To build a society that is peaceful and wealthy, it is essential to provide quality education
to everyone. Education provides people the intelligence and expertise necessary to stay healthy,
be able to find work, and foster tolerance (The Sustainable Development Goals Report, 2022).
Unfortunately, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it has taken a toll to maintain proper
education for all. This has affected global education which led to disruptions and unexpected
challenges to the primary system of teaching. Multiple schools have been forced to permanently
close resulting in detrimental effects on children’s education and welfare.
Education is at the heart of this SDG, which strives to provide education for all,
beginning with basic schooling. Specific goals include increasing opportunities for technical and
vocational training for youth and adults so they can get better jobs; eliminating gender disparities
in educational opportunities; providing appropriate education for children with disabilities,
indigenous people, and conflict victims; improving school facilities to provide a safe and positive
environment for all; increasing the number of trained and qualified teachers; and promoting e-
learning (UNESCO, 2018).
Improving the quality of education is essential for the growth and development of a
nation. Unfortunately, not all children have access to quality education, especially those from
low-income families. Children can play a powerful role in advocating quality education for all,
as they have a unique perspective on the challenges that they face in their learning environment.
By speaking out and sharing their experiences, they can raise awareness about the importance of
quality education and the need for urgent action to improve it. Advocacy by children can also
help to mobilize communities, policymakers, and other stakeholders to take action on education
issues. By giving children a platform to share their experiences and ideas, we can create a more
inclusive and equitable education system that provides all children with the opportunity to
succeed and reach their full potential.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant decline in the effectiveness of our
education system, which poses a threat to the future of our country's next generation. Our
advocacy aims to address this issue by preparing students for the future world that emerged in
2020 and beyond. By fortifying the new norm of studying, we strive to equip learners with the
necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a post-pandemic society.
What sets our advocacy apart is our innovative approach to tackling this issue. While
other initiatives focus on returning to traditional ways of studying, we recognize the need to
adapt to the new norm and continuously improve our methods to better suit learners' current
situations. Our goal is not only to restore the quality of education but also to make it more
accessible and effective for all students.
For example, an advocacy message in an article titled "Prioritized, Protect, and Plan for
Education" suggests a safe return to school. While this is important, our advocacy recognizes
that there are other factors to consider beyond just the physical location of learning. By
embracing technology and alternative forms of education, we can ensure that all students have
equal opportunities to learn and succeed.
Overall, our advocacy is driven by the belief that securing the future of our next
generation is essential for securing the future of our country. By embracing innovation and
adapting to the new norm, we can empower learners to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various
Being part of Generation Z, our everyday lives include spending a huge amount of time
in the digital world. Due to this, using online platforms to promote our advocacy will surely have
a wide reach of audience. Activities proposed to achieve our desired influence include making
pub mats related to our advocacy which can be easily spread out to social media platforms such
as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like, and making a simple, maybe short even, yet
impactful campaign video.
Each member of the group will be assigned tasks for each activity that will be done for
the advocacy, to lighten the load and make the whole ordeal collaborative. Pamplona and Vales
will be the main overseers for the publication material, with the former being the main concept
designer and the latter applying that design for the pub mat. will be the ones in charge of the
video campaign, with the former conceptualizing the flow of the video and the latter heading the
editing of the video. Being in charge does not mean the task is exclusive to said members. Every
member will still assist on both tasks, which may include activities such as consulting on what
design is best for the pub mats and what features or editing the video will need to enhance the
purpose of the video. Also, when the materials are finished, every member will be expected to
take part in spreading said materials to promote our advocacy.
As for expenses, it is very likely that very minimal expenses will be accumulated, if ever
needed. Since the main platform will be virtual, most of the things needed to finish the material
will also be digital, and therefore will not need many expenses.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various
Children, teens, and adults cannot gain a head start and are consequently left behind as a
result of unequal access to learning. Such problems can have far-reaching long-term
consequences. Indeed, there is a definite class split in the country between affluent and poor kids.
Despite this, less developed countries can prioritize learning if it is one of their top priorities.
Thus, we have chosen quality education as our main advocacy to raise awareness and speak for
those who are unable that there are still people who they can reach out for help and care for their
well-being. Using our own voice, we will stand up with the people to fight for good quality
education and make sure to address that such topics should be one of the main concerns of the
Our projected proposal will revolve around using internet venues to promote our
activism. This will undoubtedly reach a large audience as it is very relevant in today’s world.
Through the use of online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like, we want
to let our advocacy be known to people. Making pub mats connected to our advocacy is one of
the activities advised to accomplish our desired influence together with an eye-opening campaign
video which reflects the struggles of accessing education and alternative ways of dealing with
lack of academic growth.
As students who are also experiencing the same situation of poor-quality education due to
unfortunate circumstances, we want to express our concern and be able to show our support by
promoting this advocacy. Not only can this small gesture benefit students and children but also
individuals who aspire to reach great heights in their future endeavors. It may provide new
opportunities, enhance one’s learning potential, and teach new skills that will help develop a
person’s desired profession. We believe that this proposed plan is of great help to many and
implementing the suggested campaign activities can bring to the open the current educational
distress that we are experiencing.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various
Brussels SDG Summit. (2022, July 25). The Importance of Quality Education and the Benefit it
ChildHope Philippines. (2021, August 25). Education Issues in the Philippines: The Ongoing
Ignacio, L. B., Cristobal, A., David, P., (2022). Impact of Policy Implementation on Education
Quality: A Case Study on Philippines’ Low Ranking in International and Local
Assessment Programs. Asian Journal on Perspectives in Education, 3(1), 41-54.
assessment- programs/#:~:text=In%20the%20recent%20report%20released,SEA%2DPLM
%2C%20a nd%20NAT
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (n.d.). Prioritize, Protect, and Plan for
UNESCO. (2018, November 21). SDG Resources for Educators - Quality Education.