Gaurav Java Internship Report
Gaurav Java Internship Report
Gaurav Java Internship Report
(Affiliated to DBATU, Lonere)
Dhamangaon Road, Yavatmal - 445001
Submitted by
Certified that the internship work entitled “JAVA FULL STACK MASTER CLASS”
is a bonafide work carried out by
…..………………………… …………………………
Prof. S.S.Thorat Prof.M.N.Ingole
Head of the Department Guided by
I also would like all the people that worked along with me in Pantech E-
Learning her patience and openness they created an enjoyable working
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Object-oriented Programming
1.3 The Basic GUI (graphical user interface ) Application
2. Graphics and Painting
2.1 Overview of the Java 2D API Concepts
2.2 Coordinates
2.3 Colors
2.4 Shapes
2.5 Graphics2D
3. Painting in AWT and Swing
3.1 Evolution of the Swing Paint System
3.2 Painting in AWT
4. Design and Development our project
4.1 Program Ability (Objectives):
4.2 System Framework.
4.3 Components
4.4 Program Structure and Results
4.4.1 Preview (System Interface)
4.4.2 Undo and Redo
4.4.3 Set Color
4.4.4 Save to File
4.4.5 Open Image from File
5. Conclusion
6. References
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented computer programming
language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It
is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that code
that runs on one platform does not need to be recompiled to run on another. Java applications are
typically compiled to byte code (class file) that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM)
regardless of computer architecture. Java is, as of 2012, one of the most popular programming
languages in use, particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 10 million users
[1][2]. Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since
merged into Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems'
Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-
level facilities than either of them.
Java [3] can be used to write applications and applets. A Java application is similar to any other
high-level language program: It can only be compiled and then run on the same machine. An
applet is compiled on one machine, stored on a server in binary, and can be sent to another
machine over the Internet to be interpreted by a Java-aware browser. Java comes with a large
library of ready-made classes and objects. The key difference between Java 1.0 and 1.1 was in
this library. Similarly, Java 2.0 has a very much larger library for handling user interfaces (Swing
by name) but only small changes to the core of the language.
organize large programs. As an example, consider the Undo or Redo button in our sample
program. When the user clicks the button, an event is generated.
2.2 Coordinates
The screen of a computer is a grid of little squares called pixels. The color of each pixel can be
set individually, and drawing on the screen just means setting the colors of individual pixels.
When the default transformation from user space to device space is used, the origin of user space
is the upper-left corner of the component’s drawing area. The x coordinate increases to the right
and the y coordinate increases downward, as shown in the following figure. The top-left corner
of a window is 0,0. All coordinates are specified using integers, which is usually sufficient.
However, some cases require floating point or even double precision which are also supported.
A graphics context draws in a rectangle made up of pixels. A position in the rectangle isspecified
by a pair of integer coordinates, (x,y). The upper left corner has coordinates (0,0). The x
coordinate increases from left to right, and the y coordinate increases from top to bottom. The
illustration shows a 16-by-10 pixel component (with very large pixels). A small line, rectangle,
and oval are shown as they would be drawn by coloring individual pixels. (Note that, properly
speaking, the coordinates don’t belong to the pixels but to the grid lines between them.)
For any component, you can find out the size of the rectangle that it occupies by calling
the instance methods getWidth() and getHeight(), which return the number of pixels in the
horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.
For example, you can use a paintComponent() method that looks like:
2.3 Colors
We will probably want to use some color when you draw. Java is designed to work with the RGB
color system. An RGB color is specified by three numbers that give the level of red, green, and
blue, respectively, in the color. A color in Java is an object of the class, java.awt.Color. You can
construct a new color by specifying its red, blue, and green components.
For example, Color myColor = new Color(r,g,b);
Java defines a Color class; instances of this class represent various colors.
At the simplest level, we could pick one of 13 predefined colors from Java's virtual box of
2.4 Shapes
The Graphics class includes a large number of instance methods for drawing various shapes,
such as lines, rectangles, and ovals. The shapes are specified using the (x,y) coordinate system
described above. They are drawn in the current drawing color of the graphics context. The
current drawing color is set to the foreground color of the component when the graphics context
is created, but it can be changed at any time using the setColor() method. Here is a list of some of
the most important drawing methods. With all these commands, any drawing that is done outside
the boundaries of the component is ignored. Note that all these methods are in the Graphics class,
so they all must be called through an object of type Graphics.
• drawString(String str, int x, int y): Draws the text given by the string str. The string is
drawn using the current color and font of the graphics context. x specifies the position of
the left end of the string. y is the y-coordinate of the baseline of the string. The baseline
is a horizontal line on which the characters rest. Some parts of the characters, such as the
tail on a y or g, extend below the baseline.
• drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2): Draws a line from the point (x1,y1) to the point
• drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height): Draws the outline of a rectangle. The upper
left corner is at (x,y), and the width and height of the rectangle are as specified. If width
equals height, then the rectangle is a square. If the width or the height is negative, then
nothing is drawn.
• drawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height): Draws the outline of an oval. The oval is
one that just fits inside the rectangle specified by x, y, width, and height. If width equals
height, the oval is a circle.
• drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int xdiam, int ydiam): Draws the
outline of a rectangle with rounded corners. The basic rectangle is specified by x, y,
width, and height, but the corners are rounded. The degree of rounding is given by xdiam
and ydiam. The corners are arcs of an ellipse with horizontal diameter xdiam and vertical
diameter ydiam. A typical value for xdiam and ydiam is 16, but the value used should
really depend on how big the rectangle is.
• draw3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised): Draws the outline of a
rectangle that is supposed to have a three-dimensional effect, as if it is raised from the
screen or pushed into the screen. The basic rectangle is specified by x, y, width, and
• drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle): Draws part of
the oval that just fits inside the rectangle specified by x, y, width, and height.
• fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height): Draws a filled-in rectangle. This fills in the
interior of the rectangle that would be drawn by drawRect(x,y,width,height).
• fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height): Draws a filled-in oval.
• fillRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int xdiam, int ydiam) : Draws a filled-
in rounded rectangle.
• fill3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised): Draws a filled-in three-
dimensional rectangle.
• fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle): Draw a filled-in
arc. This looks like a wedge of pie, whose crust is the arc that would be drawn by the
drawArc method.
2.5 Graphics2D
This Graphics2D class extends the Graphics class to provide more sophisticated control over
geometry, coordinate transformations, color management, and text layout. This is the
fundamental class for rendering 2-dimensional shapes, text and images on the Java(tm) platform.
All drawing in Java is done through an object of type Graphics. The Graphics class provides
basic commands for such things as drawing shapes and text and for selecting a drawing color.
These commands are adequate in many cases, but they fall far short of what’s needed in a serious
computer graphics program. Java has another class, Graphics2D, that provides a larger set of
drawing operations. Graphics2D is a sub-class of Graphics, so all the methods from the Graphics
class are also available in a Graphics2D. The paintComponent() method of a JComponent gives
you a graphics context of type Graphics that you can use for drawing on the component. In fact,
the graphics context actually belongs to the sub-class Graphics2D (in Java version 1.2 and later),
and can be type-cast to gain access to the advanced Graphics2D drawing methods:
In our example:
public void draw(Graphics2D ga){
if (!IsFillColor)
ga.drawArc(getX1(), getY1(), getwidth(), getheight(), 0, 360);
ga.fillArc(getX1(), getY1(), getwidth(), getheight(), 0, 360);
Drawing in Graphics2D is based on shapes, which are objects that implement an interface named
Shape. Shape classes include Line2D, Rectangle2D, Ellipse2D, Arc2D, and GeneralPath, among
others; all these classes are defined in the package java.awt.geom. Graphics2D has methods
draw(Shape) and fill(Shape) for drawing the outline of a shape and for filling its interior.
Advanced capabilities include: lines that are more than one pixel thick, dotted and dashed lines,
filling a shape with a texture (that is, with a repeated image), filling a shape with a gradient, and
so-called “anti-aliased” drawing (which cuts down on the jagged appearance along a slanted line
or curve). In the Graphics class, coordinates are specified as integers and are based on pixels.
The shapes that are used with Graphics2D use real numbers for coordinates, and they are not
necessarily bound to pixels. In fact, we can change the coordinate system and use any
coordinates that are convenient to our application. In computer graphics terms, you can apply a
“transformation” to the coordinate system. The transformation can be any combination of
translation, scaling, and rotation.
3.1 Evolution of the Swing Paint System
When the original AWT API was developed for JDK 1.0, only heavyweight components existed
("heavyweight" means that the component has it's own opaque native window). This allowed the
AWT to rely heavily on the paint subsystem in each native platform. This scheme took care of
details such as damage detection, clip calculation, and z-ordering. With the introduction of
lightweight components in JDK 1.1 (a "lightweight" component is one that reuses the native
window of its closest heavyweight ancestor), the AWT needed to implement the paint processing
for lightweight components in the shared Java code. Consequently, there are subtle differences in
how painting works for heavyweight and lightweight components.
After JDK 1.1, when the Swing toolkit was released, it introduced its own spin on painting
components. For the most part, the Swing painting mechanism resembles and relies on the
AWT's. But it also introduces some differences in the mechanism, as well as new APIs that make
it easier for applications to customize how painting works.
When AWT invokes this method, the Graphics object parameter is pre-configured with the
appropriate state for drawing on this particular component:
// diameter
g.fillOval(x, y, d, d);
Developers who are new to AWT might want to take a peek at the PaintDemo example, which
provides a runnable program example of how to use the paint callback in an AWT program.
In general, programs should avoid placing rendering code at any point where it might be invoked
outside the scope of the paint callback. Why? Because such code may be invoked at times when
it is not appropriate to paint -- for instance, before the component is visible or has access to a
valid Graphics object. It is not recommended that programs invoke paint() directly. To enable
app-triggered painting, the AWT provides the following java.awt.Component methods to allow
programs to asynchronously request a paint operation:
public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)
The following code shows a simple example of a mouse listener that uses repaint() to trigger
updates on a theoretical button component when the mouse is pressed and released
MyButton b = (MyButton)e.getSource();
b.repaint(); }
MyButton b = (MyButton)e.getSource();
b.repaint(); } };
paint() vs. update(): Why do we make a distinction between "system-triggered" and. "app-
triggered" painting? Because AWT treats each of these cases slightly differently for heavyweight
components (the lightweight case will be discussed later), which is unfortunately a source of
great confusion. For heavyweight components, these two types of painting happen in the two
distinct ways, depending on whether a painting operation is system-triggered or app-triggered.
System-triggered painting: This is how a system-triggered painting operation takes place:
The AWT determines that either part or all of a component needs to be painted.
The AWT causes the event dispatching thread to invoke paint() on the component.
• Using internal knowledge of the layout to narrow the scope of what children are painted
(lightweights only).
If our component is simple -- for example, if it's a pushbutton -- then it's not worth the effort to
factor the rendering in order to only paint the portion that intersects the clip rectangle; it's
preferable to just paint the entire component and let the graphics clip appropriately. However, if
you've created a component that renders complex output, like a text component, then it's critical
that your code use the clip information to narrow the amount of rendering.
4.1 Program Ability (Objectives):
- Draw Circle, Line, Rectangle, Square, and Oval using FreeHand (move the mouse using your
hand to draw any shape and specify the coordinate in JPanel).
- Undo and Redo process.
- Clear JPanel
- Set Background Color & set Foreground Color.
- Save paint (Panel) to file ( *. JPG; *. GIF; *.* )
- Open paint from file
- The system enables you to use FreeHand to draw (move the mouse using your hand to draw
any shape and specify the coordinate in JPanel) as an easy way to draw the integrated paint,
for example, a car , a street , a football stadium , traffic signals and others.
System Interface
Interface Model
Operations Model
• Operation Model: Events are executed requested by the user and show the result of the
required on panel or frame.
1. The events on the buttons or panel such as mouse Clicked, Mouse Pressed, Mouse
Released, Mouse Moved, Mouse Dragged, and Focus Gained, when the user released
events the program call the subroutine to achieve operation required.
2. After completing execute the subroutine show the result on panel.
4.3 Components
Our project contents from several classes as follows:
- (Main Program)
- (Main program interface)
- DrawString
More detail about the collection components shown in Figure 3.
<<interface>> <<interface>>
InterfaceForm.form <<Class>>
4.4.2 Undo and Redo
Undo Redo
Undo Redo
4.4.3 SetColor
4.4.4 setBackColor
4.4.5 Save to File
4.4.6 Open Image from File
5. Conclusion
This report presents an introduction to Java and how Java is used to build graphics and what are
the tools that can be used to develop graphics and drawing required shapes.
This was an introduction to the main goal of our report that presented that is design and
development a simple Painter project used to draw any shape (Circle, Line, Rectangle, Square,
and Oval using FreeHand, Undo and Redo process, Clear JPanel, Set Background Color & set
Foreground Color, Save paint (Panel) to file ( *. JPG; *. GIF; *.* ), and Open paint from image
file are considered. The system enables you to use Free Hand to draw (move the mouse using
your hand to draw any shape and specify the coordinate in JPanel) as an easy way to draw the
integrated paint, for example, a car , a street , a football stadium , traffic signals and others.
6. References
Pantech E-learning.