Risks Associated With Mega Projects
Risks Associated With Mega Projects
Risks Associated With Mega Projects
In the South African context, the Framework for Infrastructure Delivery and
Procurement Management (FIDPM), defines a megaproject as any high
impact project whose construction and decommissioning has one or more of
the following characteristics:
MIPs are costly and require high amounts of labor, physical and financial
resources, and the total amount of project funding usually exceeds many
MIPs are strategic and public welfare, which generally are key projects
in the national or local government’s economic development plan, and
usually are commissioned by the government and delivered by
competent private contractors and suppliers.
Operating risk
Within the (technical, cost, Engineering
Participant risk Completion risk
Project’s Control and risk
management) Environmental
Political risk
Outside the Supply/inputs Infrastructure
Market risk
Project’s Control risk risk Force majeure
exchange risk
Within the
Interest rate
Financier’s Syndication risk Legal risk.
Means for mitigation
• A party agrees to take responsibility over a certain issue on behalf of someone
•A step further from contracting in that parties agree in a contract that should a certain risk
materialise, actions will be triggered into force. If nothing happens, no action will be taken.
•Occurs when financial resources are set aside in anticipation for certain risks materialising. In the
event that risks materialise, the funds that have been set aside are called to cover the loss. Finance
is mostly used for mitigating completion risk and market risk.
•Happens where market risk cannot be contracted readily, such as for telecoms, toll roads, or quality
specific production, then all the project financiers can do is to rely on studies and market projections.
•Is when action to complete risk aversion is taken in advance of a particular risk aspect. The usual
mechanism is to fulfil some obligation – financial, physical, or contractual – or to double up a risk
coverage by way, for example, through a guarantee, indemnity or in some instances, insurances
Risks Within the Project’s Control
1. Operating Risk – Technical component
Contract - (Technology
management, technology
warranty, quality assurance,
technology guarantee) Breakage and unplanned service
Operating risk is associated with
Trigger (Fleet assurance, outages, unavailability of spares,
uncertainty about the
business interruption Insurance, and poor workmanship are
performance of infrastructure
technology insurance) amongst the examples of
once it has been constructed.
Financing (Performance bond) technical risks
Study (Independent certification,
alternative technology,
technology curve).
2. Operating Risk – Cost component
Trigger (Deficiency
An insurance company to a
The credit of the participants agreement, share pledge,
project may fail to deliver on
and the risk of non- cross collateralisation, board
its obligations due to poor
performance under the project control, call option)
credit risk ratings or the
contracts or financing Study (Bankruptcy
collapse of a participating
agreements. remoteness, pre-
5. Completion Risk
- Trigger (Deferral,
insurance, Negotiation) Examples include acts of man,
- Studies (Risk manager, governments/regulators, or
Arises due to events outside Safety measures) impersonal events. Terrorist
the control of the parties.
attacks on the Mozambique
LNG project in Cabo Delgado
province, Mozambique.
13. Foreign Exchange Risk
- Contract (Direct
agreements, legislation)
Documentary complexity is a
- Trigger (Title insurance) fact of project finance life.
Deals with more than 10,000
A risk that a defect in the - Study (Title searches, legal
pages are known. The legal
documentation will affect opinions, due diligence
system of a country may not
cashflow or debt service. ‘books’).
be adequate to cope with the
- Avoided (Parallel security complexity of project
structure, offshore security
structure, pre-transfer
16 risks: Cashflow matrix
16 risks: Cashflow matrix
Government Technical Advisory Centre
Private Bag X115
Pretoria 0001
info@gtac.gov.za | www.gtac.gov.za
5 July 2022