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Busbars for e-mobility: State-of-the-Art Review and a New Joining by Forming


F. V. Sampaio, Rui ; Zwicker, Maximilian F. R.; Pragana, João P. M. ; M. F. Bragança , Ivo ; Silva, Carlos
M.A. ; Nielsen, Chris V.; Martins, Paulo A. F.

Published in:
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology

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Peer reviewed version

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Citation (APA):
F. V. Sampaio, R., Zwicker, M. F. R., Pragana, J. P. M., M. F. Bragança , I., Silva, C. M. A., Nielsen, C. V., &
Martins, P. A. F. (2022). Busbars for e-mobility: State-of-the-Art Review and a New Joining by Forming
Technology. In J. P. Davim (Ed.), Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Materials Forming, Machining and
Tribology (pp. 111-141). Springer. Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-

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1. Busbars for e-mobility: State-of-the-art
review and a new joining by forming technology

Rui F.V. Sampaioa, Maximilian F.R. Zwickerb, João P.M. Praganaa, Ivo M.F.
Bragançac, Carlos M.A. Silvaa, Chris V. Nielsenb and Paulo A.F. Martinsa
IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001
Lisboa, Portugal.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Produktionstorvet,
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
CIMOSM, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal.
E-mails: rui.f.sampaio@tecnico.ulisboa.pt, mfrz@mek.dtu.dk, joao.pragana@tecnico.ulisboa.pt,
ibragança@dem.isel.ipl.pt, carlos.alves.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt, cvni@mek.dtu.dk,


The changes in the automotive market and their effects on industry are nowadays
hot topics in metal forming seminars and conferences around the world. The rise in
the number of electric vehicles will inevitably lead to a decrease in the demand of
components for combustion engines and power drive trains. Typical forming com-
ponents such as pistons, connecting rods, valves, camshafts, crankshafts, multi-
speed gear boxes and others that exist in diesel or petrol vehicles, will no longer be
However, the lightweight construction requirements for the body-in-white of
electric vehicles, the production of components for asynchronous motors and the
fabrication of battery components, namely busbars, are bringing new challenges and
opportunities for the metal forming industry. This chapter is focused on busbars,
which are metallic strips or sheets that are utilized to distribute electric power to
multiple equipment such as the electric motor, the electric power steering unit, and
the AC/DC converters. In particular, the chapter addresses the challenge of replac-
ing copper busbars by hybrid busbars made from copper and aluminium, due to the
expected savings in weight and cost.
For this purpose, the authors discuss the challenge of connecting copper to alu-
minium in hybrid busbars by means of existing joining technologies and introduce
a new joining by forming process aimed at connecting hybrid busbars at room tem-
perature without giving rise to material protrusions above and below the sheet sur-
faces. The effectiveness of the new process is compared against fastening by meas-
uring the electric resistivities in both types of hybrid busbar joints. Finite element
analysis gives support to the presentation and proves to be suitable for the electro-
thermo-mechanical analysis of busbar connections.

1.1 Introduction

E-mobility, or electromobility, is defined as a road transport system in which vehi-

cles are moved by electricity. It is believed to play a key role in the increase of
flexibility in transportation because electric vehicles may use different types of en-
ergy sources, as electricity can be obtained from nuclear power, fossil fuels, or re-
newable resources. This gives electric vehicles some advantages over internal com-
bustion engine (ICE) vehicles while contributing to lower CO2 emissions, especially
if electricity is produced by nuclear power or renewable sources.

Electric vehicles appeared at the end of the 19th century and the first commer-
cially available electric vehicle was developed in 1897 by the Electric Carriage and
Wagon Company [1]. Although technological development is usually motivated by
costumer preference, this has not been the case in electromobility. In fact, costumers
are mostly pleased with their ICE vehicles, and fossil fuels are not expensive enough
to stimulate a move into electric vehicles. The consistent underpricing of fossil fuels
(Fig. 1.1) is also an obstacle to the transition to electromobility [2].

Fig. 1.1 Underpricing of fossil fuels in the G20 economies in 2015

(adapted from [2]).

However, electromobility is nowadays a route for automakers to be ahead of their

competitors in terms of green thinking and environmental compliance. Lower taxes
on electric cars are in many countries stimulating consumers to move from ICE to
electric vehicles.
It is worth noticing that the importance of hybrid busbars is not limited to electric
vehicles because alternative mobility solutions based on hydrogen is heavily de-
pendent on the installation of water electrolysis plants [3] in which electricity run-
ning through busbar systems will be used to decompose water into oxygen and hy-
drogen [4]. Hydrogen produced in water electrolysis plants can also contribute to
zero carbon emission objectives in e-mobility if the electricity is produced from
renewable sources.

1.1.1 Busbars and busbar systems

The distribution of electric power is carried out by wires, cables, and busbars. Bus-
bars are generally preferred in low-voltage (LV—up to 1 kV) systems with high
electric currents because of their advantages regarding ease of installation and
maintenance (flexibility), safety, cost, and limitations in space. In fact, the utiliza-
tion of a high number of cables in parallel for high current applications is not a good
solution due to difficulties in installation and maintenance and to troubles in diag-
nosing and locating problems in the distribution of electric power.
Especially in power plants, six different types of busbar systems can be identified
(Fig. 1.2): (i) non-segregated busbars, (ii) segregated busbars, (iii) isolated phase
busbars, (iv) rising mains (vertical busbar systems), (v) overhead busbars (horizon-
tal busbar systems), and (vi) non-conventional busbars (like sandwich or gas insu-
lated) [5]. Some of these (e.g., isolated phase busbars) are applied in electric vehi-
cles while others are included for broadening the presentation.
In non-segregated systems (Fig. 1.2a), the busbars (corresponding to the different
phases) are stored in a single metallic enclosure, where insulating supports maintain
a certain distance between the busbars and to the enclosure. There are no barriers
between them. These systems are simple, economic and are the most widely used
in LV systems up to electric currents of approximately 6 kA.

In segregated systems (Fig. 1.2b), the busbars are also stored in a single enclo-
sure, but there is an additional metallic barrier between each busbar. These barriers
are constructed from the same material as the enclosure (usually aluminum) and
provide magnetic shielding, isolating each busbar from the others and protecting the
phases against short-circuits. They behave somewhat like a Faraday cage, so that
parasitic currents are drawn to the aluminum barrier rather than to the other phases.
Although being preferred for high voltage (HV—from 35 to 230kV) rather than for
LV, this type of busbar system is used for high electric currents (3-6 kA) on all
voltage systems.
In isolated phase systems (Fig. 1.2c), each busbar is kept in an individual non-
magnetic metallic container to prevent phase-to-phase faults, eliminate proximity
effects (e.g., heating), facilitate installation and maintenance, and protect operators
from high voltages across the enclosure and metallic structures that arise from par-
asitic electro-magnetic currents. Isolated phase systems are utilized for extremely
large electric currents (above 10 kA) in HV systems.
Rising main systems (Fig. 1.2d) are vertically running busbar systems used for
power distribution in multistorey high-rise buildings, allowing for power supply to
the multiple floors. This type of system usually operates with very low electric cur-
rents and, therefore, is not the best choice from an economical point of view.
Overhead busbar systems (Fig. 1.2e) run horizontally, usually below ceilings,
and are used to distribute power through a single floor. Large rooms with machine
tools may largely benefit from overhead busbar systems, as cables become un-
Non-conventional systems (Fig. 1.2f) try to replicate the compactness ad-
vantages of cables in busbars by using proper insulation techniques, in which heat
transfer occurs by conduction rather than convection through air, as in case of con-
ventional systems (Figs 1.2a-1.2e). In fact, the poor dissipation of heat by natural
air convection is one of the reasons why conventional busbar systems rely on the
use of busbars and enclosures with large cross-sections.
Thus, non-conventional systems are not only more compact, but also more en-
ergy-efficient for both LV and HV applications. In sandwich busbars, insulation is
achieved by means of epoxy or thin films of polyester. By also coating the inside of
the enclosure, busbars can be placed touching each other and the enclosure.
Gas insulated busbars allow electric power distribution in HV systems with elec-
tric currents up to 8 kA. They are used in gas insulated switchgear substations to
interconnect the switchgear with the transformer. These systems are modularly con-
structed and the flanged geometry at the end of every segment allows for rapid and
easy installation and replacement [6].

Fig. 1.2 Different types of busbar systems where each phase has only one busbar. (a) non-
segregated, (b) segregated, (c) isolated phase, (d) overhead, (e) rising mains, and (f) non-

Busbars can have various cross-sectional shapes (Fig. 1.3): (i) circular, (ii) tub-
ular, (iii) rectangular, and (iv) complex geometries such as the U or H-shapes [7]
and the tunnel shape [8]. Guidelines for estimating the heat dissipation by natural
and forced convection, and by radiation in each cross-section shape of Fig. 1.3 are
provided in the above-mentioned references [7, 8].

Fig. 1.3 Schematic representation of several busbar geometries: (a) circular, (b) tubular,
(c) rectangular, (d) H-shaped, (e) U-shaped, and (f) tunnel-shaped.

Busbars are preferentially made of copper due to its high electric conductivity.
However, because aluminium is a good electrical conductor that is both lighter and
cheaper than copper, there is a growing interest in utilizing aluminium busbars.
However, the switch from copper to aluminium comes at the cost of diminishing
the current carrying capacity and increasing the overall impedance of the busbars.

This means that the cross section of the aluminium busbars must be increased to
obtain an electric power performance like that of copper.
The greater hardness, lower coefficient of linear thermal expansion and higher
melting point of copper are also advantageous because the busbars can be made
more resistant to mechanical damage during installation and service, and less sen-
sitive to thermal damage caused by localized hot spots or possible flashovers during
Still, both copper and aluminium have high affinity to oxygen and therefore, nat-
urally create oxide films in contact with air. While the copper oxide film is still
conductive, the aluminium oxides have insulating properties, which may cause long
term problems in the distribution of electric power [7].
One solution to combine the technical advantages of copper with the lightweight
and economic advantages of aluminium is by using copper-clad aluminium (CCA).
Copper-clad aluminium was developed for wires in the late 1960’s [9] and later
applied to busbars [10]. CCA is named as Cuponal when used in busbars and con-
sists of a metal composite bar in which the core is made of aluminium and the skin
is made of copper.
When compared to copper, CCA has a lower density and cost, while maintaining
excellent electric and thermal conduction properties and giving rise to oxide layers
that are irrelevant for the electric conductivity in busbar systems. Table 1.1 presents
a comparison of physical, mechanical, and economic data for copper, aluminium
and CCA/Cuponal.

Table 1.1 Physical, electrical, thermal, mechanical, and economic data for copper, alumin-
ium, and CCA/Cuponal.

Coppera Aluminiumb CCA/Cuponal

Typical grades AA 1XXX
C11XXX —
used in busbars AA 6XXX
Slightly higher than
Density (kg/m3) ~8900 2680–2920
Melting point (ºC) ~1080 ~660 —
Slightly lower than
Electrical resistivity (µΩ⋅m) 0.0168–0.0172 0.0267–0.047
Oxide’s electrical Negligible for busbar
High Similar to copper
resistance applications
Thermal Slightly higher than
385–388 167–234
conductivity (W/(m⋅K)) aluminium
Coefficient of
~17 x 10-6 ~24 x 10-6 —
thermal expansion (1/K)
Yield strength (MPa) 69–365 28–324 —
Ultimate tensile strength
220–455 51–414 —
Elongation (%) 4–50 4–19 —
Hardness (HB) < 112 < 95 —
Machinability index (%)c 60 % >125 % —
Lower than copper,
Almost 4 times higher
Cost — but higher than
than aluminium
Values for C11000 series [11].
Values for AA 1000 and AA 6000 series [12].
Values in % of B1112 base steel [13].

Another solution to combine the technical advantages of copper with the light-
weight and economic advantages of aluminium is by using hybrid busbars, in which
the thinner and costlier parts made of copper are only used in specific key locations.
In current state-of-technology, this requires connecting copper to aluminium by

means of overlapped joints produced by conventional joining processes such as

welding and fastening, which is not always possible or effective to achieve.
Moreover, the electrical resistance of the overlapped joints increases with the
reduction of the overlap length, due to streamline distortion of the electric current
distribution, and temperature also increases due to a smaller area available for heat
dissipation [14].

1.1.2 Batteries and electric power distribution in e-mobility

Besides the energy applications, busbars are essential components of battery packs
for electrified vehicles. Electric, plug-in hybrid-electric, and hybrid-electric-vehi-
cle’s battery packs are modularly designed and consist of several cells. Most electric
vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) use lithium-ion battery
cells, while most hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) use nickel-metal hydride battery
cells [15].
The battery cells can be cylindrical, prismatic, or pouch-shaped (Fig. 1.4) and
are interconnected (either in series or in parallel) by means of busbars joined to the
cell terminals to create battery modules (Fig. 1.5) [16]. These busbars will be re-
ferred to as primary busbars. The battery modules are then connected to each other
in series by busbars to create the battery pack. These busbars are then referred to as
secondary busbars.
While parallel connections are deployed to enhance the module capacity, series
connections ensure the overall voltage, which ranges between 100-200 V for HEVs
and 400-800 V for EVs [17].

Cylindrical cell Prismatic cell Pouch cell

Small size Soft casing

Hard casing Hard casing Large size
Low individual cell capacity Large size High individual cell capacity
Built-in safety features High individual cell capacity Geometrical deformation during
Comparably cheap charging and recharging

Fig. 1.4 Different types of battery cells and their main characteristics
(adapted from [16]).

Fig. 1.5 Interconnection of prismatic battery cells in: (a) series connection and (b) parallel

Primary busbars may have different dimensions, designs, and material choice
depending on the battery cell type as exemplified in Fig 1.6. Typical busbar plates
are shown in Fig. 1.6a and 1.6b. They are used for the parallel interconnection of
cylindrical cells. In the examples, they are joined by wire bonding (Fig. 1.6a) and
laser welding (Fig. 1.6b). Pouch cells may be connected by thicker busbars (Fig
1.6c) or U-shaped busbars (Fig 1.6d). Prismatic cells are commonly connected in
series, which may be solved by busbars depicted in Fig 1.6e and Fig 1.6f. The thick-
ness of those busbar systems may range from 0.5 mm to 5 mm in some cases. Com-
mon materials, characterized by a high electrical conductivity, are among others
copper-, aluminium-, nickel-, and nickel-plated steels.

Fig. 1.6 Different types of primary busbars: connector plates for cylindrical cells (a)
(adapted from [18]) and (b) (adapted from [19]); busbars for pouch cells (c) busbar plate
(adapted from [20]) and (d) u-shaped busbar (adapted from [21]); busbars for prismatic
cells (e) (adapted from [22]) and (f) (adapted from [23]).

Secondary busbars are often realized by isolated phase busbar systems (Fig.
1.2c). Here, each busbar represents a phase, and the enclosure is the insulating coat-
ing. Secondary busbars not only connect, as mentioned, the various battery modules
(Fig 1.7) but are also utilized to distribute electrical power from the charging point
to the battery pack and from there to multiple pieces of power electronics, e.g., the
electric motor or the electric power steering unit.
As shown in Fig. 1.7, the total length of secondary busbars installed in an electric
vehicle (depicted in orange colour) represents a large amount of material. This
would result in high weight and costs for automakers if busbars were exclusively
made of copper. However, this is not the case due to the generalized use of hybrid
copper-aluminium busbars in all types of electric vehicles. Hybrid busbars provide
efficient, low cost and low weight electric power distribution solutions [24], and its
design is generally made in such a way that the thinner and costlier copper strips
are only used in specific locations, where high conductivity is necessary (e.g., at the
busbar ends).
The resulting modular structure of EV and HEV battery packs must be designed
such that it ensures durability and accounts for the protection against crashes or
possible mechanical damage. Furthermore, insulation against vibrations and pre-
vention of exothermic reactions accelerated by an increase of temperature (thermal
runaways), are essential requirements for battery packs [23].

Fig. 1.7 Representation of the electrical power distribution system in the Porsche Taycan
Turbo S (adapted from [25]).

1.1.3 Joining processes

Traditional requirements for joints and joining technologies are mostly of mechan-
ical nature in combination with requirements due to corrosion and metallurgy. How-
ever, when joining busbars, e.g., for automotive or power plant applications, the
electrical properties of the joint become also a crucial factor. This interdisciplinary
consideration is essential as both aspects are inter-dependent. If a joint is of good
mechanical strength but of high electrical resistance, the joint area will heat up due
to current flow. This in turn may affect the metallurgical properties of the joint such
that the mechanical properties are impaired, which may again affect the electrical
and corrosive properties.
Therefore, the main challenges related to joining of busbars to other busbars or cell
terminals for automotive and energy applications are the following (cf. [16], where
also further details are found):

(a) The joints must be fabricated with low electrical resistance to generally mini-
mize Joule heating of the joint region when primary and secondary busbars are
in operation. Additionally, the connection resistance should have the smallest
possible scattering range in order to avoid unbalanced charging and discharg-
ing of parallel connected cells [26].
(b) The joining technology for primary busbars must have a low heat input to
avoid exposing the cells to high temperatures that may harm the battery chem-
istry [27].
(c) The joints must be fabricated with good mechanical strength and without in-
ternal damage of the cells due to application of excessive mechanical loads,
including vibrational loads.
(d) The joints must have high resistance to thermal fatigue to guarantee durability
and lasting performance.
(e) The joints in busbars made from dissimilar materials (hybrid busbars) must
account for the problems related to contact corrosion, micro cracking, and for-
mation of hard and brittle, highly resistive, intermetallic compounds [28].

(f) The joints in busbars made from dissimilar materials must account for the dif-
ferences in performance arising from the utilization of materials with different
thicknesses, electric conductivities, thermal expansions, and coatings [29].

The main joining processes that are nowadays used for joining cell terminals to
busbar connectors and for joining busbars are schematically illustrated in Fig. 1.8.
These processes belong to the four different groups that are classified in Table 1.2.

Fig. 1.8 Schematic representation of the main joining processes that are currently utilized
to connect cell terminals to busbars and for joining monolithic and hybrid busbars: (a) la-
ser beam welding, (b) friction stir spot welding, (c) ultrasonic welding, (d) fastening, (e)
self-pierce riveting and (f) resistance spot welding.

Table 1.2 Classification of the joining processes more utilized in battery systems.

Group Processes
Fusion Welding Laser Beam Welding and Micro-TIG
Friction Stir Spot Welding, Ultrasonic Welding, Mag-
Solid-State Welding
netic Pulse Welding
Mechanical Joining Fastening, Self-Pierce Riveting and Clinching
Resistance Spot Welding and Resistance Projection
Plastic Deformation and Welding

The group of fusion welding includes processes such as laser beam welding and
micro-tungsten inert gas (micro-TIG). In laser beam welding (Fig. 1.8a) the heat of
fusion is provided by the energy of light beams. The beams are focused with lenses
to very small surface areas, providing very high energy densities and minimizing
the size of the heat-affected zone, where distortions and changes in the metallurgical
structure and mechanical strength are likely to occur. The process is widely used for
connecting cell terminals to busbars and for joining busbars [30].
However, because industrial lasers operate with wavelengths in the range of
0.7 μm - 1 μm (Fig. 1.9), most of the metals, apart from stainless and mild steels
and, to some extent, aluminium alloys (when using a direct diode laser), are difficult
to process, due to low absorption in the infrared area of the spectrum.

Fig. 1.9 Absorptivity evolution with wavelength for different metals and representation of
common welding laser wavelengths (adapted from [31]).

Micro-tungsten inert gas welding is a low-cost, filler-free, welding process that

uses pulsed energy source (with a typical current range of 0.5–50 A) and a non-
consumable tungsten electrode to create an electric arc. The process is used to pro-
duce precision joints in stainless steels, aluminium, copper, titanium, and their al-
loys [32]. The pulsed energy source provides a much lower heat input than conven-
tional TIG, but the operating parameters need to be carefully controlled to avoid
excessive overheating of the battery cells when welding the cell terminals to busbar
connectors. The process is used to create joints in busbars made from thin metal
strips (up to 0.5 mm of thickness) and in battery cells [33].
The group of solid-state welding includes processes such as friction stir spot
welding and ultrasonic welding. In friction stir spot welding (Fig. 1.8b) a rotating,
threaded pin tool with a convex shaped shoulder like the one used in friction stir
welding is plunged into the overlapping sheets supported by a backing plate. The
shoulder ensures only partly penetration of the lower sheet by the pin tool. Friction
between the tool and the two sheets heats them locally and the plastic deformation
creates a solid-state bond. The process can be used in battery systems to produce
joints with negligeable increase in electrical resistance when compared to those ob-
tained by clamping [34]. However, the overall quality of the joints in hybrid busbars
is very sensitive to process parameters and stability due to differences in material
mixing and distribution of intermetallic compounds.
Ultrasonic welding (Fig. 1.8c) creates a metallurgical bond by simultaneous ap-
plication of localized high-frequency vibratory energy and moderate normal pres-
sures. Friction and plastic deformation at the interface deform the surface asperities
and break up contaminant films and oxides resulting in direct contact between virgin
surfaces and formation of a metallurgical bond. The process is used for joining cell
terminals to busbar connectors in pouch-cells and has applications in a number of
electric vehicles such as the Nissan Leaf, the Chevrolet Volt, the Chevrolet Spark,
and the Chevrolet Bolt [29].
In magnetic-pulse welding one of the sheets is accelerated to high velocity
against the other sheet placed within a small clearance. The high-energy impact and
large shear strains that are developed in the two mating surfaces during the impact
cause an outgoing jet of softened metal to form at the collision front that cleans the
surfaces permitting subsequent solid-state bonding to occur. The process can pro-
duce high-strength joints between dissimilar materials with low heat input, elimi-
nating the occurrence of heat-affected zones and providing high welding quality and
process repeatability [35]. Magnetic-pulse welding can be used in busbar connec-
tions, namely in hybrid busbars made from thin aluminium and copper strips [36].
The group of mechanical joining includes processes such as fastening, clinching
and self-pierce riveting. Fastening (Fig. 1.8d) requires drilling holes matching the
diameter of the bolts (or rivets) that will be utilized to clamp the two sheets together.

This type of joints is utilized in the connection of cylindrical and prismatic cell bat-
tery terminals to busbars [37] and in busbar connections, because they are easy to
assemble and disassemble during installation, maintenance and at the end of service
life [38]. The Nissan Leaf and the Toyota Prius are two vehicles where this type of
joints is currently used.
However, fastened joints may suffer from unintentional self-loosening caused by
mechanical and/or thermal loading and from non-uniform distribution of contact
resistance. The latter is caused by non-uniform distribution of pressure and rough-
ness and makes the real contact area in overlapped busbar connections only a frac-
tion of the nominal contact area [39]. Another limitation in the use of fasteners is
related to the protrusions above and below the joints, which are not acceptable in
many applications due to the increasing limitations in space of the electric power
distribution systems of modern vehicles.
Self-pierce riveting is another mechanical joining process (Fig. 1.8e) that makes
use of a semi-tubular (or, solid) rivet to produce a form-fit based mechanical inter-
lock between two or more sheets. The process is generally performed at room tem-
perature and makes use of dedicated punches and dies. The main advantage is its
capability of connecting busbars made from dissimilar materials that are difficult or
impossible to weld. Self-pierce riveting can be used with pre-coated sheets without
damaging their surfaces and is a solution to connect busbars (and hybrid busbars)
that ensures better mechanical properties under static and dynamic operating con-
ditions than clinching [40].
Clinching is a process capable of fixing thin sheets without additional consuma-
bles or pre-drilled holes by means of dedicated punches and dies that plastically
deform the sheets to achieve a form-fit based mechanical interlock. The process is
generally performed at room temperature and can join monolithic or hybrid busbars
as well as pre-coated busbars without damaging their surfaces. The main limitation
is related to formability, which needs to be good to prevent failure by cracking. A
variant of the process named as micro-clinching [41] is used in tab-to-tab connec-
tions of pouch cells.
In recent years, the authors developed two new processes with high potential of
being used in the connection of monolithic and hybrid busbars. These two new pro-
cesses are named as joining by double mortise-and-tenon and injection lap riveting
and are shown in Fig. 1.10, in which clinching and self-pierce riveting are included
for comparison purposes.

Fig. 1.10 Mechanical joining of busbars by (a) clinching, (b) self-pierce riveting, (c) dou-
ble mortise-and-tenon, and (d) injection lap riveting.

Joining by double mortise-and-tenon (Fig. 1.10c) is built upon a combination of

partial cutting and bending with form-fit joining by sheet-bulk compression of tabs
in the direction perpendicular to thickness [42]. The process allows joining two
overlapped busbars made from similar or dissimilar materials (e.g., copper and alu-
minium) and the resulting joints are flat with all the plastically deformed material
contained within the thickness of the two sheets.
Injection lap riveting (Fig. 1.10d) differs from self-pierce riveting because its
joining principle is based on plasticity and friction without fracture and formation
of new surfaces [43]. The working principle is based on two consecutive operations
- first, a dovetail ring hole is machined in the lower sheet and then a semi tubular
rivet is injected through a hole in the upper sheet into the dovetail ring hole of the
lower sheet, by compression with a punch. A prototype cutting tool has been pro-
posed by the authors for producing the dovetail ring holes in-site and fostering the
portability and applicability of the process.
Resistance spot welding (Fig. 1.8f) and resistance projection welding belong to
a group combining plastic deformation and fusion welding. Electric current is uti-
lized to heat the metals locally at the contacting interface. The heat softens and melt
the materials locally to produce a joint. Resistance spot welding with a parallel elec-
trode configuration is mainly used for connecting the cell terminals to busbars, but
the procedure is only applicable to thin connections due to the high heat input
needed to compensate the high thermal conductivities of copper and aluminium. In
case of battery cells, resistance spot welding with parallel electrodes is limited to
electric currents below 20 kA [26].

1.2 Analysis of busbars

The design of busbars can nowadays be made with the application of computer soft-
ware based on the finite element method. Finite element modelling can easily ac-
count for the geometric and material nonlinearities as well as the real contact con-
ditions in the joints to produce accurate predictions of electric current density,
electric resistivity, temperature, stress and strain distributions, among other varia-
bles. This information is particularly relevant in case of hybrid busbars due to the
utilization of materials with different thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties
in joints made from sheets with different thicknesses.
This section starts by providing basic analytical design rules for hybrid busbars
and ends with an overview of the theoretical fundamentals of the thermo-electrical-
mechanical finite element modelling of busbars.

1.2.1 Basic analytical design of hybrid busbars

The design of hybrid busbars must account for the differences in the electric resis-
tivity of copper and aluminium to ensure the same amount of electric current flow-
ing though the copper and aluminium conductors of the busbars.
This is done by increasing the cross-sectional area of the aluminium according
to the ratio between the electric resistivities 𝜌 of the aluminium and copper. Con-
sidering, for example, a C11000 copper and an AA6000 series aluminium with
𝜌 = 1.68 ⋅ 10 Ω⋅m and 𝜌 = 3.80 ⋅ 10 Ω⋅m, the ratio of the electric resis-
tivities and hence the cross-sectional areas for obtaining the same conductance be-

𝐴 / = =𝜌 / = = 2.26 (1.1)

Considering the mass densities of the AA6000 aluminium series and copper
C11000 to be equal to 𝜌 = 2680 kg/m3 and 𝜌 = 8900 kg/m3, the following

relation is obtained for the ratio 𝑚 / between the mass per unit length of the two

𝑚 / = ⋅𝐴 / = 0.68 (1.2)

Now, considering the specific cost ratio 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 / of the two materials to be cal-
culated from the specific costs 1814 €/t and 7578 €/t of the aluminium and copper,
respectively, it follows that,

𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 / = =0.24 (1.3)

and allows determining the cost ratio €𝜅 / of the two conductors with equal con-
ductance as follows,

€𝜅 / = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 / ⋅𝑚 / = 0.16 (1.4)

The results obtained in (1.2) and (1.4) show that the utilization of aluminum
when possible, reduces the mass by 32 % and the cost by 84 %, while keeping the
same electric conductance. This justifies the interest of automakers in the utilization
of hybrid busbars for the distribution of electric power in vehicles.
Figure 1.11 provides a schematic illustration of the cross-sectional area and
weight of the copper and aluminium conductors with identical conductance. The
horizontal axis shows the product of the conductance 𝐺 and the length of the con-
ductor 𝐿. With the definition 𝐺 = , the slopes can be identified as stated in the
Let us consider, for example, a design specification requiring a fixed value of the
product between the conductance and length of the conductors 𝐺 ∙ 𝐿. From Fig. 1.11
we can draw a vertical line to obtain the mass 𝑚 and the cross-sectional area 𝐴 of
the copper and aluminium conductors. As seen, the results obtained confirm the
utilization of hybrid busbars because although the cross-sectional area 𝐴 increases
when copper is replaced by aluminium, the final weight of the aluminium conductor
is smaller than that of the copper conductor and the final cost of the busbar will also
be smaller according to (1.4).

Fig. 1.11 Graphical representation of the relations between electrical conductivity, cross-
sectional area and weight for hybrid busbars made from C11000 copper and an AA6000
series aluminium.

During this section with simple analytical calculations, the electrical connection
between the copper and aluminium conductors in the hybrid busbar has been as-
sumed ideal, i.e., without consideration of the restriction of the current flow through
the connection and without considering the contact conditions in the joint. Detailed

analyses of the current flow through a joint are only possible by numerical simula-
tions, and therefore an electro-thermo-mechanical finite element approach is pre-
sented in the following section.

1.2.2 Fundamentals of the electro-thermo-mechanical finite element


The previous calculations assumed a perfect transition from copper to aluminium

conductors, electric resistivities that were independent from temperature, absence
of electrical and thermal resistances along the contacting surfaces due to oxides or
surface roughness, among other simplifications. Electro-thermo-mechanical finite
element analysis of the fabrication and operation of the busbars allows accounting
for the real working conditions to optimize the performance of the busbars in ser-
The finite element approach described in this section is that implemented in i-
form, a finite element computer program developed by the Technical University of
Denmark and the University of Lisbon [44]. The computer program is based on a
strong coupling between the mechanical and thermal modules, in which the new
temperature field and resulting changes in mechanical and thermal material behav-
iour are converged with the mechanical response including the heat generation at
the end of each simulation step, and a staggered coupling with the electrical module
in which the electric current density is calculated after the mechanical model to
supply the thermal model with the heat generation due to Joule effect. In what fol-
lows, the fundamentals of each module are briefly introduced.

Mechanical module

The mechanical module allows modelling the deformation of the busbars and the
distribution of the major field variables such as the strains and stresses, during the
fabrication of the mechanical joints or the application of the required torque in the
bolts and nuts of the fastened busbars. Actual contact areas between the two over-
lapped sheets in busbar joints can also be modelled by taking into consideration the
temperature-dependent mechanical properties of the materials.
The mechanical module is built upon the finite element flow formulation, which
is based on the following weak variational form of the quasi-static equilibrium equa-
tions [45],

∫ 𝜎 𝛿𝜀̇ 𝑑𝑉 − ∫ 𝑡 𝛿𝑣 𝑑𝑆 = 0 (1.8)

In the above equation 𝜎 is the Cauchy stress tensor, 𝜀̇ is the strain rate tensor,
𝑡 denotes the tractions applied on the boundary 𝑆 with a normal vector of direction
cosines given by 𝑛 , and 𝛿𝑣 is an arbitrary variation in the velocity because the
flow formulation is written in terms of velocities.
Decomposition of the Cauchy stress tensor 𝜎 into a deviatoric tensor 𝜎 ′ related
to shape changes and a hydrostatic tensor 𝜎 = 𝜎 ⁄3 related to volume changes,
and inclusion of contact and friction between rigid and deformable objects, (e.g.,
between the copper and aluminium sheets of the hybrid busbar joints), allow rewrit-
ing (1.8) as follows,
| |
∫ 𝜎 ′ 𝛿𝐷 𝑑𝑉 + ∫ 𝜎 𝛿𝐷 𝑑𝑉 − ∫ 𝑡 𝛿𝑣 𝑑𝑆 + ∫ ∫ 𝜏 𝛿𝑣 𝑑𝑆 + 𝐾 ∑ 𝑔 𝛿𝑔 = 0 (1.9)

The symbol 𝐷 = 𝛿 𝐷 is the volumetric rate of deformation and the computa-

tional approach to handle the calculation of the second term in (1.9) is done by

relaxation of the incompressibility condition of the velocity field 𝜎 = 𝐾𝐷 , where

𝐾 is a large positive number known as the ‘penalty’ factor.
The symbols 𝜏 and 𝑣 in the fourth term of (1.9) are the friction shear stress and
the relative sliding velocity on the contact interfaces 𝑆 between objects, respec-
The fifth term accounts for the interaction between deformable bodies by means
of a two-pass contact search algorithm in which the 𝑁 contact pairs are automati-
cally extracted from the faces of the finite elements utilized in the discretization.
The symbol 𝑔 stands for the normal gap velocities in the contact pairs, which is
penalized by a large number 𝐾 to avoid penetration.

Thermal module

The thermal module calculates heat generation and transfer taking into consider-
ation the temperature-dependent properties of the materials. The module accounts
for the heat generated by plastic deformation and electrical Joule effect, and for the
heat exchange between the different components of the busbars and the surrounding
environment. The weak variational form of the thermal module is built upon the
classical Galerkin treatment of the heat transfer equation [45],

∫ 𝑘𝑇, 𝛿𝑇, 𝑑𝑉 + ∫ 𝜌 𝑐 𝑇̇𝛿𝑇𝑑𝑉 − ∫ 𝑞̇ 𝛿𝑇 𝑑𝑉 − ∫ 𝑞̇ 𝛿𝑇 𝑑𝑆 − ∫ 𝑘𝑇, 𝑑𝑆 = 0 (1.10)

In the above equation, the thermal conductivity 𝑘 is related to heat conduction,

and the mass density 𝜌 and the heat capacity 𝑐 are related to the rate of stored energy
per unit volume giving rise to a temperature gradient 𝑇̇.
The symbol 𝑞̇ in the third term of (1.10) is the rate of heat generation and in-
cludes the following contributions due to plastic deformation and Joule effect,

𝑞̇ = 𝛽𝜎̄ 𝜀 ̄̇ 𝑞̇ =𝜌 𝑗 (1.11)

where 𝛽 is a factor with values in the range of 0.85 to 0.95 that gives the fraction of
plastic deformation converted to heat, and 𝜌 and 𝑗 are the electric resistivity and
the current density, respectively, used in the conversion of electric Joule effect to
The symbol 𝑞̇ in the fourth term of (1.10) is the rate of heat generation along
surfaces and includes the following contributions,

𝑞̇ = −ℎ(𝑇 − 𝑇 )

𝑞̇ = −𝜀 𝜎 (𝑇 − 𝑇 ) (1.12)

𝑞̇ = 𝜏 |𝑣 |

where ℎ is the heat transfer coefficient, 𝑇 is the surface temperature, 𝑇 is the

environmental temperature, 𝜎 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 𝜀 is the emis-
sivity number and 𝜏 and 𝑣 are the friction shear stress and the relative sliding
velocity on the contact interfaces between deformable and rigid objects, as previ-
ously mentioned in the mechanical module. The thermal contact conductivity is as-
sumed ideal. This is an important aspect that will be included in future develop-
ments of the computer program [44].
The last term in (1.10) is the heat flux along the surface, where the symbol 𝑛 is
the vector of direction cosines of the normal to the surface.

Electrical module

The electrical module calculates the distribution of the electric potential Φ that
after differentiation and multiplication by the electric conductivity provides the cur-
rent density 𝑗 in the busbars. The electrical module considers the temperature-de-
pendent electrical properties of the materials, and its governing equation is built
upon integration of Laplace’s equation for an arbitrary variation of the electric po-
tential 𝛿𝛷, which by applying the divergence theorem results as follows [45],

∫ Φ, 𝛿Φ, 𝑑𝑉 = ∫ Φ, 𝑑𝑆 (1.13)

where Φ, is the normal gradient of the electric potential to the free surfaces (which
is zero and therefore cancels out the right-hand side).
Although this approach considers the distribution of the electric potential Φ to
be solely determined by geometry under steady conditions (Φ̇ = 0), it is generally
considered a good approximation because an electric field has a much faster reac-
tion rate than a temperature field [44].
The current density is calculated from 𝑗 = Φ, ⁄𝜌 , where the electrical resistiv-
ity 𝜌 is temperature dependent and its value is of special importance along the
contact interfaces between the two overlapped sheets of the busbar joints.
The electric contact conductivity is assumed ideal. This is another important as-
pect that will be included in future developments of the computer program [44].

1.3 Joining and testing of hybrid busbars

Busbars can appear in many different shapes and their joints can be fabricated by
various processes belonging to the groups of fusion welding, solid-state welding,
mechanical joining and plastic deformation among others that were addressed in the
state-of-the-art review.
One of the determining factors for selecting joining processes is the thickness of
the members to be joined. Fig. 1.12 shows an example of a resistance spot welded
joint (see Fig. 1.8f) consisting of aluminium 1050A and Cu 99.5%, both of initial
thickness 0.3 mm. In the specific example, a welding current of 1.53 kA was applied
over a welding time of 24 ms, while the electrode force was kept at 23.2 N. The spot
weld was made between tungsten electrodes with 3 mm dome radius and a flat tip
diameter of 0.5 mm The resulting weld presented a typical plug failure during ten-
sile-shear loading with a button peel out from the aluminium sheet. The tensile shear
strength of a number of similar welds was around 80 N. Due to the different prop-
erties of the two sheets, there is not a weld nugget as in the case of spot welding of
similar materials. Instead, the two materials bond at the interface, where small voids
are observed. The cross-section in Fig. 1.12 also reveals a vertical crack (throughout
the sheet thickness) in the aluminium sheet. Both voids and the vertical cracking are
also observed elsewhere when spot welding aluminium in dissimilar combinations.
It is, for instance, observed when joining aluminium to steel in a single-side spot
welding setup [46].
Aluminium and copper are already difficult to spot weld as compared to steel
due to the physical properties responsible for less heat generation and higher heat
conduction away from the weld spot. Additional challenges in joining dissimilar
materials are due to electrode pitting and alloying with the workpiece materials. For
larger thicknesses of the sheets to be joined, the effect of heat conduction away from
the weld spot increases, and the heat generation due to interface resistance also be-
comes relatively smaller. Therefore, spot welding is not suitable to join thicker
sheets, especially in case of dissimilar materials like aluminium and copper.

When it comes to thicker sheets, mechanical joining by means of fastening and

joining by forming are more appropriate solutions. The remaining part of this chap-
ter deals with standard fastening and a recently developed joining by forming pro-
cess named injection lap riveting. Material characterization and methods utilized
for the fabrication and testing of the hybrid busbars of thicker sheets are presented
in the following sections.

Fig. 1.12 Cross-section of resistance spot welded aluminium 1050A to Cu 99.5% with heat
affected zones (HAZ) identified by clear changes in grain sizes.

1.3.1 Materials

The work on thicker sheets was carried out in hybrid busbar joints made from
C11000 copper and AA6082-T6 aluminium sheets. Table 1.3 summarizes the elec-
trical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the sheet materials as well as those of
the medium carbon steel (class 8.8) bolts and nuts used in the fastened connections.

Table 1.3 Summary of the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the materials.

C11000 coppera AA6082-T6 aluminiuma Steel (class 8.8)a,b

c c
Electric resistivity (µΩ.m) 0.01845 0.03935 0.213
Thermal conductivity
388 170 47.7

Heat capacity (kJ/(kg∙K)) 0.385 0.890 0.477

Yield stress (MPa) 208.9 250 640
(Matweb, 2021)
(Bolt Depot, 2021)
Experimentally determined by the authors

The true stress vs. true strain curves of the copper and aluminium sheets were
obtained by means of tensile and stack compression tests and the results are shown
in Fig. 1.13.

Fig. 1.13 True-stress vs. true strain curves of the C11000 copper and the AA6082-T6 alu-
minium sheets.

1.3.2 Methods and procedures

The C11000 copper and AA6082-T6 aluminium sheets utilized by the authors
had 2 mm and 5 mm thickness to cope with the cross-sectional ratio 𝐴 / (1.4)
that ensures the same conductivity values per length. The tests were performed in
unit cells that are representative of the hybrid busbar joints and consisted in cutting
out strips (hereafter named as sheets) with 100 mm length and 50 mm width from
the copper and aluminium sheets to fabricate fastened and injected lap riveted bus-
bar joints with 50 mm of overlap contact length (Fig. 1.14).

Fig. 1.14 Schematic representation of the fabrication methods and procedures utilized to
produce the (a) fastened and (b) injection lap rivet joints in hybrid busbars with photo-
graphs of the specimens.

The fastened joints made use of M8 (class 8.8) hexagonal socket head bolts and
nuts and required drilling through holes with 8.4 mm diameter in both sheets. The
sheets were clamped together by applying a tightening torque of approximately 20
Nm to the bolts and nuts (Fig. 1.14a). Loosening conditions were also considered
by applying smaller tightening torques.
The injection lap riveted joint required drilling countersunk holes in the copper
sheets, drilling dovetail holes in the aluminium sheets with a special purpose cutter,

and machining semi-tubular rivets from C11000 copper rods with 6.6 mm of shank
diameter. The rivets were injected through the copper sheets into the dovetail holes
of the aluminium sheets to obtain the mechanical interlockings between the two
sheets (Fig. 1.14b). Table 1.4 summarizes the fabrication conditions of both types
of joints.

Table 1.4 Fabrication conditions of the fastened and injection lap riveted joints

Fastened joints

Medium carbon steel (class 8.8) M8 bolts and nuts

𝑡 𝑑 𝑇
(mm) (mm) (Nm)

2, 5 8.4 20
Through hole

Injection lap riveted joints

C11000 copper sheets

𝑡 𝛼 𝑑 𝑝
(mm) (º) (mm) (mm)

2 45 7.3 1.5

Countersunk hole
AA6082-T6 aluminium sheets
𝑡 𝛼 𝑝 ℎ
(mm) (º) (mm) (mm)

5 30 4 2.3±0.1

Dovetail ring hole

C11000 copper semi-tubular rivets
𝑑 𝑑 𝐷 𝐻 𝑠
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

2.0±0.1 6.6±0.1 10 2.2 6.9

The unit cells containing the hybrid busbar joints were placed in a test setup for
measuring the electrical resistance under laboratory-controlled conditions. The
setup is shown in Fig. 1.15 and consists of two copper-blocks, where the busbar
ends are clamped and connected to the power supply of a micro-ohmmeter. A cur-
rent of 600 A is passed through the busbars during approximately 5 s to allow meas-
uring the induced voltage 𝑉 and the electrical resistance by means of two probes
applied at the busbar ends.
Because the temperature does not change significantly during the 5 s duration of
the tests, it is assumed that the measured values of electric resistance remain con-
stant during the entire duration of each test.

Fig. 1.15 Schematic representation of the testing setup used for measuring the electrical re-
sistance of the hybrid busbar joints with photograph. The distance between the measuring
probes is 100 mm and was kept identical in all the tests.

1.4 Results, discussion, and future perspectives

1.4.1 Injection lap riveting of the hybrid busbar joints

Although the hybrid busbars are not axisymmetric, their mechanical joining by
means of injection lap riveting involves plastic deformation in a limited amount of
volume located around the dovetail ring hole (Fig. 1.16). This justifies the reason
why finite element analysis can be performed under axisymmetric modelling con-
ditions and why the meshes of the copper and aluminium sheets can be designed to
account only for the material located around the dovetail ring holes where the rivets
are to be inserted [43].
The working principle of injection lap riveting is easily inferred from the initial
and final meshes shown in Fig. 1.16a. As seen, the copper sheet acts as an injection
chamber and the pre-drilled dovetail ring hole behaves as a die cavity into which
the shank length of the semi-tubular rivet is injected by compression with a punch.
No material protrusions are left above and below the surfaces at the end of the join-
ing process because the deformed rivet is accommodated inside the two sheets.
The evolution of the riveting force with punch stroke is made of three main zones
corresponding to different penetration depths of the semi-tubular rivets inside the
dovetail ring holes. The first zone (labelled as ‘A’) corresponds to the contact with
sliding of the inner semi-tubular rivet wall along the inner surface of the dovetail
ring hole. The second zone (labelled as ‘B’) starts when the outer semi-tubular rivet
wall starts contacting and sliding along the outer surface of the dovetail ring hole.
The third zone (labelled as ‘C’) corresponds to the contact of the rivet head against
the countersunk surface hole of the copper sheet.
The overall agreement between the experimental and the numerically predicted
riveting forces is very good and proves the effectiveness of i-form in simulating the
mechanical joining of busbars.

Fig. 1.16 Fabrication of a hybrid busbar joint by injection lap riveting. (a) Initial and final
predicted finite element cross-sections of the joint with photograph and (b) experimental
and finite element predicted evolution of the riveting force with the punch stroke.

1.4.2 Hybrid busbar joints in service

The numerical simulation of the electric current flowing through the hybrid bus-
bars produced by fastening and injection lap riveting cannot be done under 2D ax-
isymmetric modelling conditions because electric current flows through the entire
busbar length. Full three-dimensional models like those shown in Fig. 1.17 are re-
The finite element predicted distribution of current density 𝑗 for the hybrid busbar
joints produced by fastening and injection lap riveting assumed ideal preparation of
the sheet surfaces before joining and measuring to avoid results being influenced by
the presence of copper and aluminium oxide films. As seen, the current density 𝑗 is
higher in the copper sheet (𝑗 = 6.0 A/m2) than in the aluminium sheet (𝑗 = 2.4
A/m2), and the ratio 𝑗 ⁄𝑗 = 2.5 matches the ratio 𝐴 ⁄𝐴 = 2.5 to ensure a near
constant electric current flow through the busbar (refer also to equation (1.4)).
The finite element predicted distribution of current density shows that the new
semi-tubular rivet produces a smaller electrical disruption than the fastened joint
consisting of a bolt with a nut. As a result of this, the computed equivalent resistance
in the 100 mm distance marked in Fig. 1.17 is smaller (15.6 µΩ vs15.8 µΩ). These
values are smaller than the experimental values measured with the probes in the
testing apparatus of Fig. 1.15 (18.9 µΩ vs 17.5 µΩ) because the contact conditions

between the overlapped sheets were not ideal both from a chemical and a mechani-
cal point of view. In case of the later, it was possible to observe contactless areas
along the sheet edges of overlapped region.
Still, the results obtained by the authors confirm the advantages of using the new
type of joints in real applications comprising long busbars with several connections.
The absence of protrusions above and below the sheet surfaces and the overall sta-
bility of the connection, which is not sensitive to the loosening effects of fastened
joints that provided resistance values an order of magnitude above (e.g., 150 µΩ )
when the bolts and nuts were tightened by hand, further confirm the advantages of
the new proposed joints.

Fig. 1.17 Finite element distribution of current density (A/mm2) for hybrid busbars joints
produced by (a) fastening and (b) by injection lap riveting with indication of the distance
between the measuring probes and the numerically predicted values of electric resistance.

1.4.3 A new portable cutting tool concept

The dovetail ring holes utilized in the hybrid busbars were fabricated by turning
using a special purpose cutter. Ongoing developments by the authors comprise the
development of a portable cutting tool concept that is schematically illustrated in
Fig. 1.18 to foster the applicability of the new proposed injection lap riveting pro-
cess in-site [24, 43].

Fig. 1.18 The portable cutting tool concept for drilling dovetail ring holes in sheets and the
corresponding additive manufacturing prototype.

The tool consists of two inclined cutters controlled by springs that will progres-
sively open to deepen the dovetail holes as the upper table moves down. The tool
can be easily attached to a drilling machine and used as a portable milling machine.

The design of the tool is flexible and allows easy and fast replacement of the in-
clined cutters for sharpening. A prototype of the cutting tool was fabricated by ad-
ditive manufacturing using a fused filament fabrication (FFF) machine and dovetail
ring holes were successfully fabricated in wood and polymer testing materials. The
tool is now being redesigned to allow machining the dovetail ring holes in metal

1.5 Conclusions

Electric mobility is keeping the forming industry on their toes due to opportunities
in the production of components for asynchronous motors, lightweight body-in-
white structures, and busbar systems for the distribution of electric power. Hybrid
busbars made from copper and aluminium combine the electric resistivity ad-
vantages of copper with the lightweight and economic advantages of aluminium in
such a way that the thinner and costlier parts made from copper are only used in
specific key locations.
The use of aluminium in hybrid busbars comes at a cost of diminishing the current
carrying capacity, increasing the overall impedance of busbars, and creating tech-
nical difficulties in joining with copper. Results show that although the cross section
of aluminium must be 2.3 times greater than that of copper to ensure a similar con-
ductance, savings in weight and cost resulting from the use of hybrid busbars are
approximately equal to 32% and 76%, respectively.
The growing interest of automakers in the use of hybrid busbars stimulated the
authors to develop a new injection lap riveting process to produce overlap joints by
plastic deformation of a semi-tubular rivet made from the softer material. The pro-
cess is carried out in two stages, in which a dovetail ring hole is first machined in
the harder sheet and a semi-tubular rivet is then injected through the softer sheet
into the dovetail hole of the harder sheet to obtain a mechanical interlocking.
Laboratory measurements of electric resistance in hybrid busbars produced by in-
jection lap riveting and comparison with the values obtained in conventional fas-
tened solutions demonstrate the effectiveness of the new joining by forming con-
cept. An electro-thermo-mechanical finite element computer program developed by
the authors also reveals its effectiveness for the analysis of busbars due to its dual
capability of modelling the joining by forming process and the behavior of the bus-
bars under the application of an electric current.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia and IDMEC under LAETA-UID/EMS/50022/2013 and
PTDC/EME-EME/0949/2020. The work of MSc. Francisco Ferreira is also


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