Manuscript 051
Manuscript 051
Manuscript 051
This study explored the association between teachers’ and students’ preferred methods and focus of feedback in
academic writing, and students’ level of motivation. It used the descriptive-correlational method using
questionnaire to derive information about teachers’ methods and focus of feedback and students’ level of motivation
in writing and their preferred methods and focus of teachers’ feedback. The respondents were 26 senior high school
teachers handling writing subjects and 150 senior high school students from eight public high schools in Camarines
Sur, Philippines, in 2020. Results show that students have a higher level of extrinsic motivation than intrinsic one.
Both teachers and students showed high preference for direct feedback, comprehensive feedback, and student
conferencing, indicating a close correspondence between teachers’ methods and students’ preferred methods of
feedback. However, variation in focus for providing feedback was noted for both groups. The teachers’ inclination
for direct feedback did not resonate with that of students’ preference. This inquiry shows that students’ competence
influences both student and teachers’ preferred methods of feedback. It also suggests that enhancing students’
language proficiency through classroom discussions and activities is the first step needed to be done to help the
students become more confident to write and revise their compositions.
Keywords: writing, motivation, methods of feedback, focus
One of the many challenges met by teachers handling writing subjects is the lack of motivation among students.
The study of Paurillo (2019) found that senior high school students were bored, passive, and unmotivated in a
writing class. They were not confident and felt unsettled every time there is a writing activity. Students’ lack of
motivation in writing is one of the factors that contribute to the poor writing skills of Filipino students in English
based on the findings of Saavedra and Barredo (2020). They argued that teacher’s assistance can greatly affect
students’ motivation to learn and develop language skills. However, students are not given the chance to choose
preferred methods and focus of feedback as teachers often hold the decision. Teachers tend to give feedback without
considering students preference in providing information about their performance. According to Yamalee and
Tangkiengsirisin (2019), this gap between teachers’ practices and students’ preferences may cause dissatisfaction
and loss of motivation among students.
Students’ dislike of the teacher’s method of giving feedback can be detrimental to students’ perception and
learning. The findings of Chokwe (2015) and Agbayahoun (2016) revealed that students discard teachers’ feedback
because they are not satisfied with it. The teachers’ method of providing feedback did not motivate them to improve
writing, thus they viewed feedback as not good, demotivating, and not beneficial for them. The same observation
besets the local setting and is still found a persistent issue in classroom instruction. Students ignore and disregard
feedback in writing especially when it is solely focused on grammar correction. Other students complained about
not understanding what the feedback meant, so they consequently have difficulty in revising their compositions. In
some instances when a teacher asked the class to give feedback on their classmate’s composition, the students were
doubtful about the quality of their classmate’s feedback, so they hesitated to use their corrections or comments
(Robles and Torres, 2020). Mismatch between teacher and learner expectations is considered by Nunan (1987, as
cited by Yunus, 2020) as a severe problem because this results in students’ low motivation and disappointment
which affect the success of feedback (Schulz, 2001, in Black and Nanni, 2016).
Students who have high levels of motivation especially intrinsic motivation perform better than those who are
not motivated. Students who are intrinsically motivated become more persistent to learn and succeed (Morrow and
Ackermann, 2012, in Balacuit and Inabangan, 2019; Schreiber, 2017) because they are more flexible and do not
give up easily when faced with challenging tasks. Extrinsic motivation also helps students perform better especially
in the context of Filipino learners based on the studies of King and Ganotice (2013), Datu (2017), Castro (2018),
and Balacuit and Inabangan (2019) because the learners consider learning how to write better in English will help
them receive tokens, praise, or recognition which give them the feeling of meeting the social expectations and the
confidence to succeed in finding a good job in the future and making their families proud. However, students who
are extrinsically motivated are more at risk of developing negative feelings like anxiety, boredom, and hopelessness
(Ouano, 2011) especially in challenging situations.
Some studies discussed the importance of considering students’ preferences for feedback to be beneficial to
the students (Boramy, 2010; Agbayahoun, 2016; Singh, 2016; Black and Nanni, 2016; and Al-wossabi, 2019).
When their preferred methods and/or focus are considered, the students felt more involved (Middleton and Perks,
2014; Li and He, 2017), optimistic and open to discussion (Boramy, 2010), confident and more intrinsically
motivated to improve (Hamouda, 2011; Singh, 2016).
There were studies that showed a consistency between the students’ preferences and the methods and focus of
feedback students received from their teachers (Sarie, 2013; Leng, 2014; Seker and Dincer, 2014; Bijami et al.,
2016; Al-wossabi, 2019), while there were also studies that presented the discrepancies between teachers’ practices
and students’ preference (Hamouda, 2011; Agbayahoun, 2016; Castro, 2017; Nguyen (2019), and Aquino and
Cuello (2020). This means that there were studies wherein there was a match between the teachers’ and students’
preferences, and studies wherein what teachers and students prefer and expect differ from one another.
Consistent with the foregoing studies, the present study considers feedback as an important aspect in academic
writing because it helps students learn from errors and thus improve their writing skills. The present study also
considers motivation as an essential tool in learning and improving writing skills because it drives and sustains the
students to continue working on a given task. However, the foregoing studies did not explore whether a significant
relationship between teachers’ methods and focus and students’ over-all motivation in writing exists or not. The
studies also did not examine which among the different method/s and focus of feedback relates with and predicts
students’ motivation in writing.
What renders this study different from the previous studies is its respondents and its purpose. This study not
only aimed to determine whether the methods and focus of teachers’ feedback match with what the senior high
school students prefer, but to further investigate whether there is a correlation between teachers’ methods and focus
of feedback and students’ motivation in writing. It also examines which among the different methods and focus of
feedback predicts students’ motivation in writing.
This study aimed to identify whether teachers’ methods and focus of feedback in academic writing matched with
students’ preferences, and whether teachers’ methods and focus of feedback are related to students’ motivation in
writing. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What level of motivation do students have in academic writing?
2. What are the students’ preferred methods and focus of feedback in academic writing?
3. What are the teachers’ preferred method and focus of giving feedback?
4. What is the difference between students’ and teachers’ preference in giving feedback?
5. What is the relationship between the students’ level of motivation in academic writing and teachers’
preferred methods and focus of feedback?
The descriptive-correlational method was used in the study. Questionnaire was used in gathering data from 26
senior high school teachers handling writing subjects and a stratified random sample of 150 senior high school
students from eight public high schools in the municipalities of Nabua, Buhi, Bato, Baao and Bula in Camarines
Sur, Philippines during the 2nd semester of S.Y. 2019 - 2020.
The teachers’ questionnaire contained statements about methods and focus of feedback. These were used in
order to identify the preferred methods of teachers when they give feedback to students’ writing by asking them
how often they do such. The questionnaire was also utilized to identify which aspects of students’ written
composition teachers focus on when they give feedback.
The first and second part of the students’ questionnaire were meant to identify which methods and focus of
teachers’ feedback do students prefer. The last part of the questionnaire measured students’ level of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation through five factors namely enjoyment, instrumentality, recognition, effort, and self-efficacy.
It was adapted from Ashley Payne’s Academic Writing Motivation Questionnaire (2012). The items from the 37-
item questionnaire were modified and reduced to 24, considering only those applicable to Filipino senior high
school learners. The original items were for American college freshmen students, so it was rephrased into words
that are fit for Filipino senior high school learners. Some items were changed into negative statements for
differentiated semantics and to reduce agreement bias among the respondents.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. Mean and standard
deviation were utilized to identify the students’ level of motivation, students’ preferred methods and focus of
feedback, and teachers’ preferred methods and focus of feedback. The t test determined whether there is a
significant difference between the teachers’ methods and focus of feedback and students’ preferred methods and
focus of feedback. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine whether there is a statistically significant
relationship between teachers’ preferred methods and focus of feedback and students’ motivation in writing.
Estimation of relationships between students’ motivation in academic writing and the teachers’ preferred methods
and focus of feedback was done with the use of regression analysis.
It can be observed that students have an overall high level of motivation (M = 3.46, SD = .629). Among the
aspects of motivation in academic writing, instrumentality is the most motivating aspect (M = 3.95, SD = .799),
followed by enjoyment (M = 3.69, SD = .875), then recognition (M = 3.52, SD = .876) and effort (M = 3.44, SD =
.709). Students have high levels of motivation in terms of instrumentality, enjoyment, recognition, and effort.
However, it is noticeable that students only have a moderate level of self-efficacy (M = 3.20 and s = .719).
The overall results show that the students recognize good writing skills as an instrument to succeed in
academics and in their future careers that’s why instrumentality has the greatest contribution to students’ level of
motivation. The students also enjoy writing that is why it has the second greatest contribution in their overall
motivation. Furthermore, recognition in a form of praise, awards, or grades also motivate the students to write. The
students also strive to exert more effort in their writing tasks because of both intrinsic and extrinsic reasons.
The results also reveal that students have higher extrinsic motivation because they are more driven by external
sources because they perceive good writing skills as an instrument to achieve academic and future career success.
On the other hand, students also have high intrinsic motivation in writing because they feel inner pleasure in the
writing activity since enjoyment also has high contribution in students’ overall motivation. However, this study
shows that students only have a moderate confidence in their writing skills as revealed in their moderate level of
self-efficacy which means that they still need to develop the much-needed confidence in their ability to be
successful in accomplishing a writing task.The students can have tendencies to avoid writing tasks especially if
they find it difficult so there is a need to enhance their confidence in their abilities to write successfully.
Their moderate self-efficacy when it comes to completing a writing task successfully may have been
influenced by their previous experiences of success and failures in writing as well as the difficulties they
encountered as they work on a writing task. Teachers’ and/or classmates’ affirmation and coaching may have also
influenced students’ self-efficacy. This is supported by Van Blankenstein et al.’s (2019) argument that self-efficacy
is enhanced when other people express their faith in a student that he can successfully complete a writing task. If
other people do not express their faith in a student’s ability, self-efficacy will not increase. The coaching done
through feedback should also focus on skills that the students can learn realistically so that their difficulties will be
eased, thus creating confidence in their skills.
Students’ high extrinsic motivation can be explained by Payne’s (2012) claim that extrinsic motivation is
increasingly becoming important as students grow older because adults assume responsibility for different tasks
because of social demands and roles. The result of the present study shows that students believe that having good
writing skills is an essential academic and job skill and will enable them to communicate professionally, so this
extrinsic belief keeps them motivated. The students wanted to meet the social demands and roles, so they are
motivated to do their tasks in their Writing classes and improve their skills in writing. This can also be explained
by Ouano’s (2011) and King and Ganotice’s (2013) claim that receiving tokens or praises gives the students the
feeling of meeting social expectations as associated with the collectivist culture among Filipinos. Students feel the
importance of meeting social expectations through grades or praises, so these motivate them to strive to do well in
their writing tasks.
The findings show similarities to the study of Surastina and Dedi (2018) wherein enjoyment and
instrumentality emerged as the two highest contributors to motivation in writing among Indonesian students. This
implies that learners in Southeast Asia are motivated to write because they find writing interesting and challenging
and that they recognize having good writing skills as a means of achieving success. Being motivated extrinsically
and intrinsically means that students can achieve good performance in their writing classes as Balacuit and
Inabangan (2019) asserted that both motivations are essential in helping students perform better in any given task.
Since both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are necessary factors for language learning, it can be inferred that
the students have chances to succeed in their writing tasks because of their overall high level of motivation.
Motivation is a strong predictor of students’ language performance as asserted by Castro (2018). Their high level
of motivation will energize, direct, and sustain their behavior towards the goal of successfully accomplishing
writing tasks. Though it is still better if students’ intrinsic motivation will be increased so they can become more
hardworking and can perform better in their writing classes because inherent satisfaction and enjoyment are more
powerful and long lasting than external rewards as concluded by Cirocki and Caparoso (2016).
However, the self-efficacy aspect of students’ motivation needs to be enhanced so that students can have more
confidence in their writing skills and for them not to avoid any writing task. Students should be given more verbal
encouragement and more activities that can help them master writing to help them have a higher confidence in
themselves. As Moss and Brookhart (2019) claimed, feeling of competence is a powerful motivator. When learners
feel confident with their skills, they become more efficient, effective, persistent, and enduring.
As seen on Table 2, there is only a slight difference in terms of rank of teachers’ and students’ preferred
methods, but overall, the results reveal that students and teachers have a high preference for direct feedback that
has a mean score of 3.97 for students and 4.37 for teachers, comprehensive feedback with a mean score of 4.18 for
students and 4.10 for teachers, and student conferencing with 3.86 mean score for both students and teachers. The
students and teachers prefer feedback that gives attention to all the aspects of composition and gives direct explicit
corrections to errors.
There is a match in the preferred methods of teachers and students because they have the same orientation
when it comes to learning and teaching styles. They both prefer teaching and learning styles that require much
guidance from the teachers to improve students’ knowledge and skills. Both teachers and students favor that the
teacher identifies the error, gives explicit corrections, and explains the feedback or comment further for the student
to understand and improve his composition.
However, this match between the learning styles and teaching styles reveals that methods that will help
students gain more autonomy and become more independent learners are not given a high preference by both
teachers and students. This means that teachers and students do not show high preference for methods that provide
the students with more chances to learn by discovering and correcting their errors with the help of just clues or
symbols given by teachers. Metalinguistic feedback and indirect feedback are not among the top preferred methods
and these methods are proven to make students more autonomous and independent because these require students
not to rely much on teachers for error identification and correction so they will think critically on how to correct
their errors and improve their composition. Students become autonomous and independent if they are given the
chance to learn by discovering and correcting their errors with minimal help from teachers. This minimal help can
just come in a form of clues, error codes, or symbols for the errors or written suggestions on how to improve the
written output.
The top 3 preferred methods by both teachers and students also suggest that the students are not yet confident
enough to identify and fix the errors in their composition without teacher’s help. Because of students’ limited
knowledge and skills as well as confidence in their ability to write well and to identify and correct their errors, both
teachers and students prefer methods in which the teachers give comprehensive and explicit corrections and
explanations. They both think that comprehensive, direct, and explicit corrections are more suitable for the students’
level so there is a match when it comes to students’ and teachers’ preference for comprehensive feedback, direct
feedback, and student conferencing method. The students are not yet proficient in writing as concluded by Leng
(2014), Black and Nanni (2016), Castro (2017), and Yunus (2020), so they prefer methods that involve dependence
on teacher for correction and feedback and an explicit error correction.
The study also reveals a slight difference in terms of rank of teachers’ and students’ least preferred methods.
Indirect feedback, electronic feedback, and peer feedback got the three lowest mean scores from both teachers and
The availability of the gadgets and software as well as lack of trainings on how to give and use feedback
electronically have possibly hindered both the students and teachers from using and liking the electronic method.
Hyland and Hyland (2006a) confirmed that software and training difficulties make this method appear
disadvantageous on the part of both students and teachers. Lorenzo (2016) and Gultiano et al. (n.d.) further cited
that the limited access to internet laboratory, internet connection and/or gadgets prevents both teachers and students
from using the electronic method of feedback.
Teachers’ and students’ low preference for indirect feedback and peer feedback shows that both teachers and
students still prefer methods that involve direct and explicit corrections from teachers to methods that make the
students interact with peers or discover and correct their own errors with the use of clues or symbols only. Both
teachers and students believe that it is the teacher’s duty to give feedback in the form of error correction or
comments to students’ composition. Students’ writing proficiency and confidence in their ability to write are
possible factors that affected their choices of feedback methods. The students are still dependent on teachers for
feedback because they are not yet so proficient in identifying their errors and correcting it on their own. The
teachers’ observations about their students’ ability also contributed to this result. Since the teachers observed that
students could not yet identify their own errors and do self-correction, they could not use indirect method and peer
feedback because these methods do not require explicit corrections from teachers. Teachers think that the students
may not appreciate these methods, or these methods will be too difficult for them as these are not yet suitable to
their proficiency level. If most students are less proficient, it would be difficult for them to identify and correct their
errors with the use of error codes or clues only from the teachers, or to correct the errors in their classmates’
Comprehensive and explicit corrections are much preferred when students have limited knowledge and skills
as pointed out by Leng (2014) and Yunus (2020). These kinds of feedbacks are more convenient for the students
because they have the correct answer already and the students exactly know what to improve (Castro, 2017).
This match between the preferred methods of both parties may explain why students have an overall high level
of motivation. The students are both extrinsically and intrinsically motivated although students have higher
extrinsic motivation.
Hyland (2010) and Hamouda (2011) claimed that students are highly motivated in doing what they prefer. The
students felt comfortable with the methods, so they feel motivated. Since there is a minimal gap between the
methods students expect their teachers to use and the practices of teachers in giving feedback, students are
motivated to write. The students prefer to learn and improve their writing with the help of feedback that gives
attention to all aspects of a composition and is characterized by direct and explicit corrections and suggestions from
teachers. In the same way, the teachers teach and help students improve their writing when they give feedback on
all aspects of a composition, and they identify the errors and give the correct form of these or give explicit
suggestions for the students to easily know which should be improved. This is further supported by the claim of
Ferris (2003) as mentioned by Hamouda (2011) that motivation is improved if the learning styles and teaching
styles match.
Based on the rankings, a discrepancy exists between teachers’ and students’ preferred focus of feedback.
Students’ top preferred focus is organization (M = 4.10) while mechanics ranked last (M = 3.72). On the other hand,
teachers’ top preferred focus is mechanics (M = 4.70), and their least preferred focus is grammar (M = 4.17).
Mechanics ranked first among teachers’ preferred focus while it ranked last among the students’ preference.
It can be inferred that the teachers observed that mechanics remains to be a problematic area in the composition of
senior high school students although Palmer et al. (n.d.) asserted that it should have been mastered or improved in
the intermediate grades. Because of this, majority of the teachers focus more on mechanics when they give feedback
to the students’ compositions with the hope that this will be mastered or at least improved before the students reach
the tertiary level.
The teachers are more focused on the extensive errors in mechanics because these did not meet their
expectations that students should have already known when to use capital letters and observe correct punctuation
marks and spelling before reaching senior high school. The teachers wanted to focus first on these errors before
they look deeper into the more complicated errors in content and organization. They wanted the students to master
first the basics before they give feedback in the content and organization which are more complex. This can be
explained by the findings of Ahmadi et al. (2012) and Palmer (n.d.) which state that teachers focus on the aspects
that they perceive problematic or should have mastered during the previous educational level.
Also, the teachers may have opted to give much attention for correction on the aspect of composition which
they consider as glaring and repetitive errors (Castro, 2017) or extensive errors (Aquino and Cuello, 2020). The
teachers adapt the focus of feedback to what they perceive as students’ language needs (Magno and Amarles, 2011)
because they felt that the senior high school students should already know which nouns or words require
capitalization, use correct spelling, and punctuation marks. The teachers perceive errors in mechanics are repetitive
and extensive ones because these should have been improved or mastered in elementary or junior high school years
as suggested by Palmer et al. (n.d.). The teachers believe that students need to improve or master the mechanics of
writing before they reach the tertiary level, so they give more attention to this.
Another possible reason why teachers focus on mechanics which is easier to spot and correct is that most of
them were primarily trained on giving feedback on mechanics, grammar, and word choice, so they are more used
to identifying and correcting errors on these than on content and organization. This is similar to the findings of
Aquino and Cuello (2020) in which teachers’ training and orientation played a role in their preferred focus of
feedback. Since teachers were mostly trained on giving feedback on the accuracy of language form which includes
grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary, they focused more on these because they felt more confident that they can
give good feedback on these aspects and help the students.
Also, teachers’ workload and the number of students in the class could have possibly affected their choice of
focus. They tend to give attention to the errors that are easier to spot and correct like mechanics because of their
limited time for checking students’ composition considering the other tasks of the teachers. Teachers are not only
expected to teach and check students’ outputs. They also need to make reports and they also handle various
extracurricular activities like training student contestants, attending seminars, and other tasks that are designated to
them by their superiors. Chen et al. (2016) and Aquino and Cuello (2020) cited that teachers focus on the errors
that are easier to spot and correct because they only have limited time to check their students’ work because of the
other tasks that they have which includes preparation of various reports and participation in different extracurricular
On the other hand, this result shows that students think they need more focus on content and organization. The
students prefer that their teachers should give more attention to the organization of their compositions. Mechanics
ranking last among the preferred focus of students implies that the students want to receive more feedback on the
more complicated aspects of composition like organization and content. It can be inferred that they believe that
they need to improve more on these aspects. The students perceive their difficulty in conveying and organizing
their ideas as they write should be addressed by teachers’ focus of feedback.
Saavedra and Barredo (2020) cited that conveying and organizing ideas are among the difficulties of students
when they write. This is possibly the reason why organization is the students’ most preferred focus of feedback.
The students may have been more concerned with how clear and logical they can present their ideas about the given
topic when they write. They wanted to improve their use of transitional words and phrases so their ideas can be
more organized as it moves smoothly from one idea to the next. Aside from organization, students also want the
content of their composition to be given focus by their teachers so they can write relevant, informative, meaningful,
and interesting ideas about the given topic.
It can be inferred that teachers may be giving less attention to the content and organization of the composition
when they check students’ work that’s why students wanted them to pay attention on these two. The students may
have been used to seeing a lot of corrections or feedback on the grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary of their
composition but seldom on the content and organization. This result does not mean that students discredit the
importance of good grammar, correct word choice, and mechanics, but they only want that more attention should
be given on organization and content so they can express their ideas in a more organized, relevant, and interesting
manner. This can be explained by the assertion of Chen et al. (2016) that it did not mean that the students do not
value corrections on the accuracy of language forms which includes mechanics and grammar when they showed
more preference for organization and content. The students only wanted their teachers to give attention not just on
the accuracy of language form but also on how students can communicate their ideas relevantly, interestingly, and
logically by focusing on the content and organization of their composition.
Hamouda (2011) explains that teachers and students differ their views on how much emphasis should be given
to each focus of composition because of the different demands on the learners and teachers’ observations as well.
This could possibly explain why there is a discrepancy in the preferred focus of teachers and students. They have
different values when it comes to focus. The teachers prefer to focus on the easier aspects first before moving into
the more complicated aspects since the students have not yet mastered the basics. On the other hand, the students
believe they need more assistance from their teachers when it comes to the more complex aspects because they
wanted to see more feedback on these so they can improve on these more difficult aspects of writing.
Table 4. Difference between teachers’ and students’ preference in giving feedback in writing
Students Teachers p-value
Preferred Method t-value df
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (two-tailed)
Direct Feedback* 3.97 (1.063) 4.37 (.521) -2.925 68.198 .005
Indirect Feedback* 3.28 (1.009) 2.81 (1.011) 2.203 174 .029
Peer Feedback* 3.21 (1.160) 2.25 (1.168) 3.877 174 .000
Metalinguistic Feedback 3.53 (1.044) 3.38 (.931) .650 174 .516
Student Conferencing Feedback 3.86 (.928) 3.86 (.672) -.013 43.502 .989
Electronic Feedback 2.93 (.969) 2.38 (1.107) 2.592 174 0.10
Comprehensive Feedback 4.18 (.826) 4.10 (.938) .487 174 .627
Preferred Focus
Grammar and Structure* 3.90 (.906) 4.17 (.564) -2.025 50.609 .048
Vocabulary* 3.83 (1.041) 4.31 (.736) -2.258 174 .025
Mechanics* 3.72 (1.021) 4.70 (.468) -7.779 74.754 .000
Organization 4.10 (1.079) 4.31 (.736) -.943 174 .347
Content 4.04 (.914) 4.23 (.738) -.990 174 .323
As shown in table 4, teachers’ preference for direct method (M= 4.37, SD = .521) is relatively higher than that
of the students’ (M = 3.97, SD = 1.063), t (68) = -2.925, p = .005. On the other hand, the students’ level of preference
for indirect feedback (M = 3.28, SD = 1.009) is significantly higher compared to the teachers’ (M = 2.81, SD =
1.011), t(174) = 2.20, p = .029. Students’ level of preference (M = 3.21, SD = 1.160) for peer feedback is also
higher than that of the teachers’ (M = 2.25, SD = 1.168), t (174) = 3.88, p = .000.
Teachers having a higher preference for direct feedback implies that the teachers still hold on to the belief that
they are the only source of feedback and regarded feedback as their responsibility (Hamouda, 2011). This could
also imply that the teachers think they cannot withdraw yet the support or scaffolds they made for the students
through identifying the error and giving its correct form because the students are not yet ready to identify and
correct the errors in their composition. The teachers use this method because they think that the students are not yet
capable of identifying and correcting their errors in their composition. This is similar to the study of Baculi et al.
(n.d.) and Boramy (2010) who reported that direct feedback is used by teachers if the students are not yet proficient
with the language because this method helps them improve their skills by means of providing the correct form of
the errors, making direct feedback a teacher centered method of feedback. The teachers consider using this method
as a means of providing students a guide through the identified and corrected errors which give them the idea on
how to write correctly.
On the other hand, students’ significantly higher preference for indirect feedback and peer feedback possibly
indicate that students also want to experience feedback methods that promote learner autonomy and independence
through self-correction and interaction with peers. The students can learn to be autonomous and independent if they
are given the chance to learn by discovering and correcting their errors with minimal help from teachers. Indirect
feedback and peer feedback may have been among the least preferred methods by both students and teachers in
terms of rank but the significant difference between teachers’ and students’ preference for these methods indicate
that there is a chance for students to appreciate and prefer the indirect method and peer feedback in the long run
when teachers try to use these methods. Since indirect feedback and peer feedback require students to rely less on
their teachers for error identification and correction, there is a need to enhance the students’ language proficiency
first through various classroom activities so the students can have the confidence to work on their own as they
correct their errors and improve their composition.
Given this significant difference, if teachers will also use these methods of feedback and explain their purpose
and importance, it is possible that students will later appreciate these methods as these will give them opportunities
for interactions with classmates and challenge them and help them think more critically as they identify errors and
correct these, thus making them more autonomous and independent. They can think and decide on how to correct
errors and improve their composition without having to rely much on teachers for error identification and correction
because the teachers’ clues, error codes, or suggestions as well peer’s suggestions or comments will only serve as
their guide. In the studies of Ahmadi et al. (2012), Li and He (2017), and Bijami et al. (2016), the students believed
that indirect feedback is more helpful compared to direct feedback because the students were given the chance to
be autonomous and independent because they were challenged to think more critically as they are involved in
noticing and revising their errors. When students are challenged to think more critically and with minimal help
from teachers, they become more autonomous and independent because they rely on themselves to improve their
composition by identifying and correcting their own errors with the help of clues, codes, or suggestions.
In terms of focus, there is a significant difference between the preference of teachers and students in grammar
and structure, vocabulary, and mechanics. The teachers’ level of preference (M = 4.17, SD = .564) for grammar
and structure, t(51) = -2.03, p = .048, is higher than students’ level of preference (M = 3.90, SD = .906). Teachers’
preference (M = 4.31, SD = .736) for vocabulary, t(174) = -2.26, p = .025, as focus of feedback is also significantly
higher compared to students’ preference (M = 3.83, SD = 1.041). The teachers (M = 4.70, SD = .468) compared
to the students (M = 3.72, SD = 1.021) also demonstrated a significantly higher preference for mechanics, t(75)
= -.7.78, p = .000.
This means that teachers have higher preference for accuracy in language form. When they give feedback to
students’ composition, they focus their attention to the correct usage of punctuation marks, capitalization, spelling,
tenses, agreement, and choice of words. The teachers wanted the students to master the language form. Teachers
could not immediately give feedback on organization and content without looking into the accuracy of form first.
If there is no accuracy of grammar and structure, vocabulary, and mechanics, it will be difficult to focus on the
organization and content of the composition. Furthermore, teachers may have observed that mechanics, vocabulary,
and grammar and structure remain a problematic area (Ahmadi et al., 2012) in students’ compositions, so they
focused on these areas that have large number of errors. It is also possible that most teachers are primarily trained
on giving feedback on accuracy of form, so they tend to give more focus on mechanics, vocabulary, and grammar.
This result shows that teachers in Rinconada area wanted their students to master or at least improve
compositions in terms of grammar and structure, mechanics, and vocabulary, during their senior high school years
that is why their preference for these areas is relatively higher compared to students’ preference. The expectation
of which areas of composition should be mastered or at least improved during a particular educational level can be
another possible reason why teachers showed a higher preference for grammar and structure, mechanics, and
This can be explained by the claim of Blau and Hall (2002) as cited in Hyland and Hyland (2006a) that
feedback should start by focusing on the accuracy of form which includes grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics,
then move to the development and organization of the content of the composition. Lee (2009) as cited by Boramy
(2010) claimed that teachers tend to give more focus on correction of errors in grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary
than on the content because of the large number of errors in these areas.
Also, teachers training also play a role in this result as explained by Aquino and Cuello (2020) in which
teachers focus on the accuracy of language form when they give feedback to students’ writing because they are
more trained on these and not much on content and organization.
Relationship Between Students’ Motivation in Academic Writing and Teachers’ Preferred Methods and Focus
of Feedback
The data presented in Table 5 is obtained using correlation to show the relationship between the teachers’
preferred method and focus of feedback and students’ motivation in academic writing. Among the eight methods,
it is evident that only indirect feedback, r(174) = .434, p < .05, significantly correlated to students’ motivation in
writing. It shows a moderate positive correlation.
Table 5. Correlation matrix showing the relationship between the teachers’ preferred method and focus of
feedbacking and students’ motivation in academic writing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Motivation in
Academic Writing
2. Direct Feedback 1
3. Indirect Feedback .434* .215 1
4. Metalinguistic -
.586** .294 1
Feedback .109
5. Peer Feedback .304 .229 .386 1
6. Student Conferencing - -
.489* .422* .019 1
Feedback .218 .054
7. Electronic Feedback .215 .176 .549** .386 .409* 1
8. Comprehensive -
.601** .031 .414* .050 .735** .377 1
Feedback .088
9. Selective Feedback .141 .483* .222 .364 .061 .140 .022 .032 1
10. Focus on Grammar - -
.218 .043 .287 .114 .222 .369 .213 1
and Structure .285 .106
11. Focus on - - -
.321 .229 .370 .119 .593** .155 .396* 1
Vocabulary .026 .159 .047
- -
12. Focus on Mechanics .310 .303 .256 .382 .113 .281 .247 .480* .213 1
.031 .172
13. Focus on
.126 .582** .379 .404* .047 .532** .389* .651** .197 .396* .335 .399* 1 .
14. Focus on Content .126 .552** .370 .419* .000 .590** .389* .732** .524** .453* .553** .785** 1
Note: *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
Although indirect feedback is among the least preferred methods of both teachers and students, the results
show that this is the only method that correlates with students’ motivation. This means that if teachers will use
more the indirect method when giving feedback, the more the students will feel motivated to write.
This result suggests that teachers must gradually let students do self-correction through the indirect method so
that students are given the opportunity to think critically and increase their autonomy, thus, contributing to the
students’ level of motivation. Both teachers and students need to be open-minded about the benefits of indirect
feedback. The students’ language proficiency also needs to be enhanced through classroom discussions and
activities so that the students will feel confident to use language in writing. The teachers may explain the importance
and the philosophy behind indirect feedback so that the students can manage their expectations and even their
anxieties in receiving feedback. Once the students felt at ease with indirect feedback, they may develop preference
for this method in the long run.
This is supported by Lam and Law’s (2007) conclusion that challenging tasks like letting the learners notice
their errors and doing self-correction can help maintain or even increase motivation in writing because students are
given the opportunity to practice independence and autonomy and to enhance their critical thinking. The students
felt more confident and motivated if they can succeed on their own in a challenging task.
Using indirect feedback could also be another way to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation because this
method makes the students feel challenged, autonomous, and independent. The students will become more
intrinsically motivated if they feel challenged when they are asked to correct their errors and improve their
composition without having to rely much on their teachers. The students become more autonomous and independent
if they can think critically on how to improve their compositions with the use of clues, codes, and suggestions from
teachers rather than simply copying teachers’ corrections and purely relying on teachers for error identification and
correction. Intrinsically motivated students are those that prefer challenging tasks according to Cirocki and
Caparoso (2016). Autonomy and independence are also characteristics of intrinsically motivated students according
to Ouano (2011) and Libao et al. (2016).
In terms of focus, none significantly correlated to students’ motivation. However, it is shown that students’
motivation becomes lower if teacher focuses his feedback on grammar and structure as well as vocabulary. Too
much focus of teachers’ feedback on grammar and structure r (51) = -2.03, p < .05, and vocabulary r(174) = -2.26,
p < .05, does not increase the motivation of students in writing. This may be attributed to the claim of Lee et al.
(2018) that too much focus of teacher feedback on the errors especially in grammar and structure, led to students’
low levels of motivation. Students get discouraged seeing their papers full of marks emphasizing their errors in
grammar or vocabulary which makes it overwhelming and counterproductive to revision according to Castro
This result contradicts the findings of Sarie (2013), Palmer et al. (n.d.), and Seker and Dincer (2014) wherein
the students showed high preference for vocabulary and grammar and structure and therefore, were more motivated
to write. Grammar and vocabulary could be two of the problematic areas of composition, so this may be the reason
why teachers focused their feedback on accuracy in grammar and correct choice of words in the composition just
like in the studies of Ahmadi et al. (2012) and Sarie (2013).
Predictor of Motivation
Table 6 shows that a simple linear regression analysis was used to test if teachers’ methods and focus of
feedback significantly predicted students’ motivation in academic writing. When motivation was predicted, it was
found out that only indirect feedback (β = .147, p < .027) was a significant predictor. The overall model fit was R2
= .188, F (1, 24) = 5.567, p < .027.
Table 6. Regression analysis estimation of relationships between students’ motivation in academic writing
and the teachers’ preferred methods and focus of feedback
Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Entered Method
Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
1 (Teacher) Indirect Feedback .
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation in Academic Writing
Model Summary
Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
1 .434a .188 .154 .31567
a. Predictors: (Constant), (Teacher) Indirect Feedback
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression .555 1 .555 5.567 .027b
1 Residual 2.392 24 .100
Total 2.946 25
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation in Academic Writing; b. Predictors: (Constant), (Teacher) Indirect Feedback
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.912 .186 15.657 .000
1 (Teacher) Indirect
.147 .062 .434 2.359 .027
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation in Academic Writing; b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), (Teacher)
Indirect Feedback
The derived regression model equation is motivation in academic writing = .147 x level of teachers’ use of
indirect feedback + 2.912. Indirect feedback predicts motivation and 19% of the motivation can be accounted for
teachers’ use of indirect feedback.
This means that teachers should use indirect feedback to motivate the students to write. To help the students
enhance their intrinsic motivation which includes their enjoyment and self-efficacy, teachers may transition to
partial use of indirect correction from direct correction as what Castro (2017) suggested. Indirect method is not
among students’ and teachers’ top preferred methods, but this result shows that this is the method that can enhance
students’ motivation. The teachers may gradually introduce this method and let the students correct their errors
with the help of the clues or symbols, instead of giving them the correct form of the errors. This will make the
students become aware of their own thinking and regulate their thinking, thus making them feel more independent
and autonomous. Once they feel independent and autonomous, they will feel more confident and competent. The
more intrinsically motivated they will become because of their increased self-efficacy and enjoyment in doing a
writing task. They will feel personal satisfaction from accomplishing challenging tasks like identifying and
correcting the errors in their composition with the help of indirect feedback coming from teachers.
This result is consistent with Hyland and Hyland (2006a), Nguyen (2019), and Nabizadah (2020) that
recommended the use of indirect method when giving feedback to students’ composition as this method encourages
critical thinking, learner reflection, and self-editing among students since teachers only indicate the error by using
a circle or underline or proofreading symbols, without giving the correct form. This lets the students to discover
the error and correct the errors in the writing activity, therefore, helping them to become more autonomous and
independent because they rely on themselves more. Once the students feel they are autonomous and independent,
their motivation especially their intrinsic motivation to write continues to increase. They feel personal satisfaction
and they become proud of themselves if they are able to accomplish a challenging task, therefore enhancing their
intrinsic motivation. This confirms the claim of Cheung (2018) that the more student autonomy is promoted in the
classroom, the more the students engage and feel intrinsically motivated in doing a task. Autonomy and
independence are characteristics of intrinsically motivated students according to Ouano (2011). Students who
manifest autonomy can learn more and succeed because they do a task for personal growth as claimed by Libao
The findings in this study reveal that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors motivate students to write although
the extrinsic factor of recognizing writing as an instrument to both academic and work success has higher impact
on their motivation. Furthermore, students’ competence influences both student and teachers’ preferred methods of
feedback. Students rely much on teachers for corrections and feedback because they see them as models and experts
in writing and students are not yet confident in their own writing and revision skills, so they still need their teacher’s
assistance. Meanwhile, teachers still regard that feedback is their responsibility because think that students are not
yet ready for feedback that requires less supervision or less direct help and correction from them.
The focus of feedback does not influence students’ motivation in writing. Thus, the discrepancy in teachers’
and students’ preferred focus of feedback, does not have any bearing on students’ motivation in writing. Moreover,
students’ motivation may be enhanced not just by considering their preferred methods and focus of feedback, but
also by giving them tasks and feedback that will help them become more independent and autonomous rather than
relying much on the teachers for error correction. Indirect feedback may not be students’ most preferred method of
feedback, but this study reveals that when students are given feedback that involves or engages them, it can give
them a sense of accomplishment for completing the challenging task, thus, enhancing their motivation to write.
The result of this study suggests that enhancing students’ language proficiency through classroom discussions
and activities is the first step needed to be done to help the students become more confident to write and revise their
compositions. Rather than taking the roles of examiner, critic, judge, or proofreader which directly imposes
authority in making comments in writing, teachers should take the roles of a coach, facilitator, mentor, or a guide
in deciding how to provide feedback so as not to intimidate learners even as they point out and correct errors in
their writing performance. Writing workshops for teachers will also be helpful to train them to become more adept
in giving feedback on the content and organization of the students’ written composition since most of them were
trained only on giving feedback to language form.
Considering the limitation of the method of this non-experimental study, experimental studies on the effects
of indirect feedback on students’ motivation may be done to confirm and strengthen the claim that indirect feedback
contributes to students’ motivation especially on their intrinsic motivation. Future researchers may also pursue
similar studies expanding the scope and involving teachers and students from both private and public schools to
increase the generalizability of the results.
The authors are extremely grateful to the school heads, teachers, and students of the eight public high schools
in the 5th district of Camarines Sur for providing the data for this study. They also wish to thank the panel members
and the dean of the Graduate School of Ateneo de Naga University for their invaluable suggestions which guided
them in the improvement of this study.
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