Wipro Document
Wipro Document
Wipro Document
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4,t)IWro u.gkdtc, rna1g offer ta ytou.. Kindly go thror.rgh'ihe inslructions which have to be followed:
to you
R€clr.!itiri' Sigatature:
Letter Of lntent
oorc: 29fi-t/
E-t*^ &*/**!'p*-
: "Associoie"
Dole of -Joining
, gt /t lt7
Annuol Cost 1o ComPonY R, "m2b{/---
Attendcnce lncentive* O /- - Rs.30,000/-
Process Bosed PoY*
Rs.O /- - Rs.37,500/-..
Yours follhfullY,
Rokesh Almol
Senior Monoger- Toleni Acquisilion
Agreed (Y/N)
1. I underslond lhol ony request for o chonge in Dole of Joirring will nol be occepled. Joining ond
conlinuoiion of work of o locotion ore solely ot lhe discretion of the Compony; ony requesi Ior o
chonge of locotion will not be eniertoined.
I underslond thot the joining formolities / documentotions need lo be compleied before the doy of
joining, foiling which ihe offer moy be postponed / revoked. (Refer to form l-5 in Welcome Kil). f'r--l
lwill produce originol copies of oll the documents of the time of joining. I om owore thot the volidily
of this Letter of lntent is 30 doys from the dote of issue.
3. I om on lndion cilizen & I hove completed lB yeors of oge ot the iime of inlerview. r,l_l
I will not be working with ony olher orgonizotion on the dote of ioining Wipro. rY_l
I om willing io work for voice qs well os non-voice/bock office processes. I underslond thol during ihe
course of employment, my process con be chonged of ony poinl of lime.
6. All informotion provided by me on my educoiion, previous employment, ond previous eornings is truel--q--l
:-: cor b= s.,cccrt:C by relevonicffi:!ol dccuments.
- -.J -
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a I rmderdurd ihot rrry efitP*qtlrnerd wttr tiiprosrlblecl to my cleoring o bockground verilicolion l- v
process ond my employmenl will be lerminoted with lmmediole effecl lt the bockground verilicolion
resulls ore negotive.
lwill submit documenls required to open o solory qccount by the Compony in order for my solory to t---5--l
be processed & credited. I undentond thot in cose thotis nol done, solory connot be credited.
10. I understond thot my job involves working in shifts, including nighi shifts ond I hove been briefed
obout the some ond ihe some is occeploble to me.
il. I will work in ony process ollocoted to me by the orgonizotion, be it o tech, semi tech or o non-tech
12. I hove cieorly understood the structure of the compensotion offered io me ond I ogree to lhe some.
13. I understond ihot I hove to successfully complete Pre Process troining, Communicotion troining, Skilh
Y_l l-
enhoncemenl iroining, Technicol lroining ond ony other Process specific lroining. I understond lhol
my services with Wipro would be discontinued if I do not meet the troining requirements os per the
Compony policy in force from lime to iime.
I4. I understond thot oll performonce porometers ore required to be ochieved during the troining ond inl--T--l
15. I om owore thol leove con be ovoiled only on the completion of six months of service with ihe Tl-l
Compony, ond within the first six monlhs of service, lqove con be ovoiled only for o personol
coniingency or o medicol emergency. I underslond lhot this leove hos to Qq:duly recomrtended by
the troiner / monoger (os opplicoble) ond opproved by the Heod of the Furiclion. I om olso qwore
ihot no leove will be gronted for ony exominotion within this period.
16. I underslond thoi I will noi be eligible for PBPP (Process Bosed Performonce Poy) during the iroining. [T-l
17. I will be on probotion for o period of six months from lhe dote of joining the Compony. During this
time, my oppointment is terminoble by one month's nolice or one monlh's solory in lieu thereof by
eiiher porty. lwill be deemed to continue on probotion unlil I om confirmed, ond it is communicoted
to me in wriling. Afler confirmotion, my oppointment is terminoble by lwo monlhs' notice or two r,.r
'- -'.'t ::':-. '- i:- +.e'3::f b','e'l-,-. oa-]v \^,'ic'c reserves ihe righ'l io ocy orTecoversoloryin lleu ofl---f---l
..- a.":- :-,:i -: ::-..rct,.1 ;i ia€ r,::Le pe:,c'3
E.'en gr.r';^€. n3*e,3r, l: Ir-,3 i':loicg:r,::,i,1=si:es nre
to conrfiue the employmenl during the notice period, ihe employee sholl do so. ln lhe dveni of
lerminotion of my services orising oui of disciplinory proceedings, no notice will be required from lhe
Compony's side.
lB. This offer is volid with o cleor understonding lhot I om currently nol pursuing ony full time course ond
will not do the some, during the period of my employmenl with the Compony without opprovol from [- Y-l
l?. I underslond ond confirm thot, to be eligible for opplying for o job in oiher Wipro Group componres
e.g. WT, I should hove completed l8 io 24 monihs (os per the process ollocoled lo me) of seryice I l_l
with Wipro, with sotisfoclory performonce bosed on gools ond objeciives.
30 dovs'
33.l3re tho: I HAVE / HAV; NoT oppeored for o WIPRO inlervie*'within the losl
r:: r=. r-: .-r, HAvE l HA;; NoT vrorked in ony of the wrpRo rocotions before.
-c csiion
aZrrvrrt Industriol Estole' Mothuro Rood'
. ..tr: (.. :a- ,-a( ( trerr' Delrl""rcooperolive
1 10044
* Corry your Lelier of lntenl when you corne to submit your documents'
I" Photo lD proof: PAN cord/Photo Credit cord/Election Cord/photocopy of ihe possport/photo lD of
school/ College/AodhorUlD cord / Driving license
2. Address lD proof : Possporl, Driving license. Telephone bill, Electricity bill, Bonk occouni
slolement, Rolion cord & Voters lD cord (if it hos oddress)
3. Photocopies of qll Educotionol Certificotes
4. Photocopy Birth Certificote (HSC Cerlificole) / PAN Cord / Posspori / Driving License
5. Releose / Relieving / Experience letter from previous employer / Accepled copy of the resignotion
from the current employer (if opplicoble)
/ 6. Solory certificote / Poy Slip / Q6py of the oppoinlmeni letter with solory breok-up of the losl
-.--^ ^ -^-{
Along with the obove menlioned documenls, the releose letter / experience letlers for sll the
mentioned experiences hove lo be submitled
From To
Experience /
S.No Nome of the Orgonizolion Releose Letler(s)
(mm/yy) (mm/yy) (Yes/No)
A bonk occounl with q Bonk lisled with the orgonizolion needs to be opened by the employee in
order for his/ her solory lo be disbursed. ln cqse this is not done, solory connol be crediled. The
Employee needs lo submil lhe following to open on occounl olong wilh the occount opening
l: Pholo lD Proof:
Any of ihe following documents lhot con be ioken o: o Volld PhctolD proof:
l. Possport
2. Government lD cord
3. PAN ccrd
4. Voters lD cord
5. Driving License
6. Photo Credii Cord
7, Bonker's verificotion
8. Aodhor UID
Documenls foken os lD proof need fo be o#esfed by the employee with full signofure.
l. Possport
2. Driving license
3. Telephone bill
4. Electricity bill
5. Bonk occount stotemeni I
6. Rotion cord
7. Voters lD cord (if it hos oddiess)
8. Le'tter from the corporcte conflrming the cddress of ihe inC;';ii,o e-!:..s:: :.=- -:
solory occounts, os peliheir records. This moy olso be token os o conscl,:cr3c ,3':e- 3 c-i
with the lislof employee nomes opening solory occounts.
?. Letter from the socieiy (only registered societies) on ihe letterheod which conies the 't
society's Registrotion No. The lelter should corry lhe opplicont's nome & full oddress os well
os lhe signotories' full nome, designotion (Secretory. President) onfl oddress.
10. Monthly outgoings bill from Registered Housing society on the letierheoC rvhich aa'"i:-- {f,:
society's Regi5{1s119n No. (1./,oir-rlenc'ce chor3es receipt is:'-'3o :. --: ': - : :-' '. l-
i 1. Regisirotion documents/O"vnership proof copy
'l2. Leose deed/Rent ogreement copy
13. Mobile posipoid bill
Lelter from ony recognized public outhority (in originol)
15. Letter from the corporote confirming the moiling oddress of the indiu'iCuol os per-iheir
Documenls loken os oddress proof to be ollesled by the employee with f ull signolure
GROUP AA Locqlion:
(ref grid l)
Your working days and hours will vary based on your training
and process requirements
3 Answers to common quelies are enclosed in the attached FAQ'
ofler will automatically stand revoked without any further notice
4 This offer is valid for 30 days from the date of Issue Post which this
change from time to time
The above terms are sublect to Gompany policy and may lndergo
is 2500 Rs.1250
Rs. 938
' :a'fe10N Rs. 1875
.::.' : -.I-.-i.:: .--: ::::
639 - 35
6539 50 n. r0
C-L'*^'*'*"$* Date: zsf ''/'+
Name : EflPdA' C-l']'ERA44clZ:T Y