Review: Therevolutionisjustbeginning
Review: Therevolutionisjustbeginning
Review: Therevolutionisjustbeginning
Define e-commerce, understand how e-commerce differs from e-business, identify the primary technological building
blocks underlying e-commerce, and recognize major current themes in e-commerce.
• E-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and
• E-business refers primarily to the digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm, involving
information systems under the control of the firm. For the most part, unlike e-commerce, e-business does
not involve commercial transactions across organizational boundaries where value is exchanged.
• The technology juggernauts behind e-commerce are the Internet, the Web, and increasingly, the mobile
• From a business perspective, one of the most important trends to note is that all forms of e-commerce
continue to show very strong growth. From a technology perspective, the mobile platform has finally
arrived with a bang, driving astronomical growth in mobile advertising and making true mobile e-com-
merce a reality. At a societal level, major issues include privacy and government surveillance, protection
of intellectual property, online security, and governance of the Internet.
Identify and describe the unique features of e-commerce technology and discuss their business significance.
There are eight features of e-commerce technology that are unique to this medium:
• Ubiquity—available just about everywhere, at all times, making it possible to shop from your desktop, at
home, at work, or even from your car.
• Global reach—permits commercial transactions to cross cultural and national boundaries far more conve-
niently and cost-effectively than is true in traditional commerce.
• Universal standards—shared by all nations around the world, in contrast to most traditional commerce
technologies, which differ from one nation to the next.
• Richness—enables an online merchant to deliver marketing messages in a way not possible with tradi-
tional commerce technologies.
• Interactivity—allows for two-way communication between merchant and consumer and enables the mer-
chant to engage a consumer in ways similar to a face-to-face experience, but on a much more massive,
global scale.
• Information density—is the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants.
The Internet reduces information collection, storage, processing, and communication costs while increas-
ing the currency, accuracy, and timeliness of information.
• Personalization and customization—the increase in information density allows merchants to target their
marketing messages to specific individuals and results in a level of personalization and customization
unthinkable with previously existing commerce technologies.
• Social technology—provides a many-to-many model of mass communications. Millions of users are able to
generate content consumed by millions of other users. The result is the formation of social networks on a
wide scale and the aggregation of large audiences on social network platforms.
Review 49
1. What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business? Where does it intersect with e-business?
2. What is information asymmetry?
3. What are some of the unique features of e-commerce technology?
4. What is a marketspace?
5. What are three benefits of universal standards?
6. Compare online and traditional transactions in terms of richness.
7. Name three of the business consequences that can result from growth in information density.
8. What is Web 2.0? Give examples of Web 2.0 sites and explain why you included them in your list.
9. Give examples of B2C, B2B, C2C, and social, mobile, and local e-commerce besides those listed in the
chapter materials.
10. How are e-commerce technologies similar to or different from other technologies that have changed
commerce in the past?
11. Describe the three different stages in the evolution of e-commerce.
12. Define disintermediation and explain the benefits to Internet users of such a phenomenon. How does
disintermediation impact friction-free commerce?
13. What are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of being a first mover?
14. What is a network effect, and why is it valuable?
15. Discuss the ways in which the early years of e-commerce can be considered both a success and a failure.
16. What are five of the major differences between the early years of e-commerce and today’s e-commerce?
17. Why is a multidisciplinary approach necessary if one hopes to understand e-commerce?
18. What are some of the privacy issues that Facebook has created?
19. What are those who take a behavioral approach to studying e-commerce interested in?
1. Choose an e-commerce company and assess it in terms of the eight unique features of e-commerce
technology described in Table 1.2. Which of the features does the company implement well, and which
features poorly, in your opinion? Prepare a short memo to the president of the company you have
chosen detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have.
2. Search the Web for an example of each of the major types of e-commerce described in Section 1.4 and
listed in Table 1.3. Create a presentation or written report describing each company (take a screenshot
of each, if possible), and explain why it fits into the category of e-commerce to which you have assigned
3. Given the development and history of e-commerce in the years from 1995–2016, what do you predict
we will see during the next five years of e-commerce? Describe some of the technological, business, and
societal shifts that may occur as the Internet continues to grow and expand. Prepare a brief presentation
or written report to explain your vision of what e-commerce will look like in 2020.
4. Prepare a brief report or presentation on how companies are using Instagram or another company of
your choosing as a social e-commerce platform.
5. Follow up on events at Uber since October 2016 (when the opening case was prepared). Prepare a short
report on your findings.