
companies, other firms practicing similar works
shall be listed under no. 4540-09. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in helping businesses and

others to utilize such social media like Facebook,
twitter, you tube, LinkedIn, Instagram to increase
visibility and expand the number of regular visitors,
which will boost customer base and consequently
result in the grow of their businesses and services
steadily over time, it involves providing contents as
well as managing such channels. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes setting up and managing a facility housing Standalone
computer systems and associated components, licence activity
such as telecommunications and storage systems, allowed for new
for the purpose of the generation of virtual assets companies only
by crypto miners. This firm is not permitted to and cannot be
conduct trading activity, proprietary crypto mining, conducted with
acting as an exchange, providing brokerage other activities
services, financial services, banking services, peer Physical under the same
to peer trades or payment processing Office space company

Includes firms engaged in providing an online licence activity
platform for the buying & selling of third parties’ allowed for new
unique digital assets (NFTs) and facilitates companies only
commercial interactions between buyer and seller and cannot be
in return of a commission or remuneration. The conducted with
online platform cannot be used to trade or other activities
promote crypto-commodities, cryptocurrencies or under the same
NFTs covering any regulated products or securities. Any Type company

licence activity
allowed for new
Includes firms engaged in the development and companies only
hosting of digital virtual environments, which and cannot be
enable simulated interactions between individuals. conducted with
Companies with this activity are not permitted to other activities
issue tokens which are traded on exchanges or under the same
trade in crypto commodities. Any Type company

Includes providing database management solutions

and ancillary services based on distributed ledger
technologies, such as Blockchain. Companies with
this activities are not permitted to trade in, or
setup an exchange for, currencies or crypto
currencies/commodities or provide any financial
activity services, brokerage or payment processing. Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which provide data entry services to
computer systems and programs, the process
involves ordinary data entry and documents
scanning for final electronic storing. It involves
converting data from one computer language to
another. Such services are carried by specialized
firms for others against remunerations, firms
perform said services for themselves are not listed
under this activity Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which help others with the essential

tools needed to identify and asses cyber threats
which might include users themselves, networks,
devices, all software, processes, information in
storage, applications, including recommending
effective measures to eliminate or manage cyber
threats. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in laying the technical

foundations of the information technology, which
comprises the network, the systems and the data
bases. It also involves firms engaged in preparing
the consultative studies alongwith the installations
of the network and the systems, manpower
training is also included. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing internet service to the public in

shops, shopping centers and public places. Any Type No Restriction

Includes bloggers who establish regular personal

journal or diary on the internet to record their
thoughts, opinions, or experiences and make
available for other people to read and respond to. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms offering gaming community

management solutions for the gaming industry
including social media and games forum
monitoring, moderation and content approval,
social media and forum content creation and
community and social media performance reports Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms providing services to assist all of the
needs of companies involved in the gaming
industry including audio development, audio
localization, casting and talent management
services, tool development, co-development,
remastering, sound design and music, voice
recording and video facial capture, asset
integration, pre-production and script adaptation,
postproduction, mastering and mixing, functional
testing services, hardware certification testing, user
experience testing, quality assurance and player
support services Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in creating, developing and

providing creative content for use in the gaming
industry, including animations, texts, images,
videos, infographics and the 3D computer-
generated imagery, in order to use on applications
and digital platforms, and ensuring that the
content is formatted and configured for use on a
variety of devices and platforms, such as, videos,
mobiles and computer games Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that hold the publishing rights to

video and mobile games, whether the games have
been developed internally by the publisher or
externally by a gaming developer Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in 360-videos, post-

production, fully interactive VR experiences, VR
simulators, augmented virtual reality development,
3D design and computer-generated imagery
animations, sound design and production, on-site
installations, which may include strategic
consulting in respect of offering VR and AR
solutions to businesses Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms offering all forms of quality

assurance testing for the gaming industry, including
functional testing services, hardware certification
testing, stress and load testing, user testing and
network performance testing Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms offering player support service

solutions which may be through multilingual,
multichannel 24/7, customer support through
email, live chat, phone support) and in-game
support Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms involved in multiple aspects of the

gaming industry, including game development,
content production, technology, distribution and
publishing Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes live streaming digital platforms through
which gaming videos and E-sports competitions are
streamed, and offering a gaming social media
platform in which the gaming community can
interact Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms providing localization services,

including language translation and general cultural
accuracy in respect of gaming content, advertising,
marketing, and branding materials for the gaming
industry Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms providing market research and

studies for games industry trends, such as, surveys,
questionnaires, technical studies relating to the
gaming industry including, but not limited to
analyzing market trends, marketability of games,
public opinions and consumer habits and behavior,
game genre popularity, game publishers’ activities,
gaming audience trends Any Type No Restriction

Includes platforms offering a software-

development system solution, which enables the
construction of video and mobile games for all
platforms Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that create and develop video,

mobile and PC digital games, including creating,
designing and developing software for all aspects
of video and mobile games and implementing the
creative content to ensure compatibility with video
and mobile display Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms providing strategic, management

and marketing, public relations, branding
consultancy services and expert advice to the
gaming industry Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms providing real-time statistics for E-

sports, which collect, analyze and distills data from
channels, games, publishers, tournaments, teams,
reports, brand impact, chat analytics, concerning E-
sports competitions and gaming streaming social
media platforms using game application
programming interface, streaming intelligence and
artificial intelligence software Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in online publishing of a

newspaper, periodical, journal, magazine and other
online publishing activities specific to the E-sports
and gaming genre Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms that develop and provide specialized
gaming related training for individuals in
professions including, but not limited to
programmers, video game designers, animators,
developers, professional E-sports gamers, referees,
coaches and analysts Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that provide services to produce,

promote, organize, manage, support and facilitate
E-sports events, competitions and tournaments,
including conferences, exhibitions, activations,
conventions, business and trade shows Any Type No Restriction

Includes online platforms which facilitate and

support organizers of E-sports tournaments and
offer turn-key solutions for testing, scaling, and
operating E-sports competitions Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms that own or operate recognized E-

sports League Any Type No Restriction

Operation of
Includes firms that carry out and develop software offshore
for electronic platforms and online gaming services gambling
for using outside UAE market, and in accordance platforms is not
with the legislation and laws of the countries in allowed under
which they are applied. Any Type this activity

Includes firms engaged in developing and offering

support services to enable free or paid online
gaming played through the internet, computer
network or E-gaming devices, downloadable from
app stores, or through CD’s, these firms are not
allowed to operate or conduct electronic
applications, such as gambling apps that
contravene the prevailing legislations in UAE, as
well as the shameless apps. Any Type No Restriction

includes the repair of desktop and laptop

computers and peripheral equipment , involving
magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage
devices, printers, monitors, keyboards, internal and Physical
external computer modems, servers. Office space No Restriction

Includes the repair and maintenance of the

electronic calculators and typewriters and printing Physical
sets. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specialized in providing the services
of subscribing & Connecting to international
information networking as well as specialized
information banks and exchange of electronic mail
which includes operating systems and applications
such as electronic mail and the exchange of data
electronically by using communication networks as
well as their local and international lines. The role
of those is limited to facilitating subscription
procedures against fees or specified amount. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in providing concerned

companies and corporations with housing services
to their computers and communication systems by
means of securing them the adequate operational
environment as well as providing them with the
maintenance and the connections with Physical
communication networks. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms, centers or institutes specialized in

elaborating studies and experimental and
development researches on natural sciences
(mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, life,
earth sciences etc.), as well as medical,
pharmacology, agricultural, engineering and
technical sciences, in order to enrich knowledge
and innovate new scientific applications thereof,
such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys
and questionnaire before getting approval from the
competent authority Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutes, academics or centers that

encourage or promote scientific issues and
research in the field of pharmacology and its
advanced technologies and implement it in the
manufacture of medicines and pharmaceuticals as
well as up-grading the pharmacy profession,
develop pharmacy education and introduce raw
materials that can serve the pharmaceutical
industry, such firms are not allowed to conduct
field surveys and questionnaire before getting
approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms conduct technical studies and
research on the polluters affecting the
environment elements, mainly air, water and soil
and how to handle the subsequent impacts as well
as determining the techniques and practical
preventive measures, such firms are not allowed to
conduct field surveys and questionnaire before
getting approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes conducting consultancy and services

regarding utilizing renewable energy specially
winds, tidal waves, solar energy, hydrogen, as a
clean alternative to traditional energy, it involves
technical and economic feasibility studies, identify
alternatives, compare between the environmental
impacts of both sources. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms, centers or institutes specialized in

elaborating studies and experimental and
development researches on social sciences
(Economics, psychology, sociology, legal sciences
etc.) and human sciences (languages, arts, etc.), so
as to enrich knowledge and innovate new scientific
applications thereof, such firms are not allowed to
conduct field surveys and questionnaire before
getting approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes centers or institutes specialized in

elaborating studies and experimental and
development researches on learning technologies
to set guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating
and implementing learning techniques to reach the
utmost efficiency, such firms are not allowed to
conduct field surveys and questionnaire before
getting approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms licensed to assume the defense in

the cases filed with courts. They also offer
consultancy and draw up legal studies of the
lawsuits and the legal questions submitted to
them. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

activity is a
activity and
cannot be
conducted with
other activities
Includes offices and firms which offer consultancies as informed by
and prepare legal studies of the lawsuits and the The Government
legal questions submitted thereto. However, they of Dubai Legal
are not entitled to assume the defense before Affairs
courts in this regard. Any Type Department

Includes offices specialized in preparing

documents, completing legal and technical
requirements, making the legal procedures to
register patents and industrial designs with the
competent bodies and obtaining certificates to this Physical
effect issued in return for fixed fees. Office space No Restriction

This activity
cannot be given
on the same
license with the
activity: 7414-07
Includes firms serve as agents to international Quality &
organizations, which issue quality & Physical Standardization
standardization certificates to goods and services. Office space Consultants

Includes offices specialized in preparing

documents, completing legal and technical
requirements and formalities to register
trademarks with the competent authorities and Physical
obtaining the due certificates. Office space No Restriction

Includes offices specialized in preparing

documents, completing legal and technical
requirements and formalities to register
intellectual property, which is manifested in artistic
forms, with the competent bodies and obtaining Physical
the due certificates. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specialized in protecting authors'
copyrights through handling their representation ,
contract management , collect copyrights proceeds
in return of contribution in domain of literature ,
drama , music , cinema and arts , also , to care for
neighboring which involves individuals and
corporations that perform and produce the authors
intellectual production. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in submitting claims to

insurance companies and patients on behalf of
medical facilities, such as hospitals, clinics and
physicians to ensure that their claims against their
services are paid, following in that universal coding
guidelines. Any Type No Restriction

Includes local firms or agents of international

organizations and companies specialized in
granting or issuing global Halal quality and
conformity certification for products and services
after conducting the testing and inspection and
certification conformity assessment certificates and
reports Any Type

Branch of local
companies only.
Not allowed to
conduct the
Includes offices specialized in practicing accounting activities ‘’7412-
services and qualified to audit accounts of 02-Accounting &
companies and firms and make comprehensive Bookkeeping’’
examination and auditing of all kinds of accounts, and ‘’7412-01-
records and accounting books of an establishment, Auditing of
the outcome of its business, and reports on its Accounts’’
financial position. These offices are also specialized together at the
in all accounting services and consultancies. Any Type same time.

Includes the offices specialized in setting and

designing accounting systems for companies and
firms, designing accounting documents, records
and books, setting documentary cycles or other
accounting processes. These offices offer services
against fixed fees, but may not examine or audit
accounts. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes specialized firms engaged in tax advisory
to foreign companies in UAE, involving advising on
how to avert double taxation, how to implement
tax treaties between countries, reviewing the
periodical forms and statements of the companies,
the minimal qualifications required is bachelor
degree in business administration, economics, law,
accounting or a related discipline, along with three
years hands-on experience Any Type No Restriction

Includes conducting field surveys and

questionnaires to explore the opinion of the
consumers, producers and distributors of the
goods and services on the way the commodity is
designed, and come out with results which could
assist in the marketing, the pricing and the
effective promotional campaign, in order come out
with results that assist in marketing and sales
boosting, such firms are not allowed to conduct
field surveys and questionnaire before getting
approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms provide assistance to businesses on

marketing products and services to attract and
retain customers, involving advice on planning,
pricing, sale outlets, such firms are not allowed to
sell the products and services they are promoting. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in conducting surveys of

public opinion on behalf of others to investigate
the opinions of a population as well as collecting
data and statistics in any domain, it involves
utilizing telecommunications or in person-to-
person contact or using any other direct or indirect
techniques, it also includes investigating the
collective opinions of the public about political,
economic and social issues as well as opinion for
matters such as marketing, psychology, sociology,
health, the process involves designing the poll
forms, specifying the sample of population to be
investigated and finally issuing the analyses of the
results. Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specialized in providing
consultancies and studies on transport as regarding
the means for smooth traffic flow, the effect of big
projects on traffic, trffic lights timing control,
advising on alternative streets and wayouts at
events times (exhibitons, competitions), fix the
crossings and exits for the services streets. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which prepare technical and

economic feasibility studies on the new projects to
determine the profitability of these projects over a
period of operation, such firms are not allowed to
conduct field surveys and questionnaire before
getting approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in collecting information on

establishments and companies and businessmen as
well as the commercial opportunities and programs
and make such information available to interested
parties against fixed fees. Any Type No Restriction

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
Includes offices which offer real estate with other real
consultancies in return for money. These estate activities
consultancies are relevant to data, information and from the same
prices of all types of real estates. The services of group (refer to
these offices do not include facilitating contacts Real Estate
between parties or the undertaking of selling and Activities
buying procedures. Any Type grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing administrative consultancies and
studies to public departments and companies as
regarding administrative performance analysis,
procedural engineering, laying out flow-charts and
related documents circulation, internal policy
formulation, organizational restructuring, strategic
plans development, innovating work procedures,
designing balanced scorecards, such firms are not
allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire
before getting approval from the competent
authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in preparing studies and

consultancies concerning manpower planning as
well as improving its performance through studying
the problems encounter the employee. These
problems could be technical, psychological or
behavioral. The process involves analyzing the
problem and then seek the proper solution by
means of reports, advising, consulting, designing of
professional and administrative programs and to
propose the adequate training to overcome the
employees problems and enhancing his
performance, such firms are not allowed to
conduct field surveys and questionnaire before
getting approval from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

This activity
Includes firms engaged in services consultancies cannot be given
aiming at improving the standard of quality of the on the same
services and products which are provided by the license with the
services and the industrial sectors. It also includes activity Quality &
providing standardization consultancies on services Standardization
and products to confirm with standard Certificates
specifications. Any Type Issuing Services.

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing services and consultancies
pertaining to printing, publishing, issuing
newspapers and magazines, radio and television
and motion picture production. It also includes
conferences, seminars and ceremonies organizing
related services, in addition to providing studies
and information to organizations engaged media
production, organizing and planning, such firms are
not allowed to conduct field surveys and
questionnaire before getting approval from the
competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offering technical consultancy services

related to electronic installations, audio-visual
systems, TV and radio production and lighting
techniques to studios, theatres, conference rooms
and educational laboratories. It involves
determining the proper equipment, their
descriptions, assessing their purchasing bids and
the supervision over the technical execution. Any Type No Restriction

Includes specialized firms engaged in preparing

marketing and feasibility studies alongwith the
required surveys and field questionnaires, in
addition to providing technical consultancies in
connection with investing in hotels or any hotel
related services whether to the new projects or for
enhancing the existing ones. Any Type No Restriction

Includes specialized firms engaged in preparing

marketing and feasibility studies along with the
required surveys and field questionnaires, involving
identifying opportunities for new tourist facilities
and services, business plans and project
evaluations programs, project management. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in conducting studies and

consultancies as regarding various alternatives
available to a firm in order to achieve the optimum
utilization of resources, thus the firm is enabled to
minimize utilization of inputs and energy, as well as
impact on environment. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specializes in providing professional
advice on how to manage and monitor waste
materials, whether to reduce their effect on health
and environment or to obtain the ISO
accreditation, it involves advising on eliminating
waste through resources recovery practices like
recycling materials. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms perform as connecting link between

commercial entities and the media to introduce
and shed light on their activities and achievements
as well as promoting corporate image through
leaflets, produce information reflecting
transparency, establish positive relations with
customers by visits and participation in gatherings,
enhance their employees sense of belonging. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in technical studying and

consulting over investing in spa and fitness clubs,
as regarding location and architectural design,
technical and economic feasibility, operational and
administrative analysis, and marketing and
promotional plans. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing studies and

consultancies on the development of the projects
carried out by real estate investment companies
and others, including , project elements , draw up
strategies of development opportunities ,
economic feasibility and marketing , revising
development requirements and obstacles ,
supervising execution progress, the minimal
qualifications required is bachelor degree in
business administration or engineering, along with
three years hands-on experience, it’s not allowed
to use this activity to practice engineering
consultancies. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which help others in taking steps to

control and ensure that the actual cost of
production do not exceed the standard cost set in
advance in the planning stage, it involves risk
management which implies identifying the risks
encounter organizations, then assessing the risks,
and finally to take steps and develop strategies to
enable avoiding the risk or reduce it’s negative
effects or transfer to another party. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in sourcing and
procurement consultancies, including purchase
analysis to determine where to achieve savings,
point out the system defects to overcome, so as to
minimize the cost, determine the purchases
specifications and tender procedures, advise on
purchasing sources by rendering to the best
standards as might involve E- commerce Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing consultancies and ideas to

entities organizing events pertaining to UAE
heritage, to propose to the organizers the right
folkloric show for their event, to help companies
design and build camps and how to reflect the
geographical aspects of UAE, to give consultancy to
media agencies on the advertisements that include
folkloric scenes, to support in finding the qualified
personnel who can carry out such works. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing consultancy on food as well as

health food to provide a key liaison between
marketing and product development to meet the
increasing needs to acquire fundamental
knowledge and skills in food concepts, involving
also, development of new recipes, sourcing raw
material and ingredients, design and sourcing of
machinery and method of production, also,
packaging, cost, quality compliance auditing and
project management and marketing. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms providing consultancy and research

related to agricultural economic feasibility, land
reclamation and irrigation, agricultural project
development, animal poultry farming. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing objective

management advice and solutions to supply chain
problems as well as providing methodology for
improving performance, this involves analyzing the
distribution network and delivering practical
solutions, facilities and warehouses design and
improvement, audit the operation and identify the
potentials for improvements. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in providing consultancy in
fire protection and safety, including, preparing
protective strategy and emergency and evacuation
plan, assessing fire risks and formulate action plan
complying with regulations imposed by the
concerned authorities in this respect, developing
fire management policies and procedures,
modifying premises designs to comply with the
building regulations regarding fire safety, designing
fire training programs. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the provision of advice, guidance and

operational assistance to hotels, restaurants, clubs,
and other professionals in the hospitality industry
as regarding how to skillfully preparing meals,
helping create the recipes, demonstrate knowledge
of the science of food, understanding of diet and
nutrition, plan and execute cooking
demonstrations in TV stations or any other place. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in managing and guiding

project processes from start to finish as regarding
planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling
resources, procedures in order to achieve all of the
project goals, it involves managing budgets,
resources and relationships to achieve
organizational objectives, planning, developing
schedules to ensure timely completion of projects,
it’s not allowed to use it to practice the activity
Projects Management Engineering & Technical
Feasibility Studies Services Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing studies and

consultancies on innovation to technical and
administrative personnel in the public and private
sector to stimulate extraordinary thinking
procedures and innovative solutions to the
challenges comforting them, also, providing the
same on artificial intelligence which is based on
computers that capable of imitating the intelligent
human behavior to understand future
developments Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms having experience and knowledge
which provide consultancies to the facilities
involved in oil and gas industry as regarding
optimize production and mitigate potential issues
associated with oil and gas exploration and
production, including reservoir issues, production
fluids, geological issues, productivity decline,
corrosion testing, production delays, risk analysis
and assessment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which make building maquettes and

models, or engineering designs, models and forms
of tools, vessels etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes designing the models of commodities and

products prior to mechanical or manual
production. Fabrics, furniture and personal
household and professional appliances are
involved. It includes pre-manufacturing drawings,
setting technical specifications, materials and
production costs calculation, and testing to ensure
compliance of materials with safety and quality
standards. No engineering design elaborated in
separate activity in this class or elsewhere is
embodied herein. Any Type No Restriction

Includes preparing natural, political and civil

geographical maps, whether digital or linear, also
includes preparing topographical and contour
designs as well as analytical reporting. Any Type No Restriction

ncludes offering noise control, vibration and

acoustics services for commercial and industrial
sectors. The objective is to address noise impact of
loud sources near noise sensitive areas such as
hospitals, airports, mosques, theatres, cinema
halls...etc. It involves measures design, technical
specifications setting, execution and supervising. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing consultancies and services on

analyzing and establishing standards on vertical
and horizontal transportation systems e.g elevators
, escalators , moving walks , for moving people and
materials in public places and factories, services
include determining design and installation
standards, providing shop drawing review, prepare
opinions on costs and timetables, as well as
modernizing existing installations. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes conducting geophysical and geological
surveying by acoustic waves to determine the
potential of oil, gas and minerals in deep ground
layers, no engineering activities listed under
activity no 7421-30 are involved. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offering counseling as regarding

constructing green buildings, which are defined as
environment friendly buildings, including all the
services enable the efficient use of energy , water
and other resources, which will have impact
national health and global environment. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offering counseling and drawing plans on

science and technology as regarding water
desalination techniques, nanotechnology, health,
power technology, also, studying and analyzing the
reports submitted by laboratories and other
analysis entities in respond to requests by
governmental and private bodies, such firms are
not allowed to conduct field surveys and
questionnaire before getting approval from the
competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

Includes using three- dimensional imaging and

laser scanning to reproduce objects outwards, or to
acquire data to construct digital models of objects
sizes, in order to use in a wide variety of industrial
and non-industrial applications, including,
discovering the technological principles of the
object through analysis of it's geometry and other
elements undetectable by traditional survey
techniques, such technology can be applied in
constructions, roads, tunnels, bridges, historic
sites, ships…etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in advisory and supervisory

services on the use of radiation in workplace, also,
enhancing the safety awareness for users of
radiation in medical facilities for diagnosis and
therapy, or for radioactive materials transporters,
including calibrating the equipment monitoring
radiation as per domestic and international
standards. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in providing consultancy
and proposals on the designs and drawings of the
marine projects such as floating marinas and
infrastructure for waterfronts developments, which
would be submitted to the concerned authorities
for approval, these firms are not allowed to involve
in said designs and drawings. Any Type No Restriction

Includes conducting engineering consultancy for

energy & water related projects such as gas and
coal energy, it involves engineering, technical,
analytical and economic feasibility studies to
identify alternatives, compare between the
environmental impacts of energy sources, also,
consultancy on managing, executing and operating
power and energy plants and the related concepts
of Benchmarking, optimization, technical and
operational support as well as emission
management, also, regulation and policies
development, energy security and supply,
efficiency, regulatory frameworks, network studies,
planning and risk management. Any Type No Restriction

This is a
activity which
cannot be
merged with
non-real estate
activities under
one licence.
However, it can
be incorporated
with other real
Includes firms engaged in surveying buildings and estate activities
dwellings as regarding number of floors and joint from the same
spaces, this process involves lands, buildings and group (refer to
units, vertical and dimensional surveying, joint Real Estate
spaces in buildings lands surveying, preparation of Activities
maps and sketches of real estate units. Any Type grouping)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing engineering consultancies and
services as regarding the scientific study of the
atmosphere and the metrological phenomena
which concerns with the observable weather
events that are bound by the variables,
temperature, air pressure, water vapor that exist in
earth's atmosphere. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing services and consultancies

related to the aircraft electrical system which
consists the self-contained network of components
that generate, transmit, distribute, utilize and store
electrical energy, the minimal qualifications
required is bachelor degree in electrical
engineering, along with three years hands-on
experience. Any Type No Restriction

Services Includes providing engineering support

and services to aircrafts with regard to thermal
dynamics and transmission to thermal equipment,
fuel combustion, and propelling systems
technology, the minimal qualifications required is
bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along
with three years hands-on experience. Any Type No Restriction

Aviation Projects Engineering Management

&Technical Feasibility Studies Services. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing consultancy services and

solutions related to the creation and development
of interior designs for residential and commercial
spaces such as houses, offices, hospitals, stores,
schools or any other structural spaces such as
exhibitions and events stands. This includes the
selection and coordination of colour schemes,
paints, fittings, fixtures, lightings, furnishings, and
interior decoration. This activity does not include
execution services. Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specialized in conducting site soil
examination and testing in terms of engineering,
geological, hydraulic and geophysical aspects and
working out the studies necessary for determining
soil features, nature and suitability for construction
or agricultural projects. These services also include
collecting soil samples for analysis at specialized
laboratories to determine chemical and physical
composition thereof. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which mainly conduct chemical and

biological analysis, measurement and weight
verification of various materials, metals or
elements, such as analysis of building materials,
soil metals and chemical materials or foodstuffs, to
determine the chemical composition thereof. This
also includes laboratory tests of materials and
elements to determine mechanical characteristics
such as solidity, cohesion, or resistance etc. The
establishment's activities are restricted to offering Workshop or
said services and issuing certificates or reports Retail or
thereon. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes firms which undertake chemical and

physical testing of bars of gold and precious metals,
their ores or alloys to determine the content of Physical
gold or precious stones, solidity, fineness etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing safety and vocational health

services and consultancies, such as examination of
construction or industrial machinery, non-
destructive examination and inspection, issuance
of certificates of safety and vocational health
measures applied therein, elaborating technical
and economic feasibility studies on these
machinery and equipment, technical supervision of
the repair works , designing safety instructions
posters. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which undertake chemical and

physical testing for gemstones and diamond to
determine their key characteristics, color, clarity,
cut and carat weight, as well as providing Physical
identification and appraisal reports. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms specialized in in non-intrusive
detection of building conditions via infrared
cameras, which measure variations in temperature
and hidden moisture in walls, also, to determine
the air leakage or infiltration and to study window Physical
installation or temperature of piping. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in diamond cleaning

through deep acid boiling as part of the
preparation of rough diamonds after mining before
sale, it includes removing any non-diamond
material (eg grease or other impurities) on the
rough, it ensures the rough diamonds are
presented in a way that makes them as attractive Physical
as possible so they get the true market price. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing advertising organizations advice

and assistance on the creation of advertising
campaigns and placement of such advertising in
periodicals in order to encourage and persuade
consumer behavior with respect to a commercial
offering , also to employing different
methodologies of research that works to improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising, such
firms are not allowed to conduct field
questionnaire before getting approval from the
competent authority Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which engrave and print names or

drawings or stick photos and trademarks on
promotional gifts, such as pens, watches,
stationery etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms introduce the products and services

of the clients to the public through creating and
placing advertising in different media, including
published magazines, newspapers, periodicals,
outdoor advertising in billboards, panels and car
and bus carding, radio and television advertising,
the Internet and mobile phones. Any Type No Restriction

Includes distributing promotional materials such as

pamphlets, catalogs, posters and gifts, besides
distributing samples of the products which a
company produces and is bidding to promote. Any Type

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing advertising consultancy services
related to the creation of advertising campaigns,
digital & media planning, graphic design, branding,
and creative content development; this activity
does not include media publishing, broadcasting,
production services or distribution of media
materials or any other activities that require pre-
approval from relevant UAE authorities. Any Type No Restriction

Inside JLT and/or

Outside UAE.
Resolution 1283:
Any company
wishing to
Related to the activity of placing suitably qualified within the
individuals in middle and senior levels (key mainland of UAE
positions). It is generally based on exclusive needs to obtain
retainer fees (up-front fee basis), contractual basis, a specific license
and it is consultative, research-based and solution from Ministry of
oriented. Any Type Labour.

Inside JLT and/or

Outside UAE.
Resolution 1283:
Any company
wishing to
Related to the activity of finding suitably qualified conduct
individuals (mass recruitment) to fill positions recruitment
within an organisation generally from entry level within the
up to middle level management. It is based on a mainland of UAE
success model (fees are paid on the basis of needs to obtain
successful recruitment), commission based. The a specific license
type of recruitment is transactional and placement from Ministry of
oriented with non-exclusivity basis. Any Type Labour.

Includes providing parties and other events with

personnel to care for the security aspects, organize
visitors and keep order, valet car parking,as well as
VIP private guard. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms who establish links with subscribers
to receive and monitor their alarm of robbery and
offensive breaking in, or medical emergency, such
firms can respond directly to the incident or they
can notify the concerned authority, also, providing
subscribers’ locations with camera surveillance,
also, monitoring insured vehicles by tracking
systems and to notify the concerned authorities if
help is needed, in addition to providing control and
management to valuables transporting vehicles as
well as patrolling services. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing security consultancies and

studies, set out security and technical solutions to
ensure buildings and facilities safety, also advisory
on designing and laying out technical specifications. Any Type No Restriction

Includes fitting vehicles with tracking systems, as

well as monitoring the subscribers by special
devices. Any Type

Includes firms that provide highly trained anti-

piracy personnel to escort vessels cruising in high
risk areas to protect against pirates and ships and
crew hijacking. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which provide interior, exterior and

outer areas cleaning to residential buildings and
governmental and professional premises , it
excludes providing domestic workers who perform
as cooks, gardeners, housekeepers, laundress, Physical
caring for children and elderly…etc Office space Inside JLT only

Includes personal photographing either in or

outside specialized studios for different purposes
such as passports, employment immigration visa
applications. It also involves photographing
weddings and other personal events. Firms which Physical
use coin photography machines are also included Office space No Restriction

Includes laboratories specialized in processing

photographic films and personal motion pictures
(Commercial activities listed under class 9211) -
alongwith developing and printing this activity also Physical
includes enlarging the pictures. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes photographing in specialized studios or on
location to produce pictures for different
commercial purposes such as press documentaries,
fashion shows, tourist items, advertising agencies
pictures, as well as air shooting of landscape and Physical
urban landmarks. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which provide aerial photography

services, satellite imagery, and related services, in
addition to collection of their data including
preparation of aerial photos and related non-
engineering services, these firms may use the Physical
Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS). Office space No Restriction

Includes gift preparing services. The process

involves wrapping, fixing, bands, flowers, artificial
buttons, designing and typing greetings cards, as
well as home or office delivery. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in the repackaging and

bottling of bulky solid or liquid products which are
elsewhere manufactured, in consumer or
commercial packs to make ready for final
consumption or export. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms which carry out the copying of

documents, whether printed, audio or video taped,
photographed, microfilmed or otherwise. These
firms may use their own facilities or those of other
firms. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms undertake typing and photocopying

documents to be submitted to governmental and
non- governmental bodies. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in providing to architectural

engineering consultants and contractors
photocopying of maps and plans. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes offices which provide simple translation

for ordinary personal and commercial letters and
correspondences, also, editing and proofreading
Arabic and English writings to correct spelling and
grammar errors and improve the texts to university
students as well as public and private entities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which undertake submitting

commercial and personal documents belonged to
others to government and non-government bodies
and follow up until finalization, these firms are
neither allowed to involve in the transactions of
the medical fitness examination, nor to conduct the
services of the centers that process the Physical
transactions of the Government. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes offices opened by an industrial or
commercial firms or company in order to organize
the administrative and office affairs of the same.
Thus, these offices are not allowed to practice any
commercial works. They must also be linked to an
industrial or commercial establishment, previously Branch or
licensed. Any Type Subsidiary only

Includes firms which receive phone, telex, postal or

otherwise contacts on behalf of other individuals
and firms, respond to these contacts or record the Physical
same in accordance with the client's instructions. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which undertake the follow up of

rights of companies, firms and individuals and the
necessary services for collecting these bodies’ due
debts owed by others, in return a commission or
remuneration. Any Type

Includes firms specialized in examining, and

estimating movable items such as goods, machines,
equipment and furniture, for various purposes like
public auction sales, upon the disputant parties'
desire or an assign by court, arbitration committee
or any other administrative body. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in organizing commercial

exhibitions which are held to promote or activate
trade at the local or the international levels. It also
includes the holding of fairs to boost the local
industrial and agricultural products. It moreover
includes the holding of other specialized
commercial or individual fairs. Certain aspects of
the licensed activity will be subject to the rules and
requirements of the applicable regulating
authority, such as Dubai Tourism Any Type

Includes shops which design fashions and clothes

for men, women and children, including uniform
suits for the official bodies' personnel. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes managing hotels owned by others and
licensed by the competent authorities, involving,
supplying the personnel who carry out the duties
and responsibilities, provided that the prevailing Physical Inside JLT and/or
laws and regulations are observed. Office space Outside UAE

Includes offices founded by businessmen to care

for and reserve their interests in the
establishments they own and the companies where
they hold shares, such firms are not allowed to
practice the activity no. 7499-20 Facilities
Management Services. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in providing to

businessmen and women of a range of day-to-day
office administrative services, it involves secretarial
support services, shorthand writing, minutes
taking, scheduling their time, airline booking, hotel
reservation, receive and see off at the airport,
arrange their meetings with other parties, these
firms are not allowed to involve in any service
related to the transactions related to the medical Physical
fitness centers. Office space No Restriction

Includes the provision of advice and assistance as

well as overseeing and managing the facilities
owned by others and licensed by the competent
authorities, such as clubs, parks, private, hospitals,
industrial and commercial facilities, as per the
prevailing laws and regulations, these firms are
neither allowed to provide the manpower to such
facilities, nor to engage in the activities of Physical JLT Developers
maintenance and cleaning. Office space only

Includes firms which mainly carry out preparations

for the organization of fashion shows and training
of fashion models. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which offer conference and
symposium organization and administration
services to the government or private bodies.
These services include the activities and measures
necessary for holding conferences and symposia
such as receiving the participants, organizing their
residences, travel and the venue of the function
and providing it with the necessary facilities.
Certain aspects of the licensed activity will be
subject to the rules and requirements of the
applicable regulating authority, such as Dubai
Tourism. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offices specialized in contacting tax

authorities and clearing out all the documents,
papers, information required to finalize all the
procedures necessary for refunding taxes levied on
goods and services purchased from outside the
country by tourists or businessmen on the basis it
will be refunded back to them after all conditions
are met. These services are rendered in return for a
commission or wage. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms organize public auctions to sell

properties or movables by experienced auctioneers
and appraisers, and in specialized galleries or in
any place specified by the concerned authority,
also, carrying out related procedures, mainly
obtaining auction permits, announcements, venue
leasing, sorting out sold materials, transfer of
ownership and value collection. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms offering to the others documents

destroying services. The documents could be paper
or any other type of data and information stored
by any means. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms which provide, against

remunerations, services to other parties regarding
keeping and storing their documents in proper
places. These documents may take the form of
papers, electronic or mechanical or in recordings.
This activity also includes providing hotels,
furnished apartments, and banks with safes for
personal belongings. Firms which practice their Physical
own storing are not included. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes specialized offices engaged in providing
written translation to documents and texts with
contents of general nature or to texts of specific
and professional nature, like commercial contracts, Refer to
legal, commercial, technical and scientific texts. It attached activity
also includes instant and simultaneous translations requirements as
provided by specialized translators in meetings, per Ministry of
seminars or conferences. Any Type Justice

Includes providing non commercial information,

apart from financial, economic and social
information, through telephone, sms, radio and
T.V, the information include events, weather
forecast, ships and flights schedules, radio & T.V.
programs, pharmacies on duty, prayer times,
emergency contact details, and other similar
information. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing management services to

sporting and entertaining facilities ancillary to sport
and recreation entities such as football, equestrian,
golf and water sports clubs. It involves carrying out
all the tasks concerning running these entities,
preparing and renting facilities, organizing
activities, promoting products... etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offices specialized in managing and

recovering claims arising from transactions
involving or any other domain , such claims arise
when said parties become unaware of what legally
due to them when the contracts concluded
between them are violated, practicing this activity
requires in-depth knowledge of rules and
regulating laws, no debt collection or tax reclaim
are included Any Type No Restriction

Includes specialized bureaus in studying and

analyzing the capabilities of the companies to
determine their credit worthiness, based on
information obtained from the concerned
companies or from other reliable sources.
Following the evaluation the process involves
granting such companies points according to facts
found, such firms are not allowed to conduct field
surveys and questionnaire before getting approval
from the competent authority. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing a tele-directory similar to the
yellow pages, the requirements to render such
service includes, a toll free line (800), staff for
answering the calls and a computer, joining this
service is possible against monthly or annual
subscription. Any Type No Restriction

Includes centers founded by foreign and local

corporations having several branches and
subsidiaries such as hotels, banks, hospitals, to
provide services to their customers in respect of
hotel reservations, information providing,
complaints receiving….etc, this is different from any
service provided by public relations or customer Physical
services offices operating in a relatively small firm. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing custodial

and management services in respect of goods
pledged or charged to banks and other financial
institutions, they mainly receive, store and latter
release said goods in accordance with the terms of
the agreement concluded between them and other Physical Tradeflow
involved parties. Office space Members only

Includes providing counseling and support to the

families of children who suffer disabilities on how
to handle their children cases, as regarding , the
right school and education , defining each case ,
scheduling diagnosis and re-evaluation , set goals
for the children , assist the families in overcoming
the psychological impact of having disabled
children. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in managing festivals and

events, which involves, studying intricacies of the
event, identifying the target audience, devising the
event concept, planning logistics, coordinating the
technical aspects before executing the modalities
of the event. The activity applies to a variety of
areas, such as, corporate events, marketing
programs, concerts, award ceremonies, fashion
shows and wedding parties. Certain aspects of the
licensed activity will be subject to the rules and
requirements of the applicable regulating
authority, such as Dubai Tourism. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes designing the models of gold and precious
metals jewellery prior to mechanical or manual
production, involving pre-manufacturing drawings,
setting technical specifications, materials and
production costs calculation, testing to ensure
compliance of materials with safety and quality
standards. Any Type No Restriction

Includes managing and promoting intellectual

property rights issues following a proxy by the
author, including contracting, certificates and sale
agreements issuance as per author's terms and
conditions, also, assessment and pricing as well as
intermediary between authors and rights buyers to
reach compromises. Any Type No Restriction

Includes initiating corporate Social Responsibility

activities such as environmental, cultural, and
social or community support projects for
companies to adopt and implement, as it would
enhance the company's social responsibility and
activate giving back to community. This includes
preparation, execution of project such as beach
clean, supporting national projects, allowing the
establishment to undertake all necessary steps to
implement the initiatives following a contract with
the sponsor corporate. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing qualified swimmers, trained and

certified to work as swimmers’ rescuers, whether Physical Within JLT Area
in swimming pools, beaches or water parks. Office space only

Includes firms act as coordinator between

insurance companies, products dealers in one hand
and their customers who desire to extend the
warranty of the products they purchase beyond the
manufacturer’s warranty, the products involves
automobiles, electronics, home appliances,
communication systems..etc, the role of such firms
is restricted to coordination and management of
the process only. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing wait staffs to take care of the to

serve the guests in the personal and corporate
events, such as weddings, birthdays, exhibitions,
meetings, as well as receiving visitors at airports. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms engaged in providing payment
services on behalf of payment industry members
such as banks, telecommunication companies and
others, the process involves network establishment
and technology provision, supply of payment tools
as well as hardware and software, data center
setup, payment cards designing and issuance,
provision of consultancy and the management of
the process. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms undertake on behalf of

governmental and private institutions screening
the documents submitted for employment, as well
as documents relating to transportation equipment
and machinery offered for sale or export or being
imported to disclose stolen and fake items, the
process involves approaching the sources that
issued the documents or equipment manufacturers
for accreditation, the documents concerned are
education certificates, profession licenses,
employment history, registration certificates,
import declarations ..etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in organizing sport

exhibitions for official departments and sport clubs
in order to promote sport activities and facilities, as
well as for commercial entities engaged in sport
products and services. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the provision of advice and assistance as

well as overseeing and managing restaurants and
coffee shops owned by others and licensed by the
competent authorities, as per the prevailing laws
and regulations, these firms are not allowed to
practice real estate activities under division.70. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes offices specialized in offering
consultancies and services to immigration
applicants, whether the immigration for work,
investment or family re-unification abroad,
provided that the local rules and regulations
governing such process are observed, it involves
assessing the applicants as per the hosting
countries requirements, screening the documents
and advise on what needed to support the
application, prepare a complete file and submit to
the concerned authorities, follow up the
procedures and answer enquiries and provide the
additional needed documents, qualifying the
applicants to pass the personal interviews made by
the representatives of the hosting countries. Any Type

Includes firms, which on behalf of others contact

the official departments, diplomatic institutions
and other domestic or foreign entities to verify
personal and business documents, these
documents involve educational qualifications, job Physical
contracts..etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms providing assistance in companies’

registration and establishing their businesses on
behalf of its founding members, assists companies
in their partnerships with foreign companies,
assisting foreign and free zone companies in
finding local partners and agents, provision of
secretarial and other related services, it excludes
provision of any kind of legal services Any Type

Includes providing advice and coaching to help

clients transform from sedentary lifestyle into
more healthy and active, in order to achieve
specific personal or professional goals in different
human endeavors, ranging from their concerns in
health, personal, professional, sport, social, family,
working closely with them to facilitate healthy and
sustainable behavior change, with a focus on
improving personal behavior as well as enhancing
personal appearance to make them look more
beautiful, it involves advising about clothing,
shopping, hair styling, makeup, and also showing
how cosmetic products work to improve personal
appearance. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in receiving and caring

for children while their parents are absent. Retail Shop

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes specialized firms which act as preschool
educational institutions as well as being a transition
from home to school, it involves adopting
edutainment concepts, learn children how to
communicate, play and interact with each other,
help children to adjust with the condition of being
away from their parents. Retail Shop

Includes the type of institution attended by

children from around the age of five until the age
of twelve, and which children receive the first stage
of compulsory education, the instruction is
designed to give students basic education in Commercial
reading, writing and mathematics Plot

Includes the type of institution attended by

children from around the age of eleven until the
age of fifteen, this stage lies between the primary
and secondary education, the instruction is
designed to give students basic education in
reading, writing and mathematics along with Commercial
natural and social sciences. Plot

Is an establishment licensed for providing

education and skills development under the age of
six according to programs/curriculums certified by
the knowledge and Human Development Authority Physical
suitable to their ages and groups. Office space

Includes of the type of education that lays the

foundation for lifelong learning and human
development, it provide programs that are usually
on a more subject-oriented pattern using more
specialized teachers, they are designated to qualify Commercial
students for entrance to higher education. Plot

Includes secondary schools which offer specialized

vocational curricula such as the commercial, Commercial
agricultural, industrial and technical education etc. Plot

Includes schools and institutes specialized in

training and preparing nursing personnel for
hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers. The
training includes special caring for recuperating Commercial
patients, elders and patients with special needs. Plot

Includes the type of institutions on the

intermediate or secondary level where Islamic
religious education is more predominant than Commercial
academic education. Plot

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes Institutes and high colleges which offer
specialized teaching and training at a level above
the high school and under the University level, and
award the appropriate degrees and certificates.
Teaching includes fine arts (painting, sculpture,
photography, decoration .. etc.) or profession
related to tourism, hotel industry, It also includes Physical
cinematic, theatrical, musical institutes.. etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes scientific and educational institutions

which operate independently of a university and is
engaged in teaching applied and social sciences at
university, and post graduate levels (higher
studies), they adopt the recognized regulations and
curriculums, they provide the essential elements
for the scientific research and studies as well as
awarding their students the degrees of their Physical
respective levels. Office space

Includes technical colleges which offer technical

education services of two years or more after the
secondary school certificate, and grant diplomas in Physical
the various fields. Office space

Includes scientific and educational institutions

embracing a number of faculties which are
engaged in teaching applied and social sciences at
university, and post graduate levels (higher
studies). They adopt the recognized regulations
and curriculums for a period not less than four
years. In addition they provide the essential
elements for the scientific research and studies as
well as awarding their students the degrees of their Physical
respective levels. Office space

A university which uses the internet technology to

teach scientific curriculum looking for qualifying
human resources in different professional
specializations, studying may take place in regular Physical
classes or through the net. Office space

Includes firms specialized in training and qualifying

individuals to perform technical occupations in Physical
aviation. Office space No Restriction

Includes centers specialized in rehabilitating

individuals suffering mental retardation or multiple
disabilities through educational programs to enable Physical
them conduct normal life. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes specialized centers which provide quality
care for children from early age to promote their
intellectual abilities and to care about them
physically, educationally and socially, to refine and
instigate their talents of discovery, practice,
playing, imitation, inquiry and thinking by inducing
their brains, senses and physical activity. In
addition to deal with gifted children and those who
show distinguished educational performance and Physical
innovative thinking. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing theoretical education and

practical driving instruction on light motor, heavy
trucks and buses, lifting trucks and motorcycles,
before attempting the practical driving test Physical
conducted by the concerned authorities. Office space No Restriction

Includes training and qualifying security personnel

in the domain of security, as well as technicians
regarding installation and maintenance of alarm
systems, surveillance cameras, and other security Physical
equipment. Office space No Restriction

Includes specialized centers in providing

occupational safety training through complying to
international standards, including the techniques
of how to maintain safety in all the activities of the
firm, way and means of periodical inspection to
ensure the validity of the equipment, issuing Physical
certificates upon training completion. Office space No Restriction

A center specialized in scientifically designing and

providing training programs in first aid and its
applications, in order to save a life or alleviate
injury impacts to minimal level and facilitate
therapeutic procedures to be done by the doctor,
such firms must be staffed by highly trained
medical personnel as well as obtaining due Physical
licensing from the competent medical authorities. Office space No Restriction

Includes centers specialized in training and

teaching children with learning difficulties through
programs of attention, auditory, visual
discrimination motor skills, learning skills of
reading, writing and mathematics, including also,
early identification, diagnosing and perceptual Physical
tests. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A center specialized in scientifically designing and
providing training programs in advanced first aid
and its applications, in order to save a life or
alleviate injury impacts to minimal level and
facilitate therapeutic procedures to be done by the Physical
doctor. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in educating on fire

safety, which would help people to identify fire
hazards around them, how to prevent fire
occurring and how to contain, how to evacuate
properly to avoid chaos and injuries, using of Physical
firefighting equipment, first aids for minor injuries. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing theoretical education and

practical to light motor vehicles drivers who hold
valid driving licenses to refresh and enhance
awareness on safe driving on roads, upgrading
skills to identify and avoid driving risks, enabling
understanding driving psychology, educating on Physical
how to plan a driving trip before taking the road. Office space No Restriction

udes institutions primarily engaged in offering an

array of short duration courses for management,
professional and personal development, including
providing training in areas such as education, social
and behavioral development, management,
secretarial skills, HR Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutions primarily engaged in

conducting computer training, such as computer
programming, computerized business systems,
computer electronics technology, computer
operations and local area network management. Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutions primarily engaged in offering

language instruction, including sign language and
cultural awareness. Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutions primarily engaged in offering

instruction in the arts, including drawing, sculpture,
calligraphy, music, dance, etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutions primarily engaged in providing

non-instructional services that support educational
processes or systems, including the provision of
examination preparation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes institutions primarily engaged in offering

technical training in a variety of job-specific
subjects and trades, the training often leads to job-
specific certification. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes institutions engaged in the provision of
instruction which enriches and develops the non-
academic skills of students by providing them with
tools to supplement formal education, the content
provided by these centers is different from formal
school education and does not lead to formal
school qualifications or assist in the passing of
school examinations Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms primarily engaged in assuring the

quality of the delivery and assessment of the
Technical and Vocational Education and Training
qualifications (TVET) according to the requirements
of the qualifications. Any Type No Restriction

It is a center that serves as an agent to

international certification organizations which
award internationally accredited Technical and
Vocational Education and Training qualifications,
such Centre is authorized to certify TVET
qualifications after conducting actual tests and
examinations for applicants, the certification
involves TOEFL, IELTS, ICDL, GRE, GMAT, SAT, Physical
Cambridge certifications. Office space No Restriction

Is a healthcare facility where diagnosis, medical

care, treatment, obstetrical care, nursing care or
related services are provided on outpatient or on
inpatient basis for a period of more than 24
consecutive hours to persons who have an illness,
injury or deformity or to aged or infirm persons Commercial
requiring or receiving convalescent care . Plot

Is a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical

care, treatment, nursing care are provided to
ophthalmic patients on outpatient or on inpatient Physical
basis. Office space

Is a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical

care, treatment, nursing care are provided to
children and neonates on outpatient or on Physical
inpatient basis. Office space

Is a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical

care, treatment, nursing care are provided to
women and neonates on outpatient or on inpatient Physical
basis. Office space

A health facility licensed by the concerned

authority in order to provide inpatient nursing care
and other health-related care to those in need of Physical
continuous care that do not require hospitalization. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Is a healthcare facility where surgery and medical
treatment are provided to plastic surgery patients Physical
on outpatient or on inpatient basis. Office space

A healthcare facility provides residential treatment

for people recovering from addiction as part of
continuum of care for effective treatment. It is
characterized by a high level of psychological and
social intervention at a critical stage of recovery.
Residential treatment is most effective when
people are immediately discharged from an in-
patient hospital unit, or when their addiction
symptomology requires a low level of assisted
withdrawal and when abstinence is a goal of
treatment. In addition residential treatment is most
valuable where there is polydrug misuse, co-
occurrence of substance misuse and mental illness Physical
or complex social and relationship issues. Office space

Is a healthcare facility where surgery and medical

treatment are provided to orthopedic surgery
patients on outpatient or on inpatient basis. Any Type

A licensed health facility where one general

practitioner or more is/are permanently available .
It is specialized in examining patients, prescribing
proper medicines and referring cases to specialist if Physical
necessary. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed where there is more than

one doctor licensed permanently in different
specialties It is specialized in the diagnosis of
internal diseases as well as treatment and Physical
prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the heart Physical
as well as the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of children
and neonates as well as the prescription of Physical
medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the eyes Physical
as well as the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A health facility licensed where there is more than
one doctor licensed permanently and specialized in
dealing with the diseases involving the Physical
musculoskeletal system. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed where there is more than

one doctor licensed permanently and specialized in
dealing with the diseases involving the respiratory Physical
track. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed where there is more than

one doctor licensed permanently in different
specialties, it’s specialized in the diagnosis and Physical
medical care provision to women and neonates. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the urinary
tract system and the reproductive organs as well as Physical
the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of mental disorder and Physical
illness as well as the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the skin as Physical
well as the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the ear,
nose, and throat as well as the prescription of Physical
medicine. Office space No Restriction

A licensed health facility where one general

practitioner and a nurse are permanently available,
and is specialized in the "evaluation, diagnosis,
prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical
or related procedures) of diseases, disorders
and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial
area and/or the adjacent and associated structures Physical
and their impact on the human body. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where a surgeon specialized in

plastic surgery is permanently and continuously
available, whether the surgery for enhancing the
appearance or to correct functional impairments Physical
caused by accidents and surgical operations. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes clinics which have general surgeons who
do not operate specialized surgeries, usually
undertaken by specialized surgeons. These clinics
activities are limited to removing tumors, digestive
system surgeries. These operations are not
conducted in the clinics but in the equipped Physical
government or private hospitals. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics specialized in the diagnosis of

endocrine glands diseases as well as treatment and Physical
prescription of medicine for patients. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed where there is more than

one doctor licensed permanently in different
specialties under central management. It is
specialized in examining patients and prescribing Physical
therapy on an out patient basis. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available diagnosis
and therapy of the diseases and disorders which
affect any portion of the nervous system including
the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, as well as Physical
the prescription of medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of as well as
follow-up of cancer patients after successful Physical
treatment . Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to receive and treat day

cases in which stay will not be overnight, where
previous and past operative complications are not
expected ( for surgical cases ). It is provided in such
cases that diagnosis, clinical lab tests and other Physical
procedures doe prior to admission. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where a surgeon specialized in

plastic surgery is permanently and continuously
available to provide surgery and medical treatment Physical
to the diseases of jaws, face, skull region. Office space No Restriction

A facility licensed and equipped to examine sight,

prepare medical glasses and apply contact lenses Physical
according to the report of ophthalmologist.. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing non-medical treatment of

psychological, emotional and behavioral disorders Physical
through a licensed professional. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes clinics where a surgeon specialized in
plastic surgery is permanently and continuously Physical
available to provide cosmetic surgery by laser. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to provide medical

treatment through insertion of metal needles into
the skin and underlying tissues. It is believed that
the needle affects the hypothetical channels and
burning spaces of the body. The site of insertion is
chosen to affect a particular organ for treatment Physical
purpose. Office space No Restriction

A health facility specialized in correction of

vertebral column joints and bones status by
mechanical manipulation of the vertebral column.
It includes preparing the patient for manual
therapy through muscle relaxant devices such as Physical
thermal, electrical, ultra- sound devices and others. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to practice homeopathy

medicines to restore internal body balance through
a system of therapeutics based on the theory that
"like cures like" where is believed that a large
amount of a particular drug may cause symptoms
of disease and moderate "very small" dosage may Physical
reduce these symptoms. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to provide medical

treatment based on Chinese dualistic theory (Yin,
Yang). This theory is used to understand pathology,
diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic conclusions
are drawn from the quality of the voice, and notes
are made of the face and tongue color, and
examination of pulse. Acupuncture, moxibustion,
hydrotherapy are integral part of the traditional Physical
Chinese medicine. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to provide ayurvedic

Indian medicine, based on Indian philosophy of
understanding human body, medicine and
treatment. Indian medicine consists of natural
resources of herbs, message, oils, nutrition, Physical
exercises, yoga and diet. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A health facility specialized in traditional therapy
based on theories, beliefs and experience of
indigenous to different cultures of the middle east.
This includes cupping (Hejama), herbal medicine,
cauterization, dietary, as well as the Unani
medicine which is based on Hippocrates theory of
four bodily humors. Drugs are of plant, animal or
mineral origin, either in crude or compound Physical
formulas Office space No Restriction

A health facility specialized in treatment of body

structure such as bones, joints, ligaments, tendons,
muscles and connective tissues, as well as their
relation with each other and their health status on Physical
various body systems. Office space No Restriction

Includes using natural methods in the treatment

such as healthy nutrition, fasting,
hydrotherapy,and natural health habits, e.g, simple
exercises, relaxation contemplation, optimism and Physical
herbal medicines. Office space No Restriction

Includes healthcare centers specialized in helping

smokers to discontinue the practice of tobacco
smoking, whether through the method of
medications depending on nicotine replacement
therapy by using nicotine patches and electronic
cigarettes , also, the method of counseling, health Physical
awareness programs. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where a surgeon specialized in

vascular surgery is permanently and continuously
available for the treatment of varicose veins
affecting the lower limb, different arterial
pathologies, foot ulcers and gangrene, venous and Physical
arterial thrombosis Office space No Restriction

A facility where technologies for assisting human

fertility and includes all clinical and biological
interventions used to help in achieving fertilization Physical
and pregnancy without sexual intercourse. Office space No Restriction

Includes clinics where an specialized surgeon is

permanently and continuously available for
diagnosis and therapy of the rheumatic diseases
and disorders as well as the prescription of Physical
medicine. Office space No Restriction

Is health facility specialized in using natural

methods in the treatment such as healthy
nutrition, fasting, hydrotherapy, and natural health
habits, e.g, simple exercises, relaxation Physical
contemplation, optimism and herbal medicines. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A freestanding centre specialized in treating kidney
diseases and provides services of renal dialysis with Physical
specialized health professionals. Office space No Restriction

A special health facility in the form of outpatient

center capable of accommodating a wide array of
outpatient treatment and diagnostic services and Physical
minimally invasive procedures. Office space No Restriction

A licensed health facility where a radiologist or

nuclear medicine specialist is available. It is
prepared to carry out various radiology diagnostic Physical
procedures, including x- ray and nuclear medicine. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing air ambulance emergency Company to

services to move patients and accidents victims to provide a license
hospitals and treatment centers, shifting doctors from Dubai
and medical teams alongwith the medical supplies Corporation for
to where natural disasters strike, transporting Ambulance
donated organs and medical equipment, such firms Services after 6
must be staffed by highly trained medical months from
personnel as well as obtaining due licensing from Physical obtaining the
the competent medical authorities. Office space DMCC License.

Includes firms specialized in diet systems and

weight loss or control programs. This process
involves consultations, advice, support and regular
follow-up to ensure the customer is sticking to his
lifestyle changes, in addition to offering low calorie
package meals and menu planning as well as Physical
providing related audio-visual tapes. Office space No Restriction

A licensed health facility where a pathologist is

permanently available. It is equipped to perform
various medical analysis tests for medical diagnosis Physical
purposes. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes offices which offer specialized services to
patients seeking medical treatments in UAE, or act
as health tourism provider for patients intend to
obtain these services abroad, it involves contacting
hospitals and healthcare providers, coordinating
with health insurance providers, handling visas and
travel issues, provision of logistical information,
such as accommodation, ground transportation,
expected duration of stay and cost of treatments, it
also involves handling non-medical barriers that
hinder patients’ treatments, such as cost and
health insurance problems, as well as other Physical
administrative issues. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to provide patients at

their homes with health care services less
intensified than that required at the health facility.
The services include, but not limited to, nursing
care, respiratory therapy, ECG, physical and Physical
functional therapy. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in offering consultancy

on the use of medicines, their manufacturers and
storage methods to hospitals, pharmacies, doctors,
clinics, medical institutes and colleges. Any Type No Restriction

Includes providing consultation and feasibility

studies for health facilities as regarding budgeting,
managing finances, human resource matters,
create reports, and aid medical organizations in
regulatory compliance, required medical
equipment and supplies, set up health quality
assurance program to promote services level
according to the international medical standards,
the minimal qualifications required is bachelor
degree in Business Administration or Economics or
a related discipline , along with three years hands-
on experience. Any Type No Restriction

A center specialized in using different

communication means to provide diagnostic,
therapeutic and learning services for individuals
residing in places far from specialized medical
centers. It includes direct contact with specialists
around the world for consultation, diagnosis and Physical
therapy without providing any therapeutic services. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms providing ambulance emergency and
non- emergency medical services by a well
equipped ambulances for transferring patients and
injured persons to hospitals and clinics, involving
transport of patients from homes, escort services,
located in public places and highways for
emergencies, such firms must be staffed by highly
trained medical personnel as well as obtaining due
licensing from Dubai corporation for ambulance Physical
services. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in organizing health

awareness programs on various diseases to
patients and their families, including, distribution
of print and audiovisual materials, periodic
campaigns, lectures and talks in clubs, associations,
universities, work closely with media to reach out
to masses, online information giving. Any Type No Restriction

A licensed health facility where a specialist in

physical medicine and rehabilitation is permanently
available. Iis specialized in rehabilitating patients
through simulation of natural body functions using
them in treatment after conducting all necessary
medical tests to verify reasons of therapy, upon Physical
instructions by the treating doctor. Office space No Restriction

A health facility licensed to provide rehabilitation

services through stimulating body movement and
improving abilities to perform body functions. This
includes manual- motor therapy, therapeutic
exercises, physio electric- mechanical devices,
supportive tools and electric diagnosis methods Physical
applied by licensed physiotherapist. Office space No Restriction
A health facility licensed to evaluate and treat Physical
hearing weakness and speech problems. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in darkening or tanning the

color of skin by artificial tanning methods such as
tanning beds which emits ultraviolet radiation to
produce a cosmetic tan, including also using
chemical products which can produce a tanning. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

A Community-based non-residential facility
specializing in providing services that are designed
to meet the needs of functionally and/or
cognitively impaired children. Special need center
facilities provide a caring, non-institutional setting
for individuals who, for their own safety and well-
being, can no longer be left at home alone. These
facilities often provide protected settings and
include a mixture of health and support services.
Many offer specialized services such as programs
for individuals with developmental disabilities, Physical
vision and hearing impairments. Office space No Restriction
A facility provides cupping therapy (Hijama) by Physical
qualified and licensed professional. Office space No Restriction

Includes centers engaged in specialized services to

children with Autism, their families and the
professionals working with them, it involves
delivering them with psychological, rehabilitative,
care and support programs, as well as applying
educational plans to foster their behavioral,
imitative, emotional, social, functional,
communicative basic skills and also their academic Physical
and pre- academic skills as well. Office space No Restriction

A licensed health facility equipped to perform Physical

various genetic tests. Office space No Restriction

A facility specialized in therapy using equipment for

treating excess fat and shaping and trimming the
body through non-surgical methods and without a Physical
need for specialized doctor. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing professional services provided

by a doula aiming at psychologically and
emotionally support a mother before, during and
shortly after childbirth, it involves meeting the
mother physical and informational needs, it
involves giving information about various birth
choices, giving continuous support to overcome
labor pain, assist in facilitating communication
between the mother and care provider, assisting in
breastfeeding after birth, no medical care is
involved, the minimal qualifications required is a Physical
Certified Birth Doula (CBD). Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes clinics where qualified veterinarian
practices veterinary medicine by treating disease, Physical
disorder, and injury in farm animals or pet animals. Office space No Restriction

Workshop or
Includes laboratories that specialize in veterinarian Retail or
analysis as well as providing technical reports. Industrial Plot No Restriction

Includes social clubs with membership, which offer

cultural and entertainment activities such as
lectures and film show or carry out social activities
like holding ceremonies that mark various
occasions, such services are offered against fixed
charges or subscription, such clubs are not allowed Physical
to organize summer activities or camps. Office space No Restriction

Includes religious centers engaged in activities

aiming at enhancing the religion and religious
culture by means of propagation, guidance,
teaching, lecturing, publication distribution, in
addition to undertaking scientific works regarding
collecting studying, revamping and printing Physical
religious heritage. Office space No Restriction

A club where membership is restricted to ladies,

which offers cultural and entertainment activities
such as lectures and film show or carry out social
activities like holding ceremonies on various
occasions, such clubs are not allowed to organize Physical
summer activities or camps. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in offering a variety of

social and psychological guidance services to
families as regarding the area of social growth,
assisting families in solving their problems,
organizing workshops for dealing with family
guidance and how to address children and
adolescents problems. Any Type No Restriction

Includes the centers engaged in providing

rehabilitation and assessment to children with
developmental delays or to children with
disabilities or eligible to from (aged birth to five Physical
years) Office space No Restriction

Includes the centers engaged in special education

to rehabilitate mentally retarded and autistic Physical
children through individualized training sessions. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes councils set up by groups of businessmen
belonging to a specific country or nationality, and
which undertake developing trade ties between
businessmen of the country to which the council
and businessmen belong, particularly the United
Arab Emirates. The council's activities also include
developing work in the agricultural, industrial,
trade and vocational sectors etc. But these councils Physical
may not directly practice any commercial business. Office space No Restriction

Includes the non-profit local business groups which

represent different business sectors, the objective
of the forum is centered around achieving its goals
through organizing the affairs of the members in
each sector or coordinating with entities that have
the same interests, membership is optional to the Physical
firms of the business community. Office space No Restriction

A membership-based network of professionals or

business persons individually based on a common
goal or interest. Activities of the network can
include managing the memberships and affairs of
its members, organizing conferences and
networking events and participating in public
relations activities; all of which are aimed at
achieving the network’s objectives. This network is Subject to prior
not allowed to carry out any trading or consulting approval by
activities nor provide any regulated services. Any Type DMCC Authority

Also known as Trade Association, is an organization

founded by a group of businesses or individuals
representing a specific industry or sector. Activities
of the association include managing the
memberships and affairs of its members,
organising conferences and networking events and
participating in public relations activities; all of Subject to prior
which are aimed at achieving the association’s approval by
objectives. Any Type DMCC Authority

Includes firms specialized in indoor and outdoor

supplies and preparations where concerts,
weddings, special occasions and entertainment
events are held. Their role is to decorate, rent and
supply equipment, light fixtures, sound effects,
conclude contracts with artists and music bands,
arrange for photographers and service waiters. Any Type No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which undertake filming of personal
wedding parties, official opening ceremonies,
exhibitions etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes establishments specialized in working out

studies and scientific essays and giving
consultancies on fine arts and handicrafts such as
drawing, sculpture, photography, glass or wood
carving, pottery and metal molding etc. with the
purpose of producing art works used in
ornamenting houses and public halls. Included also
are consultancies on the various art design of
cards, postal stamps, logos, prizes, commercials
etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes Galleries which constantly show art works

such as drawings, sculptures, photographs,
handicraft works, masterworks etc. or allocate
these works of art for holding exhibitions for artists
from time to time. This also includes promotion Physical
activities for these works. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which provide consultation on the

organization of events such as recitals, concerts,
dance, chamber music, etc., as well as consultation
on instrumental education and performance. This
also includes promotional activities for performers
and events through a licensed media provider. Any Type No Restriction

Includes establishments which organize and

coordinate signature festivals or events the
purpose of promoting music , performing arts,
musicians and performing artists, regardless of
genre or audience. Performing Arts and Music
Festivals may recruit technical, administrative and
artistic staff to carry out festivals, and seek
commercial sponsorship for its activities. Also
includes promotional activities for these works
such as advertising, public relations and events
through a licensed media provider. Any Type No Restriction

Includes clubs which have facilities to practice a

number of sports and entertainment activities such
as rowing, sailing, driving powerboats, ground
tennis, driving sport cars, polo, swimming etc.
These facilities are restricted to members against
periodical subscriptions or fixed fees. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes sports institutions dedicated to bowling
training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify players for regional and
international sport excellence, the process involves
emphasizing the physical, skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes clubs and training centers specialized in

one or more of the self defence arts such as karate,
judo, taekwondo, and kung fu. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sport clubs licensed by competent

authorities and which accommodate facilities for
playing chess in order to optimize chess players
performance and qualify for regional and Physical
international excellence. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which offer specialized services to

the various sports clubs and care for them. These
services include organizing contracts with trainers,
inside and outside camps for the sports teams,
contacting foreign sports teams, preparing and
hiring grounds etc. Any Type No Restriction

Includes sport clubs licensed by competent

authorities and which accommodate sport facilities
for exercising body building in order to optimize
trainees performance and qualify for regional and
international sport excellence. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms which offer sport exercises training

for securing fitness and losing weight. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms which offer sport games facilities

with a view for entertaining. These establishments
provide grounds and courts and facilities for motor
races, cycling races, flying remote control planes,
shooting, aiming arrows etc. in return for fixed
fees. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms which organize sports, races and

tournaments and subsequently conduct contacts
with the international and local sports associations,
sports teams or sportsmen, enroll sportsmen, set
tournament schedules, prepare grounds or courts,
supervise championships, monitor results, give Physical
trophies. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms which offer sport exercises training

for securing fitness and losing weight. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes sport clubs licensed by competent
authorities and which accommodate sport facilities
for exercising boxing in order to optimize boxers
performance and qualify for regional and
international sport excellence. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sport clubs licensed by competent

authorities and which accommodate sport facilities
for exercising gymnastics in order to optimize
trainees performance and qualify regional and
international sport excellence. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sport clubs licensed by competent

authorities and which accommodate sport facilities
for exercising golf in order to optimize trainees
performance and qualify regional and international
sport excellence. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sports institutions dedicated to swimming

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify sportsmen for regional
and international sport excellence, the process
involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should have the facilities that enable conducting Physical
the training. Office space No Restriction

Includes the provision of advice and assistance to

sport clubs and organizations on organizational and
development issues, such as strategic planning,
financial planning and budgeting, marketing and
advertising objectives and policies, sport
psychology, human resources policies. Any Type No Restriction

Includes sports institutions dedicated to tennis

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify players for regional and
international sport excellence, the process involves
emphasizing the physical, skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in yoga instructions and

practices to enable yogins through physical
postures alleviate health problems, reduce stress
and make the spine supple in contemporary times,
also to use as a complete exercise program and Physical
physical therapy routine. Office space No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes sports institutions engaged in enhancing
sporting performance and qualify sportsmen for
regional and international sport excellence,
through applying education on the latest advances
in sports science, also, is to set up world class
sports facilities involving courts and tracks, gyms,
swimming pools, sport labs, coach training, lecture
theater, organizing sports activities. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in marketing and promoting

championships and festivals on behalf of the sport
and cultural authorities and clubs, as well as finding
official sponsors for such events, including the
follow-up all the contracting subsequent
formalities. Any Type No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in providing off and on

ice skating training for beginners to acquire the
basic skills of skating , as well as offering sessions
for advanced levels on ice dance or ice hokey,
whether for entertainment or contests. Any Type No Restriction

Includes sports clubs dedicated to volleyball

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify sportsmen for regional
and international sport excellence, the process
involves emphasizing the physical skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sports institutions dedicated to ping pong

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify for regional and
international sport excellence, these firms should
set up the installations that enable conducting the
training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sports institutions dedicated to wrestling

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify sportsmen for regional
and international sport excellence, the process
involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes sports institutions dedicated to badminton
training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting, these
firms should set up the installations that enable
conducting the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sports institutions dedicated to basketball

training through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify sportsmen for regional
and international sport excellence, the process
involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving,
knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes sports clubs dedicated to squash training

through applying the latest theoretical and
practical techniques to optimizing sporting
performance and qualify sportsmen for regional
and international sport excellence, these firms
should set up the facilities that enable conducting
the training. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in selling the tickets of

sport and recreational events on behalf of their
organizers; it also involves providing the equipment No Physical
to organize audience entry and computing. Selling selling of tickets
of physical tickets is only allowed within DMCC Free is allowed
Zone. Any Type outside JLT area

This covers facilities approved by official and

international authorities as a broker for football
players and clubs aiming to provide best offers and
deals negotiate and sign transfer or secondment
contracts with clubs. This also covers fostering
interests of players and representing them before
sports, local and international bodies. Any Type

Includes operating billiards rooms where people

get together for playing billiards and snooker. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes operating halls where people get together

for playing electronic and video games. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes shops and indoor or open halls equipped

with facilities for entertaining children of different
age categories against fixed fees. Retail Shop No Restriction

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes firms which hire out boats, small vessels
and fully equipped yachts for individuals or tourist
groups for sightseeing inside the cities or from one
to another, through launching irregular trips. This
does not include overnight Accommodation. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offering sightseeing tours by helicopters to

view city architecture from above as well as Physical
mountains and other attractions. Office space No Restriction

Includes firms engaged in providing services to

establishments, firms supervising recreational
projects. These services include preparing
playgrounds, halls and parks used for performing
certain recreational activities such as rope jumping
platforms, circus shows, fun parks, gun and arrow
shooting's field, water cycles hire, leisure boats .. Physical
etc. Office space No Restriction

Includes providing pressing all kinds of clothing and

textiles, provided by hand, by mechanical
equipment, or by self-service coin-operated Subject to prior
machines, whether for the general public or for approval by
industrial or commercial clients. Retail Shop DMCC Authority

Includes automatic and manual laundries which Subject to prior

undertake washing clothes, curtains, bed sheets, approval by
small carpets etc. Retail Shop DMCC Authority

Includes shops which offer clothes washing,

cleaning and ironing services by using steam
powered machines. Included also are dry-cleaning
services. These laundries also undertake washing Subject to prior
and cleaning bed sheets, curtains, blankets, carpets approval by
etc. Retail Shop DMCC Authority

Includes firms engaged in hairdressing and other

beauty treatment, involving, trimming and cutting,
dyeing, waving, straightening, hair fixing, as well as
cosmetic treatments, including skin cleansing, skin
hair removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, supporting Massage services
hair strength, It’s not allowed to use this activity to are not allowed
practice massage, also, internal doors should to be conducted
remain unlocked as well as bearing glass to allow under this
revealing the interior of the rooms. Retail Shop activity

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes ladies salons involved in beautification and
hair care, including, hair washing, trimming,
setting, dyeing, waving, straightening, hair fixing,
henna services, as well as cosmetic treatments,
which involve the makeup, skin cleansing, skin hair
removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, nail manicures Massage services
and treatment, micro blading. It’s not allowed to are not allowed
use this activity to practice massage, also, internal to be conducted
doors should remain unlocked as well as bearing under this
glass to allow revealing the interior of the rooms. Retail Shop activity

Includes ladies salons involved in dyeing women

hands with henna. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firm salons involved in fixing human hair

for ladies to avoid damaging their natural hair due
continuous hair styling process, as for men hair is
replaced in the balding or thinning areas of the
head. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firm salons involved in children hair

dressing. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in duplicating and

handling the keys and locks for residential and
commercial facilities, as well as car keys, keys for
heavy duty locks. Retail Shop No Restriction
Includes backing traditional bread using traditional
bakeries. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms specialized in taking care of children Physical

for short periods at their parents absence. office

Includes shops which offer pets and birds shelter

services in return for fixed fees. Included also are
care, training and services. Retail Shop No Restriction

Includes firms dealing with cosmetic treatments for

women, including makeup, skin cleansing, skin hair
removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, nail manicures
and treatment, mud baths, supporting hair
strength, strength teeth whitening, It’s not allowed Massage services
to use this activity to practice massage, also, are not allowed
internal doors should remain unlocked as well as to be conducted
bearing glass to allow revealing the interior of the under this
rooms. Retail Shop activity

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes providing men with sauna type rooms Massage services
heated by a continuous flow of hot air which allow are not allowed
the bather to perspire freely, and then follow with to be conducted
a full body wash to enable bodies go relaxed and under this
clean. Retail Shop activity

Includes firms dealing with cosmetic treatments for

men, including skin cleansing, skin hair removal,
facial aesthetic, foot care, mud baths, supporting Massage services
hair, strength teeth whitening, It’s not allowed to are not allowed
use this activity to practice massage, also, internal to be conducted
doors should remain unlocked as well as bearing under this
glass to allow revealing the interior of the rooms. Retail Shop activity

Includes providing ladies with sauna type rooms Massage services

heated by a continuous flow of hot air which allow are not allowed
the bather to perspire freely, and then follow with to be conducted
a full body wash to enable bodies go relaxed and under this
clean. Retail Shop activity

Includes providing grooming services to cats and

dogs. Retail Shop No Restriction

Massage services
are not allowed
Includes clubs specialized in a wide variety of water to be conducted
therapy and relaxing activities, such as steam bath, under this
Jacuzzi, sauna,….etc Retail Shop activity

Massage services
are not allowed
Includes clubs specialized in a wide variety of water to be conducted
therapy and relaxing activities, such as steam bath, under this
Jacuzzi, sauna,….etc Retail Shop activity

Includes conducting tests to find out the

intelligence of children by the study of the finger
print analysis, the process will help discovering the
children’s hidden talents and potentials which
would enable recognizing the preferred learning
style. Any Type No Restriction

Includes offices founded by the international

organizations or bodies or the affiliated centers and
institutions, with a view for steering some of their
activities inside the country , or making the same
liaison offices to prepare for their activities in the
region or to provide the data and information
necessary for the practice of their different Branch
activities. Any Type companies only

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Includes offices founded in DMCC Free Zone by
international organizations and associations with
view to locate as regional center. They drive at
consolidating cooperation with corresponding
institutions in the country, coordinate activities and Branch
support members’ common interests. Any Type companies only

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Minimum Share Third Party No Objection
Additional DMCC Requirements
Capital Certificate/s (NOCs)

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

The layout/drawing approval and
operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

The layout/drawing approval and

operation of this business license is
subject to Dubai Municipality rules and
regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it
(Food Control Department) AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Adherence to Diamond trading industry Security Industry Regulatory
best practices Undertaking AED 50,000 Agency - Special

Adherence to Diamond trading industry Security Industry Regulatory

best practices Undertaking AED 50,000 Agency - Special

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

- Subject to prior approval by DMCC

- Business Plan AED 50,000

As per SIRA; an additional trade license

with one of the following trading activities
is mandatory ‘5159-59-Security Control &
Alarm Equipment Trading’ or ‘5159-85- Security Industry Regulatory
Security Devices, Equipment Trading’. AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

DMCC Asset Management

AED 50,000 Department

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

No Share Capital Dubai Chamber

No Share Capital

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

No Share Capital

No Share Capital Central Bank

AED 50,000

Knowledge & Human

No Share Capital Development Authority

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

No Share Capital Ministry of Health

AED 50,000

Undertaking letter confirming that the

clients will not be parking any of the
vehicles which are for rent within JLT else
the company have to provide proof of
sufficient parking (Required Prior to
Registration) AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

Platform operator is responsible to ensure

that all listed healthcare providers are
licensed by DHA or relevant Health
Authorities AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

E-Marketplace Service Provider (DMCC)
Undertaking. DMCC member companies
with the activity "E-Marketplace Service
Provider (DMCC) (5110-99)" who are
engaged in managing and providing
delivery services related activities are
required to add one or both of the
following activities to their company
licence: • Managing Transportation &
Delivery Orders by Electronic Media &
Smart Apps (5110-97): if member
companies are engaged in managing the
transportation and delivery orders through
electronic platforms and smart
applications • Delivery Services (6412-01):
if member companies are delivering
orders themselves and not through
another provider licenced by RTA Member
companies can also add both of the above
activities if they are providing both
services Member companies who are not
engaged in managing or providing delivery
services are not required to add any of the
above activities AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Public Health Services
Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

Public Health Services

Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000

Public Health Services

Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

Ministry of Climate Change and

Environment & Public Health
Services Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

Dubai Municipality - Food

AED 50,000 Control Department

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Health and Public Safety

Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

DNFBP Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Agency - Special

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Diamond and Precious Stones Undertaking Security Industry Regulatory
Letter AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Ministry of Climate Change and

Environment & Public Health
Services Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

Dubai Police General

Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Adherence to the “DMCC Practical

Guidance” for responsible sourcing of
Minerals Undertaking AED 50,000

Non-Manufactured Precious Metal Security Industry Regulatory

Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Directorate of Civil Defence &

Dubai Supreme Council of
AED 50,000 Energy

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Dubai Supreme Council of

AED 50,000 Energy

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Dubai Police General

Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Dubai Police General
Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

Dubai Police General

Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Dubai Police General

Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Dubai Police General

Headquarters - Management
AED 50,000 of Chemical Precursors

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Telecommunications and
Digital Government Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Telecommunications and
Digital Government Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Telecommunications and
Digital Government Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000 Regulatory Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Telecommunications and
Digital Government Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

Telecommunications and
Digital Government Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Public Health Services

Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 1,000,000

AED 50,000

Turnkey Projects Contracting Undertaking

Letter AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Retail space only (shop / kiosk ) AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 1,000,000 Agency

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 1,000,000 Agency

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 1,000,000 Agency

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 1,000,000 Agency

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 1,000,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

• All commercial kitchens occupiers will

provide welfare facilities and rest space for
delivery bike riders to reduce the numbers
of riders congregating outside in the
Community areas, and to have sufficient
parking space available for the delivery
bikes. • 24hr operation permit is required
if the kitchen center will operate for 24/7
• Each restaurant that leases a kitchen
space and operates under the Centre must
obtain a DMCC license with a restaurant
activity. • Registration Fee: AED 30,015 •
Licence Fee: 50,265 • Minimum area size :
1000 sq.ft (depends on the number of
kitchens) • Undertaking letter to comply
with the first 3 points is required •
Business plan required • DM initial
requirements are attached for reference
only. However, the company need to
contact / approach DM for any clarification Food Safety Department-Dubai
or update AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000

Roads and Transport Authority

& Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

& Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

No Share Capital

General Authority of Islamic

AED 50,000 Affairs and Endowments

No Share Capital Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Emirates Post Group

AED 50,000 Emirates Post Group

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Emirates Post Group

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Central Bank & Security
AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

AED 50,000 Central Bank

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

AED 50,000 Central Bank

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds
proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
Real Estate Development Undertaking AED 50,000 Authority

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

Central Bank & Security

AED 50,000 Industry Regulatory Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds
proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

1- Questionnaire. 2- Proof of Funds

proving that the investable / liquid assets
exceeds 500k US Dollars (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an auditor or
lawyer confirmation letter, and the letter
should be current dated within last 60
days) AED 50,000

- Questionnaire
- Subject to prior approval by DMCC
management (prior to registration)
- Business plan AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

- Subject to prior approval by DMCC
management (prior to registration)
- Questionnaire
- Business plan AED 50,000

- The company can be individually owned

or by a corporate entity but not as a
branch. - The company cannot apply for
change of activity or share transfer to a
non-family member. - No other activities
can be added under this license. -
Questionnaire. - Undertaking Letter. -
Proof of relation. AED 50,000

Questionnaire AED 50,000

Securities & Commodities

AED 50,000 Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 500,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

Securities & Commodities

AED 50,000 Authority

Securities & Commodities

AED 50,000 Authority

Securities & Commodities

AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

Real Estate Regulatory

Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

AED 500,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 1,000,000 Insurance Authority

AED 50,000 Insurance Authority

AED 50,000

Real Estate Regulatory

Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
Authority & Security Industry
AED 50,000 Regulatory Agency

Department of Tourism &

Commerce Marketing &
Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

Real Estate Regulatory

Authority & Security Industry
AED 50,000 Regulatory Agency

Real Estate Regulatory

Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

- For a branch of existing RERA licensed
companies only.This is a standalone
activity which cannot be merged with non-
real estate activities under one licence.
However, it can be incorporated with
other real estate activities from the same
group (refer to Real Estate Activities Real Estate Regulatory
grouping) - Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

For a branch of existing RERA licensed

companies only. This is a standalone
activity which cannot be merged with non-
real estate activities under one licence.
However, it can be incorporated with
other real estate activities from the same
group (refer to Real Estate Activities Real Estate Regulatory
grouping) AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
No Share Capital Authority

Real Estate Regulatory

AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

Real Estate Regulatory

Authority & DMCC Asset
Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Management Department

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Real Estate Regulatory
AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

No display or storage of equipment

otherwise property type should be retail AED 50,000 Dubai Maritime City Authority

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

- Questionnaire (attached) - Subject to
prior approval by DMCC management
(prior to registration) AED 50,000

- Questionnaire + Undertaking (attached) -

Subject to prior approval by DMCC
management (prior to registration) AED 50,000

- Questionnaire + Undertaking (attached) -

Subject to prior approval by DMCC
management (prior to registration) AED 50,000

- Questionnaire
- Business plan AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

Agency & Telecommunications
and Digital Government
AED 50,000 Regulatory Authority

Undertaking Letter (attached) to be signed

by the shareholder/s AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

AED 50,000 Dubai Sports Council

Questionnaire AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

The Government of Dubai

DNFBP Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Legal Affairs Department

# Data Classification: Sensitive

The Government of Dubai
DNFBP Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Legal Affairs Department

Ministry of Economy -
AED 50,000 Industrial Affairs Sector

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Ministry of Economy - ​
Intellectual Property Affairs
AED 50,000 Sector

Ministry of Economy - ​
Intellectual Property Affairs
AED 50,000 Sector

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

DNFBP Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Ministry of Economy

DNFBP Undertaking Letter AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

The minimal qualifications required is
bachelor degree in business
administration, economics, law,
accounting or a related discipline, along
with three years hands-on experience AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Questionnaire AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Statistics Center

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Real Estate Regulatory

Real Estate Undertaking Letter AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

Human Resources Consultancies

Undertaking AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Proof of Competency (The minimal

qualifications required is bachelor degree
in business administration or engineering,
along with three years hands-on
experience proving that the client or his /
her management team have the
knowledge and the experience to
undertake this activity). AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Real Estate Regulatory

AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

National Center of
AED 50,000 Meteorology & Seismology

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Distribution of Advertising Materials &

Samples Undertaking AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

Executive Search Services Undertaking AED 50,000

Recruitment Services Undertaking AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 per
company for
Subsidiary; No
Share Capital for

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

• To conduct the activity inside JLT, the
company must have tourism license with a
hotel activity issued by Dubai Economic
Department (DED). • To conduct the
activity outside UAE, the company must
provide an accepted proof of an initial
agreement with a hotel outside UAE. - For
companies that want to conduct the
activity outside UAE a remark will be
added to their license stating that this
activity is allowed to be conducted outside
UAE only. AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Refer to attached activity requirements as
per Ministry of Justice AED 50,000 Ministry of Justice

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Central Bank

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

- Proof of being a registered agent with an
emigration authority. For sub-agents, a
copy/copies of the agreement(s) with the
registered agent. - The license will be
restricted to the country of this authority. AED 50,000

AED 50,000

- The company must have Compliance

officer. - The Shareholder / the manager
must have at least 3 years experience in
related field or post graduate certificate. -
Undertaking letter for ‘’CSP’’ activity to
include abiding with Free Zone Rules and
Regulations and DMCC Company
Regulations. AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Knowledge & Human
Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Knowledge & Human
AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Development Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Knowledge & Human
AED 50,000 Development Authority

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

Dubai Corporation for

AED 50,000 Ambulance Services

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Dubai Corporation for
AED 50,000 Ambulance Services

AED 50,000 Directorate of Civil Defence

AED 50,000 Roads and Transport Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Knowledge & Human
AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Knowledge & Human

AED 50,000 Development Authority

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Retail Activity AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Dubai Corporation for

Ambulance Services & Dubai
AED 50,000 Civil Aviation Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

The minimal qualifications required is

bachelor degree in Business
Administration or Economics or a related
discipline , along with three years hands-
on experience proving that the client or his
/ her management team have the
knowledge and the experience to
undertake this activity AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Dubai Corporation for
AED 50,000 Ambulance Services

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

Client should initially do their own due

diligence on the unit they are looking at to
ensure that it is suitable, has adequate
power and other utility provision for their
purposes. AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000 Dubai Health Authority

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Public Health Services
Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

Emirates International
AED 50,000 Accreditation Centre (EIAC)

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

Islamic Affairs and Charitable

AED 50,000 Activities Department

Community Development
Authority & General Authority
AED 50,000 of Sports

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

Community Development
AED 50,000 Authority

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Chamber

AED 50,000 Dubai Chamber

Questionnaire: -What are the objectives of

this professional network? - Please
describe the profile of
individuals/companies that will be part of
this network? - What activities will the
network have? - Please describe the
membership scheme and details. - What
will be the revenue model of the
company? - Please describe the ownership
structure of the network. - How is your
experience relevant to the establishment
of this professional network? AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency - Special

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

General Authority of Sports &

Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

General Authority of Sports &

Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

AED 50,000 General Authority of Sports

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

Security Industry Regulatory

AED 50,000 Agency

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000 Dubai Maritime City Authority

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

& Security Industry Regulatory
AED 50,000 Agency

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

General Department of
Criminal Investigation – Dubai
AED 50,000 Police

AED 50,000

Certified full time employees. AED 50,000

Public Health Services

Department - Dubai
Municipality & Ministry of
Climate Change and
AED 50,000 Environment

AED 50,000

# Data Classification: Sensitive

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

Public Health Services

Department - Dubai
AED 50,000 Municipality

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

AED 50,000

No Share Capital Dubai Chamber

# Data Classification: Sensitive

Dubai Chamber & Ministry of
No Share Capital Foreign Affairs

# Data Classification: Sensitive

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