Cell Division A Level.
Cell Division A Level.
Cell Division A Level.
Cell division
Specific objectives
The learner should be able to:
(i) Describe mitosis and meiosis
(ii) Compare mitosis and meiosis
(iii) Explain the significance of the changes in the nucleus during cell division
(iv) State the significance of mitosis and meiosis to living organisms.
(v) Identify stages of mitosis from prepared slides
(vi) Draw cells at different stages of mitosis and meiosis
Growth, reproduction and replacement of old cells involve the multiplication cells. In order to
multiply cells under cell division: there are two types of cell division.
Mitosis takes place in five stages. Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. At
each of these stages certain crucial events take place, particularly in regards to chromosome. It is
a continuous process that takes about an hour.
1. Interphase
It is some times described as a resting stage. During this stage, there is protein synthesis,
formation of organelles and replication of DNA. It also builds up a sufficiently large store of
energy to carry the cell through the remaining stage of mitosis.
During interphase the chromosomes are not visible or distinct bodies either under light
microscope or electron microscope. Just before mitosis begin the centrioles are among the most
prominent organelles in the cell.
2. Prophase
(i) Early prophase
Chromosomes become visible as they contract, and nucleus shrinks, centrioles move to the
opposite sides of nucleus. Spindle fiber start to form
3. Metaphase
Chromosomes arrange themselves on the equator of a spindle
4. Anaphase
Chromatid separate and migrate to opposite pol of the cell. The centromere leading
5. Telophase
Chromosomes unwound. Nuclear envelope and nucleoli form.
The two silent features of mitosis that ensure that chromosome constitution of the cell is
preserved are
Importance of mitosis
1. Genetic stability: It ensures that the daughter cells carry the exact genetic material as the
parent cells
2. Growth: growth results in increase in the number of cells by mitosis.
3. Body repair: worn out cells are replaced b the cells produced by mitosis
4. Asexual reproduction
This is a type of cell division where each parent cell divides into four haploid cells. The leads to
formation of gametes. By having the number of chromosomes prior to fertilization, meiosis
ensure that the zygote has normal diploid condition
Meiosis occurs into two successive divisions, the parent cell splints into two (first meiotic
division) and the product then divides again (second meiotic division) giving a total of four
daughter cells.
Stages in meiosis
Meiotic division 1
1. Interphase
Cells in normal non-dividing conditions with chromosomes long and threadlike.
2. Prophase 1
This is the longest phase and is subdivided into 5 stages
(a) Leptotene
(b) Zygotene
(c) Pachytene
(d) Diplotene
(e) Diakinesis
(a) Leptotene
The chromosomes are single, long and scattered
(b) Zygotene
The single chromosomes begin to pair up with homologous chromosome the
process called synapsis and each pair is called a bivalent
(c) Pachytene
Chromosomes become intimately coiled around each other. The chromosomes replicate
into chromatids that move slightly apart. The chromatids of homologous chromosomes
remain in contact at certain points called the chiasmata. The chiasmata is the site of
genetic exchange called crossing over.
(d) Diplotene
Chromosomes in the bivalents begin to separate but remain joined at the chiasmata in
each bivalent. The number of chiasmata in each bivalent varies but they tend to be more
on long chromatids.
(e) Diakinesis
Internal coiling continues and the bivalents are most contractive stage.
Metaphase 1
The homologous chromosomes (bivalents) arrange themselves opposite each other on the
equator of the spindle
Anaphase 1
The homologous chromosomes each made up a pair of chromatid joined at the
centromere move towards opposite pole of the spindle. The sister chromatids also
separate from each other’s along their length except at the centromere.
Telophase 1
When the chromosomes reach their respective pole, the cell start to divided across the
middle, and as in mitosis, nuclear envelop form around the two new nuclei
Meiotic division II
Separation of homologous chromosomes that make up a bivalent is achieved by the first meiotic
division. The purpose of the second division is to separate the chromatids from one another
Prophase II
The two daughter cells prepare for the second meiotic division: centrioles have replicated and a
new spindle is formed.
Metaphase II
The chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle, the chromatids orienting towards opposite
Anaphase II
Chromatid separate and move apart from each other
Telophase II
When the chromosomes reach the end of the spindle the cell divides, the spindle apparatus
disappear and chromosome begin to regain their threadlike form. New nuclear envelops and
nucleoli form.
Significance of meiosis
1. Sexual reproduction: Meiosis results in half the number of chromosomes, during fertilization
the nuclei of the two gametes fuse to form a zygote restore the diploid number of
chromosomes for its species.
2. Genetic variation: Meiosis provided opportunities for new recombination of genes to occur in
the gametes and off springs in two ways
(i) Crossing over
(ii) Independent assortment i.e., random distribution of chromosomes into the gametes at
metaphase 1
3. At which one of the following stages of cell division does a cell have the same nucleic
content as that in metaphase I?
A. Anaphase I
B. Metaphase II
C. Telophase II
D. Prophase II
8. Which one of the following is true of the first meiotic division but untrue for mitosis?
A. The chromosome number is maintained in the daughter cells
B. Four daughter cells are formed
C. The chromosome number is doubled in daughter cells
D. Homologous chromosomes come together at the equator
11. During what stage of prophase 1 of meiosis are homologous chromosomes attracted to each
other and come together?
A. Leptotene
B. Zygotene
C. Pachytene
D. diplotene
12. During meiosis crossing over occurs between one of the following
A. two centromeres of homologous chromosomes
B. two homologous chromosomes
C. two non-homologous chromatids
D. two homologous chromatids
13. Which of the following is correct about the first division of meiosis but not that of mitosis?
A. Nucleolus disappears
B. Spindle is formed
C. Centrioles move to opposite pole of the nucleus
D. Homologous chromosomes associate to form bivalents
15. Which one of the following events occur during telophase of mitosis in the meristematic cell
of a root tip?
A. Cleavage of the cytoplasm
B. Replication of the centrioles
C. Replication of the cell plate
16. (a) Illustrating with a cell of one pair of homologous chromosome, draw diagrams in
the space below to show
(i) Mitotic metaphase (2marks)
(ii) Meiotic metaphase I (2marks)
(iii) Meiotic metaphase II (2marks)
(b) Explain how meiosis contribute to genetic variation (4marks)
17. Solution
(b) During prophase of meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair, from chiasmata and there is
subsequent crossing over, this result in exchange of genetic material between the two
homologues. The bivalents are randomly oriented and distributed in metaphase 1 and anaphase 1
respectively. This leads to new combinations of genetic material leading to genetic variation in
the population.
18. Solution
Prophase 1
Metaphase 1
Microtubules of the spindle attach to the centromere and the pairs of homologous chromosomes
move to the equator.
Anaphase 1
Telophase 1
Prophase II
Chromosomes condense.
Metaphase II
Aanpahse II
Chromatids separate.
Nuclear envelope appears and the cells divided leading to formation of four daughter cells.
Significance of meiosis.
- Growth in multicellular organisms occur by meiosis. Cells within multicellular orgainsms
divide mitotically thereby increasing in number. This leads to increase in size (growth) of the
- Repair and replacement of worn out cells occur by mitosis. This is possible because mitosis
producers daughter cells which are identical to the parent cell.
- A sexual reproduction is unicellular organisms like amoeba occurs by mitosis. This is possible
because mitosis ensures that the daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.
- Regeneration of body parts, such as whole legs in organisms like crustaceans occur by a
process which involves mitosis.
(a) (i) Genetic isolation occurs when mating can occur but fertilization is not possible and/or
even when it occurs, the product is a sterile or inferior offspring. This is due to incompatible
genetic constitution between organisms of a population.
Gene reshuffling occurs. During meiosis, crossing over occurs that results in new gene
recombination. At fertilization, these altered alleles are transmitted to offspring and over
generations, the allele frequency of a gene changes.