MSME Development Policy
MSME Development Policy
MSME Development Policy
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development
The development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is viewed as one of the
sustainable ways of reducing the levels of poverty and improving the quality of life of households
through wealth and job creation. The contribution of MSMEs to economic growth and
sustainable development is now widely acknowledged. MSMEs are believed to deepen the
manufacturing sector, foster competitiveness and help in achieving a more equitable distribution
of the benefits of economic growth, thereby help in alleviating some of the problems associated
with uneven income distribution. MSMEs achieve this by generating more employment for
limited capital investment, acting as a ‘seedbed’ for the development of entrepreneurial talent,
playing and supplying the lower income groups with inexpensive consumer goods and services.
MSME also act as a buffer in times of economic recession.
Zambia recognised the need to diversify her economy and reduce over-dependency on mining
exports. The preferred strategy was production of non traditional export products and creation of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. This approach encouraged firms to produce for the
domestic market, however, the capacity to grow and to export was still very limited.
However, in the absence of an MSME Policy, development of the sector and coordination of
development interventions has remained a major challenge in this country. It is anticipated that
the challenges facing the MSME sector shall be resolved through strengthening of the capacity of
MSE Division of the Zambia Development Agency, establishment of an independent National
Council for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development and the implementation of the
provisions of the MSME Policy.
This Policy provides for the active support and participation of all key stakeholders in MSME
development. The hallmark of this Policy is partnership and an enabling environment.
The European Union (EU) that funded the initial process and finalization of the policy
document and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for their technical advisory
The technical input provided by various institutions, including Zambia Chamber of Small
and Medium Business Associations (ZCMBA) and the University of Zambia is also
highly appreciated.
The role played by Government Sector Ministries and other stakeholders for their
comments on the various drafts of the Policy is applauded. These comments were highly
valuable and expanded the depth and scope of the Policy document.
The role played by Dr. Mwene Mwinga of Kane Consult in conducting the research,
developing the draft Policy document is also acknowledged.
Davidson M. Chilipamushi
Proudly Zambian
Refers to ‘Buy Local Campaign’ aimed at promoting the consumption of quality
locally produced goods and services for wealth creation and employment generation.
Enabling Environment
Enabling environment is the expression that encompasses government policies that
focus on creating and maintaining an overall macroeconomic environment that brings
together suppliers and consumers in an inter-firm co-operation manner.
Entrepreneurial Culture
Refers to the practice of starting new organizations or revitalizing mature
organizations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified
Informal Sector
Refers to economic activity that is neither taxed nor monitored by the government
and is not included in the government's Gross National Product (GNP) as opposed to
a formal economy.
Poverty is deprivation of access to those things which make a life of dignity possible,
including not only food, shelter and safe drinking water, but also such as 'intangibles'
as the opportunity to learn, to engage in meaningful employment
MSMEs are believed to deepen the manufacturing sector, foster competitiveness and
help in achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economic growth
thereby helping in alleviating problems associated with uneven income distribution.
MSMEs achieve this by generating more employment for limited capital investment,
acting as ‘seed bed’ for the development of entrepreneurial talent, playing an important
role of training citizens to run enterprise, supplying the lower income groups with
affordable consumer goods and services. MSMEs also act as buffers in times of
economic recession.
International experience has shown that MSME are becoming major contributors to
economic growth. In India, MSMEs are said to contribute 70% towards Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) and to account for over 90% of all industrial units. In Central Asia,
Kyrgyzstan, there are 36 MSMEs for every 1000 citizens contributing 44% of GDP.
According to a 1996 Baseline Survey on micro and small enterprises in Zambia, the
sector consists of approximately 97% of all enterprises in the country and employ 18% of
the labour force of whom 47% are women (Parker, 1996).
As early as 1981, the Zambian government recognised the importance of the MSME
sector and its contribution to economic development. At the same time, the government
recognised the challenges that the sector was facing and through the Small Industries
Development (SID) Act of 1981 made an attempt to enhance the effectiveness of the
sector’s contribution to the national economy by establishing the Small Enteprise
Development Organisation (SIDO). In support of the SID Act, provisions were made the
Fourth National Development Plan of 1989 to provide infrastructure for operations of
MSMEs, promote access to credit by MSMEs with growth potential and to improve
production capacities of MSMEs with the view to increase incomes and employment.
The resources to the MSME sector were made available through the Small Industries
Development Organisation (SIDO), the Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) and the
Village Industries Services (VIS), which were the primary source of small enterprises
However, the above mentioned strategies did not quite succeed in facilitating growth and
development of the MSME sector partly because:-
After 1991, the economy was liberalised and private enterprise was encouraged as
evidenced by the establishment of the Industrial, Commercial and Trade Policy in
December 1994 with pronouncements that government would:-
a) Devise a strategy, with the participation of the private sector, to encourage the
growth of small enterprises;
b) Encourage local governments to review their infrastructure services and licensing
regulations so as to support small enterprises;
c) Provide legislation and incentives that promote rapid growth of the MSME
d) Decentralize business registration to enable the MSME sector to operate
efficiently and have access to incentives; and
e) Review and harmonize all existing laws and regulations with a view to identifying
and removing impediments to the operations of the MSME sector.
In 1996, in recognition of the challenges still facing the MSME sector and with the view
to the enhance the further development of the MSME sector, government revised the SID
a) Exemption from payment of tax on income for the first three to five years;
b) Operating a manufacturing enterprise for the first five years without a
manufacturing licence required for such an enterprise under any law;
c) Exemption from the payment of licensing fees required for such an enterprise
under any law;
d) Exemption from Trading Licence for an enterprise registered under the SED Act;
e) Exemption from payment of tax on income received from rentals on buildings or
premises for use by micro and small enterprises;
f) Exemption from the payment of rates on factory premises;
g) Exemption from payment of tax on income or interest payable by any financial
institution providing loan, or other financial relief or facilities to registered micro
and small enterprises carrying on manufacturing activities;
h) Such institutions shall be allowed to maintain concessionary core liquid assets
ratios and reserve requirements.
i) Expenditure incurred on training staff that specialise in micro and small-scale
enterprise financing shall be treated as tax deductible for purposes.
Most of these incentives were however never implemented partly because the systems for
their implementation were never put in place.
The development of the MSME sector is critical to the achievement of broader national
development goals outlined in the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and in the
Vision 2030.
These include:-
• To reduce unemployment levels
• To increase participation of citizens in economic development
• To create avenues for equitable wealth distribution
• To increase utilisation and value addition of local raw materials
Since the introduction of structural economic reforms and the country’s transition to a
liberalised economy in 1991, there has been increased activity in the MSMEs sector. The
existence of a large MSMEs sector, of which over 90% are informal, has serious
implications on the functioning of the economy. There is however limited documented
information regarding the business activities of MSME sector and its contribution
towards the national development and economic growth. As a result, it is difficult to
estimate the total size of the private sector in Zambia as data from the Central Statistics
Office (CSO) do not disaggregate national output in relation to enterprise size.
The 1996 baseline survey on MSMEs further revealed that the Zambian MSME Sector
was dominated by enterprises with a workforce of less than 10 employees and that 52%
of all MSME business activities are based in rural areas. Within the MSME sector,
manufacturing activities account for 41% while trading account for 49%. Services
accounted for only 10%.
MSME business activities are largely in trading, simple manufacturing, and service
provision. Manufactured products in the MSME sector include textile products, wood
products, light engineering and metal fabrication, food processing, leather products,
handicrafts and ceramics to mention a few. The service sector include restaurants, hair
salons and barbershops, passenger and goods transport, simple building construction,
telecommunication services, business centre services and cleaning services. The trading
sector is concentrated in consumable products, industrial products, and agricultural inputs
and produce.
The current economic situation presents opportunities which if taken advantage of, can
lead to a vibrant MSME sector. These opportunities include implementation of macro-
economic reforms by Government which have resulted in substantial reduction in
inflation rates, a competitiveness private sector, liberalized trade policies and removal of
foreign exchange restrictions.
In addition, there are abundant natural resources which can be exploited through various
value addition activities to give Zambia competitive advantage.
However, although the MSME sector in Zambia has such great potential for economic
development, equitable wealth redistribution and poverty alleviation, it faces many
In addition to the constraints identified by MCTI, the MSME sector also faces the
following constraints;
All these business constraints and challenges manifest themselves in the failure by the
sector to grow into a viable bottom up development tool and an effective contributor to
national development as is the case with MSMEs in economies such as India, Central
Asia, and South Africa.
Government’s efforts to develop the MSME sector have continued and in 2006 through
the ZDA Act, the Small Enterprise Development Board was dissolved and its activities
were incorporated into the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) under the SME
It is against this background that a need for a strategic and focused development of the
MSME sector in Zambia has arisen. This MSME Development Policy will provide much
needed guidance and direction on all activities and development efforts related to
MSMEs. This has been developed after various consultations with stakeholders.
2.1 Rationale
The rationale for this Policy is to create a national vision and leadership for deliberate
development of the MSME sector and to facilitate creation and implementation of
relevant and effective sector legislation and regulatory framework. The Policy further
aims to define the sector, its actors, their roles, and responsibilities and to ensure
coordination and synergy in the implementation of MSME support activities.
• Implementation of the policy shall take into account regional and global best practices
in MSMES development in order to ensure that the sector is current with global
development trends.
• The Policy shall promote equality in opportunities and gender equity in its pursuit of
outcomes and will give emphasis on the role of women as economic actors in MSME
• Vulnerable and disadvantaged persons will receive special attention under the
provision of the Policy.
ii) To facilitate an increase of 10% towards utilisation and value addition of local raw
materials in identified regional areas by the year 2018.
iii) To strengthening forward linkages between MSMEs and large scale companies by
facilitating an annual increase of 10% in subcontracting of MSME by large scale
vi) To improve productivity in the MSME sector by 10% by the year 2018.
The topology of Zambian MSMEs has changed over time thereby creating the need for
redefinition of the different categories of enterprises in the sector. Proper classification
of enterprises is a prerequisite for successful targeting of support programmes and
incentives provision. In this regard, MSMEs in Zambia shall be defined based on the
following business variables:-
• Total fixed Investments
• Sales Turnover
• Number of employees.
• Legal status
- In the case of trading and service providing shall be between One Hundred
and Fifty One Million and three Hundred Mullion (K151, 000,000 –
K300,000,000) Kwacha.
(iii) Employing between Fifty One and One Hundred (51 -100) persons.
To qualify as micro, small or medium enterprise under the above mentioned categories,
the legal status and total investment criteria must be met together with at least one other
A. Capacity
1) Entrepreneurship development
2) Innovation and technological capacity of MSME
C. Access
3) MSMEs access to market opportunities
4) MSMEs access to business development services
5) MSMEs access to appropriate business finance
6) Access to appropriate operating premises and business Infrastructure
C. Operating environment
7) Local Economic Development
8) Representation of MSMEs interests
9) Cross cutting issues (HIV/AIDS and Gender)
In pursuing the policy provisions it is important that policy strategies are clearly outlined
in order to address the challenges and constraints faced by MSMEs whilst at the same
achieving the policy goal and short term development objectives indicated above.
Effective development of the MSME sector will require well articulated strategies,
existence of a conducive environment including appropriate legal and regulatory frame
work, a well defined implementation framework, and an efficient and effective
information and feed back system. Below are the intervention strategies for the identified
focus areas. Context
The culture of Entrepreneurship and business practice still is not well developed among
Zambian citizens. This could be related to a cultural mind set of dependency and a low
propensity for risk taking. This has resulted in low levels of entrepreneurial ability and
business management competency among most MSMEs. These low levels of
entrepreneurial skill and management competency have limited the ability of most
MSMEs to grow beyond establishment phase. Therefore, for MSMEs in the sector to
achieve sustainable qualitative growth and for citizens to be oriented towards business
there is need to build entrepreneurial capacity through a deliberate entrepreneurship
development system. Objective
The objectives of interventions under this focus area are:-
• To inculcate a culture of entrepreneurship among citizens and facilitate
development of entrepreneurship and enterprise management skills critical to the
growth of MSMEs.
iii) Organise national and regional entrepreneurship fairs and competitions to stimulate
entrepreneurial thinking and action among citizens.
iv) In liaison with TEVETA design market demand led entrepreneurship and business
management training for different levels of MSMEs.
v) Develop the capacity of Business Development Service (BDS) Providers in rural and
urban areas to offer high quality entrepreneurship and business management training
and other required BDS Services.
vi) Establish Institutes of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship in
selected business schools to spearhead MSME research, entrepreneurship, and
enterprise management training. Context
Innovation is essential for maintaining competitiveness of an enterprise and of its
products/services. Most MSMEs however have limitations in this area and have no access
to new innovative production processes. In additions, innovations among MSMEs are not
well documented and protected. Further, MSMEs have limitations in accessing new
technologies which can help improve product quality and productivity Objective
To improve innovation and level of technology and technical know-how among MSMEs.
______________________________________________________________________ Context
MSMEs have limited capacity to identify and effectively reach both local and export
markets. This is due in part to limited access to information on what market
opportunities are available, and limited knowledge and skills on how to reach these
markets. Objective
To broaden MSMEs access to more lucrative local and export markets.
viii) Facilitate training of MSMEs in marketing skills and export marketing procedures
and requirements, particularly in association with Z.I.M.
ix) In cooperation with the Zambia Bureau of Standards promote adherence to prescribed
product standards as a means to enhance the competitiveness of MSME on the local
and export market.
______________________________________________________________________ Context
Most MSMEs require guidance and hand holding to grow into independent established
business entities. This support is more effective when delivered in a well-coordinated
holistic manner that can create positive impact on enterprise performance. Currently
however, the Sector has limited access to comprehensive integrated business
development support. Objective
To improve access by MSMEs in rural and urban areas to business development support
in key business areas that facilitate enterprise stability and growth.
ii) Develop a data base and a system for managing MSME sector information and
literature including data collection, system operations and maintenance, and
information dissemination mechanisms.
iii) Conduct MSME surveys and baseline studies to establish the size and status of the
sector in Zambia
xi) Strengthen the capacity of standards and quality assurance organisations (e.g.
ZABS and Food and Drug Board) to deliver support services to the MSME sector.
xii) Develop and implement cost-effective business development programmes tailor-
made to specific needs of MSME at different levels of growth.
xiii) Establish an MSME Capacity Building Fund to be administered by the Zambia
Development Agency
xiv) Facilitate establishment of an umbrella Association of Business Development
Service Providers to promote self-regulation and systematic use of existing
government systems in the provinces. Context
Business Finance is a critical input in the creation, development and expansion any
enterprise. MSMEs have difficulties in accessing appropriate business finance to suit
their growth requirements. It addition, the cost of finance is relatively high and is
sometimes beyond the reach of most MSMEs. The terms and conditions for accessing
business finance are also very demanding. The problems of MSMEs access to finance are
on both the supply side and the demand side. Objectives
To improve MSMEs’ access to appropriate business financing that effectively facilitates
enterprise establishment, growth and expansion.
iv) In collaboration with the Credit Reference Bureau, provide referral to confirm credit
worthiness of specific MSMEs.
v) In collaboration with the Lusaka Stock Exchange, operationalise the secondary market
for MSMEs on the Stock Exchange to create alternative sources of business
vii) Establish Credit Guarantee Schemes to improve access and minimise collateral
constraints among MSMEs. Context
The MSME sector lacks systematically structured and developed business premises and
infrastructure that can facilitate the growth of individual enterprises and of the sector as a
whole. Inadequate operating premises and infrastructure impacts negatively on
enterprises at all levels and raises the cost of doing businesses. To MSMEs, poor business
infrastructure, especially in the rural areas, poses a great challenge to doing business. Objective
To improve MSMEs’ access to appropriate and affordable business infrastructure and
operating premises in order to enhance progression and growth of individual Enterprises.
______________________________________________________________________ Context
Local Economic development plays a critical role in the development of urban and peri-
urban areas. Local economic development contributes to the growth of the local
economies in terms of absorbing local labour force, slowing urban migration,
contributing to national income growth, effective and efficient utilization of local
resources through value addition, and promoting a more equitable distribution of income.
In addition, Local Economic Development facilitates development of local infrastructure.
Local Economic development is a regional development strategy that places emphasis on
development of local competitive advantage. Objective
To stimulate localised economic activity and develop appropriate MSME business
infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.
iii) Provide guidelines and incentives for business premises development programmes
such as build-operate-transfer or build-own-operate schemes.
iv) Development value chain and cluster development programmes to jump start local
economic development and enhance utilisation and value addition of local resources.
vii) Provide tax incentives to stimulate development of MSMEs in rural and peri-
urban areas.
xii Strengthen the operations and delivery of member services to associations of local
marketers, and improve their prospects for formalisation. Context
Business associations and other MSMEs grouping have an important role to play in
lobbying and advocating for the interests of MSMEs with government and other
stakeholders and for mobilising MSMEs into a formidable force for national
development. In Zambia most existing MSME business associations are weak and have
with limited capacity to effectively play their role. There is therefore need for measures
______________________________________________________________________ Objective
To strengthen the capacity of MSME representative organisations to articulate MSMEs
needs and interests, and to mobilise MSMEs for active participation in economic
vii) Facilitate peer learning for small business associations through exchange visits and
study tours to countries with best MSME practices Context
Zambia is one of the Sub-Saharan African countries worst affected by the HIV/ AIDS
pandemic. It is estimated that about one million Zambians are infected with HIV.
______________________________________________________________________ Objective
To strengthen the capacity of MSMEs to mitigate the negative effects of HIV/AIDs on
their businesses.
b) Gender Context
It is recognised that gender plays a significant role in national development. However,
more often there exist gender disparities and imbalances in access to economic and
business opportunities resulting from gender insensitive legislation and administrative
systems. There is therefore need to take deliberate steps to eliminate all forms of
discrimination in access to opportunities. Objective
To facilitate equitable access and effective participation of men and women all MSME
developmental programmes.
iii) Develop special programmes that specifically target vulnerable members of local
communities such as women, youth and other people with disabilities
• The Companies Act, Cap 388 which provides for legalisation of business
operations in Zambia through registration of companies, trade marks, industrial
designs and patents.
• The CEE Act of 2006 which provides for economic empowerment of citizens
through the practice of enterprise and provision of the empowerment fund.
• The Banking and Financial Services Act, Cap 287 which regulates provision of
banking and financials services
• The Income Tax Act, Cap 323 which governs taxation of profits of limited
companies and incomes of enterprises under the Business Name Registration set
There is therefore need to ensure that these laws are synchronised to ensure harmonised
implementation of interventions and incentives provisions.
The implementations of the various strategies of the MSME Development Policy may
involve programmes which are beyond the mandate of the Ministry of Commerce Trade
and Industry In the event that certain legislation impedes effective implementation of the
MSME Policy, the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry shall work proactively to
remove any such impediments by collaborating closely with relevant Institutions to
ensure that appropriate reforms are made to the legislation in question.
The Government will endeavour to identify both internal and external sources of finances
for development of the MSME sector. In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce Trade
and Industry shall involve the private sector through Private Public Partnerships,
Cooperating Partners and other stakeholders to mobile resources for developing the
MSME sector.
The National Enterprise Development Council shall be responsible for ensuring that
mobilised resources are redistributed equitably among the various MSME development
interventions and that they effectively utilised and transparently accounted for.
More regular monitoring activities shall be conducted by the MSE Division of the
Zambia Development Agency to examine effectiveness of intervention activities being
delivered by intermediary organisations and to assess the overall impact of MSME
support activities on the performance of the sector. The ZDA will conduct at least two
monitoring visits per year and will conduct an impact assessment exercise every two
years. ZDA will prepare and disseminate to stakeholders bi-annual progress reports and
an impact assessment report every two years.
The ZDA will in turn ensure that registered intermediary organisations have put in place
monitoring and evaluation systems for the interventions that they will be involved in.
MSME intermediary development organisations will conduct monitoring exercise once
every quarter and shall be will required to prepare quarterly monitoring reports.
The focus of monitoring and evaluation efforts will be in three key areas of:-
This Policy has been prepares as a living document with flexibility for adjustment and
amendment to suit the operating environment and to respond to external factors that
impact on MSME development.
It is also consistent with the provisions of the CEE Act which promotes active
participation of citizens in the economy and which encourages scaling up of investments
in regional areas.
• The Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development and Agriculture and
Cooperatives provide training in the fields of entrepreneurship, management and
• The Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training, provide training in
entrepreneurship, accounting and managerial skills.
• Ministry of Labour, responsible for implementing the National Employment and
Labour Market Policy and Zambia Decent Work Country Programme
• The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives provide skills training for small
scale farmers to develop and improve their productivity and create employment;
• Ministry of Local Government and Housing provide land, infrastructure and
licensing, are also responsible for district administration and are in charge of
decentralization and have a unit that constructs houses and provide credit for the
poor communities.
• The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services provides material
and monetary assistance to the aged, people with disabilities, disadvantaged, poor
families and women’s groups.
• Gender in Development Division and Ministry of Women and Gender in
Development responsible for implementing the Joint Gender Support Programme.
Currently, the policies in the line ministries identified above are parallel to this MSME
Policy because collaboration structures have not yet been established. There will
therefore be need to establish collaboration with the identified Ministries in order to
create cohesion in the delivery of support activities.
1) Mr. John Paton, Team Leader, Capacity Building for Private Sector Development,
2) Mr. S. Siakalenge, Director Planning, MCTI
3) Ms Viola Chipere, Chief Economist, Industry, MCTI
4) Mr. Mandesi C. Kaumba, MSME Technical Advisor, MCTI
5) Mr. John A. Mulongoti, Acting Chief Economist, Industrial Monitoring and
Evaluator, MCTI
4. Fifth National Development Plan, 2006 – 2010, December 2006. Ministry of Finance
and National Planning
5. Guide to writing National Policy Documents and Cabinet Memorandum, July 2002.
Republic of Zambia.
6. Draft Report on Small and Medium Enterprises Survey 2003 -2004. Ministry of
Commerce Trade and Industry
7. Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises in Zimbabwe: Results of a Country Wide Survey
by Michel A. Mc Pherson, Michigan State University World Bank, 1991, Gemini
Technical Report 25.
8. Micro and Small Enterprises Development Strategy, Ministry of Trade and Industry,
Republic of Ethiopia, November, 1997
9. Policy Document, Ministry of Labour and Social Security - NELMP
10. Policy Document, Ministry of Youth and Sport and child Development
11. Policy Document , Ministry of Community Development and Social Protection
12. Policy Document, Ministry of Local Government and Housing
13. Report training in “Enterprises Networking Regional Development” December, 2002.
14. Report on the Review of the Development Agency (ZDA) Act 2006. 2007. Zambia
Business Forum.
15. Small Enterprise Development Act, 1996. Republic of Zambia
16. Vision 2030 “ A prosperous middle – income Nation by 2030, Republic of Zambia,
December 2006
17. The Zambia Development Agency Act, 2006. Republic of Zambia