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News you can trust * Wednesday 22 November 2023 Vol. 21, No 1,554 N400 facebook/businessdayonline @businessdayng @businessDayNG
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Exchange-Traded FX 3M 6M Soybean 370.16 -9.94% Turnover-NGN’ mn 451,424,838 5.88%
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L-R: Doris Anite, minister of industry, trade and investment; Wale Edun, minister of finance and coordinating minister of economy; A.V. Wirtschaft, chairpeson, Afrika-Verein Dee deutschen; President Bola Tinubu; Yussuf Tuggar,
minister of foreign affairs; and Sabine Dall’omo, chairperson, Afrika-Verein Dee deutschen wirtschaft Germany, at the German-Nigerian Business Forum in Germany, yesterday.
Why Nigeria isn’t among Nigeria wants to borrow less but ignores...
Continued from page 1 options available includ-
ing boosting export indus-
investors’ favourite destinations countries to attract invest- the form of jobs. For a country nication company Etisalat and
Framework and Fiscal
Strategy Paper.
For Nigeria, debt is the
easier of the two funding
trial expansions, attracting
foreign direct investment,
unlocking capital through
joint ventures and unlock-
By Folake Balogun options. Exploring revenue ing dead capital.
ment. These smaller countries whose population will surpass UK-based Intercontinental
relative to Nigeria are offering that of the United States by Group. opportunities requires dis- “I have argued that the
NIGERIA has ranked among
the top global places investors investors more than Nigeria 2050 to become the third most The exit of another mul- ciplined planning, honesty, problem is that we are too
should avoid due to its poor is willing to and are therefore populous nation globally, jobs tinational makes the job of time-tested officials, eco- focused on the (small) do-
governance ratings, according stealing a march on the “giant are critically needed,” Charles President Bola Tinubu to lure nomic reforms and consis- mestic market. We should
to the latest World Economic of Africa”. Akinbobola, analyst at Sofi- foreign direct investment tent government policies be focusing on exports,”
Governance Index. For instance, in the lat- dam Capital, said. (FDI) even harder. that can inspire investors’ Seun Smith, a public finance
On Tuesday, the rating est 2023 Rule of Law Index He added: “This minute, “The evidence at hand confidence. analyst, said.
agency graded Africa’s biggest released by the World Justice you are in business in Nigeria, is that Nigeria is extremely
Debt, on the other hand, “As long as the President
economy D, which indicates Project, Nigeria finds itself and the next minute you could harsh to foreign companies
placed 120th out of 142 coun- be out by the stroke of the and that does the country no requires far less rigour and a and his administration con-
poor governance and a level
tries and 23rd among 34 coun- pen of a clueless government favours in its bid to lure new basic commitment to repay. tinue to focus on the very
shy of other economically chal-
lenged countries like Lebanon, tries in Sub-Saharan Africa official who seeks to protect investments and create jobs The problem however is poor, very small domestic
Syria and Yemen. regarding adherence to the his ego more than the jobs of for its teeming youth popula- that the room for more bor- market, then we are never
On the World Economic rule of law. thousands of people. tion,” a senior business leader rowing is fast diminishing, going to make progress,”
Governance Index, Nigeria Countries ahead of Nigeria “Other times a government told BusinessDay. which has made it ever more he added.
was ranked 40.8. For rule of in the Sub-Saharan region in- policy is enough to frustrate FDI inflow into Nigeria has important that the govern- Olisa Agbakoba, senior
law, it got 30.9; press freedom, clude Rwanda, Namibia, Mau- foreign investors and send tumbled in recent years, slip- ment goes the harder and partner and head of the Ar-
52.1; political rights, 53.5; and ritius, Botswana, South Af- them packing. The upside for ping to a 10-year low in 2022.
more demanding route of bitration and ADR practice
corruption, 26.7. rica, Senegal, Ghana, Malawi, these investors is that there Total FDI in the first quarter
The Gambia, Benin, Burkina are growing options in other of 2023 was a paltry $48 million, raising fresh capital rather group at Olisa Agbakoba
Countries with less than
Faso, Tanzania, Kenya, Togo, African markets”. a 69 percent decline from $155 than binge on debt. Legal, said the proposed bud-
100 score are rated poor while
countries with above 100 are Zambia, Ivory Coast, Niger, In August, GlaxoSmith- million recorded in the first Data from Nigeria’s bud- get for 2024, which stands at
rated high in terms gover- Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mada- Kline (GSK), a British mul- quarter of 2022. get implementation report N26 trillion, can be funded
nance indicators. gascar, Angola and Guinea. tinational pharmaceutical In March, Unilever’s Nige- showed the government in by strategic efforts without
“Don’t invest in countries The WJP report employed and biotechnology company, rian subsidiary said it would 2022 spent a total of N5.65 acquiring debts.
with poor governance. They eight key indicators to as- announced plans to exit Nige- stop manufacturing homecare trillion on debt servicing, “I wrote to the former
can cost you billions and ex- sess countries’ performance: ria, after 51 years of operation and skin-cleansing products as representing 106 percent minister of finance, pointing
pose you to legal and political constraints on government in Nigeria. it sought to make its business
of the total N5.30 trillion out something called ‘MOFI’,
troubles,” the World Economic powers, absence of corruption, GSK’s eventual exit from “competitive and profitable.”
open government, fundamen- Nigeria has been a long time Unilever recorded a foreign revenue generated within Ministry of Finance Incorpo-
Governaance report said.
tal rights, order and security, coming and adds the health- exchange loss of N14.36 billion the period. rated; it holds all the assets
Experts said this develop-
ment alongside other many regulatory enforcement, civil care company to a list of for- in the second quarter of 2023, In the first six months of the federal government.
challenges have spooked for- justice, and criminal justice. eign companies that have up from N1.06 billion in Q1. of 2023, the federal govern- As a result of my letter, she
eign investors out of Africa’s “Nigerians will pay the ul- dumped Nigeria. The company said the re- ment’s total expenditure inquired and came up with
most populous nation. timate price of the country be- The list includes South valuation loss arose from stood at N8.5 trillion while preliminary findings that
That has coincided with coming less of an investment African retailer Shoprite, foreign currency-denominated its revenue amounted to N5.1 Nigeria had N33 trillion. So,
the race by other African destination, particularly in Abu-Dhabi Based-telecommu- balances related to trade loans. trillion, creating a deficit of when you say N26 trillion,
N3.4 trillion. the problem is not that we
While the Federal Gov- don’t have money, but that
Reps to audit Lottery Trust Fund
for spending 100% IGR
By Joy Odor projects carried out by the
Fund. He added that the
THE House of Representa- Fund spent and incurred
tives committee on finance a deficit of N255 million in
on Monday agreed to ap- 2022 because they had a car-
point an external auditor ryover of liabilities in 2021.
to audit the accounts of the On what the N6.2 bil-
National Lottery Trust Fund lion revenue in 2022 was
for spending 100 percent spent on, Bello said they
of its internally generated intervened in many areas,
revenue (IGR). including education, sports
James Faleke, the chair- development, social ser-
man of the committee also vices, public welfare and
directed the Fiscal Respon- disaster management.
sibility Commission and the He added that the money
Office of the Accountant- was also spent on the run-
General of the Federation ning cost of the Fund and
to also probe the Fund and confounded the lawmakers
submit their reports to the when he said that the Fund
L-R: Emem Bassey, chief medical director, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital; Simi Alabi, Clinical Lead for Population Health, BLMK committee. was also expected to pay
Integrated Care System; Wasiu Adeyemi, representing the minister health and social welfare; Jude Emejulu, professor of Surgery/ Faleke gave the order emoluments, allowances
Neurosurgery, Nnamdi Azikiwe Teaching Hospital; and Ibrahim Wada, Founder of Nisa Medical Group, during the Doctor For Change when Bello Maigari, the and benefits of members of
Conference 2023 in Lagos. executive secretary/CEO of its board, as well as salaries
the Fund, appeared before and allowances of staff.
the committee in the ongo- Faleke said, “It’s like the
HEALTH ing 2024-2026 Medium Term government opened this
Improving border governance for Nigeria’s economy and national security
viser, highlighted the gov- of authorized people and face in Nigeria owing to Integrated border man- The hallmark of good
ernment’s plan to set up a goods, and preventing our vast border fronts. agement: The Balance be- border management is
dedicated border security smuggling, human traf- However, while adopting tween Globalization and preventing illegal migra-
force to address Nigeria’s ficking, and infiltration. smart border manage- National Security tion, smuggling, and in-
porous borders during the As a security function, ment aligns with global Globalization demands filtration of insurgents
2021 Paris Peace Forum. the free movement of and terrorists. Although,
Although concrete steps people, goods, and ideas. efficient border manage-
in this direction are yet to Although, efficient border management is not However, the increas- ment is not just a matter of
be fully realized, acknowl- just a matter of security; it is fundamental to ing threats at the border security; it is fundamental
edging the necessity for require heightened vigi- to Nigeria’s economic
improved border manage- Nigeria’s economic prosperity and should be lance and robust controls. prosperity and should be
By Adebayo Adeleke
ment is a crucial first step. a top priority for Tinubu’s presidency Striking a balance be- a top priority for Tinubu’s
The recent deployment tween economic prosper- presidency.
of fully armed tactical ity and border security is Borders are central to
personnel by the Nigeria it calls for coordination economic trends, Nigeria crucial for Nigeria. national security and the
Security and Civil De- and concerted action faces unique challenges. Border management smooth flow of trade be-
WHEN President Buhari fence Corps (NSCDC) to by various government This means that simply is an integral part of cause goods cannot move
imposed border closure secure borders with the agencies to secure our having infrastructure military security and de- between countries unless
in 2019, it was perceived Niger Republic through frontiers and safeguard and technology is insuf- mands proactive intel- they pass through their
as the solution to Nige- Katsina State is a positive our nation from the risks ficient; there is a need for ligence, inclusion of tech- borders. However, secu-
ria’s perennial insecurity development. However, involved in the movement a comprehensive strategy nological advancements, ritizing border govern-
and economic challenges, with over 1400 illegal bor- of goods and people from that includes geopolitical, and coordinated action by ance in Nigeria requires
though it was with mixed der routes, 86 official land Nigeria to other African social, and economic con- bureaucrats, politicians, a multifaceted approach.
results. Despite the gov- borders, and 14 seaport countries and vice versa. siderations. economic agencies, secu- Acknowledging the short-
ernment declaring the border control posts, ad- To manage Nigeria’s bor- Nigeria has a very rity personnel, and other comings of past policies,
policy a success, sever- dressing the multifaceted ders effectively, it is re- large and complex bor- related stakeholders of embracing smart border
al studies and national challenges requires more quired to take a holistic der, which it shares with the nation to safeguard management, and foster-
realities suggested that than isolated efforts. approach, considering the the Niger Republic to the our borders from any sort ing international coop-
the closure fell short of Understanding smart terrain and relationships North, Chad, and Cam- of infiltration and attack. eration are vital steps
achieving its intended border management it has with its neighboring eroon to the East, the Gulf toward ensuring national
purposes. A critical factor Coordinated border countries. of Guinea and the Atlantic security and economic
contributing to this fail- management encompass- A competent border Ocean to the South, and prosperity. Policymakers
ure was identified as the es a range of activities management system the Benin Republic to the must therefore recognize
inadequate governance of beyond physical closure, calls for the tight cou- West. The varied terrain, the interconnected nature
national borders. including the regulation pling of technology and climatic conditions, and of border management
Retired Maj.-Gen. Ba- of legal and illegal im- infrastructure that is diplomatic relationships Adeleke, a supply chain and challenges and work col-
bagana Monguno, the for- migration, ensuring the capable of handling the add layers of complexity, security expert, writes from the laboratively to address
mer National Security Ad- safe and secure movement geopolitical, social, and demanding more than just diaspora them effectively.
economic challenges we technological solutions.
Frank Aigbogun Need for Nigeria to domesticate renewables value chain
EDITOR Nigeria has an abundance tion in the oil and gas indus- related costs, coupled with a tems will be made reap the
Tayo Fagbule of sunlight, wind, water, and try by prescribing minimum Without local number of government sub- economic benefits by way of
with the rise of renewable thresholds for the use of local sidies granted to photovoltaic local job creations and con-
energy sources as the next big services and materials for the manufacturing of solar companies and organisations tribution to infrastructural
DEPUTY EDITORS deal, the country has a chance promotion of technology and panels, photovoltaic in countries such as the Peo- developments.
Lolade Akinmurele to leapfrog its economic devel- skill to Nigerian labour in the ple’s Republic of China and The Federal Government
John Osadolor, Abuja opment but there is a caveat. oil and gas industry.
(PV) batteries, and the United Kingdom. of Nigeria boasts of creating
Without developing local Nevertheless, Nigeria has other essentials, The average cost of en- 250,000 jobs through the five
NEWS EDITORS manufacturing capacity for an abundance of sun, water, the country will be ergy generated by large-scale million solar home systems
renewable energy components and wind but to harvest these solar plants is around $0.068 drive. But it exports more
Femi Asu (print) in Nigeria, the mistakes in the energy resources, the country exporting jobs to China kilowatts per hour (kWh), jobs abroad than it creates
Temiloluwa Bamgbose (online) country’s oil and gas sector will imports literally all the compo- where these renewable compared to $0.378 ten years locally due to the absence of
again rear up their ugly heads nents and equipment required. ago and the price fell 13.10 local manufacturing capac-
in the management of this Without local manufacturing energy components percent between 2018 and 2019 ity for renewable energy
CHIEF MARKETING & SALES growing energy source. of solar panels, photovoltaic and equipment are alone, according to figures by components.
For decades, Africa’s big- (PV) batteries, and other es- the International Renewable China, currently the
MANAGER gest oil producer has extracted sentials, the country will be made Energy Agency. world’s leading producer of
Ijeoma Ude and exported crude oil without exporting jobs to China where However, in Nigeria, the solar PV equipment as well
local value addition. these renewable energy com- cost of solar installations has as the largest installation
GM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (North) Consequently, it imports ponents and equipment are able energy components and refused to fall because there market accounted for 2.20
Bashir Ibrahim Hassan refined petroleum products to made. This repeats the story in equipment will be dependent are no large economies of million jobs or more than half
meet domestic demand because the oil and gas sector where the on ancillary industries such scale to drive local manufac- of global sector employment.
there is no local capacity to country has for decades failed as glass making, an alumini- turing and push prices down. By comparison, the United
ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER refine them. Nigeria imports to make locally the essential To fix Nigeria’s energy States is currently home to
um-manufacturing base, and
Queen Nkwocha practically all the technology pieces of equipment required access to rare earth elements supply challenge the Federal around 240,000 solar energy
and equipment required for and to build an ecosystem or minerals. Government under the Eco- jobs, according to the 2019
FINANCE MANAGER the exploration and produc- that ensures technology is At the moment, most of nomic Sustainability Plan jobs report by the Interna-
Adedayo Adetoye tion of oil. transferred. Nigeria’s domestic demand for (ESP) intends to install solar tional Renewable Energy
Even though the Nigerian Without value addition glass as a result of infrastruc- home systems in five million Association (IRENA).
Content Development and through local application of the ture development is imported. homes coordinated by the It is a game of numbers
COPY SALES MANAGER Monitoring Board (NCDMB) technology and manufacturing Rural Electrification Agency and volumes. Local manufac-
Meanwhile, local manufactur-
Florence Kadiri has committed to changing of the equipment vital for build- ing of solar panels consumes in partnership with private turing of these solar compo-
this narrative in the oil and gas ing a sustainable renewable large quantities of photovol- companies. This relies on nents and equipment is about
DIGITAL ADVERT SALES MANAGER sector, it is important to realise market, Nigeria will simply taic glass, which is used in low-cost, single-digit interest upstream of the sector. As-
that if Nigeria does not develop be exporting jobs to China and solar modules that produce loan facilities from the Central sembling solar components
Linda Ochugbua the capacity to make compo- other parts of the world. Bank of Nigeria. is the mid-stream and solar
solar energy. There is a negli-
nents and equipment required Government has to get gible local ecosystem for this. Since Nigeria does not installation is downstream.
for renewable energy, it will be serious with de-risking the The cost of solar power manufacture solar energy For local manufacturing,
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD exporting jobs to countries that sector if they want to avoid the panels is dropping at a stag- systems equipment and com- that is, for the upstream to
Imo Itsueli have built the capacity. mistakes that were made in the gering rate worldwide, as ponents it will rely on imports take off there have to be many
The main purpose of the oil and gas sector. a result of the narrowing to fulfil this demand. The local players in the mid-stream
Mohammed Hayatudeen
local content act of 2010 was to A thriving local manufac- gap between solar energy economies of the countries demanding for these solar
Afolabi Oladele increase Nigerian participa- turing industry for renew- where these solar home sys- components and equipment.
generation costs and other
Vincent Maduka
Opeyemi Agbaje
Amina Oyagbola
Bolanle Onagoruwa
Fola Laoye
Chuka Mordi
Akinsola Johnson
Juliet Anammah
Charles Anudu
Tunji Adegbesan
Eyo Ekpo
Wiebe Boer
Paul Arinze
Ivana Osagie
Boye Olusanya
Ayo Gbeleyi
Haruna Jalo-Waziri
Clement Isong
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Business Event
C&I Leasing’s gross earnings hit N16bn in Q3
By Amaka Anagor-Ewuzie tion (EBITDA) as against N7 ing to the OECD’s Economic
billion recorded in the same Outlook. Uncertainty over
C&I Leasing Plc, a trans- period in 2022. the evolution of the war
portation logistics solutions Ugoji also announced in Ukraine, and the recent
company, has announced that the group recorded a 12 happens between Israel
a nine percent growth in percent increase in profit and Palestine can smear
gross earnings in the third after tax of N414.1 million the GDP with a growth rate
quarter of this year. year-on-year which was from 3 percent in 2023 to 2.9
According to the compa- achieved through a combi- percent in 2024.
ny’s third-quarter financial nation of top-line growth, “Africa’s GDP is expect-
report, the gross earnings cost reduction initiatives ed to grow from $2.98 tril-
grew nine percent to N16.3 and optimal utilisation of lion in 2022 to $3.144 trillion
billion year-on-year and it assets. by the end of 2023. Major
was driven by the growth of According to him, ba- contributors to the GDP in
its marine business which sic earnings per share of Africa are Nigeria, South
accounted for 69 percent of 42 kobo increased by 221 Africa and Egypt; this is L-R: Henry Akpede, vice chairman, Lagos Advertising and Ideas Festival (LAIF) Management Board;
total gross earnings for the percent YoY due to higher due to their population size, Lekan Fadolapo, director-general, Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria; Colette Otusheso, head,
9-month period. earnings, adding that year- natural resources and level event and public relations committee, LAIF Management Board; Jay Chukwuemeka, chairman, LAIF
Speaking during the facts to-date growth in total assets of economic development,” Management Board; and Lanre Adisa, executive board member, Association of Advertising Agencies of
behind the figures briefing increased by 25 percent to he said. Nigeria, during the 2023 LAIF Awards, in Lagos.
in Lagos, Ugoji Lenin Ugo- N72.1 billion, largely driven He further pointed out
ji, chief executive officer/ by assets being held in cur- that inflationary pressures,
managing director of C&I rencies other than local. as well as exchange rate fluc-
Leasing Plc, said its net op- He said the Capital Ad- tuations, have been issues
erating income increased by equacy Ratio increased 800 the company continues to
10 percent to N8.5 billion in basis points to 35 percent deal with, adding that meas-
the first half of 2023, which on the back conversion of a ures are in place to ensure
is an increase from the N7.6 $10 million convertible note; the company hedges against
billion reported in the third total assets witnessed a 25 such uncertainties as an
quarter of 2022. percent increase to N72.1 increased focus is now be-
He said there was an billion in Q3. ing given to non-asset-based
eight percent increase to “The global economy has revenue options to create a
N7.5 billion in Earnings witnessed turbulent few counterbalance for low asset
Before Interest, Taxes, De- years and a weak recovery utilisation caused by shrink-
preciation, and Amortiza- seems on the cards accord- ing demand for the assets.
How banking sector performed in 2022 - Afrinvest
Stories by Hope Moses-Ashike look is quite positive. You can see
from the numbers, the banking
IN 2022, the world grappled with sector has continued to grow quite
high inflation and Central Banks’ aggressively, despite a more sort
responses through interest rate of tepid growth from the general
hikes to tame consumer price economy.”
increases. He said whereas Nigeria has
Notwithstanding, the global averaged about 2 to 3 percent
economy was resilient with a growth over the last few years,
growth of 3.5 percent. However, the banking sector is averaging
Nigeria experienced a slight slow- about 19 percent growth in terms
down in GDP growth, reaching of assets, and that profits have
only 3.1 percent compared to 3.4 been quite impressive.
percent in 2021. Meanwhile, the “You can see the numbers as
financial services sector posted they report. Look at UBA num-
a more robust 17.2 percent GDP bers recently. So the banks are
growth (10.5% in 2021). able to ride on the momentum
In its 2023 banking sector re- of potential and particularly in a
port, Afrinvest West Africa noted situation where the government
that profitability was impacted continues to borrow, the banks
by rising operating expenses can also use the liquidity to take
(OPEX), which squeezed profit advantage of those opportuni-
margins. Consequently, the com- ties,” he said.
bined gross earnings of banks In his presentation, Abiodun
within Afrinvest’s coverage uni- Keripe, managing director, Afr-
verse saw a 24.6 percent growth invest Research and Consulting,
in 2022, reaching N7.1 trillion. noted that the monetary policy
However, pre-tax profit (PBT) and strategy under the Central Bank
profit after tax (PAT) increased of Nigeria (CBN) era failed to
by only 20.6 percent and 9.1 per- preserve the institution’s primary
cent, respectively, a slower pace analysts at Afrinvest said. “Although CAR remains above margin moderate to 27.1 percent objectives, and the outcome of
compared to the prior year’s 25.6 Notably, the industry’s aver- the regulatory threshold, we in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2022. this hampered banks from fully
percent and 22.0 percent growth. age non-performing loan (NPL) recommend industry recapitalisa- “All in all, the performance optimising their potential.
“In terms of asset creation, ratio improved to 4.2 percent in tion to mitigate the impact of in- of the banking sector failed to He highlighted the five policy
the loan books of our coverage 2022 from 4.9 percent, thanks to flation and currency devaluation inspire a solid outing on the do- metrics under which banking
banks expanded 6.3 percent to more robust credit risk manage- on capital to enhance global com- mestic bourse owing to regulatory sector operated in the last era to
N30.0 trillion in 2022, reflecting ment practices by banks. How- petitiveness,” the report stated. policies and the global trend of include price stability, exchange
CBN’s efforts to increase credit ever, impairment charges rose For the non-interest Banking rising benchmark interest rates. rate management, monetary poli-
accessibility. This expansion by 61.5 percent in 2022, partly due segment, its growth potential Resultantly, the NGX Banking-10 cy anchor strategy, government’s
was supported by an 18.8 percent to Nigerian banks’ exposure to remains enormous and under- index rose 2.8 percent in 2022 un- banker, and banking regulation.
growth in deposit bases, reach- Ghana’s sovereign debt default. pinned by factors, such as a large derperforming the broader mar- According to him, the banking
ing N63.2 trillion, as banks com- Meanwhile, industry Capital Ad- population with an interest in ket’s 20.0 percent appreciation for sector’s total asset grew by 16.1
peted fiercely to attract deposits. equacy Ratio (CAR) experienced a non-interest products and favour- the year,” the report noted. percet to N85.1 trillion in 2022
Furthermore, aggregate credit slight decrease of 64bps to 20.8 per- able regulatory support for the Speaking at the official un- from N25.8 trillion in 2014.
extended to the private sector cent (ex. Ecobank Transnational industry. However, the negative veiling of the report in Lagos, The sector posted N1.2 trillion
increased by 9.7 percent in 2022, Incorporated & Unity Bank) due pass-through of elevated operat- recently, Ike Chioke, Group man- profit after tax in 2022, represent-
a decrease from the 19.7 percent to a faster increase in the risk- ing costs amidst high inflation aging director of Afrinvest (West ing an increase of 10.8 percent
growth in the previous year,” weighted assets by 9.7 percent. has seen the industry’s net profit Africa) Limited, said, “The out- over N0.5 trillion recorded in 2014.
Afreximbank’s Oramah wins Zik prize in leadership Polaris Bank promotes financial inclusion
THE President of the African “The scale of the Bank’s in- Also honoured at the cer-
through customer rewards scheme
Export-Import Bank (Afrexim- tervention in support of African emony were Zambian President POLARIS Bank Limited has intensi- event; as well as participation of
bank), Benedict Oramah, was countries at times of global crisis Hakainde Hichilema as win- fied its drive in promoting financial over 1221 customers through the
on Sunday in Lagos awarded the is unprecedented,” he said, add- ner of the Zik Prize in Political inclusion by rewarding its loyal bank’s virtual network and social
2021/22 Zik Prize in professional ing, “It introduced, in year 2020, Leadership. Governor Godwin customers who participated in the media handles.
leadership by the Public Policy the Pandemic Trade Impact Miti- Obaseki of Edo State, Nigeria, bank’s savings scheme. One of the lucky millionaires
Research and Analysis Centre gation Facility, with disbursed who received the Zik Prize in Consequently, five lucky Nigeri- commended the bank for putting in
(PPRAC). funds at more than US$7 billion, Good Governance; Taiwo Afo- ans recently hit a fortune when they place the promo at this time which
In a citation, Pat Utomi, head and, in year 2022, the Ukraine labi, Chairman of SIFAX Group, emerged millionaires in the ongoing he said was relevant saying “Thank
of the PPRAC Zik Prize selection Crisis Adjustment Trade Financ- awarded the Zik Prize in En- Polaris Bank Save & Win Promo. you to Polaris Bank for making me
committee, said that Oramah is ing Programme for Africa, a trepreneurial Leadership; and The live quarterly draw of the a millionaire. I never expected this
being recognised for his remark- US$4 billion programme of credit Hajiya Aisha Atiku Baguda, who promo which took place in Lagos, surprise. This money definitely
able piloting of Africa’s premier facilities to manage the impacts was honoured with the Zik Prize further underscored the bank’s came in at the right time, I will tell
multilateral financial institution of the Ukraine crisis on African in Humanitarian Leadership. dedication to fairness in all its pro- my friends to open accounts with
to deliver on its mandate of boost- economies and businesses”. Past recipients have included motions and activities. Polaris Bank and participate in the
ing economic expansion in Africa, Speaking after receiving the notable leaders like President The development is in line with promo so we can all become mil-
by financing and promoting in- award, Oramah said that he Jerry Rawlings of Ghana, Presi- the bank’s commitment to reward- lionaires.”
tra- and extra-African trade and cherished the honour bestowed dent Nwalimu Julius Nyerere of ing its loyal customers across the Speaking at the live draw event,
accelerating industrialisation.” on him because he valued the Zambia, former OAU Secretary nation. the representative from FCCPC;
“A key promoter of the Af- principles, philosophy and val- General Salim Ahmed Salim, The winners emerged through a Susie Onwuka said, “We’ve been
CFTA as Africa’s pathway to ues of Azikiwe who lived an President Sam Nujoma of Na- draw exercise which was witnessed monitoring Polaris Bank since
industrialisation, he championed extraordinarily exemplary life. mibia, President Nelson Mandela by its representatives and relevant the promo started and it has been
the introduction of a Pan-African “Azikiwe and his colleagues of South Africa and President Agencies of government; Federal fair, they comply with rules and
Payment and Settlement System fought tirelessly, with courage, Yoweri Muzeveni of Uganda. Competition & Consumer Protec- guidelines. Customers should feel
that was adopted by the African intellect, and determination for The Leadership Awards were tion Commission (FCCPC), National free and confident to participate in
Union as the payment and settle- the independence and political instituted in 1995 in honour of Lottery Commission (NLRC) and the promo”.
ment platform to underpin the emancipation of our continent,” late Nnamdi Azikiwe, first Presi- Advertising Regulatory Council of During the unveiling of the lucky
implementation of the AfCFTA. said Oramah. “What they did was dent of Nigeria, to recognise and Nigeria (ARCON) who confirmed millionaires, Polaris Bank’s Chief
He has also led the onboarding just the beginning of the journey. encourage outstanding leader- that the 5 lucky winners were Digital Officer (CDO), ‘Dele Adey-
of 500 of the continent’s 600 regu- The true emancipation will occur ship on the African continent selected across Nigeria’s various inka also expressed the bank’s com-
lated commercial banks into its when we attain economic inde- and in the African Diaspora. It regions spanning the geo-zones mitment to encouraging a culture of
Afreximbank Trade Finance Fa- pendence. As a leader of one of was not held in 2022 as a mark Each winner received a cash savings among its customers. “The
cility, placing it in the vortex of the continent’s key institutions of respect to the passing of two prize of N1,000,000. During the draw, Polaris Bank Save & Win promo is
the most extensive bank messag- created to help deliver develop- members of the Advisory Board, the lucky winners were called at not just about rewarding custom-
ing network on the continent,” ment, I’m mindful of the role that Prince Emeka Obasi and George random using a hybrid media tech- ers; it’s also about encouraging our
continued Utomi. we play.” Obiozor. nology which enabled in-premises customers to save for the rainy day”.
ARM Pension secures
residential mortgage funding
for 24 contributors
By Modestus Anaesoronye Managers significantly con-
tributes to socio-economic
ARM Pension Managers, a development by increasing
leading Pension Fund Ad- homeownership opportuni-
ministrator (PFA) in Nige- ties and improving housing
ria has secured funding for affordability.
over 24 contributors to ac- This milestone, the com-
quire residential mortgage. pany said underscores ARM
In this vein, the com- Pensions’ dedication to se-
pany has disbursed a total curing members’ financial
of N258, 162,261.56 in pension futures and enhancing their
funds to the 24 esteemed overall well-being.
clients. Wale Odutola, managing
In what the PFA de- director of ARM Pensions,
Tope Smart, chairman, NEM Insurance Plc (Front) leading the staff in the company’s fitness exercise along Ikorodu-Road Lagos recently
scribed as ground breaking commended the team’s dedi-
development within the fi- cation and efficiency in
Ahmed Salawudeen, SICL lead the pack walk two times in a year
as part of the company’s
efforts to promote healthy
this building, we deliberate-
ly included a Gym-Center so
that our staff can take time
at Business Day BAFI Awards workforce as critical for in-
creased productivity.
to walk-out and refresh dur-
ing the week. We believe
By Modestus Anaesoronye profile guests such as sen- ance categories since the edged as the Dean of Insur- According to the com- this will go a long way to im-
ior executives from lead- first edition of the awards ance Brokers in Nigeria. pany, that is also part of its pact positively in the health
THE eagerly anticipated ing companies in the real held in 2013. He is carrying forward contribution to promoting of our workforce.
11th annual Banks and sector of the economy and In naming SICL as the the torch of excellence lit insurance education and “Our fitness work is
Financial Institutions advisors in professional Insurance Broker of the decades ago by pioneers awareness, which helps to held twice, the first one is
(BAFI) Awards organised services. Year, the Judges Commit- such as Talabi Adebayo increase penetration and up- in March while the last one
by Business Day held at the At the event held in La- tee noted that the company “TA” Braithwaite, Femi take of insurance in Nigeria. for the year is held between
high-end Lagos Continen- gos, Standard Insurance “has sustained a client Johnson, J.A. Thomas, The event, which held October and November. We
tal Hotel has recognised Consultants Limited (SICL) retention rate of over 95 John Akinwunmi George Saturday and second for use this avenue to keep fit
Standard Insurance Con- dusted its competition to per cent, while clawing and Sonny Iwedike Odog- the year started from its and promote insurance edu-
sultants Limited (SICL) as win the coveted Insurance greater market share in a wu, who wrote their names corporate headquarters cation and more awareness
Insurance Broker of the Broker of the Year Award. highly competitive market in gold. on Ikorodu Road through for the industry in general.”
Year and its founder, Pro- It recognizes a broker that and sagging economy. Its According to Business- Maryland and back to the NEM Insurance was in-
fessor Ahmed Salawudeen has demonstrated sus- investments in technology Day, “a Lifetime Achieve- Ikorodu road office. corporated in 1970 as a Ni-
for Lifetime Achievement tained business expansion, and aggressive pursuit of ment Award is conferred Tope Smart, chairman gerian company in compli-
Award in Insurance successful implementation large corporates are ena- on an individual who has of the company said this is ance with the Companies
The BAFI Awards are of transformative business bling it to capture both re- made outstanding con- part of the company’s tra- Decree of 1968; the company
the industry standard for strategies, and notable im- tail and institutional client tributions to a sector’s dition aimed at building a became quoted on the Nige-
business excellence and cli- provements in client ser- layers.” progress, impact and up- healthy workforce, which is rian Stock Exchange in 1989
ent service in financial ser- vice as well as retention Icing was added on the liftment of professional expected to impact positive- following the privatization
vices in Nigeria. over the coverage period. cake by a Lifetime Achieve- standards.” ly on out productivity. by the Federal Government
As has been the tra- The award represents a ment Award in Insurance This year marked the He said “Is our tradition of Nigeria. The company,
dition, the glamourous hat trick for SICL, which conferred on its founder, first time that Business- to promote healthy work- which has contributed im-
awards ceremony attracted won it in 2021, and 2022. Professor Ahmed bin Day conferred a Lifetime force and we believe our mensely towards the growth
top executives from the This feat has never been Salawudeen. Achievement award on a workers must not only be of Insurance Industry in
financial services sector, achieved by any other com- Salawudeen is an indus- personality in the Insur- intelligent and profession- Nigeria, was into Life and
who were joined by high- pany in any of the insur- try veteran widely acknowl- ance industry. als alone, but they must be Non- Life business.
thinking outside
business in the nation, despite Programme’ donated grinding The three successful partici- into the financial system by
the economic expansion and machines to over 600 women pants who won N3 million grant 2020, according to Enhancing
the possibility for economic across Nigeria alongside a cash
the box to provide
each to support their business Financial Innovation and Ac-
prospects,” it said. token to tackle unemployment. operations were Oluwatobi Oy- cess (EFInA), a financial sector
Another recent report The first set of the women etimein (XDCManufacturing), development organisation.
showed that over 75 percent of
small firms in the country were
who received the support were
drawn across four cities in the
innovative Uche Udekwe (Natal Cares)
and Chioma Ukpabi (Kahdsole
But the country failed to
meet the target as financial
affected by rising cost of inputs,
while half of them faced fluctua-
country, namely Abuja, Cala-
bar, Asaba, and Port Harcourt.
solutions to Designs).
“The young entrepreneurs
inclusion grew to 64.1 percent
in 2020 from 63.2 percent in 2018.
tions in demand.
In examining small busi-
According to the technology
driven bank, the grinding ma- prevalent issues were thinking outside the box
to provide innovative solu-
The World Bank’s 2021 Glob-
al Findex report also showed
in the country
nesses in low-income neighbor- chines will enable the benefi- tions to prevalent issues in the that Nigeria’s banked popula-
hoods of developing countries, ciaries to improve productivity, country,” Anayo Nwosu, Group tion increased by 15.6 percent-
the report found that, among build their customer bases, and Head, Retail, SME, and value age points to 45.3 percent. This
firms tackling increased input increase their income levels chain at Keystone Bank said. implies that almost 56 percent of
costs, the majority, 48 percent while the cash will help them to He said all the participants Nigerians are unbanked.
NPA warns truckers over illegal container PTML to receive largest container-
RORO ship in West Africa
stripping along Tin-Can road By Amaka Anagor-Ewuzie
Every electoral season is an opportunity to put the performance of the incumbent administration under critical lenses to identify
the gaps and concerns related to the delivery of good governance.
With the announcement of the controversial results of the November 11th guber elections, the winners have daunting tasks
ahead of them with their respective states grappling with the challenges of government failure.
Over 71% of the
people in Yenagoa
Pipeline vandalism,
cultism, illicit oil
refining, and
Revenue (IGR)
89% 37%
flooding in 2022. kidnapping are contributed a an indictment for
among the criminal meager 8% to a state with the
activities that take the state potential to create
place in Bayelsa revenue between jobs for its
State. Some 2020 to Q3 2022. citizens.
suspected cultists
Duoye Diri use the Oloibiri oil
field as a shelter.
Flood and erosion
impacted 33
communities In
Rising crime rates,
with Okigwe,
Oguta, and Orlu
IGR contributed a
meager 15% of
the state's
41% 57%
Ohaji-Egbema local governments revenue between
LGA in 2022. as epicenters of 2019 to Q3 2022.
Hope Uzodinma
In 2022,
12 out of 21 local
Rising security
concerns such
as armed banditry,
IGR contributed a
meager 23% of
the state’s
16% 39%
in the state were kidnapping, and revenue between
flooded. conflicts between 2015 to 2022.
farmers and
herders most
especially in
Dekina LGA.
Ahmed Usman
Newly Elected
! It is important that beyond the ballot box, citizens protect their votes and hold elected
representatives accountable to good governance by every necessary and legal means.
#RSVP #OfficeOfTheCitizen
Source: EiE Research, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
Israel battles Hamas near another Gaza
hospital sheltering thousands
ISRAELI forces pressed their whose body was recovered
offensive against Hamas in in Gaza, had been wounded
northern Gaza on Monday, in an Israeli strike on Nov.
battling militants around a 9 that killed her captor, but
hospital where thousands of was then killed by a Hamas
patients and displaced peo- militant in Shifa.
ple have been sheltering for The military has previous-
weeks, raising Palestinian ly released images of several
fears of another painful stand- guns it said were found inside
off and evacuation of a medical an MRI lab and said that the
facility. bodies of two hostages were
A medical worker inside found near the complex.
the facility and the Health The Associated Press was
Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza not able to independently con-
said a shell struck the second firm the military’s findings.
floor of the Indonesian Hos- Hamas and hospital staff
pital, killing 12 people. Both have denied the allegations
blamed Israel, which denied of a command post under
firing a shell at the hospital, Shifa. Senior Hamas official
saying its troops returned fire Osama Hamdan dismissed the
on militants who had fired on latest announcement, saying
them from inside the 3.5-acre “the Israelis said there was a
compound. command and control center,
The advance came a day which means that the matter
after the World Health Organi- is greater than just a tunnel.”
zation evacuated 31 premature Three in four people
babies from Shifa Hospital in displaced
Gaza City. At least 28 were Israel has repeatedly or-
transported to Egypt on Mon- dered Palestinians to leave
day. More than 250 critically ill northern Gaza and seek ref-
or wounded patients remain uge in the south, which has
stranded at the compound amount to collective punish- on Monday with equipment in Shifa, which can no longer it said was a tunnel discov- also been under aerial bom-
that Israeli forces stormed ment of the territory’s 2.3 mil- from Jordan to set up a field provide most treatment after it ered at the hospital, 55 meters bardment since the start of
days ago. lion Palestinians. hospital. Jordan’s state-run ran out of water, medical sup- (60 yards) long and about 10 the war. Some 1.7 million
Gaza’s hospitals play a Marwan Abdallah, the media said the hospital in the plies and fuel for emergency meters (33 feet) below ground. people, nearly three quarters
prominent role in the battle medical worker at the Indo- southern town of Khan You- generators. It said the tunnel ended at a of Gaza’s population, have
of narratives over the war’s nesian Hospital, said Israeli nis would be up and running Israeli forces battled Pal- blast-proof door with a hole been displaced, with 900,000
brutal toll on Palestinian civil- tanks were operating less than within 48 hours. estinian militants outside its in it for gunmen to fire out of. packing into crowded U.N.-
ians, thousands of whom have 200 meters (yards) from the Claims about Shifa gates for days before entering Troops have not opened the run shelters, according to
been killed or buried in rubble hospital, and that Israeli snip- Babies evacuated from Shi- the facility on Wednesday. door yet, it said. the U.N.
since the conflict was sparked ers could be seen on the roofs of fa hospital arrived in Egypt, Four babies died in the two Israeli forces also released Strikes in the Nuseirat
by Hamas’ Oct. 7 rampage into nearby buildings. As he spoke according to the country’s days before the evacuation, security camera video show- and Bureij refugee camps
southern Israel. In the wake over the phone, the sound of state-run media, after the Pal- according to Mohamed Za- ing what they said were two Monday killed at least 40
of the assault, Israeli leaders gunfire could be heard in the estinian Red Crescent rescue qout, the director of Gaza foreign hostages, one Thai people, according to hospital
vowed to eradicate Hamas, background. service said it was transport- hospitals. and one Nepalese, who were officials, and residents said
destroy its ability to rule Gaza Abdallah said the hospital ing 28 premature babies across Israel’s army said it has captured by Hamas in the dozens more were buried in
and uproot its militant infra- had received dozens of dead the border. It was not imme- evidence that Hamas main- Oct. 7 attack and taken to the rubble. Bundled against
structure. and wounded in airstrikes and diately clear where the other tained a sprawling command the hospital. Hamas said its a chilly wind from Gaza’s
Israel says Hamas uses shelling overnight. three babies who were evacu- post inside and under the fighters brought them in for approaching winter, a line of
civilians as human shields and In a separate development ated from Shifa were. hospital’s 20-acre (8-hectare) medical care. men prayed over more than a
that it operated a major com- that could relieve some of the Following that evacuation, complex, which includes sev- The army also said an dozen bodies on the grounds
mand hub inside and beneath pressure on Gaza’s collaps- over 250 patients with severely eral buildings. investigation had determined of the nearby morgue in Deir
Shifa. Critics say Israel’s siege ing health system, dozens of infected wounds and other On Sunday, the military that Israeli army Cpl. Noa al-Balah before loading them
and relentless bombardment trucks entered from Egypt urgent conditions remained released a video showing what Marciano, another captive onto a truck. (AP)
The BusinessDay Nigerian Business Leadership Awards recognises remarkable business leaders and
outstanding organizations in Nigeria’s real sector for their sustained commitment to excellence in
The Awards honour private sector leaders who have:
• Made significant contributions to the Nigerian economy through jobs creation, national development
and fostering of international trade
• Shaped the Nigerian economy through major strides in home-grown innovation and opening new vistas
of opportunity.
• Demonstrated visionary capacity and nationalism through their inward investments, thereby pushing
Nigeria’s rise in global competitiveness rankings.
Delayed bill deprives insurers of risk-based...
Continued from page 1 pleted by the end of 2024.
Ebelechukwu Nwa-
their capital. chukwu, chairman of the
The Consolidated In- sub-publicity committee
surance Bill, which has of the Insurers Commit-
been in the pipeline for tee, said after a meeting
over 13 years, seeks to in Lagos that RBS was
create the regulatory en- ongoing.
vironment that allows the She said: “As you
regulator, the National know, the regulators had
Insurance Commission visited a lot of offices and
(NAICOM), to implement we noticed some excep-
risk-based capital among tions from the visit, for
other critical market re- example the use of unli-
forms. censed agents, and the
Rasaaq Salami, head regulator has spoken to
of corporate communica- us very strongly about en-
tions and market develop- suring that all the agents
ment at NAICOM, said the or brokers we use are
industry is at the finalisa- licensed.
tion stage of risk-based “The regulator said
supervision (RBS), after we should make sure
which it will advance to that their licenses are up
RBC and other critical to date and renewed as
reforms that have been against doing business
incorporated in the insur- with brokers who are not
ance industry’s 10-year registered or operating Abiola Arogundade (l), senior special assistant to the President on technical, vocational and entrepreneurship education;
strategic growth plan. with expired licence, call- and Sharmini Devi Gopal, Malaysian Charge d’Affaires to Nigeria, during a meeting to explore new partnerships and open
Salami said: “For the ing for self-regulation as doors for international collaboration in vocational training, in Abuja, recently.
risk-based supervision, foundation for risk-based
we are progressing, em- supervision.”
phasising the exhaustive She also noted that the with the National Assem- Association (NIA) had in The association hinged has been a major point of
nature of the exercise Consolidated Insurance bly to make sure we have a presentation at a public its position on a 2013 re- the association’s engage-
which is leading to the Bill is important to the that bill passed. hearing on the bill during port by the International ments with the commission
commission’s RBS team industry, saying efforts “There are lots of is- the 9th National Assem- Monetary Fund (IMF) that during the last recapitalisa-
engaging each of the in- were being made by the sues we discussed, but the bly said that in adopting prescribed the risk-based tion exercise.
surance companies and regulator to ensure that strongest part is how im- risk-based capital ade- capital model as the most “We are convinced that
evaluating their position the bill is passed as soon portant RBS and RBC are quacy template, it took suitable for the Nigerian the risk-based capital ad-
as foundation for kick-off as possible. to our operations. Those cognisance of the need to insurance market. equacy template is the
of the reform.” She said: “We took two concepts are recom- consider insurance risk, It said at the time: “When best fit for the insurance
He said the commence- some conversations on mended very strongly as market risk, credit risk the bill is eventually signed industry in Nigeria, espe-
ment of RBC depends on the Insurance Bill and how part of the 10-year Nigeria and operational risk as into law in line with this cially given the fact that
the completion of RBS, important it is to be passed Insurance Industry Stra- well as the need to apply proposal, it will lay to rest the 2013 IMF Report has
expressing the hope that and the regulator assured tegic Growth Plan.” such capital charges on the contentious issue of the prescribed it and the com-
this stage would be com- its continued engagement The Nigerian Insurers assets and liabilities. definition of capital which mission agreed with it.”
Nigeria projects $10bn revenue
from national shipping line
By Favour Okpale, Abuja The minister said that generated seaborne trade.
the sector could be trans- “The ministry’s decision
THE Nigerian government formed through the PPP to consider the re-establish-
is projecting to earn over models of synergy between ment of a National Shipping
$10 billion annually from the private sector’s efficien- Line, through a strategic
the National Shipping Line cy and the public sector’s PPP arrangement, is borne
it is planning to re-establish. oversight which will spur out of our desire to capture
It says the shipping will also growth and open opportuni- a substantial share of the
engender growth and fur- ties for local players in the estimated $10 billion annual
ther unleash the potential of sector. ship charter market within
the country’s marine sector. According to him, the the country. Let me hasten
Adegboyega Oyetola, additional value for local to say that this initiative
minister of marine and players particularly, in- will not seek to impede the
blue economy, said this at cludes ship construction, growth of local players but
a maritime stakeholders’ maintenance, and repairs rather provide an avenue
roundtable in Abuja, where as this would enable local for them to create and ex-
he unveiled the Federal businesses to better lever- tract more value from the
Government’s plan to re- age the Cabotage Act, which sector, especially through
establish the national ship- gives Nigerians the exclu- ship construction, mainte-
ping line. sive right to control locally nance, and repairs.”
Oyetola, in a statement
signed by Olujimi Oyetomi,
director of press and public
I, formerly known and addressed I, formerly known and
relations in the ministry,
as Miss Onyemaechi addressed as Kekeh
said the shipping line would Chinyere Miracle, now wish Chibunna David, now wish
operate on a public-private to be known and addressed as to be known and addressed
partnership (PPP) model to Mrs Nlebem Uchechukwu as Kekeh Chibunna. All
fashion out strategies and Chinyere Miracle. All former former documents remain
policies that will drive de- documents remain valid. valid. General public should
velopment in the maritime General public should please
please take note.
sector. take note.
X3M Ideas wins ‘Agency of
the Year’ at LAIF Award
By Folake Balogun got a silver, Showmax “No
one tells a story like we do”
X3M Ideas, a creative agen- got 4 silvers and a gold. The
L-R: Victor Olannye, registrar/chief executive, Chartered Risk Management Institute of Nigeria (CRMI); Ezekiel Oseni, president; Abraham
cy, has emerged overall agency creative work for
Adewale Osinubi, dean, School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos (UNILAG); Gboyega Ehinmowo, sub-dean, School of
winner at the 2023 Lagos Nirvana’s “Lyrics of Inno-
Postgraduate Studies; and Magnus Nnoka, former president, CRMI, during CRMI executives’ visit to UNILAG in Lagos, yesterday.
Advertising and Ideas Festi- cence” - got a Gold, a silver
val (LAIF) Awards with 276 and a Bronze while FNM’s
points ahead of its closest “My Kitchen” got a silver,
agency, Noah’s Ark which Migo got a gold and a Bronze.
POLITICS secured 255 points. Other X3M Ideas work
that gave it the victory in-
LP senators kick as Akpabio names new minority leaders Insight Publicis Limit-
ed garnered 234 points to clude Jameson in Design for
its Independence Day pack,
take the 3rd position in the
By Godsgift Onyedinefu, Abuja sacked by the Appeal Court. Tony Nwoye, a sena- Senator Abba Morro, it will highly competitive awards which got two silvers. LPM’s
Immediately after the tor representing Anambra be unfair for me to ignore the ceremony. “Voices in my Air” got a gold
THERE was uproar dur- announcement, lawmakers North, said it was unfair majority signatures. At the In the breakdown of the and two silvers in radio and
ing plenary at the Senate from the minority caucus for Akpabuo to determine same time, it would be unfair award, X3M Ideas clinched New media. Then the rest
on Tuesday after Godswill raised objections to the an- their leaders. to see someone who has the 15 Gold, 20 Silver and 7 of the Golds 11, silvers 9,
Akpabio, the president, nouncement. “It is unfair. Are we your majority and I wouldn’t an- Bronze while Noah’s Ark and Bronze 5 were shared
announced Abba Morro Okechukwu Ezea, a sen- slaves? Why will the Senate nounce him, it doesn’t matter won 12 Gold, 16 Silver and 17 between The Extra Step
of the Peoples Democratic ator representing Enugu president be picking leaders your personal reservations, Bronze. Insight went home Initiative’s “Soot Life Expec-
Party (PDP), represent- North said, “It is unfair for us? You have done your I just want to plead with my with 9 Gold, 16 Silver and tancy”, Loritem’s “Wasteful
ing Benue South as the and against the spirit of worst. You have pushed us colleagues to understand 15 Bronze. 19 other creative Culture” and Newsrooms
minority leader, and Osita Nigerian constitution”. He to the wall”, he yelled. that my job is not to take in- agencies participated in the vote to predict.
Ngwu, also a PDP senator, was not happy that PDP Afterwards, Akapbio dividual opinion, but to work competition, including Leo Steve Babaeko, CEO at
representing Enugu West, senators had dominated the asked the minority to put on the basis of truth. Burnet Limited, which took X3M Ideas, reacting to the
as minority whip. minority leadership. their house in order first, So, this issue of minority the 4th position with 9 Gold, various awards won by the
Morro takes over from He also noted that the saying he was only working leader or minority whip 4 Silver and 4 Bronze which victory, described it as an-
Simon Mwadkwon, while process for choosing mi- with what he was given. is for now rested until we gave the agency a total of 117 other wake-up call to his
Ngwu replaces Darlington nority leaders has not been ‘In my front, I have two produce an alternative pa- points. team to continue giving their
Nwokocha of the Labour completed among the mi- papers, the majority of the per in the future”, Akpabio In the final analysis, X3M best to any brief that comes
Party. Both senators were nority caucus. senators have signed for declared. Ideas’ Glo “School teacher” before them.
FG sees Caverton becoming hub for tween 2012 and 2016. Oil- impact on asset valua-
dependent Nigeria lost tion. This development
much-needed foreign ex- did not bode well for this
metric. Thus, there is a
Nigeria’s financial market: FX, local investor
capacity weigh down progress
By Samuel Koranteng Adjei foreign investor confidence. able public debt profile and a
Fig 1. Nigeria’s 7-Yr Historical Score This pillar moderated the sound banking sector made
FINANCIAL market infra- country’s financial market up for poor economic growth.
structure and private capital performance for two consecu- Equally contributing to the
from Africa and beyond are tive years whilst the others average score of 68.4% for this
crucial to Africa’s progress. struggled. The pillar averaged pillar is the periodic provision
The growth of financial mar- 88.9% between 2017 and 2023. of macroeconomic data and
kets enables both domestic This pillar is the highest scor- monetary policy communique
and international investors to er for Nigeria and highlights by the regulatory authorities.
gain entry into rapidly devel- a transparent and regulated Nigeria’s alignment with
oping African nations. investing environment. The international legal and con-
The Absa Financial Mar- adoption of international ac- tractual standards, leading to
kets Index (AFMI) monitors counting conventions such the use of master agreements
the progress of indexed Afri- as International Financial Re- developed by the Interna-
can nations and highlights porting Standards (IFRS), the tional Swaps and Derivatives
the influence of policymakers, move by regulators to phase Association (ISDA), as well as
regulators, and market par- in Basel III capital framework the Global Master Repurchase
ticipants on the sustainable in bank capital adequacy Agreement (GMRA) and Glob-
development of their respec- requirement equally con- al Master Securities Lending
tive financial markets. The tributed to the higher scores. Agreement (GMSLA), serves
index employs both quantita- Policy moves that helped the to strengthen the legality and
tive and qualitative analysis to market included extending enforceability of rules in its
traded one place down in 2019 Sustained development
rank financial markets based the exemption from withhold- financial market. Netting-
to sixth. The drop in place was Generally, Nigeria’s financial
on the following six pillars: ing taxes on capital market off provisions made by the
attributed largely to its mul- market performed well in
market depth, access to for- transactions and modifying Companies and Allied Mat-
tiple exchange rate reporting. four out of the six scoring pil-
eign exchange, market trans- the tax system to increase the ters Act of 2020 and the Banks
The ranking rallied up to third lars of AFMI. Market depth,
parency, tax and regulatory revenue base while enhanc- and Other Financial Institu-
in 2020 with a score of 65%, market transparency, tax
environment, capacity of local ing the effectiveness of ad- tions Act of 2020 boosted the
buoyed by an enhanced con-
investors, macroeconomic score for the legal standard
tractual and legal framework Table 1. Nigeria’s Pillar specific rankings (2017-2023)
environment and transpar- and enforceability pillar. The
(close-out netting) in its repo
ency, and legal standards and score catapulted from 42% in
and derivative markets. Even
enforceability. The index has 2018 to 87% in 2020, signifying
though the country averaged
become an important tool for the importance of investor
65.8% between 2021 and 2023, it
institutional investors and confidence in standardized
held on to its third-place spot.
African countries at large in and enforceable contractual
This was made possible by
assessing their performance obligations. The strides made
its attractive regulatory and
relative to their counterparts. by the Central Bank of Nigeria
market environment and the
A review of the continent’s (CBN) in recognizing netting
adoption of standard master
financial markets through the arrangements for transac-
agreements, which encourage
index’s lens shows the dynam- tions using the aforemen-
investor confidence. Nigeria’s
ics of policy initiatives at play tioned global standard agree-
overall scores over the seven-
in each financial jurisdiction. ments culminated in Nigeria
year review period average
Notably, South Africa has averaging a score of 92.8%
62.8%. The policy initiatives
been the dominant financial post-2018. However, a much
and conditions that have con- and regulatory environment, ministration and regulation.
market over the seven-year higher score would not have
tributed to Nigeria’s financial macroeconomic environment Tax treaties and double taxa-
period, with all scoring factors been out of reach except for
market performance since the and transparency, and legal tion agreements with over
influencing her position posi- the lack of a well-established
maiden edition of AFMI are standards and enforcement a dozen nations and rising
tively. Mauritius, Namibia, insolvency framework.
discussed below within the constitute the golden geese of company ratings also boost
Botswana, and Kenya con- framework of the index. Nigeria. The country consis- market growth. Incentives
sistently jostle for a place in Emerging market challeng-
tently scored 50% and above for Environmental, Social and
the top five. Nigeria, Africa’s es
and averaged 61.3% for the Governance (ESG) asset issu-
biggest economy, on the other Most, if not all, governance
depth of its financial market ance and ESG integration into
hand, has been ranked third mechanisms in Sub-Saharan
except in 2017. The depth of the financial market standards
on the continent since the Africa have failed at the eco-
financial market is measured are further initiatives.
COVID-19 pandemic crisis. A Nigeria, Africa’s in terms of the equity and Incremental scores over
nomic structural retooling re-
quired post-independence for
bronze medallion is fine, but biggest economy, bond market sizes as well as the seven-year period were re-
sustained economic growth.
why settle for it when gold liquidity. The small but highly corded for the macroeconomic
is more desirable? Bringing
on the other active equity market, the environment and transparen-
The commodity-led (less-val-
to the fore the factors deny- hand, has development of sukuk bonds, cy factors. It is one of two pil-
ue) export-led economies in-
herited in the 1950s and 1960s
ing Nigeria a pole position is been ranked and the plethora of products lars in which Nigeria scores
have not changed much. De-
the spirit of this brief. After such as equities, corporate 50% and above for the indica-
all, after rebounding from a
third on the bonds, government bonds, FX tors measured in three key ar-
pendency on revenue accruing
sixth-place finish in 2017, Ni- continent since swaps, currency futures, and eas of economic performance
from such commodities as co-
coa, gold, and oil to implement
geria’s financial market has the COVID-19 ETFs on the market position (GDP growth and export com-
the many post-independent
stagnated at third place for the Nigeria well with respect to petitiveness), financial risks
past four years.
pandemic market depth. The existence (debt profile and health of the
development plans without
crisis. A bronze of a functioning primary and banking sector), and macro
strategic risk management
cost the continent a decade of
Nigeria’s scorecard (2017- medallion is fine, secondary market for gov- transparency (transparency
economic retrogression. The
2023) ernment instruments also in monetary and fiscal policy
Nigeria’s financial market
but why settle for contributes positively to the communications). Negative
rampant military takeovers of
ranked sixth in the inaugural it when gold is market’s development. economic growth (recession)
the 1970s, usually with a rheto-
ric to fix the economy, were
edition of AFMI with a score more desirable? The transparency of Nige- coupled with a subdued oil
a dire result of such failures.
of 53%. An improved score of ria’s financial market along- price were major pain points
61% positioned the country Not much has changed since
side the tax and regulatory for Nigeria over the review
at fifth in 2018. The country environment fosters local and period. Nonetheless, a sustain- Continues on page A4
Published by BusinessDAY Media Ltd., 6A George Street, off Mobolaji Johnson Avenue, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. Advert Hotline: 08033225506, 08033042209. Subscriptions 01-2950687, 07045792677. Newsroom: 08164361208
Editor: Tayo Fagbule. All correspondence to BusinessDAY Media Ltd., Box 1002, Festac Lagos. ISSN 1595 - 8590.