Prenylated VSCs in Cannabis
Prenylated VSCs in Cannabis
Prenylated VSCs in Cannabis
org/journal/acsodf Article
Cannabis sativa L. is one of the most popular recreational drugs
compounds with the highest concentrations typically include
the terpenoids β-myrcene, α- and β-pinene, D-limonene, β-
that has recently seen significant changes of legality within the caryophyllene, terpinolene, and humulene, which can individ-
United States and other countries.1−5 This plant produces a ually contribute upward of 50% of the aroma concentra-
wide variety of secondary metabolites, including tetrahydro- tion.9−11,13,23 The types and relative concentrations of these
cannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and a plethora of compounds contribute significantly to the scent of cannabis,
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as terpenes and which is becoming increasingly diverse as cultivars are
terpenoids that create the plant’s unique aroma.6−13 Although crossbred. For instance, OG Kush, a cannabis indica cultivar,
typically consumed recreationally for the psychoactive effects possesses a strong, pungent, fuel-like aroma that arises from
brought upon by THC, many consumers use cannabis for its high concentrations of β-myrcene and β-caryophyllene. On the
medicinal properties.14−16 Cannabis has been shown to contain other hand, Jack Herer, a cannabis sativa cultivar, has high
compounds potentially effective in relieving chronic pain,17,18 amounts of terpinolene and D-limonene, creating a woody and
rare/extreme forms of epilepsy,19 and as a promising treatment citrus aroma. In the middle ground is Sherbert, which is a
of pancreatic cancer.20 These possible benefits, along with the
changing opinion within the general public, have led to a
significant increase in legal cannabis production across many Received: August 5, 2021
states.21 As such, there is a need to comprehensively Accepted: October 29, 2021
understand the chemical origins of this plant’s unique and
pungent aroma.
Over 200 aroma compounds have previously been reported
in cannabis, highlighting the complexity of its odor.9−11,22 The
© XXXX The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
ACS Omega Article
Figure 1. Chemical structures of VSCs identified in cannabis. VSC3−VSC7 each contains the prenyl functional group and contributes to the
characteristic skunk-like aroma of cannabis.
hybrid crossed between a cannabis sativa and cannabis indica (ethylsulfanyl)ethane-1-thiol, and ethanethiol.34,35 As VSCs
cultivar and has high D-limonene and linalool concentrations, play an important part in the strong odors of these three plants,
leading to a citrus and floral aroma.24 Although these we focused on measuring this class of compounds in cannabis
compounds contribute strongly to the aroma of cannabis and to determine if they likewise contribute to its pungent aroma.
give each cultivar its unique scent, questions remain regarding Our results uncovered numerous VSCs, as shown in Figure
the chemical origins of the “skunk-like” scent, which is in part 1, some of which have not been identified in nature. The
due to the difficulty of analyzing samples with such complexity. compounds VSC3−VSC7 each contain the prenyl functional
To ameliorate this issue, we employed a custom-built groupthe dimethyl analogue of the allyl groupthe latter of
comprehensive 2-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × which is found ubiquitously in garlic VSCs with reported
GC) system with three detectors operating simultaneously: A health benefits.32,33,39,40 After identifying these compounds, we
time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS), flame ionization formulated the flower aroma profile of the cultivar Bacio
detector (FID), and sulfur chemiluminescence detector Gelato using botanically derived isolates in a laboratory setting
(SCD). GC × GC provides much better separation efficiency that confirmed 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (VSC3) to be the
compared with traditional 1-dimensional techniquesi.e., major component of this aroma. We then measured VSCs in
traditional gas chromatographyand thus is an ideal method three cannabis extract products, an increasingly popular form of
for detecting low concentration compounds in exceedingly consumption, to determine if these compounds are retained
complex volatile analysis.25 Furthermore, the combination of throughout the hydrocarbon extraction process. We lastly
sulfur chemiluminescence, mass spectrometry, and flame conducted an indoor greenhouse trial to determine when these
ionization equips us with the means to detect, identify, and compounds are produced by the cannabis plant by monitoring
quantify low concentration analytes that would otherwise be the concentrations of VSCs as a function of growth. Our
extremely difficult to elucidate. In particular, sulfur chem- results establish two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled
iluminescence allows us to detect volatile sulfur compounds with mass spectrometry, flame ionization detection, and sulfur
(VSCs) very easily, which can then be identified using mass chemiluminescence as a powerful tool for elucidating the
spectrometry. chemistry of the complex odor of cannabis.
We specifically focused on identifying VSCs for two reasons:
First, the aroma of cannabis is often described as “skunk-like,”
and as skunks are well known to possess several potent VSCs
in their defensive aerosol spray, we suspected there could be Samples of cannabis flowers were curated from different
similar compounds in cannabis.26 Secondly, VSCs are also sources. Cultivars Cali Berry, Apple Fritter, Gouda Berry, and
important in the chemistry of other plants known for their Jetlag OG were purchased from Cookies dispensary (San
oftentimes pungent aromas and flavors, including hops Bernardino, CA). Black Jack and Area 41 were purchased from
(Humulus lupulus),27−30 garlic (Allium sativum),31−33 and Hyperwolf Riverside dispensary (Riverside, CA). Gushers,
durian (Durio zibethinus).34,35 Hops, which are used to add Gelato, and Bacio Gelato were purchased from Catalyst (Long
flavor to beer, can contain polyfunctional thiols such as 4- Beach, CA), The Circle (Long Beach, CA), and Sherbinskis
mercapto-4-methyl-2-pentanone and 3-mercaptohexan-1- (Los Angeles, CA) dispensaries, respectively. WiFi Cake and
ol.36,37 These compounds impart strong aromas and flavors Chem 91 were procured from Jungle Boys dispensary (Santa
at very low (ppb) concentrations. Garlic is used ubiquitously in Ana, CA). The procured samples were stored at ≈55% relative
culinary preparation due to its pleasant fragrance and flavor as humidity and ≈21 °C in mason jars. GC × GC data collection
well as potential health benefits arising from VSCs such as and analysis was conducted within a day of procurement for all
diallyl disulfide and triallyl disulfide.31,32,38 Lastly, durian has samples. For the indoor greenhouse trial, four OG varietal
an extremely divisive and potent aroma due to numerous clones (Clone Guy Industries) were purchased from Empire
VSCs, including ethyl (2S)-2-methylbutanoate, 1- Connect dispensary (San Bernardino, CA).
ACS Omega Article
Two separate GC × GC−TOF−MS/FID/SCD experiments analytical columns. The GC × GC column configuration was
were conducted for each flower sample: The first was a high- an apolar to polar setup. The GC oven ramp rates used were as
sample mass experiment (VSC analysis) aimed at identifying follows: The oven was initially set to 45 °C and held for 3 min.
and quantifying low concentration compounds. The second The oven was then ramped at a rate of 5 °C per minute to 90
was a low-sample mass experiment (VOC analysis) that was °C, followed by a 2.0 °C ramp rate to 130 °C, followed last by
used to identify and quantify the major components of each a 5 °C ramp rate to 240 °C. The modulation period set for the
sample. flow modulator was 7.2 s.
VSC Analysis Sample Preparation. As VSCs are highly Data was collected, integrated, and analyzed using the
volatile, it was necessary to prepare samples for GC × GC ChromSpace software platform (Sepsolve Analytical). VSC4,
analysis as quickly as possible. For flower samples, 200 mg of VSC6, and VSC7 were synthesized by Synerzine (75%, 54%,
the flower for each cultivar was put into a 20 mL headspace and 80%, respectively), while VSC3 and VSC5 were purchased
vial followed by immediately mechanically breaking the flower from Excellentia (95%, 1% in Triacetin) and Santa Cruz
for 20 s with a disposable plastic spatula. The sample vial was Biotechnology (97%), respectively, to confirm similar elution
then immediately capped and crimped using an electric times, mass spectra, and generate calibration curves to
crimper. Triplicates of the data were collected for each sample approximate concentrations. Then, 5 or 6-point calibration
and averaged (GC × GC−SCD chromatograms for each curves of each were generated to quantify VSCs (see SI) using
experiment are found in Figures S19−S31). For cannabis GC × GC−FID. Non-sulfur-containing compounds were
extract samples, approximately 80 mg of the extract was added quantified from GC × GC−FID data with calibration curves
directly to the 20 mL headspace vial. In the case of the indoor using a 40-compound terpene standard (LGC Standards)
greenhouse trial, up until the curing stage, a single flower was (Table S2). Figures showing GC × GC−SCD or GC × GC−
cut from each of the four plants to minimize damage to the MS chromatograms have been realigned to account for void
plant during growth. These four data points were then time (1.5 s) in the second dimension.
averaged each week. Formulation of Reverse Engineered Aroma of Flower
VOC Analysis Sample Preparation. The major volatile and Olfactory Testing. A four-member olfactory testing
aroma compounds of the flowers were extracted using panel was used to rate the pungency of cannabis flowers and
methanol as a solvent. Approximately 200 mg of flower was extracts using a blind olfactory test. The panel set references as
placed into a scintillation vial, followed by mechanical grinding a group to help standardize the grading system of the samples.
with a plastic disposable spatula. Briefly, 2 mL of methanol was Standards used included compounds commonly found in high
added to the flower and agitated for 15 min, followed by concentration in cannabis, including β-myrcene, α- and β-
transferring 4 μL of the solution using a filtered syringe to a 20 pinene, D-limonene, terpinolene, linalool, humulene, and β-
mL headspace vial and crimped using an electric crimper. caryophyllene. Additionally, VSC3−VSC7 were also used as
Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatog- references (0.01% dilution in triacetin) and were used to
raphy. GC × GC analysis was performed using the INSIGHT obtain aroma descriptors shown in Table 2. The trained panel
reverse fill flush flow modulator (SepSolve Analytical). This was used to determine and distinguish the difference or
was coupled for data generation to an Agilent 7890B GC similarities between flower, extract, and reverse engineered
equipped with a BPX5 (20 m × 0.18 mm ID × 0.18 μm film formulations. All members received the same training and
thickness) 1st dimension column and Mega Wax (4.8 m × 0.32 understood the use of descriptors to describe samples. Samples
mm ID × 0.15 μm film thickness) 2nd dimension column and were stored in scintillation vials and capped prior to testing.
BenchTOF-Select time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Markes The panel then ranked each sample on a scale of 0−10, with 10
International). Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) being the most pungent aroma. The results were averaged and
was used to identify compounds. Quantification of compounds compared with the concentrations of VSCs.
was done using a flame ionization detector (FID). Sample Data obtained from the VOC analysis experiments for the
introduction was done using a Centri Sample Concentration cultivar Bacio Gelato (C1) was used to reverse-engineer the
Platform (Markes International). chemical makeup of the aroma. All reagents were purchased
VSC analysis samples were incubated and agitated at a from Sigma-Aldrich except 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (VSC3)
temperature of 45 °C for 10 min, followed by six 1 mL (1% in Triacetin), which was purchased from Excellentia. The
headspace injections from the headspace vial to a cryogen-free top 10 compounds were added together in their respective
cold trap held at 25 °C. The low incubation temperature concentrations to emulate the aroma of the flower sample. The
prevents the possible reactivity of VSCs of interest. After the solution was split into two scintillation vials to act as a control
six injections were complete, the cold trap was rapidly heated and experimental group. An approximate 0.01% addition of
to 300 °C to desorb the sample in a narrow band onto the VSC3 was then added and stirred into the experimental group.
analytical columns. The GC × GC column configuration was The testing panel was again used to compare the Bacio Gelato
an apolar to polar setup. The GC oven ramp rates used were as aroma formulation with and without VSC3 to determine how
follows: The oven was initially set to 45 °C and held for 3 min. this compound affects the aroma.
The oven was then ramped at a rate of 5 °C per minute to 90 Indoor Greenhouse Trial. Four cannabis clones of the OG
°C, followed by a 2.0 °C ramp rate to 130 °C, followed lastly varietal (Clone Guy Industries) were purchased from the
by a 5 °C ramp rate to 240 °C. The modulation period set for Empire Connect dispensary in San Bernadino, CA. The clones
the flow modulator was 7.2 s. were allowed to grow in the vegetative stage for four weeks
VOC analysis samples were incubated and agitated at a before being transplanted into a cocoa-based medium (Canna
temperature of 70 °C for 10 min, followed by a single 5 mL Brand). They were then installed into a custom-designed and
headspace injection from the headspace vial to a cryogen-free -built hydroponic feeding system (Canna Precision Inc).
cold trap held at 25 °C. The cold trap was rapidly heated to Reverse osmosis purified water was used as the medium that
300 °C to desorb the sample in a narrow band onto the was flushed and filled once a day. Nutrients used was Mr. Nice
ACS Omega Article
Detecting and Identifying VSCs in Cannabis Using Figure 2. 2D chromatograms of GC × GC−SCD data for cultivars
Sulfur Chemiluminescence. Numerous VSCs were identi- with the largest difference in olfactory scores, Bacio Gelato (C1, top),
fied in our initial screening of cultivars using 2-dimensional gas and Black Jack (C13, bottom). Color bars indicate detector response
chromatography coupled with sulfur chemiluminescence. We intensity. Significant peaks are circled and annotated, as seen in Table
then compared VSC concentrations in 13 different cannabis 2 in black. Unknown VSCs are indicated by the black, dashed circles.
cultivars to identify trends between their aroma characteristics
and individual compounds (Table 1). The aromas of the these two cultivars have very different aroma characteristics,
cultivars were ranked on a score of 0−10 by a four-member i.e., C1 has an extremely pungent, skunk-like aroma, whereas
olfactory testing panel (individual results can be found in C13 has a mild, woody aroma, VSC1 was eliminated as the
Table S4), with 10 representing the most pungent cannabis primary source of the intense aroma detected in C1.
aroma and 0, the least pungent. The two cultivars with the Comparing the raw peak intensities of the SCD chromato-
greatest difference in their olfactory scores were Bacio Gelato grams of the other cultivars to their olfactory scores revealed
(C1) and Black Jack (C13), with scores of 10 and 0, lower peak intensities trending with lower scores, as shown in
respectively. As such, we investigated differences in their Figure S13.
corresponding GC × GC−SCD chromatograms (Figure 2). Time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to determine the
Intense peaks seen in C1 are completely absent in C13, chemical structures of the detected VSCs. Standards were used
indicating that the former contains many more VSCs than the to ensure similar elution times and mass spectra. A complete
latter. In particular, the intense peak located at 1tR = 10.082 list of VSCs identified is shown in Table 2 with structures,
min and 2tR = 2.313 s (identified as 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, names, CAS numbers (if applicable), first- and second-
VSC3) dominates the SCD chromatogram. The only similar dimension retention times, and respective aroma properties.
peak between these two datasets occurs at 1tR = 4.67 min and Of all cultivars, Bacio Gelato (C1) possesses the highest
tR = 1.88 s that was identified as dimethyl sulfide (VSC1). As concentration of VSCs, as shown in Table 1, and thus we focus
ACS Omega Article
Table 2. Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) Detected in revealing excellent agreement with the spectra of VSC3
Cannabis, CAS Numbers, Aroma Descriptions, and (Figure S8). Lastly, analysis of a VSC3 standard (Excellentia,
Retention Times 1% in triacetin) confirmed the elution retention time in the 2-
1 dimensional data (Figure S13). This compound has an intense,
compound aroma tR, 1tR
ID compound name CAS number descriptora (min, s) sulfuric, skunky aroma even in extremely dilute concentrations.
VSC1 dimethyl sulfide 75-18-3 sulfurous, vege- 4.684, We note that this compound has been detected in beer
table, cabbage 1.851 previously and is the primary compound leading to the flavor
VSC2 3-methylthiophene 616-44-4 fatty, winey 9.009, and aroma of “skunked beer”.41
8.967 VSC1 and VSC2 were quickly identified as dimethyl sulfide
VSC3 3-methyl-2-butene- 5287-45-6 intense, sulfur- 10.082,
1-thiol ous, skunk-like 2.318
and 3-methylthiophene, respectively, by comparing mass
VSC4 3-methyl-1-(meth- 5897-45-0 intense, sulfur- 13.226, spectral data with entries in the NIST Spectral Library v17
ylthio)-2-butene ous, savory 2.285 (2017) and Wiley Registry of Mass Spectra (11th Edition). As
VSC5 3-methyl-2-butenyl 33049-93-3 intense, sulfur- 20.328, these compounds do not contribute strongly to the scent of
acetothioate ous, skunk-like 3.4479
cannabis, we focus our discussion on compounds VSC3−
VSC6 bis(3-methyl-2-bu- N/A mild, alliaceous 25.465,
tenyl) sulfide 2.848 VSC7.
VSC7 bis(3-methyl-2-bu- 24963-39-1 mild, alliaceous 46.706, Eluents VSC4−VSC7 were not found in the mass spectral
tenyl) disulfide 2.965 databases and therefore were determined by analysis of mass
Aroma descriptors reported by olfactory testing panel. spectral data, first- and second-dimension retention times, and
standards. Each of these eluents contains similar ions in their
on this cultivar to describe the identification and quantification data, suggesting similar chemical structures. Indeed, like VSC3,
of VSCs. We note that unknown VSC eluents exist due to we found each of these compounds contains the prenyl
unresolved mass spectra and are listed in Table S3. functional group.
Figure 3 shows C1 GC × GC−SCD and GC × GC−TOF− VSC4 was identified as 3-methyl-1-(methylthio)-2-butene.
MS data. VSC3 (3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol) elutes at 1tR = Figure S9 shows the mass spectral data closely resembling that
of VSC3, with major peaks located at m/z ≈ 41 and 69,
indicating that the prenyl moiety is found in this structure but
with a molecular ion of m/z ≈ 116. This mass corresponds to
the formula C6H12S, which corresponds to the methylated
analogue of VSC3, 3-Methyl-1-(methylthio)-2-butene. This
was confirmed by a standard yielding a similar elution time as
that found in C1 (Figure S14). This compound has rarely been
described previously, although it is reported to be an important
component of the foul-smelling defensive secretion of the
beetle Ceroglossus buqueti.42 The aroma of this compound is
potent, resembling that of VSC3 but with a more savory,
umami scent.
VSC5 was found to be 3-Methyl-2-butenyl acetothioate.
Like VSC3, the ions m/z ≈ 41, 69, and 102 are present but
with a largest m/z is ≈ 144, which corresponds to the formula
C7H12OS (Figure S10). Additionally, this eluent is found at a
higher second-dimension retention time than VSC3, suggest-
ing greater polarity and most likely includes an electronegative
atom such as oxygen. These data suggest VSC5 to be the
compound 3-Methyl-2-butenyl acetothioate (CAS # 33049-93-
3), which was confirmed by a standard of 3-Methyl-2-butenyl
acetothioate (Figure S15). The aroma of this compound
closely resembles that of VSC3, however, with less potency.
Figure 3. Cultivar C1 GC × GC−SCD (top) and GC × GC−TOF− VSC6 was confirmed to be bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl) sulfide.
MS (bottom) chromatograms showing the location of VSCs. GC × The mass spectrum presents similar peaks as the previous
GC−SCD provides a convenient method for detecting and identifying compounds (m/z ≈ 41, 69, 101) but with a molecular ion m/z
these eluents in the more complex GC × GC−TOF−MS chromato- ≈ 170. This ion corresponds to the formula C10H18S (Figure
gram. S11). As the main ions are the same as VSC3, the prenyl
moiety is most likely present. Additionally, ion m/z ≈ 69 has a
10.082 min and 2tR = 2.313 s and has a molar mass of 102.20 significantly higher relative intensity compared with that in
g/mol; the mass spectral peak at m/z ≈ 102 thus corresponds VSC3, suggesting multiple prenyl moieties in the structure.
to the molecular ion. The major peak located at m/z ≈ 69 Bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl) sulfide contains two symmetrical
corresponds to the prenyl ion, C5H10+. This is further prenyl moieties bridged by the sulfur atom, which would
substantiated by the fact that the other compounds containing yield similar fragments upon ionization and thus generate a
a prenyl moiety have an intense peak at m/z ≈ 69. The final higher m/z ≈ 69 ion relative intensity peak like that seen in the
major peak is located at m/z ≈ 41, which most likely data. A standard of bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl) sulfide revealed
corresponds to the C3H6+ fragment. This spectrum was then the same mass spectra and elution times confirming the
compared with entries in the aforementioned spectral libraries, assignment (Figure S16). This compound has a much lower
ACS Omega Article
odor intensity thanVSC3−VSC5 and has a more alliaceous further investigation to determine if the former possess similar
aroma. health benefits to those of the latter.
Lastly, VSC7 was identified as the disulfide analogue of Correlating VSCs to the Aroma of Cannabis.
VSC3, bis(3-Methyl-2-butenyl) disulfide. The mass spectrum Identifying VSCs in cannabis allowed us to then correlate
shows a molecular ion of m/z ≈ 202, corresponding to the their concentrations in the cultivars to their aromatic
formula C10H18S2. The major ions m/z ≈ 41, 69 again indicate properties. Specifically, we observed a strong correlation
similar functionality as VSC3−VSC6. Indeed, a standard of between VSC3 concentration and the pungency of the
VSC7 confirmed the correct assignment (Figures S12 and characteristic “skunk-like” aroma of cannabis from the olfactory
S17). This compound has a similar aroma to VSC6, with a tests. We note that VSC4−VSC7 generally trend similarly as
mild, alliaceous scent. VSC3 across the samples but at lower concentrations.
Structural Commonalities between VSCs in Cannabis
Nonetheless, certain compounds were only detected in specific
cultivars. VSC4 was only detected in C1, while two unknowns
(U4 and U5 in Table S3) were only observed in C7. This
and Garlic. The VSCs in cannabis reported here are suggests that certain cultivars may produce unique VSC
structurally similar to those found in garlic (Figure 4). Many metabolites that others do not, although we caution that
several factors must be considered.
First, the product age significantly affects the concentrations
of VSCs, as evident from the data collected on the cultivar
Gelato at two different times (C3 and C10), as well as the
general trend that samples with older product ages tend to
have lower VSC concentrations (product ages shown in Table
S4). C3 was measured four days after the packaging date, while
C10 was measured 46 days after. C3 had a concentration
nearly 3 times greater than C10, showing that after about a
month and a half, the majority of VSC3 volatilizes. This data
suggests that cultivars with older product ages may have
produced VSCs in greater quantities at an earlier time but are
now at lower concentrations, some of which may be below our
limits of detection.
Second, the packaging containers that the flowers are stored
in likely play a role in the retention of VSCs as well. Gushers
has a moderately high VSC3 concentration relative to the
other cultivars measured, yet it was the oldest sample
measured. This sample was packaged in a plastic jar with a
heat-sealed airtight aluminum film to protect the product
before use, which may contribute to its higher concentration of
VSCs. On the other hand, most other samples were packaged
in mylar-like zipper storage bags, which may not be as
conducive to containing VSCs as the sealed plastic jars.
Third is the possibility that specific plant growth conditions
Figure 4. VSCs containing the prenyl moiety in cannabis (left) and and genetic differences are conducive to production of certain
VSCs containing the allyl moiety in garlic (right) show structural VSCs. It is well known that different types of abiotic stress,
similarities that may suggest similar biological properties. such as temperature, humidity, or light intensity, can modify
how plants produce secondary metabolites.48 As these cultivars
were produced by different cultivators (Table S4), it is possible
garlic VSCs contain the allyl functional group, which is related that the growth conditions used may have facilitated different
to the prenyl group by replacing the two methyl groups on the production of secondary metabolites. Cultivation experiments
terminal C3 carbon with hydrogens. These compounds monitoring different stress or nutrient regiments may help
contribute to garlic’s aroma, flavor, and possible health provide insight into how they affect VSC production during
benefits.32,33,39,40 For instance, the allylic analogue of VSC3, growth.
allyl thiol, is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, which Confirming the Aroma of Cannabis via Reverse
may engender it with anticarcinogenic properties.43−45 Diallyl Engineering. To definitively confirm the contribution of
disulfide, which is structurally analogous to VSC7, may help VSCs to the aroma of cannabis, we reverse-engineered the C1
protect against colorectal cancer and contribute beneficially cultivar aroma by creating a formulation of the top ten
toward cardiovascular health.43,46 In the latter case, diallyl components with and without VSC3. VSC3 was chosen as it
disulfide is converted in the body into hydrogen sulfide (H2S), has the largest concentration range among cultivars and scales
which is a cardioprotective vascular cell signaling molecule that most closely with the olfactory scores. The top ten compounds
has beneficial vasoactivity.47 A key step in this conversion were added together into a scintillation vial to emulate the
involves nucleophilic substitution at the α-carbon of the allyl major aroma of the cultivar. We found that although the scent
group. VSC7 likewise contains an α-carbon on its prenyl was mildly reminiscent of the flower, it did not possess the
groups neighboring a sulfur atom and therefore may undergo pungent, skunk-like aroma. Addition of VSC3 at approximately
similar conversion in the human body. The structural 1% dilution (1% VSC3 in triacetin) resulted in an immediate
similarities between VSCs in cannabis and garlic thus warrant olfactory change that strongly emulated the scent of the flower.
ACS Omega Article
Interestingly, although VSC3 evaluated independently had a Table 3. In fact, both Gello Gelato and Acai Berry Gelato have
sulfuric, skunk-like aroma, the combination of the formulation higher VSC5 concentrations than VSC3, a result not seen in
and VSC3 was described most closely to the characteristic the flower samples above. Both samples have pungent aromas,
scent of cannabis, indicating that the combination of VSCs and indicating that VSC5 contributes strongly to the characteristic
other major components combine synergistically to yield this “skunk-like” scent of cannabis like VSC3. This was further
scent. substantiated by the olfactory testing panel results (Table 3),
We note that when the scintillation vial was left uncapped showing very high scores for each extract, confirming that the
for even short periods of time (∼15 to 20 min), the scent high concentrations for VSC3 and VSC5 correlate with the
associated with VSC3 was almost undetectable, indicating that pungency of the samples. These results show that concentrated
this compound volatilizes quickly. These olfactory tests extracts can retain these volatile compounds throughout the
confirm that VSC3 is the primary source of the characteristic
extraction process and thus can have very strong aromas like
scent of cannabis, while the remaining compounds VSC4−
cannabis flowers.
VSC7 may further intensify or modulate this aroma.
Evolution of VSC Concentrations as a Function of
Detection of VSCs in Concentrated Cannabis Extract
Products. The discovery of VSCs in cannabis flowers opens Plant Growth and Storage. To understand how VSC
the question as to whether concentrated extracts also contain concentrations change during the lifespan of a cannabis plant,
these compounds. Cannabis concentrates are an increasingly we conducted an indoor greenhouse trial monitoring them as a
popular form of consumption, such as those found in vapes or function of time. Four cannabis clones were grown in a
“dabbing.”49 These concentrates are often produced using a controlled hydroponically fed system (see methods) over the
hydrocarbon solvent, such as butane, to extract the desired course of 14 weeks. After maintaining the plants in the
cannabinoids and terpenoids from freshly cut cannabis plants at vegetative state for four weeks, the lighting was changed to
low temperatures. We measured the VSCs present in three alternate between 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness to induce
butane hash oil (BHO) concentrates (Sherbinskis brand) the flowering stage. We monitored the evolution of VSC3
(Figure 5). concentration in the four plants starting in week two of the
flowering stage (the first week where flowers were large enough
to cut and measure) until complete (week 10), through the
curing process, and ten days after (Figure 6).
We did not detect any of the VSCs contributing to the
skunky aroma of cannabis until the seventh week of the
flowering stage, at which point VSC3, VSC5, VSC6, and
VSC7 were detected at low concentrations. After this initial
detection, the concentration of each increased rapidly through
week 10the final week of the flowering stage, with the others
also increasing. At this point, the plants were cut and allowed
to cure and dry for 11 days where the concentration of VSC3,
VSC6, and VSC7 reached a maximum at the end of this
process. Once the flowers were considered sufficiently dry
(water activity of approximately 0.58), they were cut from the
stems and stored in mason jars at room temperature. A final
data point was measured 10 days after, which showed a
substantial decrease in all VSC concentrations except VSC5,
which was comparable to the previous data point. We
hypothesize that VSC5 may not volatilize as readily as the
others due to hydrogen bonding between the thioacetate group
and other oxygenated functional groups within the plant.
However, further experiments are needed to confirm this.
The rapid increase of VSCs was concomitant with an intense
Figure 5. GC × GC−SCD 2D chromatograms for BHO extracts rise in the pungency of the skunk-like aroma of the flowers.
measured. Peak intensity indicates a higher detector response. The final datapoint taken 10 days after curing and drying had a
Significant peaks are circled and annotated. The occurrence of these
substantially less potent odor, again correlating with the drop
compounds indicates they can be found in cannabis extract products.
in concentrations for these compounds. In particular, the drop
in VSC3 concentration suggests rapid volatilization, which
We observe not only significant concentrations of VSC3, the most likely contributes to the extremely diffuse and detectable
major VSC in the flower samples, but also VSC5, as shown in aroma associated with cannabis.
Table 3. BHO Samples, Their Respective VSC Concentrations, and Average Olfactory Scores
sample [VSC3] (μg/mg) [VSC5] (μg/mg) [VSC6] (μg/mg) [VSC7] (μg/mg) Olfactory score
Bacio Gelato BHO 5.91 × 10−3 5.08 × 10−3 1.68 × 10−3 5.87 × 10−3 9.8(2)
Gello Gelato BHO 3.45 × 10−3 7.71 × 10−3 9.51 × 10−4 2.17 × 10−3 9.7(2)
Acai Berry Gelato BHO 1.95 × 10−3 7.09 × 10−3 7.95 × 10−4 8.13 × 10−4 9.6(2)
ACS Omega Article
Figure 6. Concentration of detected VSCs as a function of week during indoor greenhouse trial. Week 1 represents the first week of the flowering
stage of plant growth. Week 11 data was taken on the dried and cured flower. Week 12 data was taken 10 days after the end of curing. The rapid
increase in VSC concentrations toward the end of the flowering stage was concomitant with increased odor intensity.
We investigated the origins of the characteristic skunk-like
sı Supporting Information
aroma of cannabis using 2-dimensional gas chromatography The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, flame ionization
detection, and sulfur chemiluminescence. Our results found Calibration curves and data for quantification of VSCs
and VOCs, mass spectral data of VSCs identified GC ×
that the primary compounds that contribute to this scent are a GC−SCD chromatograms comparing VSCs in cannabis
new family of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), with 3- to analytical standards, tables containing the highest
methyl-2-butene-1-thiol correlating most strongly with the concentration aroma compounds for all compounds
aroma of 13 cannabis cultivars. We then analyzed three (PDF)
concentrated cannabis extract products to determine if VSCs
are retained during the hydrocarbon extraction process.
Indeed, we observe high concentrations of both 3-methyl-2-
Corresponding Author
butene-1-thiol and 3-methyl-2-butenyl acetothioate, indicating Iain W. H. Oswald − Department of Research and
that cannabis extract products can likewise have a pungent Development, Abstrax Tech, Tustin, California 92618,
United States;;
“skunky” aroma. Lastly, an indoor greenhouse trial was
conducted, revealing that the concentrations of the discovered
VSCs increase significantly toward the end of the flowering Authors
stage of growth, reach a maximum during curing, and then Marcos A. Ojeda − Department of Research and Development,
Abstrax Tech, Tustin, California 92618, United States
drop substantially after only 10 days of storage. Our results
Ryan J. Pobanz − Department of Research and Development,
highlight how two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled Abstrax Tech, Tustin, California 92618, United States
with mass spectrometry, sulfur chemiluminescence, and flame Kevin A. Koby − Department of Research and Development,
ionization detection can be used to analyze the complex Abstrax Tech, Tustin, California 92618, United States
mixture of volatile compounds in cannabis. Furthermore, Anthony J. Buchanan − SepSolve Analytical Ltd.,
identification of the reported VSCs definitively confirms the Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE7 8GX, United Kingdom
Josh Del Rosso − Josh D, Huntington Beach, California
chemical origins of the odor of cannabis and provides a new 92648, United States
family of secondary metabolites that can be investigated Mario A. Guzman − Elysian Group Inc., Los Angeles,
regarding their biosynthetic pathways and medicinal benefits. California 90024, United States
ACS Omega Article
Thomas J. Martin − Department of Research and (13) Sommano, S. R.; Chittasupho, C.; Ruksiriwanich, W.;
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analyzed the results, and wrote the manuscript. M.A.O. (16) Bilkei-Gorzo, A.; Albayram, O.; Draffehn, A.; Michel, K.;
conducted GC × GC experiments and data analysis and Piyanova, A.; Oppenheimer, H.; Dvir-Ginzberg, M.; Rácz, I.; Ulas, T.;
edited the manuscript. R.J.P. designed and managed the indoor Imbeault, S.; Bab, I.; Schultze, J. L.; Zimmer, A. A chronic low dose of
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T.J.M. edited the manuscript and oversaw the project. Low, A.; Kondo, K.; Elven, C.; Zakher, B.; Motu’apuaka, M.; Paynter,
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