Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
The "Blue Banner"
A number of Reformed Presbyterians had migrated from Scotland Classification Protestant
or Ireland to Australia. A number who did not join other branches
Orientation Reformed
of Presbyterianism were against occasional hearing, and they
wanted a minister of their own. They wrote to the parent church Polity Presbyterian
requesting this. Rev. A. M. Moore eventually answered. He was Associations Reformed
ordained in Belfast 18 August 1857, and arrived in Melbourne in Presbyterian
late December 1857, to commence the work in Geelong which he Church
served until his death in 1897. Geelong was the only congregation
for many years, the most notable minister after Moore being H.K. Region Victoria, Australia
Mack who served 1909-46. Congregations were begun in Origin 1858
McKinnon, Victoria (1933 begun/1946 organised under Rev. W. Geelong
R. McEwen), Frankston, Victoria (1971/1977), and Sunbury,
Branched from Reformed
Victoria (1979/1981, closed 2006).
In 1959, Rev. A. Barkley, RP minister in Geelong, became the Church of Ireland
founding principal of the Reformed Theological College. Separations Reformed
In 1974, the Australian Presbytery petitioned the parent body, the
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, and was made a Church of the
separate denomination (or church) on 12 June. In former times, Philippines
church law required members to believe that the Solemn League Congregations 3[1]
and Covenant were still binding and forbade them from
Members 260
participating in government because the Constitution does not
explicitly make the Australia an officially Christian country; these
provisions have been repealed.
The Frankston congregation, after closing in 1989, was revived
around 2004 as a preaching station of the McKinnon
congregation. The organising pastor from February 2006 was
Rev. Ed Blackwood from the United States. In 2008 it became a
separate congregation meeting in a hall in Frankston South. The
pastor resigned in August 2015 and returned to the U.S. Pastor
Andrew McCracken moved to Frankston from the United States
to take up the work again in March 2020.
Theological Seminaries
Reformed Theological College (in conjunction with the Christian Reformed Church of
Australia and the Reformed Churches of New Zealand)
See also
List of Presbyterian and Reformed denominations in Australia
Presbyterian polity
Reformed Presbyterian churches
1. RPCA Congregations (
External links
RPCA Website (
Frankston Reformed Presbyterian Church (
McKinnon Reformed Presbyterian Church (