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Waveform Check and Operations: Kingst Virtual Instruments User Guide (v3.5)

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Single acquisition signal, automatic repeat acquisition and stop the sampling buttons. When the
background color of the button is blue (when it is on), it indicates that it is in the current operation
state, and the icon is display as follows: , and .

4. Waveform check and operations

After the sampling process is complete, the waveform would be displayed in the screen. We will
continue this topic with an I2C communication example, and this example is based on KST-51
development board.

From this figure, we can see the coordinate values of the time axis are too large, and the effective
waveform is within a very short period. You can click the left button of the mouse to zoom in the
waveform; while the right button would zoom it out. And you can get these done with the mouse
wheel too. After the waveform is zoomed up, you could see:

The waveform window supports several mouse operations:

①. press the left button: zoom in the waveform
②. press the right button: zoom out the waveform

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③. wheel up: zoom in the waveform

④. wheel down: zoom out the waveform
⑤. dragging with left button pressed: move the waveform to the left or right
⑥. press the button left side of the channel: Move previous edge to center
⑦. press the button right side of the channel: Move next edge to center

In the toolbar also provides a convenient waveform observation and operation buttons, as shown

Click the button to jump to the position of waveform time axis 0.

Click the button to zoom the waveform to full screen.
Click the button to zoom out the waveform slightly.
Click the button to zoom in the waveform slightly.

5. Waveform measurement
Besides what we could see directly from the waveform window, we could also check some items
from the measurement window on the right side of GUI. If you press the settings menu in the
top right corner, you could see all the measurement items. As is shown in the below figure, the
users could press the menu to select or deselect certain items.

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After some items have been selected, move the mouse inside the waveform window, the
measurement results of where the mouse stays would display in the measurement window.
①. width: the width of the pulse where the mouse stays (also called current pulse)
②. period: the period including current pulse and next pulse
③. duty cycle: the width of positive pulse in current period/current period
④. frequency: 1/period
Here is an example:

As is shown in the figure above, the mouse lies above a positive pulse of the topmost channel, an
arrow will appear above this pulse and the negative pulse next to it. The measurement window will
show the following information: the width of this positive pulse is 4us; the period is 14us; the duty
cycle of this period is 28.5714286%; the frequency of this period is 71.4285714K.

Add timing makers: if you click the A1 or A2 in the timing marker window with the left button, and
move the mouse to the waveform window, the green timing marker line would move with the
mouse. And if you press the left button again , this timing marker will stay where you press the
button. The corresponding timing marker would disappear by right-clicking while moving with the
mouse. When the timing marker is put down, you can right click on the A1 or A2 of the
measurement window to close the corresponding timing marker or use the left mouse button to
click on the down timing marker, then right-click again to close.

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A1 and A2 represent the time where A1 and A2 stay. |A1-A2| is the time difference of these two
timing markers, and the positive pulse shows the number of positive pulse between A1 and A2.

6. Analyzers
If the signals conforms to standard protocols like UART, I2C, SPI which are supported by Kingst
VIS, besides displaying the waveform and some measurement data, the software could analyze the
data to get the specific data according to protocol specifications.

Click the button on the right side of the Analyzers settings, and the software will list the most
recently used protocols, as shown in the figure below.

Click the “More Analyzers”, and all the supported analyzers will be listed, as shown in the figure

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If channels 0 and 1 are used for I2C bus signal, and we have pressed the I2C in the menu, then we
will get the settings dialog of I2C analyzers as the figure below:

In the dialog box that is displayed, set SDA to channel 0 and SCL to channel 1. Click “OK”. The
corresponding channel names in the protocol resolver are automatically displayed on channel 0 and
channel 1. Then the software will analyze channels 0 and 1 according to I2C protocol. After the
analyzing process, the SDA channel in the waveform window will show the analyzed data, and the
analyzed results will appear in the “Decoded Results” window, where you can find and locate some
data. The analyzed data is shown as the figure below:

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The data is displayed in hexadecimal by default. If you want to change the format, please press the
button in the analyzer bar, and select the format required in the menu “Display Format”. As is
shown in the below figure, the software supports Bin, Dec, Hex, ASCII and Hex.

From the menu “Edit”, you can get the analyzer settings dialog to change the settings.
If you want to export and save the analyzed data, you can use “Export Data”(more details in section
“Export data”).
If you want to remove an analyzer, you can click .

7. Sample mode select

Click the button at the right of the device model to open the settings window of the current
device, as shown in the figure below. You can select normal mode or stream mode in the "sample
mode select" box. Some models may support only one mode, and there will be no "sample mode

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①. Normal Mode
This is the default mode with the internal memory model. During the sampling process, the internal
memory is used as the sampling buffer, and the data is uploaded to the computer after the sampling
is completed. In this mode, the sampling rate is not limited by USB bandwidth, and all channels
can be sampled at full speed at the same time.

②.Stream Mode
This mode uses computer memory to store sampling data, the data needs to be uploaded to the
computer in real time. This is the default mode of LA1010. Limited by USB bandwidth, this mode
can not provide full speed sampling under the full channel, but when the computer memory
capacity is large enough, it can provide a larger sampling depth to achieve a longer sampling time.

8. Channels settings
①. Channels enable

There are usually no less than 8 channels in the logic analyzers, but most of the time, we only use
some of the channels. In the previous I2C bus example, only 2 channels are used. To make the GUI
simpler and easy to use, we could close the channels that are not used.

Click the button at the right of the device model to open the setting window of the current device,
as shown in the figure below. You can enable or disable the corresponding channel in the “Channel
Select” setting box. The “Channel Quick Select” box can quickly enable or disable channels 0 ~ 3,
0 ~ 7 and 0 ~ 15.

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②. Glitch filter

As shown in the following figure, click the setting button on the right of the channel name to set
glitch filter through the menu item. Check the channel that needs to be glitch filter, and then set the
judgment basis of glitch (that is, the pulse signal less than 'N' samples will be regarded as glitch ).
After clicking OK, the pulse with the width less than the set value will be filtered out.

③. Show real time status

The software can display the real time status of all channels in the channel bar, so that users can
directly see the level or rising / falling edge of the channel without sampling. Click the button on
the right side of the channel name to pop up the current setting menu, as shown in the figure below,
you can select to turn on / off the display of channel real time status.

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The specific effect is shown in the following figure: when there is signal change on the channel, the
green light will be on; when there is no signal change on the channel, the low level will be
displayed as “0”, and the high level will be displayed as “1”; when the device is not connected, no
information will be show.

④.Use Color for Waveform

By selecting the “Use Color for Waveform” option in the menu, the waveform line drawn in the
software waveform display window can use the color of this channel, as shown in the following

⑤. Set the height of channels

The height of all channels would be set to the same value by default, but if you want to enable or

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highlight only some channels, you could set the height of these channels separately. As is shown in
the below figure, you could click the settings button in the right of the channel name, and it will
pop up menu, you could set the height of this channel to 1,2,4 and 8 times of standard size. In this
way, these channels will be highlighted.

Click “Channel Enable Settings” in the menu, you could enable or close the appropriate channel in
the Settings box.

Click “Reset All Channels” in this menu, you could reset the channels to default state, for example
default height, name, triggering condition etc.

⑥. Edit channel name

If you want change the channel name, as is shown in the below figure, just left click the channel
name and input a new name.

9. Save the settings and data

①. Save the settings: you could save the settings into files for later use. And if you want to use
these settings, just load them, saving the time to reset the parameters.

To do so, press the main menu button on the top right corner, and select “Save Settings...” in the
menu, as is shown the below figure.

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A file saving dialog would appear, and you should specify file path and name, and then press
“Save”. The channel settings and analyzer settings will be save into this file. If you want to use the
same settings, just press “Open…” in the main menu, locate the file in the file dialog and open it.

The extension name of the settings file is “kvset”.

②. Save the data: when the device has completed one sampling process, you can save the data and
settings together for future use.

You could click the main menu button in the top right corner of the software, and then click
“Save data...” in the main menu,and it will pop up a dialog like the one shown below. In the
“Channel selection” box of the dialog box, you can select which channels need to be exported, and
the default is to select all enabled channels.Then, in the “Time Select” box, you can select the data
for which period of time to export, including “All time”, and the “Specified time interval” that can
be manually set at the start and end time, and the “Between timing markers A1 and A2”. After
setting, click “OK”, select the path and file name to be saved, then you can save the current
sampling data and settings. Use “Open...” to open the saved data again.

The extension name of the data file is “kvdat”.

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10. Export the data

Kingst VIS supports two data export functions: export original sample data and export the data
analyzed by analyzers.

①. Export sample data

As is shown in the below figure, exporting original sample data is done by “Export data…” in the
main menu.

You could export the data as txt, csv, bin. The file types could be opened and edited with other
software, for example, open csv with Excel to find and organize data, and import bin with Matlab
for further analysis.

②.Export analyzed data

If a analyzer has been added, and some data has been successfully analyzed, you could export and
save the analyzed data of this analyzer.

On the right side of the analyzer, you could see a settings button, and if you press it and select
“Export Data” in the popped menu, the analyzed data could be exported as txt or csv file, which
could be opened with notepad or Excel for checking and analyzing.

The figure below shows what is the analyzed data is like for UART, I2C and SPI. And in this file,
we could find time coordinate, packet sequence number and analyzed data.

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11. Threshold voltage setting

The threshold voltage of most device is adjustable, and you can find the drop-down list of threshold
settings in the toolbar, as shown below.

After you left-click the icon with the mouse, a drop-down list appears, as shown below.
Then you can select the threshold voltage you want to set, after the selection is completed, it will be
displayed below the icon, as shown in the above figure. In addition, you can also
customize the threshold voltage, select “User-defined” in the drop-down list and enter the threshold
voltage at “Vth:” .

12. PWM and Trigger Position Settings

Click the button at the right of the device model to open the setting window of the current device,
and then click the “More Settings...” button below to open the dialog box as shown below.

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PWM generator:There are two PWM waveform generators in the logic analyzer except LA1002,
and they can generate square wave whose duty cycle could be adjusted. When the device which
support PWM export is connected to the software, by default, PWM1 output 1KHz square wave
with 50% duty cycle; PWM2 output 1KHz square wave with 50% duty cycle.

Select on or off PWM1 and PWM2 in the “PWM Settings” box. If it is turned on, we could edit the
frequency and duty cycle. After the settings are complete, just press the “OK” button, and the
software will generate the PWM signal with the new configuration.

Trigger position setting: The position of the trigger signal during the total sampling period.

For example, in the above figure, the setting value in the “Trigger Position” box is 5%. If the total
sampling time is 1s, when the sampling time reaches 0.05s, it is detected whether the set trigger
condition is satisfied, and if it satisfies, it continues to sample until the total sampling time, and if it
is not satisfied, it waits for the trigger.

Set the trigger position by sliding the slider in the “Trigger Position” box.

13. The “Options...” in the main menu

Click the main menu button in the top right of the software, and then click the “Options...” button
to bring up the dialog box as shown below.

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In the “Sampling progress display” box, select the first option to display the sampling progress in
the waveform window; select the second option to display the sampling progress in the status bar in
the lower left of the software.

In the “View state after new sampling” box, the first option maintains the previous display scale
and the position of the timeline. The second option maintains the previous display scale and moves
the time zero point to the current window. The third option causes each sampled waveform to be
scaled to display in one screen.

When “Enable” is selected in the “Animate zooming” box, the waveform lines have animated
effects when scaled in the software waveform display window. By default, “Enable” is selected.

In the “auto repeat sampling” box, when the first option is selected, whether or not the trigger is

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met, the waveform will be repeatedly sampled, that is, the waveform will be continuously refreshed;
when the second option is selected, only when the trigger condition is met, the waveform will be
repeatedly sampled and refreshed.

When “Enable” is selected in the “Check for updates on launch” box, the updates is automatically
checked when you open the software. If you select "Disable", it is not checked. By default,
"Enable" is selected. At the same time, you can manually check for updates, select “Check for
updates...” in the main menu to check for software updates.

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V. Settings for standard protocols

1. UART/232/485
For standard UART, RS232 and RS485, they have the same timing definitions of the physical layer,
so they share the same analyzer, and the figure below shows the setting dialog of UART/232/485

1st item, select the channel to use.

2nd item, set the baud rate, and the baud rate here should match that in actual use.

3rd item, use the auto baud, and the software could identify the baud rate automatically. In case of
the baud rate is unknown, this option should be enabled. But the accuracy of automatic
identification depends on actual signal, and the result could be incorrect.

4th item, select whether or not to invert. Usually, the inversion is only applicable to the standard
RS232 level (Because RS232 specifies that the positive level is 0, the negative level is 1, so it is
necessary to invert the phase when analyzing.). If it is not inverted, so it is suitable for UART,
RS485, etc.

5th item, select the number of data bits, and it is 8 most of the time.

6th item, select the number of stop bits, and there are 3 options: 1, 1.5 and 2.

7th item, set the parity bit, and there are 3 options: no parity, even parity and odd parity..

8th item, set the bit order in data transfer, and the options could be LSB(Least Significant Bit) Sent
First and MSB(Most Significant Bit) Sent First.

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9th item, set bit 9 as address flag in multiple machine communication or not, and by default, None.
When this mode is actually used (seldom used, note that it is different with RS485 multiple
machine communication), it could be used for address byte flag.

Please note that if the signal under test is differential signal like RS485 and RS232, there are 3
ways to connect the wire:

①. The GND channel of the logic analyzer is connected to the GND of the test system, and 2 signal
channels are connected to RXD and TXD pins of the level shift chip respectively.

②. The GND channel of the logic analyzer is connected to the GND of the test system, and 1 signal
channel is connected to the RS485-A.

③. Connect the RS485 bus to a module that transfer RS485 to TTL, and the GND and a signal
channel of the logic analyzer are connected to the GND and signal export end of the system under

Most of the time, all these 3 ways could be used to sample the signal, but according to RS485
specification, the voltage which the A-B ends could identify is between 0.2~6V. In complicated
situations, such as master with many slaves or long wire, the difference of the bus end could be too
little, and the logic analyzer could not identify the signal level correctly with method 2. So method
1 and method 3 are recommended if conditions permit.

2. I2C
The setting dialog of I2C analyzer is shown below:

1st item, the channel used for SDA signal (data)

2nd item, the channel used for SCL signal (clock)

3rd item, the way to display the address byte. For I2C protocol, every communication is started with
addressing operation, and this byte contains 1-bit read / write flag and device address which is
7-bit wide. And there are three options to display: to display as a whole (8-bit, read / write bit
included); to display as a whole but the read / write flag is 0(8-bit, read/write bit set as 0); only
display 7-bit address (7-bit, address bits only).

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3. SPI
The setting dialog of SPI analyzer is shown below:

1st item, the channel for MOSI signal (master out slave in)

2nd item, the channel for MISO signal (master in slave out)

3rd item, the channel for CLOCK signal (clock)

4th item, the channel for ENABLE signal (enable)

5th item, transmission mode of data bits: MSB(Most Significant Bit) First or LSB(Least Significant
Bit) First, usually MSB First.

6th item, data length for one transfer, usually 8 or 16 bits.

7th item, idle state of the clock. CPOL = 0: the clock wire remains low in idle state. CPOL = 1: the
clock wire remains high in idle state.

8th item, the edge in which data is latched. CPHA=0: data latched in first clock edge. CPHA=1:
data latched in second clock edge.

9th item, the active level of enable signal: active low(Enable line is Active Low) or active
high(Enable line is Active High).

10th item, select whether or not to display decode marker.

4. CAN
The setting dialog of CAN analyzer is shown below:

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1st item, the channel to use.

2nd item, baud rate in communication.

3rd item, set the logic to invert, need to invert when measuring CAN-High signal line directly.

Please note that the signal from CAN bus is differential, there are 3 ways to measure CAN signal:

①. The GND channel of the logic analyzer is connected to the GND of the test system, and 2 signal
channels are connected to RXD and TXD pins of the level shift chip respectively.

②. The GND channel of the logic analyzer is connected to the L end of CAN bus, and 1 signal
channel is connected to the CAN-H, and now you should select “Inverted (CAN High)”.

③. Connect the CAN bus to a module that transfer CAN to TTL, and the GND and a signal
channel of the logic analyzer are connected to the GND and signal export end of the system under

Most of the time, all these 3 ways could be used to sample the signal, but according to CAN
specification, the voltage between the H-L ends is 0V and 2V. In complicated situations, such as
master with many slaves or long wire, the difference of the bus end could be too little, and the logic
analyzer could not identify the signal level correctly with method 2. In addition, the GND channel
of method 2 need to be connected to the CAN-L end, but if other signals need to be tested at the
same time, the grounding could be confusing. So method 1 and method 3 are recommended if
conditions permit.

5. Parallel
Parallel analyzer, the sampling values of multiple channels at the same time are combined into a
16bits data. When the level of any channel changes, a data is generated. It’s setting window is as

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1st-16th items, the channels used for 16 parallel ports.

17th item, select the number of sample periods for data filtering. Because in actual use, it is
impossible to achieve complete synchronization for changes of multiple channels, so when data
changes, it is possible to generate false intermediate transition values. This option is used to filter
out this intermediate status. The signal must be kept unchanged for more than n sampling periods
before it is recognized as valid data.

18th item, select whether or not to display decode marker.

6. 1-Wire
The setting dialog of 1-Wire analyzer is shown below:

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1st item, the channel to use.

2nd item, select this item in high speed mode.

7. DMX-512
The setting dialog of DMX-512 analyzer is shown below:

1st item, the channel to use.

2nd item, accept DMX-1986 4us MAB signal or not.

8. UNI/O
The setting dialog of UNI/O analyzer is shown below:

1st item, the channel to use.

Only the above 8 kinds of protocol parsers have been briefly introduced. Other protocols supported
by the logical analyzer can be used by you and you can contact us if you have any questions.

9. User-defined protocol analyzer

Besides the standard protocol analyzers in the software, the API functions provided by the software
allow users develop their own analyzers. The software API and user manual could be downloaded
from the link below:


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1. Driver installation fail with the device connected to computer

First, Kingst VIS should have been installed before connecting the device to computer. If the
software has not been installed, the OS could not find the driver, so the installation would fail. And
it would be a good idea to install the software without the hardware connected to the computer.

Second, the device driver is installed automatically by installation program during installing
process. If the driver installation is blocked unintentionally during installation process, or it is not
installed correctly due to other reasons, when you connect the device for the first time, the driver
installation would fail too. In this case, you can find the unknown hardware devices in the device
manager, click the right button to install the driver program again. Please select manual installation.
The driver program is located in “installation directory \ Driver \ ”, and select the right directory
based on your operating system.

2. Identification fail or work unstably with the device connected

When the logic analyzer works at full speed, there would be a lot of the current consumed (maybe
more than 500mA). So if the USB port of the computer can not supply sufficient power, the device
could be identified incorrectly or work unstably. To solve this, the laptop users could try to switch
to the USB port on the other side, and the desktop users must use the USB port behind the tower
box. If the USB-HUB is being used, please connect the device USB port directly.

3. Signal glitches appear on individual channels

There are two cases when signal glitches appear: the unused channels are floating, or several
signals with high speed are sampled simultaneously.

It is normal that the glitch appears on unused channels, this is because the floating channel wire is
like an antenna, and it will transmit weak and alternating signal, and this would result in glitches.
We could hide such channels, or keep them and the signal channels at a longer distance. And we
should check the grounding of the logic analyzer and the system under test.

And for the glitches which appear when measuring multiple channels with high speed, the reason
for that has been explained in the section “Multipoint grounding to increase accuracy”, and the
method to handle this is multipoint grounding

4. The actual sample time is less than expected

The logic analyzer is designed with a large-sized memory, to store the sample data temporarily.
And through compression algorithm the depth is further extended. With this compression algorithm,
the current and last sample data would be compared, if they are not the same, a new sample data

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would be generated; otherwise, only the count for last state would be incremented and no new
sample data would be generated. And as a result of this, if the signal is discontinuous (for most
communication system) or change slowly, the sample depth would be extended greatly. However, if
the signal change rapidly the extension effect would not be so obvious. This is why the sample time
is less than expected when the sample depth is set above 100M (all the depth items with *) and the
signal changes rapidly.

5. Automatic update failed

The software supports auto update, when a new version is released, a message would tell the user to
update. However, because of system permission and security policy of the operating system, the
auto update could fail. It this happens, the user could download the latest Kingst VIS software from
our website, and after uninstalling the software, the user could install the new version.

The download link of the latest Kingst VIS: http://www.qdkingst.com/en/download

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VII. Contact us
Thanks for choosing our product, if you have any questions, please contact us in the following
ways, and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

Mobile: +86-13780615696
Web: www.qdkingst.com
E-mail: service@qdkingst.com
AliExpress link: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/2791035

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