2019 Kirkova-Naskova JFL Secondlanguagepronetc
2019 Kirkova-Naskova JFL Secondlanguagepronetc
2019 Kirkova-Naskova JFL Secondlanguagepronetc
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1 author:
Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
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It is difficult to single out the most efficient pronunciation technique because the choice
depends on the aim of the practice. When evaluating teaching materials, teachers should
consider learners' needs and the pronunciation difficulties they face so that they can
choose and/or modify the exercises that are potentially most beneficial for them. With this
in mind, they have to make several decisions concerning the different linguistic properties
of pronunciation as a language skill, the methodological approach of the exercise and the
additional cognitive skills that learners develop in the learning process (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Linguistic, methodological and cognitive elements that need to be considered when
choosing activities for pronunciation practice
The first decision a teacher has to make is what type of phonological structure to
practice. Ideally, a teacher is expected to explain the different components of pronuncia-
tion or the ‘building blocks’ and the way they are related to each other. Foreign language
courses usually start with units related to the smallest phonological structures, the indi-
vidual phonemes of the language, and gradually progress to more complex structures
such as word and sentence stress, features of connected speech rhythm and intonation.
This creates a false notion in learners' minds that phonological structures function sep
arately. The reality is quite the opposite – pronunciation acquisition is more meaningful
if approached as a whole i.e. if learners are taught that the structures of the sound system
function inseparable from each other and that “all aspects of pronunciation are needed
right from the start” (Marks and Bowen 2012: 11). For instance, in English, the syllable
is the basic unit of the rhythm group and contains a vowel as its peak. The syllables
alternate between stressed and unstressed syllables in such a way that the nucleus place-
ment (i.e. the prominence of the tonic syllable) depends on the relevance of the intend-
ed message. Understanding this process not only helps learners improve their listening
skills, but it also strengthens their awareness of the English rhythmic structure. Moreover,
the English rhythm itself is closely related to vowel length, especially their full quality
in stressed syllables or reduced quality in unstressed syllables in certain grammatical
words (pronouns, modals, prepositions, determiners). Being aware of this further helps
learners to better hear, understand and pronounce word stress. Pronunciation is like a
puzzle, where every piece gets its meaning when combined with the others. Therefore,
the teacher should carefully select the phonological structures that require attention and
then choose multifaceted activities (a wide range of activities are proposed in Kenworthy
1990; Laroy 1995; Hancock 2005; Hewings 1993 2007 2011; Vaughan-Rees 2003; Rog-
erson-Revell 2011; Marks and Bowen 2012).
Once the phonological structure is defined, the teacher should focus on the speech
mode (perception only, production only or both perception and production) to be prac-
ticed by the activity, as well as the structural level of analysis (whether the phonological
structure is to be examined at the word, sentence or discourse levels). Choosing the spec
ific type of instruction1 is another decision a teacher has to make. Saito (2012: 845, 846)
distinguishes between the following three types: a) focus-on-formS (FonFS) – the activ-
ity is controlled (decontextualized) and the accurate use of the phonological structure is
practiced (for example, a mechanical drill of words where the only goal is to practice the
form); b) focus-on-form (FonF) – the aim of the activity is to practice form not only in con-
trolled contexts but also within the wider communicative context; and c) focus-on-mean-
ing (FonM) – the focus of the activity is solely on the communicative task and the form is
practiced implicitly. The type of instruction also determines the degree of control of the
structure that is practiced: complete control, partial control or spontaneous practice.
Furthermore, it is of utmost importance that learners recognize that by practising a
particular structure or ‘form’, they develop additional cognitive skills that help them ac-
quire the elements of pronunciation more easily (Rogerson-Revell 2011: 212). One can-
not expect learners to pronounce sounds or sound clusters that they have not heard before.
Learners have to learn to notice phonological forms in speech so that they can be aware
of the differences between their own speech and the speech produced by native speak-
ers and/or advanced non-native speakers. Learners' perception is strengthened by per-
forming perceptual discrimination and identification exercises; they learn to discriminate
1 Instruction is generally classified as implicit and explicit. The classification under the parameter type of instruc-
tion in Figure 1 is made based on the focus of the activity.
the differences between the L1-L2 sound systems, or, more precisely between ‘correct
pronunciation’ (speech that is very similar to the native speaker norm) and ‘incorrect
pronunciation’ (speech that deviates from the native speaker norm). In order to develop
automatic motor skills for precise sound production, learners need to be able to imitate
the sounds (de-contextualized drills and repetition of L2 sounds is a particularly signifi-
cant phase in the initial stages of language acquisition). At the same time, learners should
try to produce sounds until they resemble the target pronunciation model, thus enabling
themselves to reproduce sounds without encouragement or correction. Learners are often
able to reproduce sounds precisely in isolation but not in connected speech. Therefore,
they should be offered many opportunities for sound practice in context so that their
pronunciation can gradually become intelligible and spontaneous. This way, they enable
themselves to generate acquired phonological structures in different or similar phonet-
ic environments i.e. in new words and phrases. In this respect, activities that include
problem-solving and rule-forming objectives are especially beneficial. Such a process
of learning and skill acquisition is complete when learners are able to correct their own
pronunciation errors by practising activities that promote individual or peer evaluation.
To summarize, pronunciation teaching and learning is a complex task, and needs
to be approached systematically in language courses. The literature in the field of L2
pronunciation teaching (specialist textbooks, books focusing on teachers' professional
development, resource books, research papers) offers a variety of teaching techniques
to facilitate this process. In the following section a selection of pronunciation teaching
techniques is presented. The techniques are categorized and their main features are first
described and then critically evaluated.
an audio recording of a native speaker); the learners have to attempt to imitate what they
heard. It is highly recommended that the repetition is choral at first and all learners are
encouraged to participate. This way, their self-confidence is increased as the practice is
anonymous and they are not publicly exposed (Kelly 2003). The next step is individual
repetition when the teacher has the opportunity to give a corrective feedback. Repetition
can be done with substitution i.e. learners replace one segment with another to form a
different word, or even as pair work where learners practice sound repetition in a ques-
tion-and-answer session (Byrne 1997; Kelly 2003).
Minimal pairs, words that differ in a single sound as in pin-bin-tin-kin-fin-sin, are
considered the best type of exercise for practising sound repetition. They are used when
practising both perceptual discrimination and sound articulation in different phonetic
contexts, and can be modified in many creative ways (a selection of various minimal
pair activities can be found in Kenworthy 1990; Dalton and Seidlhofer 2001; Kelly 2003;
Baker 2006a 2006b; Celce-Murcia, Brinton and Goodwin 2007; Nilsen and Nilsen 2010;
Rogerson-Revell 2011; Gilbert 2012). In order to avoid the monotony of drilled repeti-
tion, Bowen (1980) suggests incorporating minimal pairs in a specific situational context
with or without visual aids so that the exercise has an overall more meaningful effect –
the teacher first presents key words and then introduces a sentence where the words of the
minimal pair can be alternately used and the learners are required to provide the answer
that matches what they heard, for example, The blacksmith is heating/hitting the horse-
shoe with ____ a) the fire; b) the hammer (Bowen,1980: 65). Minimal pair exercises may
be practiced in the form of games, such as bingo or following a set of instructions to reach
a particular goal (Hewings 2011).
Another type of repetitive drill is backchaining and/or frontchaining i.e. sentences are
gradually built up starting from the last word (backchaining) or the first word (frontchain-
ing) and then adding the next word or phrase in the thought group (Lewis and Hill 1999;
Kelly 2003; Mańkowska, Nowacka and Kłoczowska 2009). Such exercises are partic
ularly effective for practising nucleus placement (tonic syllable), intonation and reduced
word forms in longer phrases or sentences. Tongue twisters are also useful for sound
repetition because they demonstrate one sound or two similar sounds in close sequence
(Walker 2010). For mastering the rhythm patterns, it is recommended that learners recite
poems (children's rhymes or nonsense poems), read poetry, speeches, or dialogues aloud,
or perform plays (Celce-Murcia, Brinton and Goodwin 2007; Hancock 2017d).
It seems that repetition and imitation are an important aspect of pronunciation prac-
tice, and a suitable teaching technique for all age groups. However, though frequently
used it is not a favourite technique because it is tedious and does not guarantee that learn-
ers would apply the phonetic structure consistently when speaking. Nevertheless, many
experts agree that it is an important first step in understanding simple phonetic structures,
which then becomes a good basis for mastering more complex ones (Lewis and Hill
1999; Kelly 2003).
handle phonemic transcription exercises, because they have greater linguistic experience
and more proficient cognitive skills they can rely on in the learning process.
learner's attention to phonetic information, which promotes learning in a way that natu-
ralistic input does not” (Thomson and Derwing 2015: 14). Most of the related studies are
conducted with adult learners leaving a gap in research findings about the effectiveness
of such technique with young learners. In addition, it is relevant to note that these studies
have not yet proposed a unified approach applicable to different teaching contexts.
becoming conscious of the tactile and proprioceptive sensations associated with speech
organs when sounds are produced: “It is absolutely useless merely to be aware of them
intellectually… one must carry out a great deal of silent introspection concerning these
sensations…” (Catford 2001: 120). He suggests silent practice of sounds with the help of
a pocket mirror so that learners can connect the visible movements and positions of the
tongue and lips with the proprioceptive sensations, as well as the auditory sensations we
feel when sounds are pronounced with whisper or with voice. Underhill (2005: 114) rec-
ommends exercises for proprioceptive sound repetition and forming a mental image: “We
have the ability to hear a sound externally and then to hear it again internally for several
seconds… Only when we discover these latent learning faculties in ourselves do we have
the possibility and the confidence to help our learners make use of them. Our mainstream
procedures tend to recognize and value only the external processes that can be directly
perceived by the teacher. By being unaware of, and unresponsive to, the inner processes,
we lose an opportunity to interest learners in their own learning and in the discovery that
they can rely on themselves more than they thought.”
It is of utmost importance that learners raise their phonological awareness of the
relevant L2 language structures and rules, as well as the awareness to care for their own
speech. In addition to exercises that practice or contrast language structures (Kenworthy
1990; Laroy 1995; Hewings 2011), it is recommended that learners analyse their speech
and get corrective feedback from the teacher – this enables them to become aware of
their own pronunciation errors and to decide for themselves what aspects of their pronun
ciation they should improve. Getting constructive feedback should not inspire a negative
feeling in learners; in fact, according to Morley (1991), learners should be able to learn
how to correct themselves while the teacher should hint what and how should be correct-
ed. Many authors advise making an audio and/or a video recording of learners' pronun
ciation, both individually and in interaction with another speaker, and then listen critical-
ly to the recordings i.e. analyse them in detail (Fraser 2001; Goodwin 2001; Kelly 2003;
Celce-Murcia, Brinton and Goodwin 2007). These activities are particularly constructive
for adult learners, as they enable them to critically assess their own pronunciation. Young
learners, on the other hand, are not equipped with the necessary analytical skills to tackle
such activities; nevertheless, if a game-like element is added, for instance impersonation
or role-play, then they might prove very successful.
Once learners feel more confident in their knowledge of a particular pronunciation
model, it is useful to raise their awareness of other regional, dialectal or sociolinguistic
language varieties by including activities that expose them to diverse authentic speech.
For instance, given the global expansion of English, learners should be aware of the dif-
ferences between the regional varieties of the ‘Inner Circle’, i.e. traditional varieties of
English that are primarily spoken in a country as L1 and are referred to as norm-providing
varieties: British, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand
English, and South African English, as opposed to the varieties of the ‘Outer Circle’,
i.e. new varieties of English that have become official second language in a country and
are referred to as norm-developing: Indian English, Chinese English, and other variants
that have developed in former US and UK colonies (Kashru 1985). Also of note in this
context is the emergence of International English or English as a Lingua Franca, an amal-
gam variety used in international communication in countries where English has played
neither historical nor political roles (Jenkins 2000).
advertisements, popular songs, restaurant menus, magazine articles, book excerpts, etc.,
may be used for practising different aspects of pronunciation through giving comments
or engaging in conversation.
Classroom practice shows that communicative activities are beneficial for any age
group, as they encourage speaking and interaction in a more realistic context.
negative experiences about pronunciation into more positive ones, remembering short
catch phrases at the end of the class, etc.
Unlike other language skills, L2 pronunciation is “not tied to proficiency – a beginner can
have excellent productions and an individual with a superb grasp of L2 syntax and vo-
cabulary can be difficult to understand” (Thomson and Derwing 2015: 14). This in itself
makes the process of learning L2 pronunciation “a complex task which requires motivation,
time, and patience on the part of the learner and teacher” (Pennington and Rogerson-Rev-
ell 2019: 201). Choosing the most appropriate teaching technique requires that a teacher
demonstrates sensitivity to additional factors not necessarily related to the development of
proficiency. These concern not only understanding of the essential parts of pronunciation
and how they interact in speech, but also taking into consideration the learners' age, their
learning context, the communicative context, learners' goals and to what extent they are
achievable, as well as learners' projected L2 identity and emotional state. The reality of this
is certainly daunting for practicing teachers, and presents a serious challenge.
According to Henderson et al. (2012), the most common techniques2 used in Euro-
pean classrooms include listen-and-repeat, spontaneous error correction, reading aloud,
and phonetic instruction/training. Compared to the types of teaching techniques found in
the literature and categorized in our discussion, it is noticeable that traditional activities
such as automatic repetition, ear-training and phonetic instruction are still considered
beneficial. However, if teachers aim to teach their learners about the relevance of L2
pronunciation to successful spoken communication they also need to incorporate less
conventional teaching techniques, such as activities for raising phonological awareness,
communicative activities and techniques that adopt an interdisciplinary approach. Most
importantly, they need to be critical of the abundance of pedagogic resources now on
the market, and make informed choices based on related research and applicable results
(Pennington and Rogerson-Revell 2019).
BAKER, Ann (2006a) Tree or Three? An Elementary Pronunciation Course (2nd edi-
tion). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BAKER, Ann (2006b) Ship or Sheep? An Intermediate Pronunciation Course (3rd edi-
tion). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2 The study does not test the effectiveness of the listed teaching techniques.
Pričujoči prispevek ponuja kritičen pregled tradicionalnih ter sodobnejših tehnik in dejavnosti, ki
so namenjene vadenju izgovorjave in so obravnavane v znanstveni literaturi. V preteklih desetle-
tjih so teoretični pristopi k poučevanju izgovorjave doživeli pomembne spremembe: če so se sprva
osredotočali predvsem na natančno oblikovanje oz. izgovorjavo posameznih glasov, sta danes v
središču njihovega zanimanja sporazumevalni pomen tekočega govora in njegova razumljivost.
Ker je poučevanje izgovorjave v drugem jeziku zahtevno, se ga je treba lotiti sistematično. Prispe-
vek ponuja razmislek o različnih odločitvah, ki jih morajo učitelji sprejeti pri izbiri vaj za izgovor-
javo: izbrati morajo vrsto fonološke strukture, ki naj jo vaja obravnava, določiti način govora in
strukturno raven govora, na katero naj se vaja osredotoča, odločiti se morajo za vrsto vaje, opre-
deliti stopnjo nadzora nad strukturo, ki je predmet posamezne vaje, in določiti kognitivne veščine,
ki naj bi jih spodbujalo izvajanje določene vaje. Analiza znanstvene literature je pokazala, da so
se tehnike poučevanja izgovorjave prilagodile različnim sodobnim smernicam. Tako tradicionalne
dejavnosti, kot so samodejno ponavljanje glasov, zaznavni trening in pouk fonetike, sicer še vedno
veljajo za učinkovite, vendar je več poudarka tudi na dejavnostih za razvijanje fonološke zavesti,
na sporazumevalnih dejavnostih in na tehnikah, ki se opirajo na interdisciplinarni pristop.
Ključne besede: ponavljanje glasov, zaznavni trening, pouk fonetike, fonološka zavest, sporazu-
mevalne dejavnosti
The aim of the paper is to give a critical summary of the traditional and more alternative techniques
and activities for pronunciation practice recommended in the literature. In the past few decades the
theoretical approaches to teaching pronunciation have changed considerably, from giving a strong
focus on the accurate production of individual speech sounds to shifting the focus onto the greater
communicative relevance of connected speech and intelligibility. Approaching L2 pronunciation
teaching is not an easy task, and it needs to be systematically dealt with. The paper discusses
several decisions teachers need to make when choosing activities for pronunciation practice: se-
lecting the type of phonological structure to practice, deciding on the speech mode, determining
the structural level of practice, focusing on a particular type of instruction, establishing the degree
of control of the structure that is practiced, and choosing which cognitive skill to enhance while
practicing. With regard to the various techniques for teaching pronunciation, the analysis shows
they have adapted accordingly in line with the different trends. Hence, while traditional activities
such as automatic repetition, ear-training and explicit phonetic instruction are still considered ef-
fective, additional priority is given to activities for raising phonological awareness, communicative
activities and techniques that adopt an interdisciplinary approach.