Information Gathering
Information Gathering
Information Gathering
Information Gathering
Information gathering is an art and science. The methodology and tools for information
gathering require training and experience that the analyst is expected to have. This means that
the information gathering is neither easy nor routine. Much experience and training are required
to gather information for a system.
So in this chapter we are going to describe the methodology and the process for information
gathering for our system Rajshahi College. This will include:
1. Familiarity with the present system through available documentation such as procedure
manuals, documentation and their flow, interviews of the user staff and on-site observation.
2. Definition of the decision making associated with managing the system. And also the
information gathered is analyzed and documented.
So, next we will get a flowchart which totally describes the Rajshahi College chart and their
Fig 5.4: Rajshahi College System Chart
Information Originate
We gathered information from two principal sources: Personnel or written documents within
the organization and from the organization’s environment. We get information from
government documents, from financial reports, system documentation or manuals and also
from reports and transaction document.
1. Financial report of Rajshahi College:
2. System documentation or manuals:
3. Transaction documents:
4. Government documents
5. Personnel staff
6. The user staffs
7. From the students.
Fig 5.5: Information of Financial Documents
On Site Observation
The process of on-site observation recognizing and noting people, objects, occurrences to
obtain information. The major objective of on-site observation is to get as close as possible to
the real system we are studying. So, we decide to gather information using on site observation
and here we ask some questions to the honorable principle to the Rajshahi college. The
questions were:
1. What is the purpose or goals of your college?
2. Who runs the overall system and who are the important people in it?
3. What is the history of your college and how did it get to its present stage of
4. What kind of system is it when comparison with other college?
5. Your college HSC result is improving in every year. How you will describe this?
6. Rajshahi College have both HSC and honors/degree level. How this system is
So, from on-site observation we can more likely to listen than talk and to listen with a
sympathetic and genuine interest when information is covered.
Since we observe the system of Rajshahi college we use this method for on-site observation:
1. Natural: A natural observation occurs in a setting such as the employees’ place of work
and we did it.
2. Direct: A direct observation takes place when the analyst actually observes the system
at work. And we observe the system of Rajshahi college being present.
Though on-site observation is used to gather information there is some lack in on site
observation. Such as when we need to learn about students’ perceptions, feelings or
motivations. So, we used this method that is asked by direct questions and information can be
successfully obtained with questionnaires. Questions may be open-ended or closed. But for our
required information we use closed question method to the students and the teacher staffs. Now
let some closed questions asked by us:
1.Fill-in-the-blanks Question
Here we ask the students questions for specific information.
• Yes
• No
➢ ‘The teachers are always helpful to the students’---Do you agree with this statement?
• Yes
• No
➢ The lab facilities for the students is good for the students?
• Yes
• No
➢ Do you think there should arrange some co-curricular activities in every month?
• Yes
• No
➢ Do you happy with the HSC result of your college?
• Yes
• No
To the Teacher______________
➢ Do you think the administrative system in this college is good enough?
• Yes
• No
➢ Do you think when a lecturer joins he/she gets enough help from senior teachers?
• Yes
• No
➢ Students says the class should be taken in multimedia format. Do you agree with this
• Yes
• No
➢ Do You think the relationship between the student and the teacher is strong?
• Yes
• No
➢ The students say that they feel some co-curricular activities besides academic study. Do
you agree with their statement?
• Yes
• No
➢ Do you think the teacher should be well known in computer-based systems?
• Yes
• No
So, in this chapter we describe how we collect information from Rajshahi college. We used
various kinds of information gathering tools which was judged by the criteria of validity and
reliability. Both depends on the design of the instrument as well as the way it is administrated.