PGS - A320 Simulator Assessment 2022
PGS - A320 Simulator Assessment 2022
PGS - A320 Simulator Assessment 2022
Congratulations on being selected for an assessment with Pegasus Airlines for the Direct Entry Pilot Assessment. We
hope you enjoy the experience and are successful.
The following briefing pack will guide you for the simulator assessment. Please review all material carefully before the
assessment. Should you have any queries you will have ample opportunity on the day to ask questions and seek
Your simulator assessment will be on a: Airbus 320 Full Flight Simulator with Motion.
Your assessment will take place at our Pegasus Airlines Head office located in Kurtkoy – Istanbul.
You must bring the documentation listed below on the day of the assessment:
✓ Pilot Licence
ATPL & Eng. Prof. Min Level 4
✓ Pilot Logbook
4000 Flight Hours or more total over 27 Tonnes ACFT
✓ Medical Licence
Class 1
✓ Valid Passport
Please ensure the contact details of your referees are included with an email address and
contact telephone number.
Please note: All paperwork must be in English or Turkish. Paperwork that is not in Turkish
or English will not be accepted.
The Pegasus Airlines assessment will entail the following:
It will be assumed you have studied this briefing document in detail beforehand.
➢ Simulator Assessment:
• Simulator assessment will place in Airbus 320 Full Flight Simulator,
• 01:00Hr as PF, 01:00 Hr as PM,
• Each candidate duties will be PF and PM role, under the pilot competencies and CRM items listed on
next page
• Pegasus airlines using the Airbus Standard SOP with minor differences, Candidates are not responsible
with PGS OM Part-B.
• New Airbus procedures and checklists may not use by candidate request.
No effect on evaluation.
The candidates may fly the simulator detail from the left or right seat depending on their preference and will operate as
Pilot Flying (PF) and also as Pilot Monitoring (PM). When operating as PF, the candidate must act as aircraft commander
and will conduct a pre takeoff briefing – they may use any format they feel comfortable with.
The aircraft will be positioned on the runway threshold as per the attached assessment profile.
The assessor will act as an Air Traffic Controller (ATC), Cabin Crew and Ground Staff as required. Standard ATC
instructions shall be issued; these must be read back by the PM using standard ICAO R/T phraseology.
During the SID a non-normal event must be introduced as a reason for the Crew to return to the departure airfield.
This is selected at assessor’s discretion.
The PF must act as the aircraft commander and come to a reasonable decision using effective CRM skills. Candidates
should complete any memory items and/or call for the appropriate checklist. Once the drills have been completed the
assessor will facilitate as required and respond, ‘Checklist Complete’. Candidates should apply a suitable method or
model for Decision Making, they should make an appropriate ATC call, give NITS and PA.
This is also a practice to assess the individuals English Language Proficiency as the assessor can develop the situation
to require the candidate to brief the PM, Cabin Crew, ATC etc.
Once this exercise is complete the assessor will intervene and ‘return’ the aircraft to normal operation.
At minimums with no visual reference the Crew will commence a go-around (Candidates may elect to go-around earlier
if they are not stabilised or not meeting approach gate criteria).
At commencement of go-around the assessor shall introduce an Engine Failure (Severe Damage).
The Crew shall need to manage the engine failure during the go-around, fly a safe recovery, complete the appropriate
drills and checklists, keep ATC informed, consider Cabin communications, NITS drills and PA. The Crew should secure the
damaged engine using the ECAM and complete QRH additional checklist
The cloud base will improve to allow for a CAT1 ILS approach and Landing.
This is an important part of the decision-making core competency, should a candidate become de-stabilised at any
point during the approach they should elect to go-around. In this case the assessment can end at the completion of
the go-around or if required the assessor may elect to reposition for a second approach.
Post assessment debriefings are not to be conducted at the conclusion of the detail.
All candidates will be notified by the Human Resources Department as soon as possible.
• Assertiveness
• Automation and philosophy on the use of automation
DME Arcing ± 1 nm
All Engines Operating ± 5° heading
Engine failure in FSTD ± 10° heading
Take-off / Vr + 5 / - 0 KTS
Climb, Cruise and Descent ± 5 KTS
Vapp/ Vref + 5 / - 0 KTS
With simulated engine failure + 10 / - 5 KTS
Maximum airspeed error in any other failure ± 10 KTS