FastTIMES Vol 24 4 V2 ParkSEIS-3D
FastTIMES Vol 24 4 V2 ParkSEIS-3D
FastTIMES Vol 24 4 V2 ParkSEIS-3D
As MASW (Park et al., 1999) expands its areas of application, one
3D MASW − Data Acquisition
of the growing demands is the 3D survey. Although some earlier Common MASW surveys use a 1D linear receiver array (RA) to
pioneers executed such applications by running conventional generate a 2D shear-wave velocity (Vs) cross section through a roll-
2D surveys multiple times and displaying results by using along approach. Although surface waves spread into all azimuths,
separate visualization software packages (e.g., Miller et al., only the propagation along the path of the 1D RA is used to
2003; Suto, 2007; Park and Carnevale, 2009; Park and Taylor, 2010), generate a 1D velocity (Vs) profile being placed at the RA center.
there has so far been no dedicated software package that can Multiple such surveys can ultimately accomplish an equivalent
handle all-in-one 3D data collection, analysis, and visualization. 3D survey; e.g., by running parallel 2D lines. The most effective
That is, the coordination of “true 3D” field acquisition, data re- 3D survey, however, can take place only by using a 2D RA
arrangement for binning (Sheriff and Geldart, 1982), and 3D accompanied with a proper 2D shot pattern, similar to the 3D
visualization of final shear-wave velocity (Vs) data– all in one reflection survey. In this way, surface waves generated from
package (Figure 1). one shot point and propagating into multiple azimuths can be
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Miller, R.D., Anderson, T.S., Ivanov, J., Davis, J.C., Olea, R., Park, C.B.,
Steeples, D.W., Moran, M.L., and Xia, J. 2003, 3-D characterization
of seismic properties at the Smart Weapons Test Range, YPG [Exp.
Abs.]: Soc. Expl. Geophys., NSG 2.3.
Park, C. B., 2020, 3D MASW−field operation, data analysis and
visualization: SEG 90th Ann. Mtng., Houston, TX, October 11-16, in
preparation for submission.
Park, C.B., and Taylor, C., 2010, 3D MASW Characterization of Sinkhole:
A Pilot Study at USF Geology Park, Tampa, FL: Proceedings of the
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and
Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2010), Keystone, Colorado, April 11-15.
Park, C.B., and Carnevale, M., 2009, 3D MASW: Proceedings of the
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and
Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2009), Fort Worth, TX, March 29-April 2.
Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1999, Multichannel analysis of surface
Figure 4. Algorithmic flowchart of ParkSEIS-3D for 3D MASW analysis from both
waves: Geophysics, v. 64, n. 3, pp. 800-808.
conventional 2D/1D surveys and a dedicated 3D survey.
Sheriff, R.E., and Geldart, L.P., 1982, Exploration seismology, vol 1:
For many engineering applications, the barriers to using open history, theory, and data acquisition: Cambridge University Press.
source materials can therefore be prohibitive, and may include
not only lack of in-house expertise but also time pressure and Suto, K., 2007, Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) for
concerns about consistency in analysis results. An analogy would investigation of ground competence: an introduction, in “Engineering
be a home-made car with one engine sitting on a 4-wheel frame Advances in Earthworks,” Proceedings of the Sydney Chapter 2007
versus a commercially available car with all high-tech safety Symposium, Australian Geomechanics Society: 71-81.
and convenience features installed; most would-be drivers are
mainly interested in safe and reliable driving, less in the process
of tinkering with the parts and settings. Author Bio
Choon Park, Ph.D.
Conclusions Park Seismic LLC,
Founder/Principal Geophysicist
ParkSEIS-3D is a software package designed to enable 3D
MASW surveys (in addition to 1D and 2D surveys). It includes Shelton, Connecticut, USA
the following important features which may be particularly
important in enabling reliable all-in-one 3D survey and analysis:
Shot and receiver (SR) setup is conveniently accomplished through
Dr. Choon Park is lead author of the MASW technique published
Graphic-Wizard approach.
in GEOPHYSICS in 1999 while he was working at the Kansas
Coordinates of SR patterns are imported simply by preparing
Geological Survey (KGS). He is the author of the ParkSEIS
a Cartesian (*.txt) or a GPS (e.g., *.gpx) file.
software for MASW analysis. He is also author/co-author of
Field logistics for a potential 3D project are provided by a other near-surface seismic data-processing software packages
template chart of SR patterns that account for survey dimension,
developed at the KGS (SurfSeis, WinSeis, and Eavesdropper). Dr.
desired spatial sampling, and a given set of field equipment. Park founded Park Seismic LLC in 2007 to provide services and
Data rearrangement into CMP gathers takes place automatically Research and Development (R&D) in MASW method where he is
based on required depth of investigation and surficial dimension currently working as the principal geophysicist. He holds a B.S.
of survey area for given SR patterns applied in the field. in physics and science education from Seoul National University,
Dense shot patterns can be generated so that conventional an M.S. in Geophysics from Ohio University, and a Ph.D. from
field equipment (e.g., 24 channels) can be used to cover a the University of Kansas.