GEE2 GenderAndSociety CourseGuide
GEE2 GenderAndSociety CourseGuide
GEE2 GenderAndSociety CourseGuide
Hello students! Welcome to GE 2 – Gender and Society for the Second Semester, School Year 2020 – 2021.
This course guide will provide you with the information that you should initially know before we begin our formal
lesson. Please read carefully in order to help you orient yourselves with the objectives of this course.
This course was particularly designed to the realization of the important roles of women in the society and how
this could help in the attainment of a just and humane society everyone deserves. The approach of this course is
multidisciplinary with the aim to holistically understand the issues faced by women and LBGT community specifically
discrimination and violence. This course aims to promote gender sensitivity and gender responsiveness not only to
women but to all genders.
The mode of instruction to be utilized for this course is remote teaching. For remote teaching mode, it shall
be done online and/or offline. Other learning materials such as modified handouts, e-modules or e-books can be
accessed through our official Microsoft Teams or messenger group chat. For those who may have interconnectivity
challenges, these materials will also be made available in print, to be photocopied, or saved directly to your USB-flash
drive. Virtual instruction will be synchronous (real-time online Messenger video or Microsoft Teams video
conferencing), or asynchronous (recorded lectures or PowerPoint presentations), whichever is accessible to all of you.
To supplement our textbook in order to have more enriching learning experiences, handouts, reading
materials, supplementary readings or modules will be provided which will be sent through our official FB page or
messenger group chat during remote classes.
COURSE TITLE Gender and Society
CLASS HOURS 3 Hours/Week
COURSE SCHEDULE BEE 1A (Monday - 11:00AM-12:00PM; Friday - 10:00AM-12:00PM)
My Contact Information:
MS Teams: dmgavina
FB Messenger: Donna May B. Gavina
Email Address:
Cellphone Number: 0933 823 1788
CONSULTATION SCHEDULE Every Wednesday @ 8:00AM - 12:00PM
OFFICE LOCATION Guidance Office, PSU Sta. Maria Campus
Course Goal:
CHED Memo No. 20, S. 2013 stated that Gender and Society should focus on “Gender as a social construction [and]
its role in and impact on different facets of societal life” (P. 8). This course will help us understand concepts,
perspectives, legislation, policies, and issues on gender.
After this course, students should be able to have multidisciplinary reflection on women and gender issues, be more
mindful, accepting and respectful of everybody’s right to own his/her body and to realize his/her potentials the way
he/she sees it and of human diversity in terms of sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions.
a. To familiarize students with gender concepts, issues and concerns and situate this in Philippine context
b. To promote gender sensitivity and gender responsiveness
c. To enable students to apply the learning and insights in their personal and social lives
d. To facilitate the sharing of experiences and insights and to view them from a gender perspective
Main References:
Gergen, Mary M. and Davis, Sara N. (eds) Toward a new psychology of gender. Routledge, 1997
Kourany, J., Sterba, J. & Tong, R., Feminist Philosophies, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1992
Richardson, L., & Taylor, V., Feminist Frontiers II & IV: Rethinking Sex, Gender and Society, Random House, 1989
Anne Fausto-Sterling (1993) The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female are not Enough, The Sciences March/April 1993,
p. 20-24 Fausto-Sterling_WhyFiveSexesAreNotEnough.pdf
Anne Fausto-Sterling Revisiting Five Sexes Sciences; New York Vol. 40, Iss. 4, (Jul/Aug 2000); 18-23,
Rodriguez A., & Rodriguez, A., Gender and Society, C & E Publishing Inc., 2018
Judith Lorber. 1996. “Beyond the Binaries: Depolarizing the Categories of Sex, Sexuality, and Gender.” Sociological
Inquiry 66(2):143–159.
Gender, R.W. Connell, Polity Press and Blackwell Publishers Ltd., (2002) pp. 1-11; 28-75; 97-114
Rachel M. Calogero. 2012. “Objectification Theory, Self-Objectification, and Body Image.” Pp. 574-580 in
Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, Vol. 2., edited by T. F. Cash. San Diego: Academic Press.
Deana A. Rohlinger. 2002. “Eroticizing Men: Cultural Influences on Advertising and Male Objectification.” Sex Roles
Erin Hatton and Mary Nell Trautner. 2011. “Equal Opportunity Objectification? The Sexualization of Men and Women
on the Cover of Rolling Stone.” Sexuality & Culture 15:256–278.
Arlene Stein and Ken Plummer. 1996. “‘I Can’t Even Think Straight’: ‘Queer Theory’ and the Missing Sexual
Revolution in Sociology.” Pp. 129–144 in Queer Theory/Sociology, edited by S. Seidman. MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Electronic Sources:
Saul Levin. 2016. “Homosexuality as a Mental Disorder Simply Not Backed Up by Science.” Retrieved June 8, 2018
Neel Burton. 2015. “When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder.” Retrieved June 8, 2018
Joe Kort. 2018. “Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD).” Retrieved June 8, 2018
1. There will be formative and summative tests to evaluate your performance in the course. Formative tests in our
course include quizzes, seat works, papers (reflection/ reaction/ critical thinking/ etc.). Summative tests, on the
other hand, include midterm and final exam.
1.1. Formative Test
1.1.1. The quizzes will test what you have learned for the covered chapters (maximum of two chapters).
There will be eight quizzes (4 for midterm and 4 for final grading) in our entire Rizal course, all of
which are administered face-to-face. Each quiz is a combination of objective types (modified true or
false, identification or multiple choices) and essay (short answer) types.
1.1.2. The seat works are used to supplement what you have learned in a particular topic during face-to-
face lecture and in your assigned readings. Seat works will be guided by questions or statements and
will require you short answers.
1.1.3. The required papers (critical thinking, reflection, reaction, etc.) are all home-based. These papers are
outputs to the assigned readings and filmed. You will be given guide questions to be your basis in
making the paper.
1.1.4. Class participation is based on both attendance in discussion (both face-to-face and online remote
modes) as well as the extent of your active participation, which include recitation, involvement in
board works or plays, raising questions, sharing ideas and making comments pertinent to topic at
1.4. The following illustrates how your grade in GE 2 - Gender and Society shall be computed:
Week / Date Module and Topic Learning Activities, Assessment and Deadline
Week 1 Course Orientation Student handbook Discuss the University vision and mission,
Vision, Mission, (provided by the the different school and class policies when
Strategic Goals university) having face to face (probably last month of
University Core the semester) and remote learning classes,
Values (ACCESS) Course guide and the content of the syllabus and the
Quality Policy MS Teams course guide.
Course Information
Course Description Readings in PDF Read the Student Handbook for policies;
Course Outcomes Form (to be the Course and Study Guides and
Course Outline downloaded using familiarize yourself with the contents.
CourseRequirements Google drive/ MS
and Course Polices Teams)
Course References
and Supplemental MS Teams
Week 2 Introduction - Key Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction on the
Concepts Form (to be introduction of the basic concepts of Sex
downloaded using and Gender, and discuss the difference
I. Differentiating sex Google drive/ MS between sex and gender roles
and gender Teams) Subtopic: Introduction of the importance of
socialization and socialization agents
a. The concept of sex MS Teams
and gender Read the assigned readings:
Eleonor R. Dionisio, “Sex and Gender” in
II. Sex roles and Eviota (1994).
Gender roles
Judith Lorber. 1996. “Beyond the Binaries:
a. Gender division
Depolarizing the Categories of Sex,
of labor Sexuality, and Gender.” Sociological
b. Socialization Inquiry 66(2):143–159.
Socialization After reading the assigned readings, the
Agents students will reflect on the questions below:
1. How does your society, social
III. Theories of institutions or culture teach you
Socialization how to think, act and feel in certain
ways based on your gender?
2. How can it be liberating and
Week 3 Introduction - Key Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction about the
Concepts Form (to be theories of socialization.
downloaded using
I. Differentiating sex Google drive/ MS Students will watch short video, “The
and gender Teams) impossible dream”
III. Theories of
Week 4 IV. When Gender is Readings in PDF Prepare for a quiz about the previous
Ambiguous: The Five Form (to be lessons (Basic concepts in sex and gender,
Sexes-Gender Role downloaded using sex and gender roles, and theories of
Learning Google drive/ MS socialization). The quiz will be objective-
Teams) modified true or false, identification and
Video to be
watched or Required readings:
downloaded online Anne Fausto-Sterling: Five Sexes
MS Teams
The students will watch the documentary
“Secret Intersex: Neither Boy Nor Girl
(Medical Documentary) from Real Stories”
and will write a reflection paper using the
following guide questions:
Week 5 V. Sexual Orientation, Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction about the
Gender Identity and Form (to be concepts Sexual Orientation, Gender
Expression (SOGIE) downloaded using Identity and Expression and prepare for a
Google drive/ MS class sharing.
Prepare for a quiz about the previous
MS Teams lessons (When Gender is Ambiguous: The
Five Sexes-Gender Role Learning). The
quiz will be objective-modified true or false,
identification and essay
Week 6 VI. Gender-fair Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction about how
language Form (to be language can be discriminatory to women
downloaded using and other genders and how sexist
Google drive/ MS language can be seen and heard
Teams) anywhere.
a. First Wave Feminism downloaded using Then the student will create a timeline of
Google drive/ MS how women’s emancipation started noting
b. Second Wave Teams) the important factors that shaped their
Feminism development.
Video to be
c. Third Wave watched or
Feminism downloaded online
MS Teams
Week 8 VII. Feminism Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction about the
Form (to be Western Women’s movement, the first,
a. First Wave Feminism downloaded using second and third wave of feminism.
Google drive/ MS
b. Second Wave
Teams) The student is given an activity:
Feminism Interview your mother or aunt or
c. Third Wave Video to be grandmother or any elderly woman and ask
watched or them what they consider the most pressing
downloaded online problems of women in their generation.
After that, create a narrative.
MS Teams
Week 9 VIII. Women’s Readings in PDF Prepare for Virtual Instruction about the
movement in the Form (to be Precolonial Women and how colonization
Philippines downloaded using diminished women’s role into supporting
Google drive/ MS roles.
Prepare for a quiz about the previous
Video to be lessons (Feminism). The quiz will be
watched or objective-modified true or false,
downloaded online identification and essay.
Sexual violence –
Sexual harassment,
prostitution, human
Week 11 IX. Socio-Cultural and Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction on the
Economic-Political Form (to be violence experienced by women in the
Context of Gender downloaded using socio-cultural and economic-political
Google drive/ MS context.
A. Women and Teams)
Violence Students will watch a TED talk on “Why
MS Teams domestic violence victims don't leave” by
Physical Leslie Morgan Steiner
Sexual violence –
Sexual harassment,
prostitution, human
Week 12 X. National and Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about the
International Policies on Form (to be different international and national policies
Gender downloaded using on gender in an attempt to protect women
Google drive/ MS from any form of discrimination, violence,
A. International treaties Teams) and abuse.
for women protection
UN CEDAW Video to be watch Assigned readings:
“Convention on or downloaded 1. UN Convention on the Elimination
the Elimination online of Discrimation Against Women
of all forms of 2. Sustainable Development Goals
Discrimination MS Teams
Against Prepare for a quiz about the previous
Women” lesson (Women and Violence). The quiz
Millennium will be objective-modified true or false,
identification and essay.
RA 9262 “Anti-
against Women
and Children of
Magna Carta of
Week 13 X. National and Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about the
International Policies on Form (to be different international and national policies
Gender downloaded using on gender in an attempt to protect women
Google drive/ MS from any form of discrimination, violence,
A. International treaties Teams) and abuse.
for women protection
UN CEDAW Video to be Assigned readings:
“Convention on watched or 1. UN Convention on the Elimination
the Elimination downloaded online of Discrimation Against Women
of all forms of 2. Sustainable Development Goals
Discrimination MS Teams
Against Activity: How do international treaties
Women” provide a context for initiatives on gender
Millennium mainstreaming in the Philippines?
RA 9262 “Anti-
against Women
and Children of
Magna Carta of
Week 14 X. National and Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about the
International Policies on Form (to be different international and national policies
Gender downloaded using on gender in an attempt to protect women
Google drive/ MS from any form of discrimination, violence,
A. International treaties Teams) and abuse.
for women protection
UN CEDAW MS Teams Assigned readings:
“Convention on 1. RA 9262
the Elimination 2. Magna Carta for women
of all forms of 3. Others readings about laws related
Discrimination to women assigned by the
Against instructor
RA 9262 “Anti-
against Women
and Children of
Magna Carta of
Week 15 X. National and Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about the
International Policies on Form (to be different international and national policies
Gender downloaded using on gender in an attempt to protect women
Google drive/ MS from any form of discrimination, violence,
A. International treaties Teams) and abuse.
for women protection
UN CEDAW MS Teams Assigned readings:
“Convention on 1. RA 9262
the Elimination 2. Magna Carta for women
of all forms of 3. Others readings about laws related
Discrimination to women assigned by the
Against instructor
RA 9262 “Anti-
against Women
and Children of
Magna Carta of
Others laws
Week 16 XI. Representation of Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about how
Women in the Arts and Form (to be female objectification might have begun
Media downloaded using and how did this perpetuated the media.
Google drive/ MS
A. Female Teams) Prepare for a quiz about the previous
Objectification lessons (National and International Policies
MS Teams on Gender). The quiz will be objective-
B. Advertising and Film modified true or false, identification and
C. Beauty and the
Western Ideal Activity:
Students will be grouped into 4. They are
to choose one advertisement, one song or
film that they think objectifies women and
explain how and why these objectify
women. They will be presenting their
findings to the class. Short paper will be
Week 17 XI. Representation of Readings in PDF Presentation of the assigned group activity:
Women in the Arts and Form (to be
Media downloaded using Students will be grouped into 4. They are
Google drive/ MS to choose one advertisement, one song or
A. Female Teams) film that they think objectifies women and
Objectification explain how and why these objectify
Video to be women. They will be presenting their
B. Advertising and Film watched or findings to the class. Short paper will be
downloaded online asked.
C. Beauty and the
Western Ideal MS Teams
Week 18 XII. Masculinity Readings in PDF Prepare for a virtual instruction about why
Form (to be is it important to understand masculinity
downloaded using and how it can be oppressive to women
Google drive/ MS and men
Prepare for a quiz about the previous
Video to be lessons (Representation of Women in the
watched or Arts and Media). The quiz will be objective-
downloaded online modified true or false, identification and
MS Teams
Reflection paper: What is toxic
masculinity? Provide examples of where do
you usually find it.