K1200S Manual

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Rider’s Manual

K 1200 S

BMW Motorrad
K40_04_d1.book Seite 0 Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2004 12:32 12

Welcome to BMW If you have any questions con-

We congratulate you on
cerning your motorcycle, your
authorised BMW motorcycle
choosing a BMW motorcycle dealer will gladly provide 1
and welcome you to the com- advice and assistance.
munity of BMW riders.
Familiarise yourself with your

We hope you enjoy reading
new motorcycle so that you this Rider’s Manual and wish
can ride it safely and confi- you many a pleasant,
dently in all traffic situations. safe journey on your
Please read this Rider’s Man- BMW motorcycle.
ual carefully before starting to
use your new BMW motorcy- Best wishes,
cle. It contains important infor-
mation on how to operate the BMW Motorrad
controls and how to make the
best possible use of all your
BMW’s technical features.
In addition, it contains infor-
mation on maintenance and
care to help you maintain your
motorcycle’s reliability and
safety, as well as its value.
Table of contents Operation ....................... 29 Making your first trip ...... 52

i Use the index (b 149) to find a

Ignition switch and
steering lock.................. 30
Before you start .............
Starting ..........................
2 certain topic quickly. Electronic immobiliser ... 31 Riding ............................ 58
Hazard warning Running in ..................... 58
Welcome to BMW ........... 1 flashers.......................... 32 Shifting gear .................. 59
General information ......... 4 Tripmaster ..................... 33 Placing the motorcycle

Overview .......................... 7 Kill switch ...................... 34 on its side stand ............ 61

General view, left side ..... 9 Grip heatingOE ............... 35 Taking the motorcycle
General view, Clock............................. 35 off the side stand ........... 63
right side ....................... 11 Handlebar levers ........... 36 Placing the motorcycle
Left handlebar Lights ............................ 37 on the centre standOA .... 65
controls ......................... 12 Turn indicators .............. 39 Pushing the motorcycle
Right handlebar Seat............................... 40 off the centre standOA .... 67
controls ......................... 13 Helmet holder ................ 41 Fuel................................ 67
Instrument cluster ......... 14 Luggage loops .............. 42 Brake system ................. 68
Headlights ..................... 15 Mirrors .......................... 43 Accessories ................... 73
Spring preload .............. 43 General instructions....... 74
Status indicators ........... 17
Shock absorbers ........... 44 Power socket ................. 74
Multifunction display....... 18
ESAOE ........................... 45 Luggage system ............ 77
Warning and telltale
Wheels .......................... 47 Breakdown assistance
lights .............................. 18
Warning indicators ......... 19 Riding ............................. 49 kit for tubeless tyres ...... 82
ABS warning Safety instructions ......... 50
indicators ...................... 25 Safety check.................. 52
Maintenance .................. 83 Wheels and tyres ......... 131
Toolkit ........................... 85
Engine oil ...................... 86
Fuel and lubricants ......
Electrical system..........
Coolant ......................... 88 Dimensions and 3
Brakes........................... 89 weights ........................ 137
Clutch ........................... 93 Riding specifications ... 138
Wheels .......................... 94

Service ..........................139
Front-wheel stand ....... 103 BMW Motorrad
Rear wheel stand ........ 104 service ........................ 140
Bulbs........................... 105 Confirmation of
Jump starting .............. 111 maintenance work ...... 143
Battery ........................ 112 Confirmation of
Splash guard ............... 116 service ........................ 147
Care .............................. 117 Index ........................... 149
Cleaning and care ..... 118
Laying up .................... 120
Restoring to use .......... 121
Technical data ............. 123
Bolt connections ......... 124
Tyre pressures .......... 126
Engine ......................... 127
Power transmission ..... 128
Frame and
suspension.................. 129
General information Symbols and (b 4) Reference to a page

i About this Rider’s Manual

abbreviations with more detailed
4 We have tried to make all the Indicates warnings that
information in this Rider’s you must comply with for
OE Optional extras you have
Manual easy to find. The reasons of safety, the safety of
chosen are taken into
quickest access to a particular others and to protect your

account during produc-

topic or item is by consulting motorcycle against damage.
tion of your motorcycle.
the detailed index (b 149). Special information on
The first chapter of this Rider’s operating and inspecting OA Optional accessories
Manual will provide you with an your motorcycle as well as can be purchased and
initial overview of your motor- maintenance and adjustment retrofitted at your author-
cycle. When the time comes to procedures. ised BMW motorcycle
sell your BMW, please remem- dealer.
c Indicates the end of an
ber to hand over this Rider’s
item of information.
Manual; it is an important part
EWS Electronic immobiliser.
of your motorcycle.
• Instruction.

» Result of an activity.
ESA Electronic Suspension If your BMW contains equip- Currency
Adjustment. ment which is not described in
this Rider’s Manual, this will be
The high safety and quality
standards of BMW motorcy-
DWA Anti-theft alarm system. described in separate operat- cles are maintained by con- 5
ing instructions. stant development work on
ABS Anti-lock braking system. designs, equipment and
Technical data

accessories. Because of this,
Custom equipment All dimensions, weights and
your motorcycle may differ
When you ordered your BMW power ratings stated in the
from the information supplied
motorcycle, you chose various Rider’s Manual are quoted to
in the Rider's Manual. Nor can
items of custom equipment. the standards and comply with
errors and omissions be
This Rider’s Manual describes the tolerance requirements of
entirely ruled out. We hope
optional extras (OE) offered by the Deutsche Institut für
you will appreciate that no
BMW and selected optional Normung e. V. (DIN). Versions
claims can be entertained on
accessories (OA). This for individual countries may
the basis of the data, illustra-
explains why the manual may differ.
tions or descriptions in this
also contain descriptions of
equipment which you have not
ordered. Country-specific
deviations from the motorcycle
illustrated are also possible.
BMW Service the information from the Inter- Rider’s equipment
i Advanced technology requires
specially adapted methods of
net by visiting "www.bmw-
Do not ride without the correct
clothing. Always wear:
6 maintenance and repair. – a helmet
Have all maintenance and – a rider's suit
Incorrectly executed
repair work carried out con- – gloves
maintenance and repair

firmed in the chapter "Service" – boots

work could result in subse-
(b 140) in this manual.
quent damage and the safety
This also applies to short
risks associated with this.
Your authorised BMW motor- journeys and throughout the
BMW recommends that all
cycle dealer is supplied with all year. Your authorised
appropriate work on your
the latest technical information BMW motorcycle dealer will
motorcycle be carried out by
and therefore possesses the be glad to advise you on the
an authorised BMW motorcy-
necessary technical know- correct clothing for every
cle dealer or by a workshop
how. purpose.
which operates with appropri-
We therefore recommend that
ately trained personnel in
you consult your authorised
accordance with
BMW motorcycle dealer for all
BMW specifications.c
questions concerning the
Your authorised BMW motor- motorcycle.
cycle dealer can provide infor-
mation on the Service,
Inspection and Annual Inspec-
tion needed, or you can obtain
General view, left side .................... 9
General view, right side ................ 11 1
Left handlebar 7
controls .......................................... 12
Right handlebar

controls .......................................... 13
Instrument cluster......................... 14
Headlights...................................... 15
General view, left side
1 Vertical aim adjustment 1
(b 38) beneath instrument 9
2 Clutch fluid reservoir
(b 93)

3 Adjusting the rear spring
preload (b 43)
4 Helmet holder (b 41)
under seat
5 Seat lock (b 40)
beneath rear light
6 Rear shock absorber
adjustment (b 44)
7 Power socket (b 74)
8 Coolant filler aperture
(b 88)
General view, right
side 1
1 Toolkit (b 85) under 11
the seat
2 Display for engine oil level
(b 86)

3 Filler aperture
Engine oil (b 87), under
4 Filler aperture, fuel tank
(b 67)
5 Battery compartment
(b 115)
6 Front brake-fluid reservoir
(b 91)
7 Type plate on rear cross
8 Vehicle identification
number on front right side
9 Rear brake-fluid reservoir
(b 92)
Left handlebar
1 controls
12 1 Button for Tripmaster
(b 33)
2 Button for hazard warning
flashers (b 32)

3 Button for ESAOA (b 45)

4 Button for horn
5 Button for left turn
indicator (b 39)
6 Switch for high-beam
headlight and headlight
flasher (b 37)
Right handlebar
controls 1
1 Kill switch (b 34) 13
2 Starter button
3 Switch for grip heatingOE
(b 35)

4 Button for right turn
indicator (b 39)
5 Button to switch turn
indicator off (b 40)
Instrument cluster
1 1 Rev. counter
14 2 Speedometer
3 Warning and telltale
lights (b 18)
4 Multifunction display

(b 18)
5 Telltale light DWAOE and
sensor for instrument
cluster lighting
6 Clock adjustment (b 35)
The instrument cluster
lighting is equipped with
an automatic day and night
1 High-beam headlight 1
2 Low-beam headlight 15
3 Parking light

Multifunction display..................... 18
Warning and telltale lights............ 18 2
Warning indicators ........................ 19 17

ABS warning indicators .............. 25

Status indicators
Multifunction display Fuel capacity Warning and telltale
2 The horizontal bars indi-
cate the level in the fuel
18 tank. If only four bars are dis- The warning and telltale lights
played, the reserve fuel has are shown in one of the follow-
been reached. ing three variants depending
on the country:
Status indicators

Gear indicator
The gear indicator dis-
plays the engaged gear.
If no gear is engaged, the gear
1 Fuel gauge indicator displays 0; the ’neu-
2 Display area for warning tral’ telltale light also lights up.
Coolant temperature
3 Gear indicator
The horizontal bars indi-
4 Coolant temperature
cate the level of the
display Telltale light, left turn
coolant temperature.
5 Tripmaster display (b 33) indicator
6 Clock Telltale light, high-beam
Warning light, general

Telltale light, neutral

ABS warning light,
specification 1
ABS warning light, 19
specification 2

Status indicators
ABS warning light,
specification 3
Telltale light, right turn

Warning indicators
Warnings are displayed by
means of symbols in the multi-
function display. In some
cases, an additional general
warning light lights up red or
yellow. A number of warnings
may be issued simultaneously.

2 The following table lists the possible warnings and pages with additional information.

Light Symbol Meaning Explanations

Ignition key not authorised. (b 22)

Status indicators

Low-beam headlight, high-beam

headlight, parking light or turn signal
lamp defective. (b 24)

Defective lamp. (b 24)

yellow Fuel reserve reached. (b 22)

yellow Fault in engine electronics. (b 23)

Rear light or brake light lamp
yellow defective. (b 24)

red Coolant temperature too high. (b 22)

red Engine oil pressure too low. (b 23)

Light Symbol Meaning Explanations
red Battery is no longer being charged. (b 24) 21

red Brake switch defective. (b 25)

Status indicators
1 flash per
second ABS starting-off test not completed. (b 25)
4 flashes per
second ABS self-diagnosis not completed. (b 26)
Relay for ABS warning light
red defective. (b 26)
1 flash per
red second ABS function not available. (b 26)
4 flashes per
red second ABS in residual braking function. (b 27)
1 red flash 1 flash per
per second second Insufficient brake fluid. (b 27)
4 red flashes 4 flashes per
per second second A number of ABS faults. (b 28)
Electronic immobiliser The fuel tank contains a fuel Coolant temperature
2 (EWS)
EWS symbol is
reserve of a maximum of
4 litres. The Tripmaster indi-
General warning light
lights up red.
22 displayed. cates the estimated residual
operating range (b 34). Coolant temperature
The key being used is not
indicator flashes 10 times.
authorised for starting, or Lack of fuel could result
Status indicators

communication between the in the engine cutting out Coolant temperature too high.
key and engine electronics is unexpectedly and this could
Continuing to ride when
disrupted. therefore cause a dangerous
the engine is overheated
• Remove any other vehicle road situation.
could result in engine damage.
keys located near the igni- Do not run the fuel tank dry.c
It is essential that the
tion key (b 30). A lack of fuel could result measures given below are
• Use the replacement key. in misfiring and this in observed.c
• It is best to have the defec- turn could damage the catalyt-
tive key replaced by an • Check coolant level, top up if
ic converter.
authorised BMW motorcycle necessary.
Do not run the fuel tank dry.c
dealer (b 32). • If possible, ride in the part-
• Refuel. load range to cool down the
Fuel reserve engine.
General warning light • In traffic jams, switch off the
lights up yellow. engine, but keep the ignition
Fuel reserve symbol is on so that the radiator fan
displayed and flashes continues to operate.
10 times.
Engine electronics Engine oil pressure • Disengage the gear.
General warning light
lights up yellow.
General warning light lights
up red.
• Press the kill switch.
• Bring the motorcycle safely
Engine electronics Engine oil pressure symbol to a halt. 23
symbol is displayed. is displayed. • Check the engine oil level.

Fault in the engine electronics. Insufficient engine oil pressure. Alongside an insufficient

Status indicators
In exceptional cases, the The "engine oil pressure" warn- engine oil level, other
engine stops and can no ing indicates that there is no oil problems in the engine can
longer be started. Otherwise, pressure or that the oil pressure lead to the "engine oil pres-
the engine runs in emergency in the lubricating oil circuit is too sure" warning. Continuing to
operating mode. low; under no circumstances is it ride in these cases can cause
You can continue to ride, but to be regarded as fulfilling the engine damage.
bear in mind that the usual function of an oil gauge. Once If the "engine oil pressure"
engine output is not available. the oil pressure has built up warning is issued, do not con-
• Have the fault remedied as 1 – 2 seconds after the engine tinue to ride, even though the
soon as possible by a spe- start, the warning indicator must engine oil level might be
cialist workshop, preferably go out. correct.c
an authorised BMW motor- • Have the fault remedied by a
cycle dealer. If the "engine oil pressure" warn- specialist workshop, prefer-
ing is displayed while the motor- ably an authorised
cycle is being ridden, take BMW motorcycle dealer.
account of the traffic situation
Battery charge current Defective lamp • Replace bulbs

2 General warning light

lights up red.
In the event of a lamp fail-
(b 106-110).

24 ure, there can be prob-

Battery charge current Defective lamp symbol
lems seeing and being seen.
symbol is displayed. with two arrows is
Defective lamps should be
The battery is no longer being replaced as soon as possi-
Status indicators

charged. You can only con- ble.c A combination of the lamp

tinue to ride until the battery is General warning light defects described previously
discharged. lights up yellow. has occurred.
Defective lamp symbol • Replace bulbs
A discharged battery
with arrow pointing to the (b 106-110).
could result in the engine
cutting out unexpectedly and rear is displayed.
this could therefore cause a
Rear light or brake light lamp
dangerous road situation.
If possible, do not continue to
• Replace bulbs (b 108).
• Have the fault remedied as Defective lamp symbol
soon as possible by a spe- with arrow pointing to the
cialist workshop, preferably front is displayed.
an authorised BMW motor-
Low-beam headlight, high-
cycle dealer.
beam headlight, parking light
or turn indicator defective.
ABS warning General warning light • Have the fault remedied as
indicators General warning light
lights up red.
soon as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably
The ABS warning light is an authorised BMW motor- 25
shown in one of the following Brake switch defective or
cycle dealer.
three variants depending on incorrectly adjusted. BMW
the country: Integral ABS detects the ABS warning light

Status indicators
driver’s request for braking by ABS warning light flashes
the pressure build-up from the once per second.
brake lever. There may be an
ABS function not available as
unusual response from the
starting-off test (b 58) is not
brake. You can continue to
ride. However, bear in mind
You can continue to ride. To
that the brake may respond in
prevent the wheels from
a manner to which you are not
• Do not use emergency brak-
ABS warnings are indicated by There is a defect in the ing until the starting-off test
a combination of the general brake system that can has been completed.
warning light and the ABS lead to abnormal braking effi-
warning light. Both warning Without the ABS func-
lights can light up continuously tion, the wheels could
Brake carefully and safely.
or flash once or 4 times per lock under braking.
Avoid braking sharply.c
second. Brake carefully and safely.
Avoid braking sharply.c
ABS warning light flashes • When circumstances permit, ABS warning display

2 4 times per second. avoid pressing the brake

lever until the self-diagnosis
does not function.
Brake carefully and safely.
26 Only residual braking function
has been completed. Avoid braking sharply.c
available in both brake cir-
cuits, as self-diagnosis (b 54) General warning light and • Have the fault remedied as
not complete. ABS warning light soon as possible by a spe-
Status indicators

You can continue to ride. General warning light cialist workshop, preferably
However, bear in mind that lights up red. an authorised BMW motor-
neither the ABS function nor cycle dealer.
the braking power assistance ABS warning light lights
is available before the self- up. General warning light
diagnosis has been lights up red.
The relay for control of the
completed. ABS warning light flashes
ABS warning indicators is
once per second.
Without the ABS func- defective. No ABS faults can
tion, wheels could lock be displayed. ABS function (b 71) unavaila-
under braking; without braking You can continue to ride, but ble in at least one brake
power assistance, considera- bear in mind that any ABS circuit.
bly greater force is required to faults that might occur can no You can continue to ride.
brake. longer be displayed. However, bear in mind that the
Brake carefully and safely. ABS function is not available.
Avoid braking sharply.c
Without the ABS func- Without the ABS func- This means the fluid level
tion, the wheels could
lock under braking.
tion, the wheels could
lock under braking; without
for a wheel brake circuit
cannot be read from the
Brake carefully and safely. braking power assistance, brake-fluid reservoirs.c 27
Avoid braking sharply.c considerably greater force is
Among other things, the trig-
required to brake.
• Have the fault remedied as ger for this warning indicator

Status indicators
Brake carefully and safely.
soon as possible by a spe- can be extremely worn brake
Avoid braking sharply.c
cialist workshop, preferably pads.
an authorised BMW motor- • Have the fault remedied as
Worn brake pads can
cycle dealer. soon as possible by a spe-
considerably lengthen
cialist workshop, preferably
the braking distance.
General warning light an authorised BMW motor-
Brake carefully and safely.
lights up red. cycle dealer.
Avoid braking sharply.c
ABS warning light flashes
4 times per second. General warning light Worn brake pads can
flashes red once per damage the brake discs.
Only residual braking function Brake carefully and safely.
(b 71) still available in at least Avoid braking sharply.c
ABS warning light flashes
one brake circuit.
once per second.
You can continue to ride.
However, bear in mind that Fluid level in BMW Integral
neither the ABS function nor ABS too low.
the braking power assistance
is available.
• Stop and check the thick- If the functions are not shown: General warning light

2 ness of the brake pads

(b 90- 91).
There is a defect in the
flashes red 4 times per
28 brake system.
• Have worn brake pads ABS warning light flashes
Do not continue to ride.c
replaced as soon as possi- 4 times per second.
ble by a specialist workshop, If these functions are in order,
There are two faults:
Status indicators

preferably an authorised you can continue riding. How-

ever, bear in mind that a loss – Only residual braking func-
BMW motorcycle dealer.
of brake fluid that cannot be tion (b 71) available in at
detected might be the cause least one brake circuit, indi-
If the brake pad thickness is
of the warning. cated by the general warning
light lighting up and the ABS
• Check the following There is a fault in the warning light flashing 4 times
functions: brake system that can per second.
– Ignition off, brake pressure lead to decreased braking – Fluid level in the BMW Inte-
present at the brake levers. efficiency. gral ABS is too low, indi-
– Brakes acting on both Brake carefully and safely. cated by the general and
wheels. Avoid braking sharply.c ABS warning lights flashing
– Brake system leaktight, no
• Have the fault remedied as once per second.
signs of brake fluid
escaping. soon as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably Please read the fault descrip-
an authorised BMW motor- tions listed later in this manual.
cycle dealer.
Ignition switch and Shock absorbers ........................... 44
steering lock .................................. 30
ESAOE ............................................. 45 3
Electronic immobiliser.................. 31 29
Wheels............................................ 47
Hazard warning flashers............... 32
Tripmaster...................................... 33

Kill switch....................................... 34
Grip heatingOE ............................... 35
Clock .............................................. 35
Handlebar levers ........................... 36
Lights.............................................. 37
Turn indicators .............................. 39
Seat ................................................ 40
Helmet holder ................................ 41
Luggage loops ............................... 42
Mirrors............................................ 43
Spring preload ............................... 43
Ignition switch and Switching on the ignition Switching off the ignition
3 steering lock
30 Keys
You will receive one master
key and one spare key. If a key

is lost, please note the infor-

mation on the EWS electronic
immobiliser (b 22).
Ignition switch and steer-
• Turn the key to position U. • Turn the key to position V.
ing lock, tank filler cap
» Parking light and all function » Light switched off.
lock and seat lock are all oper-
circuits switched on. » Steering lock unsecured.
ated with the same key.
» Pre-ride check is carried out » In this position, you can
System casesOA can also be
(b 53). remove the key.
operated on request using the
» ABS self-diagnosis is
same key.c
performed (b 54).
» Engine can be started.
Securing the steering If the motorcycle is on the Electronic immobiliser
lock side stand, the surface of
the ground will determine The electronic immobiliser 3
whether it is better to turn the helps protect your BMW 31
handlebars to the left or right. motorcycle from theft, and this
On level ground, a secure enhanced security is at your
disposal without any need for

stance is only ensured with the
handlebars turned to the left. you to set parameters or acti-
On level ground, always turn vate additional systems. The
the handlebars to the left to set engine of a motorcycle fitted
the steering lock.c with this electronic immobiliser
• Turn the handlebars to the can only be started with the
With the ignition switched keys that belong to the vehi-
full left or right lock position.
off, the braking power
• Turn the key to position 1 cle. You can also have your
assistance is unavailable. authorised BMW motorcycle
OFF, while moving the han-
While the motorcycle is being dealer bar individual keys, for
dlebars slightly.
ridden, do not switch off the example if a particular key
» Ignition, light and all function
ignition.c goes missing. The engine can-
circuits switched off.
» Steering lock secured. not be started with a key that
» In this position, you can has been barred.
remove the key.
In-key security Always store the spare key sep- Hazard warning flashers
3 An electronic component is inte-
grated into each of your keys.
arately from the ignition key.c
Switching on the hazard
32 Replacement and extra warning flashers
The motorcycle’s electronics
exchange certain continuously
You can only obtain replace-
changing signals with the elec-
ment/extra keys through an

tronics in the key; these signals

authorised BMW motorcycle
are specific to your motorcycle
dealer. The keys are part of an
and they are transmitted via the
integrated security system, so
ring antenna in the ignition lock.
the dealer is under an obligation
The ignition is not enabled for
to check the legitimacy of all
starting until the key has been
applications for replacement/
recognised as authorised for
extra keys. • Switch on the ignition.
your motorcycle.
If you want to have a lost key • Press the hazard warning
A spare key attached to barred, you have to bring with flashers button 1.
the same ring as the igni- you all the keys that belong to » Hazard warning flashers in
tion key used to start the engine the motorcycle. A key that has operation.
could "upset" the electronics, in been barred can subsequently » Left/right turn indicator tell-
which case the enabling signal be cleared and reactivated for tale lights flash.
for starting is not issued. The use. • Switch off the ignition.
"EWS" warning is displayed in » The hazard warning flashers
the multifunction display. continues to operate.
» Left/right turn indicator tell- Tripmaster
tale lights off.
Selecting the display 3
The hazard warning 33
flashers can also be
switched on by simultaneously
pressing the buttons for the

left and right turn indicators.c
The hazard warning
flashers places a load on » The following appear in the
the battery. Do not use the display field 2 in this order:
hazard warning flashers for – Total distance covered
longer than absolutely When you switch on the – Trip odometer 1 (Trip I)
necessary.c ignition, the information – Trip odometer 2 (Trip II)
shown by the Tripmaster when – Residual range
the ignition was switched off
Switching off the hazard
always reappears on the multi-
warning flashers
function display.c
• Press the hazard warning
flashers button 1 or switch • Switch on the ignition.
on ignition. • Press the Tripmaster
» Hazard warning flashers button 1 once briefly.
ceases to operate.
Residual range The Tripmaster registers that

3 you have refuelled when

approximately 3 litres have
34 been added.

Resetting the trip meter

• Switch on the ignition.

• Select the desired trip

• Press the Tripmaster
button 1 for longer than Operating the kill switch
The residual operating range is
2 seconds. when riding can cause
only displayed when the
» The trip meter is set to zero. the rear wheel to lock and thus
reserve level is reached. It is
cause a fall.
determined on the basis of the Kill switch Do not operate the kill switch
previous riding style and the
when riding.c
available fuel. The kill switch can be used to
If the motorcycle is resting on switch off the engine easily, • Turn kill switch 1 to the left or
its side-stand, the level in the either during or after a fall. right to position B.
tank cannot be measured » The engine electronics con-
correctly, so this estimate of trol unit switches the engine
residual operating range will off.
be inaccurate.
» The engine cannot be quately charged, the grip heat-
started in this position. ing is switched off to ensure
starting capability.c
If the kill switch is moved 35
to position B when the Clock
ignition is on, the BMW Inte-
gral ABS is still functioning Adjusting the clock while

(b 50, 69).c the motorcycle is being
ridden can lead to accidents.
Grip heatingOE Adjust the clock only when the
2 Heating function off motorcycle is stationary.c
3 50% heat output
(one dot visible)
4 100% heat output
(three dots visible)
Grip heating can only be
activated when the engine is
The increased power
1 Grip heating switch consumption caused by
the grip heating can lead to the • Switch on the ignition.
battery discharging on jour- • Press button 1 for longer
neys in the lower engine speed than 2 seconds.
range. If the battery is inade-
» Hour display 2 starts to flash. Handlebar levers » Turn anticlockwise: reduced

3 • Press button 1 briefly.

» The hours are incremented Adjusting the clutch lever

36 The adjusting screw

upwards with every touch. Adjusting the clutch lever has a limit position and
• Press button 1 for longer while the motorcycle is can be turned more easily if
than 2 seconds. being ridden can lead to acci- you press the clutch lever

» Minute display 3 starts to dents. Adjust the clutch lever forwards.c

flash. only when the motorcycle is
• Press button 1 briefly. stationary.c Adjusting the handbrake
» The minutes are incre- lever
mented upwards with every Adjusting the brake lever
touch. while the motorcycle is
• Press button 1 for longer being ridden can lead to
than 2 seconds. accidents.
» Adjustment completed. Adjust the brake lever only
when the motorcycle is

• Use adjusting screw 1 to set

the gap between the handle-
bar grip and the clutch lever.
» Turn clockwise: increased
Lights High-beam headlight/
Parking light
headlight flasher 3
The parking light switches on 37
automatically when the ignition
is switched on.

The parking light places
a load on the battery.
Do not switch the ignition on
• Use the adjusting screw 1 to for longer than absolutely
set the gap between the necessary.c
handlebar grip and the brake • Press the high-beam
lever. Low-beam headlight headlight 1 switch at the top.
» Turn clockwise: increased The low-beam headlight » High-beam headlight
gap. switches on automatically switched on.
» Turn anticlockwise: reduced when you start the engine. • Move high-beam headlight 1
gap. With the engine switched switch into the centre
off, you can briefly switch position.
The adjusting screw has
on the light by switching on the » High-beam headlight
a limit position and can
high-beam headlight with the switched off.
be turned more easily if you
ignition switched on or by op- • Press high-beam headlight 1
press the clutch lever for-
erating the headlight flasher.c switch at the bottom.
» Headlight flasher.
Parking light Headlight setting Adjusting the vertical aim
3 You can only switch on the
parking light immediately after
RHD/LHD vehicles
When riding in countries where
The vertical aim is kept con-
stant when the spring preload
38 switching off the ignition. traffic drives on the opposite is adjusted to suit the load.
side of the road to that in • Adapting the spring preload
which the vehicle was regis- and shock absorbers to the

tered, the asymmetric low load (b 47).

headlight beam will dazzle • Consult a specialist work-
oncoming traffic. shop, preferably an
authorised BMW motor-
Adhesive films with un-
cycle dealer, if you are
suitable adhesives can
unsure whether the head-
damage the plastic surface of
light basic setting is correct.
the headlight.
• Switch off the ignition.
Only use suitable adhesive
• Press left-hand turn indica-
tor switch 1.
» Parking light switched on. • Have the headlight adjusted
• Switch the ignition on and off to the relevant conditions by
again. a specialist workshop,
» Parking light switched off. preferably an authorised
BMW motorcycle dealer.
In the case of very high pay- Turn indicators
loads, adaptation of the spring
preload might not be ade- Switching on the turn 3
quate. To avoid dazzling indicators 39
oncoming traffic:
• Correct the headlight adjust-

ment by adjusting swivelling
lever 1.

• Press right-hand turn indica-

tor button 2.
» Right-hand turn indicator
switched on.
• Press left-hand turn indica- » Telltale light for right-hand
tor button 1. turn indicator flashes.
» Left-hand turn indicator
switched on.
A Neutral position » Telltale light for left-hand
B High load turn indicator flashes.
Switching off the turn Seat • When doing so, press the

3 indicators
Removing the seat
seat downwards for support.


• Press indicator button 3. • Raise the seat at the rear.

» Turn indicator off. • Turn the key anticlockwise in • Let go of the key and pull the
» Turn indicator telltale light is the seat lock. seat from the retaining
off. brackets towards the rear.

Setting down the seat

• Place the seat with the cov-
ered side downwards on a
smooth and clean surface.
For example, place the
seat with the covered
side downwards on the fuel
tank and the handlebars.c
Installing the seat Helmet holders 1 and 2 are
If too much pressure is
located under the seat.
applied in a forward 41
direction, there is a danger
that the motorcycle will be
pushed off its stand.

Make sure that the motorcycle
is parked securely.c
• Press the seat firmly down-
wards over the detent.
» The seat can be heard to A motorcycle helmet with chin
lock into place. strap can be attached to
helmet holders 1.
Helmet holder
• Remove the seat (b 40).
• Hook the chin strap into the
• Push the seat forwards into • Refit the seat.
retaining brackets 1.
The helmet catch can Only attach the helmet to Luggage loops
3 scratch the panelling.
When hooking up the helmet,
the left-hand side of the
42 pay attention to the position of
Operation the helmet catch.c

Loops 1 for attaching luggage

straps are located on the
• Remove the seat.
underside of the seat. In con-
• Pull the steel cable through
junction with eyelets 2 on the
If cases are fitted or if the chin the helmet and hook it into
grab handles, luggage can be
strap is too short, a steel cable bracket 2.
strapped onto the pillion seat.
can be used to secure the • Refit the seat.
motorcycle helmet to helmet You can obtain a suitable
holder 2. steel cable from your
On the right-hand side authorised BMW motorcycle
of the motorcycle, the dealer.c
helmet could be damaged by
heat from the end silencer.
Mirrors Adjust the spring preload

Adjusting mirrors
only when the motorcycle is
The spring preload must be
adapted to the load of the
motorcycle. An increase in the

load requires an increase in
the spring preload; less weight
requires a correspondingly
To make the loops accessible:
lower spring preload.
• Remove the seat and turn it
around. • Place the motorcycle on the
• Pull loops 1 out of retaining • Move the mirrors into the centre standOA or side
brackets 3. desired position by pressing stand, ensuring that the
• Turn the seat around and lightly on one of the corners. ground is firm and level.
refit. Spring preload
Adjusting spring preload
on the rear wheel
Adjusting the spring
preload while the motor-
cycle is being ridden can lead
to accidents.
Basic setting for solo Shock absorbers
3 operation:
• Turn handwheel 1 in the Adjusting the shock
44 arrow direction LOW up to absorber on the rear
the limit position. wheel
• Turn 15 clicks in the arrow The damping must be adapted
to the spring preload. An

direction HIGH.
increase in the spring preload
One click corresponds to requires stronger damping, a
a half turn of the hand- reduction in the spring preload
To increase the spring
wheel. The range of adjust- requires softer damping.
ment comprises 15 turns. The • Place the motorcycle on the
• Turn handwheel 1 in the
basic setting is based on a centre standOA or side
direction of arrow HIGH.
motorcycle with a full fuel stand, ensuring that the
tank and one person weighing ground is firm and level.
To decrease the spring
85 kg.c
• Turn handwheel 1 in the Adjustments to the
direction of arrow LOW. spring preload and shock
absorbers that are not co-ordi-
nated lead to a deterioration in
the handling characteristics of
your motorcycle.
Adapt the damping action of
the spring preload.c
• Turn adjusting screw 1 in the Adjustments to the
direction of arrow H. spring preload and shock
absorbers that are not co-ordi-
To decrease the damping: nated lead to a deterioration in 45
• Turn adjusting screw 1 in the the handling characteristics of
direction of arrow S. your motorcycle.

Adapt the damping action of
Basic setting for solo the spring preload.c
• Adjust the rear wheel shock • Turn adjusting screw 1 in the ESAOE
absorber using a screwdriver direction of the arrow H up to You can use the Electronic
to turn adjusting screw 1. the limit position. Suspension Adjustment, ESA,
• Turn adjusting screw 1 one to make the following
and a half turns in the direc- adjustments:
tion of the arrow S. On the front wheel:
The range of adjustment – Rebound-stage damping
comprises three and a On the rear wheel:
half turns of adjusting screw. – Rebound and compression
The basic setting is based on a damping
motorcycle with a full fuel – Spring preload

To increase the damping: tank and one person weighing

85 kg.c
Calling up settings 3 Spring preload set Sport,

3 If button 1 is not pressed for

hard damping

46 longer than two seconds, the

display goes out.

Adjusting the shock



• Switch on the ignition.

• Press button 1 briefly. • Switch on the ignition.
» The current setting is • Press button 1 briefly.
displayed. » The current setting is
• Press button 1 once briefly.
» Starting from the current
Three adjustments are possi-
status, the display is in the
ble; these are shown in the
following order:
field 2 as follows:
– Comfort
– Normal
soft damping
– Sport
2 Damping set medium damping
If button 1 is not pressed for Solo operation – Solo operation
longer than one second, the
shock absorbers are set as Solo operation with
– Solo operation with
displayed. luggage – Operation with pillion 47
During the setting procedure, Operation with pillion passenger (and luggage)
the display flashes. passenger (and luggage)

If button 1 is not pressed for
Adjusting the spring longer than one second, the
preload spring preload will be set as
The spring preload cannot be displayed. During the setting
adjusted while the motorcycle procedure, the display flashes.
is being ridden.
Checking the tyre
• Start the engine.
Incorrect tyre pressure
• Press button 1 briefly.
adversely affects the
» The current setting is
handling characteristics of the
motorcycle and can lead to
• Press button 1 once for
longer than one second.
Three adjustments are possi- Ensure that the tyres are at the
» Starting from the current
ble; these are shown in the correct pressure.c
status, the display is in the
field 3 as follows:
following order:
Incorrect tyre pressure

3 reduces the operating life

of the tyres.
48 Ensure that the tyres are at the
correct pressure.c
The tyre pressures required

can be found in the technical

data (b 126).
At high road speeds, tyre
valves have a tendency
to open as a result of centrifu-
gal force.
To avoid sudden loss of tyre
pressure, use a metal valve
cap with rubber sealing ring on
the rear wheel and tighten it
Safety instructions ........................ 50 Fuel ................................................. 67
Safety check .................................. 52 Brake system ................................. 68 4
Making your first trip..................... 52 49

Before you start............................. 53

Starting........................................... 56
Riding ............................................. 58
Running in...................................... 58
Shifting gear .................................. 59
Placing the motorcycle on its
side stand....................................... 61
Taking the motorcycle off the
side stand....................................... 63
Placing the motorcycle on the
centre standOA .............................. 65
Pushing the motorcycle off the
centre standOA .............................. 67
Safety instructions Alcohol and drugs Risk of poisoning
4 Speed Even small amounts of
Exhaust fumes contain carbon
monoxide, which is colourless
50 When riding at high speed, alcohol or drugs can
and odourless but highly toxic.
various marginal conditions considerably adversely affect
can adversely affect the your perception, judgement Inhaling exhaust fumes is
handling characteristics of the and ability to make decisions, a health hazard and can

motorcycle: as well as your reflexes. Taking lead to loss of consciousness

– adjustment of the spring- medication can increase these or death.
strut and shock absorber effects. Do not inhale exhaust fumes.
system Do not ride your motorcycle Do not run the engine in en-
– unequally distributed load after consuming alcohol, closed spaces.c
– loose clothing drugs and/or medication.c
High voltage
– insufficient tyre pressure
– poor tyre tread Touching live parts of the
– etc. ignition system with the
engine running can lead to
Correct loading electric shocks.
Overloading can ad- Do not touch any parts of the
versely affect the riding ignition system when the en-
stability of the motorcycle. gine is running.c
Do not exceed the permissible
gross weight and permissible
wheel loads (b 137).c
Catalytic converter Risk of fire the motorcycle is stationary.
If misfiring causes unburned
fuel to enter the catalytic con-
High temperatures occur at
the exhaust pipe.
After starting, move off
verter, there is a danger of 51
If highly flammable mate- Manipulation of the engine
overheating and damage.
rials (e.g. hay, leaves, electronics control unit
For this reason, observe the
grass, clothing and luggage,

following points: Manipulation of the engine
etc.) make contact with the hot
– Do not ride the motorcycle electronics control unit can
exhaust pipe, they can start to
with the fuel tank empty. cause damage to the motorcy-
– Do not run the engine with cle and therefore lead to acci-
Ensure that no highly flamma-
the spark-plug cap removed. dents. Do not manipulate the en-
ble materials can come into
– In the event of engine misfir- gine electronics control unit.c
contact with the hot exhaust
ing, stop the engine immedi- Any manipulation of the
ately. engine electronics
– Only refuel using unleaded –If the engine runs for a
control unit can lead to
fuel. longer period when the
mechanical loads for which
– Be sure to adhere to the motorcycle is stationary, the
the components of the motor-
prescribed maintenance cooling is inadequate and
cycle are not configured. Dam-
intervals. overheating can occur. In
age caused in this way invali-
extreme cases, the motorcy-
Unburned fuel destroys dates the warranty.
cle could catch fire.
the catalytic converter. Do not manipulate the engine
Do not let the engine run for
Note the points listed for electronics control unit.c
unnecessary periods when
protection of the catalytic
Safety check At regular intervals: You will find information on

4 Prior to every journey

– Engine oil level (every time
you refuel) (b 86)
BMW Integral ABS from
(b 69) onwards.
52 Use the following checklist to – Brake pads (every second/
check important functions, BMW Integral ABS incor-
third time you refuel)
settings and wear limits before porates braking power
(b 90, 91)
starting to ride. assistance, so that braking

Making your first trip power is significantly higher

Checklist than with conventional brake
– Brakes (b 93) Safe handling of your systems. Especially when
– Brake fluid level (b 91) motorcycle cornering, unintentionally hard
– Clutch function (b 93) Each motorcycle has its 'own braking can lead to dangerous
– Clutch fluid level (b 93) life' that you have to get used situations.
– Warning and telltale lights to: Practice braking with
(b 18) – Acceleration capability BMW Integral ABS in safe
– Shock absorber setting – Road holding situations.c
(b 44, 46) and spring – Cornering characteristics
preload (b 47) – Braking power
– Rims (b 94), tread depth
(b 94) and tyre pressure The engine also has to be
(b 47) run in during the first 1,000 km
– Load, gross weight (b 137) (b 58).
– Secure luggage system
Before you start Pre-ride check Battery charge current

Switching on the ignition

After the ignition has been
switched on, a pre-ride check
symbol is displayed.
is carried out. Here, the func- Phase 2 53
tions of all warning lights and
warning symbols are checked.

The following are displayed in
succession in the multifunc-
tion display:

Phase 1

• Read the information on the

EWS (b 22). General warning light
• Kill switch 1 in operating lights up yellow.
position A. Engine electronics
• Switch on the ignition. symbol is displayed.
» Pre-ride check is carried out. EWS symbol is
» With BMW Integral ABS: displayed.
ABS self-diagnosis is
performed. General warning light
lights up red.
Engine oil pressure
symbol is displayed.
Phase 3 If one of the lights or symbols ABS self-diagnosis
4 is not displayed:
• Have the fault remedied as
The ABS warning light is
shown in one of the following
54 soon as possible by a spe- three variants depending on
cialist workshop, preferably the country:
an authorised BMW motor-

cycle dealer.
After completion of the pre-
ride check, the current values
are displayed.
Lamps defective warning
If the engine is started
light is displayed.
during the pre-ride
If one of the warning check, the pre-ride check is
lights or a warning cancelled.c
The operational readiness of
symbol cannot be displayed,
With BMW Integral ABS, the the BMW Integral ABS is
a function fault in the corre-
ABS self-diagnosis is also checked by the self-diagnosis
sponding system cannot be
carried out. and starting-off test (b 58).
Self-diagnosis is performed
Pay attention to the displays
automatically when you switch
for all lights and symbols.c
on the ignition.
Self-diagnosis is not per-
formed unless both brake
levers are in their fully released
positions. Before conclusion The warning light goes out Starting on gradients:
of the self-diagnosis, only
residual braking function
after completion of the start-
ing-off test (b 58).
Switch on the ignition
with the gear engaged, clutch
(b 71) is available. lever released and brake lever 55
If the ignition is switched
• Release the brake lever. released. Then press the
on with the brake lever
• Switch on the ignition. brake, press the clutch and
operated and then the engine

start the engine.c
is started and the motorcycle
Phase 1
moves off immediately, the Side-stand
General warning light
BMW Integral ABS is still in the If the side stand is extended
lights up.
residual braking function and a gear is engaged, you
ABS warning light flashes
(b 71). The self-diagnosis is cannot start the motorcycle.
4 times per second.
carried out as soon as the If the motorcycle has been
Self-diagnosis is carried out. brake lever is released com- started in neutral and a gear is
pletely for the first time. During then engaged while the side
Phase 2 this period, neither the ABS stand is extended, the engine
ABS warning light flashes function nor the braking power switches off.
once per second. assistance is available.
When you start the engine,
Self-diagnosis is complete.
wait until the ABS self-diagno-
sis has been carried out.c
Manual gearbox High engine speeds with

4 The motorcycle can be started

in the neutral position or with a
a cold engine could lead
to increased engine wear.
56 gear engaged and the clutch Avoid high engine speeds
pressed. Only press the clutch when the engine is cold.c
after switching on the ignition.
If you are unable to start

In the neutral position, the

the engine, the following
"neutral" telltale light lights up
troubleshooting chart can
in green and the gear display
provide assistance.c
in the multifunction display • Press starter button 1.
shows 0. » The engine starts.
• Observe warning and infor-
Starting mation displays (b 18-28).
Do not turn the throttle The start attempt is auto-
twistgrip when starting matically interrupted if
the engine. At ambient tem- the battery voltage is too low.
peratures below 0 °C, disen- Prior to renewed starting
gage the clutch after switching attempts, charge the battery
on the ignition.c or obtain starting assistance
(b 111).c
Troubleshooting chart
Fault: Engine does not start or only starts with difficulty. 4
Possible cause Remedy see page
Kill switch activated Kill switch in operating position (b 53)

Side stand extended and gear Retract the side stand fully (b 63)

Gear engaged, clutch not Place the gearbox in neutral or press the (b 56)
disengaged clutch

Clutch operated with ignition Switch on the ignition first, then operate (b 53, 56)
switched off the clutch

No fuel in tank Refuel (b 67)

Battery not adequately charged Recharge the battery (b 113)

Riding Running in • After 500 – 1,200 km be

4 ABS starting-off test • During the running-in period,

sure to have the first
inspection carried out.
58 The ABS warning light is ride in frequently changing
shown in one of the following load and engine speed Brake pads
three variants depending on ranges. New brake pads must "bed
the country: • Choose hilly routes with a down" and therefore do not

large number of corners, but achieve their optimum friction

avoid motorways where levels during the first 500 km.
possible. The reduction in braking effi-
ciency can be compensated
Exceeding the running-in
for by exerting greater pres-
speeds increases engine
sure on the brake lever.
Adhere to the guide values New brake pads can
described below.c considerably lengthen
the braking distance.
ABS warning light flashes Up to 1,000 km distance Brake carefully and safely.
once per second. ridden Avoid braking sharply.c
• Engine speed max.
After starting off, the BMW
7,000 rpm.
Integral ABS checks the ABS
• No full-load acceleration.
sensors. The ABS warning
• At full load, avoid low engine
light then goes out and the
BMW Integral ABS is active.
Tyres Shifting gear Shifting gear with the
New tyres have a smooth
surface. This means that they Engine speed
clutch engaged can
destroy the gearbox.
have to be roughened by Do not use the high end of the Only shift gear with the clutch 59
being run in with a moderate engine speed range in any disengaged.c
riding style, leaning over in gear unless the engine is at
operating temperature. When The gear indicator in the

alternating positions. It is only
the rev. counter is in the red multifunction display
after tyres have been run in
zone on the dial, the throttle- shows the gear selected.c
that the contact faces achieve
their full gripping capability. valve angle is restricted in
order to protect the engine.
New tyres do not yet The governor cuts in at
have full grip; risk of acci- 10,800 rpm.
dent when leaning over too far.
Avoid leaning over too far.c Gear shifts
Placing the motorcycle • Turn the handlebars to the The side stand is only
on its side stand full left or right lock position.
• Check that the motorcycle is
configured for the weight
of the motorcycle.
standing firmly. Do not sit on the motorcycle 61
The motorcycle cannot with the side stand
If the motorcycle is on the
stand securely on uneven extended.c
side stand, the surface of

the ground determines wheth- On uphill gradients,
Ensure that the stand is set
er it is better to turn the han- position the motorcycle
down on an even and firm
dlebars to the left or right. in the "uphill" direction and
However, the motorcycle is engage 1st gear.c
When sitting on the more stable on a level surface
motorcycle: with the handlebars turned to
• Switch off the engine. the left than with the handle-
• Apply the handbrake. bars turned to the right.
• Place the motorcycle verti- On level ground, always turn
cally and balance it out. the handlebars to the left to set
• Use your left foot to fold the the steering lock.c
side stand towards the side
up to its limit position (arrow).
• Slowly lean the motorcycle
on the stand, relieving the
load, and dismount to the
Taking the motorcycle • Sit down and fold back the
off the side stand side stand with your left foot.
With the ignition switched An extended side stand 63
can catch on the ground
off, there is no braking
when the motorcycle is mov-
power assistance; the motor-
ing and lead to a fall.
cycle can begin to roll.

Fold in the side stand before
Especially on inclines, switch
moving the motorcycle.c
on the ignition and wait for the
ABS self-diagnosis (b 54).c
• Unlock the ignition lock,
switch on the ignition.
• Wait for the ABS self-
• From the left, grip the
handlebars with both hands.
• Apply the handbrake.
• Swing your right leg over the
seat, straightening the
motorcycle as you do so.
• Place the motorcycle verti-
cally and balance it out.
Placing the motorcycle • Place your full body weight
on the centre standOA on the centre stand and at
the same time pull the
The motorcycle cannot motorcycle backwards 65
stand securely on poor (arrow).
ground. • Check that the motorcycle is
Ensure that the stand is set

standing firmly.
down on a firm and even
The centre stand can fold
in if there is excessive
• Switch off the engine. motion and lead to the vehicle
• Dismount, keeping your left falling over.
hand on the handlebar grip. Do not sit on the motorcycle
• With your right hand, take with the centre stand
hold of the pillion passenger extended.c
grab handle or rear frame.
• Place your right foot on the
actuating pin of the centre
stand and press the centre
stand downwards until the
rolling feet make contact
with the ground.
Pushing the motorcycle • Check whether the centre • Place the motorcycle on the
centre standOA or side
off the centre standOA stand has folded in fully.
stand, ensuring that the
With the ignition switched Fuel ground is firm and level. 67
off, there is no braking
power assistance; the motor-
cycle can begin to roll. Fuel is a fire hazard and

Especially on inclines, switch explosive!
on the ignition and wait for the Do not smoke and make sure
ABS self-diagnosis (b 54).c that there are no naked flames
during all activities at the fuel
• Unlock the ignition lock, tank.c
switch on the ignition.
• Wait for the ABS self- Fuel expands under the
influence of high temper- • Open the protective cap.
atures and exposure to sun- • Open the fuel tank cap with
• Place your left hand on the
light. the ignition key by turning it
left handlebar grip.
• With your right hand, take Fill up only to the lower edge of anticlockwise.
hold of the pillion passenger the filler neck.c
grab handle. Fuel can damage plastic
• Push the motorcycle for- parts.
wards off the centre stand. Avoid fuel coming into contact
with body panels.c
– Premium grade unleaded Brake system
4 fuel (98 ROZ/RON, 88 MOZ/
MON) General
68 Fill up preferably with this fuel Descending mountain
to comply with the nominal passes
values for performance and If the rear brake is used

fuel consumption. exclusively for braking

when descending steep in-
In addition, the following fuel clines, there is a risk of losing
• Fill up the tank with fuel of quality can be used: braking efficiency. Under ex-
the approved quality. – Premium grade unleaded treme conditions, the brakes
• Close the fuel tank cap with fuel (95 ROZ/RON, 85 MOZ/ could overheat and suffer se-
firm pressure. MON) vere damage.
• Remove the key and close Use the front and rear brakes
the protective cap. Capacity
and the engine brake.c
– Usable fuel capacity:
Fuel quality 19 litres
Leaded fuel destroys the – Of which reserve fuel:
catalytic converter. approx. 4 litres
Use only unleaded fuel.c The volume of fuel dis-
The engine is designed to run play in the multifunction
on: display only works when the
ignition is switched on.c
Wet brakes until the salt layer on the brake extended braking distance
After washing the motor-
discs and brake pads is
removed by braking.c
until the brakes have been
cleaned by braking.c
cycle, after riding through 69
water or when it is raining, the Oil or grease on the brake BMW Integral ABS
braking effect can be delayed Sensitive electronic control
Oil and grease deposits
due to damp brake discs and It takes skill and sensitive con-

on brake discs and pads
brake pads. trol of the brakes to pull up
considerably reduce the
Note that there will be an safely on a motorcycle. If the
braking effect.
extended braking distance front wheel brake locks and
Especially after repair and
until the brakes have dried out the wheel skids, the necessary
maintenance work, make sure
or the act of braking itself dries longitudinal and lateral stabil-
that the brake discs and brake
them.c ising forces are lost, and a fall
pads are free of oil and
Salt on brakes grease.c can result. For this reason, the
rider seldom makes full use of
The brakes may fail to Dirt or mud on brakes available braking performance
take effect immediately if in an emergency.
When riding on loose sur-
the motorcycle was ridden on BMW Integral ABS provides
faces or muddy roads,
salt-covered roads and the improved braking deceleration
the brakes may fail to take ef-
brakes were not applied for by means of anti-lock braking
fect immediately because of
some time. for both wheels and braking
dirt or moisture on the discs or
Note that there will be an force distribution by means of
brake pads.
extended braking distance the integral braking function
Note that there will be an
(b 50, 69). Making full use of
the motorcycle’s technical over and even BMW Integral Partial integral braking

4 braking capacity will minimise

braking distances noticeably,
ABS is unable to counteract
their effects.
Your motorcycle is fitted with
partial integral braking. In this
70 even when road conditions are partially integral brake configu-
poor.When riding straight Integral braking ration, the integral braking
ahead, the BMW Integral ABS The integral braking function function is activated only when

enables secure, optimised activates the front and rear you pull the handbrake lever.
emergency braking which brakes jointly, which means The footbrake lever acts only
corresponds to the that both wheels are braked on the rear brake.
circumstances. when one brake lever is
pressed. The electronics in the Braking power assistance
Reserves for safety BMW Integral ABS controls On braking, BMW Integral
The potentially shorter braking the braking force distribution ABS boosts the brake force on
distances which BMW Integral between the front and rear the wheel by means of a
ABS permits must not be used brakes. Braking-force distribu- hydraulic pump. By boosting
as an excuse for careless rid- tion depends on load and is the braking force in this way,
ing. ABS is primarily a means recalculated every time the BMW Integral ABS achieves
of ensuring a safety margin in ABS controller comes into higher braking efficiency than
genuine emergencies. action. standard brake systems.
Take care when cornering.
When you apply the brakes on
a corner, the motorcycle’s
weight and momentum take
ABS anti-lock braking Heavy braking can cause residual braking function is
ABS prevents the wheels from
the rear wheel to rise.
Bear in mind that the ABS
active, the ABS function is
unavailable in the brake sys-
locking on braking, making a control is unable to prevent tem in question. When the 71
major contribution to road the rear wheel from lifting up in residual braking function is
safety. every instance.c active, the integral braking

function is partially or entirely
Residual braking function
Lifting up the rear wheel unavailable.
With the ignition switched off,
With strong adhesion between
during the self-diagnosis and Without the ABS func-
the tyres and the road, the
in the event of a fault in the tion, the wheels may lock
front wheel locks either very
BMW Integral ABS, the brake under braking; without braking
late or not at all when the
circuits concerned only have power assistance, considera-
brakes are applied hard.
the residual braking function. bly greater force is required to
Accordingly, the ABS control
The residual braking function brake.
only has to intervene very late
is the braking power without Brake carefully and safely.
or not at all. In this case, the
the hydraulic servo assistance Avoid braking sharply. Have
rear wheel can lift up, which
of the BMW Integral ABS. the fault remedied as soon as
can lead to the motorcycle
Under these circumstances, possible by a specialist work-
rolling over.
therefore, you must apply con- shop, preferably an authorised
siderably higher pressure to BMW motorcycle dealer.c
the brake levers in question in
order to apply the brakes, and
lever travel is longer. When the
As the residual braking

4 function means that the

lever travel before the brake
72 pressure is built up can be
longer, we recommend that
you set a larger lever travel at

the handbrake lever (b 36).c

In the case of residual
braking function in both
brake circuits, no pump noise
can be heard when the brake
lever is operated.c
General instructions ..................... 74
Power socket................................. 74 5
Luggage system ............................ 77 73

Breakdown assistance kit

for tubeless tyres .......................... 82

General instructions BMW cannot assess Whenever you are planning

5 BMW recommends the use of

each non-BMW product
to determine whether it can be
such modifications, comply
with all the legal requirements.
74 parts and accessories for your used on BMW motorcycles The motorcycle must not in-
motorcycle that are approved without any safety risk. This fringe national road-vehicle
by BMW for this purpose. Your guarantee is also not given in construction and use regula-
authorised BMW motorcycle

the event that a country-spe- tions.

dealer is the correct contact cific official authorisation has
for original BMW parts and been provided. Tests con-
Power socket
accessories, as well as other ducted by these bodies can-
products approved by BMW not always make provision for
and appropriate, qualified all operating conditions expe-
advice. rienced by BMW motorcycles
These parts and products and, consequently, they are
have been tested by BMW for not sufficient in some circum-
safety, function and suitability. stances.
BMW accepts product liability Use only parts and accesso-
for these products. BMW ries approved by BMW for your
cannot accept liability for any motorcycle.c
non-approved parts or
accessories. Connection
Power socket 1 provides a
voltage of 12 V and can carry a
maximum load of 5 A.
If the battery voltage is too low Wiring
and/or the maximum permissi-
ble load is exceeded, the
The cables from the power
socket to the auxiliary device
power socket is automatically must be routed in such a way 75
deactivated. that they:
– do not impede the rider
Operating auxiliary

– do not restrict or obstruct
the steering angle and
Auxiliary devices can only be
handling characteristics
started up with the ignition
– cannot be trapped
switched on. The auxiliary
device remains operational if Improperly routed cables
the ignition is subsequently can impede the rider.
switched off. Approx. Route the cables as described
15 minutes after switching off above.c
the ignition and/or during the
restart operation, the on-
board socket is switched off to
take the load off the vehicle
electrical system.
Luggage system • Pack heavy items of luggage Key positions
Correct loading
downwards and inwards.
• Load the left-hand and
Cases locked and secured 5
Overloading and uneven right-hand casesOA with a 77
loading can adversely maximum of 8 kg each.
affect the riding stability of • Load the tank rucksack with

your motorcycle. a maximum of 5 kg.
Do not exceed the permissible
Release levers
gross weight and permissible
There is a release lever on the
wheel loads (b 137). Observe
left and right of each case
the following information on
loading.c • Lock in direction of travel.
The grey lever with the inscrip-
• Adapt the settings for spring tion OPEN is used to open and » Case locked.
preload (b 47), damping close the cases. » Case secured.
(b 44, 46) and tyre pressure The black lever with the » Key can be removed.
(b 126) to the gross weight. inscription RELEASE is used
• Ensure that the case vol- to remove and attach the
umes on the left and right are cases.
• Ensure that the weight is
equally distributed on the left
and right.
Cases not locked and Case unsecured Opening the cases
5 secured


• Turn the lock on the right- • Turn the case lock to the
• Turn the lock on the right- hand case by 45° clockwise. position "case unlocked".
hand case by 90° • Turn the lock on the • Pull the grey release lever
anticlockwise. left-hand case by 45° upwards.
• Turn the lock on the left- anticlockwise.
hand case by 90° clockwise. » Cases locked.
» Case can be opened. » Cases can be removed.
» Case secured. » Key cannot be removed.
» Key can be removed.
Closing the cases When closing, ensure
» Lock straps 1 open.
• Pull the grey release lever
that the case lid remains
within limit 3.c
upwards once again. 79
• Pull case lid 2 out of the
» Case fully opened.

• Press catches 1 on the case
lid into retainers 2.
» The catches can be heard to
• Press catches 4 on the lock
lock into place.
straps into retainers 2.
» The catches can be heard to
lock into place.
• Check that the catches are
locked securely into place.
Adjusting the case • Turn the case lock to the

5 volume position "case unsecured".


• Close the lock straps.

• Press the lock straps against
• Close the case lid. the case body. • Hook the case into the lower
• Turn the lock strap buckles 1 » The case volume is adapted mounting 2.
of the lock straps outwards. to the contents. • Pull the black release lever
• Pull out the lock straps upwards.
Fitting the cases
upwards. • Press the case into the
» The maximum volume has upper mounting 3.
been set. • Press the black release lever
» The case is locked into
• Lock the case.
• Check for secure locking.
Removing the cases • Pull the case out of the
upper mounting.
• Lift the case out of the lower
mounting. 81

Adapting the cases

• Open the case.
• Turn the case lock to the • Undo screws 1.
position "case unsecured". • Set the height of the bracket.
• Pull the black release lever • Tighten the screws.

If a case wobbles or is difficult

to fit, it has to be adapted to
the gap between the upper
and lower mounting.
To achieve this, the height of
the lower bracket on the case
can be changed.
Breakdown assist-
5 ance kit for tubeless
82 tyres
The breakdown assistance kit
is located under the left side

panel. The repair sequence

and safety information can be
taken from the accompanying
• Remove the seat.
• Remove the screws 1.
You will find an overview
of the types of screw
used on (b 124).
• Remove the side panel.
To protect the side panel
from scratches, place it
on the seat.c
• Open the retaining strap and
remove the breakdown
assistance kit.
Toolkit............................................. 85
Engine oil ....................................... 86 6
Coolant ........................................... 88 83

Brakes ............................................ 89

Clutch ............................................. 93
Wheels............................................ 94
Front-wheel stand ....................... 103
Rear wheel stand ........................ 104
Bulbs............................................. 105
Jump starting............................... 111
Battery .......................................... 112
Splash guard................................ 116
The "Maintenance" chapter If you are interested in informa-

6 describes work involving the

replacement of wear parts that
tion on more extensive work,
we recommend the repair
84 can be performed with mini- manual on CD-ROM which
mum effort. applies to your particular
motorcycle. You can obtain a

The types of screws used for copy of this from your author-
the components concerned ised BMW motorcycle dealer.
are listed on (b 124-125). You
can use this chart to set aside
the required tools.
If special tightening torques
are to be taken into account
for assembly, these are also
listed. Screw connections for
which there is a suitable tool
in the toolkit are marked
The toolkit is located under the 6
seat. 85

• Remove the seat (b 40).

1 Removable screwdriver

• Take out the screwdriver 1.

» The following are accessible:

2 Torx spanner T25
3 Screwdriver, small
Engine oil trip leads to misinterpretations

6 Checking the engine oil

and therefore to incorrect oil fill
86 level To ensure that the correct en-
Check the oil level at regular gine oil level is displayed, only
intervals. check the oil level after a long-

The oil level depends on er trip.c

the oil temperature. The • With the motorcycle at oper-
higher the temperature the ating temperature, hold it
higher the oil level in the oil 1 Display for engine oil level
vertically or place it on the
tank. centre standOA, ensuring
Check the engine oil level • Read off the oil level from
that the ground is firm and
immediately after a longer engine oil level display 1.
journey.c • Let the engine run in neutral
After longer motorcycle for one minute.
immobilisation periods, • Switch off the ignition.
oil can collect in the oil pan; • Read off the oil level.
this must be pumped into the If you have a motorcycle
oil tank before the reading is without a centre standOA,
taken. The engine oil must be obtain assistance from anoth-
at operating temperature to do er person when reading the oil
this. Checking the oil level with level.c 2 Maximum engine oil level
the engine cold or after a short 3 Minimum engine oil level
The oil level must be located Topping up the engine oil
between the MIN and MAX
marks. The difference is
• Remove the seat (b 40).
approx. 0.5 litres. 87

If the oil level is below the

MIN mark:
• Top up the engine oil.

If the oil level is above the • Add engine oil up to the

MAX mark: central mark A.
• Drain off the engine oil. • Clean the area around the • Check the oil level.
filler aperture. • Repeat the filling and
Too little or too much
• Unscrew cap of the engine checking procedure until the
engine oil can lead to
oil filler aperture 1. engine oil level is located
engine damage.
between the MIN and
Ensure that the engine oil level
MAX marks.
is correct.c
• Screw on the cap of the
Too little engine oil can engine oil filler aperture.
result in the engine seiz-
ing and therefore lead to
Ensure that the engine oil level
is correct.c
Draining off engine oil Coolant
6 • Remove the seat (b 40).
• Press the retainer of clear Checking the coolant
88 hose 2 on the left and right level
and pull upwards out of the Check the coolant level at
oil tank. regular intervals.

• Pull the clear hose down-

wards out of the frame and
drain off the oil into a suitable
container. 2 Maximum coolant level
• Insert the clear hose in the 3 Minimum coolant level
oil tank and lock into place.
• Check the oil level. The coolant level must be
• Repeat the draining and located between the MIN and
checking procedure until the MAX marks.
1 Display for coolant level If the coolant is below the
engine oil level is located
between the MIN and MIN mark:
• Read off the coolant level
MAX marks.
from the coolant display 1. • Top up the coolant.
• Store or dispose of excess
engine oil in an environmen-
tally-responsible manner.
Topping up the coolant Brakes • Have the brake system

A properly functioning brake

checked by a specialist
workshop, preferably an
system is a basic requirement authorised BMW motorcycle 89
for the road safety of your dealer.
Vehicles without ABS

Improperly performed
• Press the handbrake lever.
work jeopardises the
» A resistance point must be
operating reliability of the
brake system.
• Unscrew cap of the coolant • Press the footbrake lever.
Have all work on the brake
filler aperture 1. » A resistance point must be
system performed by a spe-
• Add coolant. noticeable.
cialist workshop, preferably by
• Check the coolant level. an authorised BMW motor- Vehicles with ABS
• Repeat the filling and check- cycle dealer.c • Switch on the ignition.
ing procedure until the cool- • Wait for the ABS self-
ant level is located between Checking the function diagnosis.
the MIN and MAX marks. Do not ride the motorcycle if
• Press the handbrake lever.
• Screw on the cap of the filler you have any doubts about the
» A resistance point must be
aperture for coolant. safety of the brake system.
In this case:
» In the case of BMW Integral
ABS, the hydraulic pump
must be heard to run.
• Press the footbrake lever.
» A resistance point must be Checking the brake pad
6 noticeable.
» In the case of BMW Integral
thickness at the front
• Place the motorcycle on the
90 ABS, the hydraulic pump centre standOA or side
must be heard to run. stand, ensuring that the
ground is firm and level.
Brake pads

Falling short of the mini-

mum pad thickness leads
to reduced braking power and The brake pads must have a
under certain circumstances clearly visible wear indicating
to brake damage. mark 1. If the wear indicating
In order to ensure the operat- mark is no longer clearly
ing reliability of the brake sys- visible:
tem, make sure that the mini- • Have the brake pads
mum thickness is exceeded.c • Perform a visual inspection replaced by a specialist
of the brake pad thickness workshop, preferably by an
on the left and right. authorised BMW motorcycle
Checking the brake pad Checking the brake fluid
thickness at the rear
• Place the motorcycle on the
level 6
If the position of the 91
centre standOA or side
brake-fluid reservoir is
stand, ensuring that the
changed, air can enter the
ground is firm and level.
brake system.

Do not twist either the handle-
bar controls or the handle-
The brake disc must not be
visible through bore hole 1 of
the inner brake block. If the
brake disc is visible:
• Have the brake pads
replaced, preferably by an
• Perform a visual inspection authorised BMW motorcycle
of the brake pad thickness dealer.
from the right.

1 Front brake-fluid reservoir

2 MIN mark
Vehicles without ABS Vehicles with ABS

6 In the event of brake pad In the event of brake pad

92 wear, the brake fluid level wear, the brake fluid level
in the brake-fluid reservoir remains constant.c
If the brake fluid level falls -

The brake fluid level must not even above the MIN mark -
fall below the MIN mark. If the this indicates a defect in the
brake fluid level falls below the brake system. If the brake fluid
1 Rear brake-fluid reservoir MIN mark: level falls:
2 MIN mark
If there is too little brake If there is too little brake
fluid in the brake-fluid fluid in the brake-fluid
• Hold the motorcycle verti-
reservoir, air can enter the reservoir, air can enter the
cally or place it on the centre
brake system. This causes a brake system. This causes a
standOA, ensuring that the
serious reduction in braking serious reduction in braking
ground is firm and level.
efficiency. efficiency.
• Straight ahead handlebar
Brake carefully and safely. Brake carefully and safely.
Avoid braking sharply.c Avoid braking sharply.c
• Read off the brake fluid level
at the reservoir. • Have the fault remedied as • Have the fault remedied as
soon as possible by a spe- soon as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably cialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW motor- an authorised BMW motor-
cycle dealer. cycle dealer.
Clutch Do not twist either the The clutch fluid level must not

Checking the function

handlebar controls or the
fall below the MIN mark. If the
fluid level falls below the
• Press the clutch lever. MIN mark, the clutch system 93
» A resistance point must be • Hold the motorcycle verti-
must be checked immediately.
noticeable. cally or place it on the centre
If the clutch fluid level falls -
standOA, ensuring that the

even above the MIN mark -
Do not ride the motorcycle if ground is firm and level.
this indicates a defect in the
you have any doubts about the • Straight ahead handlebar
clutch system.
safety of the clutch. In this position.
• Have the fault remedied as
case: • Read off the clutch fluid level
soon as possible by a spe-
• Have the clutch checked by at the reservoir.
cialist workshop, preferably
a specialist workshop, an authorised BMW motor-
preferably an authorised cycle dealer.
BMW motorcycle dealer.
The fluid level in the res-
Checking the clutch fluid ervoir falls as the clutch
level wears.c
If the position of the Unsuitable hydraulic flu-
clutch fluid reservoir is ids could cause damage
changed, air can enter the to the clutch system.
clutch system. 1 Clutch fluid reservoir
No fluids may be filled.c
2 MIN mark
The clutch system is filled Checking the rims Have the tyres replaced before

6 with a special hydraulic

fluid that does not require
• Place the motorcycle on the
centre standOA or side
this minimum tread depth is
94 changing.c stand, ensuring that the
There is a wear indicating
ground is firm and level.
Wheels mark on each tyre, inte-
• Perform a visual inspection
grated in the main tread

For each tyre size, certain tyre to check for defective points.
grooves. If the tyre tread has
makes have been tested by • Have damaged rims
worn down to the level of the
BMW Motorrad, classified as checked and, if necessary,
marks, the tyre is completely
safe for road traffic and replaced by a specialist
worn. The locations of the
approved. If BMW Motorrad workshop, preferably an
marks are indicated on the
has not approved the wheels authorised BMW motorcycle
edge of the tyre, e.g. by the
and tyres, it cannot assess dealer.
letters TI, TWI or by an arrow.c
their suitability or provide any
Checking the tyre tread • Only measure the tyre tread
guarantee of road safety. Use
depth depth in the main tread
only wheels and tyres The minimum tyre tread depths
approved by BMW Motorrad grooves with wear indicating
legally prescribed in each coun- marks.
for your type of motorcycle. try apply.
You can obtain detailed infor-
mation from your authorised The handling characteris-
BMW motorcycle dealer or on tics of your motorcycle
the Internet at www.bmw- can deteriorate even before the
motorrad.com. legally prescribed minimum
tread depth has been reached.
Removing the front wheel • The rest of the procedure is
You will find an overview
the same as for motorcycles
with centre stands.
of the types of screw 95
used on (b 124).c Motorcycles with centre
During the following standsOA :

work, parts of the front
brake, in particular of the
BMW Integral ABS, can be
damaged. • Remove the mounting
Ensure that no parts of the bolts 2 of the brake calipers
brake system are damaged, in on the left and right.
particular the ABS sensor with
cable and the ABS sensor
• Place the motorcycle on the
Motorcycles without centre centre standOA.
standsOA : • Remove screws 1 on the left
To ensure a secure stance of and right.
the motorcycle during the • Pull out the front wheel
following work: mudguard towards the front.
• Place the motorcycle on the
BMW Motorrad rear wheel
stand (b 104).
• Press the brake calipers 3 If the motorcycle is on the
centre standOA: If the
6 apart slightly using rotary
motions A against the brake front of the motorcycle is
96 discs 4. raised too far, the centre stand
rises from the ground and the
When removed, the
motorcycle can fall over
brake pads can be

pressed together to such a
Make sure that the centre
degree that they do not make
stand remains on the ground
contact with the brake disc on
when the front is raised.c • Remove the right-hand axle
clamping screw 5.
Do not operate the handbrake
• Remove the quick-release
lever when the brake calipers
axle 6, holding the wheel as
are removed.c
you do so.
• Mask off areas of the rim
Loosening or removing
that could be scratched on
the left-hand axle clamp-
removal of the brake
ing screw can lead to a failure
of the ABS sensor.
• Pull the brake calipers back-
Do not loosen or remove the
wards and outwards from
• Lift the motorcycle using the left- hand axle clamping
the brake discs.
BMW Motorrad front wheel screw.c
stand (b 103) until the front
wheel rotates freely.
BMW Motorrad provides • Roll out the front wheel damaged.
an adapter for removing
the quick-release axle. This
forwards. Ensure that no parts of the
brake system are damaged, in
Installing the front wheel 97
adapter can be combined with particular the ABS sensor with
any commercially available An overview of the types cable and the ABS sensor
open-end or ring spanner with of screw used and the ring.c

width across flats 22. The corresponding tightening
The front wheel must be
adapter with BMW special tool torques can be found on
fitted in the direction of
number 363690 can be ob- (b 124).c
tained from your authorised
Observe the direction of rota-
BMW motorcycle dealer.c Screw connections tight- tion arrows on the tyres or on
ened to the incorrect torque the rim.c
can come loose or damage
the screw connection itself.
Make sure that you have the
tightening torques checked by
a specialist workshop, prefer-
ably by an authorised
BMW motorcycle dealer c
During the following
• Place the front wheel in the
work, parts of the front
front wheel guide on the • Roll the front wheel into the
brake, in particular of the
ground. front wheel guide.
BMW Integral ABS, can be

• Raise the front wheel, fit • Fit mounting bolts 2 of the • Fit the mudguard and tighten
quick-release axle 6 and brake calipers on the left and the mounting bolts 1 to the
tighten to the appropriate right and use the appropriate appropriate tightening
tightening torque. tightening torque. torque.
• Tighten right-hand axle • Remove the masking from
The ABS sensor cable
clamping screw 5 to the the rim.
could be abraded if it
appropriate tightening
comes into contact with the
torque. To apply the brake pads to the
brake disc.
• Remove the front wheel brake discs, the front brake
Ensure that the ABS sensor
stand. must be operated a number of
cable is routed tightly.c
• Fit the brake calipers onto times.
the brake discs.
Without BMW Integral ABS: Removing the rear wheel Motorcycles with centre
• Press the handbrake lever standsOA :
firmly a number of times until
You will find an overview
of the types of screw
the resistance point is 99
used on (b 124).c
Motorcycle without centre
With BMW Integral ABS: standOA :

• Switch on the ignition. To ensure a secure stance of
• Wait for the self-diagnosis the motorcycle during the
(b 54). following work:
• Press the handbrake lever • Place the motorcycle on the
firmly a number of times until BMW Motorrad rear wheel • Place the motorcycle on the
the resistance point is stand (b 104). centre standOA.
noticeable. • The rest of the procedure is • Remove bolt 1 from silencer
the same as for motorcycles cover 2.
Brake pads that are not fully
with centre stands. • Pull off the cover towards the
applied to the brake discs
lead to delays in the braking ef-
fect. Before beginning a journey,
check that the braking effect
kicks in without any delay.c
• Remove bolt 4 of the end

6 silencer bracket on the

pillion footrest.
100 • Turn the end silencer
• Engage first gear.

• Remove clamp 3 on the • Place the rear wheel on the

silencer. ground.
• Roll the rear wheel out
Do not remove the
towards the rear.
sealing grease from the
• If the BMW Motorrad rear
wheel stand is used: attach
• Remove mounting bolts 5 the retaining disc again.
from the rear wheel, holding
Installing the rear wheel
the wheel as you do so.
• If the BMW Motorrad rear An overview of the types
wheel stand is used: remove of screw used and the
the retaining disc. corresponding tightening
torques can be found on
(b 124).c
Screw connections tight- • Roll the rear wheel onto the
ened to the incorrect
torque can come loose or
rear wheel support.
• Place the rear wheel on the
damage the screw connection rear wheel support. 101
itself. • If the BMW Motorrad rear
Make sure that you have the wheel stand is used: attach

tightening torques checked, the retaining disc again.
preferably by an authorised
BMW motorcycle dealer.c
• Turn the end silencer into its
• If the BMW Motorrad rear
initial position.
wheel stand is used: remove
• Fit bolt 4 on the end silencer
the retaining disc.
bracket to the pillion foot-
rest, but do not tighten.

• Fit wheel bolts 5 and tighten

crosswise to the appropriate
tightening torque.

• Align clamp 3 on the end • Fit bolt 4 of the end silencer • Push silencer cover 2 with
silencer with the mark A bracket to the pillion footrest guides A into the brackets B.
(arrow) on Lambda oxygen and tighten to the correct
sensor B. tightening torque.
• Tighten clamp 3 on the end
If the gap between the
silencer to the appropriate
rear wheel and the end
tightening torque.
silencer is too small, the rear
wheel can overheat.
The gap between the rear
wheel and the end silencer
must be at least 10 mm.c
• Fit bolt 1 and tighten to the
appropriate tightening
• Remove any auxiliary stand.
Front-wheel stand • Place the motorcycle on the
centre standOA or suitable
To enable simple and safe auxiliary stand, e.g.
changing of the front wheel, BMW Motorrad rear wheel 103
BMW Motorrad provides a stand (b 104).
front wheel stand. The front • Undo aligning screws 1.
wheel stand with BMW special

• Push the two mounting
tool number 363971 can be pins 2 far enough apart that
obtained from your authorised the front wheel guide fits
BMW motorcycle dealer. In between them. • Push the two mounting
addition, you require the • Set the desired height of the pins 2 through the triangles
adapters with BMW special front wheel stand using the of the brake caliper support
tool number 363973. locating pins 3. far enough that the front
Fitting the front wheel • Align the front wheel stand to wheel can still be rolled
stand the centre of the front wheel through.
and push it onto the front In the case of BMW Inte-
axle. gral ABS, the ABS sensor
ring can be damaged.
Only push the mounting pin so
far inwards that it does not
touch the sensor ring of the
BMW Integral ABS.c
• Tighten aligning screws 1. Rear wheel stand • Set the desired height of the

6 In order to be able to work

rear wheel stand using the
bolts 1.
104 safely also on motorcycles • Remove retaining disc 2.
without centre standsOA, To do so, press release
BMW Motorrad provides a rear button 3.
wheel stand. The rear wheel

stand with BMW special tool

number 363980 can be
obtained from your authorised
• Press the front wheel stand BMW motorcycle dealer.
evenly downwards to raise Mounting the rear wheel
the motorcycle.
If the motorcycle is on the
centre standOA: If the
• Push the rear wheel stand
front of the motorcycle is
from the left into the rear
raised too far, the centre stand
rises from the ground and the
• Apply the retaining disc from
motorcycle can fall over
the right; to do so, press the
unlock button.
When the front is raised, make
sure that the centre stand
remains on the ground.c
• Place your left hand on the that the luminosity of the
left grab handle of the motor-
cycle 4, and your right hand
second glow filament is
reduced to rear light level. Fail-
on the lever of the rear wheel ure of the rear light is still 105
stand 5. shown in the display.
In the event of a lamp

failure, there can be
problems seeing and being
• Press the lever onto the
Replace defective bulbs as
soon as possible; preferably
Bulbs always carry appropriate
reserve lamps.c
Information on bulbs
• Raise the motorcycle, simul- The failure of a bulb is sig- You will find an overview
taneously pressing the lever nalled in the display by the of the types of bulb used
downwards until the motor- defective lamp symbol. If the on (b 136).c
cycle stands vertically. brake or rear light fails, the
general warning light also
lights up yellow.
If the rear light fails, the brake
light is used as a substitute in
Do not touch the glass of The bulb is pressurised,

6 new bulbs with your

fingers. Use a clean, dry cloth
injuries may result if the
bulb is damaged.
106 when fitting. Dirt deposits, in Wear protective goggles and
particular oil and grease, gloves when changing
interfere with heat radiation bulbs.c

from the bulb. This will result in

To achieve better acces-
overheating and therefore
sibility, turn the handle-
shorten the service life of the
bars to the right.c
bulbs.c • Pull off the connector 2.

You will find an overview

of the types of screw
used on (b 124).c

Replacing the low-beam

headlight bulb
During the work
described below, a
motorcycle that has been • If necessary, switch off the • Remove the spring wire
parked unsafely can fall over. ignition. brackets 3 from their detents
Make sure that the motorcycle • Loosen the cover 1 by on the left and right and fold
is parked securely.c turning it anticlockwise and them up.
remove it.
Replacing the high-beam
headlight bulb 6
During the work de- 107
scribed below, a motor-
cycle that has been parked
insecurely can fall over.

Make sure that the motorcycle
is parked securely.c
• Remove the bulb 4. The bulb is pressurised, 1 Cover
injuries may result if the High-beam headlight
Assemble in reverse order. bulb is damaged. bulbs
Wear protective goggles and
gloves when changing • The high-beam headlight
bulbs.c bulbs are changed in the
same way as those of the
To achieve better acces-
low-beam headlight.
sibility, turn the handle-
bars to the left.c

• On assembly, make sure

that the lug 5 points
Replacing the parking Assemble in reverse order.

6 light • To hold the new bulb, use a

clean, dry cloth.
108 During the work de-
scribed below, a motor- Replacing the brake light
cycle that has been parked and rear light bulbs
insecurely can fall over.

During the work de-

Make sure that the motorcycle
scribed below, a motor-
is parked securely.c
cycle that has been parked i
3 Connector nsecurely can fall over.
4 Bulb holder Make sure that the motorcycle
5 Bulb is parked securely.c
• If necessary, switch off the
• If necessary, switch off the
• Remove the seat (b 40).
• Pull off the connector 3
beneath the headlight.
• Remove the bulb holder 4
1 Parking light from the headlight housing
2 Access beneath the by turning it anticlockwise.
headlight • Pull the bulb 5 from the bulb
Replacing the front turn
signal lamp 6
During the work de- 109
scribed below, a motor-
cycle that has been parked
unsafely can fall over.

Make sure that the motorcycle
is parked securely.c
• Remove the bolt 1. • Remove the bulb holder 3 • If necessary, switch off the
from the lamp housing by ignition.
turning it anticlockwise.
• Press the bulb into the fitting
and remove it by turning

Assemble in reverse order.

• To hold the new bulb, use a
clean, dry cloth.
• Pull the lamp housing
towards the rear from the • Remove the bolt 1.
brackets 2.
• Remove the bulb holder 2

6 from the lamp housing by

turning it anticlockwise.
110 • Remove the bulb 3 from the
Maintenance bulb holder.

Assemble in reverse order.

• To hold the new bulb, use a
clean, dry cloth.
• Pull the lamp housing on the • Remove the bolt 1.
screw connection side out of Replacing the rear turn
the mirror housing. indicator bulb
During the work de-
scribed below, a motor-
cycle that has been parked
insecurely can fall over.
Make sure that the motorcycle
is parked securely.c
• If necessary, switch off the • Pull the lamp housing on the
ignition. screw connection side out of
the turn indicator housing.
damage to the vehicle elec- • Do not disconnect the
Do not use the on-board
battery from the vehicle
electrical system when
socket to jump-start the jump-starting. 111
engine.c • Remove the cover of the
battery compartment.
To start the engine, do

• Let the engine of the donor
not use start sprays or
vehicle run during the
similar items.c
jump-starting process.
• Press bulb 2 into fitting 3 and Inadvertent contact • First of all, use the red jump
remove by turning it anti- between the terminal leads to connect the positive
clockwise. clips of the jump leads and the terminal of the discharged
vehicle can lead to short battery with the positive
Assemble in reverse order. circuits. terminal of the donor battery.
• To hold the new bulb, use a Only use jump leads with fully • Then connect one end of the
clean, dry cloth. insulated battery-post clips.c black jump lead to the nega-
Jump-starting with a tive terminal of the donor
Jump starting
voltage greater than 12 V battery, and the other end to
The wires leading to the can damage the vehicle the negative terminal of the
power socket do not electronics. discharged battery.
have a load-capacity rating The battery of the other vehicle
adequate for jump-starting the must have a 12 V system
engine. Excessively high cur- voltage.c
rent can lead to a cable fire or
• Start the engine of the Touching live parts of the – Keep the surface of the

6 vehicle with the discharged

battery in the usual way; if
ignition system with the
engine running can lead to
battery clean and dry.
– Do not open the battery.
112 the engine does not start, electric shocks. – Do not top up with water.
wait a few minutes before Do not touch any parts of the – Be sure to read and comply
repeating the attempt in ignition system when the with the instructions for

order to protect the starter engine is running.c charging the battery on the
and the donor battery. following pages.
• Allow both engines to idle for
Battery – Do not turn the battery
a few minutes before discon- Maintenance information upside down.
necting the jump leads. Your motorcycle is supplied If the battery is not dis-
• Disconnect the jump lead with a maintenance-free connected, the on-board
from the negative terminals battery. electronics (clock, etc.) will
first, then disconnect the Correct upkeep, recharging drain the battery. This can
second lead from the and storage will prolong the cause the battery to run flat.
positive terminals. life of the battery and are If this happens, warranty
• Screw down the cover of the essential if warranty claims are claims will not be accepted.
battery compartment. to be considered. During immobilisation periods
of more than four weeks,
Compliance with the points disconnect the battery from
below is important in order to the motorcycle or connect a
maximise battery life: trickle charger to the battery.c
BMW Motorrad has de- • Charge the disconnected The motorcycle's on-
veloped a trickle-charger
specially designed for com-
battery via the power socket.
• Comply with the operating
board electronics know
when the battery is fully
patibility with the electronics of instructions of the charger. charged. In this case, the 113
your motorcycle. Using this power socket is switched off.c
Charging a completely
charger, you can keep the bat-
discharged battery via The BMW chargers with

tery charged during long im-
the on-board socket can result item numbers
mobilisation periods without
in damage to the motorcycle 71607676472 and
having to disconnect the
electronics. 72 607679040 are not suita-
battery from the motorcycle’s
A battery which is completely ble for charging this motorcy-
on-board systems. You can
discharged must always be cle via the power socket.
obtain additional information
charged directly at the termi- In unfavourable cases, the
from your authorised BMW
nals of the disconnected devices can be destroyed.
motorcycle dealer.c
battery.c We recommend that you
Charging the battery obtain information on suitable
Charging the connected
when connected chargers from your authorised
battery directly at the bat-
BMW motorcycle dealer.c
If you switch on the ignition tery terminals can damage the
and the multifunction display vehicle electronics.
and telltale lights fail to light To charge the battery via the
up, the battery is completely battery terminals, disconnect
flat. the battery first.c
If you are unable to • Charge the battery using a

6 charge the battery via the

power socket, you may be
suitable charger.
• Comply with the operating
114 using a charger that is not instructions of the charger.
compatible with your motorcy- • Once the battery is fully
cle’s electronics. In this case, charged, disconnect the

please charge the battery charger terminal clips from

directly at the terminals of the the battery terminals.
disconnected battery.c
Removing the battery • Remove screws 1.
Charging the discon- You will find an overview
nected battery The battery compartment
of the types of screw lid is locked at
In the case of longer used on (b 125).c positions 2.c
immobilisation periods,
During the work • Release the battery com-
the battery must be recharged
described below, a partment lid from catches 2
motorcycle that has been one by one.
In this connection, comply
parked unsafely can fall over. • Take out the battery com-
with the instructions for the
Make sure that the motorcycle partment lid in a forward and
battery. Always fully recharge
is parked securely.c upward direction.
the battery before restoring it
to use.c • If necessary, switch off the
• Lift the battery upwards; if it is • Push the retaining bracket
difficult to move, moving it
back and forth will help.
over the battery; tighten the
screws to the appropriate
tightening torque. 115
Installing the battery
• Fit the positive battery lead first
An overview of the types of of all; tighten to the appropri-

screw used and the corre- ate tightening torque.
sponding tightening torques can • Then fit the negative battery
be found on (b 125).c lead; tighten to the appropriate
• Remove negative battery tightening torque.
During the work described
lead 2 first. • Fit the battery compartment
below, a motorcycle that
• Then remove the positive lid; tighten the screws to the
has been parked unsafely can
battery lead 3. appropriate tightening torque.
fall over.
Make sure that the motorcycle is • Switch on the ignition.
parked securely.c • Fully open the throttle once or
• If necessary, ignition key in the » The engine management
"ignition off" position. system records the throttle-
• Place the battery in the battery valve position.
compartment, positive termi-
nal on the right in the direction After connecting the
of travel. battery, the time must be
• Undo screws 4 and pull the reset.c
retaining bracket backwards.
Splash guard
6 A splash guard is supplied
116 with the motorcycle; if
required, this can be fitted to
the number plate holder.

• Use screws 1 to fit the splash

guard onto the number plate
holder from below.
Cleaning and care ..................... 118
Laying up...................................... 120 7
Restoring to use .......................... 121 117

Cleaning and care The use of unsuitable Make sure that the motorcycle

7 Regular cleaning, using the

cleaning and care prod-
ucts can damage vehicle
is washed frequently, espe-
cially during the winter
118 correct methods, is an impor- components. months.
tant factor in maintaining the For cleaning, do not use any To remove road salt, clean the
value of your motorcycle. solvents such as nitro-thin- motorcycle with cold water
It also ensures that safety-

ners, cold cleaning agents, immediately after every trip.

relevant parts remain in full fuel or similar, and do not use
working order. Warm water reinforces
cleaning agents that contain
the effects of the salt.
Care products alcohol.c
Only use cold water to remove
We recommend that you use road salt.c
Washing the motorcycle
the cleaning and care prod- We recommend that you use
ucts you can obtain from your BMW insect remover to soften
authorised BMW motorcycle Wet brake discs reduce
and wash off insects and resil- the braking effect.
dealer. The materials in BMW ient dirt on painted parts prior
Care Products have been After washing the motorcycle,
to washing the motorcycle. To dry the brakes by braking.c
tested in laboratories and in prevent stains, do not wash
practice; they provide opti- the motorcycle immediately The high water pressure
mised care and protection for after it has been exposed to of steam jet cleaners can
the materials used in your strong sunlight and do not damage gaskets, the hydraulic
vehicle. wash it in the sun. brake system and the electri-
cal equipment.
Do not use steam jet cleaners Soften resilient dirt and cooling. For example, use a
or high-pressure cleaners.c insects by applying a wet
garden hose with low water
Plastics 119
Clean plastic parts with water Windscreen Cooling fins can be bent
and BMW plastic care Remove dirt and insects with a easily.
emulsion. This includes in soft sponge and lots of water. When cleaning the radiator,

particular: ensure that the fins are not
Fuel and chemical
– Windscreens bent.c
solvents attack the
– Headlight lenses made of
windscreen. Paint care
Do not use cleaning agents.c Regular washing of the motor-
– Covering glass of the
cycle counteracts the long-
instrument cluster Chrome
term effects of materials that
– Black, unpainted parts Especially in the case of road
damage the paint, especially if
salt, carefully clean chrome
If plastic parts are your motorcycle is ridden in
with plenty of water and BMW
cleaned using unsuitable areas with high air pollution or
vehicle shampoo. Use chrome
cleaning agents, the surfaces natural sources of dirt, e.g.
polish for additional treatment.
can be damaged. tree resins or pollen.
Do not use cleaning agents Radiator However, remove particularly
that contain alcohol, solvents Clean the radiator regularly to aggressive materials immedi-
or abrasives to clean plastic prevent overheating of the ately; otherwise changes in
parts. "Fly sponges" or spong- engine due to inadequate the paint or discolouration can
es with hard surfaces can also occur. These include, e.g.,
lead to scratches.c spilt fuel, oil, grease, brake
fluid as well as bird droppings. The best way to see whether Rubber
7 BMW vehicle polish or BMW
paint cleaner are recom-
the paint has to be protected
is that water no longer forms
Treat rubber components with
water or BMW rubber protec-
120 mended here. pearls. tion coating agent.
Contamination on the paint fin-
Touching up The use of silicon sprays
ish is particularly easy to see
Your authorised BMW motor- to care for rubber gas-

after the motorcycle as been

cycle dealer is equipped with kets can lead to damage.
washed. Remove stains of this
suitable systems for rapid and Do not use silicon sprays or
kind immediately using clean-
low-cost correction of minor other care products that
ing-grade benzine or petro-
paint damage. We recom- contain silicon.c
leum spirit on a clean cloth or
mend that minor paintwork
ball of cotton wool. We recom- Laying up
flaws be rectified with a BMW
mend that specks of tar be
paint spray or a BMW paint • Clean the motorcycle
removed with BMW tar
pencil and larger paint dam- (b 118-120).
remover. Then add a protec-
age be dealt with at your • Remove the battery (b 114).
tive wax coating to the paint at
authorised BMW motorcycle • Spray the brake and clutch
these locations.
dealer by a specialised repair lever pivots and the main
Protective wax coating paint job carried out in accord- and side stand pivots with a
For the protective wax coating ance with works specifications suitable lubricant.
of paint, we recommend that with original BMW paints. • Coat bright metal/chrome-
you use only BMW vehicle wax plated parts with an acid-
or agents that contain car- free grease (e.g. Vaseline).
nauba wax or synthetic waxes.
• Place the motorcycle in a dry • Install a charged battery
room on the centre standOA
or rear wheel stand.
(b 115).
• Perform the safety checks
• Raise the engine with the (b 52). 121
front wheel stand in such a • Check the brakes (b 89-91).
way that both wheels are • Check the tyre pressures

without load. (b 47).
Before laying the vehicle
up, have the engine oil
and the oil filter element
changed by a specialist work-
shop, preferably your author-
ised BMW motorcycle dealer.
Combine work for laying up/
restoring to use with a mainte-
nance service or inspection.c

Restoring to use
• Remove the protective wax
• Clean the motorcycle
(b 118-120).
Bolt connections ......................... 124
Tyre pressures ........................... 126 8
Engine .......................................... 127 123

Power transmission .................... 128

Technical data
Frame and suspension ............... 129
Wheels and tyres ......................... 131
Fuel and lubricants ..................... 132
Electrical system ......................... 135
Dimensions and weights ............ 137
Riding specifications ................. 138
Bolt connections
8 Activity Type of bolt connection Tightening
124 torque
Front wheel
Mudguard Internal TORX® T25 (1) hand-tight
Technical data

Brake caliper Internal TORX® T45 30 Nm

Axle clamping screw Internal TORX® T40 19 Nm
Quick-release axle Allen screw w/f 22 50 Nm
Rear wheel
Clip cover Internal TORX® T25 (1) hand-tight
End silencer to footrest Internal TORX® T45 16 Nm
Clamp on end silencer Internal TORX® T45 35 Nm
Rear wheel Internal TORX® T50 60 Nm
Lamp housing
Brake and rear light Phillips screw, large (1) hand-tight
Front turn indicators Phillips screw, large (1) hand-tight
Rear turn indicators Phillips screw, small (1) hand-tight
Bolt connections
Activity Type of bolt connection Tightening 8
torque 125
Battery compartment lid Internal TORX® T25 (1) hand-tight

Technical data
Battery-terminal clamps External hexagon w/f 10 or hand-tight
slotted head screw, large (1)
Securing bracket Internal TORX® T20 hand-tight
Splash guard
Splash guard Internal TORX® T25 (1) hand-tight

(1) in the toolkit

Tyre pressures
126 Tyre pressures measured when tyres are cold.
Loading Front Rear
Solo operation 2.5 bar 2.9 bar
Technical data

Solo operation with luggage 2.5 bar 2.9 bar

Operation with pillion passenger
(and luggage) 2.5 bar 2.9 bar
Engine 8
Type 4-cylinder in-line engine, fitted crossways, 127
inclined 55o
Displacement 1,157 cm3

Technical data
Bore/stroke 79/59 mm
Compression ratio 13 : 1
Power output
Greatest rated power 123 / 74 kW
- at engine speed 10,250 / 7,000 rpm
Max. torque 130 / 110 Nm
- at engine speed 8,250 / 5,250 rpm
Engine speeds
Engine speed, maximum 11,000 rpm
Neutral speed 1,150 + 50 rpm
Fuel consumption at constant 90 km/h 4.7 l/100 km
Fuel consumption at constant 120 km/h 5.5 l/100 km
Maximum oil consumption 1 l/1,000 km
Power transmission
8 Clutch
128 Type Hydraulic multi-disc wet clutch
Clutch disc diameter 172 mm
Technical data

Type 6-speed gearbox

Overall ratios 1st gear = 3.93
2nd gear = 2.87
3rd gear = 2.27
4th gear = 2.01
5th gear = 1.78
6th gear = 1.582
Rear-wheel drive
Power transmission from gearbox to Universal shaft with integrated torsional
rear-wheel drive damper
Rear-wheel drive Bevel gears
Rear axle transmission 1 : 2.82
Frame and suspension
Frame 8
Type Main and rear frame in light-alloy design 129
Location of type plate on the rear cross frame tube
Location of vehicle identification number (VIN) on the side frame section at the front right

Technical data
Front brake
Type two floating brake discs
with 4-piston fixed calipers
sintered metal brake pads
Rear brake
Type one fixed brake disc with 2-piston floating
organic brake pads
Front wheel guide
Type BMW Duolever
Steering lock angle 2 x 29o
Front wheel castor in normal-load position 111.63 mm
Rear wheel guide
Type BMW EVO Paralever swinging arm
Frame and suspension
8 Front suspension system
130 Type Central suspension strut with single-tube gas
pressure shock absorber
Spring travel (bump) 60 mm
Technical data

Spring travel (rebound) 55 mm

Total suspension travel 115 mm
Rear suspension system
Type Central suspension strut with single-tube gas
pressure shock absorber
Spring preload and rebound-stage damping
infinitely variable
Spring travel (bump) 100 mm
Spring travel (rebound) 35 mm
Total suspension travel (at wheel) 135 mm
Wheels and tyres
Front wheel 8
Type MTH2 angled rim shoulder with double tyre 131
retaining hump
Rim size 3.50 x 17"

Technical data
Tyre size 120/70-ZR17
Rear wheel
Type MTH2 angled rim shoulder with double tyre
retaining hump
Rim size 6.00 x 17"
Tyre size 190/50-ZR17
Fuel and lubricants
8 Engine
132 Engine oil Brand-name HD oil of API classification SF, SG
or SH; CD or CE amendments are permissible;
or brand-name HD oil of CCMC classification
G4 or G5; amendment PD2 is permissible.
Technical data

Engine oils of viscosity grades SAE 20W-x may

not be used.
Do not use synthetic engine oils unless they
have been approved by BMW for this vehicle.
Top-up volume between MIN and MAX 0.5 l

BMW recommends Castrol

Fuel and lubricants
Viscosity classes depending on outside temperature 8
0 °C – 30 °C SAE 30 133
20 °C – above 30 °C SAE 40
-15 °C – above 30 °C SAE 15 W-50

Technical data
-15 °C – 30 °C SAE 15 W-40
-20 °C – 20 °C SAE 10 W-40
-20 °C – 10 °C SAE 10 W-30
-20 °C – above 30 °C SAE 10 W-X (X > 40)
below -30 °C – above 30 °C SAE 5 W-X (X > 40)

Oils with x > 40 are available from your authorised BMW motorcycle dealer.
All engine oils supplied by BMW Motorrad are subject to regular BMW quality assurance checks.
Oil additives are not required and are not recommended.
It is not permitted to mix different engine oils.
Fuel and lubricants
8 Transmission
134 Transmission oil joint oil circuit with engine
Fuel grade Premium grade unleaded fuel (98 ROZ/RON;
Technical data

Content of fuel tank 19 l
Reserve volume 4l
Brake fluid DOT 4
We recommend BMW brake fluids
Electrical system
Battery 8
Type 12 V 14 Ah, maintenance-free 135
Low temperature test current 190 A
Spark plugs

Technical data
Approved spark plugs BOSCH YR 5DDE
Electrode gap 0.7 mm
Wear limit 1.0 mm
All circuits are electronically protected, so
plug-in fuses are no longer necessary. If an
electronic fuse trips and de-energises a circuit,
the circuit is active as soon as the ignition is
switched on after the fault has been rectified.
Electrical system
8 Bulbs
136 Design of headlight Clear glass with three reflectors
High-beam headlight 2 H7 halogen bulbs, 12 V 55 W
Low-beam headlight H7 halogen bulb 12 V 55 W
Technical data

Parking light 12 V 5 W
Brake/rear lights 12 V 21/5 W
Front turn indicators 12 V 16 W
Rear flashing turn indicators 12 V 10 W
Power socket
Ratings 12 V 5 A
Dimensions and weights
Dimensions 8
Maximum length 2,214 mm 137
Maximum width 858 mm
Maximum height (without rider) 1,220 mm

Technical data
Seat height 820 mm
Wheelbase in normal-load position 1,572 mm
Ground clearance in normal-load position 120 mm
DIN unladen weight 248 kg
Permissible gross weight 450 kg
Maximum payload 202 kg
Permissible wheel loads
Front 160 kg
Rear 290 kg
Riding specifications
8 Speeds
138 Top speed over 200 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 2.8 s
Technical data

Riding noise to EU specification 80 dB (A)

Stationary noise to EU specification 94 dB (A) at 5,100 rpm
BMW Motorrad service ............... 140
Confirmation of maintenance 9
work.............................................. 143 139
Confirmation of service .............. 147

BMW Motorrad service motorcycle dealer knows your find our specialists ready to

9 BMW Motorrad service

motorcycle intimately and can
step in before small problems
help in both word and deed.

140 quality become extremely serious Important country-specific

BMW Motorrad stands not only issues. By having the neces- contact addresses and the rel-
for good handling and a high sary repairs done properly and evant after-sales service
degree of reliability, but also for

in good time, you save time organisation phone numbers

an excellent quality of service. and money in the long run. as well as information on
To ensure that your BMW is Mobile Service and the dealer-
always in optimum condition, BMW Motorrad Service
ship network can be found in
we recommend that you have Card – On-the-spot
the "Service Kontakt / Service
the regular maintenance work breakdown assistance
Contact" brochures.
required for your motorcycle With all new BMW motorcy-
carried out and that you have cles, the BMW Motorrad Serv- BMW Motorrad service
this done preferably at your ice Card protects you in the network
authorised BMW motorcycle event of a breakdown with an Our extensive after-sales serv-
dealer. For goodwill services extensive range of services ice organisation network is able
after the expiry of the warranty, such as breakdown assist- to look after you and your
proof of regular maintenance is ance, motorcycle transporta- motorcycle in more than
an indispensable precondition. tion etc. (differing regulations 100 countries. In Germany
Certain signs of wear, moreo- are possible in individual coun- alone, you have the best possi-
ver, may otherwise not be tries). ble access to approximately
noticed until it is too late to In the event of a breakdown, 200 authorised BMW motor-
rectify them at moderate cost. contact BMW Motorrad’s cycle dealers.
Your authorised BMW Mobile Service. Here you will
All information concerning the BMW Annual Inspection Maintenance schedules
international dealership net-
work can be found in the
Some maintenance work has
to be carried out at least once
If you like, you can view the
current maintenance schedule
brochure "Service Contact a year. Other tasks depend on for your motorcycle 141
Europe" or "Service Contact the distance the motorcycle on the Internet and download
Africa, America, Asia, has covered. the file from www.bmw-motor-

Australia, Oceania". rad.com/maintenance.
BMW Service
After the first 10,000 km and Every authorised BMW
You will be given the relevant
every further 20,000 km motorcycle dealer has a
brochure for your country
(30,000 km, 50,000 km, fixed scale of charges based
together with your motorcycle;
70,000 km, etc.) if this on labour times and carefully
you can obtain both brochures
distance is covered within a calculated hourly rates. Lubri-
from your authorised BMW
year. cants and operating materials,
motorcycle dealer.
filters, gaskets etc. are
BMW Inspection charged separately.c
Maintenance work
After the first 20,000 km and
Maintenance work is per-
every further 20,000 km
formed on the basis of time
(40,000 km, 60,000 km,
and distance travelled.
80,000 km, etc.) if this
BMW running-in check distance is covered within a
The BMW running-in check has year.
to be performed when the
motorcycle has covered
between 500 km and 1,200 km
BMW BMW Running-In
9 Pre-delivery Check Check
142 Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions
Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions


Brake fluid changed:

Without BMW Integral ABS

With BMW Integral ABS

Wheel circuit
Control circuit

Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature

Confirmation of maintenance work
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service 143
BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection

Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions

Odometer Odometer Odometer

reading reading reading

Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed:

Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS

With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS
Wheel circuit Wheel circuit Wheel circuit
Control circuit Control circuit Control circuit

Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature

Confirmation of maintenance work
144 BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection

Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions

Odometer Odometer Odometer

reading reading reading

Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed:

Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS

With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS
Wheel circuit Wheel circuit Wheel circuit
Control circuit Control circuit Control circuit

Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature

Confirmation of maintenance work
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service 145
BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection

Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions

Odometer Odometer Odometer

reading reading reading

Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed:

Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS

With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS
Wheel circuit Wheel circuit Wheel circuit
Control circuit Control circuit Control circuit

Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature

Confirmation of maintenance work
9 BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection BMW Annual Inspection
BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service
BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection

Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with Carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions manufacturer’s instructions

Odometer Odometer Odometer

reading reading reading

Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed: Brake fluid changed:

Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS Without BMW Integral ABS

With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS With BMW Integral ABS
Wheel circuit Wheel circuit Wheel circuit
Control circuit Control circuit Control circuit

Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature Date, stamp, signature

Confirmation of service
The list is intended as a record of maintenance, warranty and repair work, the installation of 9
optional accessories and, if appropriate, special campaign (recall) work. 147

Record of all work carried out in workshop

Work details km Date
Confirmation of service
9 Record of all work carried out in workshop
148 Work details km Date
A B Bolt connections, 124
Abbreviations, 4
Battery compartment, 11
Adjusting the handbrake
Braking power assistance, 70 Charging when lever, 36 149
partial integral braking, 70 connected, 113 Front fluid tank, 11
Rising rear wheel, 71 Charging when Rear fluid reservoir, 11

Self-diagnosis, 54 disconnected, 114 Safety instructions, 68
Warning indicator, 25 Maintenance instructions, 112 Brake light
Warning light, 19 Removing, 114 Replacing the bulb, 108
Accessories Technical data, 135 Brake pads, 58
BMW optional extras, 4 Warning indicator for charge Brakes
Cable routing, 75 current, 24 Brake pads, 90
General instructions, 74 BMW Service Checking the brake pad
Non-BMW products, 6 Annual inspection, 141 thickness at the front, 90
Operation from the power Confirmation of maintenance Checking the brake pad
socket, 75 work, 143 thickness at the rear, 91
Accessory Confirmation of service, 147 Checking the fluid level, 91
BMW optional accessories, 4 Information, 6 Checking the function, 89
Adjusting mirrors, 43 Inspection, 141 Bulbs
Adjusting the rear shock Maintenance schedules, 141 Information, 105
absorber, 44 Maintenance service, 141 Technical data, 136
Adjusting the rear spring Running-in check, 141 Warning indicator defective
preload, 43 Service Card, 140 lamp, 24
Adjusting the vertical aim, 38 Worldwide, 140
C Centre stand Engine electronics

i Care
Care products, 118
Extending, 65
Folding in, 67
Manipulation of the engine
electronics control unit, 51
150 Chrome, 119 Checklist, 52 Warning indicator, 23
Paint, 119 Clock Engine oil
Plastics, 119 Adjusting, 14, 35 Checking the oil level, 11, 86

Protective wax coating, 120 Display, 18 Draining off, 88

Radiator, 119 Clutch Technical data, 132
Rubber, 120 Checking the fluid level, 93 Topping up, 87
Touching up, 120 Checking the function, 93 Warning indicator for oil
Washing the motorcycle, 118 Fluid reservoir, 9 pressure, 23
Windscreen, 119 Coolant Engine, technical data, 127
Cases Checking the level, 88 ESA
Adapting, 81 Filler aperture, 9 Adjusting the shock
Adjusting the volume, 80 Temperature display, 18 absorbers, 46
Closing, 79 Temperature warning, 22 Adjusting the spring
Correct loading, 77 Topping up, 89 preload, 47
Fitting, 80 Currency, 5 Calling up settings, 46
Key positions, 77 Explanations, 45
Opening, 78 D Operation, 12
DWA telltale light, 14
Release levers, 77 EWS
Removing, 81 E Display, 22
Catalytic converter, safety Engine, 132 Explanations, 31
information, 51
Front-wheel stand, 103
Handlebar controls
Left, 12
Switching off, 30
Filler aperture, 11 Right, 13 Switching on, 30, 53 151
Fuel gauge, 18 Hazard warning Inflation pressures, 126
Quality, 68, 134 flashers, 12, 32, 33 Installing the battery, 115

Refuelling, 67 Headlight Instrument cluster, 14
Reserve display, 22 Adjustment for right-hand/left-
Fuel tank capacity, 68 hand traffic, 38
Jump starting, 111
Fuses, 135 Overview, 15
Headlight flasher, 12, 37 K
G Headlights Keys
Gear indicator, 18
Adjusting the vertical aim, 9 Ignition keys, 30
Helmet holder, 9, 41 Replacement keys, 32
Gear shifts, 59
High-beam headlight Kill switch, 13, 34
Position on starting, 53
Bulb, 15
Technical data, 128 L
Replacing the bulb, 107
General view Laying up, 120
Switching on, 12, 37
Left side, 9 Low-beam headlight
Telltale light, 18
Right side, 11 Bulb, 15
Horn, 12
Grip heating, 13, 35 Replacing the bulb, 106
Switching on, 37
Luggage Rear spring preload Securing the steering lock, 31

i Safety information, 50
Strapping, 42
adjustment, 9
Rear wheel stand, 104
Sensor for instrument cluster
lighting, 14
152 Replacement keys, 32 Shifting gear, 59
M Resetting the odometer, 34 Side stand
Motorcycle equipment, 5
Residual braking function, 71 Folding in, 63
Multifunction display, 14

Residual range, 34 Position on starting, 55

N Restoring to use, 121 Unfolding, 61
Neutral, telltale light, 18 Rev. counter, 14 Spark plugs, technical data, 135
Rider’s equipment, 6 Speed
P Running in Safety information, 50
Parking light, 38
Brake pads, 58 Technical data, 138
Bulb, 15
General information, 58 Speedometer, 14
Replacing the bulb, 108
Splash guard, 116
Parking your motorcycle, 61, 65 S Starter, 13
Power socket, 9, 74, 136 Safety check before a
Starting, 56
Pre-ride check, 53 journey, 52
Symbols, 4
Safety instructions, 50
R Seat
Rear light, replacing the
Installing, 41 Technical data
bulb, 108
Lock, 9 Bolt connections, 124
Rear shock absorber
Placing down, 40 Dimensions and weights, 137
adjustment, 9
Removing, 40 Electrical system, 135
Engine, 127
Frame and suspension, 129 V
Fuel and lubricants, 132
Information, 5
Vehicle identification number, 11
W 153
Power transmission, 128
Warning indicators
Riding specifications, 138
Notes, 19
Wheels, 131
Overview, 20

Telltale lights, 14, 18
Warning lights, 14, 18
Tightening torques, 124
Warnings, 4
Toolkit, 11, 85
Tripmaster, 12, 18, 33
Checking the rims, 94
Turn indicator
Checking the tread depth, 94
Left, 12
Checking the tyre pressure, 47
Replacing the front bulb, 109
Fitting the front wheel, 97
Replacing the rear bulb, 110
Fitting the rear wheel, 100
Right, 13
Makes, 94
Turn indicators
Removing the front wheel, 95
Switching off, 13, 40
Removing the rear wheel, 99
Switching on, 39
Technical data, 131
Telltale lights, 18
Tyre pressures, 126
Type plate, 11
Vehicle/dealership data
i Vehicle data Dealership data

Model Person to contact in Service

Vehicle identification number Ms./Mr.

Colour code Phone number

First registration

Registration number Dealership address/phone

(company stamp)
Details described or illustrated The right to modify designs,
in this booklet may differ from
the motorcycle’s actual speci-
equipment and accessories is
fication as purchased, the Errors and omissions
accessories fitted or the excepted.
national-market specification. © 2004 BMW Motorrad
No claims will be entertained Not to be reproduced either
as a result of such discrepan- wholly or in part without written
cies. permission from BMW
Dimensions, weights, fuel Motorrad, After Sales.
consumption and perform- Printed in Germany
ance data are quoted to the
customary tolerances.
BMW recommends Castrol

9 The most important data for a filling station stop can be found in the following chart:

Designation Premium grade unleaded fuel
Fuel tank capacity 19 l
Tyre pressures Front Rear
One-up 2.50 bar 2.90 bar
Solo operation with luggage 2.50 bar 2.90 bar
Operation with pillion passenger
(and luggage) 2.50 bar 2.90 bar

BMW Motorrad

Order No.:
01 41 7 694 791
2nd edition GB / RF The Ultimate
Driving Machine
Info_I_ABS_en_xx.fm Seite 1 Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005 2:48 14

About BMW Motorrad Integral ABS

How does ABS work? adapts the braking pressure to must assume extremely low E
The maximum braking force the maximum braking force coefficients of friction (gravel, 1
it is possible to transfer to the it is possible to transfer so that ice, snow) so that the wheels
carriageway depends, among the wheels continue to turn turn in any conceivable situa-
other things, on the road and driving stability is main- tion and thus the stability of

BMW Motorrad Integral ABS

surface's coefficient of friction. tained whatever the prevailing the motorcycle is ensured.
Gravel, ice and snow, and road conditions. Once the actual circum-
water on the road, have stances are detected, the
What happens with bumps
significantly poorer coeffi- system will set the brake pres-
in the road?
cients of friction than a dry, Corrugated road surfaces or sure to the optimum value.
clean asphalt road surface. bumps in the road can cause What do we observe during
The poorer the road's coeffi- the tyres to temporarily lose rider safety training?
cient of friction, the longer the contact with the road surface Braking in which ABS has to
braking distance. and hence the braking force it intervene has, by comparison
If the maximum braking force it is possible to apply to drop to with normal braking, a signifi-
is possible to apply to the road zero. If the brakes are applied cantly higher demand for
is exceeded when the rider in this situation, the ABS must electricity which puts a heavy
increases brake pressure, the reduce the braking pressure to load on the battery. The
wheels will begin to lock and ensure driving stability when battery is constantly being
directional stability is lost; a fall contact with the road surface charged in normal riding so
threatens. Before this situation is restored. At this moment, that it always has sufficient
can arise, ABS intervenes and BMW Motorrad Integral ABS capacity available.
Info_I_ABS_en_xx.fm Seite 2 Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005 2:48 14

If the motorcycle is not to be braking operations in which • switch off consumers such

E ridden for several weeks, a

trickle charger, which can be
the brake lever is operated
with maximum force and
as seat and grip heating,
radio, navigation system and
2 obtained from your BMW extreme speed, in combina- accessories connected to
Motorrad dealer, should be tion with declining on-board the power sockets
connected or the battery supply voltage, can bring the • in pauses and discussions,
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS

disconnected and then ABS up to its technical limits in switch off the ignition; if the
recharged before starting which its control function is no engine is switched off with
riding again. longer fulfilled. the emergency off switch,
During rider safety training, Field observations carried out the lights and all electronic
an unusual number of ABS- by BMW Motorrad indicate systems remain switched on
controlled braking operations that a comparable situation and drain the battery
take place in rapid succession has not arisen in traffic or even
How can I achieve the
interspersed with periods of during training rides. shortest braking distance?
waiting and assessment in The following notes must Dynamic load distribution
which the motorcycle is not be observed during safety between the front and rear
being ridden. The battery is training: wheels changes under
put under heavy load by the • check the warning and braking. The heavier the
ABS control actions, but at indicator lamps before any brakes are applied, the more
the same time it is not being braking exercise load is transferred to the front
recharged as practically no • ride the motorcycle over brake. The greater the load on
riding is being done. sufficient distance to charge the wheel, the more braking
In isolated cases, in this the battery after a maximum force can be transferred.
artificially created situation, of five braking exercises
Info_I_ABS_en_xx.fm Seite 3 Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005 2:48 14

To achieve the shortest What happens if ABS control on the design of brakes for
braking distance, it is neces-
sary to apply the front brake
A fault in BMW Motorrad
motor vehicles and allows the
rider to brake the motorcycle.
gradually and with increasing Integral ABS is indicated by a The following notes must be 3
force. This makes best use of corresponding warning dis- observed for riding with the
the dynamic increase in load play in the instrument cluster. residual braking function:

BMW Motorrad Integral ABS

on the front wheel. At the If only ABS control fails, the • set the brake lever to
same time, the clutch should Integral system and the brake maximum travel
be disengaged. servo action remain opera- • always brake with both front
In emergency braking as it is tional. If these systems also and rear brakes
often taught, in which the fail, the residual brake function • where it is safe to do so, try
brake pressure is generated is applied. In this case, the out the brakes so that you
as quickly as possible and with forces to be applied to the can learn the brakes'
all possible force, the dynamic brake levers will be signifi- response characteristics
load distribution cannot follow cantly higher and the lever • be aware of the prevailing
the increasing deceleration travel required will be longer. road conditions and adapt
and the braking force cannot The residual brake function is your braking force
be completely transferred to a mechanical function and is accordingly
the road. The ABS has to always available in the event • since this is an emergency-
intervene to ensure that the of the failure of the BMW run function, you should visit
front wheel does not lock up; Motorrad Integral ABS, a specialist workshop, or
this reduces the brake pres- whatever the battery condi- better still a BMW Motorrad
sure and the braking distance tion. It meets all requirements dealer, as quickly as
is extended. of legislation around the world possible
Info_I_ABS_en_xx.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 22. Juli 2005 10:17 10

What is the role of regular

E maintenance?
Any technical system is
4 only ever as good as its
The service intervals specified
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS
must be kept to without fail to
ensure that the BMW Motorrad
Integral ABS is in an optimum
maintenance condition.
What is the design
specification for BMW
Motorrad Integral ABS?
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS
ensures stability of the motor-
cycle on any surface within the
bounds of physics.
The system is not designed for
special requirements such as
those that arise under extreme
conditions of competition BMW Motorrad
off-road or on the racetrack.

Order No:
01 41 7 699 271
1st edition GB/RF The Ultimate
Riding Machine

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