Act 4 - 5 Q:a
Act 4 - 5 Q:a
Act 4 - 5 Q:a
(i) What are the terms of the bond that Antonio has signed? [3]
(ii) Why does the Duke call Shylock ‘inhuman’? What does the Duke expect Shylock
to do? [3]
(iii) What reason does Shylock give for choosing rotten flesh over money ? What are
the things hated by some people? [3]
(iv) State three examples Antonio gives to illustrate Shylock’s stubborn attitude.
(v) How is Shylock’s property distributed at the end by Antonio?
Do you think Shylock deserves the punishment given to him?
Give a reason to justify your answer. [4]
(i) The term of the bond is if Antonio is unable to pay the three thousand
ducats specified on the paper on a certain date, in an agreed place, the forfeit to be
paid, will be an exact pound of Antonio’s flesh which Shylock will be at liberty to
take from any part of his body which pleases him.
(ii) Shylock is called inhuman by Duke because he demanded the pound of flesh
from Antonio’s body and did not have a single grain to pity in his heart.
The Duke expects Shylock to show mercy on Antonio as Antonio has suffered
heavy losses. Shylock will forgive him a part of the principal amount to be paid by
Antonio along with forgiving their penalty.
(iii) Shylock says he will not give any particular reason except that it is his fancy
and whim. He gives the example that if his house is infested with rats it is fancy to
spend ten thousand ducats to have them poisoned. Further he says that there are some
people who cannot tolerate the sight of an open mouthed roasted pig, others the sight
of a cat and some get angry to hear the scream of the bagpipe. It is just a matter of
personal taste. What we like or dislike is determined by our whim or mood.
(iv) Antonio tells that if Bassanio is hoping to soften Shylock’s heart he might as
well stand on the sea shore and ask the tide not to rise so high as usual. Secondly he
may as well ask the wolf why he has made the mother sheep’to mourn for the lamb he
has devoured. Thirdly he may as well expect the tall pines on the hillside not to wave
their f high tops and not to make a noise when they are disturbed by the strong winds.
He may soften anything which is hard rather than soften the hard heart of Shylock.
(v) One half of Shylock’s property will go to the person against whom Shylock plotted
to take his life and the rest will be handed over to the private treasury of the state.
Shylock’s life depended on the Duke’s mercy. Yes, Shylock deserves the punishment,
as you sow so shall you reap. He had dug a ditch for Antonio but it seems he himself
fell into it.
2016- Q1 and Q2
Question 1: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Where are Portia and Bassanio? What has just taken place which makes Portia
to speak these words? What was the inscription given in the lead casket?
(ii) What does Bassanio say in praise of Portia’s portrait? [3]
(iii) What news saddens Bassanio on this happy occasion ? What does Portia ask him
to do? [3]
(iv) Who is Balthazar? What was the work assigned to him by Portia? [3]
(v) Where does Portia really plan to go ? What similarity do we find between Portia
and Antonio ? What does this scene reveal about the character of Portia ? Give a
reason to justify your answer. [4]
(i) Portia and Bassanio are in a room in Portia’s house at Belmont.
Portia speaks these words when Bassanio says that he is doubtful that all what he sees
is true or not until it is fully confirmed, signed and approved by Portia.
The lead casket read that “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath’.
(ii) Bassanio praises Portia’s portrait by saying that when he moves his eyeballs it
seems that Portia’s eyeballs are also moving. He also says that from the parted lips of
Portia a sweet breath is coming out. He further praises her picture by saying that in her
golden hair the artist has worked like a spider and instead of painting her hair he has
woven a golden trap to entrap the hearts of men faster t|ian flying insects are trapped
in spider webs.
(iii) The news that Antonio’s all the ships are lost in the sea and not even one venture
has been successful saddens Bassanio. Bassanio is also sad because Antonio’s bond to
the Jew has been forfeited and since Antonio has not repaid the money to the Jew he is
not going to live anymore.
Portia tells Bassanio to go to Venice and pay the’Jew six thousand ducats then double
the six thousand and then three times that to cancel the bond. She tells Bassanio to do
all this fast before even a hair of Antonio should fall because of Bassanio’s fault.
(iv) Balthazar is a servant to Portia and he has always been true and honest to her.
Portia expects him to be the same now also.
She gives him the task of delivering a letter to her cousin Dr. Bellario who lives in
Paduan. She asks him to go as fast as possible. She also asks Balthazar to bring the
notes and clothes that Dr. Bellario gives him to the water route through which trade
with Venice is carried out.
(v) She plans to go Venice to help Bassanio to save Antonio’s life from Shylock, the
Both of them love Bassanio from the bottom of their heart. They both have a helpful
nature as shown by Antonio by giving Bassanio money and as shown by Portia by
giving money to Bassanio to save Antonio’s life.
Portia reveals that she is a strong woman who is both bold and capable. She takes
charge of the situation, thinks of a daring plan, sends Bassanio to Venice with
instructions and money to help Antonio.
Question 2:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
(ii) What are the three qualities of mercy which the speaker has stated just before the
extract? [3]
(iii) Give the meaning of‘But mercy is above this sceptred sway’. How does Shylock
turn down Portia’s plea for mercy? What does he insist on? [3]
(iv) What is Bassanio ready to do for Antonio in the court? Why is Bassanio snubbed
immediately by the disguised Portia? [3]
(v) Mention two prominent character traits of Shylock as highlighted through the
scene from which the extract has been taken. Substantiate your answer with examples
from the text. [4]
(i) Portia is the speaker in the disguise of Balthazar.
Shylock was rigid to charge the penalty as mentioned in the bond. Thus Portia appeals
to the Jew as she wants to save Antonio without resorting to legal actions. Earlier in
the play the Duke himself and noble men of the highest standing have appealed for
mercy to Shylock.
(ii) The quality of Mercy is a divine blessing which benefits both the man who shows
Mercy and the man who receives it. Mercy is a nobler quality in a royal king better
than the crown he wears. Mercy is far above this world ruled by men with sceptre.
(iii) The quality of Mercy is more powerful than the king’s rod of authority which
sym¬bolizes his power and grandeur on earth ahd a king who is merciful has the
quality of God.
Shylock takes responsibility of all his deeds. He insists to follow the course of law and
enforce proper penalty according to the bond for the breech of agreement.
(iv) Bassanio is ready to give twice the stun of the money promised in the bond. If the
Jew thinks that it is too little, he will pay it ten times over. He is also ready to forfeit
his hands, his head and his heart for Antonio’s life.
Bassanio pleads with Portia to twist the law a little from its original course. To do a
great act of justice, do a little wrong. He begs her to prevent the cruel Jew from
succeeding in his cruel design. But Portia immediately snubs him.
(v) Shylock portrays himself as a strict follower of religion. When Duke appeals to
him to show pity on Antonio he tells him that he has sworn by the holy Sabbath to
take the penalty.
Shylock is firm and adamant in his decision to take nothing but the penalty. His
motive is to take revenge from his enemy and show the strength of his character that
nothing can prevent him from his purpose.
2018- Board question
Question 2.
Read the extract given belozv and answer th questions that follow :
Bassanio : Were you the doctor, and I knew you not ?
Gratiano : Were you the clerk ?
Antonio : Sweet lady, you have given me and living;
For here I read for certain that ships
Are safely come to road.
Portia : How now, Lorenzo ! My clerk hath some good comforts too for you.
Where does this scene take place ? What had Portia directed Antonio to give to
Bassanio, just momenE before the above coords were spoken ? [3]
(ii) Portin had just given Antonio, Bassanio and Gratiano a letter to read. Who had
written this letter? What does Bassanio learn about Portia front the letter?
(iii) What good news does Portia have for Antonio ? How does he respond to it[3]
(iv) To whom does Portia refer as 'My clerk' ? What 'good comforts' does the 'clerk'
have for Lorenzo ? [3]
(v) How was Bassanio persuaded to give away the ‘ring’ that Portia had given him at
the time of their -marriage ? What does this reveal of Bassanio's relationship with
Antonio ? [4]
(i) The Scene takes place in the avenue outside Portia's house in Belmont. Portia
gave Antonio the ring she had given to Bassanio at the time of rmarriage. She
had made him promise that he would not part with it on any account but her
Husband had given it to the lawyer who saved his friend Antonio from death.
(ii) Portia says the letter that came from Padua was written by Bellario, a
lawyer. Bassanio learns -that it was his wife who had pretended to be a
lawyer and saved Antonio.
(iii) Portia gives the good news that Antonio will find three of his argosies at the
harbour laden with, rich cargo and hearing this, Antonio is too surprised to
react. Antonio says, 'You have given me my life and my livelihood.'
(iv) Portia refers to Nerissa as 'My Clerk'. She says that she has a special gift for
Lorenzo and Jessica, from the rich Jew. It is a special deed of gift which
makes clear that after his death, all his possessions will be inherited by
Jessica and Lorenzo.
(v) Pörtia who had played the role of a lawyer defending Antonio, had asked for
the ring that Bassanio had received from her earlier as an appreciation of her
role in saving his friend. Bassanio, at first refused to part with it saying his
wife would be upset if he gave the ring away. He was supposed to keep it as a
token of faith. Portia said, he was giving a lame excuse as all husbands do
and pretended to be disappointed when Bassanio did not part with it even
after she had saved his friend from the clutches of death. Antonio also
persuaded him in the name of friendship and for the lawyer's service.
Bassanio valued Antonio's friendship highly and could not refuse him. He
was prepared to risk Portia's anger as Antonio was his dearest friend.
2019 Specimen- MOV
Q1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Antonio: But little: I am arm'd and well prepared. Give me your hand,
Bassanio: fare you well! Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you; For
herein Fortune shows herself more kind Than is her custom: it is still her
use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye
and wrinkled brow An age of poverty; from which lingering penance Of
such misery doth she cut me off.
(i) Where is this scene set? To whom are these words addressed? To what
question does Antonio respond with the words, ‘But little:’? [3]
(ii) What does Antonio mean when he says, “Grieve not that I have fallen to
this for you”? [3]
(iii) What does Antonio instruct Bassanio to do immediately after speaking
these lines? [3]
(iv) What is Bassanio’s response to this speech? [3]
(v) On what note does Antonio conclude his speech? What does this reveal of
Antonio’s attitude to life and death? [3]
Q2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
SHYLOCK: Shall I not receive my principal?
PORTIA: Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture, To be taken at thy
peril, Jew.
(i) Explain what Portia means by the above words. [3]
(ii) How does Shylock respond to her words? [3]
(iii) What more does Portia tell Shylock about the Laws of Venice as applicable
to an ‘alien’ (foreigner)? [3]
(iv) What does Antonio propose to do with his share of Shylock’s goods?
(iv) What role does Portia play in this scene? What does this reveal of her
2019- Board paper:
Q1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :