Mercenary Cults v01 For Web
Mercenary Cults v01 For Web
Mercenary Cults v01 For Web
Table of Contents
Mercenary Cults ................................ 4
Band of the Wurm.............................. 6
March of the Proboscis...................... 8
The Wigmaker’s
Legacy................................................ 10
Lady Illiana’s
Guttersnipes...................................... 12
Wandering Morris............................ 16
Alice and Mol................................... 20
Mercenary Cults The persistent drizzle washed the city’s filth into the
Clogg, creating temporary islands on which mercenaries
demonstrated their martial skills.
Weezel scurried along the river Clogg, followed, as usual, by
a shrew-like column of detached digits. Clattering the cobbles The resulting gory flotsam reminded Weezel of home. The
in a stylish incarnadine bicorn, the aforementioned toes— toes waved distastefully as a severed hand floated past.
collectively remembered as Von Sneg—had business tonight
with the great city’s Mercenary Cults. Multiplayer Scenarios: Players should experiment
playing games of 2v2 and larger using the Mercenary
Cults and the Scenarios in this document.
Mercenary Captains at your Service: The
Mercenary Cults are the first Cult expansion for A scenario will provide players with the table
Turnip28. On the following pages you will find a set of size, terrain layout, deployment rules, and victory
6 exciting new Cults, complete with their rules. conditions required to play, but players should feel free
to tweak things to better suit their playing surface and
team size.
Mercenary Cults have been designed with balance in
mind, and will provide a fair challenge when matched “Think the Duke has the Norberts for that Sneg?” Weezel
against any Cult from the Core Rules. rasped, pointing to a brightly coloured tent struggling to
obscure a violent pachyderm chomping away at several
Sallow’s vagabond district was a depressing mixture of cavalrymen.
crumbling taverns, seedy gambling dens, open air sewers,
and one romantic picnic ground. Mercenary Cult leaders Ignoring Weezel, and dragging behind them a large sack of
beset the district to sell their swords to feuding aristocrats ducats, the Toes wiggled over to a table where a collection of
roughshod pikemen were rolling dice.
and disgruntled warlords.
Core Rules v17: At the time of writing, the latest
Choosing a Mercenary Cult: Hiring a Mercenary version of the Core Rules is v17. The Mercenary Cults
Cult comes at a hefty price and, like those in the Core are designed and balanced to be played using this
Rules, a player may only use ONE Mercenary Cult and
its units at a time. The rules can be found free on the Turnip28 Patreon:
Mercenary Cult Rules: If a Mercenary Cult’s rule
seems to contradict a rule in the Core Rules, the
Mercenary Cult rule always supersedes it.
Toads: Its recommended players get comfortable with “What do you mean it’s all gone?” Weezel spluttered,
the Core Rules before hiring any of the Mercenary dropping a wiggling vegetable which had been trying to
Cults. If players are determined to jump straight in, chew his thumb off.
the Mercenary Cults have been split into three tiers of Mercenary Cults in Campaign: If players are
complexity: interested in representing the unreliable loyalty of the
Mercenary Cults in the Taster Campaign, they should
adopt the Cult drafting system:
The Duke had politely employed the pair, on pain of death, to Hungry Business: If a player is required to use a
scour the city of Sallow for any mercenaries idiotic enough
to fight in his upcoming campaign. Rumours had circulated Cult-specific Toff in their next game, they should apply
that his hated sister had captured the lower barbican of his all current campaign mutations to this new Toff. It is
fortress manor, cutting off precious plonk reserves. The the assumed that the previous Snob has been greedily
string of curses that followed her mention invariably lead devoured by the Regiment’s newest Cult leader.
Weezel to believe purchasing only the most crack troops was
of vital importance. A flock of spuds lifted into the air, soaring high above the
great spire of Sallow, as Weezel and Sneg shuffled off to a
stand reading: Recruits Wanted.
Band of the Wurm
Soaked to the skin, sock slapping on the cobbles, Johann hobbled out of the downpour and into a ginnel. Huddled
in the alleyway, his cutthroat Mercenary company, the Band of the Wurm, leaned on their pikes and glared at
Johann (1 Model)
Base Size: 20mm/40mm
Command Range: 3”
6” 1 6+ 3 6+
Weapon’s Range: 6”
How They Play
The worm-worshiping mercenary rottens known as the Band of the Wurm originate from Lampre, the fouled tributaries of
what was once Munich. They tell tales of the Last True Worm—the only living animal not fouled by root mutations.
Insisting he carries with him a bifurcated descendent of the true worm, Johann’s wiggling relic looks remarkably like his
missing leg.
Pike and Shotte: The Band of the Wurm encourages intimidatingly large infantry Regiments, exploiting Johann
and letting him lead from the front. He swears he will be fine—a unit of pikes with a worm token can be
In this case, the unit who charges goes first. h Toff Offs: Von Sneg, can Johann Toff Off!?
h The Swelling: Von Sneg, what happens Yes, Johann is still a Toff and so can Toff Off!.
when Johann is hurt by The Swelling, can he
still give away his worm tokens? Remember: Add the +2 to Johann’s Attack
characteristic and +2” to his Movement because
Yes. of his worm token.
h Lax Paymaster: Do I have to choose one of h Teaming up: Mr. Von Sneg, Sire. Does
the Lax Paymaster Bonuses? Lax Paymaster only affect my units, or
can I increase the number of models in my
No. You can choose not to take advantage of teammates units?
the bonus.
Each player chooses their own bonus and the
bonus does not affect other players.
h Worm Tokens: Von Sneg, can Johann get
more worm tokens?
March of the Proboscis
“Fearless?” The Grog spluttered, wiping the spume from his moustaches, “I ran!”
“That onslaught of flesh, muscle, and tusks came screaming after us. It pulverised the pack hogs. It plucked men
from saddles and crunched their bones to ruin. It gored them, it mangled them, it tore a man’s spine out with
its bloody nose, and still it came thundering on my heels. I ran until my legs felt like they would break, and
only then, when I thought myself done, surrounded by the writhing slurry of my comrades, clutching ears and
entrails, a distant horn was sounded and, pirouetting, the beast waddled, grinning, back into the mist.”
Thundering Horde: When building your Regiment,
you must take 1 Great Proboscis unit. The Great Proboscis (1 Model)
Base Size: 80mm/120mm
Cataclysmic Rout: Units in your Regiment add 1” to
their charge for each panic token on their charge target. Some say it was dragged from the oil lakes of Swill.
Some say it was thawed from the creeping ice sheets of
For example, if your unit charges an enemy unit the Shrawl. Some just hide nervously under the table.
with 5 panic tokens, they will charge M+2D6 plus an
additional 5”. M A I W V
12” 4D6 6+ 8 5+
Boletus (1 Model)
Base Size: 40mm/60mm
Command Range: 8”
12” 2 5+ 3 5+
Weapon’s Range: 6”
How They Play
Exhausted auxiliaries from far-off-places, odd creatures never before seen in Cist. The Regiment who follows Boletus barely
recoups the costs of feeding their mammoth war proboscis.
Shatter Those Before You: March of the Proboscis is a brick to hit your opponent with. Carefully positioning and
picking your charge targets is important, but so is charging headlong into the enemy!
Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Trumpeting: Von Sneg, can I reduce a unit’s
clarifications and explanations. panic tokens with the Great Proboscis’
Terrifying Trumpet special rule?
h Random Attacks: Von Sneg, when do I roll
to see how many attacks the Great Proboscis No, you can only ever add panic tokens.
h Line of Sight: V. S., does Terrifying Trumpet
Every time the Great Proboscis fights a melee Require line of sight?
bout, roll 4D6 and note the total. The Proboscis
makes that many melee attacks. No.
The Wigmaker’s
The tragic poisoning of Arch Duke Peruke, Head of the Sallow Wigmaker’s Guild, and an unfortunate rounding
error, saw the entire Wigmaker’s fortune given over to his pet rootling Syphillus the Magnificent.
Wigs Resplendent: When building your Regiment, Coiffure the Battlefield: Rootlings, lacking
you must replace your Toff with Syphillus the an obvious respiratory system, tend to overdo the
Magnificent. wig powder.
Syphillus is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but When your units equipped with Black Powder
uses the profile below. weapons make a shooting attack, their target receives
a powder smoke token. If they already have a powder
smoke token, they must take a dangerous terrain test
Syphillus the Magnificent (1 Model)
after shooting attacks on both sides are resolved.
Base Size: 20mm/40mm
“Such compact elegance for a condottiero.” Mandrake Barbers: In addition to Syphillus, you
may employ his wigmaking staff. When building
Command Range: 6” your Regiment, you must take at least TWO units of
Rootlings as a Follower unit.
Rootling units in your Regiment can be equipped with
6” 1 7+ 1 7+
Black Powder weapons, representing the flesh-melting
Weapon’s Range: 6” wig bellows and powder carrots common to the little
Uproot: (See Rootlings profile).
Inescapable Fumes: Rootlings with Black powder
Marsh Born: (See Rootlings profile). Weapons have a weapon’s range of 18”, and decrease
their Inaccuracy (I) by 1
Powder Keg: Once per round, when Syphillus is
made ready, ALL units with a powder smoke token
take a dangerous terrain test. Rootlings (6 Models)
Base Size: 20mm/30mm
6” 2 7+ 1 7+
How They Play
“It is exceedingly difficult if sir insists on remaining decapitated.”
Fog of War: The Wigmaker’s Legacy are masters of weathering whatever comes their way. To rule the battlefield,
players must combine the resilience of their Rootlings with the formidable power to shut down enemy shooting.
Players fielding the Wigmaker’s Legacy are encouraged to colour their powder smoke tokens in beautiful pastel
shades, possibly even adding a spritz of perfume before bringing them to battle.
Casualties: When a unit with Uproot is placed An enemy unit equipped with Black Powder
back on the battlefield, it returns at full strength weapons would still be able to return fire, but
with the amount of models in its unit profile. would suffer a dangerous terrain test after it
completed its shooting attacks.
Tokens: A unit with Uproot retains any tokens
it had when it left the battlefield. The dangerous terrain test would be taken after
shooting casualties are removed, but before
For example, if a unit of 2 Rootlings with retreats.
3 panic tokens was destroyed, it would be
placed back on the table with 6 models and 3 h Headless Chicken: Can I win by Headless
panic tokens. Chicken if Syphillus the Magnificent has
The Pompadour: The Pompadour does not
receive any extra panic tokens if it explodes Yes. If a scenario has Headless Chicken
because of Unstable Icon. It is immediately and there are no enemy Snobs on the table
destroyed before any extra panic tokens can be (including Syphillus), you win. Syphillus may
added. have returned in the next round, but the game
is already over.
h Capturing Objectives: We have a question
Von Sneg, can units with Uproot capture
objectives when they are placed on the table.
Lady Illiana’s
High above the rooftops of Sallow, messenger spuds hurtled through the air. Wings beating furiously,
murmurating potatoes wove in and out of the clouds, vital information tucked into their roots.
Under the cover of their shields, indistinguishable from the ramshackle roofs of the famous port city, Guttersnipes
sighted in their long rifles.“
Mysterious Killer: When building your Regiment, City Scum: When building your Regiment,
you must replace your Toff with Lady Illiana. you may take up to 3 units of Guttersnipes
as Followers.
Lady Illiana is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but
uses the profile below.
Guttersnipes (4 Models)
Base Size: 20mm/30mm
Lady Illiana (1 Model)
Base Size: 40mm/60mm Foot stuck in a chimney, elbow jammed into the rafters.
The pile of dead, heaped at the foot of the staircase, was a testament to its quality.
Killing Fields: Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes reward a player with sharp senses, letting them lure their opponents
into deadly traps using their limited spud tokens to create areas of certain death. Guttersnipes are fearsome
marksmen who can handle themselves in a scrap, but, lacking the ability to skirmish, must rely on well-timed
spuds to get them out of trouble.
Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Spud Tokens: Sneg, you daring bastard,
clarifications and explanations. explain:
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, when both players Inaccuracy: Can I make Lady Illiana hit
are using Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes, who automatically with the -1 Inaccuracy from a
places their Spud tokens first? spud token?
The player with the Initiative places their No, a roll of a 1 is always be considered a miss.
token first.
Returning a Unit to the Table: Does a unit
h Capturing Objectives: Dear Von Sneg, can being placed with a spud token return at full
units capture objectives when they are placed health, like Uproot?
on the table using a Spud token?
No. Unlike Uproot, the unit is placed back on
No. The Units are placed on the battlefield, and the table with the same amount of models and
not deployed. They would still need to end a tokens.
move within 1” to capture an objective.
h Stacking Spuds: Von Sneg, bet you can’t
h Oik Ambush: If a the Guttersnipes shoot answer this. Can I stack Spud tokens?
first, do you remove casualties before the
enemy unit returns fire? No. You may not place a Spud token on top of
another Spud token.
Yes. You remove any causalities before the
enemy unit generates its shooting attacks.
Wondering Morris’
Festival season was in full in swing. The streets of Sallow heaved like a bloated corpse as pilgrims swarmed
through its famous candlelit archways and into the city.
A merry fellow festooned with bells, ribbons, and shrubbery danced through the night’s hustle and bustle,
weaving in and out of the crowds in ever more complicated patterns.
Between the unseen spaces, bizarre creatures of all shapes and sizes crawled out to join the dance.
A Night to Remember: When building your Regiment, My Dearest Eschatons: Attempting to avoid their ever
you must replace your Toff with Wandering Morris. increasing bar tab, folk dancers and musicians follow Morris,
keeping one step ahead of their blood thirsty creditors.
Wandering Morris is still considered a Toff in all
aspects, but uses the profile below. When you order a Follower unit with a Snob, after
the order is complete, you may also move one other
friendly unit up to 6”.
Wondering Morris (1 Model)
Base Size: 20mm/60mm
This unit is moved after any Dash moves.
For him, the dance has just begun.
Command Range: 6”
12” 1 6+ 1 6+
Weezel hauled one of the many enormous sacks labelled ‘Adoptions’ out of the cesspit and into the midnight air. In the
stillness of the moonlight, Weezel gave the mysterious bag a prod.
Pets: Pets can be given to any unit in a Regiment to provide them with special bonuses. Pets cannot be detached
or transferred during battle and are only removed from play if their unit is destroyed. Pets are not equipment,
and essentially act as loveable or detestable special rules. Pets are not models or units themselves and only act as
tokens to represent their special effects. You may be give the pets you gather to either friendly or enemy units.
h 1. Bacillus: Floating just out of reach, this h 6. Hermitage: Only the juiciest of offal will tempt
ominous pork pie hovers above the battlefield. this crustacean out of his shell.
Exasperating Hunger: A unit with Bacillus Blind Burrowing: When a unit with Hermitage
may pick any target in range and line of sight retreats, it may instead be placed wholly within
for their charge, not just the closest. a piece of dangerous terrain, in coherency and
not within 1” of another unit.
h 2. Musk: An ancient root ox, of unrivalled
strength. h 7. Muttons: A small cloud of powder smoke in the
shape of a rather grumpy lamb.
Limber: Musk can only be attached to a unit
which cannot move. Attaching musk allows Mist on the Moors: A unit with Mutton makes
the unit to move as if it had a Movement (M) 12”. +2 additional melee attacks for each powder
smoke token on the table.
A unit with Musk can March, Charge, Move
and Shoot, and must retreat if forced to, even h 8. Lambton: A grotesque eel which seems to grow
if they could not before. larger and larger as each day passes.
Musk can never be used to Limber units Devour: Each time a unit with Lambton rolls
Which can already move (including units with an unmodified 6 to hit in Melee, remove
a (M) of 0 and cannot Limber pieces of terrain. a single model from the enemy unit. This
casualty is in addition to any normal wounds
h 3. Ergot: The dancing bread. caused by the roll. The devoured model’s
remaining wounds are not counted when
A Merry Jig: A unit with Ergot adds +6” to finding out winners and losers.
their Movement (M) and has Dash. This does
not allow units to move if they could not h 9. Porbeagle: This telekinetic pup can explode
normally do so. heads.
Dash: This unit may make a move up to their Scant Glance: A unit with Porbeagle may make
(M) after they have completed their order. a single additional shooting attack that causes 2
unsavable wounds if it hits.
h 4. Molar: Molar grinned as plaque started to form
around the enemy unit’s feet. A unit with Porbeagle may Volley, Move and
Shoot, Stand and Shoot, and Return Fire if it
Forgot to Brush: Units with Molar reduce their couldn’t before.
Movement (M) by 6”, to a minimum of 0”.
h 10. Buckler: A face only a mother could love, this
h 5. The Drones: What helpful rootbees! shield on legs seems to enjoy punishment.
For the Queen: The Drones come in a set of 3. Right in the Kisser!: When an enemy unit
Each Drone may be attached to a separate unit, makes a shooting or melee attack against a unit
or all given to the same unit. with Buckler, you may ignore a single hit of
your choice.
Each unit with one of the Drones increases its
Attacks (A) by 1.
How They Play
Vhell couldn’t quite remember how he entered Sallow’s hedge maze. Was it the left he took by the tallow district or the right
after that gibbet? Perhaps it was the double squench after lunch? Lost in thought, he failed to notice a smiling face appearing
among the leaves.
Did that Shrub Blink?: Wandering Morris is fantastic for players looking for a different experience each time they
play. With the ability to customise their Regiment’s abilities using pets, players will have to decide: which pets to
combine, which order to pick them up, and how best to snatch them from under their enemies’ noses.
Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h My Dearest Eschatons: Snegsy, can I use the
clarifications and explanations. Whelp’s Dash ability as well as My Dearest
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, when playing
against an opponent using Wandering Morris, No. Units with Dash do not get to make a
do we share pets? extra Dash move after being moved with My
Dearest Eschatons.
Both players place their own choice of pets
next to the objectives. The first one there gets Remember: A unit with Dash which is ordered
BOTH pets. by a snob, will make its extra Dash move
BEFORE any other unit is moved with My
h Wandering Morris: Von Sneg, Morris seems Dearest Eschatons.
unkillable, is this true?
h Hermitage: Who chooses whether to place
Morris is untargetable by the enemy. This a retreating unit in dangerous terrain: is it
means he cannot be shot, charged or use me, or the person who controls the unit with
any abilities that tell you to pick or target an Hermitage?
It is always you.
Morris could, however, be killed if he fails
dangerous terrain test or if he decides to enter
a Toff Off!, melee or shooting engagement or
dies from various other ways.
Alice and Mol
Bored of her sheltered life in the convent citadel of Lower Merg, and perhaps to put the unfounded rumours of
grave-robbery behind her, Miss Alice Cadlock donned her bonnet, bludgeoned some nuns, and struck out on her
The Cadlock Collection: “Where’d she dig him up?” Unfortunate Archaeologist: Mol, Why
—The Aunts do all the best artifacts seem to have limbs still
Alice scours the bloodiest battlefields of Cist looking for
one-of-a-kind weapons for her ever growing armoury. When building your Regiment, you must
replace your Toff with Miss Alice and Mol.
Experimental Weaponry: All Follower units equipped
with Black Powder or Missile weapons in your Miss Alice and Mol are still considered a Toff in all
Regiment have the Unstable Icon special rule (See the aspects, but use the profile below.
Stump Gun’s unit profile in the Core Rules)
Miss Alice and Mol (1 Model)
Scavengers: Alice and Mol and all Follower units Base Size: 100mm/120mm
in your Regiment, excluding Stump Guns, make an
additional shooting attack for every special rule they Miss Alice is never without her companion, Mol the
have. Units equipped with Close Combat weapons can Slaughterer, a gentle giant with a talent for carnage.
still not shoot.
Command Range: 6”
For example, a unit of Chaff in your Regiment with:
Sharpshooter, Skirmish, Vanguard and Unstable Icon M A I W V
would make 4 additional shooting attacks. 12” 12 5+ 6 5+
How They Play
The rifle’s barrel had been a gift from Lady Illiana, its elaborately twisting grooves could put a deadly spin on every round,
steadying their flight and imparting each shot with terrifying accuracy.
The pile of dead, heaped at the foot of the staircase, was a testament to its quality.
Killing Fields: Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes reward a player with sharp senses, letting them lure their opponents
into deadly traps using their limited spud tokens to create areas of certain death. Guttersnipes are fearsome
marksmen who can handle themselves in a scrap, but, lacking the ability to skirmish, must rely on well-timed
spuds to get them out of trouble.
Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Spud Tokens: Sneg, you daring bastard,
clarifications and explanations. explain:
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, when both players Inaccuracy: Can I make Lady Illiana hit
are using Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes, who automatically with the -1 Inaccuracy from a
places their Spud tokens first? spud token?
The player with the Initiative places their No, a roll of a 1 is always be considered a miss.
token first.
Returning a Unit to the Table: Does a unit
h Capturing Objectives: Dear Von Sneg, can being placed with a spud token return at full
units capture objectives when they are placed health, like Uproot?
on the table using a Spud token?
No. Unlike Uproot, the unit is placed back on
No. The Units are placed on the battlefield, and the table with the same amount of models and
not deployed. They would still need to end a tokens.
move within 1” to capture an objective.
h Stacking Spuds: Von Sneg, bet you can’t
h Oik Ambush: If a the Guttersnipes shoot answer this. Can I stack Spud tokens?
first, do you remove casualties before the
enemy unit returns fire? No. You may not place a Spud token on top of
another Spud token.
Yes. You remove any causalities before the
enemy unit generates its shooting attacks.