SoftAcid - The Way Forward With Organic Acids - 220620 - 082609
SoftAcid - The Way Forward With Organic Acids - 220620 - 082609
SoftAcid - The Way Forward With Organic Acids - 220620 - 082609
Organic acids have gained
worldwide acceptance as the
choice replacement for Antibiotic
Growth Promoters (AGPs) in
livestock feed. This is due to
their ability to kill pathogenic
microorganisms that cause disease
and deter the growth performance
of livestock.
The Drawbacks of Buffered remains in its fat coated form. It also has no
effects whatsoever in the intestines, where the
Acids and Coated Acids
pH is too high and the acids are useless. Last
This has led to the acceptance of what is but not least, it is impossible to use in drinking
known as buffered organic acids. These are water, if no emulsifying agent is added.
organic acids that are combined with alkaline
agents such as calcium or ammonia to form
The Solution in Protected Acids
a salt complex such as calcium formate and
ammonium propionate. While this effectively For organic acids to be used increasingly in
reduces the corrosivity of pure organic acids, livestock feedstuffs, there is a necessity for
the corrosive nature of buffered acids is still an improved form – one that is non-corrosive,
inherent, even if it is reduced. There is no doubt safe, effective and easy to use. Users of organic
that the carrier, being part of the molecular acids should not have to compromise between
weight of the substance, replaces a large the safety and efficacy of their chosen product.
portion of the acid and is thus much less
efficacious compared to the pure form of the For this purpose Borregaard has specifically
acid. The ammonia/sodium portion represents developed a new, unique and patented
20 - 35% of the molecular weight of the formula technology called SoftAcid®.
and yet is in itself of no benefit to the animal as
an antimicrobial. For example, when ammonia SoftAcid is a product range that consists of
or sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) is used as organic acids and modified lignosulfonic acid.
an alkaline agent, the pH of an organic acid It is the presence of the latter which gives the
may increase from 0.5 to 4.0. This leads to a product its name “Soft,” due to its ability to
significant drop in the pH reducing efficacy of moderate the aggressive nature of the organic
such buffered acids. Moreover, it can no longer acids. SoftAcid is consequently non- corrosive,
be called formic acid, as it is now a totally safer to use and easier to handle compared to
different chemical with very different properties other pure organic acids.
Meanwhile, SoftAcid has also been proven
In the case of ammonium formate, the to be more effective compared to buffered
heating process (or storage for a long period) or coated acids. Tests conducted at the
generates formamide, which is classified as a Norwegian National Veterinary Institute
toxic substance, a teratogen, and is possibly and North Carolina State University clearly
carcinogenic as well. demonstrated that SoftAcid is highly effective
at inhibiting the growth of Salmonella and E.
Some acidifier products also claim to have a fat coli.
coating, in order to reduce corrosivity, volatility
and absorption in the intestines. Fat coated SoftAcid Technology can be incorporated into
organic acids have literally no pH reducing any existing organic acid or a blend of different
effects, have a rather low organic acid content, organic acids to recreate this new innovative
and are known to be very expensive. It has approach to the use of organic acids for
no beneficial effects in the stomach, as it still livestock feed.
None Colonisation
There is rapid bacterial colonisation of the
environment due to lack of inhibition.
SoftAcid has been found to be significantly less A significant quantity of organic acids that
corrosive towards black steel as well as other are used as antimicrobial agents in feed and
metals compared to formic acid (see Figure also to preserve grains and cereals against
1). This is because the aggressive nature of mould growth are lost via evaporation. Due
organic acids is reduced by the presence of to its volatile nature, organic acids also emit
lignosulfonic acid. With respect to corrosion, malodours that pose great health risks to both
the dissociated lignosulfonic acid anions humans as well as to animals. Borregaard has
migrate towards the positively charged solid also developed its own method in measuring
surfaces (such as concrete and steel) to form a the organic acid evaporation rate in feed plants
protective layer. and to compare it with SoftAcid.
Improved Animal Performance
SoftAcid makes an excellent choice as a Extensive trials have also been carried out at
replacement for AGPs in livestock feed, due Danske Slagterier, or the Danish Bacon & Meat
to its specific and unique ability to either Council (see Table 1). SoftAcid has been found
kill or inhibit the growth of pathogenic to have better palatability, with inclusion rates
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, of up to 2% having no detrimental effect on
thus promoting growth and improved feed intake.
performance of various species of livestock
animals. Results show that SoftAcid is an effective
product for the prevention of digestive
Farmers co-operative Felleskjøpet Agri problems, and results in better utilisation of
BA is the largest feed producer in Norway. the feed and improved animal performance.
With 57 grain depots, it is also the largest It was also found to have a positive influence
grain collector in this Scandinavian country. on the microbial population of the pig’s
According to Mr. Vebjørn Nilsen, the Technical digestive system, resulting in a reduction in
& Process Manager who is responsible for the number of coliform bacteria present in
15 feed plants across Norway, SoftAcid the small intestines. It should be noted that
Technology has been instrumental in their the performance of SoftAcid was found to be
anti-Salmonella programme, and part of the similar to that observed with pure formic acid
mechanism which enables this giant co- (Maribo and Jensen, 2001).
operative to be the only feed producer in the
world to guarantee Salmonella-free feed for
their customers.
Table 1
Product Control 1.0 % SoftAcid 1.5 % SoftAcid 2.0 % SoftAcid
No of groups 16 16 16 16
No of pigs 402 402 402 403
4-6 weeks
Daily gain, g 137 155 154 158
Daily intake feed, FUp 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.25
FUp/kg gain 1.92 1.7 1.72 1.69
6-10 weeks
Daily gain, g 487 507 510 489
Daily intake feed, FUp 0.89 0.93 0.92 0.91
FUp/kg gain 1.83 1.83 1.80 1.86
4-10 weeks
Daily gain, g 374 392 396 382
Daily intake feed, FUp 0.68 0.71 0.70 0.70
FUp/kg gain 1.83 1.80 1.78 1.82
Trials conducted in Northern Germany (see Results show that there was an additional live
Table 2) also show that replacement of a weight gain of 15 grams per day due to the use
formic/propionic mixture on a 1:1 basis by of SoftAcid. This gives an extra weight gain
SoftAcid produced an improved performance of 1.2 kg. These results show the benefits of
in terms of feed intake, weight gain and feed SoftAcid against a leading competitor acid with
conversion ratio. respect to weight gain of the animals.
Table 2
Currently, with the availability of protected SoftAcid completes the evolution of the use of
acids and SoftAcid Technology, feed and acidifiers since its early days, enabling organic
livestock producers no longer have to acids to safely and effectively replace AGPs
compromise between efficacy and safety when in animal feed, while providing many other
choosing to use organic acids as an alternative benefits for the animal as well as profits for the
feed additive. producer.
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