Saba Nayyar PTSD Assignment
Saba Nayyar PTSD Assignment
Saba Nayyar PTSD Assignment
Saba Nayyar
Dr Durgesh Nandinee
November 23,2023
Defining PTSD in my words
nightmares, and increased anxiety, disturbing daily life. People with PTSD may battle
unwanted memories, avoid reminders of the trauma, and face mood swings. These
effects remain even after the incident, affecting relationships and overall happiness.
symptoms and to develop coping skills Having friends and family who get what’s
going on and support you is important to get better. PTSD is hard, but with the right
The criteria for diagnosing PTSD, according to the DSM-5 (Text Revision), encompass
6. Duration: These symptoms persist for more than one month and result in
traumatic experiences.