Phandalin Campaign Notes
Phandalin Campaign Notes
Phandalin Campaign Notes
Immediate use – Azrhea receives a sending from Manzorian to teleport a sending stone to her.
“Azrhea, Manzorian. I need to speak more fluidly, please allow scry to send an item to allow us to
speak. Accept my spell” A handful of seconds later you feel the hair on the back of your neck raise and
you feel as if you are being watched. After a bit of silence, you hear the sound of a pop of magical
energy and a rock apparats in front of you and then begins to tumble to the ground (DC 12 dex save).
You snatch the rock out of the air, the stone has a dragon maw with rows of teeth and slitted eyes
drawn poorly… childishly on its face.
Phandalin Campaign
Immediately, Azrhea gets the message below
Hike to Parnast should be interrupted by a shadowed man smoking a cigar (Pearl). A large
boulder slips down the mountain from above (Dex save DC 12, fail 3d10 bludgeoning), as you
peer up for any further rockfalls you see something odd and smell brimstone in the air. The
shadowy figure of a man stares with burning red eyes, his gaze then breaks as he takes a puff
of a cigar. The man has a face of cracked stone with a jutting square jaw, sharpened teeth and
white hair, with a wide barrel-chested build. “Names Pearl, so the little birdies were right, he
killed the wrong one. I told them they should have paid me the right coin to get my hands
dirty, but they’re kind sure does like to play politics. I told Baazka the madness might not
work but he insisted that he found himself swayed by a mortal *disgusted* bleh, I thought he
was a true fiend. It's like this, silly girl, some red-faced idiot *mimics putting on a mask*
believes you are the “Autumn Weaver” and he’s such a stupid mortal that he has a love for
fate, prophecy or more likely theatrics and Baazka had revenge to gain”. A small flame bursts
from the darkness and you can see that a scroll materializes. The old man reads it *chuckle*,
“looks like HE IS ready to make a deal about those soul coins now, 12.4 section z sub section f,
proposal of contract for termination, hmm, the “gods be praised” *chuckle*. Oh and little elf
girl, before I go, do be aware of them blue cloaks, wouldn’t want you to get hurt, now would
we”? The man takes a step back out of sight, you see a dull flash and hear a dull *thump*
*what do they want to do/how do they feel*. It appears the man has been whisked away.
Arcana DC 20 or Religion DC 15 to identify the moon bracers
Parnast Blue Cloaks:
Half-Blue Dragon Assassin twins (Frixx & Vrimm) & Air Elemental (Elemental gem: crushed
blue sapphire)
Treasure; Elemental Gem (Emerald), 4 doses of Malice
Baazka – Modifications due to magic items and precast concentration
humongous black dragon, tearing into the other chromatic dragons (a sense of sadness is
conveyed to you while you watch the carnage) a vicious cackle draws your attention that cuts
through all the noise of the battle and the storm. A man, or the skeleton of a man with
draconic features rides atop a massive almost equally skeletal dragon as he says “My return
was foretold and so shall my queen rule all of Toril, from this plane to the next we RAGE!”
and with that he raises some sort of glowing orb above his head while muttering a spell that
encompasses all of the dragons. There is a pregnant pause and then the metallic dragons in
the ranks of the army of humanoids instantly turn on their allies and begin to devour and
destroy voraciously. As the limbs begin to fly, you turn and find that skeletal being standing
inches from your face. It lectures “you will fail” as it lunges for you and you find yourself
jolted from the vision with a start, having sweat through your clothes and bedding. (You
instinctively know that the power of Sebastian is growing for some reason)
A cult of Tiamat has discovered a spell that ages living creatures (named Time Ravage, except in a safer form) and
they are trying to use it on dragon eggs to raise powerful allies. Components of this spell should be found, a small
hourglass, with fine diamond dust used as the sand (worth 2,000gp) should be found with the dragon eggs.
The current year is 1491 DR, approaching late spring early summer current date is
Random NPC’s that have a connection to the group:
corner of this tower is another halfling, a young short haired blonde halfling named
Uproria Slipfoot, she is the apprentice to Manzorian.
The Keggers;
A cult of Tiamat has discovered a spell that ages living creatures (named Time Ravage, except in a safer form) and
they are trying to use it on dragon eggs to raise powerful allies
Nicci Nasryn – Important NPC’s = All Eladrin = Yalaedra Zerachaleon (Mother; deceased) Twin
brothers Kavion (Blue Wyrmspeaker) and Adriel.
Foundling with auspicious eyes, seen as a threat by most. From a young age other elves
saw Nicci as a child cursed by Beshaba, Lady Doom.
She was shunned but trained and accepted by her mother and twin brothers.
Kavion and Adriel, they are twin eladrin, which is seen as a sign of being blessed by the
Kavion’s life took a turn when he discovered a lost covered cave that held an ancient a
mask of the goddess Tiamat who was at the time plotting her return to Toril and
communicating to her servants how to bring about her domination of the world.
Kavion was influenced by the dark object of which he secreted back home, after a time
his mother found and questioned him about the mask which prompted Tiamat to
advance her plan and offer true magical might for the loss of his mother, using the
poison that leaked from the green dragon fangs of the mask, Kavion was given the tools
to murder his mother. He has fashioned the focus into a deadly rod of lordly might.
Zelosia –
Former Thayan Evoker who abandoned Thay when Szass Tam attacked and overthrew
the magocracy in favor of a tyranny.
Killed Drula Forn at the tower of storms.
Other notable thayan wizards in the life of Zelosia: Maschena is another rival of hers
who converted from evocation to necromancy to survive the transition of power in
A small group of Cormyrian soldiers also has an unresolved issue with Zelosia due to her
steadfastness in her beliefs. She informed a superior officer of war crimes that was
performed by these members, Barris Arcantur, Helvin Buckmantle, and Tannuara
Yellander. They called their group the Eldritch Scions, and due to the accusations, they
were tried and only Helvin was found guilty. The others, being nobility, were able to
avoid prosecution but were re-assigned. To Zelosia there is no issue, she just did what
she felt was right. These members though have sworn revenge if she is come across
throughout Toril by these members. Tannuara has control of the Treasure: Grimoire
o Side Quest – Zelosia receives a visit from a purple dragon messenger, asking her
to meet at Falcon’s lodge in the Neverwinter Wood. There they find Falcon and
an old war wizard Galard Palonder playing a game of three dragon ante. They
are greeted with a hearty drink and an offer to play a few hands as they discuss
business. Galard informs the party that Lord Eros Crownsilver has assigned him
the unfortunate task of possibly needing to apprehend his cousin Tannuara
Yellander and her group called the Eldritch Scions. He is investigating whether or
not their mercenary band assisted on the attack of Greenest and more recently
Phandalin. Zelosia remembers her as one of the perpetrators of war crimes
against Sembian peasantry by using her station in Cormyr and pressuring the
overmaster of the town of Rauth to allow the Zhentarim to enslave and sell local
peasants to Calimshan for a stunning amount of gold due to their exotic nature
in Calimshan. Many a war wizard came out against her practices and the
potential crimes that were being committed, she avoided imprisonment due to
her name and being a cousin to Eros Crownsilver. She also shared her wealth
with her soldiers, those bribes secured her freedom. Of the three Scions, only
Helvin Buckmantle served any time in the dungeon for the crimes of slave
trading. Many nobles considered the punishments a slap on the wrist and truly
disgusting. Due to these despicable crimes and the newly crowned king Irvel
Obarskyr’s unwillingness to punish even minor nobility he was scandalized
amongst the nobility until his death shortly after Tannuara’s crimes. Raedra
Obarskyr now currently rules as the rightful queen of Cormyr.
o The Eldritch Scions – Tannuara Yellander, Helvin Buckmantle, and Barris
Azrhea –
A traveling reader of Candlekeep, who has a rival reader who is also an adventurer. Her
fellow rival archaeologist (Cefrey Brightwood, a tiefling) has uncovered the location of a
powerful artifact called Mistresses Weave. Knowing the location of the cloak, this has
made her a target of the church of Shar. She is headed to Phandalin to get assistance
from Azrhea. Her team of adventurer’s were attacked near the crypt by assassins of
Heir to the city state of Neverwinter, and adopted son of Keledrod Exeltis. As of the late-
14th century DR, the family was in decline. As fortune began declining the family became
more and more desperate, reaching into darker and darker magics to try and secure
their future. This drive drove them to seek out dark gods, which resulted in the sacrifice
of several of the families’ children. When it became Ciel’s turn the “thing” the family
were offering these children to, took an interest and “Chose” Ciel. Upon finding Ciel to
its liking it destroyed and devoured the house of Exeltis. It used Ciel to find new
experiences until Ciel’s mind re-awoke and took control back after a time. Now Ciel is
wanted for questioning in the disappearance of his family. The manor lies empty in the
wealthy upper city of Baldur’s Gate. Not all the family are dead, and when the guards
investigated, several guards were lost to the vile plants that grow in the cold empty
darkness of the manor house. The guiltiest of the family were transformed into
disgusting plant monsters to live in complete agony, while the less guilty were destroyed
and devoured outright, the only survivor Ezelle Helmhold, a maid, was able to recount
the destruction or transformation of the members of the family and she recounted how
Ciel sauntered his way through the house grinning as plant-like tentacles caused
devastation to reign around him.
Side Quest – A dread doppelganger named Juvo Drendaren was hired by Dagult Neverember
to hunt down the remnants of the Alagondar lineage, using a Blod Stone. Juvo has used the
PC’s animosity with the cult of the dragon to cover up the killing of Ciel during the groups
attempts on the order of Galvan to capture the druidess Nicci. Neverember was alerted
when Lady Exeltis’ wait staff spoke about the encounter with a long lost son of the house.
Helega the maid angered by the attempt to take advantage of her elderly mistress spouted
about the encounter in a tavern overheard by many. This, along with Ciel using the readers
to delve into his past has spurred Neverember to action. After the original tragedy of House
Exeltis Neverember lost track of Ciel who was suspected to be the bloodline heir to
Neverwinter. The Crown of Neverwinter is locked away in the vault under the Hall of Justice.
The crown is a threat to Neverember’s rule. He has dispatched Juvo to dispose of Ciel
quickly and quietly. 1st attempt: trying to probe Ciel’s mind, to which Moander alerts Ciel
too. In the process Moander is exposed to Juvo. Understanding the deadly nature of the
creature inside of Ciel, he attempts to arrange a hit by alerting cultists of Tyranthraxus, the
Possessing Spirit. 2nd attempt: Sick the minions of the possessing spirit on Ciel. 3rd attempt:
cast phantasmal killer on Ciel from a distance to avoid detection. 4th attempt: transform into
Korthic and finally attempt to stab Ciel to death.
When Juvo is defeated. Neverember becomes desperate with Ciel knowing he is a target. In
this desperation, Neverember consults with the Hells to destroy Ciel. Having summoned an
Orthon named Yurgir to hunt down and destroy Ciel.
Side Quest Encounters; The cult of Tyranthraxus has begun its hunt for the remnants of
Moander’s chosen.
Arasha Del’Voose (Winged snake familiar) Lonnie – “Chosen” of Moander, new “ally” to
Ciel. Hexblade of Moander, she has searched and grown in power over the years looking
for help from the “brothers and sisters” to excavate the last temple and revive the god.
Her plot is to gather them all together and drain the power from the pool of radiance
that resides in the final room of the temple and then use the newfound power to
destroy her competition uniting the cult under her alone as the true chosen. Arasha is a
tiefling and elf mix making her a fey’ri, due to the nature of her lineage her young half
elven mother sold her to a cult of Shar to continue a strong habit. Arasha was trained to
be an efficient assassin but the dogma of Shar was incompatible for her zest for life and
love of adventure. This caused her to run away to find a “missing piece”. Over time she
joined the Zhentarim and traveled extensively. While guarding a remote cave where
Zhents goods were being kept, whispers lead her to an ancient series of cave paintings
that stirred something within her. Following the paintings, signs began to form and she
followed to reveal an old rotten shrine of Moander where she found the Maw of
Treasure; Figurine of Wondrous Power (Jasper Wyvern), Maw of Moander, Rapier of
Erhan Kellog – Travelling spellcraft merchant, trades in magical items, spell components, dream is open
his own magic shop. Erhan’s Warehan’s. Erhan is an endless gossip and more than willing to repeat even
the faintest of tales.
Carp – Halfling child and friend of the group, helps with the Wyverns
Korthic – Bugbear that was spared after surrendering and has become the unwilling butler of Ciel.
Harbin Wester – Townmaster, always puts the town first, not necessarily the people.
Quelline Alderleaf – Carp’s Mom and also the largest farm owner in town.
Linene Graywind – Bob touched her face. Head of the Lionshield Coster, largest local shipping company.
Halia Thornton – Leader of the Miner’s Exchange and spy for the Zhentarim
Barthen – Owner of the general store Barthen’s Mercantile (Old man, long grey hair, southern accent)
Sister Garaele – Local elven cleric of Tymora, looks after the shrine of luck and would like to have a
temple built.
Xanth – Local centaur bowyer, hunter-gatherer, who joined when the group explored the dragon
Dabbledob – Younger gnomish inventor, famous for the Iron Bands of Dabbledob
Tyranny of Dragons
Episode 8: Castle in the Clouds
Castle Features;
*Blurb* – As you approach the castle, it becomes clear the walls are actually ice, as thick and as hard
as stone. The ice is functionally stone. You see several creatures skitter over the walls without the use
of rope or piton.
The Golden Tankard – Bar owner (Raggnar) tries to distract the PC’s with stories and drinks. Offers the
rare use of the tankard on the house if they will stay and have a drink or three with him (drunk patron
objects, Zek Blevins) bitches about not getting to try the golden tankard but these “outsiders” can (his
friends, shush and calm him down.
Parnast Ambush - Half-Blue Dragon Assassin twins (Frixx & Vrimm) & Air Elemental (Elemental gem:
crushed blue sapphire)
Main Gate 6 – 6 Ogres, 2 Stone Golems (if password both pass-phrases are ignored, “Tiamat, Our
Mother and Strength” or “Hail Blagothkus”) 3 Ogres per tower. At night a 40ft tall heavy fog hangs in the
lower courtyard.
Javelin Ballista; +7 to hit, range 120ft./480ft., one target. Hit: 3d8 (Ballista has AC 10, hp
50, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Encounter – (If castle alarm sounds) 6 Ogres, 2 Stone Golems, 2 Stone Giants (*fling and
rock rolling), 10 dragonwings, 1 vampire (Sandesyl Morgia elven vampire), 2 vampire
spawn (moon elves, Yeldrin Thornpetal and Xinhost Mortilen), 20 kobolds, 1 griffon
(pet, non-combatant unless attacked), merge areas 6, 9, 10 and 15 enemies.
*Encounter will most likely end up vamps and ogres trying to sound alarm*
Stables 8 – 2 wyverns (hungry and will attack anyone they don’t recognize)
Treasure; 4 wyvern bridals, embellished with jade with mithral bits (worth 500gp each)
Cultist Barracks 9 - 7 dragonwings, Drula Forn (Deathlock Wight), and 1 Battle Master (use superiority
dice), and 1 veteran
Stone Giant’s Chamber 10 – Wiglof (using a magic cauldron for Augury and Hulda is Wiglof’s bodyguard
and companion; 2 Stone Giants
Treasure; Giant sized iron chest, DC 12 Strength check, destroying the globe of force requires
dispel magic (DC 16). The 32 gems are worth 500gp each, or a total of 16,000gp. The iron chest also
contains masonry tools. Cauldron weighs 50 lbs. when filled with water or some other liquid, the
cauldron substitutes for the normal material components for Augury.
Rezmir’s Chamber 11 – Arcane Lock DC 25 tools check, black mask teleports away when Rezmir dies
Red Wizards’ Room 12 – Rath Modar and Azbara Jos are debating magical theorem. As you enter this
room “But what do you mean Jos, there is NO WAY to bypass Melf’s magical theorem of acidity” he
audibly trails off. At this point the bald tattooed men dressed in flowing red robes completely and
awkwardly stop talking, not being aware of who you are.
Storeroom 13 – Locked DC 17 tools check, contains a huge amount of food such as for a long trip
Kitchen 15 – 20 Kobolds cooking and blitzing around the room to prepare food
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Treasure; 2 small chests of black pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg (2lbs. each) (65gp each, 130gp
Upper Courtyard 16 – Patrolled by Sandesyl Morgia and 2 vampire spawn (moon elves,
Yeldrin Thornpetal and Xinhost Mortilen), (If alarm is raised) 6 Ogres join fight on round 3, 6 more Ogres
join the fight at round 4.
Crumbling Tower 18 – 100ft high tower with shoddy repairs, only working door is 75 ft above the
ground on sculpted ice balcony breaks away under 150lbs or more DC 15 dex save not to fall. DC 10
strength (athletics), Sandesyl’s crypt is on the top floor guarded by her spawn at all times when resting.
Steering Tower 19 – 10k worth of gems and mithral if destroying control panel
Ogre Barracks 20 – 12 Ogres sleep on furs, but are dispersed throughout the castle
Treasure; pouches, sacks and chests containing silver and gold of 800sp, and 300gp
Escarlotta’s Tomb 21 – Sarcophagus 20ft long, 10ft wide, and 10ft tall, no treasure here
Cloud Giant Tower 22 – 70ft tall tower, split into two levels 30ft high ceilings, no windows
Encounter – 3 Ogres on rooftop, 4 Ogres guard the lower level “honor guard”
Treasure; chests full of silver and gold (12k total), one chest holds a bag of holding, and bars of
solid gold (4k gp worth), and silver bars (4k gp)
Servant Barracks 24 – 20 kobolds sleep here, small piles of bedding, furs and clothes liter the floor. DC
12 persuasion to get info from the kobolds (kobold names: Hid, Dax, Tess, Kor, Hedri, Ahle, Vaklo, Ziltu,
Vekdu, Hulli)
Main Vault 25 – Glazhael (add sleet storm 1/day max hp 288, Gla-zeal) runs under 40hp. Special power:
Action - Fling, dex DC 19 or be thrown up to 60ft.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following
effects; the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Freezing fog fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it.
The fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. Each creature in the fog when it
appears must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) cold damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the fog takes
10 (3d6) cold damage. A wind of at least 20 miles per hour disperses the fog. The fog otherwise lasts
until the dragon uses this lair action again or until the dragon dies.
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Jagged ice shards fall from the ceiling, striking up to three creatures underneath that the dragon can
see within 120 feet of it. The dragon makes one ranged attack roll (+7 to hit) against each target. On a
hit, the target takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
The dragon creates an opaque wall of ice on a solid surface it can see within 120 feet of it. The wall
can be up to 30 feet long, 30 feet high, and 1 foot thick. When the wall appears, each creature within
its area is pushed 5 feet out of the wall’s space, appearing on whichever side of the wall it wants. Each
10-foot section of the wall has AC 5, 30 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid,
cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The wall disappears when the dragon uses this lair action
again or when the dragon dies.
Regional Effects
The region containing a legendary white dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or
more of the following effects:
Chilly fog lightly obscures the land within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair.
Freezing precipitation falls within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair, sometimes forming blizzard conditions
when the dragon is at rest.
Icy walls block off areas in the dragon’s lair. Each wall is 6 inches thick, and a 10-foot section has AC
5, 15 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic
If the dragon wishes to move through a wall, it can do so without slowing down. The portion of the
wall the dragon moves through is destroyed, however.
Treasure; 500k cp, 100k sp, and 5k gp, a frozen chest containing 800pp and 21 small blue sapphires
worth 300gp each, a frozen potion of gaseous form, a frozen potion of cloud giant’s strength, gilded
chest with 4 frozen potions of superior healing, a +1 longsword, +1 longbow, potent robe, helm of
teleportation, and wyrmreaver gauntlets.
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