Three segments :
Two consonants ( beginning and end )
Single vowel ( between consonant )
Speech Segments - determines where one meaningful unit (e.g., word or morpheme)
ends and the next begins in continuous speech, and it is critical for auditory language
- Tremendous variations exist across language with the range in size from around
dozen phoneme to near 100 depending upon the language ( Handbook of the
international phonetics association, P .27 )
3 features : voicing , place of articulation , manner of articulation.
Manner of Articulation
1. Plosives - Also quotes stop they are sounds made by blocking off the
bloodstream entirely for a very short period of time, just long enough to build
pressure behind the articulators. [ p ] , [ b] , [t], [d], [k], [g].
Nasals - Just as the name suggests, produce by lowering the soft palate and blocking
the oral cavity with the lips or the tongue, then let go of the air out of the nostrils .
/m/ = make /n/ = nice /n/ = long
AFFRICATES – English has two affricates consonants , one voiced and one
- Real consonant sounds; Made by combining a plosive and affricative . They
begin as plosives and end as fricatives.
- [t͡ʃ] = church and [d͡ʒ] = judge
Palatal - Front of the tongue touching the hard palate .
Stop + Fricative
Sound Production : Tongue causes complete blockage of air
After air is released: Tongue creates obstruction of the air flow creating the
kind of turbulence like a fricative.