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Scarano-Pereira et al.

BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 BMC Medical Education

RESEARCH Open Access

Young nursing and medical students’

knowledge and attitudes towards sexuality
and contraception in two spanish universities:
an inferential study
Juan-Pablo Scarano-Pereira1, Alessandro Martinino2, Francesca Manicone2, Cristina Álvarez-García3,
Lucía Ortega-Donaire3, María-Zoraida Clavijo-Chamorro4, Isabel M López-Medina3, Carmen Álvarez-Nieto3* and
Sebastián Sanz-Martos3

Background Living safely sexuality and without risk to one’s health is an international priority. The youth age group
has specific characteristics that make it a particularly vulnerable group for adverse consequences such as unwanted
pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections. Health professionals are an important group to address this issue;
however, to achieve a good result, sufficient knowledge is required to solve all the issues. This study aimed to assess
the level of knowledge of young university students studying a nursing or a medical degree.
Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study of young medical and nursing students was conducted. The selection
of participants was made by convenience. The Sexuality and Contraceptive Knowledge Instrument scale was used to
measure knowledge level. A bivariate analysis was conducted using the Mann–Whitney U test or the Kruskal–Wallis
H test, depending on the number of categories of the independent variable. Finally, a multivariate analysis was
conducted using a multiple linear regression model, establishing the level of knowledge as the dependent variable
and all variables that obtained statistical significance in the bivariate analysis as predictors. Data collection was carried
out from October 2020 to March 2021.
Results The sample comprised 657 health university students. Participants had a good level of knowledge, with
77.9% answering 50% of the questions correctly. Before training, 34.15% of the participants did not pass 50% of
the questions asked. This percentage decreased to 12.87% after receiving sexuality training during their university
degrees. The main training gaps were found for the items on hormonal contraceptive methods. The bivariate analysis
showed that female participants had significantly higher knowledge scores, as did those who had used a hormonal
contraceptive method during the most recent intercourse or were aware of family planning centers. These variables
maintained their significant effect at the multivariate level, obtaining two models with good explanatory power for
participants of both university degrees.

Carmen Álvarez-Nieto
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 2 of 9

Conclusion The general level of knowledge of the healthcare students was high and sufficient after receiving
training during the university degree (87.13% of the participants obtain more than 50% of items correct). The main
training gap was found for items on hormonal contraceptive methods, which should be emphasized in future training
Keywords Contraception, Unwanted pregnancy, Primary prevention, Knowledge, Young adult

Background health professionals can provide quality training adapted

Sexual health can be defined as a state of physical, emo- to their needs. Previous researchers have found higher
tional, mental, and social well-being in the field of sexu- levels of knowledge, more positive attitudes toward the
ality and is recognized as a global priority by the World use of contraceptive methods, and a lower rate of sexually
Health Organization [1]. Related to the concept of sex- transmitted infections in young people who are aware of
ual health is the concept of sexuality as a fundamental these centers and have used them [15–17].
dimension of the human being, which becomes more Young healthcare students are a population vulner-
evident from the biological and socio-cultural changes able to risky sexual practices due to the characteristics
derived from puberty in adolescence. At this stage, ado- of their age group. Hence, they need an adequate level of
lescents and young people may be physically ready to knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods
begin their sexual life but may not have the psychological to experience it safely. In addition, as future health pro-
and conceptual preparation to begin it safely [2]. fessionals, they need to acquire the knowledge and skills
The youth age group of 18–25 is considered at particu- to provide quality information in health care centers or
lar risk for experiencing adverse consequences such as family planning centers. Knowing the level of knowledge
sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, of the undergraduate students, before the training and
or abortions [3–6]. According to previous research, the after receiving it, during their university degree, we can
highest prevalence of sexually transmitted infections is obtain a diagnosis of the main gaps of the young popula-
found in the under-25 age group, as well as the highest tion, guiding the future university programs and improv-
rate of voluntary termination of pregnancy [7–9]. These ing the training in the Higher Education. Therefore, this
consequences may have repercussions in terms of aca- study aimed to assess the level of knowledge about sex-
demic and professional opportunities. One of the reasons uality and contraceptive methods of young students of
given in previous researches for this high prevalence is healthcare degrees.
the decrease in the age at first sexual intercourse, which
may increase the period of sexual activity of young peo- Methods
ple and the total number of sexual partners. On the other Participants and study modules
hand, the psychological characteristics of adolescents A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with
and youth, such as invulnerability or false perception of undergraduate students of the Medical degree at the
risk, may make them particularly susceptible to adopting Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and of the
risky behaviors related to their sexuality [2, 5, 10, 11]. In Nursing Degree at the University of Jaen (Spain), aged
Spain (in 2021), for the under 19 age group, the rate of between 18 and 25 years. The sample size was calculated
voluntary termination of pregnancy was 7.90 cases per based on the results of previous researches [18, 19]; a
1000 women, while for the 20–24 age group the rate was sample size calculation was established to detect a dif-
16.09 events per 1000 women that is the highest of all age ference of 1 point in knowledge scale, a standard devia-
groups studied. [12] tion of 2.5 points, a confidence level of 95%, and a power
In order to experience sexuality without associated of 80%. Therefore, the minimum sample size was estab-
risks, it is necessary to have a sufficient level of knowl- lished at 200 participants.
edge to develop positive attitudes toward the use of the
different contraceptive options available. Health pro- Procedure
fessionals are quality sources of information that young Data were collected by trained teachers from healthcare
people can approach for information; however, access to students studying a six-year medical degree and a four-
healthcare by young people is often low. Moreover, youth year nursing degree, between October 2020 and March
show a high prevalence of using other sources of infor- 2021. The sample was selected by convenience sampling
mation that do not require two-way interaction, such as among the nursing and medical students who attended to
the internet. Other sources of information that were used training sessions, where the information was collected. In
previously, such as peer groups or parents, are now less order to complete the data collection document, 15 min
prevalent [13, 14]. Family planning centers are an impor- of teaching classes were used, in which a researcher was
tant option for the education of young people, where
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 3 of 9

always present. The self-administered data collection Data analysis

notebook in paper format included the following: Descriptive statistics for all data and the questionnaire
•  Socio-demographic variables: Sex, Age, University, score were calculated. Bivariate analyses were performed,
Academic year, Having received training on establishing as dependent variable the score on the
sexuality and contraceptive methods during the knowledge scale, and as independent variables the socio-
medical or Nursing degree, Having a partner at demographic variables, sexual relations variables, and the
the time of the study, Have viewed pornographic variables on knowledge of FCPs. All the bivariate analy-
material during adolescence, Currently viewing ses were differentiated by the university degree that the
pornographic material, Perceived usefulness of using participants were studying as variables related to train-
pornographic material as an educational element, ing were also analyzed. Moreover, the questionnaires
Source of information used to obtain information were carried out in different academic years, and we
on sexuality and contraceptive methods, Desired could commit a confounding bias when making compari-
source of information to obtain information on sons by the socio-demographic variables if joining both
sexuality and contraceptive methods, Self-perceived groups. The normality of the distribution was assessed
level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive by analyzing the histogram, skewness (0.081), kurtosis
methods, and Self-perceived knowledge gap. (-0.725), and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS = 0.102;
•  Level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive P < 0.01). Contrasts were performed using the non-para-
methods: Measured through the Sexuality and metric Mann–Whitney U or Kruskal–Wallis H statistic
Contraceptive Knowledge Instrument scale, depending on the number of categories of the indepen-
validated in Spanish and consisting of 15 items with dent variable.
three response options (True, False and Don’t know/ A multivariate analysis was performed using a multiple
No answer). The scale showed a reliability of 0.99 linear regression model, establishing the level of knowl-
for the items and 0.74 for the persons; the intraclass edge as the dependent variable and those variables that
correlation coefficient for test-retest reliability obtained statistical significance at the bivariate level as
obtained a value of 0.81 [18]. The score range is predictor variables. The model`s goodness of fit was
between 0 and 15, and the level of knowledge is calculated using the value of R2. All analyses were per-
categorized as follows: excellent (≥ 90% correct), formed with the statistical program SPSS 24.0, and a
very good (89–70%), good (69–50%), and insufficient value of p < 0.05 was established as the level of statistical
(< 50%) [19]. significance.
•  Sexual intercourse variables: Ever had penetrative
sex, Age at first intercourse, Use of contraceptive Results
method at first intercourse, Contraceptive The initial sample consisted of 696 participants. Of these,
method used or reason for not using any, Use 11 were excluded for not completing the questionnaire
of contraceptive method at last intercourse, and properly and 28 for being over 25 years of age. The final
Contraceptive method used or reason for not using sample included 657 participants (303 from the Nursing
any. Degree and 354 from the Medical degree), with a mean
•  Knowledge about Family Planning Centers (FPC): age of 20.65 (SD: 2.32) years. The main source of infor-
This was assessed by a dichotomous question (Yes/ mation used to learn about sexuality and contraceptive
No). Participants who answered in the affirmative methods was the internet, followed by Healthcare pro-
were asked to respond to 6 statements by indicating fessionals. The main sources of information requested by
whether they considered them True, False or Don’t participants were Talks on sexual and reproductive health
know/No answer. If the number of correct answers and digital resources on the internet with high-quality
is above 50%, the student was considered to be aware information. The leading information gap identified was
of the FPCs. This section of the questionnaire was for non-coital sexual relations, followed by information
designed ad hoc and was peer-reviewed. about contraceptive methods and where to obtain quality
To achieve a faithful approximation to reality, a distinc- information. Just over half (55.4%) of the sample viewed
tion was made between participants who had received pornographic material during adolescence, with a mean
specific training on sexuality and contraceptive methods age of onset of 15.18 (SD: 2.42) years. Table 1 shows the
during their university degree. For the nursing degree, demographic characteristics of the sample.
the training was received in the second year and for the The scale showed acceptable reliability values for the
medical degree, it was during the fourth year. total sample (α = 0.715) and for the subsamples of medi-
cal students (α = 0.715) and nursing students (α = 0.705).
The average score for the knowledge scale was 8.73
(2.87). Medical students had a significantly higher score
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 4 of 9

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the sample

Variable Category Nursing Medicine Total
Gender Men 65 71 136
Women 238 283 521
Age (years) 19.75 (1.83) 21.42 (2.42) 20.65 (2.32)
Academic year 1st Year 80 63 -
2nd Year 109 53 -
3rd Year 24 46 -
4th Year 90 28 -
5th Year - 99 -
6th Year - 65 -
Received sexuality training dur- Yes 201 114 345
ing the university degree No 102 210 312
Has a partner Yes 186 197 383
No 117 157 274
Source of information used to Internet 119 198 317
obtain information on sexuality Healthcare professionals 111 74 185
and contraceptive methods Family 22 15 37
Friends 51 67 118
Source of information desired to Talks on sexual and reproductive health 175 127 302
obtain information on sexuality Internet 122 222 344
and contraceptive methods TV campaigns 6 5 11
Pornography use during Yes 180 184 364
adolescence No 123 170 293
Age of use 15.06 (2.29) 15.28 (2.53) 15.18 (2.42)
Perception of the effectiveness of Good 4 9 13
pornographic material Regular 20 31 51
Bad 64 62 126
Very bad 109 116 225
Self-perception of their knowl- Good 108 122 230
edge about sexuality and contra- Regular 102 124 226
ceptive methods Bad 93 108 201
Had penetrative sex Yes 239 259 498
No 64 95 159
Age at first intercourse 16.40 (1.29) 17.35 (1.99) 16.89 (1.76)
Use of any contraceptive method Yes 213 231 444
during first intercourse No 26 28 54
Contraceptive method used during Male condom 206 207 413
first intercourse Hormonal contraceptive methods 5 23 28
Withdrawal method 2 1 3
Reason for not using any contracep- Improvised sexual intercourse 18 22 40
tive method during first intercourse Were not planning to use it 3 4 7
Shame to get a contraceptive method 5 - 5
Alcohol consumption - 2 2
Use of any contraceptive method Yes 201 227 428
during most recent intercourse No 38 32 70
Contraceptive method used during the Male condom 136 146 282
most recent intercourse Hormonal contraceptive methods 62 78 140
Withdrawal method 3 3 6
Reason for not using any contracep- Improvised sexual intercourse 10 11 21
tive method during most recent Reduce pleasure 10 6 16
intercourse Were not planning to use it 18 13 31
I have a permanent partner - 2 2
Knowledge about FPCs Yes 99 129 228
No 204 225 429
FPCs: Family planning centers
Data expressed as absolute frequencies except Age (Mean and SD)
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 5 of 9

(9.14 [2.81] vs. 8.58 [2.893]; p = 0.011). Regardless of the Discussion

academic degree they studied,77.9% of the participants The education of healthcare students on sexuality and
obtained a knowledge level value rated as good, very contraception is a key element in ensuring that they are
good, or excellent. Before receiving the relevant sexual- reliable sources of health information in the future. The
ity education in either of the university degrees, 34.15% level of knowledge of all participants in our study was
of the participants obtained “insufficient” knowledge, a good after they had received specialized training as part
percentage that decreased to 12.87% after receiving this of their university training. Our result contrasts with
training during their degree; this difference was statisti- previous research on the level of knowledge of university
cally significant (p < 0.05). The items with the highest per- healthcare students [17, 20], where a low level of knowl-
centage of lack of knowledge were the items on hormonal edge was found. These differences may be because the
contraceptive methods such as the contraceptive pill, study by Htay et al. [17] evaluated students during their
vaginal ring or contraceptive patch, regardless of the aca- last year of medical school. However, our data reveal that
demic level of the participants, reaching an error rate and there is a slight decrease in the years following sexuality
lack of knowledge of 54.57%. The items on using the male training due to a loss of knowledge over time, although
condom or general sexuality concepts obtained a per- this was only evident in the Nursing degree students.
centage of correct answers close to 90% in both groups. Therefore, the effect of the participant’s age and the time
In the samples of both university students, we found at which sexuality training on the subject took place
similar results at the bivariate level, finding common sig- should be considered.
nificant variables such as female sex, having a partner The variability in the level of knowledge between the
at the time of the study, having penetrative sex prior to two degrees may be related to the teaching methodolo-
the time of the study, using a hormonal contraceptive gies used. An educational intervention carried out at the
method during the most recent intercourse, and know University of Jaén, where students of the Nursing degree
about the FPCs. With respect to age, we found a moder- were trained using a peer education methodology, which
ate significant positive correlation in both samples, indi- incorporated a clinical simulation activity using role play
cating that older participants at the time of the study had for different clinical scenarios, found a statistically sig-
a higher level of knowledge. Table 2 shows the bivariate nificant improvement in the level of knowledge follow-
contrasts for both university grades. ing the educational intervention, and an improvement in
Eight variables were introduced into the model for attitudes toward using contraception, with more positive
the Medical degree. The model consisted of 4 predic- attitudes among participants who had used a contracep-
tors, with a high correlation among them and the knowl- tive method in their last sexual intercourse [19]. This
edge scale score (0.574), and has an explanatory power experience highlights the need to modify the teaching
of 31.8% of the variance. The ANOVA for the multiple methodologies used for sexuality education from a top-
regression model showed a statistically significant rela- down methodology, where a trained teacher delivers
tionship F = 27.318; p < 0.001. The collinearity of the content to a passive audience, to a participatory method-
model by the model conditioning index obtained a value ology that engages participants in an active role. Incorpo-
of 17.034, considered moderate collinearity. The Durbin rating a more active and dynamic education on sexuality
Watson statistic obtained a value of 2.113, so the residu- and contraception for young people can help break down
als were considered independent. or remove the barrier of addressing a taboo subject by
For the Nursing degree, 8 variables were also intro- encouraging open conversation about an individual’s
duced into the model, but the age variable was excluded concerns.
because of collinearity problems with the rest of the vari- Health professionals may present some barriers to
ables. The values of the model were calculated with the training on this topic, as Blakey and Aveyard [21] found
remaining 7 variables, obtaining a final model composed in their systematic review, where they show that profes-
of 5 predictor variables. The variables of the final model sionals lack models or training structures on how sexual-
presented a moderate correlation value (0.497), with an ity should be addressed to train young people. Another
explanatory capacity of 22.7%. The ANOVA for the mul- barrier they identified was that health professionals per-
tiple regression model also showed a statistically signifi- ceived their knowledge of sexuality and contraception to
cant relationship F = 9.115; p < 0.001. Collinearity was also be low, which is in line with our research [21]. Only one-
moderate (16.056), and the Durbin Watson statistic was third of our sample perceived their level of knowledge as
1.763; therefore, the residuals were considered indepen- good, which is not consistent with the level of knowledge
dent. Table 3 shows the values of the predictor variables presented in the numerical rating. This may indicate a
for both models. low self-perception of knowledge level and highlights a
need to develop activities to build up not only conceptual
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 6 of 9

Table 2 Bivariate contrasts

Variable Nursing Contrast Medicine Contrast
Men 7.48 ± 2.87 Z = − 2.563* 8.01 ± 2.84 Z = − 3.779**
Women 8.26 ± 2.82 9.42 ± 2.73
Age Rho = 0.340** Rho = 0.524**
Academic course
1st Year 6.51 ± 2.07 χ2 = 77.833** 7.08 ± 2.07 χ2 = 117.512**
2nd Year 10.11 ± 2.23 7.11 ± 2.07
3rd Year 9.25 ± 2.52 8.52 ± 2.48
4th Year 8.40 ± 2.3.23 10.14 ± 2.43
5th Year 10.37 ± 2.73
6th Year 10.91 ± 1.93
Received sexuality training during the university degree
Yes 8.79 ± 2.86 Z = − 4.587** 10.41 ± 2.47 Z = − 8.628
No 7.22 ± 2.42 7.93 ± 2.57
Source of information used to obtain information on sexuality and contraceptive
Internet 7.82 ± 2.80 χ2 = 26.739** 9.04 ± 2.85 χ2 = 15.227**
Healthcare professionals 9.30 ± 2.65 10.12 ± 2.67
Family 7.53 ± 2.89 8.63 ± 2.52
Friends 7.14 ± 2.12 7.87 ± 3.04
Has a partner
Yes 8.51 ± 2.82 Z = − 1.982* 9.74 ± 2.60 Z = − 4.383**
No 7.86 ± 2.80 8.39 ± 2.88
Pornography use during adolescence
Yes 8.14 ± 2.82 Z= -1.054 8.98 ± 2.95 Z = − 1.238
No 8.44 ± 2.86 9.31 ± 2.65
Self-perception of their knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods
Good 8.43 ± 2.85 χ2 = 2.148 9.38 ± 2.82 χ2 = 1.421
Regular 8.41 ± 2.86 9.17 ± 2.70
Bad 7.90 ± 2.75 8.83 ± 2.82
Had penetrative sex
Yes 8.48 ± 2.82 Z = − 2.685** 9.83 ± 2.68 Z = − 7.648**
No 7.44 ± 2.72 7.25 ± 2.21
Age at first intercourse Rho = − 0.073 Rho= -0.030
Use of any contraceptive method during first intercourse
Yes 8.41 ± 2.79 Z = − 1.305 9.84 ± 2.73 Z = − 0.145
No 9.08 ± 3.01 9.71 ± 2.34
Contraceptive method used during first intercourse
Male condom 8.35 ± 2.78 χ2 = 4.089 9.77 ± 2.78 χ2 = 2.348
Hormonal contraceptive methods 11 ± 2.55 10.57 ± 2.19
Withdrawal method 7.5 ± 0.71 8±0
Use of any contraceptive method during most recent intercourse
Yes 8.52 ± 2.84 Z = − 0.467 9.89 ± 2.60 Z = − 0.652
No 8.26 ± 2.69 9.41 ± 3.22
Contraceptive method used during the most recent intercourse
Male condom 8.03 ± 2.93 χ2 = 15.402** 9.54 ± 2.63 χ2 = 6.685*
Hormonal contraceptive methods 9.66 ± 2.30 10.55 ± 2.45
Withdrawal method 7.33 ± 3.22 9.67 ± 2.08
Knowledge about FPCs
Yes 8.95 ± 2.78 Z = − 2.710** 10.40 ± 2.69 Z = − 6.304**
No 7.98 ± 2.79 8.46 ± 2.63
FPCs, Family planning centers
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
Rho = Spearmean Rho; Z: Contast with Mann–Whitney U; χ2: Contrast with Kruskal–Wallis H
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 7 of 9

Table 3 Model values for the scale of knowledge about sexuality professional, while young people who used the male con-
and contraceptive in nursing and medicine degree students dom, which is over-the-counter, did not need to talk to a
Medical degree health professional to obtain it [28].
Variable Beta p Correlation
To achieve a risk-free experience of sexuality and an
increase in the rate of contraceptive use, we need to look
Academic year 0.460 < 0.001 0.486
at it from a gender perspective and gain a deeper under-
Gender 0.195 0.001 0.229
standing of the perceptions that may lead to non-use of
Knowledge about FPCs 0.165 0.004 0.193
Contraceptive method used dur- 0.114 0.040 0.137
contraception. Our research asked about the main rea-
ing the most recent intercourse sons for not using any contraceptive method in previous
Nursing degree sexual relations. We found aspects related to the use of
Variable Beta p Correlation the male condom and the sexual practice itself—“they
coefficient take away pleasure”—and related to the unpredictabil-
Received training during the 0.504 < 0.001 0.395 ity of sexual relations and the associated adrenergic dis-
university degree charge—“sexual relations were improvised”—; results,
Academic year -0.385 < 0.001 -0.131 similar to previous research, where only the reasons for
Contraceptive method used dur- 0.205 0.001 0.227 not using the male condom were addressed [29]. This
ing the most recent intercourse
result highlights the importance of promoting contracep-
Knowledge about FPCs 0.145 0.024 0.160
tive options other than the male condom through future
Gender 0.131 0.036 0.149
training strategies.
FPCs: Family planning centers
Beta: Correlation value between predictor variable and knowledge level
From our research findings on the primary sources of
information used by young people, we found an increas-
ing demand for digital media. In fact, the internet was
attitudes but also communicative attitudes that allow the main source of information, a finding consistent with
them to approach the subject with greater confidence. previous research [13, 14], which leads us to highlight the
The level of knowledge was significantly higher in importance of creating a mobile application where qual-
female participants in both groups, similar to previous ity content can be accessed. This content should include
research, where women showed better results in ques- information about the main face-to-face resources to
tions not related to knowledge of the male condom [22, access qualified health professionals based on their access
23]. In the present study, the primary educational gaps preferences, and in this way, improve the access of this
in both groups were found in items related to the use of population group to the relevant quality education [30].
hormonal contraceptive methods, which may explain this As a result of the research, two regression models were
difference, similar to a previous research with nursing obtained for the level of knowledge, finding common
students from 10 Spanish universities [15]. Another pos- variables such as female gender, use of a hormonal con-
sible explanation may be due to the differential impact traceptive method and knowledge about family planning
that an unwanted pregnancy may have during the forma- centers, similar to previous multicenter research [15].
tive stage, which may mean that women are more likely This increases the reliability of the results of our research,
to have a greater predisposition to acquire the knowledge showing a variable of majority training in women through
to prevent this [24]. family planning centers.
An aspect shown in previous research that we have also Among the possible limitations of our study, we high-
found in our study is the importance of FPCs in address- light that as a voluntary survey, the motivation of partic-
ing the issue of sexuality and contraceptive education. ipants to participate may affect the results. The level of
This result highlights the importance of obtaining infor- knowledge measured may be affected by this motivation,
mation from quality sources such as health professionals and the selected population segment may cause an over-
in these centers [15, 25]. Related to this difference in the estimation or underestimation of the value analyzed. On
level of knowledge, we highlight the finding that those the other hand, being a taboo subject, participants may
who used some type of hormonal contraceptive method not fully disclose their reality about previous sexual rela-
during the most recent intercourse obtained higher tions, which may cause the rate of contraceptive use in
scores on the scale. This may be explained by a difference previous sexual relations reported by participants to be
in knowledge according to sex, where women (being the overestimated. We should be cautious when extrapo-
ones who are going to use this contraceptive method) lating the results of this research, since the sampling
have received more in-depth education regarding this method was non-probabilistic (by convenience). As a
method [22, 23, 26, 27]. Alternatively, due to these con- strength of our study, we highlight that it is a novel study
traceptive methods requiring a medical prescription, describing the main gaps in knowledge found in young
women have obtained information through a health nursing and medical students, which could serve as a
Scarano-Pereira et al. BMC Medical Education (2023) 23:283 Page 8 of 9

the University of Jaén (ABR.17/9) and the Research Ethics Committee of the
basis for developing new training strategies to improve “Hospital Clínico San Carlos” (20/815-E). An information sheet was given to
the education of future health professionals. the participants. If happy to participate, students completed and signed an
informed consent form prior to undertaking the session. Students were not
obliged to participate and were reassured that this would not affect their
Conclusion progress and success in their course of study. Confidentiality of personal data
The general level of knowledge of the healthcare degree was guaranteed.
students was high and sufficient to be able to respond
Consent for publication
as future health professionals to the demands placed on Not applicable
them, both at a personal and professional level. The main
training gap we found in both groups was for hormonal Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
contraceptive methods. This aspect should be empha-
sized in future training programs, without ignoring the Author details
gender gap found in the level of knowledge. One aspect Faculty of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, La Sapienza University of Rome,
to highlight when providing training is the incorpora- Rome, Italy
tion of active-participatory teaching methodologies that 3
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Jaen,
allow transferring theoretical concepts to common prac- Edif. B3, dep. 243, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, Jaén 23071, Spain
Department of Nursing, University of Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain
tical aspects, improving the level of knowledge, attitudes
towards contraceptive options and self-perception of Received: 21 December 2021 / Accepted: 12 April 2023
their training as health professionals, achieving a greater
predisposition to meet health demands and a better
Further research is needed on behavioral patterns
among both sexes that may affect the level of knowledge References
and use of different contraceptive options in future sexual 1. World Health Organization. Reproductive Health Strategy. World Health
Organization. Geneva, Switzerland; 2018.
relations. 2. Toro J. El adolescente en su mundo: Riesgos, problemas y trastornos.
Pirámide. Madrid; 2010.
List of Abbreviations 3. Asut O, Ozenli O, Gur G, Deliceo E, Cagin B, Korun O, et al. The knowledge and
SD Standard Deviation perceptions of the first year medical students of an International University
FPCs Family Planning Centers on family planning and emergency contraception in Nicosia (TRNC). BMC
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