3review of Litereture
3review of Litereture
3review of Litereture
Review Literature :-
For the spatial analysis of agricultural technology in south east part of Pune district, the
various kind of literature has been referred. Agricultural technology is an inter disciplinary study.
Besides geographers, it has been studied by economists, agronomists, irrigation engineers,
sociologists, planners, administrators and so on. The geographical studies on agricultural
technology are very few as compared to the studies done on land use, cropping pattern,
agricultural productivity, irrigation etc.
Dhillon S.S. (2005) carried out a valuable work on agricultural geography. They have
tried to assess the levels of mechanization in India and also worked an critical review of green
revolution. According to (Rathod et.al, 2009) agricultural production in influenced by physical,
socio-economic, technological and organization factor, an Endeavour is made her to study the
crop combination region in yavatmal district the crop data has been computed with the help of
Doi’s methods of crop combination. The study region covers 13582 sq.km(4.4%) of the state and
a population of the 2077144(2.63%) of the state in 1991 census yavatmal district.
Along with the modern technology which should be utilized in agriculture the market and
transport facilities plays also vital role in the development of agriculture. The supply of
electricity and connectivity to each settlement through road networking is sufficient in the tahsil,
but the facilities regarding agro services centre, agricultural market and cold storages are
inadequate in study area ( Gatade, 2012). Dhule & Nandurbar districts of Khandesh region of
Maharashtra their agricultural modernization for production increase has become all the more
important as the scope for increasing land under agriculture is very low (Patil et.al, 2007).
According to Chakravarti A.K.(1973) the high yielding variety program is the key
element in starting in green revolution and the successful adoption of the high yielding seeds
depends on judicious combination and use of chemical fertilizers, the application of pesticides
and adequate supply of irrigation water Singh J. and Dhillon (2000) stated that agriculture
modernization implies technological as well as organization improvement. Therefore
modernization is a process where there are increasing modern inputs in farming and maximizing
yield levels. This shows a variation over space through time.
Sing j (1994) used the approach to determine the levels of mechanization of India along
with the modern technology which should be utilized in agriculture the market and transport
facilities and connectivity is sufficient in the tashil,
N.N.firake (et.al, 2012) revealed that the drip irrigation scheduled daily at 0.60 per cent
evaporation and the soluble fertilizers applied weekly at 80 per cent of recommended dose to
Gerbera under playhouse conditions resulted into maximum benefit: cost ratio of 1.59 over other
treatments under study.
Sunil Kumar (et.al, 2012), found that long term effect of organic materials. Along with
fertilizers increased the soil organic carbon, saturated hydraulic conductivity, available N.P.K.
grain and straw yield of wheat and decreased the soil bulk density, soluable salt, concentration
and PH. long term integrated nutrient management by applying organic manures and inorganic
fertilizers has potential for improving the soil physical and chemical fertility status for increasing
the crop yield for sustainable agriculture.
Rajbir singh( et.al 2009)indicated that drip irrigation at 80% ET with Polyethylene much
resulted in significantly highest yield water use efficiency and maximum benefit: cost ratio in
tomato. Drip irrigation system is a very effective and efficient method of irrigation for raising
tomato crop especially on light texture sandy loam soil.
Prof. P.Y.Magare and Dr.D.S. Suryawanshi(2010) concluded that irrigation is the
major input in the agricultural practices. It improve the cropping intensity and practices. Where
there the irrigation intensity is higher there is the higher cropping intensity and lower the net
sown area. Kumbhar T.E(2011), conclude that the area under the scheme required regular and
adequate supply of water . The farmer has to be take decision of use of modern methods of
irrigation like drip sprinkler and diffuser etc.
The high level of performance is largely confined to karad, phaltan and patan tahsils. This
zone has been characterized by assured supply of water mainly from lift and canal irrigation,
sugarcane cultivation, dominance of cash crop etc., As result of this zone possesses high level of
agricultural performance (Shinde et al, 2011)
Singh j (2005), used the approach to determine the levels of mechanization of India. The
approach to determine the levels of mechanization of India Along with the modern technology
which should be utilized in agriculture the market and transport facilities and connectivity is
sufficient in the tahsil.
Majid Husain (2002), stated that “Green Revolution” is a term coined to describe the
emergence and diffusion of new seed of cereals. The new cereals were the product of research
work and concentrated plant breeding with the objective of creating high yielding varieties of
rice, lick -8 (miracle rice), at the International rice research Institute, Philippines in the 1960s.
The increase in yield from the new seed has been spectacular. In some cases the yield of HYV is
more than double the yield of traditional varieties.
S.S. Hangaragi (2011), concluded that cropping pattern of the district has not changed
significantly in spite of population growth. In the present scenario needs to strengthen the
irrigation facilities, soil and moisture conservation, adoption of bio- technology, a forestation,
changing in the cropping pattern, agronomic practices, livestock development, rural
communications, development of medium, small and marginal farmers and agricultural laborers
and setting up agro-based industries. The dry land development program, sericulture and small
scale industries at village level should be setup through the various programs of agricultural
Suresh Phule and Abhijeet Bodade (2003), stated that Marathwada with western
Maharashtra in the sense of agricultural development it is supposed to be very low developed
due to lack of irrigational facilities. The farmers are choosing the verity of crop combination in
their fields.
According to (D.K.Majumdar,2004), water is the basic need of plants for metabolic and
production processes within. A crop is grown in different land situations, soil types, climatic
conditions, seasons and water supply situations. Besides, crops differ in their structures and
habits. Their water requirements thus very widely. Various methods are adopted to irrigated
crops and the main aim is to store water in the effective root zone. Uniformly and in maximum
quantity possible ensuring water losses to the minimum. Different methods are classified by
majumdar. These are surface irrigation, subsurface or sub irrigation, overhead or sprinkler
irrigation, drip irrigation.
The impact of irrigation may be visualized from the angle of transformation in
agriculture. The productivity of land is induced in modern subsector and cropping intensity also
rises whereas productivity remains low in the traditional subsector and cropping intensity remain
quite low in the traditional subsector and cropping intensity remains quite low. Increase in land
productivity depends on the intensity of machination. The intensity of machination can be
defined as quantum of application of modern inputs such as seeds (HYV), chemical fertilizers,
pesticides, pumps and tractors per unit area. The optimum application of these inputs may vary
from region to region in India (Neel Mani P. Verma,1993).
The literature on agricultural technology is available to some extent. There are few
geographical investigations on agricultural technology. Moreover, the geographers have not paid
attention to study the agricultural technology. The present work is, therefore, undertaken by the
author to understand the regional variations of agricultural technology.