Nutrients 12 03209
Nutrients 12 03209
Nutrients 12 03209
The Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre
Thomas M. Barber 1,2,3, *, Stefan Kabisch 4,5 , Andreas F. H. Pfeiffer 4,5,6
and Martin O. Weickert 1,2,3,7, *
1 Warwickshire Institute for the Study of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire, Clifford Bridge Road, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK
2 Division of Biomedical Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
3 NIHR CRF Human Metabolism Research Unit, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire,
Clifford Bridge Road, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK
4 Department of Clinical Nutrition, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke,
Arthur-Scheunert-Allee 114-116, 14558 Nuthetal, Germany; (S.K.); (A.F.H.P.)
5 Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung e.V., Geschäftsstelle am Helmholtz-Zentrum München,
Ingolstädter Landstraße, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
6 Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Campus Benjamin Franklin,
Charité University Medicine, Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Germany
7 Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Coventry University,
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
* Correspondence: (T.M.B.); (M.O.W.)
Received: 7 September 2020; Accepted: 14 October 2020; Published: 21 October 2020
1. Introduction
In our modern-day, 21st century world, chronic diseases predominate. Underlying much of
this chronic disease burden are pathological pathways that implicate inflammation and metabolic
dysfunction (including insulin resistance). In recent decades, much evidence supports an important
role for our lifestyles in the development of such inflammatory and dysmetabolic processes, such
as, for example, our sleep, physical activity and diet. Such lifestyle factors also contribute towards
weight gain and obesity, which represent a particularly important contributor to chronic ill health,
including >50 medical conditions (such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), dyslipidaemia, hypertension,
obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease). Global obesity prevalence has tripled over the
last half century, with current rates of obesity and overweight affecting 650 million and 1.9 billion people
respectively [1,2]. In addition to multi-morbidity, obesity also associates with premature mortality
as evidenced by data from the Framingham Heart Study [3]. Obesity has a substantial and diverse
impact on psycho-social functioning [4], work productivity [5] and global healthcare expenditure [6].
Important advances have been made in recent years regarding our understanding of appetite
and metabolic regulation [7], metabolic surgical [8] and medical therapeutic approaches to obesity [9].
However, regardless of therapeutic choice for obesity management, ultimately, weight loss stems
from behavioural change at an individual level [10]. At the heart of such behavioural change lies
dietary modification. Despite this insight, however, it is remarkable how little we know about our
diet. Nutritional studies are notoriously difficult to execute and interpret for a variety of reasons that
include self-reporting of food intake [11], multiple confounding factors (such as variations in genetic,
metabolic and gut microbial factors), impaired compliance with dietary changes and the difficulties
associated with the study of macronutrient changes in isolation (with inevitable consequences for
other ingested macronutrients). All of these factors conspire to create much uncertainty regarding
the optimal dietary needs for the individual. To compound this uncertainty, the popular media is
littered with an effusion of fad diets with phony promises of long-lasting weight loss and health, often
based on little if any proper scientific evidence and rigour. It is little wonder that patients and many
healthcare professionals are confused about the optimal diet to follow and advocate. In response,
esteemed societies and governments around the world have tended to offer generic dietary advice on a
population-based level. For decades, much focus has rested with advice to adopt a ‘low-fat’ diet [12]
that, more recently, has shifted towards a ‘low-carbohydrate’ diet [13] (with associated examples of
‘sugar-tax’ and limitations on food advertising for children).
In this narrative review, we focus on dietary fibre, a macronutrient that has perhaps not received
as much attention as its more attractive counterparts, fat and carbohydrates. Our objective was
to explore the current medical literature on the health benefits of dietary fibre, with a focus on
overall metabolic health but also on gut motility, gut microbiota, chronic inflammation, mental health,
cardiovascular disease, colorectal carcinoma and mortality. We also provide a suggested strategy for
how we can optimise dietary fibre intake within the population in the context of our fibre-impoverished
modern-day world.
2. Methodology
We performed a narrative review of the current literature. We used PubMed for this purpose.
The search terms were as follows: ‘dietary fibre and metabolic health’. We only considered articles
written in English, with no restrictions on the date of publication.
3. Dietary Fibre
The chemical classification of carbohydrates stems from molecular size. Whilst sugars
(1–2 monomers) and most oligosaccharides (3–9 monomers) are digestible, polysaccharides
(≥10 monomers) are usually non-digestible [14]. Although technically a type of carbohydrate,
it is their non-digestibility (in turn relating to their molecular size) that provides the quiddity of dietary
fibre. Accordingly, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) defines dietary fibre as non-digestible
carbohydrate plus lignin. EFSA provide a long list of substances that constitute dietary fibre, including
non-starch polysaccharides, cellulose, pectins, hydrocolloids, fructo-oligosaccharides and ‘resistant
starch’ [14].
Nutrients 2020, 12, 3209 3 of 17
The classification of dietary fibre also stems from water solubility. Broadly, there are two main
types of dietary fibre: soluble and insoluble. The main sources of soluble fibre are fruits and vegetables.
Conversely, cereals and whole-grain products provide sources of insoluble fibre [15]. However, most
naturally available high-fibre foods contain variable amounts of both soluble and insoluble fibre [15].
Although fermentation (through the action of the gut microbiota) of most dietary fibre occurs within
the gastrointestinal tract to some extent, the fermentation of soluble fibre tends to occur more readily
than that for insoluble cereal fibres [15].
Hippocrates first described the laxative effects of coarse wheat [14]. Interest in dietary fibre
was piqued in the 1920s through publications from Kellogg, including the health benefits of bran
(such as laxation, stool weight and prevention of disease) [14,16]. During much of the middle part
of the 20th century, dietary fibre experienced a lull period that re-awakened in the 1970s through
publications from Burkitt, to suggest protective effects of dietary fibre from Diabetes Mellitus, colonic
cancer and obesity [14,17]. Since then, research on the health benefits of dietary fibre has continued
apace, with transformation of our understanding of such benefits over that time [18].
trial on the effects of ‘vege-powder’ (consisting of chicory, broccoli and whole grains) on constipation
alleviation in >90 participants, compared with the control group, those who received vege-powder had
significant improvements in symptoms of constipation (including stool hardness, defecation frequency
and straining to defecate) at 2 and 4 weeks [21]. Further evidence to support the clinical utility of
dietary fibre as an effective treatment of constipation stems from a systematic review reported by Rao
et al. [22]. Evidence was sought for dietary fibre intake and restrictions in fermentable oligosaccharide,
disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol (FODMAP-restricted diet) in the management of chronic
constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [22]. For chronic constipation, dietary fibre was
beneficial in five of the seven studies examined, and all three of the studies of IBS-associated constipation.
The FODMAP-restricted diet also appeared to improve overall IBS symptoms [22]. Current evidence
would appear to support the beneficial effects of dietary fibre on gut motility and as an effective
management strategy for both the prevention and treatment of constipation.
in body weight, intake of a high-fibre diet may be particularly relevant for the obese population due
to the increased metabolic and cardiovascular risk associated with obesity and the clear metabolic
benefits of dietary fibre, outlined below.
through lifestyle factors, primarily our diet [53]. We can all, therefore, improve our future health
prospects through improving our gut flora. One excellent way to achieve this is through optimizing
our dietary fibre intake. Much of our evidence for the role of dietary fibre on the gut microbiota and
the implications for health stems from rodent-based studies. These include the effects of dietary fibre
intake on colonic health. In one such study using a gnotobiotic mouse model, in which there was
colonization with harvested human gut microbiota, chronic dietary fibre deficiency resulted in the gut
microbiota using host-secreted mucus glycoproteins as an alternate nutrient source [54]. There was
subsequent erosion of the colonic mucus barrier with greater epithelial access and predisposition to
lethal colitis [54]. It is likely that in humans, dietary fibre also plays a protective role for the intestinal
barrier and overall colonic health.
Through direct interaction with our gut microbes, dietary fibre also influences microbial ecology
and enhances the production of key microbial metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
that, in turn, promote our overall health and wellbeing [55]. Anaerobic microbes within the caecum
produce SCFAs during fermentation of dietary fibre. In addition to providing a source of energy for
colonocytes, SCFAs also pass through the colonic epithelium into the bloodstream and influence lipid,
glucose and cholesterol metabolism through effects on G protein-coupled receptors [56]. Rodent-based
studies also suggest that SCFAs may influence gut motility [57], suppress appetite (through enhanced
incretin [glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1] release) and enhance insulin sensitivity [58]. Human-based
studies corroborate the beneficial effects of SCFAs, including the effects of propionate (a common
SCFA produced by human gut microbiota) on enhanced incretin response (including plasma Peptide
YY [PYY] and GLP-1 excursions), weight loss, reduced intra-abdominal adipose tissue volume and
intra-hepatocellular lipid content and preservation of insulin sensitivity [59]. The interactions within
the gut microbiota–brain axis are likely to be complex and multi-directional [60,61] and implicate
the release of by-products from gut microbes, including SCFAs, secondary bile acids and tryptophan
metabolites [60,62]. Such molecules may promote signalling via enterochromaffin cells, enteroendocrine
cells and the mucosal immune system. SCFAs may also cross the blood–brain barrier and exert direct
effects on hypothalamic regulation of metabolic pathways and appetite [63,64]. However, it remains
unclear whether dietary fibre-induced changes in SCFAs are indeed a key factor conveying the beneficial
metabolic effects of a high fibre intake [65]. In this context, it is interesting that insoluble cereal fibres
from wheat or oat extracts are non-fermentable in vivo and in vitro [65], whereas it is this type of
dietary fibre (including whole grain products), and not the soluble and highly fermentable fibre types,
that mainly appears to improve insulin resistance and reduce the risk of developing T2D [25]. Perhaps
one explanation for the metabolic benefits of insoluble cereal fibres (including alteration of metabolite
profiles [52,65]) stems from their association with increased faecal bulk and, therefore, microbial mass.
respectively, with similar data for insoluble fibre [70]. In a much larger study from the UK, Gibson and
colleagues reported on data from the Airwave Health Monitoring Study, a cross-sectional analysis on
6898 participants with 7-day food records [71]. Data from this study revealed a significant inverse
linear trend across fifths of total fibre intake and consumption of fibre from fruit with C-reactive protein
(CRP, a plasma measure of general inflammatory status) and BMI, percentage body fat and waist
circumference [71]. In this study, given the association of dietary fibre intake with body fat percentage,
it is possible that the favourable effects of dietary fibre on inflammatory status (indicated by plasma
level of CRP) are actually mediated, at least in part, by changes in body composition rather than a
direct effect of dietary fibre. In a further study, Kabisch and colleagues demonstrated an interventional
interaction effect of dietary fibre supplementation on inflammation [35]. Interestingly, whilst the effect
size for the anti-hyperglycaemic properties of insoluble dietary fibre seemed to depend mainly on the
prevailing metabolic state, the anti-inflammatory effect of the particular supplement used in this study
related primarily to the presence or absence of obesity [35].
Given the likely effects of dietary fibre on colonic microbiota diversity and production of SCFAs
outlined above, and the known effects of butyrate in the mediation of inflammatory pathways, it is
entirely plausible, and indeed likely, that dietary fibre does have at least some influence on inflammatory
status both within the colon and systemically. The mechanisms implicated should form a focus for
future research. Given the multiple possible beneficial effects of dietary fibre explored in this section
and the complexity of the implicated mechanisms (including involvement of the colonic microflora),
identifying the actual mechanisms that mediate the anti-inflammatory effects of dietary fibre will likely
be challenging and necessitate a variety of approaches, including prospectively designed Randomised
Controlled Trials (RCTs) and rodent-based mechanistic studies.
5.6. Depression
Dietary fibre intake appears to associate with risk for the development of depression. Although the
underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood, it has been hypothesised that inflammation
may mediate the link between dietary fibre and depression, and that the association between a
high-fibre diet and a reduction in inflammatory compounds may alter the concentrations of certain
neurotransmitters that, in turn, could reduce the risk for the development of depression [72]. Consistent
with a role for the gut microbiota in the mediation of fibre-effects on mental health, a meta-analysis
of controlled clinical trials showed a small but significant effect of probiotics on depression and
anxiety [73]. Furthermore, proof of the concept that a healthy diet improves depressive symptoms was
provided in the SMILES trial, in which a modified Mediterranean diet (including nutrition counselling
sessions) in adult patients with poor quality diets and major depressive disorders was shown to
associate with improvements in depressive symptoms compared with the control group [74]. Given
the association of poor diet and obesity with depression and other mental health problems, and the
data outlined here, it is important for future studies to provide insights into the mechanisms linking
our diet (including dietary fibre) with our mental health. Future guidance on the prevention and
management of depression and other mental health disorders may also include a high-fibre diet as an
important factor to consider.
coronary heart disease (risk ratio 0.91 per 7 g/day (CI 0.87–0.94)) [75]. Fruit fibre was only associated
inversely with risk for CVD [75].
Consistent with a beneficial effect of dietary fibre on overall risk for CVD, data from a more
recent study have shown an association between consumption of ultra-processed foods (with typical
impoverishment of dietary fibre) and increased CVD risk. Srour and colleagues reported on a large
prospective population-based study from France (the ‘NutriNet-Santé cohort’), with >105,000 adult
participants reporting repeated 24-h dietary records [76]. Over a median follow up of 5.2 years, intake
of ultra-processed food was associated with a higher risk of overall CVD, coronary heart disease and
cerebrovascular disease. Interestingly, these associations remained statistically significant following
adjustment for intake of other macronutrients, including dietary fibre [76].
Finally, Kim et al. reported a meta-analysis from 15 prospective cohort studies on the association
between dietary fibre intake and mortality from CVD and all cancers [77]. Pooled risk ratio for CVD
mortality (based on the highest versus the lowest categories of dietary fibre intake) was 0.77 (95% CI:
0.71–0.84) [77]. There were also associations between increased dietary fibre intake and lower risk of
mortality from coronary heart disease and all cancers. A dose–response meta-analysis also revealed a
pooled relative risk reduction by 9% for CVD mortality for an increment of 10g/day of dietary fibre
intake [77].
Based on the available published literature, including meta-analyses and large population-based
studies, there does appear to be an association between dietary fibre intake and both risk and mortality
from CVD (including coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease). Evidence also suggests an
association of dietary fibre with reduced mortality from cancer. As with other human-based studies
on dietary fibre, there remains a question regarding causality, and other healthy lifestyle factors that
associate with increased intake of dietary fibre may mediate at least some of the apparent benefits of
dietary fibre on CVD risk. Neither, however, is it possible to disprove an important role for dietary
fibre as a direct causal factor for improved CVD outlook. Indeed, the association of reduced levels
of plasma Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO, a by-product of certain gut microbiota, derived from
choline) with reduced risk for CVD provides one potential mechanistic explanation for the association
of dietary fibre intake with reduced CVD risk [78]. Although further RCTs on the direct benefits of
dietary fibre (and the elucidation of the underlying mechanisms that mediate such benefits) would be
desirable, based on currently reported data, the widely accepted dietary advice to optimise dietary
fibre intake within the population seems entirely justified, realistic and safe.
current evidence, a protective role for dietary fibre on the development of CRC seems likely, although
there is a need for more focused and prospectively designed RCTs to provide further evidence to
support advocating a high fibre diet for prevention of CRC in the general population, particularly
those with existing colonic adenomatous disease.
5.9. Mortality
In one meta-analysis based on seven prospective cohort studies, there was an 11% reduction
(95% CI 0.85–0.92) in all-cause mortality for each 10-g per day increment in the consumption of
dietary fibre [82]. Regarding the type of dietary fibre, it appeared that cereal fibre consumption
associated with the strongest inverse association with mortality [82]. It should be noted, however,
that mortality as an outcome is not ideal as a marker of disease prevention [19]. Furthermore, the
data presented here are based on association and do not provide evidence that increased dietary fibre
necessarily causes an improved mortality rate. It remains possible that factors related to increased
fibre intake, including healthy lifestyle factors (such as a healthy diet generally, physical activity and
sleep sufficiency), may mediate at least some of the association between increased dietary fibre intake
and improved longevity.
Having explored the multiple and varied mechanisms whereby dietary fibre may confer its
numerous health benefits (summarised in Table 1), including the important associations between
dietary fibre intake and body weight and overall metabolic health, it is important to address the
apparent disconnection between such benefits and the impoverishment of fibre consumption that
typifies our modern-day Westernised diets. It is also important to explore how we can optimise fibre
consumption at a population level in the future.
typifies many highly processed foods [83]. One problem with highly processed foods is that their fibre
content tends to be lower than meals prepared from raw ingredients. Rauber and colleagues reported
on the consumption of ultra-processed foods within the UK, based on cross-sectional data from the UK
National Diet and Nutrition Survey between 2008 and 2014 [84]. Based on a four-day food diary, it was
shown that just 30.1% of calories originated from unprocessed or minimally processed foods, with the
majority of calories (56.8%) coming from ultra-processed foods. Furthermore, whilst consumption of
ultra-processed foods was associated with increased intake of carbohydrates, free sugars, saturated
fats and sodium, consumption of ultra-processed foods also inversely correlated with dietary fibre
intake [84].
To address the lack of dietary fibre within Westernised populations will require a multi-faceted
approach from multiple angles. Lifestyle and dietary advice and education on its own is simply
not effective, as evidenced by the fact that despite decades of healthy eating advice, including
encouragement to eat more fibre (with much media interest in fibre intake, such as brown versus white
bread), our diet still lacks sufficient fibre content. In our view, for population-based behaviour change
to occur, we need to address key factors, as outlined here.
7. Concluding Remarks
To conclude, much evidence supports an important role for dietary fibre intake as a contributor to
overall metabolic health, through key pathways that include insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, there are
clear associations between dietary fibre intake and multiple pathologies that include cardiovascular
disease, colonic health, gut motility and risk for CRC. Dietary fibre intake also correlates with mortality.
The gut microflora functions as an important mediator of the beneficial effects of dietary fibre, including
the regulation of appetite and metabolic processes and chronic inflammatory pathways.
Many factors contribute towards the impoverishment of dietary fibre intake in the typical Western
diet. Unfortunately, there is habituation of many of us to our modern-day environs, lifestyles, diets
and eating-related behaviours. The problem is that what most of us consider normal is actually highly
abnormal and about as far away from what our hominid hunter-gatherer ancestors experienced and
enjoyed as it is possible to imagine. The fact is that over decades, a blink of an eye in hominid history,
we have gradually migrated into our current environments, lifestyles and culture, and it is very hard
for most of us to imagine an alternate scenario. Stepwise changes are required. By adopting some of
the suggested strategies here, it is our belief that real change in dietary fibre intake can occur. Despite
Nutrients 2020, 12, 3209 12 of 17
all the technological breakthroughs and progress of our species during much of the 20th century and
the resultant radical changes in our lifestyles, environments and eating habits, we may spend much of
the 21st century searching for ways in which to re-establish some healthier lifestyle choices. Some of
these will, doubtless, include lifestyle choices that our ancestors enjoyed in the pre-industrialised era,
including, fundamentally, the adoption of a non-processed diet that is full of fibre.
Consumption of ultra-processed foods is not natural. We did not evolve to adopt this dietary
maladaptive behaviour and neither did our gut flora. Our hominid ancestors and all of their ancient
ancestors never ate ultra-processed foods. Our current dietary habits in the Western world are
extremely unusual and will even be considered as an anomaly by food historians from a future era.
Whilst global poverty and ill health remains a major problem and concern, most Western societies
have developed shelter, clean water, sanitation and advanced healthcare systems to improve our
comfort, quality of life and overall longevity. Our modern Western diets, however, remain a problem.
Unlike the other examples of human advanced development provided here, the clear benefits of which
are incontrovertible, our diets seem to have deteriorated. This is unfortunate given the central role of
our diet, including the multiple benefits mediated by our gut microbiota, as an important determinant
of overall health and wellbeing. Although many aspects of our diet are concerning (including our
excessive consumption of sugars and fat), the clear lack of dietary fibre in our modern-day diet is of
particular concern.
Despite a wealth of evidence generated over many decades to corroborate the multiple health
benefits of dietary fibre, the health risks of a diet that lacks fibre and the corresponding efforts to
provide public health messages to educate the populace, sadly, within the Western world, our diets
remain lacking in fibre. It would be easy to apportion blame solely on the food companies that
process fibre-impoverished food products. This would be wrong: we all have a choice regarding
our diet, although it is unfortunate that a healthy diet generally costs around 25–30% more than an
unhealthy diet based on highly processed foods. However, the wide availability, convenience and
even relatively low cost of highly processed foods in our supermarkets should not compel us to make
those relatively unhealthy choices. As food consumers, our choice of high-fibre foods in preference to
fibre-impoverished ultra-processed foods likely has a major positive impact on our future health and
wellbeing and will ultimately influence the strategic commercial plans of food companies, with likely
future improvements in the fibre content of processed food production. In our capitalist culture of
modern Westernised societies with ‘consumer as king’, we all need to vote with our mouths, and in the
process, re-discover the joy of cooking with fresh and fibre-replete ingredients.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: T.M.B., S.K., A.F.H.P. and M.O.W.; Methodology: T.M.B. and M.O.W.;
Writing-original draft preparation: T.M.B.; Writing-review and editing: T.M.B., S.K., A.F.H.P. and M.O.W.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: S.K., A.F.H.P. and M.O.W. had received grants from Rettenmaier and Soehne, Rosenberg,
Germany in the past (M.O.W. 2004/2005; S.K. and A.F.H.P. up to 2014; travel grant 2015).
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