Module-1 2023
Module-1 2023
Module-1 2023
1.1 What Operating Systems Do
An Operating System (OS) is system software that manages the computer hardware.
o It provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary between the
computer users and the computer hardware.
o The purpose of an OS is to provide an environment in which the user can execute the
program in a convenient & efficient manner.
Operating system goals:
• Make the computer system convenient to use. It hides the difficulty in
managing the hardware.
• Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner
• Provide and environment in which user can easily interface with computer.
• It is a resource allocator.
Computer System Structure (Components of Computer System)
A computer system can be divided into four components
✓ Hardware: The Hardware consists of memory, CPU, ALU, I/O devices, peripherals
devices & storage devices.
✓ OS: The OS controls & co-ordinates the use of hardware among various application
programs for various users.
✓ Application Program: The application programs includes word processors, spread sheets,
compilers & web browsers which defines the ways in which the resources are used to solve
the problems of the users.
✓ User: Who works/executes the required function.
The following figure shows the abstract view of the components of a computer system
The basic hardware components comprises of CPU, memory, I/O devices. The
application program uses these components. The OS controls and co-ordinates the use of
hardware, among various application programs (like compiler, word processor etc.) for
various users.
The OS allocates the resources among the programs such that the hardware is
efficiently used.
The operating system is the program running at all the times on the computer. It
is usually called as the kernel.
1. User View:
✓ The user view of the computer depends on the interface used. Some users may use PC’s.
Such system is designed for one user. Here the OS is designed for ease of use where some
attention is mainly on performances and not on the resource utilization.
✓ Some users may use a terminal connected to a mainframe or mini computers. Other users
may access the same computer through other terminals. These users may share resources
and exchange information. In this case the OS is designed to maximize resource
utilization- so that all available CPU time, memory & I/O are used efficiently.
✓ Other users may sit at workstations, connected to the networks of other workstation and
servers, then the user have a system unit of their own and shares resources and files with
other systems. In this case OS is designed to compromise between individual usability &
resource utilization.
✓ Users of handheld systems expects the OS to be designed for ease of use and performance
per amount of battery life.
✓ Other systems like embedded systems used in home devices (like washing m/c) &
automobiles do not have any user interaction. There are some LEDs to show the status of
its work.
2. System View:
✓ An operating system can be viewed as resource allocator and control program.
✓ A computer system has many resources such as CPU Time, memory space, file storage
space, I/O devices and so on that may be used to solve a problem.
✓ The OS acts as a manager of these resources and decides how to allocate these resources
to programs and the users so that it can operate the computer system efficiently and fairly.
✓ A different view of an OS is that it controls various I/O devices & user programs i.e. an
OS is a control program which manages the execution of user programs to prevent errors
and improper use of the computer.
the starting address where the service routine for the interrupt is located. After the
execution of interrupt service routine, the CPU resumes the interrupted computation.
✓ Interrupts are an important part of computer architecture. Each computer design has
its own interrupt mechanism, but several functions are common. The interrupt must
transfer control to the appropriate interrupt service routine
Stored at a fixed location
Service Routine
• Storage Structure
• I/O Structure
between the peripheral devices. The operating systems have a device driver for each
device controller.
Device Controller BUFFER Registers
To start an I/O operation, the device driver loads the registers within the device
controller. The device controller, examines the contents of these registers to determine
what action to take (such as "read a character from the keyboard"). The controller starts
the transfer of data from the device to its local buffer. Once the transfer of data is
complete, the device controller informs the device driver(OS) via an interrupt that it has
finished its operation. The device driver then returns control to the operating system, and
also returns the data. For other operations, the device driver returns status information.
This form of interrupt driven I/O is fine for moving small amounts of data, but
very difficult for bulk data movement. To solve this problem, direct memory access
(DMA) is used.
• DMA is used for high-speed I/O devices, able to transmit information at close to
memory speeds
• Device controller transfers blocks of data from buffer storage directly to main
memory without CPU intervention
• Only one interrupt is generated per block, rather than the one interrupt per byte
✓ A system that has one main CPU and is capable of executing a general-purpose
instruction set, including instructions from the user processes.
✓ Some systems also have special purpose processor to perform specific task, or on
mainframes, they come in the form of general purpose processors such as I/O processor.
These special purpose processors have limited instruction set and do not run user
processes. They are managed by the OS by sending information about the next task and
monitor their status.
✓ Ex1: A disk controller microprocessor receives a sequence of requests from the main
CPU and implements its own disk queue and scheduling algorithm. This relieves the
main CPU from disk scheduling.
✓ Ex2: PCs contain a microprocessor in the keyboard to convert the keystrokes into
codes to be sent to the CPU.
✓ These special purpose processors do not convert single processor system into
multiprocessor system.
• Multiprocessor Systems
✓ Multiprocessor systems have more than one processor in close communication. Also
known as Tightly Coupled System or Parallel Systems.
✓ They share computer bus, the clock, memory & peripheral devices.
✓ Two processes can run in parallel.
✓ Multi Processor Systems have 3 advantages,
o Increased Throughput: By increasing the number of processors we can get more
work done in less time. Speed up ratio with N processors is not N, but it is less than
o Economy of Scale: As Multiprocessor systems share peripherals, mass storage &
power supplies, they can save more money than multiple single processor
systems. If many programs operate on same data, they will be stored on one disk
and all processors can share them instead of maintaining data on several systems.
o Increased Reliability: If a program is distributed properly on several processors,
then the failure of one processor will not halt the system but it only slows down.
✓ The ability to continue providing service proportional to the level of surviving
hardware is called graceful degradation. Such systems that provide graceful
degradation are fault tolerant. Fault tolerant requires a mechanism to allow failure to
be detected, and diagnosed and corrected.
o Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP): Each processor performs all tasks within the
OS. SMP means all processors are peers i.e. no master slave relationship exists
between processors. Each processor concurrently runs a copy of OS.
o The following figure shows SMP architecture.
✓ The differences between symmetric & asymmetric multiprocessing may be result from
either hardware or software. Special hardware can differentiate the multiple processors, or
the software can be written to allow only one master & multiple slaves.
✓ A recent trend in CPU design is to include multiple compute cores on a single chip.
✓ Blade Servers are recent development in which multiple processor boards, I/O boards, and
networking boards are placed in same chassis. Here each processors can boot
independently and run their own OS.
• Clustered Systems
✓ The clustered systems have multiple CPUs but they are composed of two or more
individual systems coupled together.
✓ Clustered systems share storage and are closely linked via LAN Network.
✓ Clustering is usually used to provide high availability.
✓ A layer of software cluster runs on the cluster nodes. Each node can monitor one or
more of the others. If the monitored machine fails, the monitoring machine takes
ownership of its storage and restarts the applications that were running on failed
✓ Clustered systems can be categorized into two groups
1. Asymmetric Clustering.
2. Symmetric clustering.
✓ In asymmetric clustering one machine is in hot standby mode while others are
running the application. The hot standby machine does nothing but it monitors the
active server. If the server fails the hot standby machine becomes the active server.
✓ In symmetric mode two or more hosts are running the application & they monitor each
other. This mode is more efficient since it uses all the available hardware.
✓ Other forms of clusters include parallel clusters and clustering over WAN.
✓ Parallel clusters allow multiple hosts to access the same data on shared storage.
✓ To provide this shared access, system must also supply access control and locking to
ensure that no conflicting operations occur. This function known as distributed lock
manager (DLM) is included.
✓ Clustering provides better reliability than the multiprocessor systems.
• Multiprogramming system
✓ Single user cannot keep CPU and I/O devices busy at all times.
✓ Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that CPU always
has one to execute.
✓ The OS has to keep several jobs in memory simultaneously as shown in below figure
shown below
• Timesharing (multitasking)
• CPU scheduling: If several jobs are ready to run at the same time then the system must
choose among them. Making this decision is CPU scheduling.
• Swapping: In time shared system processes are swapped in and out of main memory into
the disk to ensure reasonable response time. A common method for achieving this is
Virtual memory. The main advantage of the virtual-memory scheme is that it enables
users to run programs that are larger than actual physical memory.
• Dual-mode operation
✓ To ensure proper execution of the OS, we must be able to distinguish between OS code
and user defined code.
✓ Most computer systems provide hardware support to differentiate among various
modes of execution.
✓ Two modes of operation are
1. User mode
2. kernel mode (also called supervisor, system or privileged mode)
✓ Mode bit is added to the hardware to indicate current mode User mode(1) and kernel
✓ When system is executing on behalf of user application, the s/m is in user mode.
✓ When a user application requests a service from OS, it must transit from user to kernel
mode to fulfill the request as shown in figure.
✓ At system boot time, the hardware starts in kernel mode. The OS is then loaded and
starts user applications in user mode. Whenever a trap or interrupt occurs, the
hardware switches from user mode to kernel mode. Thus whenever the OS gains
control of the computer, it is in kernel mode. The system always switches to user mode
before passing control to user program.
✓ The hardware allows privileged instructions to be executed only in kernel mode. If an
attempt is made to execute privileged instructions in user mode, the hardware does not
execute it but rather treats it as an illegal and traps it to the OS. Examples: Instruction
to switch to user mode, I/O control instructions, timer management instructions and
interrupt management instructions.
• Timer
✓ Timer is used to prevent a program from getting stuck in an infinite loop or not calling
system services and never returning control to the OS.
✓ Timer can be set to interrupt the computer after a specific period.
✓ The period may be fixed or variable. The variable timer is implemented by fixed rate
clock and a counter. Whenever the clock ticks, operating system decrements the
counter. When counter reaches zero it generates an interrupt.
✓ Timer has to be set before scheduling process to regain control or terminate program
that exceeds allotted time.
1.6 Process Management
✓ A process is a program in execution. Ex1. A time-shared user program like a
compiler is a process. Ex2. A word processing program run by an individual user on a
PC is a process.
✓ A process requires certain resources like CPU time, Memory, I/O devices to complete
its task.
✓ When the process terminates, the OS reclaims all the reusable resources.
✓ A program in a file is stored on disk and is a passive entity, where as a process is an
active entity located on main memory.
✓ A single threaded process has one PC (program counter) specifying the address of
the next instruction to be executed. Such processes are sequential i.e. the CPU executes
one instruction after the other.
✓ A multi-threaded process has multiple program counters each pointing to the next
instruction to execute for a given thread.
✓ A system consists of a collection of processes, some of which are OS processes and
the rest are user processes. All these processes can execute concurrently by
multiplexing the CPU among them on a single CPU.
✓ The OS is responsible for the following activities of the process management,
o Creating & deleting of the user & system processes.
o Suspending and resuming processes.
o Providing mechanisms for process synchronization.
o Providing mechanisms for process communication.
o Providing mechanisms for deadlock handling.
✓ Computer system must provide secondary storage to back up main memory because,
o It is too small to accommodate all data and programs.
o Data held in this memory is lost when power goes off.
✓ Most programs including compilers, assemblers, word processors, editors etc are stored
on the disk until loaded into the memory and then use disk as both source and
destination of processing. Hence proper management of disk storage is very important.
✓ The OS is responsible for the following activities,
o Free space management.
o Storage allocation.
o Disk scheduling.
✓ Slower and low cost but high capacity backup storage devices are called tertiary
devices which are used for back-up of the regular disk data, seldom used data, long
term archival storage etc. Eg. Magnetic tapes and their drives, CD and DVD drives and
platters like tape and optical platters.
• Caching
✓ Once the increment to A takes place in the internal registers, the value of A differs in
various storage systems. The value of A becomes same only after the new value of A
is written from the internal register back to the disk.
✓ In multitasking environments, extreme care must be taken to use most recent value,
not matter where it is stored in the storage hierarchy.
✓ The situation becomes more complicated in multiprocessor environment, where each
CPU is associated with local cache. A care must be taken to make sure that an update
to the value of A in one cache is immediately reflected in all other caches. This situation
is called as cache coherency.
✓ The situation becomes even more complex in a distributed environment. Several
copies of the same file can be kept on different computers. Since the various replicas
may be accessed and updated concurrently, some distributed systems ensure that, when
a replica is updated in one place all other replicas are also updated as soon as possible.
• I/O Systems
✓ A network operating system is an OS that provides features such as file sharing across
the network and allows different processes on different computers to exchange
✓ The advantages of Distributed Systems are,
o Resource sharing
o Higher reliability
o Better price performance ratio
o Shorter response time
o Higher throughput
o Incremental growth
The special purpose computers are those whose functions are more limited and whose objectives
are to deal with limited computation domains. Eg: Realtime Embedded Systems, Multimedia
Systems and Handheld Systems.
✓ Embedded computers are found almost everywhere from car engines, robots, alarm
systems, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems, microwave ovens,
weapon systems etc.
✓ This class of computers have very specific task and run an OS with very limited
features. Usually they have limited or no user interface.
✓ Embedded systems runs on real time OS.
✓ A real time system should have well defined, fixed time constraints. Processing must
be done within the defined constraints or the system will fail. Hence they are often used
as controlled device in a dedicated application. Real time OS uses priority scheduling
algorithm to meet the response requirement of a real time application.
✓ Real time systems are of two types
o Hard Real Time Systems
o Soft Real Time Systems
✓ A hard real time system guarantees that the critical tasks to be completed on time.
This goal requires that all delays in the system be bounded from the retrieval of stored
data to time that it takes the OS to finish the request.
✓ In soft real time system is a less restrictive one where a critical real time task gets
priority over other tasks & retains the property until it completes. Soft real time system
is achievable goal that can be mixed with other type of systems. They have limited
utility than hard real time systems. Soft real time systems are used in area of
multimedia, virtual reality & advanced scientific projects. It cannot be used in robotics
or industrial controls due to lack of deadline support. Soft real time requires two
conditions to implement, CPU scheduling must be priority based & dispatch latency
should be small.
• Multimedia Systems
• Handheld Systems
• Traditional Computing
✓ Consider the “typical office environment”: Few year’s back it consisted of PCs
connected to the network with servers providing file and print service, Remote access
looked tough and portability was achieved through laptop.
✓ Terminals attached to mainframes were common at many companies with even few
remote access and portability option.
✓ The web technologies are stretching the boundaries of traditional computing.
Companies have portals, which provide web access to their internal servers. Network
computers are terminals that understand the web based computing. Hand held PDAs
can also connect to wireless networks to use company’s web portal.
• Client-Server Computing
• Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Computing
✓ It is another form of a distributed system. Here, clients and servers are not distinguished
from one another.
✓ All nodes within the system are considered as peers. Each can act as a server or a client
depending on who is requesting or providing a service.
✓ The advantage is the removal of bottleneck as the services can be provided by several
nodes that are distributed throughout the network.
✓ To participate in a P2P system a node must first join the network of peers. On joining,
the new node can provide and request for services.
✓ Determining what services are available in the network can be accomplished in one of
two methods,
1. When a node joins a network, it registers its services with a centralized lookup
service on the network. Any node wants service, first contacts the centralized
lookup service to determine which nodes provides the service. Then the
communication takes place between the client and the service provider.
2. A peer which is a client broadcasts a request for service to all nodes in the
network. The nodes that provide the service responds to the requesting peer. A
discovery protocol is used by the peers to discover the services provided by other
✓ It leads to more access by wider variety of devices other than PCs workstations, PDAs,
and cell phones.
✓ Web computing has increased the emphasis on networking.
✓ Devices that were not previously networked have been wired or wireless nowadays.
✓ The network connectivity is faster through improved network technology and
optimized network implementation code.
✓ Web based computing has given rise to a new category of devices called load
balancers which distribute network connections among a pool of similar servers.
An OS provides an environment for the execution of the programs. The common services
provided by the OS are
1. User interface: Almost all operating systems have a user interface (UI).This interface
can take several forms.
a. Command-line interface (CLI): uses text commands and a specific
method for entering them.
b. Batch Interface: commands and directives to control are entered into files
and those files are executed.
c. Graphical User Interface (GUI): most common. Interface is a window
system with a pointing device directing the I/O, choose from menus, make
selections along with keyboard to enter text.
2. Program Execution: The OS must able to load the program into memory & run that
program. The program must be able to end its execution either normally or abnormally.
3. I/O Operation: A running program may require I/O( file or an I/O device). Users
cannot control the I/O devices directly. So the OS must provide a means for controlling
I/O devices.
4. File System manipulation: Program needs to read and write files and directories. They
also need to create and delete files, search for a given file and list file information.
Some programs include permission management to deny access to files or directories
based on file ownership.
5. Communication: In certain situation one process may need to exchange information
with another process. This communication may takes place in two ways.
i. Between the processes executing on the same computer.
ii. Between the processes executing on different computer that are connected
by a network.
Communications can be implemented via shared memory or by message passing, in
which packets of information are moved between processes by the OS.
6. Error Detection: Errors may occur in CPU, I/O devices or in Memory Hardware. The
OS constantly needs to be aware of possible errors. For each type of errors the OS
should take appropriate actions to ensure correct & consistent computing.
7. Resource Allocation: When multiple users logs onto the system or when multiple jobs
are running, resources must be allocated to each of them. The OS manages different
types of OS resources. Some resources may need some special allocation codes &
others may have some general request & release code.
8. Accounting: We need to keep track of which users use how many & what kind of
resources. This record keeping may be used for accounting. This accounting data may
be used for statistics or billing. It can also be used to improve system efficiency.
9. Protection and security: Protection ensures that all the access to the system are
controlled. Security starts with each user having authenticated to the system, usually
by means of a password. External I/O devices must also be protected from invalid
access. In multi process environment it is possible that one process may interface with
the other or with the OS, so protection is required.
There are two fundamental approaches for users to interface with OS,
1. Command-line Interface
2. Graphical User Interface
• Command Interpreter(CI)
✓ Some OS include CI in the kernel, and in others like windows-XP and UNIX, it is
treated as a special program that is running when a job is initiated or when a user
first logs on.
✓ On systems with multiple command interpreters to choose from, the interpreters
are known as shells. For ex: On UNIX and Linux systems, there are different
shells a user may choose from including Bourne shell, C shell and K or n shell
✓ The main function of the command interpreter is to get and execute the next user-
specified command.
✓ Commands are implemented in two ways:
1. In one approach, the command interpreter itself has the code to execute the
command. Ex. a command to delete a file. This will result in the command
interpreter to go to a section of its code that sets up the parameters and makes
the appropriate system call. In this method, the size of the command interpreter
depends on the number of commands that can be given.
✓ GUI provides user-friendly desktop metaphor interface where the mouse is moved
to position where images or icons on the desktop that represent programs, files
directories and other system functions.
✓ Depending on mouse pointer’s location, clicking the mouse button can invoke the
corresponding program, select a file or directory known as folders or pull down a
menu that contains commands.
✓ First appeared in 1970s as a part of research at Xerox Parc research facility.
✓ It became widespread with the coming of Apple Macintosh in 1980s.
✓ Microsoft’s first version of Windows was based on GUI interface for MS-DOS.
The various windows systems that have been appeared and had enhancements in
the GUI.
✓ UNIX later implemented GUI in CDE (Common Desktop Environment) and X-
Windows Systems. Also seen in Solaris and IBM’s AIX system.
o The first input that the program will need is the names of two files which can
be specified in many ways. This sequence requires many I/O system calls.
o Next, the program must open the input file which requires another system call.
If opening of file fails, it should display error message on console (another
system call) and should terminate abnormally (another system call).
o Next, the program must create the output file (another system call), If fails, it
should display error message on console (another system call) and should also
abort (another system call).
o Next, we enter a loop that reads from input file (system call) and writes to the
output file (system call).Write/read operation may fail, which needs another
system call to continue.
o Finally, after the entire file is copied, the program may close both files (system
call), write message to console (system call)), and terminate normally (system
Three general methods are used to pass the parameters to the OS.
1. The simplest approach is to pass the parameters in registers.
2. In some cases there can be more parameters than registers. In these cases the
parameters are stored in a block or table in memory and the address of the block
is passed as a parameter in register. It is shown in below figure This approach is
used by Linux and Solaris.
3. Parameters can also be placed or pushed onto stack by the program &popped off
the stack by the OS.
Some OS prefer the block or stack methods, because those approaches do not limit the
number or length of parameters being passed.
1. Process control
• end, abort
✓ In normal or abnormal situations the OS must transfer the control to the command
interpreter system, which then reads the next command given by the user.
✓ In batch system the command interpreter terminates the execution of job &
continues with the next job. Batch-systems uses control cards to indicate the
special recovery action to be taken in case of errors. It is a command to manage the
execution of a process.
✓ More severe errors can be indicated by a higher level error parameter. Normal &
abnormal termination can be combined by defining normal termination as an error
at level 0.The command interpreter uses this error level to determine next action
• load, execute
✓ A process executing one program may want to load and execute another program.
This feature allows the command interpreter to execute programs as directed by the
✓ The question of where to return the control when the loaded program terminates is
related to the problem of whether the existing program is lost, saved or allowed to
continue execution concurrently with the new program. There is a system call for
this purpose (create or submit process).
✓ When new jobs have been created, we may want to wait for certain amount of time
using wait time system call.
✓ When a job has to wait for a certain event to occur wait event system call is used.
✓ When the event has occurred the job should signal the occurrence through the
signal event system call.
• get process attributes, set process attributes
• wait for time
• allocate and free memory
✓ To run a program MS-DOS uses simple method. It does not create a newprocess
when one process is running.
✓ It loads the program into memory and gives the program as much memory as
possible as shown in figure (b).
o In FreeBSD
2. File management
3. Device management
4. Information maintenance
✓ Many system calls exist for the purpose of transferring information between the
user program and the operating system.
✓ For example, most systems have a system call to return the current time and date.
✓ Other system calls may return information about the system, such as the number of
current users, the version number of the operating system, the amount of free
memory or disk space, and so on.
✓ The operating system also keeps information about all its processes, and system
calls are used to access this information.
✓ System calls are also used to reset the process information (get process attributes
and set process attributes).
5. Communications
• create, delete communication connection
• send, receive messages
• transfer status information
• attach and detach remote devices
i. File management: These programs create, delete, copy, rename, print, dump,
list, and generally manipulate files and directories.
ii. Status information: Some programs asks the system for the date, time, amount
of available memory or disk space, number of users, or similar status
information. Others are more complex, providing detailed performance,
logging, and debugging information.
iii. File modification: Several text editors are available to create and modify the
content of files stored on disk or other storage devices. There may also be
special commands to search contents of files or perform transformations of the
iv. Programming language support: Compilers, assemblers, debuggers, and
interpreters for common programming languages (such as C, C++, Java, Visual
Basic, and PERL) are often provided to the user with the operating system.
v. Program loading and execution: Once a program is assembled or compiled,
it must be loaded into memory to be executed. The operating system may
provide absolute loaders, relocatable loaders, linkage editors, and overlay
vi. Communications: These programs provide the mechanism for creating virtual
connections among processes, users, and computer systems. They allow users
to send messages to one another's screen, to browse web pages, to send
electronic-mail messages, to log in remotely, or to transfer files from one
machine to another.
In addition to system programs, most operating systems are supplied with application
programs that are useful in solving common problems or performing common operations.
Such application programs are word processors, text formatters, spreadsheets, database
systems, compilers, plotting and statistical-analysis packages and games.
✓ The user goals basically comprises of convenient to use, easy to learn and to use,
reliable, safe and fast etc.
✓ The system goals are from the designer’s perspective that the system must be easy to
design, create and maintain. It should also be flexible, reliable, error free and efficient.
✓ The requirements vary from system to system. Different requirements result in different
solutions and hence different Operating Systems.
• Simple Structures
✓ Simple structure OS are small, simple & limited systems. The structure is not well
✓ In MS-DOS, the interfaces and levels of functionality are not well separated.
✓ For instance, application programs are able to access the basic I/O routines to write
directly to the display and disk drives.
✓ UNIX is another example for simple structure. Initially it was limited by hardware
o It consists of two separable parts: the kernel and the system programs.
o The kernel is further separated into series of interfaces & device drivers.
o We can view the traditional UNIX operating system as being layered, as shown in
below figure.
✓ Everything below the system-call interface and above the physical hardware is the
✓ Kernel provides the file system, CPU scheduling, memory management, and other
operating-system functions through system calls.
✓ This monolithic structure was difficult to implement and maintain.
• Layered Approach
✓ A system can be made modular in many ways. One method is the layered approach
in which the OS is divided into number of layers, where one layer is built on the top of
another layer.
✓ The bottom layer (layer 0) is hardware and higher layer (layer N) is the user interface.
This layering structure is depicted in below figure .
• Micro Kernels
✓ In the mid-1980s, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed an operating
system called Mach that modularized the kernel using the operating system by
removing all nonessential components from the kernel and implementing them as
system and user level programs. The result is a smaller kernel.
✓ The main function of the micro kernels is to provide communication facilities between
the client program and various services that are running in user space.
✓ This approach provided a high degree of flexibility and modularity.
✓ It includes the ease of extending OS. All the new services are added to the user space
& do not need the modification of kernel.
✓ This approach also provides more security & reliability.
✓ Most of the services will be running as user process rather than the kernel process.
✓ A micro kernel in Windows NT provides portability and modularity.
• Modules
✓ The best current methodology for operating-system design involves using object-
oriented programming techniques to create a modular kernel.
✓ Here, the kernel has a set of core components and links in additional services either
during boot time or during run time. Such a strategy uses dynamically loadable modules
and is common in modern implementations of UNIX, such as Solaris, Linux, and Mac
✓ For example, the Solaris operating system structure, shown in the below figure 2, is
organized around a core kernel with seven types of loadable kernel modules:
1.Scheduling classes
2.File systems
3.Loadable system calls
4.Executable formats
5.STREAMS modules
7.Device and bus drivers
✓ The top layers include application environments and a set of services providing a
graphical interface to applications.
✓ Below these layers is the kernel environment, which consists primarily of the Mach
microkernel and the BSD kernel.
✓ Mach provides memory management, support for remote procedure calls (RPCs) and
interprocess communication facilities, including message passing and thread
✓ The BSD component provides a BSD command line interface, support for networking
and file systems, and an implementation of POSIX APIs, including Pthreads.
✓ A major difficulty with the virtual machine approach involves disk systems. Suppose
that the physical machine had three disk drives but wanted to support seven virtual
machines. Clearly, it could not allocate a disk drive to each virtual machine, because
the virtual machine software itself will need substantial disk space to provide virtual
memory and spooling. The solution is to provide virtual disks-termed mini disks in
IBM's VM operating system which are identical in all respects except size.
• Implementation
✓ It is difficult to implement VM concept. Much work is required to provide an exact
duplicate of the underlying machine.
✓ The machine typically has two modes: user mode and kernel mode.
✓ The virtual-machine software can run in kernel mode, since it is the operating system.
The virtual machine itself can execute in only user mode.
✓ The major difference between virtual and non virtual m/c is time. The real I/O might
have taken 100 milliseconds, the virtual I/O might take less time (because it is spooled)
or more time (because it is interpreted). In addition, the CPU is being multi
programmed among many virtual machines, further slowing down the virtual machines
in unpredictable ways.
• Benefits
1. VMware
✓ It is a popular commercial application that abstracts Intel X86 and compatible hardware
into isolated virtual machines.
✓ It runs as an application on a host operating system such as Windows or Linux and
allows this host system to concurrently run several different guest operating systems as
independent virtual machines.
✓ The architecture is shown below figure.
VMware architecture
✓ Here, Linux is running as the host operating system and FreeBSD, Windows NT, and
Windows XPare running as guest operating systems.
✓ The virtualization layer is the heart of VMware, as it abstracts the physical hardware
into isolated virtual machines running as guest operating systems.
✓ Each virtual machine has its own virtual CPU, memory, disk drives, network interfaces,
and so on.
✓ The class loader loads the compiled .class files from both the Java program and the
Java API for execution by the Java interpreter.
✓ After a class is loaded, the verifier checks that the .class file is valid Java byte code and
does not overflow or underflow the stack. It also ensures that the byte code does not
perform pointer arithmetic, which could provide illegal memory access.
✓ If the class passes verification, it is run by the Java interpreter.
✓ The JVM also automatically manages memory by performing garbage collection -the
practice of reclaiming memory from objects no longer in use and returning it to the
✓ The JVM may be implemented in software on top of a host operating system, such as
Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X, or as part of a Web browser.
✓ The procedure of starting a computer by loading the kernel is known as booting the system.
✓ Bootstrap program or Bootstrap loader locates the kernel, loads it into main memory
and start its execution.
✓ Bootstrap program is in the form of read only memory (ROM) because the RAM is in
unknown state at a system startup. All forms of ROM are knows as firmware.
✓ For large OS like Windows, Mac OS, the Bootstrap loaders is stored in firmware and the
OS is on disk.
✓ Bootstrap has a bit code to read a single block at a fixed location from disk into the memory
and execute the code from that boot block.
✓ A disk that has a boot partition is called a boot disk or system disk.
• The Process
✓ A process is more than the program code which is also called text section.
✓ It contains program counter which represents the current activity and also the
contents of the processor's registers.
✓ A process also consists of a process stack section which contains temporary data
&data section which contains global variables.
✓ A process may also include a heap, which is memory that is dynamically allocated
during process run time.
✓ The structure of a process in memory is shown in below figure.
• Process State
✓ As process executes it changes its state and each process may be in one of the
following states:
o New: The process is being created
o Running: Instructions are being executed
o Waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur
o Ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a process
o Terminated: The process has finished execution
✓ Only one process can be running on any processor at any instant. Many processes
may be ready and waiting.
✓ The PCB contains important information about the specific process including,
o Process state: The current state of the process i.e., whether it is ready, running,
waiting, halted and so on.
o Program counter: Indicates the address of the next instruction to be executed
for a process.
o CPU registers: The registers vary in number and type. Along with program
counter this state information should be saved to allow process to be continued
correctly after an interrupt occurs as shown in below figure.
• Threads
• Scheduling queues
o Ready queue: The processes that are placed in main memory and are ready and
waiting to execute are placed in a list called the ready queue. This is in the form
of linked list, the header contains pointer to the first and final PCB in the list.
Each PCB contains a pointer field that points to next PCB in ready queue.
o Device queue: The list of processes waiting for a particular I/O device is called
device queue. When the CPU is allocated to a process it may execute for some
time and may quit or interrupted or wait for the occurrence of a particular event
like completion of an I/O request, but the I/O may be busy with some other
processes. In this case the process must wait for I/O and it will be placed in
device queue. Each device will have its own queue.
✓ The below figure. Shows Ready queue and various I/O Device queues
✓ A new process is initially put in the ready queue and it waits there until it is selected
for execution or dispatched. Once the process is assigned CPU and is executing,
the following events can occur,
o It can execute an I/O request and is placed in I/O queue.
o The process can create a sub process & wait for its termination.
o The process may be removed from the CPU as a result of interrupt and can be
put back into ready queue.
• Schedulers
• Context Switch
✓ When an interrupt occurs, the system needs to save the current context of the
process running on the CPU. The context is represented in the PCB of the process.
✓ When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old
process and load the saved state for the new process. A state save of the current
state of the CPU, and then state restore to resume operations is performed.
✓ Context-switch time is overhead and the system does no useful work while
switching. Context-switch times are highly dependent on hardware support.
Context-switch speed varies from machine to machine, depending on the memory
speed, the number of registers that must be copied, and the existence of special
• Process Creation
✓ A process may create several new processes by some create-process system call,
during the course of execution.
✓ The creating process is called parent process and the created one is called the child
process. Each of the new process may in turn create other processes, forming a tree
of processes. Processes are identified by unique process identifier ( or pid).
✓ Below Figure. shows the process tree for the solaris OS. The process at the top of
the tree is sched process, with pid of 0,and this creates several children processes.
The sched process creates several children processes including pageout and
fsflush. These processes are responsible for managing memory and file systems.
The sched process also creates the init process, which serves as the root parent
process for all user processes. These processes are responsible for managing
memory and file systems.
✓ inetd and dtlogin are two children of init where inetd is responsible for networking
services such as telnet and ftp; dtlogin is the process representing a user login
✓ When a user logs in, dtlogin creates an X-windows session (Xsession), which in
turns creates the sdt_shel process. Below sdt_shel, a user's command-line shell, the
C-shell or csh is created. In this command line interface, the user can then invoke
various child processes, such as the ls and cat commands.
✓ There is also csh process with pid of 7778 representing a user who has logged onto
the system using telnet. This user has started the Netscape browser (pid of 7785) and
the emacs editor (pid of 8105).
✓ A process needs certain resources to accomplish its task. Along with the various
logical and physical resources that a process obtains when it is created,
initialization data may be passed along by the parent process to the child process.
✓ When a process creates a new process, two possibilities exist in terms of execution.
1. The parent continues to execute concurrently with its children.
2. The parent waits until some or all of the children have terminated.
✓ There are also two possibilities in terms of the address space of the new process.
1. The child process is a duplicate of the parent process.
2. The child process has a new program loaded into it.
✓ In UNIX OS, fork () system call creates new process. In windows Create Process()
does the job.
✓ Exec () system call is called after a fork () to replace the process memory space
with a new program.
✓ If there are two different processes running a copy of the same program, the pid for
child is zero and for the parent it is greater than zero. The parent process waits
for the child process to complete with the wait () system call.
✓ When the child process completes, the parent process resumes from the call to
wait(), where it completes using exit() system call. This is shown in below figure.
• Process Termination
✓ A process terminates when it finishes executing its last statement and asks the
operating system to delete it by using exit() system call.
✓ Process resources are deallocated by the operating system. A process can terminate
another process via Terminate Process() system call. A Parent may terminate
execution of children processes (abort) for the following reasons.
o Child has exceeded usage of allocated resources.
o Task assigned to child is no longer required.
o If parent is exiting some operating system do not allow child to continue if
its parent terminates.
✓ Some systems does not allow child to exist if its parent has terminated. If process
terminates then all its children must also be terminated, this phenomenon is referred
as cascading termination.
➔ Naming
✓ Processes that want to communicate must have a way to refer to each other.
They can use either direct or indirect communication.
✓ Under Direct Communication processes must name each other explicitly
✓ The send() and receive() primitives are defined as,
o Send (P, message) – send a message to process P.
o Receive (Q, message) – receive a message from process Q.
✓ Properties of communication link in this scheme are,
o Links are established automatically between every pair of processes that
want to communicate.
o A link is associated with exactly two communicating processes.
o Between each pair there exists exactly one link.
✓ This scheme exhibits two types of addressing,
o Symmetry: Both sender and receiver must name the other to communicate.
o Asymmetry: Only the sender names the recipient, the recipient is not
required to name the sender. The send() and receive() primitives are defined
Send (P, message) – send a message to process P
Receive (id, message) – receive a message from any process; the
variable id is set to the name of the process with which
communication has taken place.
✓ In Indirect Communication messages are sent and received from mailboxes
(also referred to as ports)
✓ A mailbox can be viewed abstractly as an object into which messages can be
placed by processes and from which messages can be removed.
✓ Each mailbox has a unique id and processes can communicate only if they share
a mailbox.
➔ Synchronization
➔ Buffering
✓ Messages exchanged by communicating processes reside in a temporary queue,
and such queues can be implemented in one of three ways,
1. Zero capacity – Maximum length is zero and sender must wait for
the receiver.
2. Bounded capacity – finite length ofn messages, sender must wait
if link is full.
3. Unbounded capacity – infinite length and sender never waits.
Question Bank
1. What is an Operating system? Explain its functions and goals.
2. Define the essential properties of the following types of operating systems:
a) Batch
b) Multiprogramming
c) Multitasking
d) Distributed
e) Realtime
3. Give the examples of real time system application.
4. Explain the function of memory management.
5. Explain the various operating system services.
6. What are the different types of system calls?
7. Explain different types of system structures.
8. Explain file management and its activity.
9. What is microkernel? Discuss the layers of kernel.
10. Explain the different categories of system calls.
10. What are the three main purposes of an operating system?
11. What is the main advantage of multiprogramming?
12. What are the differences between a trap and an interrupt? What is the use of each function?
13. What are the three major activities of an operating system in regard to secondary-storage
14. What are the five major activities of an operating systemin regard to process management?
15. List five services provided by an operating system.
16. What is the main advantage of the layered approach to system design?
17. What is the main advantage for an operating-system designer of using a virtual-machine
architecture? What is the main advantage for a user?
18. Explain the functions of the following:
a. System calls b. System programs c. Command interpreter
19.What is a process? What is PCB? What are the different states of a Process? Explain
using diagrams?
20. What are two main operations on processes?
21. Write a note on IPC. Explain two methods.
22. Differentiate between shared memory & message passing.
23. Explain in detail direct & indirect communication.
1. Explain fundamental difference between i) N/w OS and distributed OS ii) web based and
embedded computing. (8)Dec 07/Jan 08
2. What do you mean by cooperating process? Describe its four advantages. (6)Dec 07/Jan 08
3. What are different categories of system programs? Explain. (6)Dec 07/Jan 08
4. Define OS. Discuss its role from different perspectives. (7)Dec 08/Jan 09.
5. List different services of OS. Explain. (6)Dec 08/Jan 09.
6. Explain the concept of virtual machines. Bring out its advantages. (5)Dec 08/Jan 09.
7. Difference between a trap and an interrupt (2)Dec 08/Jan 09.
8. Define an operating system. Discuss its role with user and system view points. (06)
9. Give features of symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing systems (4)Dec.09/ Jan.10
10. Briefly explain common classes of services provided by various OS for helping use for
ensuring efficient operation of system. (10)Dec.09/ Jan.10
11. Define OS. Explain its two view points (5)Dec 2010
12. What are OS operations? Explain (6)Dec.09/ Jan.10
13. Define Virtual machine. With diagram, explain its working. What are its benefits? (9)
14. Distinguish among following terminologies: Multiprogramming systems, multitasking
Systems, multiprocessor systems. (12)Dec.09/ Jan.10
15. What are system calls? With examples explain different categories of system call? (10)
Dec 2012
16. What do you mean by PCB? Where is it used? What are its contents? Explain. (8) Dec
07/Jan 08
17. Explain direct and indirect communications of message passing systems. (6) Dec 07/Jan 08
18. Explain the difference between long term and short term and medium term schedulers (6)
Dec 07/Jan 08
19. What is process? Draw and explain process state diagram. (5) Dec 08/ Jan 09
20. Discuss operations of process creation and termination in UNIX. (7) Dec 08/ Jan 09
21. Describe implementation of IPC using shared memory and message passing. (8)
Dec08/ Jan 09
22. List and explain the functions and services of an operating system and OS operations.(8)
June/July 16
23. What are virtual machines? Explain VM-WARE architecture with a neat diagram.(8)
June/July 16
24. Differentiate between multiprogramming, multiprocessing and multitasking systems. (4)
June/July 16
25. Explain process states with state transition diagram. Also explain PCB with a neat diagram.(8)
June/July 16
26. What is IPC? Explain Direct and Indirect communication with respect to message passing
systems. (5) June/July 16
27. Distinguish between the following pairs of terms:
i) Symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessor systems
ii) CPU burst and I/O burst jobs.
iii) User’s view and systems view of OS.
iv) Batch systems and time sharing systems.
v) User mode and kernel mode operations. (10) Dec16/Jan17
28. List the three main advantages of multiprocessor systems. Also bring out the differences
between graceful degradation and fault tolerance in this context.(5) Dec16/Jan17
29. What are virtual machines? How are they implemented? (5) Dec16/Jan17
30. What is a process? What are the states a process can be in? Give the process state diagram
clearly indicating the conditions for a process to shift from one state to another.(8)
31. What are the merits of interprocess communication? Name the two major models of inter-
process communication.(6) Dec16/Jan17
32. What is operating system? Explain multiprogramming and time sharing systems.(6) June/July
33. Explain dual mode operation in OS with a neat block diagram.(4) June/July 17
34. What are system calls? Briefly point out its types (4) June/July 17
35. What are virtual machines? Explain with block diagram. Point out its benefits. (6) June/July 17
36. What is interprocess communication? Explain its types. (6) June/July 17
37. a. Distinguish between the following terms:
i) Multiprogramming and multitasking
ii) Multiprocessor and clustered systems (4)
b. Analyze modular kernel approach with layered approach with a neat sketch. (6)
c. List and explain the services provided by OS for the user and efficient operation of
system. (6) Dec 18/ Jan19
38. a. Illustrate with a neat sketch the process states and process control block. (8)
b. Discuss the methods to implement message passing IPC in detail. (8) Dec 18/ Jan19
39. Discuss the implementation of IPC using message passing and shared memory in detail. (6)
Jun/July 19
40. Explain the different states of a process, with a neat diagram. (4) Jun/July 19
41. Explain the role of OS from different viewpoints. Explain the dual mode of operation of an
OS. (7) Jun/July 19
42. Demonstrate the concept of Virtual Machine with an example. (5) Jun/July 19
43. Explain the types of multiprocessing system and the types of clustering. (4) Jun/July 19
44. Demonstrate the operations of process creation and process termination in UNIX. (6) Jun/July