Irish LP
Irish LP
Irish LP
I. Learning Competency:
a. Differentiate literary writing from academic writing. EN7WC-I-c-2.2
II. Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students will be able to:
a. tell the difference between literary writing and academic writing;
b. reflect the definitions and characteristics of literary writing and academic writing;
c. create their own literary and academic works.
III. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Literary and Academic Writing
b. Reference:
c. Materials: PPT, and Handouts
IV. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking Attendance
B. Review
Review the previous discussion.
C. Motivation
Four Pics One Word: Guess what the picture is all about.
Assessment Question:
1. How was the activity?
2. What did you notice in the pictures given?
3. Does it have a connection to each other?
4. What other things can associate with these things?
D. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
1. The teacher will show these words and will let the students analyze
and describe what these texts are all about.
memorandum newspaper reports
B. Analysis
1. After the given activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What do you think these words are related to?
2. Did you find these words similar to each other? In what aspect?
3. How are these words different from each other?
C. Abstraction
Topic: Literary and Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Academic writing is writing that shows evidence of learning
Academic writing considers a subject in its different aspects,
relations and implications.
Academic writing reviews a subject with a sense of skeptical
Academic writing re-examines a subject in order to test and
develop ideas or theories.
Literary Writing
Literary writing is used in fiction. Examples of literary writing
include poems, novels, short stories, dramas, etc. The language
used in literary writing is creative, imaginative and uses literary
techniques like hyperbole, personification, similes, metaphors,
Characteristic Difference of Literary and Academic Writing
1. Purpose – While academic writing is usually focused on
research and presenting findings, literary writing is meant to
engage readers with creativity and emotion.
2. Formality – In an academic paper, the language will typically
be formal so that readers easily understand it without specialized
knowledge. In contrast, literary texts use more informal
language that’s not only easy for readers to understand but also
helps convey emotions or subtle meanings.
3. Point of View – In academia, there are strict rules about which
words can be used when speaking about subjects (think: social
determinants). Meanwhile, authors have much more freedom
when discussing their own experiences or sharing opinions with
readers in literature.
4. Structure – Academic essays need a clear introduction, body
paragraphs with evidence, and a conclusion. A literary text might
take many different forms depending on the subject matter or
author’s style.
5. Style – You’ll find straightforward sentences in academic
writing, while these same sentences may read like poetry in
literary texts.
6. Format – Most academic essays need to be broken down into
sections and subsections, which should include a topic sentence
at or near the beginning of each paragraph. A literary text can
have a more free-flowing format with no clear beginning or end.
D. Application
DIRECTIONS: Supply each row with the right information that
you’ve learned about literary and academic writing in terms of forms,
use of words, purpose, content, and examples. And answer the
following questions.
Point of View
E. Generalization
Academic Writing - is aimed at people who have knowledge
about a particular subject area.
Literary Writing - is written for general readers.
Characteristic Difference of Literary and Academic Writing
1. Purpose
2. Formality
3. Point of View
4. Structure
5. Style
6. Format
V. Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: Look at the picture, what can you say about it? Write a brief
literary or academic piece about it. Then identify if it's an academic or literary
form of writing and answer the following question; Why is it an academic
writing or why is it a literary writing? What characteristics of academic/
literary writing did you use? Write it on a whole sheet of paper.
VI. Assignment:
DIRECTIONS: Read the following paragraphs and identify whether. It is an
Academic or Literary Writing.
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