Act 3 and 4 Questions
Act 3 and 4 Questions
Act 3 and 4 Questions
1. Who holds more power, Danforth or Hathorne? How do you know this?
2. What motive does Danforth have to discount the testimony of Giles Corey, John Proctor, and Mary
3. Early in the act, Danforth says to Proctor, “We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all concealment.”
In what way does this line serve as foreshadowing?
4. Before the scandal with Abigail comes to light, there’s mounting evidence that reflects poorly on
John Proctor. List three of John’s actions that might sway Danforth against him. What is Hale’s
reaction to these things?
5. Who informs John of his wife’s pregnancy? How does this news actually hurt the case that Proctor
is trying to present to the court?
6. How many people have signed a declaration in support of Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and
Elizabeth Proctor? What will happen to these people now? If you were accused of a crime today,
would you be able to rally that number of people to stand and support you in court? What does this
document show you about these three women?
7. How was the court of 1692 run differently than the way a court functions today? Give at least three
important differences.
8. Why is Giles arrested?
9. What event has made Rev. Hale uneasy about the court’s proceedings?
10. As things are heating up in the court, Rev. Parris lies as he attempts to defend Abigail and her
friends. What is the lie that he tells the court? Why would he do this?
11. Mary Warren tells the judges that she could faint during the court proceedings, but cannot now.
Why, do you suppose, this is so? What is the author’s point here?
12. What’s ironic about Elizabeth’s lie?
13. John says that is own face is the face of Lucifer. Further, he says that Danforth’s face is also
the face of Lucifer. Explain what he means.
Act 4
1. About three months have passed since the end of Act 3. How has Herrick changed?
2. What happened with Abigail and Mercy? What does this show the court about the girls?
Why doesn’t the court immediately suspend the upcoming executions?
3. What has happened in Andover, a neighboring town? Why is this signficant?
4. What is the real reason Rev. Parris wants the court to delay today’s executions?
5. Using Hale’s description as your guide, explain in your own words what life is like now in
6. How did Giles Corey die? In what way did this comedic figure actually become heroic?
7. Privately, Elizabeth tells John, “It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery.” What does she
mean? Is she right?
8. Throughout the play, John Proctor has struggled with his own identity, wanting to be
morally upright yet knowing he is a sinner. Onto which side does the scale ultimately tip in
his case? What action shows us this? (Hint: It’s the moral climax of the play.)
9. As Proctor is taken off stage to face his execution, Elizabeth stands at the window and “the
new sun is pouring upon her face.” Symbolically, what’s interesting about this final image?
10. The title of this play is The Crucible. What is a crucible? (It’s fine to look this up in a
dictionary.) E_x_p_l_a_i_n_ _h_o_w_ _t_h_i_s_ _w_o_r_d_ _i_s_ _a_n_ _a_p_t_
_d_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n_ _f_o_r_ _t_h_e_ _e_v_e_n_t_s_ _t_h_a_t_ _w_e_’v_e_ _s_t_u_d_i_e_d_._